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MAW: A New Era Begins

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Yeah I've got MJC, Mainstream and American Elemental up to the point where they can pull D to C- matches out of most anyone. I don't want to just job Cattley out though as I like him a lot. I figure I can build him up some and make the promotion stronger overall. His upcoming, slow cookin' feud with Rip Chord should help in that respect.
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I bet if you used one of those three guys in each of the last two matches you'd get up to a C- consistently. Just to clarify, I didn't job MJ out. I had him about even in wins with Golden in their fued which kept him afloat as far as overness, and helped Golden get more over. Otherwise he won most of his matches unless it was a key match were a loss was part of the storyline I was doing. Even then, I usually did a DQ. Also, if you haven't checked him out, look for Joss Thompson. I can't remember what I paid for him, but I think he was very reasonable, and had good entertainment skills and good matches.
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[B]MAW School's Out! (06/07) 97 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dark Match: The Truth d. Tokyo Dynamite[/B] Truth is going to be a big star and we're working with him to develop his skills for the main stage. There might be something with Dynamite, but we may have to move him to the developing tag team division first. Truth with the Lie Detector [B]F[/B] Al Coleman comes to the ring, accompanied by Glen Ward and Adam Matravers, and challenges Mainstream Hernandez to a Mid Atlantic Title match [B]D[/B] Speaking of challenges, it's Zeus Maximillion's turn as his "open challenge series" continues [B]D[/B] Micheal "The Truth" Morrison comes out and states that he will accept the challenge. Zeus laughs at the youngster and offers to put it off until next month so Truth will have time to prepare and won't have any excuses. [B]E Brendon Idol d. TJ Bailey[/B] This was Bailey's first main show match and he looked good against the rising star Idol. Initially we were going to use Bailay as a heel but I think he'll work better as a face. [B]D[/B] Antonio is tired of Mean Jean Cattley's antics as of later, especially comments regarding his mentor Rip Chord, and calls MJC out. Cattley comes out and instead of taking the match, he puts Balroq in his place [B]C- Antonio d. Balroq by DQ[/B] Antonio put up an amazing showing against the gigantic Balroq but Cattley never intended this to be a real match. He took the opportunity to attack Antonio, earning his bodyguard a DQ loss. [B]E[/B] Mainstream Hernandez glady accepts Coleman's challenge and hypes the match against the GeNext star. [B]D Mainstream Hernandez d. Al Coleman to retain the MAW Title[/B] This match was a HUGE test for the young submission specialist Coleman. He held his own and Hernandez carried him to a great match. Coleman looked to have the title won after a brutal spinebuster. He went for the Cloverleaf and Hernandez small packaged him for the pin. [B]C-[/B] Overall show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Good show and other wrestlers besides the "MAW Three" are being looked at to carry their weight. We're in a crucial period and those who can produce will have jobs and those who can't will be pushed aside.
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[B]MAW Birth of a Nation (07/07) 114 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------ [I]There are rumblings of a big angle that is planned for tonight as MAW experiences their largest crowd in the promotions history. Also announced: American Elemental vs. Al Coleman to determine the next challenger to Mainstream Hernandez Both Kashmir and Raphael are leaving the promotion.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Adam Matravers d. Raphael[/B] Matravers looked good over the unimpressive Raphael hitting his Mile High Moonsault for the win [B]E Dark Match: Brendon Idol d. Kashmir Singh[/B] Initially there were plans for Singh to play an anti-American heel gimmick but it never gelled and he got lost in the shuffle. Idol wins with the 450 splash. [B]E[/B] Rip Chord opens the show with a huge announcement. In the coming months, he will be creating the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles and there will be a tag division in MAW. He speaks about the history of tag team wrestling in the Carolinas and is proud to bring that tradition back to the area. There will be a tournament in upcoming months. [B]B[/B] Zeus Maximillion holds a bottle of champagne and begs Steven Parker to have a drink with him to celebrate his inevitable win over The Truth. Parker, being very straight edged, just gives him a dirty look and walks away. [B]F[/B] The Truth cuts a promo and promises to make a mark in MAW, starting tonight by defeating the undefeated Zeus Maximillion. [B]E The Truth d. Zeus Maximillion[/B] Zeus completely underestimated his rookie opponent and even mocked Truth's attempts at offense. It only served to anger the youngster and he turned it on and really pummelled Zeus. Truth won with the Lie Detector and got a pretty decent pop from the crowd. Zeus was shocked that he actually lost a match. [B]E[/B] Steven Parker warms up for his match [B]C+ Steven 'The Future' Parker d. Flemmy Lemming[/B] Lemming is another wrestler that never seemed to pan out. Parker tried his best to get a good solid match out of Lemming and succeeded to some extent. Parker his his Future Shock for the win. [B]E[/B] Rip Chord interviews Erik Strong about his future aspirations in MAW when all of a sudden Mean Jean Cattley and Balroq storm in and [U]beat both men down!![/U] Cattley grabs the mic and screams at Chord: [COLOR=Red]"You won't get in the ring with me? How about now!? Have I made my point old man?!"[/COLOR] Cattley beats Chord with a steel chair, leaving him a bloody mess as the locker room clears and both heels take off through the crowd. [B]C[/B] American Elemental comes to the ring for his main event match and denounces what he just saw with Cattley, Balroq and Chord. [B]C- American Elemental d. Al Coleman[/B] Not as good as the match Coleman has with Hernandez, so Elemental might be a few steps away from carrying a lesser opponent. Another "test" match, only this time for AE. Elemental hit a backflying bodypress after running the turnbuckles to take the win and earn another shot at Mainstream next month [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: American Elemental might need a little more work in getting over before he is able to have a C- match with almost anyone. He's very close though. The big angle with Cattley and Chord should hopefully spark some interest in the promotion and at least keep the fans who showed up tonight. Will Chord get back in the ring to defend his honor against the man who claims he "cheated" him out of the MAW Title??
