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WWE gets 'ATTITUDE' finally revealed

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Sunday January Week 2


Two weeks ago Vince Mcmahon came out and made an announcement, 'all contracts in the WWE were cancelled'. He then announced he was looking for workers with more 'Attitude' Out came many previous people from the attitude era. When questioned after the show Vince would not comment further but mentioned all would be revealed when the time was right.


This can be found here



Finally we can bring you the shocking details of the WWE and world of wrestling



The once mighty WWE has fallen. Ratings have dropped and money has dried up, however the downfall of the WWE could be the greatest thing to happen in the history of the world of wrestling.


The WWE once bought all the rights to previous companies, such as the once mighty WCW and ECW. It is annouced today that the WWE has been in negotiations over the past few weeks to sell of these rights to avoid bankruptcy. It is known that once these rights were up for grabs there was major interest which has caused many companies to now be formed.


Kayfaybe is dead?

After we finally digested the shocking revelation of the WWE we were to hear further shocking news. In a social media driven world, wrestling fans of today know what is going to happen before it happens, and the general feeling amongst people today is that kayfaybe died. This is far from the truth. It was also announced that behind the scenes all current and former wrestlers were in the know of the WWE sale and have all been back in training. They are all in peak condition and ready to join the company which made them the stars they are today. The last two RAW shows have featured people as Paul Bearer, Test, Crash Holly and other 'deceased' workers. This lead to much speculation, people questioned the WWE, some said shows were taped back in the 'Attitude era' some thought they were lookalikes. Todays news has confirmed the world of wrestling has actually pullled of the biggest kayfaybe stunt ever.


Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Big Bossman and many more are all alive and well, it has been discovered in the tight knit world of wrestling that each death announced by a company has been the biggest secret kept throughout the world of wrestling. Owen Hart's death was the biggest kayfaybe stunt of all time. All previously annouced to be deceased wrestlers have joined all the retired workers and are now too in the best shape of their lives. Anybody who wanted to see Andre the Giant in action will be able to get their chance. Remember Bruiser Brody? it was announced his death was a big stunt to create heat in Mexican wrestling and he too will be coming back out of retirement.


We will bring you later today an update on which companies have formed due to the sale of WWE and its rights.


Vince Mcmahon has managed to keep the rights of the 'Attitude' era. As Vince always likes to take a step ahead of the competition he managed to air his new product on the first two shows of the year. Other companies have also taped shows and they have been aired on separate networks.


What we don't know is how long these companies will last, but one thing we do know is it wll create the biggest competition since the WCW. A secret in the the wrestling world has allowed all workers to preserve their bodies which has allowed them back to the top of their game.


As Vince was the mastermind behind the WWE and it's business we will follow his company and their shows week by week, and bring sporodic updates for the rest of the world. What we know about Vince is competition brings out the best in him and in the very exciting time WWF ATTITUDE, will be without out a doubt one of the best companies to follow


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[Owen Hart's death was the biggest kayfaybe stunt of all time. All previously annouced to be deceased wrestlers have joined all the retired workers and are now too in the best shape of their lives. Anybody who wanted to see Andre the Giant in action will be able to get their chance. Remember Bruiser Brody? it was announced his death was a big stunt to create heat in Mexican wrestling and he too will be coming back out of retirement.




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Week 3 January 2013


RAW opens


Vince "I would like to announce the WWF Attitude's first ever Royal Rumble will take place on Sunday Week 4. Obviously it will be won by a member of the co-operation, but which one will it be



Paul Bearer is in a room with Kane, The Undertaker and Mankind

Paul "Kane, Undertaker we must make them pay for last week. It is time to cause the destruction I brought you here to cause"


Mankind "Paul I don't think thats the way we should do business, you see my friend Kane, he's a good guy like me"


Paul "Undertaker remove him"

The Undertaker grabs Mankind by the throat, kick him out of the locker room and locks the door. Mankind sits up against the door rocking repeating to himself the words 'I will do good deeds'

(Grade B)


IN Ring

Co-operation music hits enter Vince and Stephanie Mcmahon


Vince "Well as you all know the Royal Rumble will take place in two weeks. I think it's time we had a champion who is worthy of holding the title"


'Stone Colds music interrupts'

Stone Cold "Vince, I heard your little announcement, and as much as you want Stone Cold to be the first Royal Rumble winner, I know you want me to defend my title. All i'm out here to say is you can put me in the with anyone and it aint gonna make a damn bit of difference, Stone Cold Steve Austin will open a can of whoop ass, have a few Stevewiesers and go back home the WWF Attitude Champion. Now let me tell ya what Stone Cold wants from you tonight. I want a piece of your boy Triple H or The Big Show, I dont give a damn which one, hell ill take them both together"


Vince "Steve, I have something special in mind for tonight that does not involve you, been the man I am, I am willing to offer you the night off, fully paid of course. Have a night on me"


Stone Cold "You know what Vince, Stone Colds gonna take you up on that offer and catch a few beers"

(Grade A)


Still in ring

Stone Cold leaves, Vince and Stephanie still in the ring


Stephanie "Well now that hideous man is out of the way, lets get down to business. Chyna, you tried to beat up an innocent lady two weeks ago on RAW, and now we haven't seen your disgusting face since. Maybe you are ashamed of yourself. My daddy told me he would do anything to keep his little princess happy and I thought shall I fire Chyna? No thats too easy, so I have decided, you will earn your contract right now. The match will be a Hardcore match and daddy has a great opponent for you"


Vince "Your opponent will be Crash Holly, and Crash you better bring that good for nothing brother along for the ride if you want to impress the boss"



Match 1

Chyna V Crash and Hardcore (Bob) Holly (Hardcore handicap match)

Both Holly's come down with weapons, as the bell rings to start the match Chyna stays stood at one side of the ring. Both Hollys raise their weapons and walk over to Chyna laughing. They continue to tease Chyna, untill Stephanie orders them to beat her up.

Crash distracts Chyna while Bob hits her with a chair, both Hollys continue the assault with chairs.

Crash goes to hit Chyna again, but Bob hold Crash back, as he tries to hit her with his chair

Both Hollys begin to argue over who will hit Chyna next, they begin to push each other.

Chyna manages to reach for the bin and puts it over Crash Holly's head,

Bob goes to hit chyna with a dropkick and she manages to move Crash in the way. Bob quickly gets up and manages to pick up a chair, hitting Chyna again and laying her out on the floor.

Stephanie enters the ring and gets on top of Chyna slapping her/

The titantron the shows D-X trying to get out of a locked room, which Triple H and Big Show are holding closed.

