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MAW: A New Era Begins

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Champagne Lover has just signed with a start up company EXODUS USA and this concerns us a bit as they hold shows every Thurs, Sat and Sun. There are only two MAW shows that are held on Saturdays so we'll have to keep an eye on this to make sure our top star is available to us when we need him.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland]I've decided to start doing a "CornellVerse Diary Of The Month" award, with the winner getting pinned for the duration of the month. This is the winner for March, well done shipshirt. edit: I mean the winner's diary gets pinned, not the writer himself. Obviously.[/QUOTE] You should consider pinning a Non-CornellVerse Diary each month as well. User made mods like DOTT have played a HUGE role in making TEW what it is and to not acknowledge that is a mistake in my humble opinion. You may even want to consider pinning the DOTT thread itself since it has become a major player in the TEW universe so to speak.
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[B]MAW Boiling Point (04.09) 194 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------ [I]All the folks at MAW want to give a big thanks to Adam Ryland and all of the readers of the diary for awarding us the first ever "CornellVerse Diary of the Month" honor. Thanks for reading! Tonight's show has a Mid Atlantic Tag Title defense as well as the first round of the 4 man Cruiserweight Title tournament.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Antonio d. Glen Ward[/B] There are actually some interesting plans ahead for Antonio and he was given a win over Glen Ward. Ward has been directionless since Genext disbanded and Al Coleman left the company. [B]F[/B] American Elemental confronts Joey Poison about his joining TaylorCorp: [COLOR="Blue"]"What were you thinking? How could you turn your back on your friends and fans and take sides with a dirtbag like Taylor?"[COLOR] Posion shot back: [COLOR="Red"]I've got an easy answer for you...how about that it's none of your freakin' business? How's that for an answer. I've got bills to pay and I plan on being a big deal in this company and in this country. These fans aren't going to get me where I want and deserve to be and neither is hanging out with losers like you"[/COLOR] [B]D Erik Strong d. Marc Speed in the first round of the Cruiserweight Title tournament[/B] What was hoped to be a high caliber contest really fizzled as it seems Speed isn't ready for the big time just yet. He hasn't had too great of a win-loss record since signing with TaylorCorp. Erik Strong got to dominate on offense and show off some more of his skills. [B]E[/B] Tijuana Vampire gets ready for his tournament match by performing some kind of a bizarre bloodletting ritual. [B]B-[/B] Brendon Idol warms up for the match and is approached by friend and tag partner Erik Strong, who wishes him the best of luck in the match and would be honored to face him for the title next week. [B]C+[/B] [B]Tijuana Vampire d. Brendon Idol in the first round of the Cruiserweight Title Tournament[/B] Idol looked awesome here and Vampire continues to impress. It doesn't matter if he wins, loses, dominates, gets beaten up...he always looks good and gets over doing it. Idol is a true young superstar in the making and a future contender. [B]C-[/B] Des Davids comes out and says that he is ready to move up to the next level and the only way to do that is to beat Champagne Lover for the Mid Atlantic Title. He wants a match to do just that next month! [B]C- Mean Jean Cattley/Balroq d. The Show Stealers to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles[/B] The Show Stealers, and Adam Matravers especially, are going to be the future great tag team in this business. They elicit sympathy by getting beat down by the vicious heels and pop the crowd during their hot tag comebacks. Balroq used his steel chain to KO Barnes in this match and score the pin. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Really strong show without even Mainstream, American Elemental or Lover wrestling so that bodes well. Mean Jean's contract price continues to skyrocket and we may have to part ways at some point. He's really building a star in Adam Matravers as well as giving Balroq major crediblity.
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[QUOTE=DocStevens]You should consider pinning a Non-CornellVerse Diary each month as well. User made mods like DOTT have played a HUGE role in making TEW what it is and to not acknowledge that is a mistake in my humble opinion. You may even want to consider pinning the DOTT thread itself since it has become a major player in the TEW universe so to speak.[/QUOTE] I realise all that, but we can't promote anything that involves trademarked material without getting into legal trouble, and pinning a topic to draw attention to it would fall into that category. We can have them in the diary section as it's the work of fans, but as soon as GDS takes any sort of involvement with them it is a different matter.
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[B]MAW May-hem (05.09) 220 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------ [I]One of the bigger crowds in recent months tonight. We're still fighting with an economy that's as down as we've seen it so just keeping afloat right now is the main priority. Fans are excited to see the new Cruiserweight Champion crowned tonight as well as see young fan favorite Des Davids get his shot at Champagne Lover.[/I] [B]Dark Match: American Elemental d. Carl Edwards[/B] Elemental volunteered to have a dark match and work with the young highflying Edwards to show him some pointers. A really good match and Elemental is getting to that point where he can carry almost anyone. [B]C-[/B] Champagne Lover kicks off the show by accepting Des Davids' challenge from last month:[COLOR="Red"]"if he wants to be the next ass kickings on the list, then that is fine with me"[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] Mike Morrison cuts a promo on Rhino Umaga, promising to put the big Samoan away tonight: [B]D Rhino Umaga d. Mike Morrison by countout[/B] Another stiff, state of the art match between these two. Morrison is still seeking his elusive win over Rhino. Umaga hit the Rhino Charge into the ringside steps and KOed Morrison causing the countout. [B]C-[/B] The Show Stealers confront Ted Ross and ask for another shot at the Tag Titles. Ross says he'll think about it and have an answer for them next month. [B]D[/B] Erik Strong stretches and warms up for his match. [B]B- Erik Strong d. Tijuana Vampire to become the first MAW Cruiserweight Champion[/B] Fantastic high flying encounter as Vampire works a nice balance between awe-inspiring highspots and creepy heel spots in the match. Strong hit a Shooting Star bodyblock to the outside of the ring and won the match with his Shooting Star Press to take home the gold! [B]C-[/B] American Elemental comes out for an interview but is suddenly attacked by Joey Poison! Taylor screams into the mic: [COLOR="Red"]Kick his ass!! Kick his ass!! Show your loyalty to TaylorCorp by putting him out of action!![/COLOR] [B]D Champagne Lover d. Des Davids to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] Davids dominated the match putting on a power showcase and tossing Lover around the ring. The crowd was really behind Davids and with a touch more seasoning, he may be a future MAW champion. Lover had to rely on a belt shot to KO Davids and make the pin. One of the better MAW Title matches in a long time! [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: We made some money on this show but both economies continue to plummet. No Mainstream or Cattley on this show for that very reason. Poison's heel turn was a complete success and he should have some new life in MAW. We're currently in negotiations with a few workers...one familiar face and two newer guys.
