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WWF: Into The Future

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This post is for all my main stories that I can remember. I started off the game with the Dibiase/Andre versus Hogan feud. I had no feuds stacked up for Hogan, so this would have been his last feud. I had Andre win the belt, but he would not turn it over. This led to Andre turning face and starting a long feud with Dibiase. Dibiase would end up winning the title. While he was going through the paces as a heel champ, I brought in Mark Callaway and teamed him with Bruiser Brody. They became tag team champs, and lost the title after Brody attacked Callaway. Callaway would go away for a month, and then come back as the Undertaker. Meanwhile, I had begun the Summer of the Snake. I had Steamboat beat Dibiase. Meanwhile, Jake Roberts had just converted Savage into his minion. They would begin a three month feud while trying to take Steamboat out of action for good. Enter Shawn Michaels. At this point, I had just signed the Rockers who had become a great tag team. Michaels garnered pop really quick, and made me disband the team. Back to the feud. Savage would eventually turn on the WWF Champ Jake Roberts. He then held the title and played the tweener of the feud. Meanwhile, Taker had returned and attacked Steamboat. This started a feud that would lead to the start of the Streak. Taker would then win the IC title, becoming one step closer to the Triple Crown. Bret Hart had just found his footing as a superstar in the WWF away from his brother and teammate. HBK had just entered a feud with Vader. Vader wanted HBK to embrace the hate inside of him. HBK would end up winning the 1989 Rumble. At the Rumble, Bret would win the WWF title. At Mania, they would go at it in an Iron Man match where Vader would give HBK the win. HBK and Vader have been beating Bret down week after week. I have also just signed Curt Henning and he is 2-0. That is where I am at currently.
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IC: Savage


Tag Team: Regal and Benoit




Bret versus Owen, HBK and Vader


Savage and Pillman




Main Event:

Brian Knobbs

Jerry Sags

Kerry Von Erich

Kevin Von Erich

Mr. Perfect

Randy Savage

Sgt. Slaughter






Big John Studd

Bob Backlund

Bret Hart

Jake Roberts






Brian Pillman

Davey Boy Smith




Kevin Sullivan

Michael Hayes

Terry Gordy




Chris Benoit

Keiji Mutoh

Owen Hart

Scott Steiner

Steven Regal



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We start off the night with the rules of the tournament being explained. Eight men will fight in one on one matches. The final match will determine who gets a shot at HBK at Summerslam 1990. We head down to the ring for our first match


KOTR Round 1: Chris Benoit vs Davey Boy Smith:

Both of the men in this match had a tough matchup in front of them. Davey Boy was facing one half of the tag team champions, Chris Benoit. They took up most of the match wearing the other man down to the point of no return. In the end, Benoit hit Davey Boy with his Flying Headbutt for the pinfall.


Rating: 70


KOTR Round 1: Ted DiBiase vs Jake Roberts:

On our last Monday Night Raw, Roberts claimed we would see yet another Summer of the Snake. DiBiase and Roberts had great chemistry, but unfortunately, this was only a first round matchup. Many fans thought that Roberts would pick up the win, and they were right. Roberts ended it with a DDT at 14:53.


Rating: 70


After this, we go down to Bret Hart. Bret talks about how his brother attacked him, and joined HBK and Vader in their war against him. Bret also told Vader that in the steel cage tonight, he would walk out with one less enemy. Based on his promo, you could tell he wouldn’t just beat Vader, he would destroy the mastadon.


Rating: 76


IC TITLE: Savage vs Pillman:

Savage has been looking to regain momentum since his WWF Title loss. He has had a good reign as IC champ, and that continued tonight. These two showed great chemistry, and Savage ended up throwing Pillman out of the ring. He then waited until the ref hit the count of eight, and threw Pillman over the barricade. Savage then ran into the ring and made defense number 3 of his IC title.


Rating: 78


KOTR Round 1: Undertaker vs Bob Backlund:

This first round matchup was nothing but an extended squash. Taker was the favorite coming into this matchup, and he exceeded expectations. He dominated Backlund until the end winning the match with his Chokeslam.