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[B]MAW Heat Blister (08/07) 118 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ----------------------------------------------------- [I]Lots of buzz from the Cattley attack on Rip Chord last week. In order to sell the attack, Chord is not appearing this month. Instead we have one time MAW announcer [B]Marv Earnest[/B] making the call for the Hernandez-Elemental rematch.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Joey Poison d. Tokyo Dynamite[/B] Poison is slowly moving up in states and overness and should be a fixture on the main show soon. Dynamite is still trying to find a place in roster. [B]F[/B] Tom Westybrook gets some practice on the mic and cuts a promo [B]C+[/B] Marv Earnest is introduced to the crowd as Steven Parker and TJ Bailey are arguing. Earnest suggests they face each other tonight to prove who is better. [B]E[/B] Erik Strong comes out and cuts a promo chastizing Cattley for his attack last week on himself and Rip Chord. [COLOR=Blue]"I begged the MAW Championship Comittee not to suspend you Cattley, so if you had the balls to show up tonight I want a receipt!"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] TJ Bailey warms up as out of nowhere, Steven Parker blindsides him [B]E Steven Parker d. TJ Bailey[/B] Bailey was noticeably hurt from the cowardly pre match attack and he fought valiantly. It wasn't enough to overcome Parker, who took the match with his feet on the ropes [B]E[/B] Mean Jean Cattley appears and states that he'll kick anyone's ass in the locker room, including Strong. [COLOR=Red]"And if old man Chord or his bitch Antonio wants some more of me they know where they can find me too"[/COLOR][B]C- Cattley d. Erik Strong[/B] Cattley has uncovered a vicious streak and was downright sadistic in taking Strong apart. He won the match and was promptly attacked by Antonio who charged in from the crowd. Security seperated the men [B]D[/B] Marv Earnest speaks a little about the main event [B]C American Elemental d. Mainstream Hernandez for the MAW Title!![/B] Another scientific clinic between these two high fliers and the crowd ate it up. Elemental surprised Hernandez with a Flying Huracanrana from the top rope to take the strap [B]C-[/B] After the match, Hernandez raised American Elemental's arm in victory and the two friends embraced in mutual respect [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B]
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[B]MAW Mid Atlantic Massacre (9/07) 110 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] --------------------------------------------------------------- [I]The MAW Title change shocked a lot of fans last week and seemed to generate a considerable amount of buzz. A rematch was immediately booked for tonight's show.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Glen Ward d. Petey Barnes[/B] Barnes is a newcomer from the old ROF promotion and used to team with Adam Matravers as the Show Stealers. Ward, a member of GeNext, looked good with his vertebreaker to win the match [B]E Dark Match: Steven 'The Future' Parker d. Curtis Jenkins[/B] Jenkins is another newcomer to the promotion. A decent brawler and good on the mat, he should do well once he gets a little seasoning. Parker shows the ability to make something from nothing and carries Jenkins to a watchable match. [B]E[/B] The show starts as Mainstream Hernandez approaches new MAW champion American Elemental. There is a brief staredown and then Hernandez extends his hand. [COLOR=Blue]"You were the better man last month, but tonight I'm going to do everything I can to regain that belt"[/COLOR]. AE said he would expect nothing less [B]D Brendon Idol d. Adam Matravers[/B] The crowd seems to really dig Matravers and they were split in their support of the two aeriel artists. Matravers Mile High Moonsault is really getting over. Idol used his experience to roll out of the way of the finisher attempt and hit his own 450 Splash (The Idolizer) to win. [B]D[/B] Al Coleman and Glen Ward chastize Matravers for losing his match [B]D[/B] Rip makes a surprise appearance and enters the ring: [COLOR=Blue]"Over the past two months, I've done a lot of soul searching. A lot of things have been done that can't be undone, things said that can't be taken back. This issue with Cattley has reached critical mass and there's nothing I can do to get away from it. Cattley, if you and your goon have the sack, Antonio and I will take you on next month."[/COLOR] The crowd went NUTS for Rip's announcement of a comeback match. He then went to the announcer's table and took over for Earnest at the mic. Earnest shook Chord's hand and seemed gracious, but as he walked away his demeanor seemed to change. Could have just been the light. [B]C The Truth d. Zeus Maximillion[/B] Maximillion just didn't pan out at all and asked way too much cash to resign, so we had to let him go with this match. Truth just dominated and pretty much buried Zeus in an attempt to get over quickly. [B]E[/B] American Elemental thanks the fans for their support and promises to be a fighting champion, starting tonight with Mainstream Hernandez [B]C Mainstream Hernandez d. American Elemental by Countout[/B] Another great match in this amazing technical series by two future stars of the industry. The finish came when Elemental went for a springboard plancha to the outside and Hernandez got out of the way at the last second. Hernandez managed to roll into the ring at the 9 count, getting the win but not regaining the title. He went to check on American Elemental and the latter seemed to be ok as the show ended [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Fans dug the HUGE announcement of Chord putting the tights back on next month to battle the hated Mean Jean Cattley. It remains to be seen if Chord can bring the heat with his skills not what they once were, but he's been training and definitely has the know-how on his side.
