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War of the Worlds: Trust the Narcissist

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Pro Wrestling Unveiled

Saturday, Week 3 September, 1995








As proven by Lord Steven (now William) Regal's appearance on Raw, the WWF has successfully defended raids by securing hot targets like Sgt. Slaughter and Jeff Jarrett while nabbing several stars higher-than-lower on the WCW ladder. This is an embarrassment for Eric Bischoff, who's attempts at aggression towards talent-poaching have so far come up dry; recall the report we ran at the end of last month that private meetings had been held at Sting's residence between the executive and Lex Luger, who has obviously resigned with the World Wrestling Federation as well. With the WWF hyping a "major announcement" by kayfabe President Gorilla Monsoon on WWF Superstars for WWF Monday Night Raw, one can only imagine that another former-WCWer may make an appearance.






Four Horsemen Reunion?


Promotion for the October Week 1 Nitro in South Carolina has been advertising a 'Four Horsemen Reunion'. While this could mean any number of things, including a return of Tully Blanchard and Barry Windham for a major tag team match to a turn at Fall Brawl or even another showdown between Ric Flair and Arn Anderson, the reunion of WCW's (and before that, Jim Crockett Promotions') iconic stable is something to keep an eye out for.






The Long Road To Ron Simmons


In case you missed Nitro, Ron Simmons was unveiled as the fourth member of the Hulkamaniacs slated to compete with the Dungeon of Doom at Fall Brawl, but the story emerging is that of a super deal for the first black World Champion in the industry. Evidently the negotiations were so drawn out and down-to-the-wire that Eric Bischoff actually considered placing a call to former WWF Superstar "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, but the move was blocked by certain top-level stars. Ron Simmons is said to be contracted for main event-level pay and is exempt from any House Show requirements; however, the deal is also said to be shorter rather than longer.






Lawler Off Commentary


Jerry Lawler is said to have petitioned heavily to be taken off the bench so to speak, and unlike with Randy Savage Vince has conceded. Michael Hayes, working as Dok Hendrix, is slated to take over the color commentary for Raw in the near future while Vince McMahon secures a more long-term replacement. Sources suggest Lawler will more directly engage Bret Hart in their ongoing feud going forward.






Greenlight For Cruiserweights


In a followup to a mention in a previous edition, sources confirm that Eric Bischoff has been talking heavily about reviving the concept of a "Cruiserweight Division" in WCW, one to showcase smaller competitors. Bischoff is said to view it as the gateway to introducing a wider variety of competitors than what is currently seen in the United States, and the plan is to unveil the Division in the weeks leading up to what is arguably WCW's third biggest event of the year, Halloween Havoc.




Monday Night Ratings:

Nitro - 2.8

Raw - 2.3




WWF Superstars Results


1-2-3 Kid def. Hakushi

Goldust def. Duke Droese

The Smoking Gunns def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and William Regal

Bam Bam Bigelow def. King Kong Bundy



WCW Saturday Night Results


Terry Richards def. Dave Sullivan

Maxx Muscle def. Cobra

Dean Malenko def. Mr. JL

Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater def. The White Wings to retain the WCW World Tag Team Titles

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