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MAW: A New Era Begins

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[I]I'm going to be trying to keep this going in the CornellVerse using a mix of that database, DOTT storylines and angles as well as any I come up with on my own. Hope you enjoy:[/I] [B]PROLOGUE:[/B] After years on the standup comedy circuit, I was looking for something a little different where I could still use my writing skills. Having recently moved to the Carolinas, I happened upon an ad (on Craiglist of all places!) looking for a head booker for a very small local promotion called Mid Atlantic Wrestling. As a fan of pro wrestling since I was a kid, I was intrigued but figured it to be a joke. My meeting with owner Rip Chord (whom I had seen battle Sam Strong on many occasions, but this didn't seem to be the same guy as I saw thrill thousands in World Title bouts) went well and we were off to the races. First order of business was to shore up the talent and get a direction for the promotion. This included letting go some overpaid talent such as Marv Earnest, Karen Killer, Persophone, Nicole Kiss, Jay Fair. Some wrestlers were let go as well: Flash Savage and Fred Head (Titan). Some lower card workers such as Nomad, Brendon Idol and Leroy (The East Side Assasain) were brought in for cheap money per appearance. Another priority was declaring the MAW Tag Team Titles vacant. Money was tight and the focus would be put on making the Mid Atlantic Title a valuable commodity in the fans' eyes. Plus, once we grew and the promotion got to be a little more well known, a tag tournament for the vacant titles could be a nice draw and undercard story. With all of that out of the way, it was time to book the first show....One Night in December at Stanley Hall.
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[B]MAW One Night in December (Friday WK 4 12/06) - 65 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ----------------------------------------------------- [I]"So where's the referee?" "Huh? You mean Jay? We let him go, remember?" "Right, who did you get to replace him?" "Oh. Um....oh" Things are not looking good from the get go as in all of the hustle and bustle getting ready for the first show, I never hired a replacement referee. ****. Rip gave me contact info for Rob Perkins from Canada and I put in a call for him. It was too late for tonight though so we went with Rip's protegee Antonio as the ref for the three booked matches. Only one match was advertised beforehand, being the MAW Title match between Mean Jean Cattley (c) and Oscar Golden. [/I] [B]Opening segment: (B+)[/B] [B]Rip Chord[/B] comes out and thanks the fans for attending the show. He promises that they will get the best show MAW can deliver and they'll see wrestling the way it used be. Rip takes his place at the announcers table and talks about the young wrestler [B]Erik Strong[/B] who many have high hopes for ([B]segment B-[/B]). He is facing [B]Stan "The Man" Manna[/B] tonight who cuts a promo on the youngster promising to show the entire Mid Atlantic why he should be the company's top wrestler [B](C+)[/B] [B]Match: Strong vs. Manna[/B] The crowd seemed into the match and Antonio didn't do too poorly as ref. Manna started off beating down Strong and keeping him from utilizing any of his aerial attack. He got a little ****y though as Strong surprised him with a springboard dropkick and a quick small package for the upset win! Rating: [B]E[/B] Next we have a look at [B]Eddie Howard[/B] and [B]Atlas[/B], respectively, warming up for their matches. [B]Match: Atlas vs. Howard[/B] This match was an overbooked mess and ended in a double countout. No one seemed too impressed with either man as they didn't seem to click at all. Rating: [B]F[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B], the MAW Champion, comes out to the ring to cut a promo on his challenger tonight, [B]Oscar Golden[/B]. He promises to not only beat Golden back to Canada, but to mess up his pretty face in the process [B](C-)[/B] A surprise appearance by [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] pops the crowd as he promotes his match next month with the mysterious newcomer [B]Nomad[/B]. [B](C-)[/B] [B]Main Event: Cattley vs. Golden for the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] Cattley was NOT happy with Antonio reffing this match as he believes that MAW Owner Rip Chord has it out for him to lose the title. Golden got a nice reception coming out. The match was pretty even with both men hitting their signature moves. At one point, Golden nailed a cross body block with Cattley too close to the ropes. Antonio made the count and the champ got his foot on the bottom rope just in time to break the fall. He got in Antonio's face, claiming a fast count, and then almost got rolled up by Golden. Cattley bailed out to ringside and motioned toward the locker room. Out came his sidekick Al Coleman who promptly interfered with Antonio distracted and allowed Cattley to get the win and his first defense of the title. Rating: [B]D[/B] [U]Show Rating: D[/U] Noes: Overall, not a bad little show. The crowd thought there were too many angles and not enough matches. It would have been helped with a decent, real referee but there may be some legs in an Antonio-Cattley story. Mainstream-Cattley would be the money feud but we want to build to that a little before hitting it.