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Very cool, thanks for the kind words. The secret to staying in business is only booking about 2-3 matches TOPS and keeping it only singles matches until you get up to about an E in popularity. You have to be very cost effective and you can't book it like a major (or even larger) show. Cut the chaffe that costs too much per match and focus on a handful of guys to really give solid pushes to. I'm at about $29,000 in cash right now as I've been making money on the past 5 shows. Make sure to put the Merchandise at "Just in Time", as you can score about 2,000 or more a show. A good rule of thumb is look at how much your sponsors are paying you and then try to keep worker costs under that. Then the Merchandise is gravy.
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Coming soon..... [B]MAW Horror Show[/B] sees the return of local legend Rip Chord to the squared circle as he teams with his protegee Antonio against the evil Mean Jean Cattley and Balroq!! Also in action... Steven Parker vs. Joey Poison Brendon Idol vs. newcomer Donny Damage and the debut of Champagne Lover!!! Get your tickets now because MAW is all treats and no tricks this October in Stanley Hall!
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[B]MAW Horror Show (10/07) 120 fans in Stanely Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------ [I]Emotions are high as the largest crowd in MAW history turns out to see Rip Chord return to the ring to take on the hated Mean Jean Cattley. Can he shut the heel up? Does he still have it in the ring? All these questions will be answered tonight[/I] Marv Earnest will be announcing tonight's epic event. [B]Dark Match: Tom Westybrook draws with The Truth[/B] Decent technical match between these two rookie mat wrestlers. The match goes to the 10 minute time limit draw. [B]E[/B] After the match, Westybrook makes an offer to team with Truth in the upcoming tag title tournament. Truth accepts. [B]E[/B] Mean Jean Cattley comes to the ring accompanied by Balroq as boos and paper cups rain down on him. He loves every minute of it as he takes the mic and cuts a promo on Rip Chord and Antonio: [COLOR=Red]"Finally, we get to see what we all have been waiting for...Mean Jean Cattley put the final nail in the coffin on Rip Chord. You couldn't face me alone, though, could you? No you have to hide behind your lackey Antonio. That's ok. We'll make it a 2 for 1 special and end his career before it even started. You guys make the perfect team, a has-been and a never-will-be"[/COLOR] Earnest tries to no sell Cattley's comments and focus on the credentials of Champagne Lover, making his MAW debut. Lover is a mainstay in SOTBPW and wants to make a name for himself in the US. [B]A[/B] [B]Champagne Lover d. Curtis Jenkins[/B] Lover looked fantastic as he not only has a high level of mat and aerial skills, but also just exudes a great heel persona that makes you want to see him get beat. Jenkins has a good look and needs work but Lover carried him to a good debut match. Lover used the Champagne Breakfast Boston Crab for the win [B]D[/B] Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes are talking and Matravers states that since Coleman and Ward are already teamed in the tournament, that they should reform the Show Stealers here Stateside and enter. Barnes agrees [B]E[/B] Brendon Idol enters the ring and does a backflip off the top rope to the approval of the crowd [B]B+ Brendon Idol d. Donny Damage[/B] Damage is an older technical wrestler from England and even though their styles clashed, Idol and Damage were able to pull off a decent match. Idol is getting to the point where he can have a solid, passable match with just about anyone and his teaming with Erik Strong in the upcoming Tag Title tournament should move him up in popularity. [B]D[/B] Al Coleman takes Matravers to task for talking to Barnes and offering to team: [COLOR=Red]"What if we have to face each other, you idiot? If that happens, then you better be ready to lay down"[/COLOR] [B]E[/B] Joey Poison cuts his first MAW promo: [COLOR=Blue]"I've been pretty successful in Canada for quite some time now but now I think it's time to bring the heat to my US game. From here on in, you will see what Joey Poison is all about!"[/COLOR] [B]D Joey Poison d. Steven 'Future' Parker[/B] In what has to be considered an upset, Poison hit a crucifix to pin the highly touted Parker. Parker looked as if he didn't know what hit him as the ref counted three. [B]D[/B] Rip Chord addresses the fans: [COLOR=Red]"I can't promise you much in the way of a classic wrestling match tonight. You aren't going to see armbars and chain wrestling. What I can promise you is to beat the living hell out of Cattley. Winning this match is secondary."[/COLOR] [B]Rip Chord and Antonio d. Mean Jean Cattley and Balroq[/B] Fans were as worried about the outcome of the match as they were if Rip could get the job done. He didn't disappoint at all. In a highly overbooked brawl, Chord got the win on Balroq as a miscommunication betwee Cattley and his bodyguard led to Balroq getting blasted with a chair. He fell right into Chord who hit his DDT for the win and the largest pop in MAW's short history! [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Wow...just wow. The fans got their money's worth and more tonight as Chord (while heavily "protected) brought everything he has left in his tank. Cattley made Chord look like a million bucks and also showcased Antonio and Barloq as real up and comers. We broke about even on the show because Merchandise was WAY down, but the company is in the black and we're about $4,000 over what we started with so everyone was thrillled with this show.
