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BLW - The Super Indy

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[b][u][center]A CornellVerse Diary[/b][/u][/center] The North American wrestling scene is at the moment, hot. There are promotions all over the US and Canada putting out great shows and showcasing all sorts of styles. From the traditional values of Rip Chord's MAW on the east to the hyrbid action from CZCW on the west, the American indy wrestling scene hasn't been hotter for a long time. But..... Even with all the fantastic young talents on the rosters of the likes of MAW, CZCW, 4C and even USPW, there was something missing. The young stars from across the country just weren't getting the chances they needed to showcase their talents on a higher level. And with the SWF just debuting 9 new workers instead of recruiting talent from the indy scene, it's time for something to be done. [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] and a young talented writer who was a protege of DaVE's legendary owner, Phil Vibert, have contacted a number of top talents from across the US and Canada with a dream. The dream of making a new promotion. A promotion that unlike CGC, TCW and the SWF will put talent to the forefront of their show. Emphasising the work rate of their performers, youngsters get the opportunity to showcase everything they have in a competitive, athletic and, most importantly, [i]honourable[/i] ring. With a roster quickly assembled thanks to Ota's contacts, [b]Border-Line Wrestling[/b] are ready to steal the show and make a name for themselves as the greatest independent promotion in the world.
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[b][u][center]The First OOC Post[/center][/b][/u] First of all, after watching a bunch of wrestling DVDs lately, I decided that the Cornellverse needed its own answer to ROH. I dunno why I decided it, but that what I did so I quickly set about putting it into motion. BLW is a cutting edge based promotion, the style I feel that ROH is closest too in real life. And to start with, there's a definite imaginary Honor code going on. Matches start with a handshake (part of the time built into matches) and end with a handshake (angles). This helps to fill up the time spent on angles during shows, which is of course 10% for anyone who's played a cutting edge style :) The promotion starts with 40% overness in the South East of the US and a prestige of 40. This was done to ensure workers would want to work for BLW, but is higher than I would set it normally. Fumihiro Ota became owner in the game, something I'm not gonna complain about even though I'd kinda hoped for Bryan Holmes. :D I'm not gonna post everything that happens in the world and results will be kept simple, but with an added write up for those who care too. Best of both worlds methinks. Also, I only decided to make a diary of this after about 4 months of in game play, so I'm probably making up a few things as I go. Like pretty much all the running times for matches for example. I'll be keeping track of them in future though, so worry not all ye who care. Hopefully, this won't suffer the same fate as my PDW diary which sadly suffered a bit of a corrupted save game. Personally, I blame myself for putting my title belt on Nemesis. I never shoulda done that. Also, make sure you check out the 3 way Mexican diary that can be found at: [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9093[/url] No reason why, except that its the diary I'm running with infinitywpi (of Coastal Zone fame) and Apupunchau of....... fame :) Its well worth a look. [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6582&highlight=reborn[/url] Thats my PDW diary that died a bit, in case you care. I did stop writing it eventually cos it was going a bit slow, but now that I'm doing this one with my computer breaking at regular intervals, I do write ups on a uni computer that works far better. Which means slow is a perfect pace for me. Much rejoicing there I think. Thanks for reading. Derek B
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Results sent in by Derek B, who attended the show [QUOTE][b][u]2005 Dec - Friday 4 - Genesis and Armageddon (C)[/b][/u] [i]Samoan Machine defeated Rolling Johnny Stones [11:57] (D) Ed Larkins defeated Valentine Thomas [9:23] (E) F.U.T.U.R.E I (Darryl Devine and Jacob Jett) defeated The Sting (Roger Doger and Sammy the Shark) [13:02] (C) Thomas Morgan defeated Raphael Robinson [10:36] (D) Damian Carvill defeated Brendan Idol [7:35] (C-) Team PGHW (William Hayes and Joshua Taylor) defeated Technical Difficulty (Al Parent and Flemmy Lemming) [17:11] (D) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Mikey James [15:56] (C-) Frankie Perez defeated Darryl Freeman (Dog Fyte) [13:48] (C-) Henry Marksman (Hell Monkey) defeated Marc Speed [19:56] (C) Fumihiro Ota drew with Steve Flash [30:00 time limit] (C+)[/i] The show opened with the announcers, [b]Roger Dodger and Shane Sneer[/b], putting over BLW and explaining to the 2000 capacity crowd how BLW came about. They also talked about the [b]Competitor's Code[/b] and how all workers within BLW are expected to respect each other by shaking hands before and after a match. Any worker failing to do so would be considered to be bad for the company by not following such a simple rule and may not be allowed to work for the company in future. BLW places a great importance on the rules and it showed throughout the night. The opening match was between [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Rolling Johnny Stones[/b], two international talents. In a strong technical encounter that was largely controlled by the Samoan Machine, the offense was very brutal looking. Machine looked incredible in the first ever BLW match and came out on top after about 12 minutes. Was a pretty good match and both men shook hands at the end. Samoan Machine looked incredibly stiff and intense throughout. Up next were two Canadian youngsters. [b]Ed Larkins[/b] (who also works as Phenomenal E elsewhere) faced [b]Valentine Thomas[/b] (who usually works as Valentine) in a more fast paced match. In the end, Larkins got the win to win at about 9 mins. Another handshake. Up next, the first tag team match of BLW. Prior to the match, [b]Darryl Devine and Jacob Jett[/b] announced that they had a third member of their group who was unable to be here tonight because of other commitments. They revealed that together, they were called [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/b] and that they were the future of wrestling, the next generation of stars. [b]Roger Dodger[/b] made his way from the announce team and [b]Sammy the Shark[/b] joined him to face Devine and Jett. F.U.T.U.R.E showed that they have a bright future ahead of them by always being a step ahead of [b]The Sting[/b] and won the match in about 13 minutes. Handshakes from the two teams as Roger Dodger returned to commentary, a bit hurt. [b]Thomas Morgan[/b] (who called himself "The Trademark" to the fans) faced off agains [b]Raphael Robinson[/b] (usually called Raphael) next. It was a solid technical showing from both men and the Trademark won the match at around the 11 minute mark. Handshakes for both. After a short break, [b]Damian Carvill[/b] (who works elsewhere as The Natural) took to the ring with a mic. He put himself over as the best wrestler there is, which is why he works for NOTBPW, the best promotion in the world. This drew some good heat. He then made an open challenge, which was answered by [b]Brendan Idol[/b]. The match lasted about 8 minutes as Carvill picked up an easy win against the smaller man. Next, a team that had came all the way from Japan arrived. [b]William Hayes[/b], the reigning PGHW International champion, along with [b]Joshua Taylor[/b] challenged any team who wants a match. They were met with the duo [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] and [b]Al Parent[/b] who said that there were about to be some [b]Technical Difficulty[/b] for [b]Team PGHW[/b] and the match got underway. After about 17 minutes, Hayes got the fall on Flemmy. Was a decent match, but the crowd didn't know much about any of the workers involved. More handshakes. Now it was time to start breaking out the big names. [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b], the MAW champion faced off against [b]Mikey James[/b]. In a good back and forward match that saw some good spots, Cattley pulled off the win after about 16 mins. The crowd enjoyed it a lot and seemed to be hot for Cattley. More handshakes for the competitors. [b]Frankie Perez[/b] and [b]Darryl Freeman[/b] (aka Dog Fyte) were up next. This was the most intense match of the night, with both men really going out of their way for a top performance. Perez's kicks were deadly but Freeman's suplexes were fantastic to behold. In the end, Perez won the match with a P-clutch. Both men shook hands respectfully, with Perez getting some great pops from the crowd. Up next was a match pitting [b]Marc Speed[/b] against [b]Hell Monkey[/b]. At least, that was the plan. Before the match, Monkey came out and told the fans that BLW wasn't the place for a gimmick like this. he removed his mask and said he was [b][u]Henry Marksman[/u][/b] while in BLW which the fans w cheered. The match itself delivered the goods. Marksman delivered some of his Monkey trademark spots (with less Monkeyness than normal) and eventually pulled out the win with the Hell Fire Kick at around 20 minutes. The crowd celebrated with both men as they shook hands. And finally tonight, it was [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] and [b]Steve Flash[/b] in the match of the night. Flash has a reputation for never getting the big push his obvious talents deserved and he looked fired up for his match tonight. Ota, a former big league star, also had something to prove to the capacity crowd. Both men pulled out all their big moves and almost ended up in the crowd a few times. Several times, it looked like the match was over but Ota kept managing to avoid the Flash Band. Eventually, the bell rang with both men looking tired and the match was announced as a time limit draw at the 30 minute mark. The fans chanted for "five more minutes" but it wasn't to be. Both men shook hands. Lastly, it was announced that there will be an 8 man, 1 night tournament at BLW's next event [b]Crowning Glory[/b] in January. After their showings tonight, Ota and Flash would face each other in a rematch as part of the first round. Other matches announced for the tournament were.... [b]Frankie Perez vs Samoan Machine Darryl Devine vs Mean Jean Cattley Henry Marksman vs Damian Carvill[/b] The show will be held once again in the same arena on the 4th Thursday of January. I'll be in attendance to send back more results.[/QUOTE] Also from ProWrestlingWorld.com [QUOTE][center][b][u]The 2005 Year End Awards[/u][/b][/center] 2005 End of Year Awards Wrestler of the Year - N/A Young Wrestler of the Year - Kid Toma Veteran Wrestler of the Year - Alysian Scotsfield Female Wrestler of the Year - Juinko Hayakawa Promotion of the Year - N/A Most Improved Promotion of the Year - N/A Match of the Year - Dan Stone Jr defeated Jeremy Stone (NOTBPW Championship match) at NOTBPW Winter War (A*) Card of the Year - PGHW: The King's Road (Dec week 4) (B+) - headlined by Yoshimi Mushahibo defeating Eisaku Hoshino (A*) [/QUOTE]
