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MAW: A New Era Begins

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Great show! Also, love the way Des Davids beat Lover for the MAW strap. Can't wait to see Problem take it away! It's interesting to see how you portray Davis against Problem. I've always seen Davis as more of a powerhouse than anything else. It appears That he doesn't have the strenght to match up with Problem in that dept. This is a great storyline no less. Keep it up!
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Thanks for the feedback ismailite!! :) I was looking at their stats and Problem *just* edges out Des in power (B+ to B) and I was playing on the angle that Davids has always been stronger than his opponents in the past and this is the first one that may actually be stronger than he is. I look at Problem like the big huge bodybuilder and Davids as more like The Rock...muscular and lean. Plus I like when the babyface champion has a challenger that makes HIM the underdog :)
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[B]MAW Raise the Stakes (11.10) 246 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------- [I]Attendance is down even though both mainstream and wrestling economies are rising. People are wondering if Des Davids has what it takes as champion in more ways than just in the ring.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Raphael d. Carl Edwards[/B] Good match with Raphael carrying Edwards in many places in the match. Raphael is using the "Pin Point Elbowdrop" as his finisher. [B]D[/B] Rip Chord announces that The Big Problem will receive a Mid Atlantic Title rematch tonight!! [B]C- Erik Strong d. Petey Barnes[/B] The three way feud over the MAW Tag Team Titles breaks off into singles competition this month as two of the best high-fliers in the company square off. A very scientific match until tempers got the best of both men and fists started flying! Strong got the win with a crucifix into a pinning combination. [B]D[/B] After the match, The Specialists run in and attack Strong and Barnes. This brings out Adam Matravers and Mainstream Hernandez and we have a huge 6-man pullapart brawl that has to be broken up by security! [B]E The Prototype d. Del Muerto[/B] Prototype still remains a mystery to MAW fans and refuses to allign himself with faces or heels. He defeated Del Muerto in a "battle of the masked men" to prove his masked superiority. Good technical match. [B]D[/B] Mainstream Hernandez comes to the ring and demands that Rick Douglas come out and wrestle him: [COLOR="Blue"]"Get your bland, no personality havin' ass out here right now!"[/COLOR] [B]C- Mainstream Hernandez d. Rick Douglas[/B] Douglas' best match since returning to MAW (maybe ever) and Hernandez shows that he can still carry and elevate other wrestlers on the roster. Douglas tried the ground and pound technique and got a lot of heat on Mainstream. Hernandez fought back from underneath and hit the Apparition #14 for the win. [B]C-[/B] The Big Problem taunts Des Davids: [COLOR="Red"]"For your entire run in MAW you've had the strenth advantage over all your opponents. How does it feel to be weak Davids? How does it feel that no matter what you do, you can't overpower me and you can't beat me. I can toss you around the ring like a rag doll and I plan to. I'm going to hurt you...bad. And then I'm going to take your precious Mid Atlantic Title."[/COLOR] [B]C American Elemental d. Joey Poison[/B] Poison's contract was coming due and his asking price was a little too high and we didn't have much planned for him. Elemental never got a win over Poison so we gave him this match here (plus AE is feuding with TaylorCorp). Even though these two lack chemistry they can still put on a better match than most. Posion looked angered by Taylor trying to interfere and fell prey to the springboard clothesline. After the match, Taylor fired Poison!! [B]C[/B] Des Davids is announced for the main event and gets a huge pop! [B]B- Des Davids and The Big Problem went to a double countout; Davids retains the MAW Title[/B] Solid brawl between these two, playing off last months encounter. Davids sold the injured back and failed in several attempts to get Problem off his feet. Problem is great when he's on offense so he got a lot here. Both men went to the outside and brawled all over the arena as the referee counted to ten. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: There is a little concern for the dropping attendance but sometimes with a new champion (especially following one of the most over wrestlers ever in MAW in Champagne Lover) that can be expected. I'll monitor this over the next couple of months and see what happens. Big Problem is really benefitting from this storyline/feud Sad to see Joey Poison leaving the company but with only about 14 shows a year at this point, he can be rotated back after awhile. His clean loss to American Elemental didn't hurt his overness in the Mid Atlantic area at all and bumped AE into the C- range.