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[B]MAW Seasons Beatings (11/07) 103 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]Surprising that there's an drop off in attendance (albeit only 17 people) after last week's hot show. But with the holidays upon us, that can be expected. Don't expect MAW to let up though as we blaze ahead toward our annual "super show" Where It All Begins Again" Tonight's main event is a 2/3 Falls match for the Mid Atlantic Title between Mainstream Hernandez and American Elemental. We also see the beginning of the four team tournament to decide the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions. Westybrook/Truth vs. GeNext (Ward/Coleman). Next week's match is Idol/Strong vs. The Show Stealers[/I] [B]Dark Match: Antonio d. Donny Damage[/B] Antonio has some serious momentum for being included in the Rip-Cattley storyline. He looked good in a clean win over veteran Damage. Next week is a big test for Antonio as he will face Balroq one on one. [B]E[/B] Rip Chord is mid ring and addresses the fans: [COLOR=Blue]"I just want to thank all of you for the amazing amount of support you've shown me and this company for the past two years. I hope, last month, that I did you proud. I don't think we'll be seeing much of Mean Jean Cattley in MAW any longer."[/COLOR] [B]B+ Champagne Lover d. El Generico #6[/B] Generico is a rookie who prefers to be under a hood until he gains some experience. Lover looks as good as anyone in the promotion and will be moved into a much higher profile role soon, possibly as soon as next month. [B]D[/B] Mainstream Hernandez cuts a promo hyping tonight's Mid Atlantic Title match and how much respect he holds for American Elemental. [B]C- GeNext (Coleman/Ward) d. Tom Westybrook/The Truth to advance to the finals of the MAW Tag Title tournament[/B] Westybrook was off his game and that really contributed to a lackluster match. It's apparant that Westybrook and Truth need a lot more seasoning. Coleman took off the top turnbuckle and rammed Westybrook's head into it, then slapped the Texas Cloverleaf on the KOed wrestler for the win. [B]E[/B] American Elemental hypes his defense of the Mid Atlantic Title. [B]C- Mainstream Hernandez d. American Elemental 2 falls to 1 to win the MAW Title![/B] This match was not without much controversy as American E took the first fall with a springboard Hurracanrana and Hernandez took the second with an Apparition #14. At about 20 minutes into the match and into the third fall, [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] ran in from the crowd and hit the Mood Swing on BOTH wrestlers during a ref bump. As a result of the moves and how they landed, Hernandez' arm was draped across American Elemental's chest and the ref awoke to count the pin. Hernandez looked as shocked as anyone at winning the title. [B]C[/B] Mean Jean grabbed a mic and screamed at Rip Chord from the balcony: [COLOR=Red]"You think this is over old man?? Not by a long shot. I'm going to be your worst nightmare, so why don't you do something about it. I want you one on one. No teams where I can get messed up by a stupid partner's mistake. Or you can just fire me, but I know you won't do that because then I'll have won. You will never get rid of me!!"[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: The end of the show went off very well, although the same can not be said for the beginnings of the tag team tournament. I originally suggested in the road agent notes that the last match be a no contest with the third fall being thrown out due to the interference. Chord overruled me and wanted Mainstream to take the belt and add some tension to his relationship with American Elemental. January's "Where It All Begins Again" has pretty much been designated as MAW's "WrestleMania" and, in addition to the tag tournament finals, two other big matches will be signed and announced next week.