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[B]MAW School's Out (06.09) 199 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dark Match: Des Davids d. Marc Speed[/B] Davids looked good against Speed once again and will definitely have another shot at the Mid Atlantic Title. Davids hit a powerslam to win the match [B]D[/B] Ted Ross takes the ring and says that he has thought about the Show Stealers request for a title rematch. He has an offer for them. If Petey Barnes can defeat Balroq tonight they will get another shot...oh yeah, it's also a DOG COLLAR MATCH! [B]D[/B] Gerald Taylor comes out flanked by all four members of TaylorCorp (Atlas, Titan, Marc Speed and Joey Poison). [COLOR="Red"]"You are looking at the greatest collection of wrestlers ever assembled in this crappy little promotion. But as the saying goes, a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link..."[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] With that, Taylor orders The Apocolypse to attack Marc Speed. They brutalize him while Poison and Taylor watch. Taylor gets down in Speed's face: [COLOR="Red"]"you're FIRED!"[/COLOR] [B]F Joey Poison d. DC Rayne[/B] Rayne looked good against the superior Poison. Poison is working a no nonsense style and the fact that he doesn't play up any of the "weirdo" gimmick that fans loved before makes them hate him even more. [B]C-[/B] After the win, Poison taunts Rayne, when American Elemental charges the ring and attacks, trying to get a reciept for Poison attacking him last month. Security pulls the two men apart. [B]E Petey Barnes d. Balroq in a Dog Collar Match to earn another tag title shot[/B] Balroq dominated offense while Petey played rag doll. This was a dog collar match where it would end by pinfall only. A miscommunication between Cattley and Balroq led to a missed chair shot, KO'ing the giant Englishman. Petey scored a huge upset win. [B]D[/B] After the match, Balroq glared at Cattley, who shrugged it off. Ted Ross once again takes the ring (this guy loves to be in front of a crowd!) and announces that he has signed a HUGE main event to jumpstart this promotion. It will take place next month at Birth of a Nation and will see Champagne Lover defend his Mid Atlantic Title against.....RIP CHORD!! [B]C[/B] Chord comes to the ring and argues with Ross. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm not a wrestler anymore Ross. I'm not going to take the match.[/COLOR] Ross said: [COLOR="Red"]Oh you'll take the match because if you don't, you're little buddy Antonio is out on the streets. I see that his contract is coming up and I don't really see a need to keep him around. So hey...good luck Rip."[/COLOR] [B]C- Erik Strong d. Tijuana Vampire to retain the Cruiserweight Title[/B] Strong and Vampire have an easy chemistry and flow in the ring and this was another stellar match between the two. Vampire was going to cheat by smashing Strong with his "walking stick" but out of the crowd came Mainstream Hernandez to prevent him. Strong then hit a missile dropkick and pinned the distracted Vampire [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: A lot of good wrestling and storylines on this show. The D rating surprises me a bit. This is all leading to Birth of a Nation '09 which promises to be one of the biggest shows of the year.
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Coming soon... [B]MAW Birth of a Nation '09[/B] Already signed for this summer blockbuster.... [B]Champagne Lover defends the Mid Atlantic Title against the legendary Rip Chord! [/B] Blackmailed by commissioner Ted Ross, is Chord's heart into this match? Can he win the top title in the promotion he helped create? Can anyone stop Champagne Lover, now celebrating a year long title reign? [B]The Show Stealers get one last chance at the Mid Atlantic Tag Team champions Mean Jean Cattley and Balroq[/B] Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes had the luck of a lifetime in getting this match...will they be able to parlay that into a title win? [B]Mainstream Hernandez seeks revenge on Tijuana Vampire[/B] This feud has raged on for quite some time...will Hernandez put the final nail in Vampire's coffin at Birth of a Nation? (sorry I couldn't resist that one) Also...American Elemental has a challenge for Joey Poison and Gerald Taylor promises a new member for TaylorCorp to replace the fired Marc Speed!!