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[B]MAW Seasons Beatings (12.10) 246 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------- [B]Raphael d. Flemmy Lemming[/B] The two fan favorites shook hands before the match. Raphael has a lot of female fans in the audience. Match started off on the mat with some nice chain wrestling and about 4 minutes in, Raphael took to the air. He overwhelmed Flemmy with the aerial attack and won it with the Pin Point Elbow. [B]D[/B] Rip Chord takes the mic and has a big announcement for Where it All Begins Again...The Show Stealers will defend the MAW Tag Team Titles against The Specialists AND Call to Action in MAW's first ever Three Way Dance!!! [B]D[/B] Gerald Taylor comes out with the remaining members of TaylorCorp; Atlas, Titan and rising heel Andres Johansen: [COLOR="Red"]"You peons may be wondering where Joey Poison is...he has been downsized! His contract came due and, whoops, I guess I forgot to renew it for him. No matter, that loser is gone and TaylorCorp is stronger for it!"[/COLOR] [B]C American Elemental/Brendon Idol d. The Apocolypse by DQ[/B] Very good match with Titan and Atlas playing monster heels and the faces trying to fight from underneath to overcome their power. Atlas and Titan are slowly turning into decent workers under the radar as they have been putting in D and C- tag matches with decent opponents. Far cry from the days they aspired to an E. Andres Johansen interfered and slapped on the STF on Idol causing the DQ [B]C-[/B] The Protoype watched from the aisleway and made a challenge (his voice sounded distorted) to American Elemental for a match for "masked supremacy" at WiABA [B]C-[/B] We go to a video of The Big Problems awesome weight training regimen as he prepares for his MAW Title challenge at Where it All Begins Again. A graphic read: "Can Des Davids solve The Big Problem?" [B]C- Champagne Lover d. Jeremy Jazz[/B] Lover makes his return to MAW after losing the title to Davids and hasn't lost a step. He carried Jazz to an amazing match, giving the youngster just enough offense to make it interesting but not too much to make himself look weak. He is truly one of the greatest heels in the game and possibly the best ever in MAW. [B]C[/B] Lover takes the mic: [COLOR="Red"]"Have you missed me? I know you have. While I was away there is this little pretty boy I hear all the girls scream and cry for. That is not good. Champagne Lover is the only man in the world that deserves such treatment. This Raphael needs to have his pretty boy face made a little more ugly at Where it All Begins Again!"[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] We go to video of a sit down interview with Rip Chord and Des Davids: [B]Rip:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]"There are a lot of questions floating out there. Fans, websites, other wrestlers...people want to know...does Des Davids have what it takes to be champion? Can he get the job done?[/COLOR] [B]Davids:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]"I have to tell you, I've had the same questions myself. Can I draw the crowds, do I have what it takes to carry this promotion. Most of all, can I beat The Big Problem. I think that's what you're getting at. I can honestly say I've never fought someone as strong as Problem before and I've had trouble working around that. I'm here to say that it ends where it begins. I'm here to say that I'm challenging Problem for a match at Where it All Begins Again. Yes, that's right, the champion is challenging the challenger. And not just any match...inside of a fifteen foot high steel cage! Pinfall or submission. This thing ends."[/COLOR] [B]C Erik Strong d. Steven Parker[/B] There was some question whether these two men could pull off a main event match, but they came through in spades. Parker is really morphing into a top heel and is showing a slightly crazy side to himself instead of just the straight ahead angry heel. Strong surprised a lot of people by getting a clean 1-2-3 with the Shooting Star. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: There wasn't any heavily anticipated matches on this show, so that (and the holidays) may account for the dip in attendance. Seasons Beatings seems to be a launch pad for WiABA but tonight everyone really stepped up and made it a great show with lots to build for next months big event.