All of a sudden the lights go out

The lights come back on and Kane and The Undertaker are entering the ring.

Stephanie and Vince run off backstage.

Kane and The Undertaker surround the three people in the ring

Mankind then runs down the ramp shouting for Kane to stop.

The Undertaker chokeslams Hardcore Holly, as Kane is in Chynas face.

Mankind pleads with Kane to 'do good things' who turns around to face Chyna.

Kane then turns back around, steps passed Chyna and chokeslams Crash Holly

The lights go out again, as Kane and The Undertaker exit the ring.

When the light come back on Mankind is sat up against the ring rocking.

Chyna covers crash for the win

Winner Chyna

(Grade D)




In RingJerry 'The King' Lawler enters the ring

King "Ladies and gentlemen, I think things are beginning to look a little familiar round here. There is one thing missing, I know you all want to see 'puppies' so let me announce the WWF Attitude's first ever Bikini competition. All entrants must please make their way to the ring now"


The Kat and Tori both come down to the ring, and stand next to The Kind, who smiles. Just as he is about to speak

Too cool music hits.

Sable walks down the ramp.

When Sable enters the ring The King starts to look at each contestant.

Trish Stratus music hits

Trish Stratus slowly jogs down the ramp and enter the competition.

The King quickly tells the Kat and Tori they are 3rd and 4th place and it doesnt matter who is which.

Sable and Trish both play to the crowd which ends up both of them fighting and trying to pull each others bikinis off, Trish finally manages to get Sable's top off who the King covers with a towel before anything is visible.

King then announces Trish as the winner

(Grade C+)


In ring

Co-operation music

The Co-operate Brood (Edge, Christian and Gangrel) enter

Edge, "First of all, let me tell you how totally stupid you people are to cheer interference in our match last week. Anyway me and my friend Christian, still managed to win. As much as we hate you guys out here, we know we are Icons, so for the benefit of those with flash photography, Gangrel could you move out of the way please."

Christian "Wait, wait, Edge I can smell something"

Edge "Gangrel have you washed? Oh, wait Christian I can smell something too, wait a minute, I think its you. Oh no wait its me. It totally reeks. In fact it reeks of awesomeness"

Gangrel "Just get on with it guys"

Edge "Oh yeah, i just got lost in our awesomeness. Right, Dudleys, Hardys. You think interfering with our match is good, well let me tell you its not. If you want a piece of us at the Royal Rumble you must both face opponents, who are more worthy than you. The winner takes us at Royal Rumble."

Gangrel "And Rikishi and Too Cool, we got a score to settle, get out here right now"


Match 2

Edge, Christian and Gangrel V Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay

Christian and Scotty begin the match, not getting much advantage either way, Christian tags in Edge, Scotty tags in Rikishi, Edge throws Rikishi towards his corner when Gangrel enter and starts to assault him, Edge and Christian run over to Scotty and Sexay, and brawl outside the ring.

Gangrel finds himself on top in the ring when Rikishi pulls out a superkick and both fall to the ground.

The light flicker on and off and Kane and the Undertaker walk down the ramp with Mankind in pursuit.

The Undertaker turns round and hits Mankind with a big boot.

As Gangrel and Rikishi both manage to get to their feet, Kane and Undertaker enter the ring. Kane chokeslams Gangrel, Undertaker chokeslams Rikishi and they walk off.

While both guys are down Edge sees his opportunity and as the legal man covers Rikishi for the win

Winners Edge, Christian and Rikishi

(Grade C)



The Rock is shown entering the building, as he walks down the corridor Chris Jericho stops him.

Jericho "Hey Rock, I've been thinking, its getting a little rough round here. Maybe we should team up and take out Vince and the Brothers too? Its what the people will want to see, imagine all the Jerichoholics, and the few Rock fans chanting our name?"

The Rock puts his hand in Jerichos face "The Rock says stop, The Rock doesn't know who you are, but one thing the Rock knows is this, The Rock doesn't need help, the Rock doesnt want help, and the Rock sure as hell doesn't need help from you. The Rock doesn't care if you are Farooq (does impression (We are da Nation), the Rock doesn't care if you are the greatest tag team partner of all time, but you had better get on thing straight, the Rock will never, and the rock means never, e-e-e-e-ever (mocking Jericho) team up with you are any other piece of monkey crap in the WWF Attitude. If ya smell what the Rock is cookin "

The Rock Walks off

(Grade B+)




JR, "well king, what a strange night we've had thus far, the Royal Rumble has been announced, Stone Cold given the night off, Chyna saving her contract, and the Brother of destruction running riot. It doesnt feel safe around here any more"

King "What about the puppies, everybody loves, puppies. Also I dont know why Mankind is trying to spoil things thats strange horrible creature, he is going to mess Kanes head up"


'We are the Nation' Nation of Domination music

Farooq and D-Lo enter

Farooq "Bradshaw, you better get your damn ass out here now, after everything the nation stood for you turn my man Mark Henry against me? Those days as the Acolytes, drinking beer and fighting, means nothing to Farooq"

Bradshaw and Mark Henry enter and walk up to the ring, they enter the ring and get in to the faces of Farooq and D-lo.

"Stop" Its Vince Mcmahon,

Vince " As Vince Mcmahon is feeling generous today, I would like to try my bst to keep this so called Nation of Protection together, although it never officially existed before you were at each others throats, i'm guessing you would have like to have teamed up. So right now, D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry will team up, and take on the Hardy Boys for their chance to take on Edge & Christian at the Royal Rumble"

(Grade C)


Match 3

D-lo Brown and Mark Henry V Hardy Boys

D-lo and Mark argue over who is going to start, Farooq and Bradshaw both get involved with Farooq saying D-lo and Bradshaw saying Henry, as they argue the Hardy Boys throw themselves into the 4 men knocking them all down, D-lo brown end up in the ring with Matt hardy, both as legal men, Matt keeps us the high pace and is slightly on top, while D-lo manages to counter, now and again when it looks like Matt will finish him off.

The Undertaker and Kane make their way to ringside

both matt and D-lo end up down in the ring and both manage to crawl to make tags. As soon Jeff and Henry enter the ring Jeff takes complete control, and runs rings around Mark Henry. Bradshaw pulls D-lo of the apron and hits him with a clothesline from hell,

Meanwhile in the ring, Mark Henry catches Jeff Hardy and hits him with the 'Worlds strongest slam'

Farooq then attacks Bradshaw and throws him into the steel steps, and enters the ring with a chair and hits Mark Henry.