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[B]MAW Birth of a Nation (07.09) 202 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------ [B]Dark Match: Brendon Idol d. Geoff "Air" Borne[/B] Idol is a wrestler who seems to get a stop-start kind of push and he has all the potential in the world to be huge. Borne looked good against Idol in his MAW debut (and debut in the United States) and these two put on a nice opener. [B]D[/B] As Idol celebrates his win STEVEN PARKER charges the ring and beats him down. Parker has returned to MAW and is the newest member of TaylorCorp that Gerald Taylor spoke about last month [B]E[/B] American Elemental comes to the ring and makes a challenge to Joey Poison to fight him like a man. [B]C-[/B] Poison comes to the entranceway and basically refuses the match: [COLOR="Red"]"I've got nothing to prove by kicking your ass again"[/COLOR] [B]C- The Show Stealers d. Mean Jean Cattley/Balroq to win the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles[/B] Great match as the tension between Cattley and Balroq was evident. Barnes and Matravers used it to their advantage and hit some nice tandem moves. Balroq seemed more intent on giving Cattley a receipt after Cattley cost him the Dog Collar Match last month and left Mean Jean hanging in the ring to get pinned by the young fan favorites. [B]D[/B] Champagne Lover cut a promo on Rip Chord, taunting and mocking the legend. [B]C+[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez d. Tijuana Vampire by DQ[/B] Hernandez and Vampire have great chemistry and it looked like Hernandez was going to beat TV decisively when Del Muerto (masked wrestler from Mexico) charged the ring and attacked, earning TV the DQ. Erik Strong ran out to make the save for his friend. [B]C-[/B] Rip Chord stretches and warms up for his title match and is approached by Antonio. He wishes his mentor good luck tonight. [B]C- Champagne Lover d. Rip Chord to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] Chord came out with a purpose and leveled Lover with hard punches and chops. Lover scored some highflying offense but Chord was in no mood to be graceful, preferring instead to just fight. The ref was bumped and Chord hit the DDT on Lover and looked to have the match won. Ted Ross tried to enter the ring and was backed down by Antonio. Then... ...Antonio took a steel chair and TURNED ON RIP CHORD! The crowd went ballistic as Antonio beat Chord within an inch of his life with the chair and threw Champagne on top. He then woke the ref and made him count to three. [B]C[/B] Antonio wasn't done yet as after the match he threw Chord to the concrete floor and delivered a spine shattering piledriver as well as Rip's own signature DDT on the arena floor. He looked possessed as the crowd booed and showered him in debris. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: One of my favorite MAW shows in a long, long time. Not too many people saw the Antonio turn coming and all of the segments played out beautifully. Financially we're still in trouble as the past couple of months we've lost about a grand a show. The economy is in the crapper and we've only been making about $350 in merch a month (it was around $2000 before). We'll have to tighten our belts and plow through. But I'm very happy in the product itself.
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HA! I'm glad everyone liked the turn so much! Unfortunately, it was just a hotshot move and I have nowhere to go with it... just kidding ;) I have a very logical and grounded explanation for it at the next show (which should post sometime today). Also I made $1800 that month so I'm back in the upswing! Woohooooo!! This was one of my favorite angles so far...thanks for the feedback and reading!
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[B]MAW Heat Blister (08.09) 170 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ----------------------------------------------------- [I]After Antonio's shocking turn on Rip Chord last month, fans want to know just what the hell he was thinking! The scene of Chord being stretchered out saddened many MAW fans.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Balroq d. Kentucky Bill[/B] Bill is a newcomer and working a fun babyface gimmick and goingthe "jobber" route for a bit. Balroq destroyed Bill in under 3 minutes. [B]E[/B] A video replay of Antonio's attack was shown on the projection system. It was also announced that Chord was hospitalized with a severe concussion and will not be returning for some time. [B]C Antonio d. Flemmy Lemming[/B] Stanely Hall shook with jeers as Antonio made his way to the ring. Lemming picked the wrong night and wrong opponent to make his return to MAW with. Antonio showed a killer streak that has never been seen before and used the Rip Chord DDT (that he now dubs the Antonio Driver) as his finisher. [B]D[/B] Antonio grabs the mic and, in the moment we've all been waiting for, explains his actions: [COLOR="Red"]"All month long, I've gotten phone calls, people stopping me in the street. Why'd ya do it Antonio? Why? I'll tell you why...I am sick and tired of being that old bastard's bitch! Yeah that's right! Anytime someone had a problem with him, they would take it out on me to get to Rip. Being his protegee meant I had a target on my back all the time. Then once the feud was over, I was forgotten about. The only time I was mentioned was in conjunction with him...well no more. I guess I showed you that I'm my own man now, didn't I Rip? In reality, I want to thank you...because you holding me back these past four years has really shown me the course I need to take. Hell, I'd even buy you a steak to say thanks...if you didn't have to drink it through a straw."[/COLOR] And with that, he drops the mic and walks out of the ring...not acknowledging any of the fans' reactions. [B]C+ Des Davids d. Joss Thompson[/B] Davids popularity is fast rising and he's got decent power and brawling skills (not to mention great stamina). He is a future star but we're just trying to give him some momentum heading into main events. Thompson hasn't shown anywhere near what his potential is and has complained non stop. This was his last match in MAW for awhile. [B]D[/B] Davids grabs the mic: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Champagne Lover, I gave you all you could handle and more in our title match. I know you're ducking me so I'm out here to demand a rematch with you!"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Joey Poison comes to the ring and says that if American Elemental wants a match to settle things, then he can have one. But he wants to do it face to face like men. American E comes out and is promptly ambushed by TaylorCorp (Atlas, Titan and Steven Parker). Brendon Idol runs out for the save which leads right into...[B]E Brendon Idol drew with Steven Parker[/B] These two have amazing chemistry and had a three match series a few years back that really helped move them into the spotlight. No difference here as they picked up right where they left off and went to a double countout. [B]C- The Darkness d. Call to Action[/B] The reunion of Call to Action (Mainstream/Erik Strong) was much anticipated and they looked like a championship team together. The team of Tijuana Vampre and Del Muerto also looked solid and should move into contention for the tag titles anytime now. Muerto gave Strong a headbutt with an apparantly loaded mask and knocked him for a loop, scoring the pin. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Joss Thompson was released after tonight's show. I want to move Des Davids into a main event storyline as I think he is ready (or so close he just needs that credibility to go over the top) but his momentum is really bad. I think he's moved up to an E so it might take some high profile title shots to really kickstart things for him.