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It's that time of the year again...time for: [B]MAW Where it All Begins Again!!![/B] Be there as Des Davids takes on the toughest challenge of his career in The Big Problem...inside of a 15 foot high steel cage!! Two men will enter but only one can come out as Mid Atlantic Champion! In a first for MAW, the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles will be decided in a Three Way Dance! The Show Stealers put the titles on the line against The Specialists and Call to Action in one of the most anticipated tag title events ever. Also on the show... Champagne Lover vs. Raphael Brendon Idol vs. Andres Johansen The Darkness will take on the team of Sudden Impact (Geoff "Air" Borne and Carl Edwards) There will also be some familiar faces returning to Stanley Hall as well... Get your tickets early as this is sure to be a memorable event! [I]We regret to inform the MAW fans that, due to a booking conflict, The Prototype will not be able to appear at Where it All Begins Again. American Elemental will be on hand and give a special interview for the fans.[/I]
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[B]MAW Where it All Begins Again (01.11) 300 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [I]It looks like the concerns for Des Davids as champion were pre-mature as his storyline with Big Problem and the Three Way Dance for the tag titles packed Stanley Hall with a soldout crowd of 300 fans with many more turned away at the door. This dvd should be a good seller![/I] Backstage before the show, Sudden Impact (Geoff "Air Borne and Carl Edwards) are stretching. Suddenly, they are attacked by their opponents for the evening, Tijuana Vampire and Del Muerto! The Darkness leaves them in a pool of their own blood! [B]E[/B] Antonio comes to the ring and is pissed that he doesn't have a match for the show: [COLOR="Red"]"Last year I was in the main event, I sold this place out!! This year I'm not even booked?!?! I knew you were vindictive Chord but this is too much! I challenge any wrestler in the back to come out and face me right now!"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] We hear some police sirens and out comes LEROY to a huge ovation!! [B]Antonio d. Leroy by DQ[/B] Good brawl to open the show and Leroy was pretty over as a babyface. He got himself disqualified by smashing Antonio with a trash can. [B]D[/B] Another familiar face returns to MAW rings..."THE REAL DEAL" JOSS THOMPSON comes to the ring for a promo: [COLOR="Red"]"I was over in England working for MOSC and beating the hell out of every limp wristed Brit I could get my hands on when the phone rang. It was Rip Chord asking, no, begging me to come back and save this rinky dink promotion. Well, I got tired of beating every single puss from across the pond so I--"[/COLOR] Danny Patterson's music hits and he strides to the ring. Over his shoulder are two title belts: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Look mate, I hear you talking about how you beat every single Englishman you crossed paths with. You ain't crossed paths with me. See these titles, one is the 21CW World Title and the other is the MOSC UK Title. I hold both of them. Anytime you're feeling froggy, mate, jump on this."[/COLOR] Thompson looked like he was going to take a swing and then dropped to the mat and rolled out of the ring, refusing to face Patterson. The crowd was really into this angle [B]C- Brendon Idol d. Andres Johansen[/B] These two are displaying some great chemistry and Idol's highflying is a nice contrast to the European mat style of Johansen. Andres tried to lock in a spinning toe hold, but was small packaged for the win. [B]C-[/B] After the match, Andres attacked Idol from behind and slapped on the STF refusing to let go until officials helped make him release it. [B]E[/B] [B]The Darkness d. Sudden Impact[/B] Still bloodied from the earlier attack, Borne and Edwards put up a good fight in this very short match. It wasn't enough as the dastardly heels took the win. Sudden Impact's face turn went nicely. [B]E[/B] Video is shown of Raphael backstage when Des Davids comes up and wishes him luck against Champagne Lover, giving the kid some cred in MAW. [B]C+ Champagne Lover d. Raphael[/B] Great match and Raphael gave the former MAW Champion all he could handle. So much so, that lover had to resort to brass knucks to KO Raphael so he could slap on the Champagne Breakfast for a humiliating submission victory. [B]C[/B] We go to video of all three teams competing in the Three Way Dance [B]D The Specialists d. Call to Action & The Show Stealers to win the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles[/B] Wild action that never seemed to take a breathe. Rapid fire tags marked this match and the highlight of the entire bout was a 5 minute clinic between Mainstream Hernandez and Adam Matravers. Call to Action was eliminated