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again (Friday wk4, 1/06) – 63 fans at Stanley Hall[/B] [I]We took it on the chin last show as far as making money. Still considered a “local promotion” by the wrestling media MAW isn’t exactly a destination point for most wrestling fans. But that’s ok, we’ll start with some decent matches and, hopefully, logical compelling stories and build up slowly. We were hampered tonight by not having MAW Champion Mean Jean Cattley available to us. It seems Jean signed a ppa contract with the small upstart XXCW in Texas and we had a booking conflict. [/I] The show opened with some shots of youngster Brendon Idol warming up [B](A)[/B]for his match as Rip Chord discussed the youngsters promise. Out came Stan Manna with his tag partner (and seemingly managerial client) “Rockin” Ryan Turner for a pre-match promo, stating that Turner is going to light up MAW with his charisma and high flying. [B](C)[/B] [B]Match: Idol vs. Turner[/B] The match went about ten minutes and saw some interference from Manna. Idol looks decent and the fans seemed to dig him. Turner was ok but is mostly sizzle with no steak to back it up. [B]Rating: F[/B] We then go to a Mainstream Hernandez promo (E) where he talks about the mysterious Nomad and his own aspirations to challenge for the Mid Atlantic title. Chord tried to get a word with Nomad, but he wouldn’t speak, instead opting to continue warming up for his match (B) [B]Match: Hernandez vs. Nomad[/B] Solid high flying action with Hernandez hitting the Apparition #14 for the win. [B]Rating: E[/B] Rip Chord takes the mic and announces that Antonio is the #1 contender and will receive a shot at Cattley next month. [B](C-)[/B] We go to some more pre match warm ups and introducing Steven Parker to the fans. [B]Match: Parker vs. Strong[/B] I think Parker is going to be one to watch in the long run. I can see him headlining the shows and holding titles in a year or so. He had a decent match with Strong and the youngster is another future star. Stan Manna interfered and cost Strong the match. [B]Overall Rating: E[/B] Notes: We’re still at local so if Antonio-Cattley can’t bring in a C- show to bump us up to Small we’re going to be in big trouble and have to pull the trigger on Mainstream-Cattley quickly.
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[B]MAW Brawlapalooza (wk4 2/06) 64 fans in Stanley Hall [/B] [I] Upon opening the latest issue of Pro Wrestling Bong Newsletter, it appears that the classification of Mid Atlantic Wrestling has gone from being considered a local promotion to a “small” promotion. Both Rip Chord and I breathe a sigh of relief as it means we get to eat this month and things are actually looking towards moving ahead. [/I] The show opens with Rip Chord thanking the fans for their support and he is interrupted by MAW Champion Mean Jean Cattley. Cattley gets in the owner’s face and accuses him of “having it out for him” and his title reign: “While I was away working in XXCW trying to make up for the meager payoffs you give me, I hear that your boy Antonio was made #1 contender? Nice try old man, but you are never getting this belt off of me.” Segment Rating: B We go to DC Rayne in the ring awaiting his opponent Rating: C- Match: [B]Leroy[/B] vs. Rayne "The East Side Assasain" Leroy means business as he doesn't even wait for the bell and starts an all out assault on DC Rayne. Rayne battles back as the match spills to the floor. Pretty back and forth action, but mostly "stomp-a and a-kick-a" until Leroy hits the PGH Driver for the win. Rating: E (6 minutes) Mean Jean Cattley psyches up his protogee/lackey Al Coleman for the latter's match against Oscar Golden Rating: E Golden is warming up and heads right to the ring with no interview needed. Rating C+ Match: [B]Golden[/B] vs. Coleman A weird clash of styles here as Golden's high flying and Coleman's mat skills didn't translate into anything cohesive. Golden gets some heat back from his loss to Cattley with a win over young Coleman. Rating: F Mean Jean enters the ring and cuts a promo on how great he is and how he will rule MAW for as long as he desires. Rating: C Main Event for the MAW Title: [B]Mean Jean[/B](c) vs. Antonio Antonio looked strong out there as he hung with the champ for the duration of the 15 minute match. Machine won cleanly with the Mood Swing but Antonio shouldn't lose any momentum from losing to the champ. His day will be coming soon. Rating: D Overall Show: D Notes: Not only did this show push our popularity enough to boost a Small classification, the company also made a whopping $1210 on the show!