Rating: 67


KOTR Round 1: Owen Hart vs Kamala:

In this match, Owen Hart had a lot to prove. He just recently started using his real name, and immediately targeted his brother. He claimed that he would outshine Bret tonight. If that was really his goal, he succeeded in it so far. He surprisingly put away Kamala with his brother’s finishing move: The Sharpshooter


Rating: 65


KOTR Round 2: Chris Benoit vs Jake Roberts:

This is the first second round matchup, and it did not upset. Benoit tried to use his technical prowess on Roberts, but it did not succeed. Roberts once again, put down his opponent fairly easy with a DDT.


Rating: 71


After this, we head down to the interview center for another interview, This time HBK is with Vader. He tells Bret not to count his eggs before they hatch, because Vader will destroy Hart. He will make sure Hart never bothers HBK again.


Rating: 82


KOTR Round 2: Owen Hart vs The Undertaker:

Owen’s journey ended tonight with his loss to the Undertaker here. Taker used the same tactic as Jake did, and whenever Owen went for a submission, he used raw power to overcome it. He ended the match with a Tombstone.


Rating: 70


KOTR Final: Undertaker vs Jake Roberts:

This match was disappointing as fans were expecting a better match than they got. From bell to bell, this was a slugfest. Roberts and Taker had no regard for the rules as they brawled all over ringside. In the end, Roberts won with a DDT, and thus earned himself a shot at HBK during SummerSlam.


Rating: 65


Vader vs Bret Hart:

This was the main event, and MOTN. These two did not want to win. They had decided to just hurt each other. Throughout the match, HBK kept trying to get into the cage, nut Bret would end up stopping him before he got close. However, every time Bret got distracted, Vader took advantage. Vader hit 2 Vader Bombs in a row, before attempting to escape for the first time in the match. However, Bret barely made it to his feet, and crawled out of the door to make the match at Summerslam a triple threat match.


Rating: 82



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Raw Preview:


Tonight, we will hear from both HBK and Bret Hart. Will they do it face to face, or will they not? Also tonight, we will see a PPV rematch as Pillman goes one on one with Randy Savage for the IC title.


Randy Savage versus Brian Pillman


Vader versus Jake Roberts


Bret Hart versus The Undertaker


Mr. Perfect versus Sgt. Slaughter


These are the matches that will count for the prediction contest. I have yet to book the show, so I might add a match or two to this. For now, expect the show later today.

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To start off Monday Night Raw, we head to the ring. Mr.Perfect is standing in the ring. He demands to know why he was not put into the KOTR tournament, and that to prove himself, he will be issuing an open challenge. After a minute, Perfect then demands someone to come out.


Rating: 69


Mr.Perfect vs Sgt. Slaughter


Tonight’s first matchup was the answer to Mr. Perfect and his open challenge. Slaughter came out swinging, only for Perfect to roll out of the ring. Perfect then took his time getting back into the ring, when Slaughter met him outside of the ring. They kept fighting until the count of 9, before both men ended up rolling into the ring. Perfect gets in first, and started laying the boots to Slaughter. As Slaughter got to his feet, Perfect picked him up and hit the Perfect Plex.


Rating: 76


We then head to the ring for the much anticipated face-to-face confrontation between Hart and HBK. Bret starts by saying that even though they have an added man to their Summerslam match, that he will come out on top. HBK then countered by saying that with Vader at ringside, he would never lose his title. Bret then said he would petition to Vince, and get Vader banned from ringside.


Rating: 82


Randy Savage vs Brian Pillman


In a PPV rematch, Savage and Pillman faced off. Savage had gotten Vince to make it a non title match, since he had beaten Pillman the night before. Once again, these two fought until the other could not anymore. Savage immediately ran out of the ring, and used the ringside area to his advantage. Pillman gained control, and the match went back into the ring. Savage was in big trouble, but got out of it by rolling up Pillman and securing another win.