Jeff Hardy crawl over to cover Henry when Kane and the Undertaker enter the ring, They grab both Hardy boys, hit them with chokeslams and walk off,

Bradshaw is back up and brawling with Farooq.

Mark Henry is able to roll of for the pin and Jeff Hardy kicks out at 2.

D-lo gets onto the ropes and hits Mark Henry with a sky high, and Jeff Hardy rolls over for the pin

D-Lo and Farooq walk off and a the top of the ramp stick their fist out and say 'power to the nation'

Winners Hardy Boys

(Grade C)


In Ring

Jacqueline comes running to the aid of Mark Henry in ring and the Hardy boys exit, Jacqueline help Mark and Bradshaw to the ramp as Trish Stratus with the Womans Title appears.

Trish, "now, Jacqueline, I heard you've been walking around backstage saying this is yours"

Jacqueline, "Yeah it is, I was given it before the company sold its rights, and I heard Vince wanted to bring it back so it belongs to me"

Trish "Well i'm guessing seen as you didn't turn up to the competition earlier, that you don't fancy beating Trish in the looks department. I know you won't want to take me on in the ring either, but youve got to defend your belt, you can't run from Trish forever, no matter how ugly you are."

Jacqueline, "Bring it on bitch"

Match 4 Women's Title

Trish Stratus V Jacqueline

Jacq tells Bradshaw and Henry to go back to the locker room as both women lungs for each other, a lot of hair pulling and slapping all the way down to the ring. After a lot of hair pulling and grabbing a flurry of punches from both women Trish hits Jacq with a Trish Kick, and goes for the pin and wins the match.

Winner Trish Stratus. (New womans Champion)

(Grade E+)




JR "Well folks if you missed just before the break, The Hardy's Boys won there fight to take on Edge and Christian at the Royal Rumble, but what's going to happen if The Dudley's Win next Week? will it be a 3 way tag team match? Goodness only knows what Vince and the Brood have in store for that one"


In Ring

Test music plays and he enters the ring

Test "Vince why do you keep screwing me over ever week, I played by the rules, I won fair and square, I want my chance at the Hardcore Title again"

Co-operation Music, Vince, Shane, Bossman and Shamrock enter and walk into the ring

Shane "Nobody calls my Dad out, you wanna play by the rules? you play by our rules, you want fair, go play over at WWE PG, WCW, or any other company. This is our ring, and for that youve earned yourself something"

Bossman and Shamrock then attack Test until he is on the floor bleeding, the hold him down while Vince leans over.

Vince "You want fair? you play by the rules? Well you can have you Hardcore Title shot at Royal Rumble, there is only one Rule you have to follow. You have to win right now in a Hardcore Match, and for your opponent? COME ON DOWN BIG SHOW!!!!"


Match 5

Test V The Big Show (Hardcore Match)

The Big Shows runs (as much as the big show can run) down the ramp towards test, The Bossman and Shamrock let go of test and everyone leaves the ring leaving the Big Show and Test. The Big Show dominates Test showing some real Strength with an overhead press, and a powerslam.

The lights start to flicker again and The Undertaker and Kane are here yet again.

Bossman and Shamrock are sent towards them and Kane and the Undertaker down them in one punch, Vince and Shane run round the back to the announcers table, as Kane and The undertaker slowly enter the ring, The Big Show tries to fight, but is quickly overpowered and hit with a double chokeslam. Kane and The undertaker then leave, both guys laid out in the ring as Test starts to show signs of movement, he stands up and walks over to Big Show to make the pin, but the big show grabs test by the neck, gets up and hits him with a chokeslam. He then puts his foot on his chest as the ref counts for the win

Winner Big Show

(Grade C)



In Ring

Backstage medics come to get test while the Co-operation celebrate, Shamrock and Bossman go backstage with Shane for treatment. Stephanie and Triple H join Vince, and The Big Show.

Vince "Test didn't have what it takes to be a Hardcore Champion, and neither does he have what it takes to be a star in the WWF Attitude and now its time for the last match of tonight, Hunter who do you want to fight"

Triple H "You know what vince, im really enjoying myself tonight, I think I'll put my feet up and watch ringside, I think Steph has a match in mind"

Steph "Yeah, Rock. You think you can call me a man and **** and compare me to Chyna? Well i dont think so, I'm a Mcmahon, You are employed by us, If you don't conform then we make it hard for you. So I had a little word with Daddy"

Vince "Yes Rocky, you disrespect my daughter, you have to pay. Your lucky I don't come for you myself. I noticed earlier Chris Jericho wanted to be in the same ring as you tonight so his wish is my command, You will face each other one on one, and you will do it right now"

(Grade B)


Match 6

The Rock V Chris Jericho

The co-operation stay ringside as both men make their entrances.

The match starts slow, but equal, with both men getting their early standard moves out, as the pace picks up Jericho gets the rock one one knee against the ropes, Jericho runs off the other rope towards the Rock who ducks and flips Jericho over the ropes. The Big Show attacks Jericho and grabs him by the neck and the Rock jumps out of the ring and start to hit the Big Show.

Triple H comes from behind with a low blow to the Rock.

The lights flicked gain and yet again enter Kane and The Undetaker.

The Rock and Jericho are rolled into the ring by The Big Show and Triple H. Kane and the Undertaker give both The Rock and Jericho a chokeslam. Kane and Undertaker go out the back of the ring towards the announces table to grab headphones, while the co-operation back off and exit backstage.

In the ring the Rock manages to roll over for the cover and gets the win.

As The Undertaker gets hold of the headphones he starts to say that the Brothers of Destruction will continue to cause Destruction and nothing can stop them.

Winner The Rock

(Grade B+)


Rock and Jericho get to their feet in the ring as Kane and the Undertaker start to walk towards the ramp. The Co-operation move further toward the titantron.

The rock and Jericho, both look at each other and suddenly run towards the Brothers of Destruction, and attack them from behind, They both grab a chair and take the Brothers to the ring. They hit them both with chairs. and hit them with some finishers.

(Grade B)


Jericho and Rock look at each other in the ring while the Brothers are laid on the floor. They walk towards each other and Jericho puts out his hand. The Rock looks at the fans both ways and hits jericho with a rock bottom.

Grade B


Vince Mcmahon the comes back to the stage

Vince "Well Rocky, you have made my day. You see I always had planned for next week, a number one contender match. Don't worry Rocky you can take part, It will be You, Chris Jericho, Kane, The Undertaker, Triple H and Big Show in a 6 man falls count anywhere. You see, like me, everyone needs protection"

(Grade B-)


The show is coming to a close a Vince delivers his last word, he turns round, only to find Stone Cold standing right there, who hits him with a stunner and the show closes

(Grade B-)


Overall Grade B+





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Raw is War week 4 predictions


As other dynasties seem to do this a lot I will post prediction listings. As I progress i will be giving out more matches before hand but currently a lot are being made on the night.