first when Rick Douglas pinned Erik Strong by grabbing the tights. Steven Parker pinned Matravers to take the titles after a Stuff Piledriver. [B]C-[/B] As the cage was being set up for the main event, American Elemental came to the ring and apologized to the fans that his match with Prototype wouldn't take place as Prototype was not there that evening. The lights went out and when they came back on a man wearing the Prototype mask attacked Elemental. AE got the upperhand and pulled the mask off and it was Glen Ward underneath! American Elemental looked confused. [B]C Des Davids d. The Big Problem to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] Problem starts off the match by tossing Davids around and slamming him. He got a little too ****y as Davids utilized his speed to gain the upper hand. The entire match lasted about 8 minutes and the crowd was red hot for the entire thing Davids tried to power bomb Problem but couldn't and turned it into a sunset flip for the win. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: I think this would have been an easy C if I hadn't booked Prototype-AE in advance before checking conflicts. No matter, tonight's angle will play into the mystery of Prototype a little more. Davids stepped it up as champion and not only sold out Stanley Hall but also put on a match of the night contender (with Lover-Raphael). We'll have the MAW Year End Awards in the next posting!!
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[B]MAW 2010 Year End Awards[/B] -------------------------------------- [B]Wrestler of the Year: Champagne Lover[/B] It was a tough choice between Des Davids and Champagne Lover for this top honor, but the clincher was this...it was Lover who helped Davids step up to that main event level. Lover was the consumate heel champion who dominated the title for 2 years. Always sold and showed ass and had the best string of matches the promotion has ever seen. [B]Tag Team of the Year: The Show Stealers[/B] In a year where the tag division really started to take hold, Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes stood head and shoulders above the pack. Holding the titles for the entire year and having top matches with The Specialists, Call to Action and even bringing The Apocolypse to C- level matches, The Show Stealers look to have an even brighter 2011. [B]Most Improved: Steven Parker[/B] This was a tough category to choose a winner in, but Steven Parker really shined late in the year. Having joined up with MAW after a few years away, Parker went from a dark match wrestler to shooting all the way up to a C- in overness as the slightly crazed member of The Specialists. Finally showing some glimpses of living up to his potential, Parker may truly break out in 2011. [B]Match of the Year: Champagne Lover and Des Davids 30 minute time limit draw at Where it All Begins Again ‘10(C+)[/B] There were many standout matches this past year and lots of chances for wrestlers to break through. This was tops among them all. In the first act of his quest to win the Mid Atlantic Title and having defeated Lover in a non title match a few months earlier, Davids gave the champion all he could handle and more as they battled until each had nothing left. At the finish, Davids had Lover pinned but the time limit hit before the ref’s hand could fall the third time. [B]Show of the Year: Birth of a Nation (C )[/B] While this past years’ [B]Where it All Begins Again[/B] had the match of the year and the first Antonio-Rip Chord battle, it still left a lot unresolved. [B]Birth of a Nation[/B], on the other hand, answered all of the questions WiABA brought up. Des Davids finally made good on his quest to win the Mid Atlantic Title...the debut of future superstar The Prototype…The Big Problem starting his main event charge by defeating Danny Patterson…and of course, Rip Chord pinning Antonio in a steel cage and knocking Ted Ross for a loop, regaining control of his Mid Atlantic Wrestling promotion. This show had drama, excitement and a whole lot of great action and is MAW’s 2010 Show of the Year!
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[B]MAW Brawlapalooza[/B] Already signed... [B]Dream Partner Match![/B] Des Davids and The Big Problem each get to choose a dream tag partner in an attempt to destroy the other! American Elemental seeks revenge on Glen Ward after last month's shenanigans. But is Ward truly the wrestler we know only as The Prototype? Geoff Borne is also out for a taste of revenge as he battles the macabre Tijuana Vampire! MAW is also proud to announce the recent signing of The Westybrooks (no, not that one) as Maurice and Tom Westybrook hope to make a dent in the red hot tag division in MAW Also on hand, MAW Owner Rip Chord promises to have a special announcement.... Make your plans early to be at Stanley Hall this February. We'll sell you the whole seat, but...well, you know the rest.
