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CZCW: Fight To The Top

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The key to a good story is all about pacing. Some parts need to really be told in meticulous detail, so as not to miss a single morsel of juicy detail. Some parts need to be skipped over, to avoid having an audience full of dejected snorers. This post is all about the latter. This particular portion of CZCW's history got a bit weird. The Sparrow character didn't quite go over in the way that management thought it would and it all but stalled CZCW's momentum. Many of the boys in the locker room got fed up with the bizarre booking choices and the fact that they decided to force this, by all accounts, very mediocre worker down everyone's throats.


So we are fast-forwarding through a couple months time and three CZCW shows. The first two shows built up the third show, which ended up being an all triple threat show entitled CZCW Trios.


The fates of Carl Batch, The Guru, Mitch Naess and Ernie Turner were answered in the first show. Instead of being met with vengeance and fury, The Sparrow wanted to make these four men contributing members of his CZCW. Carl Batch became the official CZCW talent scout, first allying himself with Mutant, who he claimed would be the the next big thing. The Guru was made a backstage interviewer and Ernie Turner is supposed to come out of retirement as an in ring performer, but that has as of yet still not occurred. Finally, Mitch Naess ended up with the most odd position of the group as he became the first ever wrestling weatherman. For the next few shows, Naess would be involved in comedy skits with Sparrow where he would tell the boss what the weather was like outside.


Other than this, the Sparrow also started a campaign to lead from the front to try and light a fire under everyone's asses in the back to make CZCW the best product it can be. He took on Al Coleman and his own protege Storm in his first and second matches of the year. Sparrow ended up winning both matches as well as sending a message to not only his opponents, but the entire locker room. A higher standard had to be met...or else.


The main event feud over these couple shows involved Mikey James, Mobstar and long time TCW star Brent Hill. Mikey James and Mobstar had a Last Man Standing match where Brent Hill shockingly made his presence felt and laid both men out. The next show, all three men had a dialogue about what happened. Brent Hill told them they couldn't decide the king of the southwest without a representative from TCW. Mobstar claimed Brent Hill didn't represent TCW, he was probably let go because he's over the hill and he just showed up in TCW for a paycheck.


After winning the tag team tournament, Matthew Keith and Jesse Gilbert were supposed to split up, team up from each other and team back up with their brothers against each other and determine a new champion. Instead, Keith and Gilbert decided to stay as a team and keep the belt for themselves, which really pissed off their brothers. Not much came of it between the brothers, as Greg Keith and Joe Gilbert dislike each other too much to unite against Matthew and Jesse.


Jackpot Jordan gambled Rich and Famous' number one contendership status against Kill Switch and Remmy Skye. Jordan and Idol end up losing, costing them a rematch for the tag titles. The Latino Kings get themselves into the title pictures as well, by bringing up the compelling argument that they are undefeated in CZCW in tag team action.


After defeating KC Glenn, Colossus looked for another opponent. Marc Speed stepped up to the plate, insulting KC Glenn in the process, leading to the Texan getting involved once again.


Air Attack Weasel and Akima Brave continued their feud, with Mutant becoming a third foe in the mix after Carl Batch convinced him to leave Weasel. UK Dragon, Canadian Dragon and The American Flash had a fun, but forgettable international feud. Too Hot and Frankie Dee's feud continues, adding Sayeed Ali to the mix after Frankie Dee asked Sparrow for one last chance to take Too Hot out of CZCW once and for all. Sparrow said that the only man who fights for pink slips in CZCW is Sayeed Ali, so he was added to the match.


There were also a couple of slapped together feuds. Findlay O'Farraday called Colossus for holding up the Xtreme title with his "BS". So he decided he would have an open challenge match at CZCW Trios with real hardcore action. Hell Monkey and Jonnie Perez end up accepting the call. Greg Keith and Joe Gilbert were getting into it backstage when Al Coleman walked up and berated both of them. The Night Terrors as well as Insane Machine and Storm got into it with California Love Machine and Marvel Malloy after they insulted the "masked freaks" in CZCW.


CZCW Trios Card (Bold Are The Winners)


Brent Hill vs. Mikey James vs. Mobstar


CZCW Tag Team Titles:

Kill Switch and Remmy Skye vs. Matthew Keith and Jesse Gilbert vs. The Latino Kings


California Love Machine and Marvel Malloy vs. The Night Terrors vs. Insane Machine and Storm


CZCW Xtreme Title:

Colossus vs. Marc Speed vs. KC Glenn


Canadian Dragon vs. The American Flash vs. UK Dragon


Akima Brave vs. Air Attack Weasel vs. Mutant


Findlay O'Farraday vs. Hell Monkey vs. Jonnie Perez


Frankie Dee vs. Too Hot vs. Sayeed Ali


Al Coleman vs. Greg Keith vs. Joe Gilbert


Before this show, things weren't really going all that well for CZCW. Their shows were being met with lukewarm responses, but things weren't full out negative. After this show, things went full out negative.




Mikey James, Kill Switch, Remmy Skye, Marc Speed, Akima Brave, Rudy Velasquez, Air Attack Weasel and even referee Jez McArtheur have all been signed to TCW. Hell Monkey has been signed to BHOTWG. Frankie Dee, Jonnie Perez and Chet Chavez have all been released. CZCW survived a raid of 4 main event stars 13 months ago by SWF, but this raid by TCW is at least twice as damaging and altogether, CZCW is losing a third of their roster in one fell swoop. One things for sure, this will force CZCW to change. They will have to promote new guys to the top, which could lead to fresh and interesting storylines and matches. On the other hand, they may not have the guys capable of taking the torch and running with it, which could cause the promotion to fall flat on their face.

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OOC: Any constructive criticism, feedback or suggestions about this dynasty would be greatly appreciated.


CZCW Barren Wasteland


Saturday Week 4 July 2015

2000 at Grissom Auditorium (SOLD OUT)


The show starts off with a member of CZCW management in a suit, with mic in hand and a stern look on his face.


Management: It is a time for this farce to come to an end. In just a few short months, The Sparrow has turned the hottest wrestling promotion in the world in to a sinking ship. I’m here to plug the holes, bail out the water and get this ship back on course. So Sparrow, come on out here bud. It is time to face the music.


After a few seconds, the Sparrow’s entrance music hits, and out comes the crazed Commissioner himself.




Management: Sparrow, you were always an eccentric leader with head scratching policies and matchmaking, which is fine as long as there are butts in the seats. What is unacceptable is the majority of our stars leaving in mass exodus to go to TCW because they can no longer put up with the crazy commissioner. I am hereby stripping you of your commissioner duties and firing you from CZCW.


The Sparrow: You CAN’T! The stipulation! No more changes!


Management: I know, the battle royal that Kill Switch, Remmy Skye, Insane Machine and Storm won you dictated that you were to be commissioner for at least a year. But Kill Switch and Remmy Skye are gone and word on the street is that Insane Machine and Storm want nothing to do with you anymore.


The Sparrow: A years a year!


Management: That’s true. You are in a binding contract to be commissioner for another 8 months. But that’s why we have a man who can get around binding contracts. That is why we have a garbage man.


The Sparrow: I WON’T. No dumpsters! No Ali!


Management: I know you won’t just accept a match with Sayeed Ali with your job on the line. That is why I’m prepared to offer you…a little extra incentive. I know there is one thing you want more than to be commissioner of CZCW. One thing that has eluded you your entire wrestling career.


The Sparrow: THE championship?


Management: Yes, THE championship. The CZCW Coastal Title, which, if you beat Sayeed Ali tonight in a dumpster match is all yours. If you lose, well, you know. So, what do you say Sparrow? Do we agree to terms? Title versus job?


The Sparrow: Tonight Ali becomes the garbage.


Management: I will take that as a yes. (36)


The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe Gilbert) vs. The UK Dragon and The American Flash




This was a solid opening tag match to get the crowd warmed up. The main takeaway from this match is that Canadian Dragon either has beef with UK Dragon and American Flash, has aligned himself with fellow Canadians the Gilbert Brothers, or both. This is because Canadian Dragon interfered in this match, helping the Gilberts pick up the win. (55)


After a short break, the former tag team champions Rich & Famous come down to the ring, looking to talk about something.




Jake Idol: If you haven’t heard already, Remmy Skye and Kill Switch were afraid to defend the titles against me and Jackpot, so they booked it to TCW.


Jackpot Jordan: They knew the odds were heavily in our favor and didn’t want to stick around to see us reclaim our glory.


Jake Idol: Well it doesn’t matter whether Remmy Skye and Kill Switch are here or not, because we came out here to demand that we be crowned the tag team champions.


Jackpot Jordan: Those vacant belts should be ours anyway. We lost them in that bogus tournament that Sparrow cooked up without ever actually getting a chance to defend them as a team.


Jake Idol: So whenever this nonsense about whoever is in charge gets sorted out, me and Jackpot expect a big coronation ceremony.


Jackpot Jordan: Yeah, with enough booze and women for an army! (43)


Jake was about to say something when the lights cut out.


Jake Idol: What the…


Jackpot Jordan: I know we are havin’ management issues, but you guys can at least pay the bills.




The lights come back on. Babau and Moroi, The Night Terrors, are each perched on their own turnbuckles, ready to strike. They execute a beautiful tandem drop kick to Rich & Famous, sending them both heading for the hills. Babau and Moroi point at Rich & Famous, obviously indicating that they too have their eyes on the vacant CZCW Tag Team Championship. (34)


California Love Machine vs. Felipe Caballero




Just a showcase squash match in favor of California Love Machine. (43)


After the match, CLM gets on the mic.


California Love Machine: With all the “stars” leaving for greener pastures, that leaves room for some of us considered to be lower tier guys to move up. A lot of us will get a chance to take the ball and run with it. Some will fall flat on their face. There is a reason why they are lower tier. Me on the other hand? I’m the perfect triple threat that CZCW is looking for. I have the looks, I have the moves, and I have the mic skills that are going to make me a star. I…


Farrah Hasketh interrupts CLM.




Farrah Hasketh: For someone with such mediocre talent, you sure are full of yourself “Love Machine”.


California Love Machine: And here we have the talentless, past her prime bitch coming out to try and tear me down again. Frankie Dee didn’t get rid of me and Colossus won’t either. So if you want to send that oaf after me, go ahead! I’ve got the speed and the smarts to take that giant down.


Farrah Hasketh: Actually…


Chess Maniac comes in from behind CLM and hits him with his finishing maneuver, the Check Mate, an inverted DDT variation.




Farrah Hasketh: Colossus isn’t my only client. (36)


That segment is followed up by 350 pound Mutant making his way down to the ring, followed by his manager, Carl Batch.




Carl Batch: Man, with all the talent leaving for TCW, this place really feels like an apocalyptic wasteland. You guys may not be able to see it, but that locker room? It’s a ghost town. Which makes now the perfect time to strike. It’s time for “The King of the Wasteland” Mutant, to take his rightful place on the throne as CZCW Coastal Champion! (26)


Mutant vs. Marvel Malloy




Absolute squash match trying to put Mutant over as a monster heel. (34)


Backstage, Hector Galindo is looking to express his thoughts and feelings in a promo.




Hector Galindo: The TCW raid is bitter sweet for me. On one hand, my friend, my brother, Rudy Velasquez is now in a better place with better opportunities. On the other hand, I’m left behind in behind in this weakened company by myself.


Mobstar interrupts what was supposed to be a private promo.




Mobstar: You supposed to be a gangsta? HA! Cryin’ cuz one of your boys is gone? Do you know how many boys I’ve lost for real? And you’re cryin’ cuz Velasquez got picked up by the biggest promotion in the world? What a joke!


Hector Galindo drops the mic and the two men get into an out of control brawl that ends with the camera cutting back to the ring, where Al Coleman is getting ready to speak. (41)


Al Coleman: Everyone is boo-hooing about TCW raiding us. Well I say it is cause for celebration. Marc Speed and Mikey James gone? Good riddance. Finally, the real submission superstar can shine, me, Al Coleman!


Findlay O’Farraday comes out to respond to Al Coleman incendiary comments.