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[B]MAW Hard Times (09.09) 195 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] --------------------------------------------------- [I]The wrestling economy is FINALLY starting to rise (although the mainstream economy plummets still)...could it have something to do with Antonio's turn and the hot action MAW is servin' up on a platter? No? OK, then...but there are 195 wrestling fans in the Carolinas that might beg to differ![/I] Ted Ross announces that, for his safety from the savage MAW fans, Antonio is not required to appear tonight. [B]D[/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley d. Eddie Howard[/B] Cattley came out with a look of purpose on his face and laid right into the youngster Howard. Cattley wasn't fooling around and made short work of Howard, hitting the Mood Swing to win it. [B]D[/B] After the match Cattley demanded Balroq come out and get in the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Last time I checked I'm the one who brought you into this country and gave you clothes to wear and food to eat. It was me!! And you repay be my screwing up and costing us the MId Atlantic Tag Titles?!?!?" [/COLOR] With that, he hauled off and smacked Balroq. As he went to do it again Balroq caught his hand and a look of pure fury beamed from the giant's eyes. He tossed Cattley from the ring like a rag doll. Mean Jean had a look of terror on his face as he backed up the aisle and the crowd cheered the Tower of London. [B]E[/B] Del Muerto and Erik Strong are both showen prepping for the Cruiserweight Title match [B]C+ & B Erik Strong d. Del Muerto to retain the MAW Cruiserweight Title[/B] Good match in Muerto's singles debut. He doesn't have the flair of Vampire but he's solid enough to hold his own. Wrestles a more technical style and the clash with Strong's high flying knocked this down a peg. [B]D[/B] American Elemental vs. Joey Poison was announced for MAW Horror Show! [B]D Des Davids d. Balroq by countout[/B] Rising star Davids had a good brawl with Balroq. The crowd was a little split due to the opening angle. The match didn't last too long as Cattley snuck out from the back and pasted his former bodyguard, knocking him out and causing him to lose. [B]D[/B] After the match Davids reiterated that he wants a piece of Champagne Lover [B]D[/B] [B]Mike "The Truth" Morrison d. Rhino Umaga by tapout[/B] Morrison had been struggling to get a decisive win over the Samoan monster Umaga in their series. Tonight was his nice as he got Rhino in a Rear Naked Choke (the he has dubbed The Lie Detector) and caused the big man to tap out. Great, great match. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Morrison and Umaga came through in a huge way and really saved the show. In a show more about angles and progressing some storylines, they brought the steak with the sizzle and kicked ass for 20 solid minutes.
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[B]MAW Horror Show (10.09) 192 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dark Match: Steven Parker d. Stardust Phil Cox[/B] Parker came back for very little money per appearance and we're slowly working him back into the mix. As a part of TaylorCorp he should be back in form in no time. Cox is a young high flier from England. Nothing special here, basic short match. [B]E[/B] Gerald Taylor demands a Mid Atlantic Tag Title shot for his monsters Titan and Atlas...The Apocolypse [B]D[/B] Ted Ross promises Antonio that he will have constant security around him and that as a reward for his actions against Rip Chord, he'll recieve a Cruiserweight Title match next month. [B]D[/B] Video is shown of Rhino Umaga approaching Mike Morrison in the locker room. There is a tense moment and then Umaga extends his hand. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"We're both one up on each other. What say we do a rubber match tonight? Pin or submit, that's it."[/COLOR] Morrison accepted [B]E[/B] Champagne Lover has decided that, [COLOR="Red"]"out of the goodness of my sexy, sexy heart, I will fight Des Davids tonight...only it will be a no-title match"[/COLOR] [B]B- Mike "Truth" Morrison d. Rhino Umaga[/B] Sadly, this was probably the weakest match from these two as I think the crowd was a little burnt out on the feud. Good stiff action though and Umaga did a submission job to Morrison on his way out of the company. [B]D[/B] Balroq comes to the ring with bad intentions: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Cattley, you gave me the name Balroq and I think it sucks. From now on, you can call me by given name...Danny Patterson. And what Patterson wants is a match with Mean Jean Cattley next month. I've taken your abuse for too long Jean, and now it's time to pay the price."[/COLOR] [B]D Joey Poison d. American Elemental[/B] Surprisingly, these two didn't have good chemistry but were still able to put on a very good match. This feud might not have the legs I originally wanted it to. When the match clicked, it really clicked and Poison cheated his way to a victory over the masked hero. [B]C-[/B] Des Davids promises to show the fans and Champagne Lover what he's made of tonght and hand Lover his first real loss in MAW, title or no. [B]C Des Davids d. Champagne Lover (non title match)[/B] In a shocking upset, the rising star Davids cleanly pinned Champagne Lover after 15 minutes of some of the best action we've seen in MAW. These two just really click and Davids' babyface looks and power match well with Lover's heel persona and his flying, technical skills. This was Lover's first pinfall job in MAW and it immediately shoots Davids to the top of the contender's list. He took the match with the Beantown Bomb powerbomb. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C[/B] Notes: This was one of the highest rated shows we've ever had. The matches were top notch and the Lover-Davids feud is a really strong, old school storyline. No frills...just simple storytelling and the fans are really eating it up. It's holding us afloat during the tough economic times.
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MAW Newsbites Joss Thompson and Rhino Umaga have parted ways with MAW. We here at MAW wish them the best in their future endeavors. In other news, losing to Des Davids sure as hell didn't hurt Champagne Lover at all as he shot up to a C+ in Overness for the Mid Atlantic Region. He also brought Davids up to a C- in popularity. Champagne Lover seems to be the "star maker" that this promotion has been looking for and his year long title reign has really captured the imaginations of our fans.