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[B]MAW March Madness 3/06 65 fans in Stanley Hall ---------------------------------------------------------[/B] [I] Optimism is prevelant in the MAW locker room as the entire company has passed their first hurdle in both becoming a Small promotion and also turning a profit on a show. Two talent acquisitions were made on the babyface side: Flemmy Lemming and Rapheal were signed to small lower card contracts. [/I] The show starts out with Rip Chord introducing Flemmy Lemming to the audience. Lemming states that he is here to make a name for himself and one day become MAW Champion Rating: E Match: [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] vs. Lemming Ricky Douglas made his debut under my booking reign with a clean win over newcomer Lemming. Douglas has been groomed as a main eventer for now so we'll see what transpires. Rating E Mean Jean Cattley makes an open challenge that is accepted by Brendon Idol. Cattley laughs about this challenger and states that he will go down just like the rest. Rating: C- Meanwhile in the back, Stan Manna has attacked Erik Strong rendering him unable to compete tonight. Strong's friend Mainstream Hernandez runs in and it leads to a match between the two. Rating: F Match: [B]Mainstream[/B] vs. Manna An angered Mainstream Hernandez tore into Stan Manna for attacking his friend. Once the match settled some, Manna got in some decent suplexes to tire the popular Hernandez. Manna went for a back suplex which Mainstream turned into his finsiher for the win. Rating: D Rip Chord takes the opportunity to announce that he is declaring Mainstream Hernandez the #1 contender to the Mid Atlantic Title. Rating: C+ Cattley comes to ringside and screams at Chord saying that "no one makes matches for me around here. I am the champion and I will say when and where I show up and who I fight!" Chord tells him that he better get ready because he's fighting Brendon Idol tonight and if he still has the title after that, Mainstream gets the shot next month. Rating: C+ Idol warms up for his big opportunity. Rating: A Main Event for the Mid Atlantic Title: [B]Cattley[/B] vs. Idol Brendon Idol showed that he is no jobroni in this hotly contested matchup. There were more than a few times in the match where it looked like Idol might sneak a victory and the title from the distracted Mean Jean. After a low blow, Cattley hit the Mood Swing to end the match in about 15 minutes. Rating: D Overall Show: D Notes: Things are all set for the kickoff of the Mainstream-Cattley feud next month with their first match against each other being announced. Brendon Idol impressed a lot of people in his match and moved up in a few categories. We made another tidy profit of about $1100 this month and attendance is staying steady.
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[B]MAW Boiling Point (4/06) 58 fans at Stanley Hall[/B] [I]With the company turning a nice profit the past two months I decided to tweak the format a touch and add a few "dark matches" to give some of the undercard guys more matches. In the dark opener, Rapheal d. Rockin' Ryan Turner by pinfall in an F rated match. In the second dark match, Antonio and Steven Parker went to a double countout earning a D (and a spot on the next show). DC Rayne cut a promo to get a little more experience on the mic in an E rated segment. Now onto the actual show![/I] Mainstream Hernandez opened the show talking about his title match tonight and how he wants to bring home the big win for all of the fans who have supported him Rating: C ** Match: [B]Eddie Howard[/B] v. Nomad Not a good match at all. Once again Eddie Howard disappoints and the decision is made that we're really going to have to overly protect him in matches. Nomad looked ok and I think there's something to be done with him. Rating F Mid Atlantic Champion Mean Jean Cattley takes the mic and taunts Mainstream, stating that he is going to find out the same thing every other pretender who has challneged him has learned..."I'm unbeatable". Segment: C+ ** Match: Flemmy Lemming vs. [B]Al Coleman[/B] Lemming looked good and on his way to a victory until Coleman nailed him with a foreign object. With Lemming out cold, Coleman slapped on his finisher, the Texas Cloverleaf for a submission win. Rating: E As Lemming was being helped to the back, he shook off the officials and took the mic: "I want a rematch with you Coleman! I will make you tap!" Rating: D **[COLOR=Red]Main Event for the Mid Atlantic Title[/COLOR]: Mean Jean Cattley drew with Mainstream Hernandez in 30 minutes. There was a noticeable buzz in Stanley Hall as the introductions were made. Many