Rating: 80


Vader vs Jake Roberts


This match was made so Roberts would know what he was getting into come Summerslam. He and Vader threw the rules out the window, and brawled the whole match. Vader started using his power game very early on, tossing Roberts into anything and everything in the ringside area. Unfortunately, both Vader and Jake ignored the ten count, and drew by double count out.


Rating: 59


Bret Hart vs The Undertaker


This match rekindled tensions from when Bret was the champion and Taker was the challenger. Bret and Undertaker were both feeling the bruises from last night, and they both exploited them. Bret went straight to his end game by wearing down Taker’s legs. Taker, however, went for Bret’s ribs. Bret struggled to gain control, as he was more damaged. Taker then made a grave mistake, when he went to Tombstone Bret. As he lifted Bret up, Taker’s knee buckled. Bret took advantage and locked in the Sharpshooter for the win.


Rating: 76


After the match, HBK and Vader came out and laid a beating down on Bret. HBK took control, telling Vader to pick up Bret. Vader held him in place, while HBK hit his Sweet Chin Music on Bret. Bret crumpled to the floor, only to be dragged by the turnbuckle. HBK then told Vader to hit the Vader Bomb on Bret. The last shot fans would see was Vader on top of Bret.


Rating: 70




Prediction Totals:

Warhawk: 2/4

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Raw Preview:


Mr.Perfect vs Kamala



TAG TITLES: Davey Boy and Mankind vs Technicians (Regal and Benoit)



Vader vs DDP



Owen Hart vs Brian Pillman



Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat



HBK vs Ted DiBiase


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Mr. Perfect vs Kamala


Tonight, the show once again opens with Mr.Perfect. This time, his opponent is already in the ring. Perfect has a much harder challenge in the big Kamala. Perfect decides to use dirty tactics to his advantage. He would use a low blow on the outside to gain full control of the match. He then threw him into the ring. He then hit a dropkick and got the pinfall victory.


Rating: 62


We then cut to a quick video showing the ending moments of Raw last week, when HBK and Vader took out Bret Hart. What we see after is exclusive footage of Bret Hart fighting back against the team of HBK and Vader, and standing tall.


Rating: 77 (I forgot to include this in last week’s write-up, so I figured I would include it here.)


TAG TITLES: Davey Boy Smith and Mankind versus Technicians (Regal and Benoit)


This match was made to get the tag champs over. Regal and Benoit wore down their opponents quite easily, as Mankind and Smith did not click. Regal and Benoit ended up stretching Mankind after him and Regal applied the Double STF and then getting the pin.


Rating: 57


Vader vs DDP


In a squash match, Vader put down DDP with a Vader Bomb.


Rating: 48


Owen Hart vs Brian Pillman


Owen started off rushing Pillman. Owen was fresher than Pillman, and he took advantage of this fact. He dominated the match, until Savage ran in and beat down Pillman to get the DQ.


Rating: 56


Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat


This match was made as a punishment for Savage coming out during Pillman’s match. These two have been rivals for years on end. This match did not disappoint, as it fulfilled the fan’s expectations. Savage would end up winning with his Flying Elbow, after using the outside to his advantage yet again.


Rating: 74


We head down to a pre recorded promo from Bret Hart. He promised that next week, he would take care of Vader. He said he would then go after Shawn, and rid the WWF of both Shawn and Vader for good. He also said he will make Owen realize they are better partners than they are enemies.


Rating: 78


HBK vs Ted Dibiase


The WWF champion was in action in our main event. During the opening moments of the match, Vince and Ventura were wondering if Shawn was right in weakening Bret before Summerslam. Vince then started calling the action as Shawn hit a flying crossbody on the Million Dollar Man. From then on, Shawn would regain control and hit his signature Flying Fist Drop to pin Dibiase and end the show.


Rating: 83



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Sid Vicious has just been called up from WWF's developmental company, 5DW. He has spent almost two years in development, and before he was sent down served as former superstar Rick Rude's bodyguard. He is expected to join a team with someone in the near future.



Pick the team he will form or join and gain 2 prediction points.

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