Findlay O’Farraday: Look at Al Coleman. Big tough guy now that a lot of the real tough guys are gone. I can guarantee that if Mikey or Marc were still here, you wouldn’t dare open your mouth to disrespect them. Luckily, I’m still here to defend my friends honor. Get ready for an ass whooping Coleman! (49)


Al Coleman vs. Findlay O’Farraday




Both competitors certainly had a fire lit under them for this one. Coleman, looking to prove that he really is the man to fill one of the main eventers spots and Findlay O’Farraday looking to protect his friends honor. As the match went on, Findlay looked like he would be picking up the victory, but Coleman started pulling out some dirty tricks. In the end, Coleman cheated to pick up the victory, leaving everyone but him with a bad taste in their mouth. (58)


Too Hot comes out and does a fun dance for the crowd. (22)


Colossus vs. Too Hot




The fans may not be hugely into Too Hot’s dancing, but Colossus REALLY doesn’t enjoy Too Hot’s moves. He comes out and tosses Too Hot around like a sack of potatoes before getting the pin fall a couple minutes into the “contest”. (46)




The commentators, Hustler D and Joker The Pimp transitions us into the next match, Storm vs. El Mitico Jr., by talking about both men’s failures at the last show. El Mitico Jr. came up short against Chess Maniac in the finals of El Rey de Mascara tournament while Storm and his partner, Insane Machine, came up short in a triple threat tag team match up. (37)


El Mitico Jr. vs. Storm




These two put on our first competitive match with a clean finish of the evening. Both men wanted to get back into the win column and it showed, as both men fought with a sense of urgency and determination. In the end, Storm picks up the big singles victory. (59)


Our next bout was scheduled to be The Night Terrors against the Keith Brothers, but just as the match was about to begin, Greg Keith ditched his twin brother, making it a handicap match. As he was leaving, Greg Keith was quoted as saying, “You leave me whenever it benefits you. Well this time, I’m leaving you. Good luck!” (70)




The Night Terrors (Babau and Moroi) vs. Matthew Keith




Matthew Keith put up a valiant effort and a couple times it looked like he might be able to sneak away with a victory, but regardless of who was put in this impromptu 2-on-1 situation, no one would be expected to beat one of the best tag teams in the south western United States. Babau and Moroi individually are both outclassed by Keith, but they used their team work to stay out of trouble and keep their stamina up. Essentially, they outlasted Keith with the numbers advantage to pick up the victory. (59)


Dumpster Match for the CZCW Coastal Championship:


Sayeed Ali vs. The Sparrow



The tension was certainly high in this one, with a lot riding on the result of this match. For much of the match, Ali really put a beating on Sparrow, but the commissioner just kept coming forward, taking more punishment and dealing out some of his own. Just as Ali was about to put Sparrow into the dumpster, Citizen X made his shocking return, distracting Ali from the task at hand, allowing Sparrow to get out of his current predicament and take control of the match. A few minutes later, The Sparrow again found himself near being put in the dumpster and kicked out of CZCW, but again, a strange source of help came to the rescue. This time, the interference came in the way of long time TCW star Brent Hill, who not only kept Sparrow out, but helped put Ali into the dumpster, winning Sparrow the match and the title. (60)


After the shocking result, The Sparrow, Brent Hill and Citizen X all celebrate, hands and the CZCW Coastal Championship raised high in the air. Why have these three formed an alliance? What do they possibly have in mind that is mutually beneficial for all involved? (42)




Overall Show Rating: 60




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CZCW Anarchy


Saturday Week 1 August 2015

2000 at Grissom Auditorium (SOLD OUT)


Ladder Match for CZCW Tag Team Titles

The Night Terrors (Babau and Moroi) vs. Rich & Famous (Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan)




What a way to kick off a night! These two teams had a fast paced, great match with a few memorable spots. This probably would’ve been CZCW match of the year if not for the ending. With everyone else incapacitated, Babau climbed up the ladder and reached for the belts, but the belts were yanked up, far out of reach. (68)


After a solid 30 seconds of confusion, Citizen X appears at the top of the entrance ramp to a huge chorus of boos.




Citizen X: I’m sorry boys, but I’ve changed my mind. I think the tag titles should remain vacant for now.


Babau and Moroi can’t believe it. Citizen X smiles, extremely pleased with himself. The crowd boos. (52)




Hustler D: Am I missin’ somethin’? What gives Citizen X the authority to do anything around here?


Joker The Pimp: I don’t know, but I bet we are about to find out!


Both teams exit the ring and leave, while Citizen X makes his way into the ring. He has more to say.


Citizen X: Now that that is taken care of, let me address the question that is on all of your minds. Why? Why is Citizen X back in CZCW? Why did Brent Hill and I help Matthew Sparrow win the Coastal Championship? Why are we working together? And finally, why am I in charge? Well, before I answer those questions, allow me to introduce my associates. First, Mr. TCW himself, Brent Hill!




Brent Hill comes down to the ring to a middling chorus of boos.


Citizen X: And now, the NEW Coastal Champion, Matthew Sparrow!


Matt Sparrow comes out. He’s ditched his odd demeanor and leather trench coat for a custom suit and sunglasses, with the CZCW Coastal Championship proudly draped over his shoulder.




Citizen X: So who wants to start? Matthew? Brent?


Matthew Sparrow: I’ll go. First of all, let me say that you are all the biggest bunch of idiots I have ever come across. Did you actually think that a couple of losses caused me to lose my sanity? What it actually did was cause me to reevaluate and reflect. I’m 36 years old. There aren’t too many wrestlers that are able to pick up their first big singles title almost 20 years into their career.


So I had to have a plan. Turn on my old “buddy” The American Flash? No, that’s been done to death. Besides, he is about as irrelevant as it gets in this company. I had to do something special. I convinced two of the biggest stars in CZCW, that if they helped me, I could get them a contract with TCW. These two men are, of course, Remmy Skye and Kill Switch. I also enlisted the help of Insane Machine and Storm, but didn’t promise them anything. They were just crazy enough to believe the crap that I was selling! HA!


I became commissioner of CZCW and I did an awful job. Just absolutely terrible. I did this because I know, that if I did a bad enough job for long enough, CZCW management would be offering me deals left and right to leave my post. Deals like the one that got me this.


Sparrow raises taps on his belt.


Matthew Sparrow: So that’s my story. Oh and fear the one true leader of the old world. HAHAHAHAHA!


Sparrow hands the mic over to Brent Hill. All three men in the ring have huge, shit eating grins on their face.


Brent Hill: So Matthew Sparrow wanted the belt. What did I want to get out of this? Many of you fans and even some of the guys in the back think I’m here because TCW dumped me. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m here to act as a poison from the inside. To transition the talented workers over to TCW and allow the rest to sink in this company that is now a shell of its former self. Mikey James. Kill Switch. Remmy Skye. Marc Speed. Akima Brave. Air Attack Weasel. Rudy Velasquez. Hell, even referee Jez McArtheur has jumped ship because of me. TCW is now the number one company in the world thanks to guys like me. Guys that pluck the finest talent from other promotions, which benefit is twofold. First, it ensures that TCW has a never ending supply of talent and second, it ensures that places like CZCW can never prosper!


Brent Hill hands the mic over to the ring leader, Citizen X, while all three of them laugh amongst themselves like they are at a comedy show.


Citizen X: I think you all know what part I play in this little scheme of ours. I wanted nothing more than to watch CZCW crumble. When Cliff Anderson left about a year and a half ago, I immediately wanted to make the jump back here, take control of the plane and fly it straight into the ground. But everyone would’ve seen that coming. So, instead I spent the past year and a half building up my character in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Making myself look good. Sweeping the “Anarchist” persona under the rug and making myself look like a run of the mill business man, which CZCW ate right up. Once CZCW decided they need to get rid of Sparrow, they started calling around for replacements. I may not have been their first choice, but I was the one to say yes.


So what is the Anarchist going to do now that I have power? You know, it is funny how your perspective changes when you get a taste of what it’s like to be on the other side of the issue. Before this, I had never really had any power. I was always being oppressed by corrupt, power hungry leaders. And if I leave CZCW, trying to instill a state of anarchy, there will just be another corrupt, power hungry person to take my place. It is truly a never ending cycle. So I must remain in charge. Will I be fair? Absolutely not. Will I do whatever makes me happy? Absolutely. Instead of the anarchist, it would be more apt now to call me the Hedonist. I am going to do whatever pleases me, DAMN what everyone else thinks. I have been ruled long enough, it is my time to rule. (42)


Mutant vs. Felipe Caballero




Another squash trying to get Mutant over as a monster heel. (36)


CZCW Xtreme Champion KC Glenn comes out. He looks upset and like he has something he wants to get off his chest.


KC Glenn: So the revolving door of commissioners continues, each one more of a power hungry asshole than the last. It doesn’t bother me that these guys in power think that they walk on water, but it does bother me when they do things that completely mock what I and many others have dedicated our lives to. The Night Terrors and Rich & Famous fought their asses of tonight for those tag titles and how were they rewarded? By that smug son of a bitch coming out and snatchin’ it away from ‘em. Sayeed Ali won the Coastal Championship and in four months was never allowed to defend it. They finally give him a chance to put his belt on the line and he gets screwed by that talentless idiot, Matthew Sparrow. Championships are supposed to mean something, y’all. They ain’t supposed to be little props for upper management to play dress up with. So while Sparrow and Citizen X completely devalue the Coastal and Tag Team Championships, I’m going to make sure that the Xtreme title becomes more prestigious than ever. I want to defend this belt every show, against the best talent possible, putting on the best match we can for the fans because that’s what wrestling is about! So if anyone back in the locker room feels the same as me, come on down here and show Citizen X that wrestling is about competition, not plotting and scheming! (36)


CZCW Xtreme Title Match:

KC Glenn vs. Chess Maniac




Farrah Hasketh’s newest client, Chess Maniac, answers KC Glenn’s challenge. They put on a great match, just like KC Glenn wanted, but the ending was ruined by outside forces. California Love Machine, who was attacked by Chess Machine last show, returned the favor in this match up, costing Chess Maniac a potential title victory. (66)


Canadian Dragon vs. Storm




This match started out with some potential, but about five minutes in devolved into chaos. Canadian Dragon’s countrymen, the Gilbert Brothers, made their presence felt in the match. The American Flash and UK Dragon didn’t take to kindly to that and got involved on Storm’s behalf. The match devolved into a 3 on 3 brawl, leaving the ref no choice but to throw the match out. (40)


CZCW Coastal Championship Match:

Matthew Sparrow vs. Cobra




Much like KC Glenn, Matthew Sparrow seems to want to be an active champion. I’m not so sure his competition is anywhere near on the same level though. Matthew Sparrow easily dispatches Cobra for his first title defense, already giving him one more than Sayeed Ali ever had.




Backstage, California Love Machine is walking. Just as he approaches a turn, Colossus comes from out of nowhere and clobbers the pretty boy. Colossus puts a beat down on CLM while his manager, Farrah Hasketh, berates Love Machine. She tells him that next show, he better find a partner or else he will have to face both of her clients at the same time by himself. (28)


Al Coleman vs. Greg Keith




This show’s matches have been a coin flip. Heads, it’s a squash match, tails it has no finish. They flipped tails on this one. Coleman and Keith were putting on a pretty decent match when both Findlay O’Farraday and Matthew Keith got involved. O’Farraday wanted to get a piece of Coleman while Matthew Keith wanted to teach his own brother, Greg, a lesson. It resulted in a double DQ. (63)


Colossus vs. Sayeed Ali




Finally, a match between two top guys with no interference…because Sayeed Ali went batshit insane only a couple minutes after the first bell and whacked Colossus at least a dozen times with a steel chair. Ali left without explaining, whether he was really upset with Colossus or just taking out his frustrations on him. (44)


El Mitico Jr. vs. Too Hot




The extremely elusive clean finish is finally spotted on this card. Both of these men find themselves on the low end of the totem pole and coming off a loss, which is always the recipe for a competitive and motivated performance from both sides of a match. The young up and comer El Mitico Jr. ends up overcoming the veteran Too Hot and picking up the win. (50)


Hardcore Match:

Mobstar vs. Hector Galindo




These two got in to a heated rivalry very quickly. After Rudy Velasquez’ exit for TCW, Hector Galindo was letting fans know how he feels having to go forward alone in CZCW. Mobstar made fun of him, questioning his street cred and his manhood. This hardcore match let both men get their frustration out on one another and let the fans witness some creative violence. Overall, Mobstar generally got the better of things and he did end up winning the match cleanly following and elbow drop onto a steel chair that was on Galindo’s face. (55)


Findlay O’Farraday vs. Matthew Keith




After the double interference earlier, a match up was made between these two with the winner getting their wish. For O’Farraday, that means getting a match with Coleman, for Keith, that means getting his match with his twin brother. This ended up being a really excellent match, despite having no build. Each guy gave his opponent their best and then some. There were multiple false finishes and each man overcame the others finisher. In the end, it was a distraction that led to the finish. Greg Keith came down to the ring and distracted his brother. By the time Matthew got his focus back on the match, Findlay obliterated him with a huge Atomic Spinebuster and picked up the 3 count. Findlay O’Farraday gets his rematch with Al Coleman at the next show. (70)


Overall Show Rating: 64

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CZCW Vengeance


Saturday Week 3 August 2015

3,778 at Gorski Ball Room


UK Dragon, The American Flash and Storm vs. Canadian Dragon and The Gilbert Brothers




We kick things off tonight with a heated six man tag, pitting an alliance of three Canadians against two Americans and a Brit. Early on, the tags came fast and often. Both teams worked together fluidly, despite not having much experience together other than the Gilbert Brothers. The ending sequence came with Canadian Dragon suicide diving onto UK Dragon and American Flash outside of the ring, taking all three men out of the picture. As Canadian Dragon was about to dive, the ref was distracted with trying to get him out of the ring as he wasn’t the legal man. Meanwhile, The Gilbert Brothers hit Storm with the Double Slapshot, a move in which Storm gets hit from the front in the head and from behind in the back of the knees with hockey sticks simultaneously. Basically, a Total Elimination, but with hockey sticks. Joe Gilbert then pinned Storm while his brother got rid of the evidence. The ref, totally unaware, counts to three, giving the Canadian trio the victory. (56)


Mutant vs. El Mitico Jr.