felt they would see "history" and a title change tonight. It was not to be, but not for a lack of effort. Hernandez took Mean Jean to the limit as he never had been before, scoring a record 11 near falls in the match. The finish came as they approached the 30 minute time limit, Hernandez hit the Apparition #14 out of nowhere. As he went for the pin, the referee got 2 counts as the bell rang signalling the end of the match. Hernandez thought he won but the ref informed him it was a time limit draw. Cattley got out of the ring and grabbed his title. He looked stunned and a little bit frightened as he tried to insult fans on the way back to the locker room. The crowd cheered on their new hero, Mainstream Hernandez. Rating: C- Overall Rating: D Notes: Very happy with the main event. We drew less fans this month but I think there might be some buzz around this main event to get fans here next month. No undercard guys are looking like breakouts yet, but it's still early and the MAW Title feud can carry the shows for a bit while other stars are groomed
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[B]MAW May-hem (04/06) 55 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] The crowds are not improving what with rough wrestling and normal economy forecasts in the Mid Atlantic area. All we can do is hold steady and keep getting better. [B]Dark Match: Brendon Idol vs. Rockin Ryan Turner[/B] Brendon Idol got a little more out of Turner than most have had the chance to do. They seemed to have decent chemistry. Idol took the win with the Idolizer [B]E[/B] The show opens with Mean Jean Cattley stating that after the beating he put on Mainstream Hernandez last week, there is no way in good conscience allow him to challenge for the title in a rematch: "[COLOR=Blue]It's time to leave well enough alone, Mainstream. You had your shot and you couldn't get the job done. It's over."[/COLOR] Rip Chord came out to inform Cattley that it was, indeed, not over and there would be a rematch tonight! Cattley fumed. [B]C[/B] Erik Strong warmed up in the ring [B]B[/B] while Stan Manna took the mic and ran him down. Saying that the last time they met, Strong won in a fluke. [B]D[/B] [B]Erik Strong vs. Stan 'The Man' Manna[/B] Strong started off, well, strong with some dropkicks and quick armdrags. Manna fired back and had him looked in the Six String Shooter at one point, but the youngster found the heart to fight out. The finish came when Rockin Ryan Turner interfered, knocking Strong off the top rope as he was about to hit the Shooting Star Press. This gave Manna a chance to score a cheap pin.[B]E[/B] Steven Parker cut a promo claiming to be the "Future" of MAW and he wants to start being treated like it. [B]E[/B] Mean Jean Cattley tries a different tact and states that if management won't see to it to protect Mainstream, he'll have to take matters into his own hands and administer some "tough love" by offering a [U]$5000 bounty[/U] to anyone who can take him out of the title picture. [B]C[/B] Mainstream is interviewed by Rip Chord and he gives no concern to Cattley's bounty offer [B]C+[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley (c) vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Another fantastic effort by the two best workers in the company right now. Cattley pulled out every cheap trick in the book but kept getting thwarted by his persistent challenger. Everything looked to be going Mainstream's way when out from the back came [B]Atlas[/B] who attacked Hernandez, causing a DQ finish. Atlas delivered three Kronus Bombs to Hernandez in the ring before officials could clear the mess. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B]
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How often are you holding shows? I don't think rising to small is a good thing. There's more legal costs and so on. You have to hire about two more workers. And not that much more sponsorships. I would've recommended staying local as long as possible. And do shows in different areas. Also you get less main event spots. I'd reccomend recycling your roster every 9 months because most your workers will have F momentum anyways.
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I hold shows once a month and I'm making money now, so that's ok. It is an interesting take on it. I disagree about the sponsors though. You double the amount. I went from appx 3000 to appx 7000 in sponsorship money. And with JIT merchandise I pull in anywhere from 1500-2600 a month on that. I've done a MAW game before doing this diary and I got it up to D in popularity. I do agree about hitting other areas sometimes while still an F though...