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Once again, thanks to Derek B for sending in the results [QUOTE] [b][u]Jan 2006 - Thursday 4 - Crowning Glory (C+)[/u][/b] [i]Fumihiro Ota defeated Steve Flash [27:11] (C+) Frankie Perez defeated Samoan Machine [20:45] (C-) Darryl Devine defeated Mean Jean Cattley [16:13] (C) Henry Marksman defeated Damian Carvill [18:38] (C+) Chavo Lopez (Champagne Lover) defeated Flemmy Lemming [9:48] (C-) Frankie Perez defeated Fumihiro Ota [15:57] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Darryl Devine [17:34] (C+) Call To Action (Erik Strong and Mainstream Hernandez) defeated F.U.T.U.R.E III (Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp) [14:19] (C-) Henry Marksman defeated Frankie Perez to win the [b]BLW World championship[/b] [21:02] (C+)[/i] Once again, the show opened up with Shane Sneer and Roger Dodger talking about the Competitor's Code and how important it is to treat the rules and your opponent with respect. They told the crowd that DVD's of Genesis and Armageddon were available at the concession stand if you wanted to get your hands on a copy of BLW's first show. And then they talked about how much more historic tonight will be when the first ever BLW World Champion is crowned. Straight out of the blocks, we got a rematch of the main event of Genesis and Armageddon with [b]Steve Flash[/b] and [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] facing off. Last time, they threw everything they had at each other for 30 minutes without a winne and this time, they almost done the same. Every move they had was thrown at each other but Ota picked up the win at the 27 minute mark, countering a Flash Bang and using a Ninja Suplex. Both men were tired but they shook hands and left the crowd happy. Ota advances to the second round, but he must be tired after that. Up next was an intense physical encounter between [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Frankie Perez[/b]. Both men used an extremely stiff style remiscent of PGHW's strong style matches and the crowd ate it up. Samoan Machine gave Frankie very little time to recover, constantly staying on offense whenever possible and his dive over the top rope was spectacular. In the end though, Perez managed to use his brutal kicks to get Samoan Nachine down and lock in the P-Clutch, giving himself the victory at about 21 minutes. Both men shooks hands and looked very respectful of each other after the match. Perez advances to face Ota in the 2nd round. Up next, [b]Darryl Devine[/b] of the F.U.T.U.R.E group faced the MAW Champion, [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b]. It was an interesting mix of styles as Cattley tried to keep the flyer grounded but Devine showed good technical skills too and managed to edge the victory over Cattley with the Devine Dream Drop at around 16 minutes. Devine moves to the second round of the BLW title tournament to face the winner of the next match. The final first round match was [b]Damian Carvill[/b] against [b]Henry Marksman[/b]. Carvill cut a quick promo putting himself and NOTBPW over before the match, gathering more heel heat against the man formerly known as Hell Monkey who got a big pop from the crowd. In a match that saw strong all round performances from both men, it was Marksman's intensity in applying a high angled Fujiwara armbar that got him the victory at 18 minutes and a match later in the night against Darryl Devine. Up next was a break from the tournament that saw the debut of [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] (who works as Champagne Lover in Mexico) against [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b]. It didn't take long to see why Chavo Lopez is on his way to becoming a big star down south as he simply overwhelmed Flemmy's technical offense. After 10 minutes, Lopez locked on the Champagne Breakfast and made Flemmy tap out. I expect big things from Chavo Lopez in the future. Back to tournament action, [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] and [b]Frankie Perez[/b] squared off. Ota had a tough match earlier on and appeared to be suffering from it but Perez's toughness was showing, even after his encounter with Samoan Machine. After 16 minutes of action, including some painful looking submission moves from both men, Perez hit the Perez Plunge '03 for the victory and a berth in the finals of the tournament. In the other semi-final of the tournament, [b]Henry Marksman[/b] clashed with [b]Darryl Devine[/b] of the F.U.T.U.R.E group. Once more, the crowd were heavily behind Marksman and were jeering Devine, who's pre-match promo drew plenty of heat from the capacity crowd. In the 18 minutes of action that ensued, Devine threw every big move he had at Marksman, including a moonsault from the top to the floor that'll be on everyone's highlight reel, but he couldn't get the win. Marksman hit the Hellfire Kick to end the match and he will face Frankie Perez to crown the first ever BLW World Champion later in the show. To give both competitors in the Championship match a break, the remaining two members of the F.U.T.U.R.E group came out armed with microphones. Alongside [b]Jacob Jett[/b] was a man who frequently competes for UCR in Europe who is known as [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b]. His nickname of "The Breeze" is earned from his high flying style and the wind through his hair. But not to be outdone, [b]Erik Strong[/b] and [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] (known together as [b]Call To Action[/b] from MAW) came out for a match. What followed was a high flying spotfest that saw a communication error between Beauchamp and Jett give Mainstream the chance to get the pinfall on Beauchamp following his Headliner finisher. Match lasted about 15 minutes and the Competitor's Code was followed as always. And then....... the main event. And it didn't disappoint. The most important and best match of the night to decide the first ever BLW World Champion was between [b]Frankie Perez[/b], who's stiff kicks and submissions had seen him pass Samoan Machine and Fumihiro Ota, and [b]Henry Marksman[/b], who's brutal strikes and raw intensity had seen him defeat Damian Carvill and Darryl Devine. The match saw both men put everything on the line. Marksman used the top ropes for some big moves, including a missed attempt at the Tumbling Monkey. Perez kept trying to lock in the P-Clutch but Marksman kept countering. In the end, it came down to fatigue as Marksman barely escaped a Perez Plunge '03 and hit a Monkey (tiger) Suplex for the three count. The fans erupted in applause for both men, each of whom had been wrestling for more than an hour in the night. As Marksman was handed the belt, Perez helped him put it on and shook hands with him, raising it into the air in a fantasic BLW moment. After the show and after Marksman's celebrations died down, the commentators told the fans that the next BLW event was going to be called [b]Honourable Combat[/b] and would feature another one night tournament to decide the [b]BLW World Tag Team Titles[/b] aswell as featuing the [b]first defense of the BLW World Championship[/b], the opponent wasn't named yet, but everyone was promised it would be a worthy competitor. They were also told to ensure they go to the show to pick up a DVD of the event they had just witnessed, which would be availble in a few weeks time. [/QUOTE] [i]OOC: Samoan Machine is a new worker in the CornellVerse that got added in the most recent files update on the Cornellverse website. Its interesting to note that he's not even vaguely like Samoa Joe and certainly will not be getting a push as such any time in the future[/i] :)
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Once again, thanks to Derek B for sending in the results. [QUOTE] [u][b]Feb 2006 - Sunday 4 - Honourable Combat (C+)[/b][/u] [i]Technical Difficulty defeated The Underdogs (Brendan Idol and Raphael Robinson) [13:21] (D) Team PGHW defeated The Sting [15:38] (E) Call To Action defeated The Trademarks (Thomas Morgan and Steven Parker) [16:09] (D) F.U.T.U.R.E I (Jett and Devine) defeated The Martial Artists (Frankie Perez and Mikey James) [21:39] (C) Joey Beauchamp defeated American Elemental [14:37] (C-) Team PGHW defeated Technical Difficulty [18:02] (D) F.U.T.U.R.E I defeated Call To Action [11:59] (C) Samoan Machine defeated Darryl Freeman [23:54] (c-) F.U.T.U.R.E I defeated Team PGHW for the BLW World Tag Team titles [18:34] (C) Henry Marksman defeated Fumihiro Ota (defense #1 of the BLW World title) [25:41] (B-)[/i] As seems usual, the show opened with [b]Shane Sneer and Roger Dodger[/b] talking about the Competitor's code and once again saying this will be a memorable night as BLW crowns its first ever [b]BLW World Tag Team Champions[/b] tonight in another one night tournament. They also announced to the 1900 strong crowd that tonight they will see [b]Henry Marksman[/b] defend the BLW World Championship against [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b]. They then listed the teams for tonight, saying how the locker-room had been getting together to make new teams who were hungry for championship gold. In the opening first round match, [b]Technical Difficulty[/b] (Flemmy Lemming and Al Parent) faced [b]The Underdogs[/b] (Brendan Idol an Raphael Robinson). The Underdogs, teaming together for the first time tonight didn't show it as they put together some fantastic double team spots, proving its not the size, but how you use it that counts. But they coldn't overcome the focussed technical attacks of Technical Difficulty as Flemmy Lemming got the fall on Raphael for the win at around 13 minutes. The next match saw [b]William Hayes and Joshua Taylor[/b] (Team PGHW) team up against [b]Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark[/b] (The Sting). Before he left the announce table, Roger said that it should be an easy win for his team but over the next 16 minutes, he proved to be very wrong. Hayes and Taylor proved why they wrestle for PGHW in Japan by outclassing their opposition throughout the match and picked up the fall on Sammy. After the handskakes, Roger returned to the announce table feeling a little worse for wear and a bit less ****y. Later in the second round, Team PGHW will face Technical Difficulty. Up next, we saw the debuting team of The Trademarks, with [b]Thomas Morgan and Steven Parker[/b] teaming together in their quest for gold. They faced the high flying duo of [b]Mainstream Hernandez and Erik Strong[/b] (Call To Action). For much of the match, Erik Strong was weakened by some smooth teamwork from the Trademarks but when Mainstream Hernandez finally got the hot tag, he really unleashed his energy. After 16 minutes, Hernandez scored with the Headliner on Steven Parker, as Strong kept Thomas at bay, to advance to the next round. Up next was the big match of the first round, with the winners of this expected to go all the way assuming they hadn't beaten each other up too much. Representing F.U.T.U.R.E was [b]Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine[/b], and their opponents were Frankie Perez and Mikey James (calling themselves The Martial Artists). A lot of punishment was dished out by both sides, with Perez's kicks once again dominating a lot of the action. At the 22 minute mark, Darryl Devine hit Mikey James with Devine Dream Drop while Jett and Perez were outside the ring brawling, and picked up the win. Up next, an intermission match as Joey Beauchamp of the F.U.T.U.R.E group made an open challenge so that he could pick up his first singles win in BLW. The challenge was accepted by the debuting American Elemental and the high paced match commenced. American Elemental, a tribute to the Japanese legend Elemental, went for a 450 splash but it was avoided skillfully by Beauchamp who hit a tight cradle pin to pick up the pinfall in an exciting match at about 15 minutes. Back to tournament