Mutant has been squashing people left and right, while El Mitico Jr. has been on a win one, lose one run of form recently. El Mitico was able to give Mutant more of a problem than he usually has, relying on his speed to stay out of Mutant’s grasps. Eventually, El Mitico slipped up and “The King of the Wasteland” put him away, picking up another very decisive victory. (42)


Backstage, rising star KC Glenn has the Xtreme Championship draped over his shoulder, ready to do a promo.




KC Glenn: Like I said a couple weeks ago, I’m ashamed of the way Citizen X and Matthew Sparrow are treating the titles in CZCW. Well, I’ve got the one title they don’t have their grubby paws on and I’m gonna make damn sure that it stays a prestigious prize for the hard working competitors in this company. That is why tonight, I’m going to put my belt on the line against one member of The Night Terrors…AAAAANND one member of Rich & Famous. Ya’ll got screwed last show, so I’m going to give you a real opportunity for a CZCW title tonight in a triple threat match. (53)


Colossus and Chess Maniac vs. California Love Machine and Marvel Malloy




Farrah Hasketh was true to her word and arranged a tag team match between her two clients and California Love Machine and a partner of his choosing. CLM chose Marvel Malloy, probably just because he’s one of the only guys on the CZCW roster that doesn’t think that he is an arrogant douche. This match really serves as a showcase for Colossus and Chess Maniac. It wasn’t quite a squash match, but CLM and Malloy barely got in any offense. In the end, Hasketh’s men win the match. (44)


After the match, Colossus and Chess Maniac toss their opponents out of the ring. Farrah Hasketh steps up into the ring and gets a microphone. She has something she wants to say.




Farrah Hasketh: California, about a month ago you ran your mouth about how you were CZCW’s perfect triple threat. Not only is that incorrect, it’s impossible. No one person has it all. That is why we form partnerships. To highlight the positives and allow others to pick up the slack where we are weak. People have been laughing at me and my clientele, but they just don’t understand what we have built here. Chess Maniac may not be the biggest guy and he’s certainly nothing to look at (He doesn’t just wear that mask for nothing people), but he’s super smart. He sees things six moves ahead of everyone else. And Colossus isn’t going to come up with the cure for cancer or be on the cover of playgirl magazine, but if you’ve got some heavy lifting, he’s the man for the job. As for me, I’m certainly not fighter or a grade A student, but I’ve got my “assets” and I’m not afraid to use them. Separately we have our flaws, but together we are unstoppable. WE ARE CZCW’S TRIPLE THREAT!


Backstage, rivals Mobstar and Hector Galindo have bumped into one another. Mobstar tries to squash the beef, but Hector Galindo isn’t interested in being buds with Mobstar. Before anything could be resolved, Sayeed Ali comes from out of nowhere and bashes both of them over the head with a lead pipe. (35)


Brent Hill vs. Cobra




In his in ring debut, Brent Hill squashes Cobra. After the match, Brent Hill gets attacked by Insane Machine. (53)


After a short break, Matthew Keith comes down to the ring.




Matthew Keith: I came out here to talk to the audience, but more importantly, I came out here to talk to my brother. Greg, I’ve got to thank you for what you did in my match against Findlay O’Farraday a couple weeks ago. You showed me and everyone else your true colors. You are a coward. If you REALLY wanted to fight me the way I REALLY want to fight you, you wouldn’t have gotten involved. And that is fine Greg. You can try to avoid me for as long as you can, but eventually, your day will come. And on that day, I’m gonna beat the living hell out of you like dad should’ve done years ago! (74)


CZCW Xtreme Title Match:

KC Glenn vs. Jake Idol vs. Babau




KC Glenn and Babau really went after it in this match, while Jake Idol tried every time he could to stay out of the action and let the other two go at it. He hoped to pick up the scraps when they were done. Steal a victory and the title, but things didn’t go the way Jake Idol hoped. Glenn and Babau caught on to his little game and started double teaming him, much to the crowds delight. After they got rid of Idol, Glenn and Babau again fought each other. Both men got near falls, but Babau won the match with a beautiful moonsault to become the CZCW Xtreme Champion…or he would’ve if Jake Idol didn’t break up the pinfall. Babau was furious that Idol cost him the title, but he wasn’t able to do much about it as Idol low blowed him. Right after the low blow, Glenn got a short second wind and hit Jake Idol with his finisher and picked up a second straight title defense. (57)


CZCW Coastal Championship:

Matthew Sparrow vs. Too Hot




Not to be outdone, Matthew Sparrow would also defend his title for a second time tonight, but again, the level of competition has to be called into question. Too Hot is no jobber, but the dancing fool certainly has no place fighting for a company’s top title. Sparrow picks up the victory without too much resistance. (59)


Moroi vs. Jackpot Jordan



The two men who drew the short straws for the shot at KC Glenn’s title end up getting a chance to channel their frustration into something positive: beating the hell out of one of their rivals. Most would say that these two are both the weaker in ring competitors in their respective teams, but that didn’t keep them from putting on a pretty solid co-main event. As Rich & Famous tend to do, Jordan used every shortcut in the book to try and stay ahead and win the match, but Moroi was able to hang in there. Moroi, not being a cookie cutter hero himself went ahead and took liberties with the rules when the opportunity presented itself by using the ropes for leverage when he had Jackpot Jordan up to win the match. Jordan protested, but the ref didn’t see it. Moroi playfully shushed the crowd with the one finger in front of the mouth gesture after the match. (60)


Al Coleman vs. Findlay O’Farraday



So O’Farraday gets the rematch he earned against Matthew Keith. This match once again had Coleman looking for shortcuts to beat Findlay, but O’Farraday’s pride and pent up aggression generally had him in charge of the match up. O’Farraday was about to win the match when Coleman caused them both to clumsily run into the referee, taking him out for the time being. Findlay O’Farraday hits the Atomic Spinebuster on Coleman, but there is no ref to count. O’Farraday turns his focus on to waking the ref, which he eventually does, but it gives time to Coleman to recover. Just as the ref starts to get back up, Coleman low blows Findlay and gets him in an ankle lock. It looks like the 300 pound man from Cobb County, Georgia is going to have to tap, but he is able to escape. Coleman charges back at O’Farraday, but gets another Atomic Spinebuster for his trouble, this time with the referee fully awake and ready to make the count. 1….2…..3! O’Farraday picks up the win and avenges his loss to Coleman. (64)


Overall Show Rating: 63

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">CZCW September Showdown</span></p><p> </p><p>

Saturday Week 2 September 2015</p><p>

4,021 at Gorski Ball Room</p><p> </p><p>

An odd scene kicks us off for tonight’s show, as Citizen X is standing next to an empty commentary table with a microphone in hand.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Citizen%20X_zpsnwmpnwrx.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> I’ve got to be honest. I HATE clowns. That is why on CZCW programming, you will no longer see Hustler D, nor Joker The Pimp. Our “new” commentary team will consist of Mitch Naess, Ernie Turner and The Guru.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mitch%20Naess_alt1_zpsxm5mh5fs.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Ernie%20Turner_zpshevzdlok.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/The%20Guru_zpsroexfxxf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

The three commentators come out and take their place at the table so we can get the show started. (51)</p><p> </p><p>

Al Coleman comes down to the ring with a sour expression on his face.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Al%20Coleman_zpspet73nbn.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Al Coleman:</span></span> For the past couple weeks, all I’ve heard about is “Oh, you lost to Findlay O’Farraday. HA HA HA! You lost!” Don’t you dumbasses remember that I beat him first? The score is 1 to 1 Findlay. </p><p> </p><p>

O’Farraday’s music hits and the big Georgian comes down the ramp and into the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Findlay%20OFarraday_zpsegil6d4u.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Findlay O’Farraday:</span></span> Even though you cheated to win our first match, I agree. The score is one to one and I would LOVE to break the tie. What do you say Coleman? One more match?</p><p> </p><p>

The crowd pops HUGE. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Al Coleman:</span></span> I bet you’d all love that, but I’m not prepared to wrestle tonight. I was given the night off from competiting. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Crowd:</span></span> BOOOOO!!!!!!!</p><p> </p><p>

Citizen X comes out with microphone in hand. The crowd redirects their boos from Coleman to him.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> Yeah, yeah. Get it all out of your system. I think you guys will actually be happy with what I have to say. Findlay, Al, I love watching you two beat the crap out of each other. I’d love to see you guys go at it one more time. However, Al Coleman is telling the truth. He was given the night off tonight, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see round 3 right here at the Gorski Ballroom in two weeks! And to make sure you two are really able to settle the score, I’m going to make it a 2 out of 3 falls match. </p><p> </p><p>

Coleman and O’Farraday stare each other down as we go to a quick break. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Moroi vs. El Mitico Jr.</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Moroi_zpsno2nbui0.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/El%20Miacutetico_zpspf4jumcl.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

We come back from the break with a fast paced opener between two great luchadores. Both men showed off their flashy move sets and really got the crowd amped up, despite having no real purpose behind this match. In the end, The Night Terrors’ Moroi picks up the hard fought victory. (59)</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Keith comes out to respond to his brother’s inflammatory comments from last show. He doesn’t get to say very much before being interrupted by Matthew. The two get into a verbal sparring match when CZCW Xtreme Champion KC Glenn interrupts.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">KC Glenn:</span></span> I don’t mean to interrupt this family moment, but I’ve got a little proposal for you gentleman. Now I know we haven’t exactly seen eye to eye since our F.O.B. days, but I’m sure you will find what I am about to propose more than agreeable. You two want to rip each other’s throats out, right? And I want to defend my title against the best and brightest, week in week out. So how about right here tonight, we have ourselves an F.O.B. reunion triple threat match? </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Matthew Keith:</span></span> You mean I can win a title and beat the hell out of my brother? I’m in!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Greg Keith:</span></span> None of that is going to happen, Matt. I’m in too.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">KC Glenn:</span></span> Great! See you boys tonight! (66)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Canadian Dragon vs. California Love Machine</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Canadian%20Dragon_zpsbr9iqbby.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/California%20Love%20Machine_zpsucoul7vv.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Our second match of the evening was another bout between mid-carders with nothing but pride on the line, but it was much less entertaining than our first bout. Canadian Dragon’s best years are behind him and Love Machine finds his career a constant struggle for relevancy. In this instantly forgettable match, CLM comes out on top. (34)</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Citizen X and Brent Hill are having a private conversation. Sure there is a camera and everyone can see what they are saying, but it is private. Play along! </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Brent Hill:</span></span> We need to do something about this KC Glenn kid. You said before that he would get sorted out by the rest of the boys, but everyone seems to love him. No one cares that the Xtreme title isn’t being defended in a hardcore environment. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> Listen, I know you want to slit this company’s throat and be done with it, but you’ve got to think more long term than that. We kill CZCW, then what? You go back to TCW and I get blackballed from the industry? I don’t think so, Brent. We’ve got to play it smarter than that.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Brent Hill:</span></span> What are you suggesting?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> The thing that everyone would least expect. To make CZCW thrive and prosper. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Brent Hill:</span></span> WHAT? That’s the exact opposite of what I came here to do!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> Long term, Brent. We make CZCW grow, other companies, bigger companies will look at us as geniuses and want us to make them more successful too. Companies like SWF, who since Eisen died have been floundering creatively and fallen to #2 in the world. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Brent Hill:</span></span> They were floundering long before Eisen died.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> Yeah, but that is beside the point. The point is, we get in with SWF, just imagine the damage we could do. Then TCW would far and away be the top dog and that is what you want, isn’t it?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Brent Hill:</span></span> Yeah…but if we make CZCW popular, won’t they just be the new SWF?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> That is the beauty of this plan, Brent. We can make CZCW successful, but it will never reach the mainstream level of TCW or SWF. The product is too niche, too cult. The ceiling is far too low to worry. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Brent Hill:</span></span> Alright, so if I do agree to this plan, what is next? </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> First, after tonight we have to give Matthew Sparrow some real competition. He either needs to drop the belt or prove he’s a real champion. I think I’m going to make that Coleman/O’Farraday match a #1 Contendership match. Second, the fans are eating up the Night Terrors/Rich & Famous feud. Next show, let’s have them go at it again for the belt, this time for real. Third… (50)</p><p> </p><p>

There is a knock at door that interrupts Citizen X.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> WHAT?!?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Storm%20Spillane_zpsyxw16n6u.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Storm:</span></span> I was wondering if I could talk to you, X. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> What do you want? </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Storm:</span></span> I want an opportunity. I’m tired of floating around here meaninglessly. I left my best friend behind to try and get ahead, but that turned out to just be sham that I wasn’t in on and now look at me? I’ve got nothing and nobody. I’ll do anything for a chance to prove what I can really do.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> Anything huh? Well, it is interesting that you bring up your old buddy because he’s been a bit of a thorn in my side since I’ve taken over. That jobber wants to renegotiate his contract. I don’t have the slightest interest in paying him more to bore the fans for longer. I’m thinking now that I’ll just have you renegotiate it for me.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Storm:</span></span> What do you mean?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> I want you to end Marvel Malloy’s career here in CZCW. I want you to go out there and beat him in a match with his contract on the line. What do you say Storm? </p><p> </p><p>