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[B]MAW School's Out! (6/06) 56 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ----------------------------------------------------------- [I]Crowds are still down as the area's financial climate continues to plummet. Sponsorships and our merchandise sales are keeping us afloat.[/I] The show opens with Brendon Idol and Steven "The Future" Parker arguing with each other about their respective skills. MAW Owner Rip Chord immediately signs the future stars to a match on tonight's show [B]C-[/B] [B]Steven 'The Future' Parker d. Brendon Idol[/B] The match starts out with some nice chain wrestling and both men going for a simultaneous dropkick as the crowd applauds. The match wears on and it a very open encounter with both wrestlers getting a lot of offense. Parker plays possum and suckers Idol into missing a 450 Splash and scores the three count. [B]C-[/B] DC Rayne states that he is disgusted at Mean Jean Cattley's recent actions against Mainstream Hernandez and he wants a piece of him tonight, title or no title [B]D[/B] [B]Flemmy Lemming d. Al Coleman[/B] In a rematch from two months ago, Lemming tied up Coleman in this battle of the young submission specialists. Lemming locked on his Suicide Solution for the tap out win and made good on his promise [B]E[/B] Mainstream Hernandez appears (with a bandaged shoulder from last week's attack) to a big crowd pop but this is not the same fun loving Mainstream that fans have come to know and love. This is an angry, focused Mainstream and he promised to put the hurt on Atlas and then take out his anger on Mean Jean Cattley and take his tite [B][C-][/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez d. Atlas[/B] Hernandez came out a house on fire and took it to Atlas. This was a fight more than a wrestling match and it took Hernandez wresting a chair away from Atlas and using it on him to take the pin. 'The East Side Assassin' Leroy attacked Hernandez during the match in his own attempt to collect on Cattley's bounty. Hernandez was left bloodied [B]D[/B] Cattley accepted Ryane's challenge but said it wouldn't be a title match. [B]D[/B] [B]Antonio d. Rick Douglas[/B] In a surprising upset, Antonio hit the German Suplex to score a three count over top ranked Douglas. [B]E[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley d. DC Rayne[/B] Rayne looked pretty good here as Cattley carried him to an intense 10 minute match. Despite hitting the Storm Damage for a 2 7/8 count, Cattley was able to score the pin with the dreaded Mood Swing. [B]D[/B] Overall Rating: [B]D[/B] [B] Notes:[/B] Parker and Idol surprised a lot of people with their main event quality match. Look for a series between these two youngsters as they climb up the rankings. Speaking of climbing the card, Flemmy Lemming turned a lot of heads with his match and is being groomed as a second tier mid carder who may visit a main event or two before the year is out.
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[B]MAW On Tour!![/B] In an effort to branch out a little while the payroll is still nice and low, Rip Chord had me book a show at the Rainbow Bar & Grill in the Southeast Region. That's right! You'll come for the shrimp but you'll stay for the rasslin'! Only four workers were on this half hour "dinner theater" event. Erik Strong defeated Rockin Ryan Turner with the Shooting Star Press in an [B]F[/B] rated match while the Main Event saw Steven "The Future" Parker defeat Oscar Golden in a decent match that received an [B]E[/B] It is believed that Chord owed some money to the owner of the Rainbow and this show was part of the payoff. No way to confirm that rumor, but it seemed all 16 fans who showed up really enjoyed themselves.