action, [b]Team PGHW[/b] were out to face [b]Technical Difficulty[/b]. The match was a little bit of a let down after the adrenalin packed match that took place before it, but the technical action was solid. At the 18 minute mark, Joshua Taylor got the fall on Al Parent who used a few of Haruki Kudo's signature spots during the match, including a failed Kudo Kutter to set up the pinfall. The second semi final was between a tired looking F.U.T.U.R.E team and Call To Action. After the big match earlier, Jett and Devine looked sore and the high paced offense of Call To Action didn't help them much. But when they were finally given a chance, they seized on it, using a lot of matwork and showing how complete their game is, eventually getting a submisson victory on Erik Strong when he tapped to Jett's Afterburner submission move. The match for the BLW World Tag Team Championships will be between Jett/Devine and Hayes/Taylor. The tag finalists would be hoping for a long match to give them a rest as [b]Samoan Machine[/b] faced off against [b]Darryl Freeman[/b] in what was assured to be a brutal match. The two intense individuals rarely gave each other a moment to catch their breath as they hit each other with everything in their arsenals. The match itself was the kind you would expect to see in PGHW, not in the USA. After 24 minutes, Samoan Machine picked up the win with a vicious lariat that I doubt anyone woulda kicked out of. Even so, Freeman managed to shake hands with Machine, proving just how tough both of these men are. And now, its time to crown the first ever BLW World Tag Team champions. [b]Devine and Jett[/b] have beaten the Martial Artists and Call To Action to get this far, while Team PGHW have beaten The Sting and Technical Difficulty. As the tag belts were raised in the air, you could feel both teams determination to get their arms raised in victory at the end of the match. During the match, both teams tried to avoid making mistakes, starting off with solid basics work. But it didn't take long before Devine and Jett started taking to the air, with Devine scoring with a Devine Intervention off the ropes for a 2. The momentum shifted both ways, with neither team getting a clear edge. But in the end, the Devine Dream Drop proved to be the difference maker as Devine scored it on Joshua Taylor. Ladies and gentlemen, the [b]first ever BLW World Tag Team Champions are Darryl Devine and Jacob Jett[/b]. After the celebrations died down, the announcers reminded the vocal crowd that there was still one more match to come on this epic night as [b]Henry Marksman[/b] defends his BLW World championship against [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b]. The hot crowd responded well to the champion and the match was underway quickly with the paper streamers still scattered across the ring from the celebrations. Both men looked good in the ring as they put it all on the line. But from about halfway through the match, it looked clear that Marksman was out to prove something tonight and he started taking control of the match. After 26 minutes, Marksman locked on the sharpshooter and forced Ota to submit to successfully defend he BLW World Championship, much to the delight of the crowd. The show ended with Shane Sneer and Roger Dodger talking about BLW merchandise again, trying to sell DVDs and informing the crowd that the next event will be Glory By Honour in about a month. We're told that both championships will be defended on the show but that the opponents won't be named until the booking committee decides who would be a worthy contender or a specific challenge is made by the champions. [/QUOTE]
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com As always, many thanks to Derek B for sending in the results. [QUOTE] [u][b]Mar 2006 - Tues 4 - Glory By Honour (C+)[/b][/u] [i]Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Thomas Morgan [13:54] (D) The Underdogs defeated Technical Difficulty [11:39] (D) Chavo Lopez defeated Kashmir Singh [14:23] (D) Fox Mask defeated Joey Beauchamp [17:19] (C-) F.U.T.U.R.E I defeated The Martial Artists (defense #1 of BLW World Tag Team titles) [23:16] (C) Sammy Bach defeated Mainstream Herandez [13:59] (C+) Damian Carvill defeated American Elemental [15:40] (C) Steve Flash draw with Samoan Machine [30:00 time limit] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Mean Jean Cattley (defense #2 of the BLW World title) [28:23] (B-)[/i] The show opens with [b]Shane Sneer[/b] and [b]Roger Dodger[/b] as usual talking about tonight's show. As we found out one week ago on the BLW website ([url]www.blwrestling.com)[/url], the BLW World champion [b]Henry Marksman[/b] will defend the title against the MAW champion, [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b]. The World Tag Titles will be defended against [b]Frankie Perez and Mikey James[/b]. Also tonight we will see the debuts of more big names as [b]Sammy Bach[/b] and [b]Fox Mask[/b] put in their first appearances. The opening match featured two guys who have somehow never managed to get a break in the big leagues. [b]Thomas Morgan[/b] and [b]Rolling Johnny Stones[/b] are both skilled technical wrestlers and put on a good showing that many youngsters could learn a thing or two from. In the end, Stones picked up the win via pinfall after about 14 minutes. Up next is some tag team action as [b]The Underdogs[/b] face off against [b]Technical Difficulty[/b]. Once again, Idol and Raphael dazzled the crowd with some of their double team spots as Technical Difficulty struggled to keep them grounded. After 12 minutes, Brendan Idol got the fall on Flemmy Lemming following an Idoliser. Up next we saw [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] who addressed the crowd in Spanglish before his match against [b]Kashmir Singh[/b]. Kashmir had some good offense, showing off his considerable strength and good agility but Chavo's all round skills proved to be more than enough for his challenger and he overcame his opponent at the 14 minute mark with a submission victory from the Champagne Breakfast. After that, we had the chance to see indy stalwart [b]Fox Mask[/b] make his BLW debut against F.U.T.U.R.E member, [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b]. The match was a mostly high flying affair as you would expect from Fox, with some awesome high spots, including an MDK powerbomb to the outside from the apron by Beauchamp. In the end, Fox Mask hit Beauchamp with the Fox Hunter to pick up the win on his BLW debut at about 17 minutes. On his way backstage Beauchamp talks with his stablemates, [b]Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine[/b] who hype their upcoming World Tag Title defense against [b]Frankie Perez and Mikey James[/b], saying they've beaten them once and they'll do it again. Once again, the two teams put everything on the line in the match just as they had at Honourable Combat. But once again at around the 23 minute mark, Devine beat Mikey James with a Devine Dream Drop to successfully defend the World Tag Team titles. After the match, James didn't look too happy with his tag tag partner and after a brief argument, they agreed to face each other in the ring at the next BLW event, which we later found out would be the [b]King of the Indys Tournament[/b]. Out next was [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b], taking a break from tag team action to have a singles match with the recently signed, [b]Sammy Bach[/b]. Plenty of high spots during the match, with Bach getting a lot of fan support thanks to his reputation from wrestling in DaVE. In the end, Bach picked up the win with a 450 splash much to the crowd's delight. Lasted about 14 minutes. [b]Damian Carvill[/b] came out with a microphone and made made an open challenge, saying he felt like having a match tonight but had been overlooked and left off the card somehow. [b]American Elemental[/b] said he'd be happy to beat him in front of the hot crowd and the match was underway. Elemental maintained a rapid pace, giving Carvill minimal breathing room, even when he went to the floor for a breather. But after Elemental missed a big diving attack to the outisde, Carvill took control and worked over Elemental's left leg. Later in the match, Elemental was too slow going to the top rope because of the damage to his leg and was crotched then superplexed to the center of the ring. Carvill locked in the figure 4 and got the submission victory at 16 minutes. Next up was a match that many feel would make the victor top contender for the BLW World Championship as [b]Steve Flash[/b] faced off against [b]Samoan Machine[/b]. Once again, Flash brought his A game as you would expect of him and Samoan Machine brought his vicious, unrelenting attack to Flash. There was a lot of near falls for both men, mostly against Flash, but neither man could put the other away. Eventually, just as the match seemed to be reaching a conclusion, the bell rang and the announcers informed everyone that the 30 minute time limit had expired, much to the disappointment of the crowd. There were chants of "5 more minutes" but it wasn't to be. But of course, the main event was up next as [b]Henry Marksman[/b] attempted to make the second defense of his BLW World Championship against the MAW Champion [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b]. Cattley's plan was obvious from the outset as he worked on Marksman's left arm while Marksman went for the legs. Marksman's trademark wild flurries of punches were thwarted by Cattley's gameplan around halfway through the match which led to a lot of advantages for Cattley, but he couldn't capitalise. Marksman fought back using some brutal looking kicks and despite working over Cattley's legs, it was a Hellfire Kick that ended the match at around 28 minutes after Marksman realised he would struggle to lock on a Sharpshooter. Henry Marksman makes defense #2 of the BLW World Championship. After the match, the next BLW event was announced and it looks like a fantastic card. Shane Sneer and Roger Dodger annouce the [b]King of the Indys Tournament[/b] and say that champions from around the globe will compete in a one night tournament, with the winner getting a guaranteed BLW World Championship title match. They promise that this will be one of BLW's premiere events and will be held annually. And based on the performances of performers tonight, BLW's representative will be none other than Samoan Machine who took Steve Flash to the limits. Flash will also be on the show as he gets a BLW Championshp match against Henry Marksman. Frankie Perez will also face Mikey James as requested earlier on. The card so far looks like this. [QUOTE]Match 1: Joey Poison (4C Champion) vs Samoan Machine (BLW representative) Match 2: Jimmy P (CZCW Champion) vs William Hayes (PGHW International Champion) Match 3: Sammy Bach (DAVE representative) vs Darryl Devine (USPW National Champion) Match 4: Mean Jean Cattley (MAW Champion) vs Joey Beauchamp (UCR European champion) Frankie Perez vs Mikey James Winner Match 1 vs Winner Match 2 Winner Match 3 vs Winner Match 4 Steve Flash vs Henry Marksman (BLW World Championship Match) Winner Match 1+2 vs Winner Match 3+4[/QUOTE][/QUOTE] [i]OOC: Predictions anyone? I've not run this event and I'm now caught up with my results. Some champs have lost the belts before the tournament will take place, but I can ignore the AI being inconvenient for that. :)[/i]