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MAW Roster Update [I]I realized I've never done an official run down on my roster, so currently here it is (the alignment is in parenthesis:[/I] [B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B] Mean Jean Cattley (h) Mainstream Hernandez (f) American Elemental (f) Champagne Lover (h) [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] Erik Strong (f) Steven Parker (h) The Truth (f) Antonio (f) Brendon Idol (f) Al Coleman (h) [B][U]Midcarders[/U][/B] Joey Posion (f) Joss Thompson (h) {Joss will be debuting this month} Balroq (aka Danny Patterson) (h) Petey Barnes (f) Adam Matravers (?) [B][U]Lower Midcarders[/U][/B] Tom Westybrook (not a typo, he is a generated wrestler and Tim's brother :) (f) Curtis Jenkins (f) Donny Damage (h) [B][U]Openers[/U][/B] Tokyo Dynamite (h) Glen Ward (h) El Generico #6 (h)
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yeah except it doesn't suck :) haha I actually had an old sim called TNM that I had a running storyline with Ric Flair being retired and Shawn Michaels (a heel) goading him back into the ring. So I used that as a pattern for this. It's more on the line of Orton-Foley from a year or so ago.
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[B]MAW One Night in December (12/07) 110 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------- [I]One month to go until what is being considered as the biggest show in MAW history. Tonight will see the last bits of the puzzles falling into place on the road to Where It All Begins Again.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Joss Thompson d. The Truth[/B] Thompson plays a great ****y technical heel and Truth is still developing. Decent match and I'm looking to team Thompson with Steven Parker at some point. [B]E[/B] [B]Dark Match: Joey Poison d. El Generico #6[/B] Poison continues to impress and improve and these two had great chemistry. This might be a match to move as the opener for the main show in Feb. [B]D[/B] Rip Chord states that he has had enough of Mean Jean Cattley. [COLOR=Blue]"This has to end one way or the other so lets do this Cattley. I'll wrestle you next month, one on one and when I beat you...you leave MAW forever."[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] Cattley arrives with Balroq in tow: [COLOR=Red]"Finally, you get some balls old timer. But what incentive is that for me? Let me sweeten the pot. You win, I leave...fair enough. I win, you give up your controlling interest in the promotion to your silent partner Marv Earnest and you fade into the background. How's that? Lets make this a true a loser leaves town event."[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Chord thinks for a minute and agrees to the stips. As he does, American Elemental comes out and challenges Jean to a match tonight to seek revenge for him costing Elemental the title last month. Cattley accepts. [B]C-[/B] [B]The Thrillseekers (Strong/Idol) d. The Show Stealers to advance to the finals of the MAW Tag Team Title tournament:[/B] Not as good a match as I was hoping for. Matravers and Barnes have the skills but they haven't quite captured the fans imaginations just yet. Al Coleman and Glen Ward interferred AGAINST Matravers and beat him down after the match! [B]E[/B] American Elemental vs. Mainstream Hernandez in a Ladder Match for the MAW title has been announced as the co-main event of Where It All Begins Again! [B]D[/B] [B]Balroq d. Antonio[/B] These two men only need one name...like Sting. Clumsy brawl match with Balroq hearing some cheers. The giant Englishman takes the match with his Tower of London backbreaker [B]E[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley d. American Elemental[/B] American Elemental dominated the offense in this match and it was only through sheer cheating that Cattley snuck out the win (with his feet on the ropes even). Cattley looked pre-occupied with his match next month with Chord. American Elemental was livid after the loss as he heads into the MAW Title match next month. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: No Mainstream on this show as we were trying to keep the budget under wraps in preperation for next month's super show. Tensions are high and excitement is in the air as Rip Chord will finally take on Mean Jean Cattley one on one!
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[U]My predictions for the matches you've announced:[/U] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. American Elemental [I] (( Wild guess, both would be a good champion[/I] Rip Chord vs. [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [I] (( You just can't afford to lose Cattley, or if he loses he comes back Matt Hardy style...(acting like he's not longer in your fed, but still attacking chord & co.)[/I]
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again (01/08) 119 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Sorry to leave you guys hanging, I built up to the biggest card in MAW history and then didn't post for a week. Now MAW comes back with a vengeance! The stage is set with three huge matches as Rip Chord takes on Mean Jean Cattley one on one in a much anticipated match up. Mainstream Hernandez defends his MAW Title against rival high flier American Elemental in the first ever Ladder Match in MAW and The Thrillseekers (Idol/Strong) take on GeNext (Ward/Coleman) to determine the first MAW Tag Team Champions. And as a shameless plug, check out my website at [B][url]www.johnkeating.biz[/url][/B] and a wrestling-themed comic book I'm creating at [B][url]www.60minutebroadway.com[/url][/B]. Now on with the show![/I] [B]Dark Match: Balroq d. Tom Westybrook[/B] Balroq, in line for a major push in coming months, dominated this match against the young Westybrook. Balroq has a fantastic look and is even hearing some cheers from the fans. The show opens with Marv Earnest welcoming the fans to Stanley Hall as the Thrillseekers warm up