So prediction wise for now I can only give


Dudley boys v ???????


No1 contender match

The rock v Jericho v Kane v undertaker v big show v triple h

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Royal Rumble predictions


One more RAW before Royal rumble, predictions can be made now and then again after week 4 raw. Guess the card and the winner


A list of current champions


Womans title

Trash stratus


Hardcore title

Big bossman


European title

Al snow


Tag titles

Edge and Christian


World title

Stone cold



Predictions below (there isn't definitely 8 matches)










Royal rumble winner




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Now that it is explained I understand it much better ;) Gotta love Trash Stratus man :p Using the WOTI mod I presume?


Yeah that's the mod I'm using, I didn't want to give it away because I wanted to keep the element of surprise, but as you say it wasn't really clear what was happening

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Raw is War week 4 predictions


Final listings are in


There are 3 matches tbc

1. ??????????




2. ??????????




3. ??????????





Pre listed Match card


Mark Henry v d'lo brown




Edge and Christian v too cool




(Dudley's right for title shot)

Dudley boys v new age outlaws




(No 1 contender match)

The rock v Jericho v Kane v undertaker v big show v triple h





Disclaimer we can not guarantee all matches will end with a clear winner

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Week 4 January 2013



<a href="http://s356.photobucket.com/user/peter_1986/media/WWFAttitude_zps2a5ce861.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/WWFAttitude_zps2a5ce861.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo WWFAttitude_zps2a5ce861.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s356.photobucket.com/user/peter_1986/media/WWERaw3_zps8242ca19.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/WWERaw3_zps8242ca19.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo WWERaw3_zps8242ca19.jpg"/></a>


RAW opens


Co-operation enter





Vince,Shane, Stephanie, Triple H, Big Show, Shamrock, Bossman, Edge, Christian and Gangrel all enter to the stable music playing up to the boos of the crowd they walk into the ring





Before anyone can speak Test comes out on the ramp.



Test "Vince, I am not happy with the current situation. The rules are not fair. I won the Hardcore title fair and square and you to take it off me. I want a title shot at the Royal Rumble"



Vince " Now, now Test, everything is fair in the WWF Attitude. Everybody knows the rules, you play by MY rules. You can't just come here and demand a title shot, you lost last week, however Vince Mcmahon has always been fair. So he will give you your title shot. IF you earn it. Tonight Test, you will face Crash and Hardcore Holly, Ken Shamrock and The Big Bossman in a 4 on 1 Hardcore handicap match. If you win you get your title shot. If you lose you're FIRED!!!. Now you've got to the count of 10 to get off this stage before the match doesn't go ahead"

Test makes a sharp exit




Vince " Tonight i'm feeling in yet another generous mood. As I call the shots I will be calling some more matches. Now let me see. The Hardcore Title which we have just mentioned. Test will join the match if he wins, but tonight there will be number 1 contender match Al Snow V Steve Blackman in yet another Hardcore match"




Vince " Now, a group recently joined us and decided to play by our rules, The Brood have done what is right, The leader of that group Gangrel has had a bit of trouble recently with some idiots, whose idea of wrestling is dancing around. So I grant Gangrel his wish. This Sunday at Royal Rumble, he will take on Rikishi in a falls count anywhere match

Gangrel nods and gets pumped up





Stone Colds music interrupts.

Stone Cold "Vince, I don't know what stupid ideas you got in your head, but you stand there in Stone Cold's ring tryna play match maker. Well last week you gave Stone Cold time off all expenses paid and I still managed to open a can of whoop ass on ya. I'm sick and tired of you and your boys playing silly little games. If you think your such a big boy Vince why don't you take Stone Cold on one on one in tonight, and anyone who agrees can I get a HELL YEAH"

All the Crowd shout hell yeah and make it know they want this match to happen tonight. Vince looks around rather nervously.





Vince "Steve, Steve. Now you know I am a fair person, and I admit, it would be unfair for me to come straight in and have a title shot. As much as I would tear you apart, I have to be fair and just. Now tonight there are many people taking part in a number one contender match to face you at the Royal Rumble, however you may not be going to the Royal Rumble as champion. Tonight you will face Mankind, in a Barbwire Cage match, with the title on the line."

Stone Cold gives Vince the middle finger and walks off








JR "Well King, that evil man who goes by the name of Vince Mcmahon, has been I a mischevious mood tonight. Poor Test with his livelihood on the line against four men, but the main talking point is Stone Cold taking on that deranged human being Mankind, in a Barbwire Cage match, which Vince knows is his speciality. With it being just a few days before the Royal Rumble the winner may not even make it to Sunday"

King "Stone Cold wanted to fight tonight, and Vince as done the right thing, Mankind deserves a title shot"


Match 1


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Test2_zps9636f3e1.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/CrashHolly2_zpsdd1d9cec.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/BobHolly_zpsea8e01dd.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/BigBossMan2_zps11f217e2.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/KenShamrock_zps5c0eb43b.jpg

Test V Crash, Hardcore Holly, Bossman and Ken Shamrock

The bell rings and all four men run towards Test who is to fend them of one by one. The four men keep coming back until eventually they manage to weigh him down. Test is hit repeatedly with a number of weapons and is laid out in the ring bleeding as they continue the assault. As Hardcore Holly goes to pin him, Crash pulls him back and makes it clear he wants to pin him, then Bossman and Shamrock join in the argument. All four men go to grab each other as Crash slips away and make the pin.

(Test got a really negative reaction from the crowd)

Winner: Crash, Hardcore Holly, Bossman and Ken Shamrock,

Test is fired








Paul Bearer is backstage in a dark room with Kane and the Undertaker, Mankind is just on the edge of the screen.