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[B]MAW Brawlapalooza (02.11) 285 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] -------------------------------------------------------- [I]It's looking like 285 is our average monthly attendance to look for with the sell outs coming for the bigger pushed events. Rip has been talking to me about looking into an additional venue other than Stanley Hall, but The Hall is such a part of the promotion it would be tough to ever fully leave. We broke even (almost literally, the month was -$33) for WiABA but that has usually been the case with that show as it's a bigger show than any in the year. Money-wise the company is doing great and we've almost doubled the initial $25,000 investment Rip made. I feel we can hit Regional before the year is up.[/I] [B]Pre-Show[/B] Gerard Taylor comes to the ring flanked by The Apocolypse. He hypes that his monster team is going to wipe the mat with these newcomers he's heard so much about. Taylor is getting much better at his promos and The Apocolypse have a great presence.[B]C[/B] Maurice and Tom Westybrook come to the ring and get a decent pop as many fans remember Tom from his previous MAW run. Plus their older brother Tim has been tearing up NOTBW and has been main eventing on TV and PPV for them so the name carries some weight. Tom promises that he and his brother will be tag champions before the year ends. [B]C- The Apocolypse d. The Wesybrooks[/B] The youngsters got in a lot of offense on the heels in this short match, but Titan and Atlas finally overpowered them and out-cheated them to a victory. [B]F[/B] Joss Thompson comes to the ring and states that he is going to rule this promotion: [COLOR="Red"]"Everyone wants to know when I'm going to get back in the ring and wrestle my first match. I get cards, letters and emails everyday. One guy even even sent me a telegram. 'Joss Thompson. Stop. You are my hero. Stop.' I'll get back in the ring when I'm good and ready, and not a moment before. Because you idiots don't deserve the "Real Deal"[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] [B]Main Show[/B] The Specialists are introduced and they mock The Show Stealers and Call to Action. Parker speaks: [COLOR="Red"]"All the screaming girls and 7 year olds who make up your fans must've had a sad day. The flag was flown at half mast at the local Kindercare when The Show Stealers got beat for the tag titles. I'm sure Oreo and Hello Kitty stock plummeted that day."[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Rip Chord thanks The Specialists and states that he has two major announcements: First, the Mid Atlantic Title and Tag Team Titles will be no more...at least in name only. They are being changed to the MAW Heavyweight Title and MAW Tag Team Titles respectively. He then showed off the new belts, awarding the tag belts to Douglas and Parker. Now for the second announcement...MAW will hold it's first ever show in the New England area in March! MAW is fast becoming, through the internet and it's DVDs, one of the hottest small promotions in the country. With Des Davids a former football player for the New England Patriots, it made sense to have a show in his backyard. So in March, MAW will be debuting at the infamous Biker's Paradise in Boston with a headline match of Des Davids defending the MAW Hvywt. Title against former champion Champagne Lover!! [B]C[/B] The Big Problem is shown on the video screen and says that he has chosen his Dream Partner for tonight's main event....CHAMPAGNE LOVER!! Lover steps into frame: [COLOR="Red"]"When you speak of dream partners you can only choose one man...the man all womens dream about. Champagne Lover"[/COLOR] [B]C American Elemental d. Glen Ward[/B] Short, tight match as Elemental seeks revenge on Ward, who donned the Prototype mask last month and attacked AE. Ward tried to work AE to the mat but got caught by a flying huracanrana and was pinned. [B]C-[/B] The Prototype appears in the aisle: [COLOR="Red"]Come on now, American Elemental, you didn't think it would be that easy. Ward isn't the Prototype but I'll tell you this. You face me tonight and if you win, I'll unmask in front of all these peons right here in the the middle of the ring!"