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[B]MAW Raise the Stakes (11.09) 184 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]There have been lots of rumors going around all month on the 'net that Rip Chord would be making his return to MAW tonight. As a side note, Ted Ross has been handling all announcing duties during Chord's absence. I neglected to mention that before. Gerald Taylor sometimes sits in on Color.[/I] Ted Ross comes to the ring accompanied by Antonio and a few security guards. Ross states that despite the rumors of Chord showing up, the Cruiserweight Title match between Strong and Antonio will still go on as scheduled. He warned Chord not to mess with his show. [B]D[/B] Gerald Taylor comes to the ring with his huge team of The Apocolypse: [COLOR="Red"]"For years these two men have been held back in MAW. If you can actually believe it tonight marks their first title shot ever. A tragedy on par with the Hindenberg if you ask me!"[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] The Show Stealers come to the ring to a huge cheer and backflip simultaneously off the corner buckles. [B]B The Show Stealers d. The Apocolypse by DQ to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles[/B] A very surprising match as I was expecting a much lower rating. The Stealers are getting to a point where they can have passable matches with almost anyone and Titan and Atlas have really stepped up their game since their last run in MAW. Atlas refused to break a choke on Petey and the ref called for the DQ as Apocolypse continued to lay in a beating. [B]D[/B] [B]Erik Strong d. Antonio by countout to retain the Cruiserweight Title[/B] This match was more of a backdrop for the Antonio-Chord storyline. During the match [B]Rip Chord[/B] made his appearance and came through the crowd. This caused Antonio to hightail it out of the ring as security grabbed Chord and detained him. [B]D[/B] Ted Ross came out and screamed at Chord, who was shouting that he wants a piece of Antonio. [COLOR="Red"]You want a match with Antonio? Well I want to get rid of you so I'll make you a deal. I'll sign you to a singles match next month and if you win you get Antonio. But when you lose you will finally and irrevocably leave MAW forever!!"[/COLOR] Chord agreed and Ross let him know who the opponent was going to be....his longtime nemesis [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B]!!! C+ Mean Jean Cattley seemed pleased with this announcement but he focused on his next match.... [B]Mean Jean Cattley d. Danny Patterson[/B] Cattley cheated every second he was in the ring against the giant Londoner Patterson. It was a short match and the finish saw Cattley reverse a Tower of London backbreaker into a pinning combo. A tug of the tights and liberal use of the ropes held Patterson down for the 3 count. [B]C-[/B] Video was shown over Stanley Hall's projector system detailing Des Davids shocking non-title pinfall win over Champagne Lover. At the end of the video it announced the date for the rematch....January 2010...at Where it All Begins Again!!! This time, it's for the gold. [B]C Brendon Idol d. Steven Parker[/B] With the high quality of their past matches and chemistry these two have together, this match was saved for the main event position. Might have been a mistake as it wasn't as good as it had been. Idol is due for a push and Parker is still finding his role on the roster again. Idol with the 450 splash [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Fans reacted well to the announcement of Cattley-Chord II and how that will tie in to both of the men's current storylines. Not a great night of actual action, but decent storyline progression. When you only have one show a month to tell your stories, they can't all be workrate classics :)
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[B]Coming soon!!! MAW Seasons Beatings '09[/B] ------------------------------------- In a feud that has spanned over almost the entire existance of Mid Atlantic Wrestling, [B]Rip Chord[/B] will once again face his most hated enemy [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] one on one with his career on the line. It's been 2 years since these men last faced off in the ring. Cattley would love to be the man to put him out of the business for good and Chord wants to avenge his pinfall loss to Cattley. Antonio's recent betrayal and his stunning loss to Cattley previously will have to be weighing heavy on Chord's mind. Cattley himself faces the prospect of 300 lb Danny Patterson wanting to put the hurt on him as well. When these two men meet in the squared circle all bets are off and no holds are barred. Be there this December in Stanley Hall to see the culimination (or is it beginning a new chapter?) of arguably the most heated feud ever in MAW. We are only two months away from Where It All Begins Again...things are bound to get interesting.
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[B]MAW Seasons Beatings (12.09) 181 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] [I]The crowd is buzzing tonight with the anticipation of Cattley-Chord II and where this will lead this small, ragtag promotion. Also scheduled tonight, matches with Mainstream Hernandez taking on newcomer Andres Johansen and American Elemental facing Glen Ward. Not the most thrilling contests but with the big main event, they will be more than enough to tide fans over. The entire card for Where it All Begins Again should be announced tonight as well[/I] [B]Dark Match: Natural Storm d. Geoff Borne/Carl Edwards[/B] Eddie Howard just continues to disappoint and I don't think I have any idea how to use him to get the most out of him. DC Rayne looks decent and I think he may be in line for a singles push. The young highflying heels might catch on as a team as well. Nothing special here. Rayne hit Storm Damage for the pin. [B]E[/B] Mean Jean Cattley comes to the ring and taunts Rip Chord: [COLOR="Red"]"it's been almost two years to the day Chord, when I last beat your tired, wrinkled ass in front of all of these fans. Tonight I get to do it again and send you packing from this God forsaken promotion. Hell, I'll be doing you a favor so you don't have to come back to this hellhole anymore!"