Paul "Tonight, Kane and the Undertaker will cause destruction, destruction in one match. They will rip hearts out and collect the souls of The Rock, Chris Jericho, Triple H and The Big Show. One of the brothers will go on to the Royal Rumble and take the crown, and then the WWF Attitude, will be in our hands"

Mankind moves into the picture

Mankind, (trying to imitate Paul Bearers voice) "Tonight, Mankiiiiiind will cause only good things to happen, good things to happen in one match. Mankiiiiiiiind will place the soul back in Stone Cold Steve Austin. Mankiiiiind will go onto the Royal Rumble and take the belt with him and make only good things happen"

Paul Bearer, undertaker and Kane are stood staring at Mankind in disbelief, Mankind then goes into the corner of the room, sits down and rocks backwards and forwards



Match 2


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/SteveBlackman_zps2943acb2.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/AlSnow_zps38868261.jpg

Steve Blackman v Al Snow

The match starts, Steve Blackman has nunchucks and Al Snow has 'Head' in his hand, they both run towards each other. Blackman gets there quicker and starts to work on Al Snow. Blackman empties a bin full of weapons that take up almost the whole ring. Blackman keeps gaining momentum with a variety of weapons, but before he can gain complete control Al Snow always grabs something in time to hit Blackman with.

After 4 minutes of this happening, Crash Holly comes down as Blackman and Al Snow are in the opposite corner. Crash picks up 'head' runs over and hits Steve Blackman, Crash then runs of with Al Snow and Blackman in pursuit.

Winner: No winner determined






The camera cuts to Crash backstage who runs straight into Vince's office

Crash "Vince, Test lost tonight, and Blackman and Al Snow didn't want to fight. So that leaves me ready for a Title shot, please Vince."

Vince "Crash you have been very useful to me, and I must give you a reward. This Sunday at Royal Rumble, you will get your title shot"

Crash puffs out his chest and has a big smile on his face

Vince continues " The match will be obviously be a Hardcore match, between The Bossman and Crash Holly (Crash nods in agreement) and as the match between Al Snow and Steve Blackman had no clear winner, it must have had no loser either. So therefore BOTH Al Snow and Steve Blackman will take part and make it a four way Hardcore match. Crash, thanks for your time"


Match 3


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/MarkHenry_zps848017b1.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/DLoBrown_zpsf287f633.jpg

Mark Henry V D-Lo Brown

Mark Henry comes to the ring accompanied by Bradshaw and D-Lo comes accompanied by Farooq.

The match starts with real tension around the ring, Mark Henry stands tall and stares into the eyes D-lo who keeps turning his head side to side looking at the crowd.

Farooq and Bradshaw call their own man over to the corner and start giving them instructions, as they give instructions both mean get more and more animated with their instruction and eventually catch each others eyes and start pointing over to each other and arguing.

All of a sudden the lights go out, and come back on with everyone in the same place

JR Paul Bearer did say the Brothers would cause destruction in just one match tonight, but i'm not sure why they would choose this one. There's no sign of Kane or The Undertaker

Mark Henry and D-Lo then start the match by going at it punch for punch. Bradshaw and Farooq both run straight into the ring and join the fight, Bradshaw downs D-lo and Farooq picks up a chair and Bradshaw and Henry make a quick exit.

No winner determined





Bradshaw Farooq, there is only one way to settle this, at the Royal Rumble, me and you, one on one. If you win, you get the rights to the APA and you can call yourself the Nation of Protection or whatever you like and i'll leave the company, but if I win I will have the rights to the APA, ill burn every APA shirt that ever existed and continue to move forward in my life, and you will leave

Farooq "Bring it on t the Royal Rumble 'power to the nation'"





Match 4


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Edge2_zps3b1cbc41.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Christian4_zps41e482b0.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/BrianLawler_zps4b7990a0.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Scotty2Hotty_zpsa0a3bac1.jpg

Edge & Christian V Too Cool

The match begins with Christian and Grandmaster in the ring (Gangrel and Sable ringside) lots of grappling and little holds. Out of the ring Gangrel starts to stalk Sable who keeps edging away. Grandmaster is able to down Christian and make the tag as Scotty comes in and does 'The Worm' Scotty goes for the cover and Edge breaks it up on 2. Gangrel manages to catch up with Sable and starts to kiss her, Scotty turns round towards Gangrel. Grandmaster gets to Sable as Gangrel runs off. Scotty turns round to be hit with a spear from Edge (who Christian tagged in when Scotty had his back turned. Edge then pins Scotty before Grandmaster can make the save

Winner: Edge & Christian retain titles.






Chris Jericho is backstage face in the camera.

Jericho "Rock, I had your back last week and you threw it back in my face. first I will take you out, then The Big Show, Triple H, Kane and The Undertaker, you all know I am the best in the world at what I do, I will go to the Royal Rumble as the number 1 contender, and none of you will never e-e-e-ever beat me again"




JR "It doesn't look good for The Rock and Jericho king in that 6 man match tonight. Triple H and The Big Show will no doubt join forces and whoever else Vince Mcmahon has involved. The Undertaker and Kane two brother will also be after them after the beating the gave them last week on RAW"


King "I don't know how Chris Jericho got an opportunity to fight in this match anyway JR, Kane, Undertaker, Triple H, Big Show and The Rock are far superior. I think the Big Show deserves an opportunity to tear Stone Cold apart"


[B]Match 5[/b]


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Kane2_zps8128b39f.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/D-VonDudley3_zps5b4f3a94.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/RoadDogg6_zps5280f09f.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/BillyGunn3_zps3e3aaca3.jpg


Dudley boys V New Age Outlaws

The Dudley Boys enter first. As The New Age Outlaws enter, Road Dogg gets on the mic, to introduce the future tag team champions of the wooooooorrrrrld, and Bubba Ray and D-Von run straight at the Outlaws.

All four men are brawling fast paced and there is no clear indication as to who the legal men are, or even if this is a tag match. D-Von throw Road dogg into the ropes, as he comes back off the ropes he ducks under D-von's clothesline and get him with the 'shake-rattle and roll' as D-von is grounded he goes for the 'shaky knee drop' off the ropes, but just before he manages to hit it, Bubba Ray hits him with a powerful clothesline (having just downed Billy Gunn) The Dudley boys manage to hit the 'Whasssup frogsplash' as Jeff and Matt Hardy run down the entrance ramp.

The Dudleys brawl with the Hardy boys who eventually down the Dudleys. Billy Gunn is tossed out of the ring as Jeff Climbs the top rope. When Jeff climbs the top rope Road Doggs starts to enter the ring and shakes the ropes and Jeff falls of landing in a very uncomfortable manner and falls out of the ring.