for their chance at the vacant Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles. [B]B+[/B] [B]The Thrillseekers d. GeNext for the MAW Tag Team Titles[/B] After much talk about the potential of both Brendon Idol and Erik Strong, their time has finally come in the form of the tag team titles. They have a solid chemistry and worked pretty well with Coleman and Ward. A nice blend of mat wrestling and high-flying. They debuted a new finisher with Strong superplexing Ward and Idol hitting the 450 Splash to take the belts [B]E[/B] Brendon Idol and Erik Strong celebrate their win. The crowd seems happy for them but you can tell they are really sitting on their hands in anticipation of the next match. [B]F[/B] Mean Jean Cattley insults the fans in attendance and promises to put Rip Chord not only back into retirement, but also [COLOR=Red]"in a nursing home where he belongs. There will be no joy in the Betty Ford Center because Rip Chord is about to strike out!"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Mainstream Hernandez speaks with Marv Earnest about the series of matches he's had with American Elemental: [COLOR=Blue]"There's probably not another wrestler I respect more than American Elemental. He is all class and win or lose tonight, this series has been an honor"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Mean Jean Cattley comes to the ring for his match and then Rip Chord is introduced to a THUNDEROUS ovation. Chord takes the mic: [COLOR=Blue]"People ask me all the time, 'Rip, why would you sink your money into a promotion in the Mid Atlantic? Why would you risk that?" I'll tell you why. It's for you fans because you people are amazing. Throughout my career, you've been there for me and I will never forget you people. This match is dedicated to you. As for you Cattley, I hope you got your bags packed, because this old drunk has one more ass whoopin' to dish out in this broken down body and it's heading your way!"[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley d. Rip Chord[/B] While it may not have been a workrate bonanza, this match was indeed the greatest match in the history of Mid Atlantic Wrestling. The emotion, storyline, psychology all added up to a brawl that hasn't ever been seen in Stanely Hall. There was a lot of questions if Chord could hang in a singles match and even though it was a short 9 minute affair, Cattley carried the older Chord to an amazing bout. The finish came with Rip locking in the DDT, but Cattley nails a low blow. He hits the Mood Swing and pins the legend Chord as the MAW fans sit in stunned silence. Chord is helped to his feet and leaves without saying a word. [B]C+[/B] Cattley looked as if even he couldn't believe that he pinned Rip and celebrated as boos, paper cups and other debris hits the ring [B]D[/B] [B]American Elemental d. Mainstream Hernandez in a Ladder Match to regain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] The ladder is brought out and the combatants introduced. Both men start with an assortment of armdrags, dropkicks and scientific manuevers and it's about 7 minutes into the match before the first ladder sport. In one breathtaking move, Hernandez hit the Apparition #14 on Elemental OFF the top of the ladder. Both men scaled the ladder in dramatic fashion and threw forearm shots until finally, an exhausted Hernandez dropped to the mat allowing American Elemental to grab the MAW Title belt and start his second reign as champion. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Just an amazing show and I couldn't have hoped for it to have turned out any better. It was MAW at it's finest as everyone put out the best effort they could and left nothing in that ring. Fans (as well as I) were shocked that Chord did the job for Cattley. When booking the event and Chord decided to give that to Mean Jean, Rip merely told me: "The kid has it. He works his ass off and is really the heart of this promotion. He deserves this and I hope he goes on to become one of the biggest stars in the business."
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[B]MAW Brawlapalooza (02/08) 110 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]One month after Mean Jean Cattley shocked the Mid Atlantic region by pinning the legendary Rip Chord, MAW looks to a future without Chord behind the mic and making the decision. Majority owner Marv Earnest will be lead announcer and be making match decisions. Also, big news that, with all of the British workers currently on the MAW roster, there are talks of holding a very small show in the UK in April sometime. More news on that to come.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Marc Speed d. Petey Barnes[/B] Speed is a new addition to the roster and is a technical heel. He should fill the hole left by Steven Parker's leaving as he will occupy an upper mid-card, solid worker slot. Barnes is coming along as a high flier. This match saw Al Coleman and Glen Ward interfere against Barnes. [B]D[/B] After the match, GeNext beats down Petey until their former partner Adam Matravers makes the save. The crowd seemed to take to Matravers face turn very well. [B]F[/B] Onto the main show... Marv Earnest came out and said that it was a sad day in MAW as he hadn't heard from Rip Chord at all since last month's show. He said he will do his best to continue bringing the Mid Atlantic fans the action they have come to expect from the promotion. To kick it off, American Elemental will defend his newly regained MAW Title against Steven 'Future' Parker in tonight's main event. [B]E[/B] It wouldn't be MAW without Mean Jean Cattley complaining or boasting about something. With his win over Rip Chord, his overness has shot up to C- in the Mid Atlantic region. The boos are as loud as any I've heard in Stanley Hall. Cattley grabs the mic and soaks in the crowd's hatred: [COLOR=Red]"I would love to ask Rip Chord to come out here so I can shake his hand and send him on his way in proper fashion...but who am I kidding? If he had the guts to show his face in Stanley Hall I'd just kick his ass like I did last month one more time. Having said that, why is Parker getting a title shot tonight? I beat American Elemental in this very ring a few months back on top of destroying Rip Chord. It's my title shot and I'm demanding to be #1 contender."