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Results are once again sent in by Derek B, who has yet to miss a BLW event. [QUOTE] [b][u]April 2006 - The King of the Indys Tournament (C+)[/b][/u] [i]PRE-SHOW: Damian Carvill defeated Joshua Taylor [11:45] (C-) Samoan Machine defeated Joey Poison [15:46} (C-) William Hayes defeated Jimmy P. [12:32] (C) Darryl Devine defeated Sammy Bach [18:57] (B-) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Joey Beauchamp [12:13] (C-) Frankie Perez defeated Mikey James [16:58] (C) Samoan Machine defeated William Hayes [14:52] (C) Darryl Devine defeated Mean Jean Cattley [15:42] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Steve Flash (defense #3 of BLW World Championship) [22:38] (B) Darryl Devine defeated Samoan Machine to be crowned the King of the Indys 2006 [13:59] (B-)[/i] As the crowds were assembling for the big event tonight, they were greeted by [b]Damian Carvill[/b] taking to the microphone and complaining to everyone who had arrived early about the fact he was left out of the King of the Indies Tournament. He said that NOTBPW were the best promotion in the world and that they were being ignored to put some no-names from 4C in the tournament. If the bookers had any sense, they would've throw Joey Poison out of the tournament and put him in instead. The fans got on his back and he said he knew he wouldn't get a shot now, so instead, he was making an open challenge to anyone in the back to face him in a match, right now. The challenge was answered by [b]Joshua Taylor[/b] and the match was on. Carvill was in control for most of the match and looked good doing so. After 12 minutes, he hit the cradle piledriver on Taylor and the match was over. The show opened up properly with [b]Shane Sneer[/b] and [b]Roger Dodger[/b] who disagreed about whether Carvil had a point. Afterall, he has made an impressive start to his BLW career. They then put over the tournament tonight, saying that champions from all around the world were here to compete for a chance to face the BLW Champion and that just proved how important the belt that [b]Henry Marksman[/b] carries with such pride, truly is. Sadly, some workers had lost their respective title belts since the tournament was announced but since all the tournament matches tonight were non-title, that wasn't too important. They were still top stars in their respective promotions and would make every match tonight, look like a main event that any promotion in the world would be proud of. our first official match of the night was between the man representing BLW, the intense [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and the 4C Champion [b]Joey Poison[/b]. The buzz on the internet about Joey Poison at this event had him marked as a top contender for the title tonight. In his debut match in BLW, he brought everything he had to the Samoan Machine, who's toughness is fast becoming the stuff of indy legend. Poison's offense simply couldn't keep the big man down and when Samoan Machine managed to escape an Antidote Web, Poison couldn't believe it. A few minutes later at the 16 minute mark, Samoan Machine hit a devastating lariat and picked up the win. Joey Poison didn't look pleased about exiting in the first round as he shook hands with Samoan Machine. Up next saw another champion debut in BLW, the reigning CZCW champion [b]Jimmy P[/b] who used to wrestle for TCW. The opponent was, of course, the reigning PGHW International champion [b]William Hayes[/b]. Again, the internet buzz was that the PGHW competitor was likely to pick up the win and the internet buzz around this showcase event had been huge as evidenced by the 2000 fans in attendance tonight. Both men utilised a variety of styles with almost perfectly equal levels of skill. In a very close match, Hayes managed to lock in a triangle choke on Jimmy P at the 13 minute mark to pick up the submission victory and advance to face Samoan Machine later in the night. We were then treated to [b]Darryl Devine[/b] coming out with his tag team partner [b]Jacob Jett[/b]. Over one shoulder, Devine had his BLW World Tag Team belt, over the right shoulder, he had the USPW Tag Team title and around his waist, he had the USPW National title. He cut a promo saying how he was going to add the King of the Indys Crown to his accolades, then beat "that jobber Joey Poison" for the 4C Championship before adding the BLW World Championship to his collection. He said that Sammy Bach wasn't even a champion, just a representative of a promotion that doesn't even feature wrestling and is filled with guys who haveto resort to weapons. He said he was the true King of the Indys, and that it was time for F.U.T.U.R.E to become the PRESENT of wrestling. The crowd really got on his back for that promo and cheered like hell when his opponent [b]Sammy Bach[/b] came out for the match. With a hot crowd, the match didn't disappoint. Bach pulled off several of his famed moves normally seen on DaVE TV shows, including a fantastic top rope dive into a hurricanrana on the floor. The match was clearly the best first round match but ended in slightly dubious circumstances when Devine rolled up Bach with what looked like a handful of tights much to the chagrin of the crowd. Bach was reluctant to shake hands afterwards, but did anyway after his protest to the referee fell on deaf ears. Up next was the last of the first round matches, with MAW Champion [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] facing off against the now former UCR European Champion [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b]. This was the most one sided of all the matches tonight, with Cattley simply out wrestling Beauchamp throughout. After 12 minutes, Cattley won the match with the Mood Swing and a pinfall victory. Cattley will face Beauchamp's stablemate, Darryl Devine later tonight. Next we had a special challenge match stemming from an argument last month when [b]Frankie Perez[/b] and [b]Mikey James[/b] failed to capture the BLW World Tag Team titles, losing to Devine and Jett again. The match had been getting a buzz about it due to both having similar styles, one of the reasons they had teamed together in the first place. Both men tried to kick the legs out from under each other early on as they looked for an advantage. It didn't take long for the trademark kicking combinations to be brought out, but both men had counters for each other's moves forcing them to try something different. A high spot from the match came when Frankie Perez went for a lionsault to Mikey who was still standing and caught Perez with a brutal kick to the head while Perez was upside down in the moonsault. In the end though, Perez picked up the win when he managed to hit a Perez Plunge '03 for the pinfall victory at 17 minutes. Time for more King of the Indys action as BLW and GCG's [b]Samoan Machine[/b] faces PGHW's [b]William Hayes[/b]. If any Japanese fans are watching, they'd be familiar with both men and their styles. As usual, Samoan Machine's brute no-nonsense attack dominated much of the match but Hayes pulled off some good reversals and focussed his attack on Machine's knee. Both men put everything into a very physical contest that could've went either way, but in the end it was a top rope brainbuster, reminiscent of Saeko Hiroyuki's finishing move (the Hiroyuki Bomb) that put Hayes away. A pinfall victory for Samoan Machine at 15 minutes to advance to the King of the Indys final. The second semi final saw MAW Champion [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] face off agains the well decorated [b]Darryl Devine[/b]. Devine got tremendous heat from the fans after his promo earlier tonight and Cattley played the role of face in a match for a change. Cattley stuck to his tried and tested technical game, trying to keep Devine grounded and wear him out, but Devine kept getting to the ropes to escape the various holds. Devine scored with a Devine Intervention to swing momentum his way after Cattley had been on offense for a while and missed an attempted Devine Dream Drop just after to the joy of the fans. The finish came when Cattley went for the Mood Swing and Devine managed to twist in its grasp, scoring with the Devine Dream Drop and picking up a pinfall victory at 16 minutes and a berth in the finals of the King of the Indys tournament against Samoan Machine. In the midst of all the incredible ction tonight, the BLW World Championship match could easily have been overlooked. But [b]Henry Marksman[/b] and [b]Steve flash[/b] weren't to be outdone tonight and put on arguably BLW's best match yet. With the crowd behind both men, they traded high spot after high spot. Flash almost hit the Flash Bang early on, only to be countered into a Monkey (tiger) Suplex. Marksman missed a double foot stomp to the outside, as Flash expertly rolled out the way and hit a legsweep as Marksman landed, taking out Marksman's legs which he worked on for the rest of the match. Marksman later couldn't execute the Hellfire Kick properly and resorted to his wild flurries of punches that the fans ate up as he backed Flash into the corner repeatedly for as long as possible. In the end, the finish came when Flash tried to use Marksman's sharpshooter and Marksman countered it into one of his own and sat deep into it. flash couldn't escape as Marksman held on and he has to tap out at the 23 minute mark. Both men shook hands afterwards and the crowd chanted their names in appreciation. After the match, Marksman got on the mic and told Damian Carvill that if he wanted a title match, he could face him at the next event. Whoever wins the King of the Indys, will have to wait their turn while Marksman shows Carvill who's the best in BLW. And finally, the match we've all been waiting for. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] has managed to defeat 4C champion Joey Poison and PGHW International champion William Hayes en route to the final. [b]Darryl Devine[/b] has managed to controversially beat DaVE representative Sammy Bach and MAW champion Mean Jean Cattley on his way to the final. Before the match, Devine got on the mic before he shook hands with Samoan Machine, saying that he's already beaten the Mean Machine tonight and that he doesn't mind having to dismantle the Samoan Machine too. The crowd responded with more jeers, showing just how good Devine is at getting heel heat. At the handshake, Machine wasted no time in getting the match started as he nailed Devine with a brutal forearm that sent him out the ring. Both men were suffering from their earlier matches, with Samoan Machine notably limping. Devine took advantage, grabbing Machine's leg when he faked to enter the ring and slamming it off the ring apron. Devine focussed on the knee throughout the match as Machine repeatedly uses stiff strikes to the head to daze Devine. The match was hot following on the Marksman/Flash and the finish to this was equally hot. With Machine rallying back against Devine's offense, Devine hit a toe kick to Machine's damaged knee which stunned the Samoan long enough for Devine to hit the Devine Dream Drop and pick up his third win of the night and become the first [b]King of the Indys[/b]. After the match Devine's stablemates, Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp, came out to celebrate with him and place the King of the Indys Crown on Devine's head. The crowd were mixed, having seen an incredible night of action won by a youngster so arrogant and disrespectful, even though he is incredibly talented. The show ended with Shane Sneer and Roger Dodger letting everyone know that BLW will be back in town in another month with their next big show, with DVDs of tonights event available.[/QUOTE] [i]OOC: The SWF are very inconvenient. I was planning to have Bach go over Devine at first, but the day before the show, they offered him a contract. I couldn't have Bach win if I didn't know he was going to still be here to do stuff. Plus, I love Darryl Devine in the game, even though he's not as talented in the ring as some of my roster. Also, Joey Poison is an unknown in the US, so I couldn't bring myself to let him win the event. All in all though, I'm looking forward to seeing this event next year. By then, I imagine I'll be able to get the DaVE champion to show up which should be good. :) Oh, and NYCW have gone out of business. In my efforts to keep all the indys open, I neglected to give them some cash. Oops.... And Bach did sign for SWF in the end. Which is inconvenient, cos I was planning to work an angle with him and Teddy Powell (who's contract was renewed on a verbal by DaVE) against Jett and Devine. Dang it![/i] Derek B - BLW enthusiast #1