Matt then turns his attentions to Road Dogg and gives him a twist of fate, When Matt get ups the Dudleys are there waiting for him and give him a 3-D. Bubba then covers Road Dogg for the win

Winners; Dudley Boys






As the match finishes and workers are still in ring, Edge appears, on the titantron

Edge "This is a public service announcement brought to you by Edge, The images you now see are copyright and own by Edge and Christian in the Co-operation. Oh, hi there guys, (starts clapping) what a great performance put on by the Dudleys and the Hardy boys. I said which ever one of you won would get to face us at Royal Rumble, and I kind of run it by Vince, and since both of you won, NONE of you will get to face us. You see the stipulation was if ONE of you won. Plus Vince has unfinished business with the New Age Outlaws, so Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, you're on for Royal Rumble. Congratulations guys"






The Rock is backstage cuts a promo "Chris Jericho, you said your guna come for The Rock and then beat all the other 5 men and go to the Royal Rumble? Well the Rock says this. Chris Jericho, The Rock will not only beat you Chris Jericho, (mocks) 'i'm Chris Jericho the rockstar who doesn't sells any albums' or The Undertaker, who's already dead rest his soul, Kane who can't even talk, or that 500 pound of monkey crap who goes by the name of Big Slow and finally, the man who married the bosses **** daughter, get t pick his match and still lose, Triple H. The Rock will take each and every one of you out 'one by one' and go to the Royal Rumble with the Millions (and Millions) of the Rocks fans chanting his name (crowd chants Rocky) If ya smell what the Rock, is Cookin"





JR "Well as were moments away for the 6 man match, there goes The Rock, responding to Chris Jericho. It looks like there will be no love lost between these two King, however it may play to their disadvantage as the other four contestants have an ally"

King "Yeah and its not wise to say that about the bosses daughter or The Rock may not even make it to the Royal Rumble JR"


Match 6


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TheRock2_zps31ac639c.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/ChrisJericho_zps5050a208.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Kane2_zps8128b39f.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TheUndertaker32_zpsc0d04a25.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TripleH2_zpsb1b1488c.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TheBigShow2_zpsdccfe9f3.jpg

The Rock V Chris Jericho V Kane V The Undertaker V Triple H V The Big Show

Vince comes down to ringside to watch.

As the match starts all in the ring The Rock and Jericho point and go towards each other, they start to brawl and Kane and The Undertaker both go for them too. Triple H and The Big Show, climb out of the ring and go over to Vince who is next to the announcers table. They both make JR and the King move and sits on the seat with their feet up.

Meanwhile in ring Kane and the Undertaker are in control teaming up and taking in turns assaulting The Rock and Jericho. Undertaker hits Jericho with a chokeslam. Kane goes for the chokeslam on Rock who counters with a low blow. The Undertaker turns his attentions to The Rock and throws him out of the ring and picks up a chair. He hits him with countless chair shot and the Rock manages to get in another low blow to save some time. Big Show and Triple H seize their opportunity and go into the ring with weapons, and start to hit Kane and Jericho. The Undertaker outside goes for the tombstone on The Rock who reverses and gets Undertaker with a Rock bottom. The Big Show chokeslams Kane and Jericho one after the other onto a metal chair. Triple H then gives them both a pedigree. The Rock just has the energy to get into the ring then springs to life with a flurry of punches on both Triple H and The Big Show, he clotheslines the Big show out of the ring and Rock bottoms Triple H. He goes for the people's elbow and Kane gets up and grabs him by the throat and chokeslams him. Kane throws all the others out of the ring as the Undertaker enters with a chair and countinuously hits the rock with it. The three guys outside the ring all try to get in only to be thrown out by Kane. The Undertaker then tombstones the Rock, as Kane stands and watches as the Undertaker gets the pin

Winner: The Undertaker





Recap of the last match

A recap of the last match is shown as they wait for the Cage to be lowered.




JR "Well King such a brutal assault on the Rock, no compassion shown by Kane or The Undertaker, it looked The Undertaker had taken offence to that beating he took last week. I can't see the Rock being around for a while, forget the Royal Rumble Rocky get well soon"


King "Well that is what you get, running your mouth like a jabroni, but it just shows you if you don't play to Vince's rules, first Test is fired, then the Rock beat within an inch of his life"




Match 7


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/SteveAustin_zps37b9d723.jpg Vs http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Mankind_zps4bd56c17.jpg

Stone Cold V Mankind

Both men enter the cage and the door is locked shut. The bell rings and Mankind just stands there looking at Stone Cold, Stone Cold paces up and down looking at mankind then looking at the crowd. Mankind eventually holds out his hand, to which Stone Cold hits Mankind, he then moves toward the cage and the barbed wire throwing Mankind into each side of the cage. Mankind is bleeding already as Stone Cold Catapults him into the Barbed wire. Stone Cold then goes toward the fence and Mankind jumps up and pulls him down. Mankind then picks up Stone Cold and goes to throw him to the ropes, Stone Cold reverses and hits Mankind wit a stunner.

Kane and The Undertaker come down the ramp and try to force open the door. Stone Cold picks Mankind up as a hostage and in front of Kane and the Undertaker rubs Mankind's face on the barbed wire. Kane goes to climb the cage, and Undertaker finally gets the door open, both of them get in the ring and The Undertaker grabs Stone Cold, Mankind is up and pleading The Undertaker to stop, he then turns to Kane. Kane stands toe to toe with Mankind looking into his eyes. Undertaker, chokeslams Stone Cold and launches him into the barbed wire. His face is pouring with blood,

The Rock then comes running out and Undertakes goes out of the Cage door to meet him, Kane backs off from Mankind slowly and exits the door. Stone Cold is crawling towards the door, and Mankind goes to the opposite corner of the cage and sits down crossed legs, rocking back and forth. Stone Cold eventually gets through the door as Mankind is still sat in the ring.

Winner: Title retained



In ring/ringside

Kane and The Undertaker are fighting with The Rock and as Stone Cold leaves the cage Triple H and The Big Show run down and assault Stone Cold, Jericho then runs down and gets involved. Its complete mayhem, blood, weapons, bodies everyone brawling, while Mankind is there still sat in the ring







Overall B+









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Royal Rumble predictions


<a href="http://s356.photobucket.com/user/peter_1986/media/WWFAttitude_zps5cdca487.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/WWFAttitude_zps5cdca487.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo WWFAttitude_zps5cdca487.jpg"/></a> <a href="http://s356.photobucket.com/user/peter_1986/media/WWFAttitudeRoyalRumble_zpsed1f5643.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/WWFAttitudeRoyalRumble_zpsed1f5643.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo WWFAttitudeRoyalRumble_zpsed1f5643.jpg"/></a>


Hardcore title

Big bossman © V Crash Holly V Al Snow V Steve Blackman



Too Cool for The Brood?

