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Baker's Dozen - BCW

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the Scotsman


Persistent rumours are surfacing that Tyler Baker may be getting back into the wrestling game. The man last seen leaving 21st Century Wrestling in ignominy and near bankruptcy in 2006 has been reported to have meet with several old contacts, including "Sick" Nick Adams, Kevin Jordan and Phil Cox. At the same time, a new company called Birmingham Championship Wrestling has been registered and has set up a website. Is it possible Baker has managed to persuade his family to give him more money after his epic failure last time? While it's possible he may have learned lessons from his first go around, the history of this business indicates we shouldn't hold our breath. Still, it should be fun to watch him flame out a second time, everyone enjoys a good car crash after all. Till next time

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the Scotsman


After our exclusive reveal that Ty Baker was back in the biz, we can now reveal that Birmingham Championship Wrestling have booked Aston University Sports Hall on Saturday 4th of April. The hubris of booking a 1,000 seater stadium for a debut show is a classic Bakerism. His efforts are akin to something from Brewster's Billions, as he once again attempts to lose a fortune as quickly as possible. Barring signing some big names, or giving the tickets away for free, Aston is going to look pretty empty April 4th. We've spoken with Arson Wells, of EWA, who confirms that Baker approached him about working for BCW as the colour guy, and that he turned him down to stay with All-Stars as their top road agent. Whilst Wells has moved on, it looks like Baker is trying to recapture the past, and we all know what happens to those who fail to learn the lessons of history ...

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A Little Bit of History Repeating

the Scotsman


It seems like Ty Baker is once again going about the business the wrong way. Rather than focusing on signing some top tier in ring talent, "the Dean of Dentistry" is starting by putting together his ancillary talent. Kevin Jordan, last seen being given his marching orders by Jeff Nova, is set to reprise his role in the booth for BCW, whilst long time ally 'Sick' Nick Adams has signed on the dotted line to serve as the Agent, to a current locker room of 0. 'Tiger' Tim Reed also looks to be attached to the project, although in what capacity we are unsure at this time. Given Baker's track record, I wouldn't be surprised if it was to serve as colour commentator. He is as equipped for that role as Ty Baker is to run a wrestling organisation. Grab your popcorn kids, this is about to get messy.

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