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[B]MAW Birth of a Nation (07/06) 46 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------ [I]MAW's first foray outside the Mid Atlantic region went ok and some more little spot shows may be added in the future. The real focus, however, is on tonight and the third match between Mainstream Hernandez and Mean Jean Cattley. Mainstream has had Cattley's number throughout the past 3 months and tonight has GOT to be the night he finally shuts him up and gets the title he so richly deserves...doesn't it? Making things more difficult is the $5000 bounty on Mainstream's head and Leroy "The East Side Assassin" making every attempt to collect on it. [/I] The show opens with a saddened Rip Chord stating that Mainstream Hernandez may be too injured to compete tonight. Out comes Hernandez to a big pop. He's bandaged heavily after having his head split open. He states he suffered a concussion from Leroy's chair shot and the doctor recommends he forfeits tonight's big title shot. [COLOR=DarkRed]My doctor tells me I shouldn't wrestle tonight. But I told him that ain't gonna happen. No way I'm sitting this out when I'm so close to my dream of being the Mid Atlantic Champion. I'm going to take that strap home tonight and in the process I'm gonna put some serious hurt on Cattley and his goon Leroy. [/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] As the crowd shuffles in their seats over the last segment, Brendon Idol takes the mic and asks Rip Chord for a rematch against Steven "The Future" Parker. The fans agree as these two men tore the house down last month. [B]E[/B] [B]Erik Strong d. Stan 'The Man' Manna[/B] Solid match between the two with Strong getting the clean win to wrap up this little mini-fued. Strong is heading towards bigger things in the coming months. [B]E[/B] 'The Future' said that he accepts Idol's challenge, but it's not going to be until next month. [B]C-[/B] Brendon Idol is in the ring for his match against Nomad and is stoked at the prospect of facing Parker one more time. [B]E[/B] [B]Brendon Idol d. Nomad[/B] These two men match up very nicely and a great highflying match. Idol took the match with his Idolizer (thing Buff Blockbuster). [B]D[/B] Leroy promises to finish what he started last month with Mainstream [B]D[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley d. Mainstream Hernandez to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] Another barnburner as both men pulled out all the stops. Mainstream's head injury and concussion were too much to overcome as Cattley peppered him with head blows and sleeper-type submission holds. The finish came when Mean Jean removed the top turnbuckle and rammed Hernandez into it, scoring the pin [B]C-[/B] Not content with winning the match, Cattley beams as Leroy runs in and stomps on Mainstream. Cattley fetches a ringside table and Leroy steadies Mainstream on it, crashing through with a [U]sickening piledriver!!![/U] The fans were definitely unsettled as paramedics removed their hero from the ring. [B]E[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: The promotion is growing slowly but surely as we gain a little popularity with each show. Unfortunately, the ecomony being in the doghouse is still keeping crowds down under 50. The product took a little riskier slant tonight with the table piledriver angle, but since such is rarely done in Mid Atlantic it should have the desired impact and really help to get Mainstream over as the top face in the promotion even more. Cattley is doing an amazing job as the company's heel champion you can't wait to see get beat.
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[B]MAW Heat Blister (08/06) 43 fans at Stanley Hall[/B] -------------------------------------------------------- [I]The Mainstream-Cattley fued took a big jump last week and will only continue to heat up with what I've got in store for it over the next couple of months. Some contract stuff over the past month. With the re-signing of the three wrestlers mentioned in the last post, there was also a firing. Eddie Howard was let go from his exhorbitant $350/appearance contract to make way for a brand new signing....to be revealed at a later date. Youngster Glen Ward was also signed and will be doing a "Generation Next" gimmick. Announced for tonight: Idol vs. Parker[/I] [B]Dark Match: Antonio d. Glen Ward[/B] Ward looked good as technical skills are his strong point. A mistake was made in putting Antonio back on the show with his new "Young Lion" gimmick a little too soon. There could be something in a Young Lion vs. GeNext upstart feud. [B]E[/B] The show opens with Rip Chord mid-ring with a table and phone with a microphone hooked to it. He conducts an over the phone interview with Mainstream Hernandez about his injury from the table piledriver last month: [COLOR=Red]"I've been pretty out of it for the past 4 weeks and from what the doctor's say I've got another concussion. My neck was damaged slightly and I got a stinger from the impact, so things aren't looking good. I'd love to be able to say that I'll be back and wrestling for that Mid Atlantic Title soon, but I can't honestly say when or even if I'll be back in the ring, at this point."[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] Rip Chord, looking more enraged than I've ever seen him, tears into Leroy and Mean Jean Cattley and says that he is not going to take their bulls--t anymore and is suspending Leroy and STRIPPING CATTLEY OF THE TITLE!! [B]C+[/B] Cattley comes out, flanked by Leroy, and he cuts a promo on Rip: [COLOR=Blue]"You want the belt? Go ahead, take it. I'll glady give it up because after that it will be worthless. All you'll do is admit that no one in this hellhole of a promotion can beat the undefeated 'East Side Assasin' or take the title from me and you had to do it through political games. Your boy Antonio couldn't do it, Rayne couldn't do it, Golden couldn't do it and now poor little Mainstream is a crippled freak."