After a long pause, Storm reluctantly accepts Citizen X’s offer.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> Great! You’re up next. (43)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Marvel Malloy vs. Storm </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Marvel%20Malloy_zpsictjwvuv.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Storm%20Spillane_zpsyxw16n6u.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

While our first two matches didn’t mean much of anything, this match really packed an emotional punch. Two lifelong friends going at it is always intense, but to literally crush your friends dreams to further your own career? That is next level. Malloy tried to convince Storm to reconsider, but Storm wasn’t having it. His dead-eyed expression and glazed over look made it seem like he didn’t even realize he was fighting Marvel. To him, Marvel was just another faceless hurdle that Storm had to get over. Malloy fought hard, but as everyone has known for years, Storm is the stronger of the two American Cobras. After Storm got the three count, he exited the ring in business like fashion, no handshake, no hug, no nothin’. He just left Malloy in the ring like a one night stand that he regretted. Malloy made his emotional exit from CZCW to applause from the crowd, but not even one word from his lifelong friend. (57)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mutant vs. UK Dragon</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mutant_zpsctn5pxt2.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/UK%20Dragon_zpsue2a0mak.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

The bar for Mutant’s opponents continues to rise, but he continues to easily overcome them. This wasn’t quite a squash match, but it was pretty damn close. (42)</p><p> </p><p>

Brent Hill is walking backstage when Insane Machine assaults him from out of nowhere. The commentators put over the fact that while no one knows what Insane Machine is thinking, many are speculating that he is going after Brent Hill in defense of CZCW. (54)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Colossus, Hector Galindo, and Mobstar vs. Sayeed Ali</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hells%20Bouncer_alt_zpsiruldiiw.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hector%20Galindo_zpsvcxonslj.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mobstar_zpsw0gydxjc.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Sayeed%20Ali_zpskaztlw8e.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

After losing his title in screw job fashion to Matthew Sparrow and not getting a rematch, Sayeed Ali became a bit unhinged. He assaulted all three of his opponents over the past month, which Citizen X wasn’t too happy about. To show Ali how much he enjoys people randomly assaulting other workers, he decided to put Ali in this 3 on 1 handicap match. Unfortunately for Citizen X, the punishment didn’t go quite as planned. Mobstar and Galindo couldn’t co-exist and ended up brawling away from the ring to the back, leaving just Colossus against Ali. The last time these two met, Ali said to hell with the rules and started whacking the giant with a steel chair. This time, the former CZCW Coastal Champion beat him straight up, pinning Colossus and winning the “handicap” match. (54)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Chess Maniac vs. Felipe Caballero</span></span></strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Chess%20Maniac_zpsyku0otpr.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Felipe%20Caballero_zpsr5o1ltxk.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Squash_zpsfhflzzqd.png</span>(57)</p><p> </p><p>

Jackpot Jordan comes down to the ring, surprisingly without his partner in crime, Jake Idol. </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Jackpot%20Jordan_zps9ifgrto3.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Jackpot Jordan:</span></span> I’ve been really training hard and I think I’m ready. Too Hot, get your ass down here! I’m challenging you to a dance off!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mitch Naess:</span></span> A…dance off? This is not like Jackpot Jordan at all…</p><p> </p><p>

Too Hot comes out, just as confused as the rest of us. Jordan insists that he Too Hot goes first and the dancing fool obliges. Once Too Hot is done, the music starts up for Jackpot, but Jordan doesn’t start dancing immediately. Too Hot gives him some encouragement, but instead of dancing, Jordan picks up his betting money briefcase and clobbers Too Hot in the head with it, busting open his forehead. The crowd boos as Jordan picks up the mic. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Jackpot Jordan:</span></span> What an idiot! Me and Jake were talking and I bet him that I could trick Too Hot into a fake dance contest. He didn’t think I could, but when there is money on the line, Jackpot always wins! </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mitch Naess:</span></span> This was all just for some sick bet! (36)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">CZCW Coastal Championship:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Matthew Sparrow vs. The American Flash</span></span></strong></p><p>


<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matt%20Sparrow_zpsjwqwvsay.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/The%20American%20Flash_zpsrcmjeqz9.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Like the previous Marvel/Storm match, this match pit two long time team mates against one another. Storm didn’t give his old opponent enough credit and almost lost the title early on. Sparrow realized that The American Flash was no push over and resorted to dirty tactics to win, clocking him with the title belt when the ref wasn’t looking. (62)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Insane Machine vs. Cobra </span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Insane%20Machine_zpspuf4lwfh.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Cobra_zpsjuostukv.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Squash_zpsfhflzzqd.png</span>(54)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Jake Idol vs. Babau</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Jake%20Idol_zpshdz6yrwi.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Babau_zpsue2ne860.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

These two feud went beyond their respective tag teams last show, when they both arguably cost each other the CZCW Xtreme Title in their triple threat match with KC Glenn. In this match, they were given the opportunity to settle it one on one, but I can’t say that it was the fairest match in the world. As always, Jake Idol cut every corner possible and broke just about every rule in the book to pick up the win. As we know though, Babau and his partner Moroi will get a chance to get revenge in a match that really matters next show for the vacant CZCW Tag Team Championship. (62)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">CZCW Xtreme Championship Match:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith vs. Greg Keith</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/KC%20Glenn_zps9sz55705.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matthew%20Keith_zpsyzirwvah.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Greg%20Gauge_zpsdukf3bmu.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

As you would expect with three guys of this caliber, this was a very entertaining main event. All three men were given a chance to shine and there was an abundance of near falls, keeping the fans on the edge of their seat, wondering if Glenn would still come out of tonight the champion. The match ended up having a bit of a bizarre finish, as KC Glenn hit his finisher on Matthew Keith and pinned him. Greg Keith easily could’ve broken up the pin, but instead chose to just watch as the ref counted to three. Glenn wins. (66)</p><p> </p><p>

As soon as Glenn gets up to celebrate, Greg Keith starts pouring salt into his brother’s wounds, viciously attacking him. Glenn tries to intervene, but just gets clocked with his own title for his troubles. Glenn may have won the match, but Greg Keith is the one standing to close out the show. (56)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall Show Rating:</strong> 64</p><p> </p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">CZCW New Wave</span></p><p> </p><p>

Saturday Week 4 September 2015</p><p>

3,938 at Gorski Ball Room</p><p> </p><p>

Is that…it is! Christian Faith’s son Matty Faith is making his way into the Gorski Ball Room. He’s one of CZCW’s many new exciting signings! </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matty%20Faith_zpsmci9ouut.jpg</span>(43)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">CZCW Tag Team Championship:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

The Night Terrors (Babau and Moroi) vs. Rich & Famous (Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan)</span></span></strong></p><p>


<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Babau_zpsue2ne860.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Moroi_zpsno2nbui0.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Jackpot%20Jordan_zps9ifgrto3.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Jake%20Idol_zpshdz6yrwi.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

As promised, we get to see the payoff to this wonderful tag team feud and a champion will be crowned after the belts were vacated more than 2 months ago after Remmy Skye and Kill Switch both left for TCW. As you would expect between these two, this match was wonderfully competitive. It did start a bit slow, with the typical heel team (Rich & Famous) isolating one member of the face team (Moroi). Midway through the match, Moroi got the hot tag to Babau and from there on the match was insanely good. Lots of chaotic action and no idea who the legal men were, but who cares? The Gilbert Brothers came down to ringside, hockey sticks in hand. The ref cut them off, making sure they didn’t get involved in the contest, but his lack of attention on the match allowed Jackpot Jordan to smash his briefcase over Moroi’s head. The Gilbert Brothers then conveniently left, allowing the ref to focus back on the match. One…two…three! Rich & Famous have regained the CZCW Tag Team Championship. (66)</p><p> </p><p>

Matthew Keith comes down to the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matthew%20Keith_zpsyzirwvah.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Matthew Keith:</span></span> I had issues with my brother before CZCW Summer Showdown, but now I think he may have actually gone insane. I still can’t believe he just stood there and watch me get pinned, losing himself the match as well. But I don’t care about KC Glenn or the Xtreme title. What I care about is teaching my brother a lesson. I don’t want any fancy gimmick matches, I don’t want anyone else involved. I just want me and my brother, one on one, in the center of this ring. </p><p> </p><p>

Greg Keith comes out to answer the challenge.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Greg%20Gauge_zpsdukf3bmu.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Greg Keith:</span></span> You think you’re so smart Matthew. You think I’m insane? More like I know you better than you know yourself. I know how to get to you. How to get into your head. And you better believe I’m inside your head Matt. So I’ll accept your challenge, but the only one who will be learning a lesson is you. You and all these people have underestimated me my entire career. While you went off defending the CZCW Coastal Championship, I was stuck fighting the likes of Jonnie Perez and Frankie Dee. Now it’s my time to make you take a back seat while I become the top dog. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Matthew Keith:</span></span> You keep on fantasizing, Greg. Most of the great athletes of all time have a brother that…well, isn’t so great. Look at Steph Curry, one of the best basketball players today. His brother Seth has a career total of 3 points in the NBA in 3 years. I’m sure Seth is good at plenty of things outside of basketball, but when it comes to basketball, we all know which Curry is king. The same goes for us, Greg. You know it, I know it, these fans know it, hell, even dad knows it. I don’t hate you Greg, I just need to open your eyes. I don’t want you to think you are some world beater and step into the ring with a guy like Colossus and get your limbs ripped off. You need to stay in your lane, Greg. I’m the world championship caliber brother, not you. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Greg Keith:</span></span> You want to compare us to other athletes, I think a better comparison would be to the Manning Brothers. You are Peyton, well established and great in your own right, but then Eli shows up and despite having his critics, proves that he is much more of a winner than his brother. I’m going to make my comparison even more accurate after we face off because after I’m done with you, you’re going to need neck surgery! </p><p> </p><p>

Greg Keith drops the mic and walks back out of the arena. (60)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mutant vs. Johnny “Ant-Man” Heizenger</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mutant_zpsctn5pxt2.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Ant-Man_zpstzbe6zoz.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mutant has been crushing dudes left and right and while he dominated this match, there was a pretty big surprise as Johnny Heizenger, living up to his nickname, picked Mutant up and slammed him like he wasn’t a 400 pound behemoth. After overcoming the shock of being slammed by a much smaller man, Mutant got back on track and put Heizenger away for the win. (40)</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, California Love Machine and Flash Savage are standing backstage when Matty Faith walks by and the two jump to talk to him like a predator pouncing on prey. </p><p> </p><p>


<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matty%20Faith_zpsmci9ouut.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">California Love Machine:</span></span> Hey, you’re new here right?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Flash Savage:</span></span> What’s your name? </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Matty Faith:</span></span> Matty Faith…</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">California Love Machine:</span></span> Wait…like Christian Faith’s son?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Matty Faith:</span></span> Don’t pretend like you guys didn’t already know that.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">California Love Machine:</span></span> Really, I didn’t know the legend had any children. Well I’ll tell you what…Matty, was it? If you ever need a partner or any help, you know who to call.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Matty Faith:</span></span> I appreciate the offer guys, but I think I’m going to have to decline. I’ve seen what you’ve done to partners in the past and I can’t say I approve. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Flash Savage:</span></span> Don’t you talk to him like that!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">California Love Machine:</span></span> Chill, Flash. He was just joking. See you around Matty. (38)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler) vs. The Aces of Mayhem (Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem)</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Dean%20Waldorf_zps87ukijjm.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Marv%20Statler_zpsdxdyxk35.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Ace%20Youngblood_zpsmmkadti4.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Max%20Mayhem_zpsugqasffz.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Next up we have a double debut tag team contest. Technically, The Ring Generals fought once before in CZCW, failing in a bid for the Tag Team titles against Rich & Famous, but this is their first match as CZCW wrestlers. These two teams couldn’t possibly be more different. The Ring Generals are very hard-nosed, no nonsense wrestlers with hard hitting, mat heavy style wrestling. Meanwhile, The Aces of Mayhem are border line spot monkeys who risk life and limb to win matches and entertain the fans. While The Aces of Mayhem were allowed to shine a little bit, this match was obviously more to put over The Ring Generals, who pick up the win after a bone crunching performance. (53)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Canadian Dragon, Silver Tiger and La Sombra Jr. vs. El Mitico Jr, Extaordinario Jr. and The American Flash</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Canadian%20Dragon_zpsbr9iqbby.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Silver%20Tiger_zpsgz9tbfua.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/La%20Sombra_zpsjp8bxhl2.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/El%20Miacutetico_zpspf4jumcl.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Extraordinario_zpsochbw5sx.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/The%20American%20Flash_zpsrcmjeqz9.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