[/COLOR] [B]C+ Adam Matravers d. Atlas[/B] Rare singles bout for Atlas and he really held his own. Matravers bumped a lot for the big man and played "face in peril". Atlas mistimed a move into the corner and the finish saw Matravers hit the Mile High Moonsault to get the surprising pin in this decent opener. [B]D[/B] Des Davids was officially announced as the #1 contender to the Mid Atlantic Title. [B]C-[/B] Davids comes out to accept the honor and speaks on how he is determined to defeat Champagne Lover one more time and end his year long title reign. [B]C Mainstream Hernandez d. Andres Johansen[/B] Johansen is a stellar mat wrestler and a nice pickup for the promotion. He and Hernandez displayed amazing chemistry and this is a matchup, once Andres is built up into a legit threat, that could produce some great matches. [B]C-[/B] Champagne Lover comes out to protest facing Des Davids at WiABA, claiming that [COLOR="Red"]"I got in the ring with him two months ago non title out of the goodness of my heart...but enough is enough. He's a fluke!"[/COLOR] [B]C- American Elemental d. Glen Ward[/B] Ward debuted a new ****y gimmick tonight and Elemental needed a solid win heading into this WiABA match against Joey Poison. Elemental has never been the same performer as during his title series with Mainstream and it's being wondered if he is a top star for this promotion at all. Good action but just kind of "there". [B]D[/B] Antonio, flanked by security, comes out to the arena and takes a special seat to watch Rip Chord get beat and sent home from MAW. [B]E Rip Chord d. Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Another great match between these two. Chord may not be what he used to be in the ring, but he has the smarts and savvy to make what he has left work for him. It helps that Cattley is devolping into a ring general and can protect and carry almost anyone. Vicious brawl that saw Antonio try to interfere but was chased off by Danny Patterson. Cattley got distracted and Chord nailed the DDT for the pinfall as the MAW faithful blew the roof off Stanley Hall!! After the match, Cattley was livid and screamed toward Patterson, who just grinned as he made his way back to the locker room. Antonio looked stunned,[B]C+[/B] Overall Show: [B]C[/B] Notes: Chord finally got a singles pinfall in MAW and it nicely set up not only Chord-Antonio at WiABA but also Cattley-Patterson in what will be a "Loser Leaves Town" match. [B]Where it All Begins Again[/B] will be lengthened to 90 minutes for the first time ever. The card is as follows: ** Champagne Lover (c) v. Des Davids ** Rip Chord v. Antonio ** Danny Patterson v. Mean Jean Cattley ** Mainstream Hernandez v. Tijuana Vampire in a Final Battle ** American Elemental v. Joey Poison
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[B]Where it All Begins Again: A History[/B] ------------------------------------------- We are fast approaching MAW's Super Bowl, World Series and Academy Awards all wrapped into one...the annual Where it All Begins Again. In recognition of this five year anniversary of the show, lets take a walk back down memory lane and witness how the month of January became the most anticipated month on the Mid Atlantic wrestling calendar. [B]Where it All Begins Again 2006[/B] ---------------- The promotion started in December '05 with One Night in December. Not sure if we would even stay open, much less grow, no one was thinking about a destination show. That years' show was nothing special but did hold one notable debut...Mainstream Hernandez. Hernandez defeated Nomad in a lackluster match but would soon go on to win the Mid Atlantic Title in November of that year and become one of the most beloved and consistant wrestlers in MAW. [B]Where it All Begins Again 2007[/B] ---------------- 2007 saw the formations of what the annual event would be. Mainstream Hernandez made his first defense of the newly won Mid Atlantic Title against Steven Parker in a very good match. We also got the debut of young Brit Adam Matravers as he defeated Raphael in singles action. Zeus Maximillion made a much heralded debut as well, but quickly fizzled out and revealed himself to be a dud in MAW. [B]Where it All Begins Again 2008[/B] ---------------- 2008 was the year the idea of an annual "supershow" really took hold. We saw American Elemental and Mainstream Hernandez, the two top babyfaces in the promtion, battle in a clinic of high-flying scientific wrestling. These two men had a series of matches that saw the Mid Atlantic Title flip flop between them...on this night it would be American Elemental who took the title for his second reign, ending Hernandez' second reign in the process. The Mid Atlantic Tag Titles were revived with the finals of the four team tournament decided at WiABA. Erik Strong and Brendon Idol teamed to defeat Al Coleman and Glen Ward in a decent match to become the first Mid Atlantic Tag Champions. The match that really put Where it All Begins Again on the map, though, was the main event with Rip Chord coming out of retirement to face Mean Jean Cattley. Chord had wrestled in a tag match a month or two before but this was his first singles match since hanging the boots up. It was a wild brawl and at the time ranked the highest of any match ever in MAW's history. Cattley scored a relatively clean pinfall over the former TCW and SWF World Champion as the audience sat stunned. [B]Where it All Begins Again 2009[/B] ---------------- Last year's event didn't have the blow away main event of last year's show but was still a memorable effort. The main event saw American Elemental and Mainstream Hernandez put aside their rivalry and form a "dream team" to take on the dastardly duo of Mid Atlantic Champion Champagne Lover and Tijuana Vampire. The feud between Hernandez and Vampire will culminate at this year's show. We also got to see The Show Stealers (Matravers and Barnes) emerge as a top babyface attraction with a DQ win over Mid Atlantic Tag Champions Cattley and Balroq (Danny Patterson). Des Davids also emerged as a fan favorite on that show. After a feud with Alysian Scottsfield, Davids took on and defeated Soldier of Fortune Chance (a longtime top name in Canada's CGC promotion) in a wild brawl. This was where the first sparks of Davids' main event push were shown. ...which brings us to [B]Where it All Begins Again 2010[/B]...what new stars will emerge? What events will we be talking about this time next year. With the matches that have been announced, we can only promise one of the most star studded and action packed events ever held in Stanley Hall. Tune in soon as we'll preview and run down the card. See you at Stanley Hall!!