[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] Instead of the MAW Title, though, Cattley will have to face Chord's protegee Antonio, who is none too happy about the treatment of his mentor. As Cattley is going to leave the ring, he stops and gets in Balroq's face: [COLOR=Red]"And let me tell you something...it's time you start earning your keep around here. I don't pay you to stand behind me in interviews and pick your nose. You better start showing some of that killer instinct or I might have to make an example out of you next."[/COLOR] Balroq fumed but still followed Cattley out of the ring. [B]D Joey Poison d. El Generico #6[/B] These two had a solid dark match a few months back and they brought the show to the main stage. Poison is rapidly gaining an American fan base and we really want to move him up the card. It's such a bottleneck with upper card faces that he may have to do something drastic to get some notice. Posion hit the Antidote Web for the win [B]D[/B] As Posion celebrates and leaves the ring, El Generico starts to move and get up to leave. Out of nowhere, Balroq storms the ring and completely destroys Generico in a fit of rage! Mean Jean watches from the back, pleased at his bodyguard's performance.[B]B[/B] Steven Parker states that tonight is his night to finally take the MAW Title and nothing will stop him. [B]D Mean Jean Cattley d. Antonio[/B] Cattley has a newfound confidence since beating Chord and it showed tonight. Antonio scored some points with a nice rolling German Suplex combo but was totally outclassed by Cattley. [B]C-[/B] A video featuring new MAW Tag Team Champions The Thrillseekers (Idol and Strong) was shown over Stanley Hall's projector system. It showed them in day to day life and provided a nice sit down interview with the young champs. [B]D American Elemental d. Steven Parker to retain the MAW Title[/B] With rumors of Steven Parker's departure from MAW the outcome of tonight's match was never really in doubt. These two kept up the fine standard of the MAW Title main events and had a great match. We want to get Parker back in the fold once his price drops. Elemental looks like a champion and controlled the action. He hit a nice spot when whipped into the turnbuckle, he walked up it and hit a moonsault bodypress for the three count. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B]
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[B]MAW March Madness (03/08) 153 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] --------------------------------------------------------- [I]Attendance has skyrocketed in Stanley Hall as MAW reached an all time high of 153 fans to see American Elemental defend the MAW title against Mean Jean Cattley.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Marc Speed d. The Truth[/B] Speed looks great and will move up to the main show, most likely at Boiling Point. The Truth still has a little ways to go and hasn't caught fire just yet. Speed hit the "Need for Speed" Tornado DDT for the win. [B]D Des Davids d. Donny Damage[/B] Davids is a former pro football player from the New England Patriots and has some popularity in the Northeast. He is a decent brawler and power wrestler and had a good match with the British Damage. Davids hit a powerslam for the win. [B]D[/B] The Thrillseekers warm up for their Tag Title defense against Al Coleman and Glen Ward as Marv Earnest kicks off the show [B]B The Thrillseekers retain the MAW Tag Team Titles over GeNext[/B] All four wrestlers really stepped it up since their last encounter and are really starting to gel. Idol and Strong looked especially good hitting some nice tandem and high flying manuevers. Glen Ward is getting over as a snotty heel. [B]D[/B] Mean Jean Cattley comes out and makes an official challenge to American Elemental for later tonight. [COLOR=Red]"Ain't no way I can lose because there's no one in this promotion that can pin me!"[/COLOR] [B]C Balroq d. El Generico #6[/B] Just a complete squash with Balroq dominating the offense and beating #6 into the canvas. Tower of London submission finish and the whole thing was over in about 3 minutes. [B]D[/B] Champagne Lover returns to MAW tonight and flexes and poses for the audience before his match, drawing some real heat. [B]A* Champagne Lover d. Joey Poison[/B] Poison put up a great match against the Mexican superstar but Lover continued his undefeated streak with his Champagne Breakfast submission finisher. [B]C-[/B] Right there on the spot, Marv Earnest signs Lover to a #1 contenders match next month against....the returning Mainstream Hernandez!! [B]D Mean Jean Cattley d. American Elemental by DQ. Elemental retains the MAW Title[/B] Cattley pulled out all the stops and looked to be taking home his second championship title tonight but American Elemental fought gallantly from behind. Cattley hit the Mood Swing and scored a 2 7/8 count with AE kicking out at the last possible moment. Cattley grabbed a steel chair as the ref warned him not to use it. American Elemental grabbed wrested the chair from MJC and used it himself, drawing a DQ. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Apparantly the crowd was not too happy with the lack of angles and interviews tonight. The wrestling, albeit some of the better matches held of late, was not enough to win over the fans. Mainstream Hernandez took a few months off while negotiating his contract and also to let some of the younger guys move up into the spotlight. Mean Jean Cattley was resigned to a sizeable contract and it's not known how many more price jumps MAW can afford from this future superstar.