[/COLOR] [B]C- Geoff "Air" Borne d. Tijuana Vampire[/B] A shocking upset that really came about for two reasons. First, Vampire's contract was up and second, he was unhappy about not being used enough. So I wanted to give him a match to see if that would change his mind (it did) but I wanted Borne to get a clean win on him in case he decided to leave. Borne looked the best he has ever looked out there and Vampire is a consumate pro. Borne hit his Borne Again finisher (Styles Clash) and takes the upset victory! [B]D[/B] Des Davids cuts a promo and reveals his Dream Partner....Danny Patterson!! [B]C- The Prototype d. American Elemental with a handful of tights[/B] Great match between these two and definitely Prototype's best match since his debut. The crowd was hot to see Prototype unmasked, but Elemental played up that he was a little beaten down from having to wrestle Ward earlier. Prototype removed the top turnbuckle and that came into play with the finish. Elemental charged him and Prototype moved, having AE hit the steel. Prototype then covered him and grabbed a generous portion of tights to secure the win. [B]C-[/B] Prototype takes the mic and makes an official challenge...to Des Davids for the MAW Title!! [B]C-[/B] We see some video of Joss Thompson speaking with Big Problem backstage, but nothing can heard. [B]E[/B] Rip Chord interviews Des Davids and Danny Patterson. He asks Davids about Prototype's challenge. Davids replies, [COLOR="Blue"]"You know me, Rip. I'll take on any worthy challenger and he certainly fits that bill. If he wants a match against me at March Madness, then sign the contracts. Right now I've got a Big Problem to solve and I need to focus on that."[/COLOR] [B]C Champagne Lover/The Big Problem d. Des Davids/Danny Patterson after outside interference from Joss Thompson[/B] Great match and really wish Problem and Patterson didn't get blown up so easily as both would be awesome MAW Champions. I just don't want main events that can only last 7 minutes. :) Good action and we got to see the first ever interaction of Lover and Patterson. Raphael came to ringside to scout Lover and those two got into a scuffle. This gave Joss Thompson a chance to run in from the crowd and PASTE Patterson across the face with a steel chair, leading to a Problem Solver for the win. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C[/B] Notes: Wow, this show was just packed with angles and matches. And we even MADE $3000 from it! We'll see if Prototype can step it up next month in his initial title challenge. There will also be a MAW Tag Title defense on the show as well.
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[B]MAW Boston Massacre (03.11) 54 fans at Biker's Paradise Fight Club[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]MAW breaks into the New England market tonight with a small show, but one that should definitely provide a lot of action as we bring possibly the best match of the past year to Boston...Des Davids vs. Champagne Lover!![/I] Rip Chord enters the ring and thanks all of the great Boston fans for attending the show tonight. He says that if they can help spread the word, Boston will be a regular stop for them a few times a year. [B]C[/B] Titan comes to the ring, accompanied by Gerald Taylor and warms up. [B]C+ Leroy d. Titan[/B] Leroy comes out and the two men immediately start brawling. They show a lot of chemistry and the crowd is getting behind The East Side Assasain. Leroy wins it with an impressive GBH Driver [B]E[/B] Champagne Lover comes out to boo's and many derogatory comments about his possible sexual preferences...one regarding an self imposed act that would seen to be physically impossible. Lover soaks in the jeers and states that he can't believe he is even in a pit like this and the only thing that will cheer him up is beating hometown hero Des Davids for the title. [B]C-[/B] Davids is introduced and comes to the ring to a big pop [B]B- Des Davids d. Champagne Lover by submission to retain the MAW Title[/B] This match went nearly a half hour and was as good as any these two men have had. They changed it up a little with Davids working the submission holds and getting a win that way. Fantastic match and a great entry into the New England market. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C[/B]