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[B]Champagne Lover (c)[/B] v. Des Davids Rip Chord v. [B]Antonio[/B] [I]with a little help from Mean Jean Cattley[/I] Danny Patterson v. [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]v. Tijuana Vampire in a Final Battle [B]American Elemental [/B]v. Joey Poison
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[B]Where it All Begins Again (1.10) 300 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] --------------------------------------------------------- [I]As MAW plans one of the biggest shows ever in it's history, the wrestling and mainstream economies are on the rise and we pack 300 fans into Stanley Hall. A lot has gone into the buildup of the show and I have every confidence that this crew can back it up in the ring![/I] [B]Dark Match: Steven Parker d. DC Rayne[/B] Rayne was thrown into this match as a pacifier as he has refused to renegotiate his contract because he's unhappy with how many matches he's had. It's a shame because I think something could be done with him as a singles wrestler. Parker looked great and is really getting back into the groove. He won the match with the Future Shock (fisherman's buster) [B]D[/B] Gerald Taylor took the mic and declared: [COLOR="Red"]"Steven Parjker is for real and I will make sure he gets some respect in this promotion. Even if we need a little help to do so..."[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] As the live show kicks off, Commissioner Ted Ross takes the ring. He welcomes the fans to the show and they start to boo him unmercifully. He finally snaps and calls them a bunch of rednecks [B]E[/B] Mainstream Hernandez interrupts to a big pop and insults Ross: [COLOR="Blue"]"The only reason you have a job here is to be a patsy and a scapegoat. Why don't you get behind the announcer's desk before I give you an atomic wedgie in front of all these fans"[/COLOR] The atomic wedgie is way over in Stanley Hall and Ross took off for fear of ripped underpants. [B]C Mainstream Hernandez d. Tijuana Vampire in a Final Battle[/B] This will be the last time these two men face off in singles competition for quite some time. They could have a C- match in their sleep at this point and both men left nothing in the ring. The outcome never really seemed to be in doubt though, but the crowd was very much into these high flyers. Mainstream hit the Apparition #14 at the 14:00 mark to take the match [B]C-[/B] Mean Jean Cattley comes to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]Patterson, how dare you cost me my match against Rip Chord last month. How dare you get involved in my affairs. Do you know how embarassing it was to lose to that octogenarian? Lets make this final, Patterson...because this promotion isn't big enough for the both of us. Loser...leaves...town..."[/COLOR] [B]C- Danny Patterson d. Mean Jean Cattley (Cattley must leave MAW for 6 months!)[/B] Patterson charged the ring, showing a lot of energy and the two men started laying stiff punches into each other. It was a pretty short match that saw a cool finish with Cattley up in the Tower of London and fighting to get out. Patterson shifted his weight and spun Cattley into a sitout power bomb, scoring the 1...2...3! The crowd erupted and started singing "Nah nah nah nah...hey hey hey...goodbye" at the former Mid Atlantic Champion. [B]D[/B] A video is shown of Des Davids backstage. He speaks about the chance that MAW has given him and how important he considers the Mid Atlantic Championship. [COLOR="Blue"]"I want to win this match for the fans"[/COLOR] [B]C+ Joey Poison d. American Elemental[/B] It's funny, because the notes say these two don't click and it makes for an awkward bout, but they always put on a great match. I can't imagine how could they could be if they HAD chemistry. Elemental dominated offense and looked on the way to finally beating Poison, until Steven Parker came out and interfered on his stable member's behalf. Poison hit the Antidote Web for the win. [B]C-[/B] Video comes on and it's Rip Chord. The crowd goes nuts. He is sitting partially in darkness and there is a bottle of Jack Daniels in front of him on a table: [COLOR="Blue"]"There's been a lot of things I regret in my life. Mistakes I've made, people I've hurt...lot of regrets. But my greatest regret was taking a piece of trash like Antonio under my wing. I treated you like a son and you spit on everything I hold sacred. I regret teaching you everything you know...but I don't regret not teaching you everything I know. And I'm not gonna regret making you bleed and scream in agony tonight in that ring. This match isn't about winners and losers. It's about emotion and betrayal. Best get ready son."[/COLOR] And with that he took the bottle of Jack, looked to drink from it and instead shattered it against the wall. The crowd went ballistic [B]B- Rip Chord d. Antonio by DQ[/B] The match went almost 10 minutes and Chord looked exhausted by it's end. Both men fought with a fury and there weren't many holds in this one. A viceral brawl that had the crowd standing on it's feet. Antonio blatantly attacked Rip with a steel chair right in front of the ref to get himself DQed so he could get out of the ring. As Chord rose and left the ring, the crowd gave him a standing ovation.[B]C[/B] Champagne Lover hypes his title defense, promising to prove to everyone what a fluke Des Davids is. [B]C+ Champagne Lover went to a 30 minute time limit draw with Des Davids (Lover retains the Mid Atlantic Title)[/B] Wow, it looks like we've found a main event feud to really carry the promotion . The notes don't even state any special chemistry between the two men, but their polar opposite skills and personas really bring out the best in each other. Easily the best Mid Atlantic Title match ever. Davids hit a tilt-a-whirl powerslam and looked to have the pin. The ref counted one...two...and then the bell rang signalling the time limit had expired. [B]C+[/B] Overall Show: [B]C[/B] Notes: The crowd seemed to want a few more angles, but tonight was more about the wrestling. Mean Jean Cattley leaving the promotion will create a void, but his asking price ($1000) a show was more than we could handle and it was time for him to move onto other ventures. He is employed by Jackie Dugan's Double Cross Championship Wrestling (XXCW) so he'll be ok. The door will always be open for Mean Jean Cattley in MAW. Now is the time for heels like Steven Parker, Joey Poison and others to step up and join Champagne Lover in the top echelon of workers. On the babyface side, Des Davids has shown himself to be top face in the promotion. Mainstream Hernandez has regained his form as has American Elemental (rejuvinated by his feud with Poison). All of that coupled with workers like MAW Tag champs Show Stealers, the Antonio-Chord feud, Crusierweight Champion Erik Strong and great wrestlers like Brendon Idol, Tijuana Vampire and Danny Patterson...the sky is the limit for MAW.