Rikishi V Gangrel



Rights to the APA/loser walks

Farooq V Bradshaw



Tag titles

Edge and Christian © V New Age Outlaws



World title

Stone cold © V The Undertaker



Royal rumble winner







I'm looking at in the future maybe people coming forward with ideas creativly, and for other workers who possibly may be brought in (just depends on who I can lure in game)


If anybody decides to predict ever, I would say the winner (or maybe top couple) from now to Wrestlemania, could jump on board.


Disclaimer we can not guarantee all matches will end with a clear winner

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Hardcore title

Big bossman © V Crash Holly V Al Snow V Steve Blackman

The Hardcore title first showed up in January Week 1, when Crash Holly came and announced he had it. Eager to please Vince, Crash ended up defending his title there and then (as the title became 24/7), where Vince's enforcer The Big Bossman was successful. The next week on RAW Bossman lost the title to Test, a reign which was short lived as The Brood assaulted Test and brought him down to the ring for Bossman to reclaim his title. Last week on RAW Test asked for a title and was fired after losing in a 4v1 handicap match in which the Bossman and Crash participated in. Later on in the show a number 1 contender match was announced between Al Snow and Steve Blackman, the match ended in no contest as both wrestler finished the match chasing Crash Holly backstage. Crash then went into Vince's office asking for a title shot as there was no number one contender. Vince agreed, but also added Al Snow and Steve Blackman to the match as none of them actually lost the number one contender match




http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/BigBossMan2_zps11f217e2.jpg Vince's enforcer the Bossman has plenty of backup to call on. His record leading up to the match of three wins to one loss is not something he has done alone. His allies The Corporation could play a major part in this match, however the enemies he has made could be his downfall. Will Bossman need to rely on politics to retain the title?


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/CrashHolly2_zpsdd1d9cec.jpg Crash came with the title and has his chance on Sunday to win it back. Crash only seems to want two things. The Hardcore Championship and to join The Corporation. Eager to please Vince and his stable, Crash's attempt to please has gotten in the way of him winning the title. Giving in to Vince's every demand and trying to stay on good terms with The Bossman, had led to Crash missing major chance for victory. His only win leading up to this match was a straight forward handicap match against Test. Three losses when the odds were more even prove Crash need to focus on the Title. Will Crash try to please Vince, or focus on winning the title?


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/AlSnow_zps38868261.jpg Al Snow appeared on the first week of RAW entering the Hardcore match, he went straight for the Bossman due to a previous rivalry between the two leading to Al unknowingly eating his own dog. Two losses and one draw leading up to the match means Al is not in top form. He was given the chance due to his number one contender match being interfered by Crash. Al ended the match chasing Crash backstage as Crash stole Al Snows only friend 'Head' Will Al let his rivalries get in the way or keep his head?


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/SteveBlackman_zps2943acb2.jpg Steve Blackman is suited to this type of competition due to his ability in Martial Arts. Although it has failed him so far as Blackman has only one win and one draw to his name. Similar to one of his opponents Al Snow, Blackman finished his number one contender match by chasing Crash Holly back stage. Will Blackman make Crash pay, or will he use his advantage to claim the title?





Too Cool for The Brood?

Rikishi V Gangrel

Gangrel announced himself in week one interfering and the Tag Team Title match to help Edge & Christian claim the title, it was then announced 'The Brood' was back together. The week after on RAW Rikishi then announced himself to the Attitude world by calling out Gangrel for his interference. In a match that was decided by the interference of Edge & Christian, and Sable, Rikishi scored the victory, to which Too Cool came to celebrate, Rikishi danced with them and announced he would join them with the addition of Sable. Later on that night Gangrel and The Brood, would go on to strengthen their power by joining The Corporation. Next week due to their new found power, The Brood were able to match make and take on Rikishi and Too Cool in a 3v3 match. Due to the interference by The Brother of Destruction in their protest against the company, Too Cool managed to sneak victory. Last week on RAW Vince announced he would give Gangrel the opportunity to take Rikishi on at The Royal Rumble




http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Rikishi_zpsf8ad01d4.jpg Rikishi started the feud by calling out Gangrel. One win which came in a 1v1 against Gangrel gives Rikishi the edge over Gangrel as his only loss came in a 3v3 match. Will Rikishi be dancing at the Rumble?


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/VampireWarrior_zps69d2e7df.jpg Gangrel has gained power in the WWF Attitude by recreating The Brood and merging with The Corporation. The same as Rikishi, Gangrel has picked up one win and one loss on the way. Gangrel could have a lot of allies to call on in this one, and judging the way the do business don't be suprised to see some sort of interference. Interference which Gangrel has been no stranger to himself costing The Hardy Boys and Test the Tag Team and Hardcore Title's respectively. Will Gangrel call in a few favours to overpower Rikishi?








Rights to the APA/loser walks

Farooq V Bradshaw

On week 2 Farooq announced himself to the WWF Attitude, his intentions were clear, to recreate and merge his former alliances The Nation of Domination and The APA. First of all The Rock turned down the opportunity deciding to continue going so. Then D-Lo Brown, Mark Henry and Bradshaw entered the ring in what looked like would be a successful attempt to create The Nation of Protection. Things looked to be going good for Farooq until Bradshaw and Mark Henry turned on Farooq and D-Lo Brown. The week after on RAW D-Lo and Henry were put together in a tag team match in which Bradshaw and Farooq both came down to support their respective ally, however in a time they were needed to help Bradshaw and Farooq's intentions were clearly on each other. After another fallout Mark Henry and D-Lo Brown took each other on in a 1v1 last week after on Raw, the match barely got going before Bradshaw and Farooq began brawling yet again. Eventually Bradshaw picked up the microphone and challenged Farooq to a match at The Royal Rumble, where the winner takes the rights for The APA and the loser leaves the company




http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/RonSimmons5_zps1896b8fa.jpg After trying his best to create a group to form some kind of protection, Farooq could have done with some protection for himself from his former ally. D-Lo Brown is Farooq's only ally and he may need to call on him if Bradshaw chooses to have Mark Henry help out. This match at The Royal Rumble will be Farooq's first since announcing himself on the WWF Attitude scene and it could very well be his last. Can Farooq rely on the power of the Nation?


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Bradshaw3_zpsc0519496.jpg Seemingly upset with Farooq's offer of protection, Bradshaw turned on his long time friend which eventually led to this match up. Clearly he wants the rights to the APA and may look to Mark Henry to be his beer drinking buddy. Could Bradshaw's reluctance to join The Nation of Protection come back to cost him his job?