You know you’ve made it as a wrestling company when you have enough random luchadores on the payroll to slap together a random 6 man tag and have them fly around the ring for 10 minutes. For the most part, each of the 6 guys in this match were given at least a few moments to shine. The real story of this match ended up being the fact that Canadian Dragon has made himself a reputation and some enemies with his “Canadian Superiority” (He and The Gilbert Brothers thinking they are better than everyone). His own tag team partner La Sombra Jr. laid him out with his finisher and along with Silver Tiger, abandoned him while the match was still going. El Mitico Jr. then hit a beautiful moonsault on Canadian Dragon to win the match for his team. (51)</p><p> </p><p>

Mobstar and Hector Galindo are both in Citizen X’s office, angry as all hell.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Mobstar_zpsw0gydxjc.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hector%20Galindo_zpsvcxonslj.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Citizen%20X_zpsnwmpnwrx.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mobstar:</span></span> If you’re just letting the Keith Brothers run around here calling their own shows, then I want to call my own shots too. First I want to dust off this fool Hector once and for all and then I want to show Sayeed Ali that he isn’t as big and bad as he thinks he is. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Hector Galindo:</span></span> After I beat Mobstar, I want Ali too. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Citizen X:</span></span> Fellas, how about we kill two birds with one stone here. How about we have an elimination triple threat match between Sayeed Ali and you two at the next show? Sound like a plan? </p><p> </p><p>

Mobstar and Galindo agree, but that doesn’t stop them from brawling and having to be separated by security. (42)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Lug Phelan vs. Cobra</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Lug%20Phelan_zpst4qpnlrb.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Cobra_zpsjuostukv.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Lug Phelan is tough as nails, and while I don’t know where he’s been throughout his life, I’m fairly certain he’s made a stop or two to the federal pen. He makes easy work of Cobra, inserting as much violence as possible into the four minute long match. (44)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Colossus vs. Storm</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Hells%20Bouncer_alt_zpsiruldiiw.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Storm%20Spillane_zpsyxw16n6u.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Colossus came into this match one angry giant after being embarrassed last show, losing a handicap match to Sayeed Ali. He plodded around the ring after Storm, who smartly stayed light on his feet and got in shots where he could, but didn’t over commit and allow Colossus to get his hands on him. Eventually, Colossus was able to catch up to his much quicker opponent and beat the crap out of him for the next several minutes. He lifted Storm up for a big chokeslam, but Storm countered beautifully with a huge DDT. Storm exhaustedly draped his arm over Colossus following the big counter mover. 1….2….3! Holy shit! Storm just beat Colossus clean! (49)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Matty Faith vs. T-Bone Bright</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Matty%20Faith_zpsmci9ouut.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/T-Bone%20Bright_zpsttu186kf.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

We get another double debut match, with two highly touted prospects facing off. Obviously, much is expected of Matty Faith, being the son of Christian Faith and all, but T-Bone Bright has high expectations too. T-Bone was a sleeper third round draft pick in the NFL for the Cincinnati Bengals, but injured his shoulder and was unable to continue playing. Now he’s taking his freak athleticism to the squared circle. This was a pretty open match, with Matty Faith maybe having the upper hand. It wasn’t very long into it when Flash Savage came down to ringside, distracting Faith and causing him to get nailed by a T-Bone Lariat. Bright then pinned Faith for the three count, defeating the son of the legend in his first ever CZCW match. (32)</p><p> </p><p>

KC Glenn comes out and does his usual spiel about an open challenge for his belt. The challenge gets answered by “The Supreme Superstar” Spencer Spade.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/KC%20Glenn_zps9sz55705.jpg</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Spencer%20Spade_zpsxf9mbv5s.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Spencer Spade:</span></span> KC, you come out here and try to act like you’re so special for beating up the bums left in this company, but you’re not. Besides, open challenges are just silly. The beauty of pro wrestling comes in the preparation. When two opponents know they are going to meet and train to bolster their offense and counter their opponents. So while I am accepting your challenge, I won’t fight you until the next show. That way, you have ample time to prepare and no excuse when I beat you.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">KC Glenn:</span></span> If you want to fight me next show, fine. I’ll face you next show. But for right now, I’m looking for a man that’s willing to face me here, tonight, so if you’ll please go, me and all these fans would greatly appreciate it. </p><p> </p><p>

Spencer Spade walks off dismissively. Brent Hill answers the challenge. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Mitch Naess:</span></span> I thought Citizen X wanted Brent Hill to stand down?</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;">Ernie Turner:</span></span> It looks like Brent Hill might have his own ideas about how to deal with KC Glenn.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">CZCW Xtreme Championship Match:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

KC Glenn vs. Brent Hill</span></span></strong></p><p>


<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/KC%20Glenn_zps9sz55705.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Brent%20Hill_zpspuvsijzp.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

KC Glenn has proven he can put on a good match with anyone, but the 45 year old Brent Hill really stretched that ability. While certainly nowhere near as good as his last two triple threat matches, Glenn was still able to carry Hill to a solid co-main event performance. Glenn goes over clean, but the most interesting thing about this match will be the fallout between Brent Hill and Citizen X. (56)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">2 Out Of 3 Falls Match for the #1 Contendership for the CZCW Coastal Championship:</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

Al Coleman vs. Findlay O’Farraday</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Al%20Coleman_zpspet73nbn.jpg</span><span style="font-size:36px;">VS</span><span>http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w373/thefedorfan/Findlay%20OFarraday_zpsegil6d4u.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Coleman came into this match with a brilliant strategy. He let Findlay O’Farraday have the first fall. No, he didn’t let Findlay pin him, nor did he just easily submit. Instead, Coleman illegally used a steel chair to batter O’Farraday’s legs, softening him up for Coleman’s vast array of leg locks. It gave Findlay the one fall advantage, but took a lot out of him, giving Coleman a potentially easy shot at winning two straight falls. Not long after battering O’Farraday’s legs with the steel chair, Al Coleman locks on his Ankle Brace submission in the middle of the ring, forcing O’Farraday to tap. The match is now even at one fall a piece. The crowd boos the hell out of Al Coleman and his effective, but dirty strategy. After the mandatory rest between falls, Coleman goes right back after Findlay’s leg again. He again locks on the Ankle Brace, but this time, O’Farraday escapes the hold, gets back to his feet and Atomic Spinebusters Coleman, giving himself a respite. In the final 5 minutes, a victory for either man is teased a few times, all the while Findlay O’Farraday is fighting through the pain. The adrenaline carries Findlay long enough to plant Coleman with a second Atomic Spinebuster, picking up the three count, the win and the shot at Matthew Sparrow’s Coastal Championship. (67)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall Show Rating:</strong> 62</p><p>


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CZCW Flight of the Sparrow


Saturday Week 1 October 2015

3,990 at Gorski Ball Room


The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe Gilbert) vs. UK Dragon and Too Hot



On one side of this match, we have one of the more established teams in all of pro wrestling, The Gilbert Brothers, while on the other side we have one of the most bizarre pairings I’ve ever seen in UK Dragon and Too Hot. UK Dragon and Too Hot acted as the fun faces, while The Gilbert Brothers received a “warm” Canadian welcome from the crowd for their less than legal tactics. The result lived up to expectation, as the twin brothers overcome the random pairing. (53)


Coastal Zone Masked Championship Match:

Insane Machine vs. Chess Maniac



THIS is the way you introduce a new title. Chess Maniac and Insane Machine have great chemistry and were allowed nearly 20 minutes to put on an excellent match. Brent Hill ends up coming out, distracting Insane Machine. Chess Maniac then hits Machine with the Check Mate for the win, becoming the first ever CZCW Masked Champion. (64)


We shift over to an odd sight, the very sexy Krissy (Krissy Angelle) walking two lumberjack looking men to the ring.




Krissy: I’d like to introduce you all to Finn and Forrest, The Yukon Boys! Being lumberjacks by trade, they really have an obsession with…wood, which is something I can relate to.


Krissy smiles coyly while fans around the arena whistle. (68)


The Yukon Boys (Finn and Forrest) vs. The Good Ol’ Boys (Bobby Wright and Roy Butler)



After Krissy’s introduction, it was all downhill. This match was an absolute dumpster fire. The Yukon Boys go over, but I’m not sure either of these duos have an ounce of in ring talent. (24)


After the match, The Yukon Boys live up to their reputation for their love of wood, putting Roy Butler and Bobby Wright through tables. The fans couldn’t even really get interested in a couple of table spots after the terrible match they just watched though. (19)


Citizen X makes an announcement from his office.




Citizen X: CZCW’s Coastal Championship hasn’t exactly had the most active scene the past few months. I’m looking to change that, not only with the Findlay O’Farraday/Matthew Sparrow match later tonight, but by also determining a number one contender tonight. Tonight, there are three matches that I will be looking at closely. These matches are the triple threat match between Sayeed Ali, Mobstar and Hector Galindo, the match between Al Coleman and Colossus and the match between Greg and Matthew Keith. Whoever impresses me most out of these three matches becomes the #1 contender. (40)


Triple Threat Elimination Match:

Hector Galindo vs. Mobstar vs. Sayeed Ali



While this was a solid match, it really just served the purpose of putting Sayeed Ali in a huge way. While Galindo and Mobstar did get in some offense, Ali ended up eliminating both Hector Galindo and Mobstar himself. Ali certainly made a case for himself in this match to become the number one contender. (59)


Backstage, Carl Batch is talking with Storm.




Carl Batch: Hey man, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.


Storm: Sure, what is it?


Carl Batch: I, like everyone else, has been watching you this past month and I’ve got to say: I was wrong about you. First, you go out there and beat your longtime friend Marvel Malloy, ending his career in CZCW. Then, you beat Colossus straight up. That’s one hell of a month my man!


Storm: Thanks. I’m just trying to show everyone what I already know. I’m a champion.


Carl Batch: Oh I believe it. Storm, what do you think about me being your manager?


Storm: I don’t need a manager.


Carl Batch: That’s where you and I disagree. EVERYBODY needs a manager. You see, talent will get you places in this world, but if you don’t know the right people, everyone else might not even know that you are talented. That’s where my services as a manager come in. I can get you the right relationships to get you what you want. You know what? Let me prove it to you. What is something you want around here?


Storm: I want Sparrow in a match. Make him pay for what he did to me.


Carl Batch: Done.


Storm: Really?


Carl Batch: Yeah. So what do you say? Need a manager now?


Storm: If you get me a match with Sparrow, you can definitely be my manager. (47)


“The Dread Pirate” Edwin Danes vs. Felipe Caballero



Edwin Danes gets introduced, some sort of pirate character. Other than that, just a typical debut squash match for “The Dread Pirate”. (52)


Al Coleman vs. Colossus



This is a good bit of matchmaking, as neither one of these guys have ever fought each other and both guys are coming off of big losses. Coleman tried to employ the strategy that Storm used so successfully, but just wasn’t quite quick enough to make it happen. Colossus punished Coleman with brutal slams and ferocious strikes, but Coleman just kept hanging in there, really wanting to get back into the win column. In the end, Colossus hits Coleman with a humongous powerbomb to put him away. Impressive showing from Colossus, but it remains to be seen whether or not it was title shot worthy. (55)


Johnny “Ant-Man” Heizenger vs. Mutant



Heizenger came up short in his debut match against Mutant, but that tremendous body slam that he delivered to the near 400 pounder really left an imprint in everyone’s minds and so he got a rematch. It obviously left an imprint in Mutant’s mind as well, as he absolutely came out and crushed “Ant-Man” from bell to bell, leaving no room for doubt as to who the better man is. Johnny wasn’t even able to duplicate his impressive slam from the first match before he was pinned. (37)


After the match, Mutant’s manager, Carl Batch, climbs up in to the ring to act as a hype man.


Carl Batch: In case any of you forgot, Mutant is the king of this wasteland! No so called Ant-Man or anybody else can stop him. And with Storm now under my wing, Carl Batch and company are going to be the most dominant force in CZCW! (50)


CZCW Xtreme Title Match:

KC Glenn vs. Spencer Spade




Spencer Spade definitely showed all of CZCW what he is about. He gave KC Glenn all he could handle and then some. That isn’t to say the champ was dominated, Spade just made this a dog fight. Unfortunately, this really excellent contest had a bit of a disappointing ending when Spencer Spade was disqualified for hitting Glenn with a steel chair in plain sight of the referee. Spade legitimately seemed surprised that he couldn’t do that. So while this match didn’t have the definitive ending we were looking for, I’m sure they will settle the score in the near future and we get to see even more excellent matches between these two in the future. (70)


Flash Savage vs. Matty Faith



After Flash Savage caused Faith to lose his first ever CZCW match, this match was made. Much like the Good Ol’ Boys/Yukon Boys bout earlier, this match was a stinker between two CZCW newcomers. Faith has the athletic stamina of a world of Warcraft player, as he showed signs of tiring in this match, despite it only being 6 or 7 minutes. While it is tempting to hitch the wagon to Chrisitan Faith’s son, CZCW may need to pump the breaks and actually allow him to develop before giving him any serious involvement in the product. (33)


Matthew Keith vs. Greg Keith



This match essentially turned in to a one-upmanship contest. A match of anything you can do, I can do better. It was quite enjoyable watching twin brothers who know each other so well keep raising the bar in a competitive environment to win and get the bragging rights. Like the Glenn/Spade match earlier, this match unfortunately did not have the satisfying end it possibly could have. The match concluded with Matthew Keith hitting Greg with a German Suplex bridge pin combo. He got the three count, but his shoulders were also on the match, making the match a draw. (68)


CZCW Coastal Championship:

Matthew Sparrow vs. Findlay O’Farraday




After several wins against glorified jobbers, we finally get to see Sparrow in a real championship match. He performed better than many thought he would, but he also validated what many thought of him going in: He’s not a top tier wrestler. Sparrow gave O’Farraday his entire arsenal and then some, but Findlay was still left standing. In the end, O’Farraday blasts Sparrow with an Atomic Spinebuster to win the title! (60)


Overall Show Rating: 61

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CZCW New Reign


Saturday Week 2 October 2015

3,964 at Gorski Ball Room


We open the show with a shot of Colossus, Sayeed Ali, Matthew Keith and Greg Keith all in Citizen X’s office.