[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] They leave a flustered Chord standing in the ring as the next match is announced: [B]Rick Douglas d. Oscar Golden[/B] Passable match between the two upper card residents. The crowd was still talking about the last hot segment so this kind of took a hit. Douglas took it with a handful of tights [B]E[/B] Brendon Idol is getting ready for a promo when out of nowhere comes 'The Future' who blindsides him and lays the boots to him. [B]F[/B] Erik Strong begs Chord not to suspend Leroy and let him take a piece of him instead. Chord agrees in the old school form of justice and books the match for tonight. [B]D[/B] [B]Erik Strong d. Leroy[/B] Strong came out very aggressively but was soon overwhelmed by "The East Side Assassin's" brawling and cheating. He pummelled the youngster with stiff forearm shots. The finish came when Strong dropkicked Leroy to the outside and [U]out of the crowd came a bandaged Mainstream Hernandez!!![/U] Hernandez waffled Leroy with a chair and threw him pack in the ring for Strong to pin. It was all a swerve and Mainstream, while injured from the attack, is not going anywhere!! [B]E[/B] Chord announces Idol and Parker [B]C[/B] [B]Brendon Idol d. Steven 'The Future' Parker[/B] Another main event worthy match between these two as they proved that this series can headline any show in the promotion. Idol with with the impressive 450 Splash to win and tie their series at 1-1. [B]C-[/B] Rip Chord says that he has thought about what Cattley said and agrees, so it will be his mission to make sure someone takes the belt from him. Tonight Flemmy Lemming gets his shot! [B]C- Mean Jean Cattley d. Flemmy Lemming to retain the MAW Title[/B] Cattley looked shaken now that he knew Mainstream was in the building. The entire match he kept looking back to the dressing room and Lemming would keep taking advantage, slapping on some painful submission holds. Lemming went for a top rope belly to belly, but Cattley managed to shift his weight and then use the ropes to score a pin and retain his title. Mainstream never came out during the match, preferring to let Cattley wonder when the attack would come. [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: It's a shame that the crowds aren't better because there are some hot shows going on right now. There are indications that the local economy overall is starting to pick up so we'll see if that's reflected, combined with the Mainstream-Cattley feud (and the addition of the hot Idol-Parker series), in next months house. The last three shows have actually lost money but no one seems worried. The boys are getting paid and there is still a reserve of a little over $20K in the bank, so this company has a long way to go before worrying about financial woes. Rip was used a little too much on this show, but that was necessary due to the nature of the angle tonight. The tension between him and Cattley is great though.
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[B]MAW Mid Atlantic Massacre (09/06) 62 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [I]What with all the craziness of the last few months, tonight's show aims to be more of "slow burn" show as we head to what will hopefully be the show of the year, Seasons Beatings in November. Tonight also marks the debut of Rip Chord's 'mystery signing' that he has tried to keep out of the dirt sheets. [/I] Rip Chord takes the ring and says, first, how pleased he is to see that Mainstream Hernandez is back in action and he can't wait for him to tear Leroy up in tonight's Stretcher Match! With that out of the way, he wants to introduce his latest addition to the MAW family.... American Elemental! Chord promises that this man will be someone to watch in the coming months and gives him his debut match tongiht. [B]C American Elemental d. Rockin Ryan Turner[/B] AE employs a mix of lucha and japanese style moves that seemed to capture the MAW fans imaginations and attention. He took the match with a springboard clothesline and carried Turner to his best MAW effort yet. [B]E[/B] Bredon Idol approaches Rip Chord and states he wants a rubber match against Steven 'The Future' Parker tonight to decide their tied series. [B]C[/B] No sooner does Chord say he'll think about it, Parker comes over and demands a rubber match as well [B]C- Flemmy Lemming d. Glen Ward[/B] Lemming has a very unique style and the MAW fans are taking some time to warm to him. Despite losing a close match to the MAW Champ Cattley last month, he is still looking dominant. Ward is one to watch as well as he moves up the card. [B]E[/B] Rip Chord makes it official and announces Idol-Parker III as tonight's de facto main event! [B]F[/B] Leroy promises to put Mainstream out of action for good this time and leave no room for error. [B]E[/B] Mainstream cuts his own promo saying that tonight, the fans will see a side of him no one knew existed! [B]D Mainstream Hernandez d. Leroy in a Stretcher Match[/B] Hernandez came out with blood and fire in his eyes and these two men beat the living hell out of each other for close to 10 minutes. The finish came when Hernandez hit a flying bulldog with Leroy face down into the stretcher. [B]E[/B] Steven Parker promises to end Idol's charade of being a top wrestler by proving he's the better man tonight. [B]D Steven 'The Future' Parker drew with Brendon Idol in 15 minutes[/B] The match's 15 min. time limit was reached as these two gave everything they had and put on an indy wrestling showcase match. The crowd cheered them but there is still not an answer to who the better man is. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Erik Strong challengeing Mean Jean Cattley for the MAW title was announced on flyers for next month. Parker and Idol are really proving themselves as top notch workers and two men who stories (and titles) can be built around. It's exciting to see two youngsters step up like that. A lot of hope is being placed into the signing of American Elemental. He is actually working for $25 cheaper than Eddie Howard's contract and he seems to have much more upside.