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Many thanks to Derek B who continues to send in detailed reports of BLW results for us to post to you all. [QUOTE] [b][u]May 2006 - Bound For Glory - (C+)[/b][/u] [i] Joey Poison defeated Nomad [7:44] (E) Flemmy Lemming defeated Rolling Johnny Stones [11:39] (D) The Trademarks defeated The Underdogs [12:49] (C-) Fox Mask defeated Ed Larkins [13:19] (C-) Samoan Machine defeated Marc Speed [13:38] (C) Chavo Lopez defeated Mainstream Hernandez [17:24] (C+) Steve Flash defaeted American Elemental [16:21] (C+) F.U.T.U.R.E defeated Team PGHW (defense 2 of BLW World Tag Team titles) [14:59] (C+) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Jimmy P [12:47] (C) Henry Marksman defeated Damian Carvill (defense 4 of the BLW World Championship) [20:58] (B-) [/i] The show opened shortly after the 1900 fans had taken their seats, many of them talking about the last show and what they were looking forward to on this one. Most of the matches had been announced on the BLWrestling website a week earlier. Shane Sneer and Roger Dodger hyped up tonight's main event between [b]Damian Carvill[/b] and [b]Henry Marksman[/b] for the BLW World Championship, saying it was put up or shut up time for Carvill. The first match of the night was between [b]Joey Poison[/b] and [b]Nomad[/b]. Joey's disappointing debut last month saw him make little impact on the tough BLW crowd, but he promised to sort that here. Sadly, the match with Nomad was underwhelming and the crowd didn't get into it at all and after 8 minutes, Poison ended the match with an Antidote Web for the pinfall victory. Arguably the worst match so far in BLW in terms of crowd reaction, which was a shame because the two put a lot into the match. Next up saw [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] face the UK's [b]Rolling Johnny Stones[/b]. the match itself was far better than the opener and the crowd warmed to it, although the very technical match didn't have too many big spots. In the end, Flemmy Lemming got the submission victory over Stones with the Suicide Solution after 12 minutes. Out next was the team of the Trademarks [b]Steven Parker and Thomas Morgan[/b]. They put themselves over and hyped up their match against The Underdogs, saying that the Trademarks were simply in another league compared to them. During the match, the Underdogs continued to impress with their slick teamwork and double team spots, but in the end it was Parker and Morgan that picked up the pinfall win at around the 13 minute mark. The crowd got on their feet for [b]Fox mask[/b] as he came out for his match next against [b]Ed Larkins[/b]. In an exciting high spot filled match that saw the Fox Flip Off debuted in BLW, Fox Mask showed why he was the crown prince of the Indys, something that Sneer and Dodger referred to frequently. Perhaps setting up for an angle with the King of the Indys? Anyways, Fox Mask won the match with the Fox Hunter at about the 13 minute mark. Was a good showing by Fox. up next, the man who came so close to being crowned the King of the Indys, [b]Samoan Machine[/b] against the eternally under-rated [b]Marc Speed[/b]. Knowing what to expect from Machine, Speed took the offense straight to him with some quick strike. Speed worked on the knee, hoping to disable some of the kicks that Machine can brutalise people with while Machine kept launching powerful blow after powerful blow at Speed's head. The match was brutal and quite even until Machine hit a powerful lariat and for the last few minutes, he dominated Speed with power moves. Machine eventually made Speed tap at 14 minutes with the Unbreakable Sleeper to pick up another impressive win in BLW. It was then time for the very impressive young Mexican talent, [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] to face the Canadian self-proclaimed freak [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b]. After a lengthy high paced feeling out process, Mainstream forced Lopez to the floor and shortly afterwards, hit an corkscrew plancha to the outside that'll appear on highlight reels of BLW for a long time afterwards. The match swung between the two but as Mainstream went for an Apparition #14, Chavo launched Mainstream to the floor, almost landing him on his head. Chavo brought him back into the ring and locked in the Champagne Breakfast for the submission victory at 17 minutes. Next up was [b]American Elemental[/b] facing [b]Steve Flash[/b], a man who has put on some of BLW's top performances, without a win to his credit. American played to his stregths and maintained a fast pace early on. Flash to his credit, kept up very well but looked to be playing a smart game as he let Elemental wear himself out. Eventually, Flash seized the advantage and pressed it home for the later half of the match, eventually picking up the win with the Flash Bang at 16 minutes, registering his first win in BLW, despite his show stealing performances. The BLW World Tag Team Titles were on the line next and F.U.T.U.R.E took to the microphones to say how good they were. Devine, still sporting 3 title belts in his collection and wearing the King of the Indy's crown said that he wasn't going to wait much longer for his BLW World title shot and demanded it for BLW's show next month, [b]Starmageddon[/b]. Jett, Devine and Beauchamp then verbally ran down their opponents for the night, saying that [b]Team PGHW[/b] might be big in Japan, but everything from Japan is small compared to things over here. Despite the borderline patriotism, the crowd were very against F.U.T.U.R.E during the match. Both sides had periods in control but to cut a long story short, Devine picked up the fall on Joshua Taylor after a Devine Dream Drop at 13 minutes. Up next was a clash of champions from MAW and CZCW as [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] faced [b]Jimmy P[/b] in a non-title match up. Cattley was on top form tonight from the outset and simply outclassed the former big leaguer with his technical game. Sneer and Dodger put over the fact that just because someone was on TV a lot, doesn't mean they were any good. BLW is about PRO WRESTLING, not sports entertainment. At the 13 minute mark, Cattley picked up the win with the Mood Swing and surely put himself in line for a title shot not far down the road. And now, its main event time. Damian Carvill insulted as many people as he could in a minute or two, first taking a shot at Sneer and Dodger on commentary for saying "its put up or shut up time". He then "congratulated" Flash on his first win and asked why he ever got a title shot anyways, before saying that Henry Marksman's reign as BLW Champion was going to end tonight, so Darryl Devine had better get some of the Best of "The Natural" Damian Carvill DVD and start training now. Cheap merchandise plugs, eh. the match itself was a 21 minute indy classic. Carvill barely respected the Competitors Code, slapping the taste out of Marksman's mouth right out of the handshake. Many fans had thought that Marksman would dominate mos tof the action, but Carvill brought everything he had with him and showed he'd done his homework. Probably thanks to the Best of Hell Monkey DVD. :) The finish came when Carvill went for the cradle piledriver, but struggled with it as Marksman tried to counter. Carvill sat down, attempting a regular piledriver, but Marksman put out his arms and stayed vertical in a handstand, before landing on his feet and connecting with a powerful kick. A few moments later, Marksman hit the Hell Fire Kick for the pinfall victory and the fans were on their feet again. Henry Marksman has no wmade 4 defenses of the BLW World Championship. It looked like Carvill was going to disrespet the Competitor's Code and not shake hands with Marksman when he offered it, but after a tense few minutes, Carvill reluctantly shook hands and made his way to the back, leaving Marksman to celebrate with the crowd. Sneer and Dodger put over BLW's next event, [b]Starmageddon[/b] and urged everyone to come along. They also put over the merchandise store and the website, where they said matches would be announced shortly after this big night.[/QUOTE] [i]OOC: I'm already a stealth reader of your ROH diary. I don't comment very often on diaries except early on or if necessary. Otherwise, people would know where I've stolen all my ideas from :) On a booking note, I've got Devine vs Marksman and Flash vs Carvill for the next show. Predictions are welcome as always. I realise I don't leave much space for predictions, but I'm basically making stuff up as I go along, so I make up my stories around the results, and not the other way around :) Lastly, I've edited a few small things in the game to make things more interesting down the line. I've changed the contracts of Steve DeColt, Sean McFly, Duane Stone, Edd Stone and Eric Eisen from lifetimes to writtens. They'll probably never leave their respective promotions, but I decided it would be interesting to see how things panned out. I've also been considering making a few changes to some Mexican and Japanese workers to make them available to North America. Its not that I really need to, but it could be interesting to bring some in. Of course, after a while any unempolyed workers will expand their areas anyways. So, a poll for everyone reading. [b]Should I make some Japanese and Mexican workers available or not? If so, then who?[/b][/i]