Citizen X: I know I said whoever had the most impressive performance last show would get the title shot against Findlay O’Farraday, but you all raised the bar so high it is impossible to say who did the best. Colossus, your destruction of Al Coleman was a treat to watch. Sayeed Ali, you eliminated both of your opponents single handedly in a triple threat match. Matthew and Greg, neither of you ended up winning your match, but you put on one hell of a performance, worthy of recognition. So, instead of just arbitrarily and unfairly deciding who was “best”, I’m going to put the four of you in a fatal four way tonight. The winner gets the shot against Findlay. May the best man win.


El Mitico Jr. vs. Extraordinario Jr. vs. The American Flash vs. Silver Tiger vs. UK Dragon




As is often the case in American pro wrestling, many of the masked guys just end up getting thrown together in match ups over and over again. This is no different, as we get the rare five way match to kick off this CZCW show with the winner getting a shot at Chess Maniac’s Masked Championship. Now, all match making criticisms aside, this was a pretty good match. All of these guys can go and they did produce some pretty good spots and got the crowd going. In the end, CZCW newcomer, Silver Tiger, picked up the victory. (58)


Carl Batch enters Citizen X’s office with Storm in tow.




Carl Batch: Hey X, I got a proposition for ya, chief.


Citizen X: What is it Batch?


Carl Batch: My man Storm here REALLY wants a match with your old Sparrow friend.


Citizen X: Oh yeah? And why should I make that match?


Carl Batch: Well…word on the street is, Sparrow’s easy days are over and there is no one on the CZCW roster that will give Mr. Matthew a tougher match than Storm.


Citizen X: Alright. Consider it done. Next show, Sparrow and Storm go one on one. (46)


Hector Galindo vs. Lug Phelan




Lug Phelan had an impressive debut, but this win is definitely more impressive. Hector Galindo may not be a top dog in CZCW, but he’s certainly a tough out. Lug Phelan made him look easy with this beat down though. (47)


Al Coleman: Tonight, whoever is across the ring from me is the unluckiest son of a bitch known to mankind, ‘cause I’m going to break every bone in his body until there is nothing left to break! (53)


Al Coleman vs. Felipe Caballero




Coleman doesn’t quite live up to his promise, but this was certainly a brutal performance to watch. He manhandled Caballero throughout and easily could’ve finished him at multiple points throughout the match, but wanted to keep inflicting punishment. Finally, Caballero taps to an ankle lock, but even then Coleman wouldn’t let go. Finally, Coleman releases the hold but continues inflicting damage on Caballero for another minute before finally leaving the ring. (60)


Backstage, Spencer Spade is on the mic.




Spencer Spade: Honestly, I’m shocked by my disqualification in last week’s match against KC Glenn. I mean, it is called the Xtreme title isn’t it? How can I be disqualified fighting in a match for the Xtreme title? KC Glenn owes me another shot at the belt, except this time it will be in a match fitting of the title. No rules, no DQ, and no hope for a successful title defense for the champ. See ya soon, “champ”. (54)


Canadian Dragon and The Gilbert Brothers vs. La Sombra Jr and The Night Terrors




This match actually had some tension between the two sides. La Sombra Jr. has obvious problems with Canadian Dragon’s “Canadian superiority” attitude, attacking him last week despite the two being partners. The Night Terrors also have obvious beef with The Gilberts, as it was The Gilberts that cost Babau and Moroi a chance to regain their tag team titles. For much of this match, Moroi was isolated by the Canadians, but he was eventually able to get the hot tag to La Sombra Jr who cleared the ring. La Sombra Jr. then got the pin on Canadian Dragon, winning his team the match. (58)


The CZCW Tag Team Champions, Rich & Famous, are in Citizen X’s office backstage.


Citizen X: I called you boys back here to inform you that however long your title reign is, it will be nothing like your first reign. That’s right, I’m aware of your contract shenanigans that allowed you to hold those belts for months on end without ever really defending them. Well that isn’t happening this time around. In fact…your first title defense is…next!


Jackpot Jordan: What?!?! That’s not fair!


Jake Idol: Who is it against?


Citizen X: The Ring Generals. I believe you two have history? Didn’t they almost end your last reign?


Jackpot Jordan: You wish.


Jake Idol: We will handle them just like we did the first time around. Easily. (48)


CZCW Tag Team Championship Match:

Rich & Famous (Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan) vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler)





The Ring Generals were brought in almost a year ago to try and take the titles off of Rich & Famous in a one off appearance, but failed because of the champs rampant cheating. I would love to tell you this match was a different story, but pretty much went to the exact same script. The Ring Generals tried to implement their blue collar and law abiding wrestling style while Rich & Famous cheated every time the referees eyes glanced away from the action. In the end, the champs retain their titles. (61)


On his way out to the ring, Johnny “Ant-Man” Heizenger talks to the fans and his opponent a little bit.


Johnny Heizenger: Both me and my opponent, Matty Faith, came into CZCW with a lot of hype. We’ve both fallen a little flat in our first few appearances, making the fans greatly question our hype. Well tonight, Matty, I’m going to complete kill everyone’s expectations of Christian Faith’s little boy while showing everyone that I just had a couple of off nights. So come on out here and get tossed around by a real wrestler! (36)


Matty Faith vs. Johnny Heizenger




Matty Faith continues to absolutely kill the crowd by bumbling around the ring like he has no idea what to do. Johnny tried to do his best to get at least a subpar match out of the legends son, but it just doesn’t really seem possible at this early stage of his career. In the end, Johnny gets in a few impressive slams and wins the match. (31)


Brent Hill vs. Insane Machine




After getting involved in each other’s matches and attacking each other backstage, finally, these two men go at it one-on-one in the ring. While nothing has ever been explicitly stated (Insane Machine is a man of few words) Machine started feuding with Brent Hill because he single handedly led to most of the top talent leaving for TCW. I think many expected this to be a prolonged feud, but I can’t really see a second match happening between these two with how decisive this bout was. Insane Machine beat the holy hell out of Brent Hill, bloodying the TCW representative in a merciless performance. Once Insane Machine decided he had enough, he pinned Brent Hill and won the match. (58)


Colossus vs. Greg Keith vs. Matthew Keith vs. Sayeed Ali




All four of these men feel they have a claim as number one contender for Findlay O’Farraday’s Coastal Championship and they looked to defend that claim in this match. Many of these men have had history with each other, which led to a bunch of interesting exchanges throughout the match. The beginning of the end started with Matthew Keith laying Ali out and going for the pin. Greg Keith then broke up the pin fall, took Matthew Keith out and went for the pin himself. One….Two….Thre…Matthew Keith breaks up Gregs pinfall attempt! The Keith Brothers then start brawling and the brawl spills to the outside of the ring. Colossus gets back into the ring just as Ali is starting to get back to his feet. Colossus goes for his signature chokeslam, but Ali is able to counter with A GBH Driver. One….Two…Three! Sayeed Ali wins the match for the number one contendership! (67)




After the match, the champ, Findlay O’Farraday, comes down to the ring to get a closer look at his opponent. They get right in each other’s face, almost nose to nose, but they don’t come to blows. (50)


Overall Show Rating: 63

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CZCW Hardcore Halloween


Saturday Week 3 October 2015

3,988 at Gorski Ball Room


CZCW Masked Championship Match:

Chess Maniac vs. Silver Tiger




As is often the case, the luchadors are sent out first thing to get the crowd warmed up with their exciting high flying moves and fast pace. Silver Tiger was a decent opponent, but in the end, was just no match for the athleticism and intelligence of Chess Maniac. Maniac gets his first CZCW Masked title defense. (62)


The Yukon Boys (Finn and Forrest) vs. California Love Machine and Flash Savage




Finn and Forrest are a couple of lumberjacks with impressive power, but not a lot in the way of actual wrestling talent. Meanwhile, on the other side of things, California Love Machine seems oblivious to the fact that Flash Savage has his eye on California Love Machine as more than just a friend. The Yukon Boys beat up and tossed Love Machine and Flash Savage around for about five minutes, but none of it was really all that entertaining. They pick up the win, but get almost no reaction from the crowd. (27)


After the match, The Yukon Boys manager Krissy gets on the mic.




Krissy: No hard feelings boys. We actually all have something in common. Finn and Forrest love wood. I LOVE wood. And you two look like you’re quite fond of wood too! Hahaha! (44)


Finn and Forrest then put both CLM and Flash Savage through tables. This really showed how little the crowd care about these two, as not even a double table spot really got a reaction. (19)


Max Mayhem vs. Mobstar




This is definitely one of those matchups with absolutely zero meaning behind it other than a good athletic contest to entertain the fans. The newcomer Max Mayhem showed well, but Mobstar just ended up being a bit too much and came away with the victory. (58)


Mutant vs. T-Bone Bright




During the match, the commentators put over the fact that T-Bone Bright went up against guys Mutants size all the time back in his football playing days, so the fear factor that often came into play when coming up against Mutant just wouldn’t play a part in this match. Whether that was true or not, T-Bone still came up short. T-Bone tried to hit Mutant with some stiff offense, but the big man just wouldn’t budge. In the end, Mutant gets another win on his record. (42)


Too Hot vs. Cobra




This is kind of an odd squash match to put on, as Too Hot hasn’t been getting a real push since coming to CZCW. (50)




After the match, “The Dread Pirate” Edwin Danes attacked Too Hot just as he was about to start his victory dance. (21)


Ace Youngblood vs. La Sombra Jr.




La Sombra gets a showcase match against Ace Youngblood. It wasn’t quite a squash, but Ace really didn’t get much of an opportunity to get any offense in. (44)


Colossus vs. The Good Ol’ Boys (Bobby Wright and Roy Butler)




After coming up short at his bid for becoming number one contender, Colossus was put in to this handicap match against the Good Ol Boys. It is hard to say who to feel sorry in this match, as even though Colossus was outnumbered 2 to 1, he certainly wasn’t outgunned. Colossus destroyed the Good Ol’ Boys en route to a dominating victory. (34)


Matthew Sparrow vs. Storm




This match ended up being a bit of a head scratcher, as the show is entitled Hardcore Halloween, but this match ended in a DQ. Up until that point, Storm was giving Sparrow the business. Really making him pay for manipulating him into getting Sparrow the commissioner spot. Regular wrestling moves weren’t enough for Storm however. The former American Cobra got a steel chair and whacked Sparrow over the head with it, technically losing the match. The ref tried to get Storm to lay off, but he hit Sparrow several more times with the steel chair before finally going back to the locker room. (50)


Hardcore Match for the CZCW Xtreme Championship:

KC Glenn vs. Spencer Spade





Spencer Spade got his wish. A no rules, do whatever you want bout against KC Glenn for his championship. KC Glenn didn’t really get what he wanted. A one on one contest between he and Spade to determine who is better while also putting on a show for the fans. Don’t get me wrong. Spade and Glenn put on a hell of a match. The end just wasn’t as decisive as either man probably would’ve liked. Just as it looked like Glenn finally had Spade beat, Lug Phelan made his appearance, laying the champion out with a steel chair shot. Phelan then dragged the almost lifeless body of Spade over Glenn, with the ref having to count to 3. Spencer Spade is the new CZCW Xtreme Champion. (66)


Overall Show Rating: 60

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CZCW No Mercy


Saturday Week 1 November 2015

3,687 at Gorski Ball Room


Spencer Spade comes out with a big ol’ smile on his face and the CZCW Xtreme title draped over his shoulder.




Spencer Spade: As you can see, I am now the CZCW Xtreme Champion. KC Glenn defended the title 5 times before falling to me, so I assume my first defense will be against him. So KC, come on out here. How do you want to lose your rematch?


KC Glenn comes out.




KC Glenn: Spencer, while I didn’t want things to go down the way they did, I have to congratulate you and move on from the CZCW Xtreme Title. As has been pointed out, I’m not really an Xtreme kinda guy. When I won the belt it was the only title that wasn’t being treated like a joke, so I did the best with what I could. I wanted to raise the prestige of the belt, and I think me and my challengers did that. So while I would love to come back at you and Phelan, I don’t want to tie up a belt and take away hardcore wrestling from the CZCW fans.