Tag titles

Edge and Christian © V New Age Outlaws

Edge & Christian came with the Tag Team Title the first week on Raw and have kept them ever since. The first defence that night resulted in Gangrel helping them claim the victory and announcing The Brood be reformed. The New Age Outlaws found themselves in a feud of their own due to D-X's leader Triple H been caught up in between his wife and D-X's Chyna. In what looked like Triple H was going to stay loyal to D-X and The Outlaws, he turned on Chyna and joined his wife and the evil Corporation. Due to the power of the corporation Chyna and The Outlaws were put in a match against Edge & Christian who were acting on behalf of The Corporation. The Outlaws were assaulted before the match began and Edge pinned Billy Gunn for the victory. As Edge & Christian gained power they were able to give The Dudley and Hardy Boys the opportunity to face them at The Royal Rumble, both teams were given different opponents and which ever team won would face them. The Hardy's beat D-Lo and Mark Henry and last week on RAW The Dudley's beat The Outlaws, to which Edge came up on screen to announce that as both teams won, none would gain a shot at the Title. He then went on to announce The New Age Outlaws would face them due to owner and Corporation leader Vince having unfinished business with them




http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Edge2_zps3b1cbc41.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Christian4_zps41e482b0.jpg Edge & Christian have been on hot form with four wins on the journey to the Royal Rumble mainly due to Edge's ability to pounce when it counts, and in three of those they retain the Tag Team Title belts. Due to their ability to join major forces out of the ring they have had much help along the way. Will Edge and Christian need backup to follow Vince's demands?



http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/RoadDogg6_zps5280f09f.jpghttp://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/BillyGunn3_zps3e3aaca3.jpg In a way The New Age Outlaws can count themselves lucky to be fighting for the Title at The Royal Rumble. two losses out of two matches does not make good reading, but they find themselves here due to the problems between The Corporation and The Outlaws stable D-X. Chyna and X-Pac are two allies The outlaws may be able to count on, however with they may find it easier to stay at home. Will D-X finally get one over The Corporation?



World title

Stone cold © V The Undertaker

Stone Cold came and took the title in Week one and successfully defended it against Triple H later that night. These two first crossed paths in RAW January Week 2, when Vince decided his best way to get to Stone Cold and other was to put The Brothers of Destruction against them with his son in law Triple H. This backfired as both Stone Colds team and the Brothers ended the night chasing or beating up the Corporation. The next week on RAW Stone Cold was given the night of as The Undertaker and his brother Kane caused Destruction throughout the night in protest of Vince and his cronies. Vince would eventually go on to announce a six man number one contender match, in which The Undertaker came out victorious. After The Undertaker won that right, his ally Mankind would be fighting Stone Cold in a Barbedwire Cage match for the WWF Attitude World Title. Stone Cold was dominating when The Undertaker decided it would be in his best interests to intervene and attack Stone Cold, when The Rock came down to continue their earlier discrepancies, The Undertaker would leave a bloody Stone Cold in the ring with his ally Mankind. Mankind did not decide to capitalise and sat in the corner of the ring allowing Stone Cold to exit the cage and yet again retain the title, and Stone Cold and The Undertaker brawled until the end of the show




http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/SteveAustin_zps37b9d723.jpg Stone Cold has won two matches leading up to the event both times successfully defending the title, his only draw came in the 3v3 match The Undertaker was also involved. Stone Cold has made big enemies in the powerful Corporation and could do without interference on their part if he is to successfully defend his title for a third time. Will Stone Cold's enemies come to haunt him, or will he end the night with a few cans?


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TheUndertaker32_zpsc0d04a25.jpg The Undertaker also has had his problems with The Corporation, the difference is The Corporation know its not good to get on the bad side of himself, Kane and Mankind, After a week of interfering in nearly every match on the card he saved himself for the all important number one contender match the week after. With one win and one draw The Undertaker beat five people in one match to get his title shot. Backed up by an odd but devastating gang The Undertaker may not even need to call on them if The Corporation keep up their feud with Stone Cold. Will the Undertaker take the title, or will his actions of recent weeks come back to cause him a loss?



The Royal Rumble 6 man special

Due to the Royal Rumble taking place this Sunday we give you the run down on the top 6 favourites




http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Mankind_zps4bd56c17.jpg A very strange few weeks for Mankind, who seems to be tagging along with the Brother of Destruction, had his opportunity to win the title last Monday on RAW but decided to allow Stone Cold to take the win. His obsession with Kane is disrupting his performance. Two losses going into the Royal Rumble will not affect him due to the circumstances. Will need to clear his mind to be in with a chance


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TheRock2_zps31ac639c.jpg The Rock has had countless opportunities to join forces with different members of the roster. Initially coming in to help Stone Cold retain the title, it seems he has had great pleasure in sticking it to the Corporation. On top of this he also managed to beat up the Brothers of Destruction with the help of Chris Jericho, only to then bat up Jericho himself. His actions may have come to bite him on the peoples backside as the Undertaker really went to work on him last Monday on Raw. His win against Chris Jericho leaves him with one win, one loss and one draw coming into the Royal Rumble. Looked really hurt after The beating from The Undertaker and it is questionable as to whether he will take part. Will need to hope his recent actions don't cost him.


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/ChrisJericho_zps5050a208.jpg Chris Jericho has tried his best to down all the evil forces in the WWF Attitude, his biggest problem being he thought he could rely on The Rock to help him out. Three losses and one draw show you need backup in this business and Jericho may need to change his options. Will need to be careful of the ring filling up with other factions.


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/Kane2_zps8128b39f.jpg The size and stature of Kane gives him a great advantage, his alliance with Mankind could prove very helpful, as well as The Corporation's fear of him and his brother. In with a really good shout due to not being a target, however his only downfall is he is yet to win a match and has recorded one draw and one loss.


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TripleH2_zpsb1b1488c.jpg After announce the reformation of D-X he quickly changed sides the same night as he knows the power is held within The Corporation, there will be plenty of allies in the ring that could benefit Triple H, as well as a few enemies. Everyone knows he has the ability and will do what it takes to win. His recent record doesn't put him in a great position though, one win and two losses, but the Royal Rumble is anyone's game.


http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo1/peter_1986/TheBigShow2_zpsdccfe9f3.jpg Has the greatest advantage of everybody, due to his size, his faction and his recent success. He was the first person brought onto the show by Vince Mcmahon, and has been a big part in The Corporation's quest for domination. Will have plenty off allies in the ring and people will fear him due to his sheer size. Beating Jericho, Mankind and Test, albeit in unfair circumstances mean The Big Show's only loss came in the number one contender match last Monday on RAW. Could he grab the opportunity to put on a 'Big Show' at Wrestlemania?






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