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Once again, thanks to Derek B for sending in the results. Maybe we should start paying him. (just kidding!) [QUOTE][b][u]Jun 2006 - Starmageddon (C+)[/b][/u] [i]DARK: Samoan Machine defeated Al Parent [4:05] (C-) Kashmir Singh defeated Brendan Idol [8:31] (D) Call To Action defeated The Sting [11:45] (D) Marc Speed defeated Valentine Thomas [12:03] (D) Jimmy P defeated Joey Beauchamp [13:34] (C-) The Trademarks defeated Team PGHW [14:38] (C-) Samoan Machine defeated Chavo Lopez [16:40] (C+) Fumihiro Ota defeated Jacob Jett [13:49] (C+) Frankie Perez defeated Darryl Freeman [16:47] (C-) Damian Carvill drew with Steve Flash (DOUBLE COUNT OUT) [13:35] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Darryl Devine [20:07] (B-)[/i] The estimated 1900 crowd, presumably the same 1900ish crowd that have been to every event so far (Where are the newcomers?) were still filing into their seats when [b]Samoan Machine[/b] made his way out to the ring, saying he was wanting a warm up match prior to facing [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] later tonight. Any youngster wanting to make a name for themselves was told to come out now and show everyone when they were made of. [b]Al Parent[/b] came out prompting a few chants of "You're Gonna Die" from an enthusiastic crowd. Machine dominated the match and won with the Samoan Driver at 4 minutes, though he could have done so earlier if he'd wanted. The show [i]officially[/i] started with Roger Dodger welcoming a new partner on the BLW commentary table, none other than the last ever NYCW Empire champion before its untimely demise, [b]Whistler[/b]. When asked by Dodger whether Whistler intended to compete in BLW, he said that was unlikely. He knows these guys are the best in the world today at what they do and that he would struggle to keep up. But he didn't rule out the possibility either. Dodger then talked about Shane Sneer leaving for a job in the big leagues and that he'd been hoping Emma Chase would hav e came to BLW but that sadly, her career had also wound up in the big leagues. Our first match saw two men who have been hoping to make a name for themselves in BLW in singles action, the popular [b] Brendan Idol[/b] and the Puerto Rican based wrestler [b]Kashmir Singh[/b]. The match was pretty short but filled with big spots, with Kashmir throwing out some good suplexes. In the end, Singh won the match at around 8 minutes with a top rope DDT that looked pretty wicked. Up next, [b]Roger Dodger[/b] excused himself from the announce table to team up with [b]Sammy The Shark[/b] to take on [b]Call to Action[/b]. Mainstream Hernandez was the key player in the match as Whistler talked about a few old NYCW stories, eventually stopping halfway through one to register the fact that Mainstream had landed the Apparition #14 on his announce team partner, Roger Dodger, to end the match at 12 minutes. With Roger back at the announce table, we endured a few less NYCW stories and listened to him say how well Roger done to last so long in the ring, which he didn't take too well. [b]Marc Speed[/b] faced the youngster [b]Valentine Thomas[/b] and both men put on a decent show, although neither are big stars by any means. The crowd was starting to want to see some proper stars, so when this match ended at 12 minute mark with Speed getting the pinfall win, we knew it was time to bring out some big guns at last. As often happens, [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/b] made their presence felt by addressing the crowd as a group. Each individual had a match tonight and each promised to win it. While Devine would face Marksman later tonight for the BLW World championship, Jett would show how much of a big league failure Ota was. And up next, Beauchamp would prove how worthless CZCW was by taking out Jimmy P. As a whole, the fans are split about most of the BLW roster, cheering for workrate and performance, while booing blown spots and lazy workers. There are few heels in BLW, but F.U.T.U.R.E are definitely taking over as lead heels in the promotion. So, [b]Jimmy P[/b] and [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b] wrestled next. The CZCW title (normally called the Coastal Zone Championship) wasn't on the line. Joey showed why he's a rising star in Europe and the US by putting on a top notch performance but Jimmy P proved to not be a weak champion by debuting a new submission hold that was annouced as the Ripcurl. Beauchamp tapped out quickly to give Jimmy the submission win at 14 minutes. Up next, our second and last tag team match of the night. With Devine and Jett on singles duty tonight, they didn't have to defend the tag titles. So we had a contendership match for the next event between the impressive looking [b]Trademarks[/b] and [b]Team PGHW[/b]. Both teams have had some good matches in recent months and the crowd enjoyed this match. Hayes and Taylor however were not on top form as Thomas Morgan and Steven Parker edged the win, with Parker getting the fall on Taylor following the Futureshock at 15 minutes. A big win for the Trademarks. Up next was the hotly anticipated match between [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Chavo Lopez[/b]. Some fans had said this could be match of the night material which goes to show how much of an impression both men have been leaving on the BLW crowds. And the match didn't disappoint. In a high quality strong style match that wouldn't have been out of place in Japan, the two traded stiff strike and an array of power moves. Samoan Machine looked to be evenly matched in this one, something rarely seen so far in BLW, but in the end he pulled out the victory with the Samoan Driver at the 17 minute mark, with the crowd chanting for both men. At the handshake, they both looked intensely into each others eyes and there are already rumours circulating about a potential rematch somewhere down the line. Our next match saw [b]Jacob Jett[/b] attempt to salvage the promises made by F.U.T.U.R.E earlier in the night, who had claimed they'd win all their matches tonight. with the defeat of Beauchamp earlier, Jett now had to beat former TCW Cruiserweight champion, [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] to keep their promise vaguely intact. Ota played to his strengths by wisely using a technical game whie Jett kept things varied, looking to keep his opponent off balance. Jett managed to lock in the Jett Lag choke sleeper but Ota escaped to the ropes, though weakened. An attempted Jett Engine missed its mark and Ota capitalised with a Ninja Strike. The crowd were on their feet when Jett kicked out, but Ota didn't waste time and scored with a straight-jacket suplex that Jett couldn't kick out of. Fumihiro Ota wins again, this time at the 14 minute mark. Another highly anticipated match was next, featuring [b]Frankie Perez[/b] against [b]Darryl "Dog Fyte" Freeman[/b]. A big high spot came when Freeman looked to have Perez in place for a huge fisherman's suplex from the top, but Perez countered with his free leg with repeated knees to the head of Freeman. Perez managed to break free and stay on the top rope as he kicked Freeman down, then followed up with an awesome looking double footed stomp that had the crowd chanting "Holy ****!" for a good minute. In the end, Perez got the pinfall victory with a Perez Plunge '03 to win a highly competitive match. Out next was one another of the rare heels of BLW, [b]Damian Carvill[/b]. With a microphone in hand, he sarcastically congratulated Steve Flash on his first BLW win and questioned why Flash had ever been given a title shot with a record like his. Carvill said he was going to ensure that Flash would never get another title match by squashing him like a bug, and then he'd get himself another match with Henry Marksman, or more probably Darryl Devine, to prove who the real BLW World Champion was. In the early stages of the match, Carvill kept giving a number of unclean breaks in the corner, slapping Flash and goading him into make a mistake and losing his cool. Flash is known for being ice cold in the ring, but we could see it was gettig to him, so when Carvill hit another slap in the corner, followed by a second, Flash snapped and the match spilled out of the ring and into the crowd. The fans parted ways to allow the men through and shortly afterwards, the match was declared a double count out. Its to be noted that Whistler and Dodger commented on the fact that neither man attempted to uphold the Competitor's Code and that after Carvill and Flash disappeared beyond the cameras, they were still brawling. Its assumed that they were unlikely to have shook hands, so this was the first violation of the Competitors Code. I wonder what (if anything) they'll do about it. And lastly for tonight, it was the very much anticipated main event. The BLW World Champion [b]Henry Marksman[/b] against the King of the Indys (among many other things) [b]Darryl Devine[/b]. These two men are grudging USPW Tag Team champions together, but that wouldn't stop them in this match. Devine was the marginal underdog for the match but used his quickness early on get an advantage. Both men knew each other very well, and it was clear that they had done their homework. Devine countered Marksman's momentum with a Devine Intervention, giving himself time to breathe and coming very close to hitting the Devine Dream Drop, but Marksman had the ropes. The finish came almost out of nowhere as Marksman's superior conditioning helped him pull out the Monkey Suplex on Devine who couldn't get his shoulder up in time. Devine argued with the referee for a minute before grudgingly shaking Marksman's hand, maintaining the Competitior's Code for at least a little while longer. After the main event, Whistler and Dodger announced to the 1887 fans that the next event will be BLW Midsummer's Madness in July and that the website would be getting updated frequently over the next few weeks as BLW looks to bring in some more strong competitors frm around the world that may be able to challenge Henry Marksman. They also talked about Natural and Flash breaking the Competitor's Code, saying how an official ruling would be made as soon as possible. Definite matches announced were: [b]The Trademarks vs F.U.T.U.R.E (BLW World Tag Championship match) Henry Marksman defending the BLW World Championship Fox Mask vs Fumihiro Ota Mean Jean Cattley vs Frankie Perez[/b] [/QUOTE] [i]OOC: The next post will feature the BLW roster as it stands in June. There have been some interesting contracts signed and expired over the last few game weeks, but I won't ruin any surprises before the next event. Also, if anyone has some good finishing moves for the following people, could you be so kind as to suggest them for me? Thanks :) Darryl "Dog Fyte" Freeman - strong style worker, quite large Marc Speed - technician Mikey James - martial artist, decent flyer American Elemental - Superb flyer, I'm never happy with the finisher I give him William Hayes - all rounder, works in Japan a lot Thomas "Trademark" Morgan - Good Canadian all rounder Joey Beauchamp - Great flyer who wrestles in Europe, part of the F.U.T.U.R.E stable Brendan Idol and Raphael Robinson - Solid all rounders, team together as The Underdogs. Need singles of double team finisher. Both quite small "Phenomenal E" Ed Larkins - Superb high flyer Rolling Johnny Stones - like to chain suplexes together, good technical worker from UK. Roger Dodger and Sammy the Shark - Team together as the jobber tag team The Sting. Need individual and tag finishers Nomad - Rock and roll kinda guy, heelish with it. Decent all rounder All your help on this would be greatly appreciated, as I'm not always good at making up names for finishers. If you come up with any spots for them too, that'd be good. I like adding a little math detail onto things, but mostly finishers. Thanks for reading.[/i] [b]Derek B - Official BLW Reporter[/b]