Spencer Spade: So that’s it then?


KC Glenn: That’s it. (69)


Spencer Spade: Well in that case, I would like to call Lug Phelan out here for assisting me in my championship victory.


Lug Phelan obliges, coming down to the ring. Spade is about to start talking when Lug rudely rips the microphone out of his hands.




Lug Phelan: Get one thing straight pretty boy. Me and you? We aren’t on the same team. Yeah I helped you win the belt. But that was for the same reason I did this…


Lug Phelan clocks Spade over the head with the microphone, causing feedback to fill the arena.


Lug Phelan: KC Glenn isn’t Xtreme! Spencer Spade isn’t Xtreme! Lug Phelan IS Xtreme! And tonight, I’m giving the Xtreme title a worthy shoulder to rest on. See ya tonight, Spence! (52)


The Gilbert Brothers (Joe and Jesse Gilbert) vs. The Night Terrors (Babau and Moroi)




Our first match of the evening is a grudge match between two of the best tag teams in the company. The commentators drop the bomb that this match is for the number one contendership for Rich & Famous’ tag team titles. This was a back and forth competitive bout, but it really never got the momentum going that it needed. There were a few near falls for both sides, but The Gilbert Brothers are the ones who end up taking home the victory. (50)


Extraordinario Jr. vs. Matty Faith




This match on paper should’ve been interesting. Two young members of high profile wrestling families going at it. Unfortunately, it seems Matty Faith can’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag. Extraordinario does his best to put on an entertaining bout, but he just can’t overcome his opponents lack of skills. He does pick up the victory for his efforts though. (37)


Johnny Heizenger: T-Bone Bright is another one of these musclebound idiots that think the only way to go through life is to be so unnecessarily muscular that he can’t even put his arms down at his sides. T-Bone, it’s all about muscles that have a function, not looking like a body builder. Take me for instance. Do I look anywhere near as strong as you. Not really. But will I still toss your ass around the ring like nothing? You bet your ass I will. (41)


Johnny “Ant-Man” Heizenger vs. T-Bone Bright



This was a very old school match with rest holds and very little action other than a few slams from Heizenger and a couple shoulder tackles from T-Bone Bright. You know when I’m bringing up shoulder tackles as notable action, the match was BAD. Heizenger is the one who comes away with the victory. (36)


El Mitico Jr. vs. UK Dragon




Once again, two masked men are paired together for no reason other than the fact that they don’t show their face when they wrestle. A real lack of imagination is being shown by CZCW creative with these type of matchups. Rant aside, this was a solid match up. The young up and coming luchador in El Mitico facing off against the old dog UK Dragon. Dragon showed El Mitico a thing or two, but in the end, the much younger and more athletic El Mitico Jr. pulled off the victory. (56)


Al Coleman comes out to the center of the ring, mic in hand.


Al Coleman: I love how everyone in CZCW gets a free ride except for me. I would love to be that doofus Chess Maniac and just be handed my own title. He gets his own title because he’s too afraid to show his face when he wrestles? What a joke! And he thinks he’s some sort of god of submissions? He’s obviously never been in the ring with me. I’ll snap bone after bone on that board game loving weirdo…


Chess Maniacs entrance music interrupts Coleman. Maniac comes out with the Masked title draped over his shoulder and his manager, Farrah Hasketh, by his side.


Al Coleman: What are you…




Farrah Hasketh: Shut up! Coleman, you are the most irritating, ugly person I’ve ever had the unpleasant task of being forced to be around. I mean, look at your hair. It looks like you picked up some roadkill and slopped it on top of your head. You look ridiculous, you make ridiculous comments and tonight, my client Chess Maniac, is going to beat you in a ridiculously short amount of time. (57)


Al Coleman vs. Chess Maniac




This was a pretty solid catch as catch can wrestling bout, with plenty of moves and counter moves. Chess Maniac got Coleman to tap to Coleman’s own specialty, the ankle lock, but the ref had been inadvertently knocked out just a little bit earlier in the match. Once the ref got back to his feet, Chess Maniac looked to finish Coleman off with his finisher, the Check Mate, but Coleman reversed into a roll up. Coleman also got some leverage into the roll up by putting is feet on the ropes, resulting in him getting a dirty victory. (62)


Mobstar: I’ve lost my way a bit here in CZCW, thanks to that dumbass Hector Galindo. But I’m done with that waste of time now and getting back to what I came here to do: prove GSW’s place as number 1 in the south west. I originally went after Mikey James…but he’s not exactly available to get beat up on anymore. Brent Hill also got involved, but that grandpa just got his ass kicked all over this arena by Insane Machine…which brings me to my point. Insane Machine has taken it upon himself to defend CZCW’s honor. So I’m going to take it upon myself to beat Insane Machine’s ass. (58)


Insane Machine vs. Mobstar




This was about as heated as a match without weapons and the standard wrestling rule set can get. Both of these guys went out to not only prove they were the better man, but also inflict punishment on their opponent. A well timed low blow by Mobstar led to a huge change of momentum, allowing him to hit his finisher and win the match. (62)


CZCW Xtreme Championship Match:

Spencer Spade vs. Lug Phelan





Lug Phelan wanted to inject some hardcore wrestling back into the Xtreme title picture and he did exactly that in this match. He brought down some weapons of his own, fetched a few from under the ring and even took a weapon from a fan to use on Spencer Spade in this match. Spade, obviously not the creatively violent type that Lug seems to be, still managed to fight off Phelan’s attacks, though he ended up bloodied and battered. In the end, Spencer Spade’s title reign only lasts a couple weeks, as Lug Phelan pins him following a huge powerbomb through a table. (66)


La Sombra Jr. vs. Felipe Caballero







Last Man Standing Match:

Matthew Sparrow vs. Storm




Storm got disqualified in their prior meeting, but there wouldn’t be any such reprieve this time around. We saw a side that most of us didn’t think Storm really had in him. A violent, determined animal, set out to destroy Sparrow. Storm made what Lug Phelan did earlier in the night look like child’s play, with the sadistic and extreme measures Storm went to take Sparrow out. In the end, Storm not only gets his revenge, but puts himself in position for more high profile matches with his absolute destruction of the former CZCW Coastal champ. (57)


We get a short video package, highlighting CZCW’s first ever foray outside of the southwestern US, as just two weeks from tonight, CZCW goes to the Northwest! Highlighted on the card is a title match between Findlay O’Farraday and Sayeed Ali and a match between Colossus and Brent Hill. (45)


30 Minute Iron Man Match:

Greg Keith vs. Matthew Keith




With a great Xtreme Championship match and a brutal Last Man Standing match earlier in the night, it was hard to imagine the Keith Brothers Iron Man match would be able to stand out, but boy did it ever. In the first 20 minutes, each brother was able to pick up a fall. With about five minutes left to go, Matthew Keith picked up a second fall and started to, very astutely, use time wasting maneuvers like rolling out of the ring and avoiding engaging with his brother. With a little more than a minute left, Greg was able to catch his brother with a huge clothesline and then lock on a boston crab submission. Matthew Keith held out as long as he could, but he just couldn’t make it to the bell and had to tap. After 30 minutes, the match ended in a 2-2 draw, once again showing just how even these twin brothers are. (73)


Overall Show Rating: 68

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Just wanted to say I overlooked this dynasty for months....it's probably because I'm attracted by pretty colors. Anyway I started reading at the point where you included the pictures and I have to say this is pretty good! I kind of always wanted to play CZCW and you just officially talked me into it the way your booking this.
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Just wanted to say I overlooked this dynasty for months....it's probably because I'm attracted by pretty colors. Anyway I started reading at the point where you included the pictures and I have to say this is pretty good! I kind of always wanted to play CZCW and you just officially talked me into it the way your booking this.


Thanks! I almost considered going back and prettying up those first 20 or so shows because I feel like a lot of people click on this dynasty and nope right out when they just see a giant wall of text.

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CZCW Going Up


Saturday Week 3 November 2015

223 at Club X


For the most part, CZCW treated this expansion show into the northwest like most companies would treat a house show. Not a ton of development storyline wise or matches with much reason behind them, so this review of the show won’t be the most detailed write up you’ve ever seen. If I don’t write anything, but a match rating, it is because nothing of note happened and a match rating gives you a fairly accurate picture of what happened in the match. Anyways…


“The Dread Pirate” Edwin Danes starts the show off with a very ironic promo, explaining why he attacked Too Hot last month. The Pirate claimed that Too Hot is just too goofy and out there to ever become popular in pro wrestling (This coming from a man that dresses and talks like a pirate) (37)


“The Dread Pirate” Edwin Danes vs. Too Hot




The match itself was about as old school as it gets, with the fun baby face going up against the heel pirate. Danes did everything he could to get the crowd to boo, all while stifling Too Hot’s offense. Too Hot got his big second wind comeback, but Danes ends up leveling him and winning the match anyway. (47)


Finn defeats Ace Youngblood





Backstage, it becomes apparent that Flash Savage was spending so much time around California Love Machine because he was interested in being more than just friends. California gets pissed at Flash Savage for thinking he is gay and it leads to a brawl between the two men. (40)


Silver Tiger defeats Cobra





California Love Machine vs. Flash Savage




If you believe the dirt sheets, it CZCW originally planned to pair these two up as a tag team going by the name of “Confirmed Bachelors” where Flash Savage is obviously gay and interested in CLM, but CLM is oblivious to his advances and thinks he is just being a good friend. Unfortunately, they have horrendous chemistry tagging up, so the storyline had to be nipped in the bud. Newcomer Flash Savage goes over long time CZCW competitor CLM, which makes me wonder how much longer California has in the company. (53)


Max Mayhem defeats Forrest





Canadian Dragon vs. Hector Galindo




Hector is the latest of many to find offense with Canadian Dragons “Canadian Supremacy” ideals. Galindo picks up the win, but it remains to be seen whether or not it will lead to anything significant. (46)


The Ring Generals defeat The Good Ol’ Boys





Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol badmouth their upcoming challengers for their titles, The Gilbert Brothers, in a short pre-taped promo. (46)


Mutant defeats The American Flash





Farrah Hasketh cuts a promo, putting over Colossus and making fun of Brent Hill, primarily for his age. (48)


Brent Hill vs. Colossus




I think Colossus expected to roll through Brent Hill, but the old TCW vet put up one hell of a fight against the giant. Eventually, a big chokeslam put Hill away, giving Colossus a nice victory to put on his resume. (59)


CZCW Coastal Championship Match:

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Sayeed Ali




This was a decent match, but it was held back by the fact that it wasn’t a no dq contest. Both of these men can thrive in hardcore environments, so it was a bit odd that they had just a straight up one on one match. The champ makes a successful first defense of his belt in convincing fashion. (51)


Overall Show Rating: 51

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CZCW Thanksgiving Treaty


Saturday Week 4 November 2015

3971 at Gorski Ballroom




Citizen X: Tonight is a special night of wrestling. Sometimes, companies like to have unlikely partners team up to see if they can co-exist. Tonight, they must co-exist in the spirit of Thanksgiving! Tonight will host a series of team based, elimination matches where good teamwork pays and betrayal will be heavily punished. Welcome to CZCW Thanksgiving Treaty! (60)


(Word on the street is that Citizen X believes by pushing mainstream values, like celebrating Thanksgiving, and having specialized, themed shows that CZCW can garner more attention and possibly even get a TV deal)


Canadian Dragon, The American Flash and La Sombra Jr. vs. Johnny “Ant-Man” Heizenger, Matty Faith and Mutant




On one side of this match, we have a Canadian supremacist who has to team up with a man who literally has the American flag over his face and another who covers his mouth with the colors of Mexico. Johnny Heizenger is the problem member of the other team, having had disputes with both Matty Faith and Mutant in the past. The match started out well enough, but Canadian Dragon just couldn’t stop himself from berating his teammates from the ring apron. Telling them what they could’ve done better or how they should be wrestling. Well eventually, La Sombra Jr. has had enough and “tags” Canadian Dragon into the match by tossing him into the ring. Dragon does well, eliminating Matty Faith. Canadian Dragon goes to tag La Sombra Jr. in, but he drops off the ring apron, so Canadian Dragon has to tag in American Flash. While Canadian Dragon and La Sombra bicker, American Flash is getting whooped by Mutant, eventually being eliminated. La Sombra Jr. refuses to enter the match after the elimination, forcing Canadian Dragon once again to become the legal man. Before Dragon could even engage the opponent, La Sombra Jr. hit him from behind with his finisher. Johnny Heizenger takes the easy pinfall, quickly making the match 2-on-1. La Sombra Jr. decides he wants no part in the match and leaves, being counted out by the referee to a chorus of boos. Johnny Heizenger and Mutant are the remaining members of the winning team. (43)


Before La Sombra Jr. could even exit the arena, an irate Citizen X meets him at the top of the entrance ramp.