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[B]MAW March Madness (03.11) 246 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] -------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dark Match: The Darkness d. Sudden Impact[/B] Tijuana Vampire decided to stay in MAW for another contract and was given the pinfall in this dark match over Carl Edwards. Decent little match and the heels are helping the young babyfaces elevate their game. [B]D[/B] Antonio comes to the ring and demands another match with Leroy. [COLOR="Red"]"I don't want any hardcore garbage though...I challenge you to an actual wrestling match!"[/COLOR] [B]D Antonio d. Leroy[/B] Leroy answered the challenge and actually was wrestling with Antonio. Antonio got frustrated and ended up smashing Leroy with a steel chair and using the ropes for leverage to score the pinfall. [B]D[/B] Gerald Taylor cuts a promo hyping Andres Johansen as the greatest technical wrestler to ever lace up boots. [B]C Andres Johansen d. Brendon Idol by submission[/B] Not up to par with their most recent outings, as Idol was trying to beat Johansen at his own game instead of relying on his breathtaking high flying. Johansen won with the dreaded STF [B]D[/B] Mainstream Hernandez said that he wants to get back in the MAW Title picture and can't think of any better way to do that than challenging Champagne Lover next month! [B]C-[/B] The Show Stealers promise their fans that they will regain the MAW Tag Team Titles tonight! [B]D The Show Stealers d. The Specialists by CO; Specialists retain the MAW Tag Team Titles[/B] Great match reminiscent of the Rockers-Brain Busters matches back in the WWF. Adam Matravers has worked his way up to a C- in overness and may break out as a singles star sometime soon. Barnes and Parker were fighting outside the ring when Barnes beat the 10 count back in [B]C-[/B] Joss Thompson cuts a promo on Danny Patterson, bragging how he got outsmarted last month. Patterson came out and was a man of few (or no) words and began brawing with Thompson until officials broke it up. [B]E[/B] The Prototype not only promises to beat Des Davids for the MAW Title tonight, but also claims that he will unmask if he can't do so! [B]C Des Davids d. The Prototype[/B] Another stellar title defense for Davids. Prototype dominated a lot of offense early on, but Davids showed that trademark fire and made a huge comeback. Prototype went for a Superplex, but Davids rolled it back over and scored a surprising pinfall. [B]C[/B] After the match, the fans chanted for Prototype to unmask. He instead blindsided Davids and beat him bloody with a steel chair. He grabbed the mic: [COLOR="Red"]You want to know who I am?!?! You want to know?!?!" [/COLOR] and then hit a Mood Swing on the unconcious champion. Prototype ripped off his mask to reveal MEAN JEAN CATTLEY!! [COLOR="Red"]"That's right! It's been me all the time and I'm not going to stop until I take MY title back!!!"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Hopefully the Cattley surprise came off well (yes it was him the entire time). We had to pull the trigger on that angle a little quicker than we wanted to as there was a major tragedy that will be discussed in the next posting. Things in MAW will truly never be the same.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]MAW Legend Rip Chord Passes Away[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://www.johnkeating.biz/TEW/ripchord.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] In one of the saddest days in Mid Atlantic Wrestling history, I awoke on Monday morning to the tragic news that Rip Chord had passed away. He had been complaining of some chest pains recently but said that it was most likely something he ate. On Monday morning I got a phone call that he had passed. The future of MAW is up in the air. In the week's following Rip's passing, Paul Rufas has stepped in to head the company. I have to admit I was a little put off I was never even asked to take over. I immediately contacted Marv Earnest who will be the promotion's announcing voice and Professor Nero will be working dual duties as Road Agent and an onscreen manager. April's Boiling Point has been changed to the Rip Chord Memorial Show and will feature a match requested by the two men involved: Mean Jean Cattley vs. Mainstream Hernandez. There will also be the first ever Rip Chord Invitational Battle Royale with wrestlers such as American Elemental, Champagne Lover, Erik Strong and of course Antonio participating. The following month everything will go back to whatever semblance of normal it can be. Storylines and feuds will continue and life will go on. But for now, we sadly mourn the passing of a true wrestling legend.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]The Rip Chord Memorial Show[/B][/SIZE] -----------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [I]In a departure from other shows, I'm going to refrain from giving ratings for each segment as we mourn a true legend.