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[B]MAW British Invasion (04/08) 20 fans in the Norman Blue Athletic Center[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]In a bold move, due to the number of British stars on the roster, MAW planned an extremely small spot show in the UK.[/I] Adam Matravers comes out and cuts a promo, thanking the fans for attending and promising them some old favorites as well as newer American stars [B]C Joey Poison d. Donny Damage[/B] Poison worked a mat based match with the vetran UK native Damage. Poison scored a huge international win over the local wrestler with the Antidote Web. [B]C-[/B] Balroq (going under his real name of Danny Patterson for this match) warms up and flexes for the crowd. [B]B American Elemental d. Danny Patterson to retain the MAW Title[/B] American Elemental is geeted with almost a heel's reception as the more popular hometown wrestler Patterson is treated as the babyface. Patterson dominated the offense in the match, overpowering and treating Elemental like the proverbial rag doll. Patterson went for a press slam but Elemental rolled him up into a small package for a quick pinfall to keep the title. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: A really strong show. It seems there are a large number of really over UK wrestlers on the MAW roster and this market may be a way for the company to expand and really show some growth. Even with the smattering of fans that showed up, MAW plans to return to the UK a few times a year.
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Coming soon.... [B] MAW Boiling Point[/B] Who will be the #1 contender to the Mid Atlantic Title as the beloved Mainstream Hernandez takes on the fastest rising superstar in MAW history Champagne Lover for the honors. In other matches... Joey Poison takes on Joss Thompson Adam Matravers gets his hands on former GeNext partner Glen Ward Also... A new MAW Commissioner will be introduced and rumor has it there will be a very special message for fans from Rip Chord.
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[B]MAW Boiling Point (04/08) 199 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ----------------------------------------------------- [I]Due to a contract dispute, Marv Earnest will no longer be working with the company, so the proposed storyline with him taking over had to be changed around. Luckily, CGC announcer Ted Ross was available and he will be the "new MAW Commissioner" and fill the role of announcer for awhile.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Mike "The Truth" Morrison/Tom Westybrook d. Des Davids/Curtis Jenkins[/B] I'm still having difficulty figuring out what to do with Morrison and Westybrook but they are gelling together as a tag team. Des Davids is in for a singles push in the coming months as a brawler. [B]E[/B] Ted Ross is announced as the new MAW Commissioner: [COLOR=Red]"It seems the new governing board of MAW bought out Marv Earnest and named me MAW Commissioner. This promotion is in a lot of trouble and I aim to set this ship right again. There's a new boss in charge and things are about to change."[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] A video is show on Stanley Hall's projection system and Rip Chord is shown. He receives an enormous pop from the Stanley Hall faithful. Chord: [COLOR=Blue]"I can't say I'm happy with how things turned out between Cattley and myself, but I'm even more unhappy that I walked away. That ain't how a real man handles thing and for that, I'm sorry. I owe you fans an apology. I'm here to tell you that Rip Chord ain't going anywhere and I will be coming back to MAW very soon"[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] Mean Jean Cattley comes out and is livid. He screams that he has sent Chord packing and there is no way he will allow him back in the promotion! [B]C- Adam Matravers d. Glen Ward[/B] Matravers is slowly getting over in Mid Atlantic with his high flying moves. Ward tried to ground him, but Matravers hit a flying hurracanrana and the Mile High Moonsault for the win [B]E[/B] Erik Strong is getting ready for an interview when out of nowhere, Mean Jean Cattley and Balroq attack him and beat him into the concrete. Cattley screams that he will be making an example out of everyone on the roster if Chord is allowed back. [B]D Joey Poison d. Joss Thompson[/B] There were high expectations for this match going in and it came off as somewhat of a disappointment. Poison went over with the Antidote Web and his push continues. [B]E[/B] A bloody Erik Strong, accompanied by Brendon Idol, demand a match against Cattley and Balroq next month. Ted Ross says that he will sign it for next month but the titles have to be on the line. [B]D[/B] Champagne Lover comes to the ring and poses for the fans as boos rain down on him. [B]A*[/B] Mainstream Hernandez grabs the mic and states that he is going to end Lover's undefeated streak and go on to regain that Mid Atlantic title for the third time. [B]D Champagne Lover d. Mainstream Hernandez to become the #1 Contender[/B] An all out match that took both of these future superstars to their limits. Neither wanted to lay down and lose out on a Mid Atlantic Title shot and fought with everything they had. Mainstream went for a flying cross body but Lover ducked it and Hernandez slammed into the mat. Lover slapped on the Champagne Breakfast and takes the match [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Another strong show and Champagne Lover's momentum seems unstoppable. It will be a real test for him to carry two main events two months in a row, next against American Elemental for the title. Ted Ross stepped in nicely as Commissioner and can carry himself well on the mic. He should do fine in the role for what is needed of him. I was pleasantly surprised at the segments with Erik Strong and I see huge things for him in the future.
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