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Mean Jean Cattley: A MAW Retrospective[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://www.johnkeating.biz/Mean Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] ********************************[/CENTER] "It was 2006 and I was kind of at a loss as to who should be the first Mid Atlantic Champion," recalls MAW Owner and Founder Rip Chord. "I had a vision for what I wanted this promotion to be and I knew the style I wanted to promote...I just needed that top guy to build around." The "top guy" came in the form of Jean Cattley, an independant wrestler in the Carolinas looking for a break. Approaching thirty, Cattley wasn't the fresh faced youngster one would think would headline a promotion built on the premise of developing the superstars of tomorrow, but as it turned out there couldn't have been a more perfect champion. "I saw him work a few spot shows here and there and I just thought he had that certain something. That "it" factor," says Chord. "He had a natural heel presence and was a decent worker in the ring, able to bring up a bad worker's game a notch. We met after the matches one night and I offered him the gig." In a classic case of "watch out what you wish for", Cattley was not only declared the first ever Mid Atlantic Champion but was also asked to carry a promotion that drew 35 fans on it's best day and help develop the green, unknown wrestlers on the roster. Cattley snips, "hey, I figured if I was a total flop who was gonna know? Both people who bothered to show?" Thankfully, for Cattley, he had a ready made feud with the newcomer Mainstream Hernandez in his near future. Hernandez was a good high-flier and the perfect babyface foil for Cattley and the two men had a series of matches that was of a much higher quality than anything previously seen at this level. The crowd couldn't wait to see this popular 19 year old finally unseat the villianous champ. And on November 2006's Seasons Beatings show he did just that, pinning Cattley cleanly and taking home the belt as the MAW faithful cheered. As all of this happened, the promotion slowly and surely grew around these two talents. "It felt good to pass the torch, even though I hadn't held the belt as long as Rip and I originally planned. Mainstream was really hot at the time and it made sense to drop it and give him the ball to run with. I was just a little afraid that there wouldn't be anything for me after our feud so I admit to being a little anxious as to when I might get another run with the strap." If no plans for his character was Jean's biggest concern then all of his fears would soon be put to rest as he entered into one of the hottest feuds ever seen in MAW...a feud with owner Rip Chord. Cattley blamed Chord for his title loss to Hernandez and proceeded to insult and belittle him at every turn. Cattley even snapped and "hospitalized" Chord's protogee Antonio, prompting the legendary Chord to get back in the ring in a tag match with Antonio against Cattley and his bodyguard Balroq (Danny Patterson). Cattley remembers: "That was a really hot angle. There were a few nights where I had to be escorted out of the building as people were threatening me for attacking Antonio and Chord. I had never been involved in anything that hot before and it really gave me the bug to go out and be the biggest jerk I could be. Not to mention, we were also trying to build up Antonio and Danny during that match for future storylines so there was a lot going on." Cattley would then get the greatest gift a wrestler could receive when Chord did a clean pinfall job for him at the 2008 Where it All Begins Again event. It was a moment that literally stunned the MAW fans into silence and it really gave Cattley some momentum in his career. "When [booker John] Keating came up to me to tell me the finish, I thought it was a rib. No way in hell did I ever conceive of ending this feud with Rip on his back, but he was adamant that I get the win to build me up. He said it was his way of thanking me for all of the hard work getting the company going. Right after that win I got a call from XXCW in Texas and I've been working both promotions...well, I was until now that is..." The "now" Jean speaks of pertains to the Loser Leaves Town match he dropped to his former friend and Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champion partner Danny Patterson. Cattley, wanting to change things up in his career, made a bold decision to walk away from MAW after Rip couldn't meet his salary request. Chord said, "He wanted about a grand a show and to tell you the truth, if I could do it I would. He's worth it. It just wasn't feasible to have that high of a fee though and it would have set a bad precedent for the boys...although there's about 4 or 5 of them in the locker room that would even have an argument about pay or come even close to what Jean's accomplished in this company." Cattley assures: "It wasn't just the money, though. That's not the reason I left. It was just time for something new. I had gotten too comfortable and I needed to shake things up for myself. If I'm going to get to the places I want to in my career, then I really have to start the push now. I'm 31 and just about to hit my prime, so I feel ready. Rip agreed and thinks I've completed what I set out to do in MAW, so we'll see what happens from here." Cattley, never one afraid to take a loss for the good of the company, dropped the much anticipated rematch to Rip when Patterson interfered and distracted him. Livid over the loss, Cattley put his foot in his mouth and demanded a Loser Leaves Town Match with his former sidekick. Three slaps of the hand later and Cattley was a MAW wrestler no more. "I felt it was only right to lose to Rip and especially Danny on my last night. The boys helped me out a lot and I didn't take many clean losses during my run there, it was the least I could do to pay some back. I owe Rip a lot and it's the least I could do. I hope Danny goes on to make some big bucks." Chord openly stated that in a few months he'd like to talk with Cattley again about working together and that the door in MAW is always open for him. When asked if he had any regrets about his four year stay in the Carolinas, Cattley just shrugs casually: "How could I? I was a journeyman working a few indies a year before Rip gave me the gig. It gave me an actual career and I hope to accomplish great things in the future. I do regret never getting in the ring with Des Davids or Champagne Lover though...those two are great talents. I guess I would have liked one more match with Mainstream too...I never did get my pin back (he laughs)" So does that mean we may see Mean Jean Cattley tearing up a MAW ring sometime again in late 2010? His mouth bends into his famous lopsided smirk, "I wouldn't bet the house on it but I think it's safe to say the Carolinas haven't seen the last of me yet."
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