[/I] The show opens with Marv Earnest in the ring. He welcomes the sellout crowd of 300 to the show and wishes it could be under better circumstances. He promises that MAW will continue to put on the best shows possible and further the vision of Rip Chord. He then asked for a moment of silence and a 10 bell salute. The crowd chanted "RIP, RIP, RIP!!" Antonio is the first wrestler announced for the [B]First Annual Rip Chord Invitational[/B] battle royal. He takes the mic and says, "we may have had our differences in recently, but I owe my entire career to Rip Chord." Also in the battle royal were: Adam Matravers, Erik Strong, Champagne Lover, Big Problem, Danny Patterson, Rick Douglas, Steven Parker, Brendon Idol and Flemmy Lemming. Standard battle royal with the last four being Matravers, Antonio, Lover and Parker. Lover, Parker and Antonio were going to team up on the Show Stealer but they couldn't get along and Lover and Parker ended up eliminating each other. Antonio outlasted Matravers to win the match. Fitting. Mainstream Hernandez appears on the video screen and speaks about how Rip made him a name on the indy circuit by pushing him and allowing him to show his "fun, goofy" persona. He spoke about a time when he couldn't pay rent and Rip took care of it for him. [B]Des Davids d. American Elemental to retain the MAW Title[/B] Davids still sported some cuts and injuries, selling Cattley's attack from last month. Total scientific match as these two top babyfaces put on a clinic. It went back and forth, with American Elemental taking to the air and then Davids grounding it and using more power attacks. Davids won the match by catching American's flying bodypress and turning it into a powerslam. Mean Jean Cattley appeared onscreen to a mix of boos and cheers. He spoke of his "Loser Leaves Town Match" and the conversation he and Rip had. He spoke with great admiration and respect about Rip coming out of retirement to put him over. [B]Mean Jean Cattley and Mainstream Hernandez went to a double pin at 35 minutes.[/B] These two men wanted this match and went out and beat the hell out of each other. Cattley played the heel and the crowd was red hot for this match. This was the longest the two had ever wrestled and they were exhausted by the end. The finish was a direct riff on Chord's debut match against Sam Strong in 1981(considered one of the greatest matches of all time by Pro Wrestling Hits). Mean Jean Cattley had the advantage and hit the Rip Chord DDT on Hernandez. He went for the pin and Mainstream kicked out with a milisecond to go. Hernandez fought back and hit one piledriver...then another...then he struggled to get Cattley up for the third, but as he was completely out of it, the two men crashed to the mat, arms draped over each others' chest. The ref had no choice but to count the pinfall and rule the match a no contest. The fans were totally into the homage and could have cared less that there was no winner. They gave the match a standing ovation. Des Davids came to the ring and closed the show by leading the fans in a RIP RIP RIP chant. Overall, a very emotional night for MAW fans and the workers on the roster. Next month will be May-hem and we'll see the continuation of the Des Davids-Mean Jean storyline and the other storylines. Tonight all of the roster got to say goodbye to a good friend and mentor.
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RE: Sam Strong...he wasn't :) But I didn't want Mainstream or Cattley to go over the other as I would like to have a feud between them. So I did the same finish sequence that's listed for Strong-Chord on the CornellVerse site and had it end in a double pin :)
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Coming soon... [B]MAW May-hem!!![/B] Champagne Lover answers Mainstream Hernandez's challenge and the two will square off in the main event. The Show Stealers want a rematch with The Specialists for the MAW Tag Team Titles Des Davids will be on hand to address the unveiling of the Prototype as the returning Mean Jean Cattley. I'm sure Cattley will not be too far behind. Also...there will be a new title in MAW...the Young Guns Title for wrestlers 26 and under. The title will be decided in a Fatal Fourway match with Raphael, Erik Strong, Antonio and Leroy competing for the honors. Don't miss the suprises and excitement that only Mid Atlantic Wrestling can provide!!
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Thanks for the feedback! I know, when it happened I honestly felt like I lost a friend. It was so weird. Then I'm like "what the f--?!? This is a fictional character in a game!! But I guess it's like when one of your favorite characters pass away in a book, tv show or movie. I'm really surprised, happy and touched that people were moved by it! I guess that's all you can ever hope to acheive with any creative endeavor.
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