Citizen X: Not 10 minutes ago I got done talking about how tonight, betrayal would be heavily punished and what do you do? You screw your team out of the match and screw these fans out of a good, competitive opening bout. I can’t believe this! La Sombra Jr, I’m going to make an example out of you. For the next year, I’m going to make your life in CZCW a living hell. Hope your little squabble with Canadian Dragon was worth it! (34)


Babau, Bobby Wright, Dean Waldorf, Finn and Max Mayhem vs. Moroi, Roy Butler, Marv Statler, Forrest and Ace Youngblood





This 5 on 5 elimination bout had the interesting dynamic of not only forcing many of the CZCW tag team members to team up, but also had the possibility of regular tag team partners going at it. This match was fought at a quick pace with quick eliminations, while also trying to give as much time to shine to each of the guys as they could. Bobby Wright and Roy Butler ended up sharing the distinction of first elimination after their wild brawl on the outside led to both Good Ol’ Boys being counted out. Waldorf, Babau, Finn and Mayhem then proved to be the superior team, running off three straight eliminations. Dean Waldorf got rid of Ace Youngblood, Babau got rid of Forrest and Max Mayhem pinned Marv Statler, leaving just Moroi to oppose them. Moroi did put up some minor resistance, even eliminating Finn, but he did eventually succumb, leaving Babau, Dean Waldorf and Max Mayhem as the remaining members of the winning team. (44)


Brent Hill, Matthew Sparrow and Storm vs. Al Coleman, Chess Maniac and Colossus




Storm has obvious problems with Matthew Sparrow and Brent Hill, both of whom were involved in a plot that duped Storm into betraying his lifelong friend and tag team partner, Marvel Malloy, in return for absolutely nothing. Like most people in CZCW, both Chess Maniac and Colossus have had dust ups with Al Coleman and continue to have unresolved issues with the self-proclaimed submission ace. What may be a bit unfair is that Chess Maniac and Colossus are a somewhat makeshift tag team themselves, being brought together by their manager Farrah Hasketh under the umbrella of Triple Threat. Storm ended up being the workhorse for his team, both because of his drive to prove himself against the top talent in the company and because Brent Hill and Matthew Sparrow were pretty content to allow him to take a beating until he decided to tag out. The other side had some tension, but formed a much more fluid trio, tagging in and out of the match, softening Storm up.


Storm eventually needed a respite, so he tagged in the lesser of two evils in his mind, Brent Hill. Hill comes out full steam ahead, looking to avenge his loss against Colossus, but overextends himself at every turn, allowing the giant to get consistent counters and slam Hill around with ease. After just a short time in the match, Colossus gets the pin on Brent Hill. Storm comes right back in and gives Colossus hell. Al Coleman blind tags in and turns the tide of the battle. Sparrow, having had a bit of a rivalry with Coleman over the past few years, tags in the first time as well. Sparrow and Coleman go at it for a few minutes, resulting in Coleman eliminating the former champion, leaving just the young Storm against Coleman, Colossus and Chess Maniac. Storm really had no shot at winning, but he was able to get a bit of a moral victory and eliminate Al Coleman. Colossus ends up picking a bit of revenge, avenging his earlier loss to Storm and winning his team the match. (60)


California Love Machine, Flash Savage, Edwin Danes, Too Hot and El Mitico Jr. vs. Extraordinario Jr, Silver Tiger, T-Bone Bright, UK Dragon and Felipe Caballero






I know Thanksgiving seems to be all about gluttony, but this is just absolute worthless filler. Well, I guess I can’t say worthless as there are some talented workers in this match who tried to save this match, but it still ended up being instantly forgettable. El Mitico Jr. ends up being the lone survivor, winning his team the match. (48)


KC Glenn, Greg Keith and Matthew Keith vs. Insane Machine, Mobstar and Hector Galindo




This match was interesting on paper, but ended up being kind of unfair in retrospect. Of course, KC Glenn, Greg Keith and Matthew Keith have all been tag partners and were former members of the F.O.B. (Future of the Business). They may have gone their separate ways and had their issues, but you couldn’t really tell in this match. Glenn and The Keith Brothers put on a real show, tagging fluidly and dominating their less cohesive opponents. Throughout the match, there was a side story with the Keith Brothers looking to one up each other. One would execute a move and look to his corner with a big grin, the other would tag in and do an even more impressive maneuver. This cycle continued and the former F.O.B. end up getting a clean sweep, with each of them picking up an elimination. (67)


After the match, the Keith Brothers stand toe to toe. Despite teaming up well, they still have unfinished business left to settle in the near future. (61)


Findlay O’Farraday, Sayeed Ali, Jake Idol and Jesse Gilbert vs. Spencer Spade, Lug Phelan, Joe Gilbert and Jackpot Jordan




This match pits the Coastal Champion and challenger, along with what many consider the better halves of the two best tag teams in CZCW against the Xtreme champion and challenger as well as the “lesser” halves of the two best tag teams in CZCW. This created an “obvious” favorite team against an “obvious” underdog team, but things didn’t quite play out like that. Findlay O’Farraday started the match against Lug Phelan, with a hard hitting battle occurring between the two. Lug Phelan’s team made the first tag…and the second…and the third. The “underdog” team rotated out, all while weakening the Coastal champion and isolating him from his team mates. Lug Phelan gets back in against Findlay and shockingly makes him the first elimination, although it did take all four men on his team to take him down. Sayeed Ali comes out and fends Phelan off, forcing him to tag out. He then picks up the first elimination for his team, taking out Joe Gilbert.


With the match 3 on 3, Jackpot Jordan comes out to take on Sayeed Ali. Jordan holds his own and even forces Ali to tag out to Jesse Gilbert. Jordan then not only gives his team to 3 to 2 advantage, but completely eliminates his rivals, the Gilbert Brothers, from the match. Jake Idol and Spencer Spade then go at it, with Idol eventually taking Spade out, evening it back up and making it a regular two on two tag match, with 3 of the four men being members of the short lived Royal Flush faction. Lug Phelan ends up being eliminated, but can take solace in the fact that he had an awesome performance. Idol looks to tag out, but Ali tells him to just fight, even though Jackpot is usually his partner. While Idol is talking to Ali, Jordan sneaks up from behind and rolls Idol up for the three count, getting a surprise elimination on his partner. Idol chastises Jordan for doing that and Ali comes in and attacks Jordan from behind. The final two men didn’t have the dramatic flair that you would usually expect, as Ali just came out and cleaned Jackpot’s clock for a couple minutes and then hit him with a GBH driver…except Jordan slipped out of the GBH driver, quickly hit Ali with his finishing maneuver and then draped his arm over Ali for the shock three count. The “underdogs” win and Jackpot Jordan is the lone survivor. Inconceivable! (65)


After Jordan got his time in the sun to celebrate arguably the biggest win of his career, the camera cuts backstage to Citizen X.


Citizen X: I would like to thank all of you…well…almost all of you, for showing up tonight, competing in the spirit of Thanksgiving and putting on a great show for the CZCW fans! Like I said at the top of the show, good teamwork pays and tonight it pays in the form of “Thanksgiving wishes”. A single use wish that can get you whatever you want in CZCW, as long as it is within my power. So who is the lucky team that showed the best teamwork tonight? I think we can all agree that KC Glenn and The Keith Brothers showed an amazing ability to put their differences aside for tonight to work together towards the common goal of defeating their opponents. So congratulations to those 3 and good night to everybody else! (53)

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CZCW The Conclusion


Saturday Week 1 December 2015

3853 at Gorski Ballroom


Finally, the better Keith brother will be decided. Part of tonight’s double main event, we will see a brother versus brother I Quit match. No more ties, no more draws, one man quits and one man wins. But we start out the evening with some dancing from Too Hot. (42)


Too Hot vs. Silver Tiger




A fun quick paced opener between two fan favorites. Both guys got in their offense and neither guy really came out of the match looking the worse for wear. Eventually, Silver Tiger did come away with the victory. (59)


CZCW Tag Team Championship:

Rich & Famous (Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan) vs. The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe Gilbert)




After several minutes of action, Jackpot Jordan got up to his dishonorable acts, bringing his betting money briefcase into the ring and clocking Joe Gilbert over the head with it while the referee was distracted. In defense of his brother, Jesse grabbed his hockey stick and cracked it over Jordan’s head. Unfortunately for the Gilberts, the ref saw Jesse’s actions and disqualified the challengers. (67)


Submission Match:

Al Coleman vs. Chess Maniac




Coleman did win their first match, but a victory via illegal leverage roll up isn’t exactly something for someone entitled “Mr. Submission” to brag about. Chess Maniac also fancies himself a submission specialist, so it is just natural to have them face off in a submission only bout to see who is truly the submission savant. Much like the first match, this was a catch as catch can, quick counter bout with plenty of submission attempts. In the end, Chess Maniac ends up picking up the victory. Coleman clearly tapped, but tried to create controversy by arguing with the ref after the match, claiming he never tapped. (53)


CZCW Xtreme Championship Match:

Lug Phelan vs. Spencer Spade




Unnecessary rematch is unnecessary. Phelan once again proves that with weapons involved, Spencer Spade just isn’t in his league. The match was good, but there wasn’t much behind it other than it being an obligatory title rematch. (67)


Backstage, the tag team champs have shit eating grins on their faces.


Jake Idol: Apparently, the Gilberts felt “cheated” tonight. Well, just like the great New England Patriots and my close personal friend, Tom Brady, you don’t win the championship without stretching the rules a little bit.


Jake Idol: Yeah! You dumb Canadians just need to go back home! Just like your beloved sport of hockey, you’ll always just be silly side attractions in this country. (61)


Ace Youngblood vs. Johnny "Ant-Man" Heizenger




This ends up being a relatively uneventful squash match where Ant-Man just tosses Youngblood around the ring for a few minutes before eventually pinning him. (36)


El Mitico Jr. vs. Extraodinario Jr.




While this was a good match, it still pisses me off that CZCW can’t come up with anything better for masked wrestlers other than endlessly facing each other. El Mitico wins the battle of generational youngsters, but both will probably just continue to be matched up with UK Dragon and Silver Tiger, no matter how much momentum they get going. (60)


KC Glenn vs. Storm




Storm looks to continue his hot streak against one of the best young talents in all of wrestling, KC Glenn. Meanwhile, Glenn just looks to distance himself from the CZCW Xtreme title picture and possibly challenge for the Coastal strap sometime in the near future. These two put on a fantastic match. It’s pretty hard to say who had the edge when Lug Phelan decided to get involved and sour the contest for everyone. Phelan clocks Glenn over the head with the CZCW Xtreme title belt and Storm picks up the win with a pinfall. Why the hell is Lug Phelan getting involved in Glenn’s affairs after Glenn said he was done with the Xtreme title? Weird. (72)


Tag Team Table Match:

The Yukon Boys (Finn and Forrest) vs. The Night Terrors (Babau and Moroi)




I think whatever push the Yukon Boys were getting is official over. They meet the Night Terrors in a match of their specialty and got swept. Both Yukon Boys were put through tables before even one of the Night Terrors tasted splinters. (35)


A highlight video of The Keith Brothers CZCW career plays, with an emphasis on their recent dead even feud. Their match is next! (58)


I Quit Match:

Greg Keith vs. Matthew Keith




This match was amazing. It continued their series of “anything you can do, I can do better matches”. Both brothers refused the notion of quitting, progressively getting more and more violent with each other to the point where they looked like they were physically trying to maim their own twin brother. Before things got too out of hand, Greg Keith shoved the microphone into his brothers face and Matthew Keith quit. Greg Keith wins!


Greg drops the microphone and immediately starts celebrating. The exhausted Matthew Keith picks up the microphone.


Matthew Keith: I want to use my wish! Restart this match!


With no hesitation, the match is resumed. Greg is caught off guard and finds himself attacked from behind and quickly locked up in a Boston crab. Out of habit, Greg Keith crawls to the ropes, looking for a rope break, but in this match, there is no way he is getting one. Matthew Keith sits lower and lower until it looks like he is going to snap his brother in half. Unable to escape and in excruciating pain, Greg Keith quits.


Matthew Keith releases the hold, but doesn’t drop his guard. His brother has a wish and he knows it. An injured Greg Keith slowly gets back to his feet, but instead of getting on the microphone and utilizing his wish, he rolls out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp. Matthew Keith picks up the microphone.


Matthew Keith: So that’s it Greg? You’re not going to use your wish? You are dumber than I thought!


Greg Keith snaps back with a microphone that he got from a member of the ring crew.


Greg Keith: You know Matthew, even if I was going to use my wish, I would use it to wish that we never fight again. We are brothers! We shouldn’t be fighting like this! You weren’t just trying to win, you were trying to shorten my career out there!


Matthew Keith: And that brother, is why I won. You’re soft. So while you find yourself stuck in mid card hell, I’ll be going on and winning more championships than I have shelves for. (70)


Hardcore Match for the CZCW Coastal Championship:

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Sayeed Ali




Ali asked the champ for a hardcore match and he got it. The fans got a much better match than the first one, Ali put up much more of a fight than he did in the first match, but in the end, the result was the same. Findlay O’Farraday weathered the storm and put Ali away, once again defending the belt. It will be interesting to see who will be up next for the fearsome O’Farraday. (72)


Overall Show Rating: 69


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