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[B]MAW Horror Show (10/06) 48 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] [I]Disappointing crowd as we thought we were back in the constant 60’s after last months show and had announced Mainstream’s friend Erik Strong challenging Mean Jean for the Mid Atlantic strap ahead of time. Tonight marks Stan ‘The Man’ Manna’s last MAW match for the time being. His contract ran out and I couldn’t justify a $400/appearance raise when he hasn’t really gotten over at all. [/I] The show opens with a red hot Mainstream Hernandez making a challenge for Mean Jean’s Mid Atlantic Title. [COLOR=Red]"Cattley you know I've got your number and if you were any kind of real champion, you'd put that belt on the line against me! I hope Erik kicks your cowardly ass and wins the belt himself, because then at least we'll have a real champion in this territory"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Mean Jean Cattley comes out with the Mid Atlantic title cavalierly slung over his shoulder: [COLOR=Blue]"Hernandez..you are the only Mexican Canadian I've ever seen in my whole life. How the hell did that happen? Why don't you pack your gear and go home, because you are never getting another shot at this title as long as I hold it. I ain't got nothing to prove because I've already pinned you"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] Raphael and Nomad warm up for their match [B]C+ for both Nomad d. Raphael[/B] These are two workers that I know I can do something with, I just haven't figured out what it is yet. Decent enough little match for no buildup. Nomad scores the pin (He needs a finisher...) [B]F[/B] Brendon Idol hypes the rematch with Steven Parker that will happen next month at Seasons Beatings [B]D[/B] American Elemental takes the mic and issues his mission statement. [COLOR=Red]"I've come to the Mid Atlantic region for one reason, to win that Mid Atlantic Title and establish myself as one of the top wrestlers in the region and the country."[/COLOR] [B]D American Elemental d. Stan 'The Man' Manna[/B] Manna looked good and Elemental did his best to not bury Stan on his way out of the company. Once again, American E carries a worker to one of his best MAW matches. Finish came with the Springboard Clothesline. [B]D[/B] Mainstream Hernandez tries another tact with Cattley and states that if he gives him a title shot and he doesn't win the title, he will leave Mid Atlantic Wrestling for good! [B]C[/B] This is too much for Cattley to take! A chance to rid MAW of Mainstream Hernandez?!?! He accepts on the spot and out comes Rip Chord. Chord states: [COLOR=YellowGreen]"This match is going to be title vs. career and I'll be damned if it's going to end cheaply. If I have to put this company in hock, I'm going to purchase a STEEL CAGE to hold this match in for next month!!"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] Cattley flips out as he and Mainstream start taking shots at each other and it develops into a pullapart brawl. Erik Strong and Al Coleman come out and help seperate the two men [B]E[/B] And then it's right into... [B]Mean Jean Cattley d. Erik Strong to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] The segment before took the heat off anyone thinking Strong had much chance to take the title tonight, but he still put in a hell of an effort as did Cattley. Great chemistry and a nice mix of mat and high flying moves. Cattley won with the Mood Swing and made his 7th successful title defense heading into the biggest show of the year. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: We seem to have hit a wall at the "D" rating mark but hopes are very high for next month as Mainstream vs. Cattley in a cage and Parker-Idol will be pretty much the entire show. This show lost $200 but we're still around the 20K mark so the company is doing fine. We've also seemed to go from a 12 to a 13 in prestige. Must be the long string of shows that have helped our popularity.
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