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[i]This is a very long post but isn't necessary to read. It was as much for me to learn my roster better as it was for information. But read it if you want to, it might give you some ideas.[/i] [b][u][CENTER]THE BLW ROSTER[/b][/u] [b]THE MAIN EVENT[/b][/center] Name: [b]Damian Carvill[/b] Finisher: Cradle Piledriver, Figure Four Leg Lock Trademark Moves: Double Powerbomb, Superplex, Slingshot Moonsault Honours: NOTBPW Unlimited Action champion Style: All Rounder Aliases: The Natural Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: "The Natural" Damian Carvill in real life worked as a fitness instructor for years. His impressive conditioning combined with a natural ability to get heat from a crowd saw him step into wrestling where he has gained much success. He signed for NOTBPW and from there, BLW brought him onto their roster. He has since quit his fitness job and is concentrating on wrestling. A great all-round worker, he is constantly in the hunt for titles and will often talk trash about people in order to further aid his quest. Name: [b]Darryl Devine[/b] Finisher: Devine Dream Drop (Face Crusher) Trademark Moves: Devine Intervention (springboard reverse elbow), Standing Moonsault, Springboard Rana Honours: First BLW Tag Team champion (with Jacob Jett), USPW National Champion, USPW Tag Team champion (with Hell Monkey), King of the Indys Crown winner 2006 Style: All Rounder/Flyer Aliases: "Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine Tag Partners/Allies: Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp (As part of the F.U.T.U.R.E stable), Hell Monkey Notable Rivals: Hell Monkey/Henry Marksman Bio: "Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine unti recently was a promising, if not particularly talented, indy wrestler. In 2005, Devine picked up the heel gimmick of an arrogant wrestler and improved rapidly, starting work for 4C in Canada, aswell as USPW and BLW in the US. His list of accolades shows how much faith the wrestling industry has in his in ring talents, not to mention his ability to draw heel heat from the crowds wherever he goes. Many people see it as only a matter of time before he is signed to a major promotion where he is expected to go on to become a star. In BLW, his alliances with Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp as the stable F.U.T.U.R.E has seen him established as a top heel and he's had much success with the company. Name: [b]Darryl Freeman[/b] Finisher: Power S.T.O, Tiger Danger Driver Trademark Moves: A high number of suplexes Honours: Style: Strong Style Aliases: Dog Fyte Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Darryl Freeman has a reputation as being one of the toughest men in wrestling and his stiff strikes and extensive arsenal of suplexes only help to confirm this. With an intensity unmatched by almost anyone, Freeman never backs down from a competitive match against anyone. He's yet to get any truly big wins over anyone, but it would appear that its only a matter of time before he can break out and be a big star. Name: [b]Fox Mask[/b] Finisher: Fox Hunter (Stunning Face Crusher), Fox-Flipoff DDT (Top Rope DDT, with hand gesture) Trademark Moves: Honours: Coastal Zone Champion, Coastal Zone Tag Team Champion (with Frankie Perez) Style: Cruiserweight Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Frankie Perez (???, CZCW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Fox Mask has been a long time fan favourite as part of CZCW where his performances have made him the stuff of indy legend. A former champion of CZCW, he signed for another promotion in early 2006 when BLW offered him the chance to showcase his talents on the east coast. There are rumours that Fox Mask had turned down an SWF contract shortly before they debuted their crop of 2005 training camp graduates because they wanted him to wrestle un-masked. Often referred to as the "Crown Prince of the Indys". Name: [b]Frankie Perez[/b] Finisher: P-Clutch (Camel Clutch, with one knee in lower back), Perez Plunge '03 (Ki Krusher '99) Trademark Moves: Stiff kicks, cross-arm lock submission Honours: Coastal Zone Tag Team Champion (with Fox Mask) Style: All Rounder/Martial Artist Aliases: "P-Dawg" Frankie Perez Tag Partners/Allies: Fox Mask (???, CZCW), Mikey James (The Martial Artists, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Frankie Perez made waves in the Californian indy scene with his stiff striking style and unique submission holds. He signed for CZCW in 2005 where he continued to win over fans while battling for the Coastal Zone Championship before being signed by BLW. His matches with the likes of Samoan Machine and Darryl Freeman were noted for being some of the most intense matches in BLW so far. Is tipped to be a major star once he's gained some more experience. Name: [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] Finisher: Ninja Strike (Running Enziguri) Trademark Moves: Cross Armlock Honours: TCW Cruiserweight Champion Style: Technician/Flyer Aliases: "Super Ninja", Ota Tag Partners/Allies: Kazuma Narato (as "The Tokyo Express") Notable Rivals: Bio: Fumihiro Ota was a star of the indy scene in both Japan and the US before he got his break in TCW (then HGC) as a major part in their Cruiserweight division, where he was champion a number of times. He also briefly held the short lived TCW (HGC) Cruiserweight Tag Titles before the division was cut out by new owner, Tommy Cornell. Now back on the indy scene again, Fumihiro Ota was behind the creation and continued success of BLW where his smaller stature and non-brawling skills fit in perfectly. Name: [b]Henry Marksman[/b] Finisher: Tumbling Monkey (Sky Twister Press), Hellfire Kick (backflip rolling scissor kick), Sharpshooter (sub) Trademark Moves: Monkey Suplex (Tiger Suplex), Hell Monkey Clothesline Honours: 1st BLW Champion, WLW Show Stealer champion, USPW Tag Team champion (with Darryl Devine) Style: Strong Style Aliases: Hell Monkey (WLW and most indy promotions) Tag Partners/Allies: Darryl Devine (???, USPW), Emerald Angel (Up and Under, WLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Henry Marksman found fame wrestling as Hell Monkey across the US indys, where his fantastic all round skills were raved about by anyone who seen his matches and he earned the nickname "Wrestling's Best Kept Secret" due to most people knowing nothing about him. His big break was when he toured Japan with WLW during late 2004 and early 2005 and stole the show on many occassions, garnering more US fan support. In late 2005, he signed with BLW and dropped the Hell Monkey gimmick while there. His intense approach and incredible athletic ability shine through in every match and his reign with the BLW Championship has lasted more than 6 months already. Name: [b]Jacob Jett[/b] Finisher: Jett Take Off (Frog Splash), Afterburner (elevated boston crab), Jett Engine (twisting fisherman's suplex) Trademark Moves: Jett Lag (reverse choke sleeper) Honours: First BLW World Tag Team champions (with Darryl Devine) Style: All Rounder Aliases: "The Amazing" Jacob Jett Tag Partners/Allies: Darryl Devine and Joey Beauchamp (as part of the F.U.T.U.R.E group) Notable Rivals: Bio: Early in Jett's career, he was being marked for greatness. With an almost instinctive ability to connect with a crowd and to wrestle any style, stardom was almost a guarantee once he learned to put things together. As part of the 4C promotion in Canada, Jett's team with Darryl Devine earned rave reviews from any wrestling critic and the duo were two of the earliest signings to BLW. They joined with Joey Beauchamp to form the F.U.T.U.R.E stable and won the BLW World Tag Team Titles in a one night tournament to decide the champions. While often overlooked in favour of team-mate Darryl Devine, Jett has the talents to be a tremendous singles star in his own right. Many people feel that he will be a big star one day, whether that be with BLW or another major promotion. Name: [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] Finisher: Mood Swing (Swinging Uranage) Trademark Moves: Honours: Mid Atlantic Champion (with MAW) Style: Technician Aliases: The Mean Machine (MAW) Tag Partners/Allies: none Notable Rivals: Bio: For man years now, Mean Jean Cattley has been a star on the independent scene but has never managed to get picked up by a major promotion, which has astonished many who have seen him wrestle. A dedicated wrestler who never fails to put on a good performance, he has become MAW's top performer in its infancy and has also been a major draw for BLW. A perenial contender for titles wherever he goes, he's still got many years left in his wrestling career and many think it'll just be a matter of time until he finally gets a shot at the big time. Name: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] Finisher: Unbreakable Sleeper (sub), Samoan Driver Trademark Moves: Power Lariat, Clothesline Combo in Corner, Suicide Dive Through Ropes, Facewash Kick (corner or outside) Honours: Style: Super Stiff Strong Style Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Samoan Machine is a big guy from the Samoan family who wrestle all over the world, all of whom are incredibly talented. He often works for GCG in Japan aswell as in BLW, where his vicious no-nonsense style, ultra-aggressive stlye marks him down as a potential big time star. For years, he was little known to the world of wrestling but came into stardom during 2005 and is being hailed as the next big thing. His style of wrestling draws constant praise from BLW fans and he's viewed as a potentially huge star as he tears through the BLW roster. Name: [b]Steve Flash[/b] Finisher: Flash Bang (snap Hot Shot), Super Bomb Trademark Moves: Corkscrew Leg Lariat Honours: Style: All Rounder Aliases: none Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Steve Flash has been around the independent circuit for what feels like forever and has never managed to get the big break his talents deserve. A natural all rounder, some people cite his lack of real charisma or ability on the microphone as his one drawback. Nevertheless, Flash has continued to impress anyone who has seen him wrestle, often stealing the show for BLW events despite being the oldest man on the roster. [center][b]MIDCARDER TALENTS[/b][/center] Name: [b]American Elemental[/b] Finisher: Earth Breaker (Variation Tiger Bomb), Inferno Splash (450 Splash) Trademark Moves: wind Sprint Attack (run up opponent in corner, moonsault and dropkick), hurricanranas (many variations) Honours: Style: Super Junior/Flyer Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: American Elemental is inspired by the Japanese legend, Elemental, and his successor, Elemental II who have both been big stars for BHOTWG. In fact, Elemental uses a lot of their moves and one day hopes to wrestle in Japan, where it is rumoured that BHOTWG are searching for someone to be Elemental III. American Elemental, much like his idols, is an incredible high flyer who can also take things to the mat when necessary. His high risk style has earned him many fans and he is a fan favourite wherever he goes. Name: [b]Brendan Idol[/b] Finisher: Idoliser Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: Risk Taker/All Rounder Aliases: "Teen Dream" Tag Partners/Allies: Raphael Robinson (The Underdogs, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Brendan Idol is a young, good looking kid with a good future in wrestling as the loveable underdog. He's got a good grasp of the basics but has yet to make much of a character for himself or develop a good arsenal of moves. His team with Raphael Robinson as "The Underdogs" are gaining popularity for their daring double team moves and willingness to take on anyone. Name: [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] Finisher: Champagne Breakfast (submission), Destroyer Piledriver Trademark Moves: Dropkicksault Honours: Style: Strong Style/All Rounder Aliases: Champagne Lover (in Mexico) Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: In Mexico, Champagne Lover is a top heel with the SOTBPW promotion. In BLW, he's a bright future star who can seemingly do it all in the ring. With an uncanny athletic talent and mastery of the Mexican lucha style, he blends in a Japanese strong style and magnificent technical skills alongside his incredible mic work. While yet to progress far above the midcard yet in BLW, with a little more experience, it is expected that Chavo Lopez will show all the qualities required to be a World champion. Name: [b]Ed Larkins[/b] Finisher: Somersault Legdrop, Inverted Tornado DDT Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: High Flyer Aliases: Phenomenal E. Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Phenomenal E. (Ed Larkins) is a young Canadian high flyer who never fails to excite the fans with his fast paced, daredevil style. Still maturing as a worker, he shows enough promise to be considered one of the indy scene's potentially big stars. Name: [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] Finisher: Suicide Solution (cross armlock), Cliff Dive (frog splash) Trademark Moves: single arm DDT Honours: Style: Technician Aliases: "Suicidal" Flemmy Lemming Tag Partners/Allies: Al Parent (Technical Difficulty, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: "Suicidal" Flemmy Lemming earned his nickname on the indy scene by never backing down from a challenge, regardless of the size of the opponent. He happens to be one of the smaller workers o the indy scene, but thats never held him back and he can regularly be seen tying up workers twice his size in knots with his incredible technical skills. In BLW, he teams with Al Parent to form the team "Technical Difficulty", a tandem that has seen small amounts of success but that has yet to accomplish much. Flemmy is also quite talented on the mic, although he is far better at getting heat than getting pops. Name: [b]Jimmy P[/b] Finisher: Surfs Up (Jimmy sets the opponent up on the to rope, gets behind them and pulls back on their arms. He then puts a foot in their lower back and rides them to the mat.), Ripcurl (variation sharpshooter, once the victim is turned, he partly turns back and places his spare knee in their lower back for more pressure) Trademark Moves: Honours: Coastal Zone Champion Style: All Rounder Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Donnie J (The Fly Boys, TCW/CZCW) Notable Rivals: Fumihiro Ota and Kazuma Narato (TCW) Bio: Jimmy P (along with Donnie J) was part of a popular cruiserweight tag team in HGC prior to the crusierweight division being axed. The team returned to the indy scene shortly afterwards with CZCW where Jimmy claimed the Coastal Zone championship. It was this title win that saw him sign for BLW as part of the King of the Indys Tournament, an event where champions from around the world were invited to compete to see who was the best wrestler in the smaller promotion. Although he failed to get past the first round, he is starting to do well in BLW although he is overshadowed by many of the roster, he is still popular thanks to his time in HGC/TCW. Name: [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b] Finisher: Implant DDT Trademark Moves: Super Explosion Suplex, Moonsault Honours: UCR European Champion Style: High Flyer Aliases: "The Breeze" Tag Partners/Allies: Darryl Devine and Jacob Jett (as F.U.T.U.R.E) Notable Rivals: Bio: "The Breeze" Joey Beauchamp is a very talented, super charismatic high flyer who has plied his trade in UCR for a while and gained a good international reputation. Debuted in BLW as the third member of F.U.T.U.R.E, an international group of highly talented wrestlers. What many don't know is that Beauchamp has recently turned 30 years old and is actually one of the older members of the BLW roster. He's got a lot of potential to be a big star if he were given the chance to break out on his own. Name: [b]Joey Poison[/b] Finisher: Antidote Web Trademark Moves: Honours: 4C Champion Style: All Rounder Aliases: Joe Hill Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Joey Poison (real name: Joe Hill) is the star and head booker of Canadian promotion, 4C. It is also to be noted that he is a cousin of major UK star, Jack Giedroyc, and there have been many rumours about the two teaming together at some point, though that has yet to happen. Poison debuted in BLW as the 4C champion and representative in the King of the Indys tournament where he went out disappointingly in the first round. Since then, he's been working his way up the BLW ladder and the US fans are taking to him. Has a lot of star potential thanks to his ability to work many styles of match. Name: [b]Joshua Taylor[/b] Finisher: slingshot Brainbuster, Shooting Star Press Trademark Moves: Dropsault Honours: Style: Super Junior Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: William Hayes (Team PGHW, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Although from the USA, most of Taylor's career has been spent in Japan with PGHW alongside fellow American, William Hayes. It was this connection that led them to debut as a tag team in BLW as Team PGHW, and they have thus far enjoyed a modicum of success. Slightly overshadow by his partner's talents, Taylor is a dedicated student of wrestling, forever ready to learn more and do whatever it takes to become a star, wherever he may be. Name: [b]Kashir Singh[/b] Finisher: Top Rope DDT Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: All Rounder Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Indian born Kashmir Singh is a small, but powerfully built competitor. In Puerto Rico, he's made a name for himself with his varied offense and ability to work in many different styles, which was one of the main reasons for him being signed to BLW. Yet to achieve much, he's got a lot of potential. Name: [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] Finisher: Apparition #14 (Sliced Bread #2), Headliner (leaping face crusher) Trademark Moves: Split legged moonsault, MDK Powerbomb Honours: Style: Risk Taker Aliases: "Complete Freak" Mainstream Hernandez Tag Partners/Allies: Erik Strong (Call To Action, BLW/MAW) Notable Rivals: Bio: A graduate of the NOTBPW training school, Mainstream had a good start to his career before he'd even wrestled a proper match. Signed to MAW when Rip Chord founded it late in 2005, Mainstream wowed the crowds with his daredevil style and his good mic work. He gave himself the moniker "The Complete Freak" and has been winning over fans since. His team with the less talented Erik Strong was one of the first signed to BLW upon its inception, showing that people have placed a good deal of hope in the youngster early in his career. Has the potential to be a big star one day. Name: [b]Marc Speed[/b] Finisher: Speed Limit (Crossface Submission) Trademark Moves: Forward Russian Legsweep Honours: Style: Technician Aliases: "Speedball" Marc Speed Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Marc Speed is another of many superb young technical workers that have been overlooked by the more brawling oriented big promotions in the US. He was signed to BLW upon their inception but has remained mostly in the background since, showing up sporadically. In ring, his quick and crisp technical style focuses largely on the opponent's arms in order to soften them up for his finisher, the Speed Limit. Name: [b]Mikey James[/b] Finisher: Dragon Suplex, Dragon Sleeper Trademark Moves: Slingshot Knee Drop Honours: Style: Martial Artist Aliases: "The Dragon" Mikey James Tag Partners/Allies: Frankie Perez (The Martial Artists, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Mikey James is a talented but often overlooked young wrestler with an extensive background in kickboxing, something he carries over to his in ring work. He teamed with Frankie Perez in the BLW World Tag Team tournament in search of gold, but the team failed to accomplish victory. Later, he had a dispute with Frankie that led to a memorable martial arts filled match that Frankie won in the end. With more time to develop, Mikey could go on to become a big star. Name: [b]Raphael Robinson[/b] Finisher: Tornado DDT Trademark Moves: Sunsetflip bomb Honours: Style: Risk Taker/All Rounder Aliases: Raphael Tag Partners/Allies: Brendan Idol (The Underdogs, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Prior to signing with BLW, Raphael was a bland performer without a real gimmick. Upon entering BLW, he was teamed with Brendan Idol and the duo were found to have fantastic chemistry together which has changed his career. As the loveable underdogds, the duo have faced the odds (and usually lost) to the delight of the fans. Name: [b]Rolling Johny Stones[/b] Finisher: Trademark Moves: Flowing Suplexes Honours: Style: Technician Aliases: Johnny Stones Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Rolling Johnny Stones earned his nickname to his fantastic ability to be able to chain suplexes together, which is often how he finishes his matches too. He likes to say he's a rock star but no-one has ever seen him wield an instrument or on the mic yet, so its pssibly an urban myth. Yet to achieve anything of note in BLW, he's got a lot of potential. Also works a lot in the UK. Name: [b]Steven Parker[/b] Finisher: Futureshock (submission) Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: All Rounder Aliases: "The Future" Steven Parker Tag Partners/Allies: Thomas Morgan (The Trademarks, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Trained by the legendary Cliff "Dark Angel" Wilson, Steven Parker has managed to get a good start in the wrestling industry thus far. In BLW, he teams with Thomas Morgan as the Trademarks who are making a good name for themselves as a solid tag team. He calls himself "The Future" and if he continues to improve, he may one day wind up as a big star. Name: [b]Thomas Morgan[/b] Finisher: Reverse Bodylock Sleeper Trademark Moves: All of them.... Honours: Style: All Rounder Aliases: "Trademark" Thomas Morgan, Tommy Morgan Tag Partners/Allies: Steven Parker (The Trademarks, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: Tommy Morgan has been around wrestling for years without managing to get a break. Considering his good all round skills and impressive mic work, it puzzles many indy fans as to why he has yet to achieve more than he has. BLW noticed this and signed him immediately, and he's slowly showing everyone that he could be a far bigger name than he already is. His team with Steven Parker has been quite successful in BLW so far. There could finally be good things ahead the career of Tommy Morgan. Name: [b]William Hayes[/b] Finisher: slick Trick (Spinning Underhook Fallaway) Trademark Moves: Multiple Northern Lights Suplexes, Madman Elbow Drop Honours: PGHW International Champion Style: All Rounder/Technician Aliases: "Slick Willy" Tag Partners/Allies: Joshua Taylor (Team PGHW, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: William Hayes learned wrestling under the tutelage of an array of PGHW stars as one of few American students who were accepted in. He has tremendous charisma and after passing through his PGHW training, a good all round skill set and a bright future. PGHW have shown their faith in him by making him PGHW International champion and he's now expanding his talents into BLW by teaming with fellow American PGHW dojo gradutate, Joshua Hayes. There is little doubt that Hayes could be a big star given time. [center][b]LOWER CARDERS[/b][/center] Name: [b]Al Parent[/b] Finisher: Parental Abuse (sub), Kudo Cutter Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: Technician Aliases: Alan Parent Tag Partners/Allies: Flemmy Lemming (Technical Difficulty, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: A youngster who idolised Haruki Kudo as a youngster and often tries to use many of Kudo's spots during his matches. Parent is an accomlished technical worker which was what led him to be signed by BLW and then teamed with Flemmy Lemming. Yet to achieve much, Parent at least is showing potential and may be able to break out and become a star. Name: [b]Erik Strong[/b] Finisher: Shooting Star Press, Inverse Russian Legsweep Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: High Flyer Aliases: "The Shooting Star" Erik Strong Tag Partners/Allies: Mainstream Hernandez (Call To Action) Notable Rivals: Bio: Despite the name, Erik is neither a relative to the legendary Sam Strong, nor a powerful wrestler in his own right. Alongside his tag partner, Mainstream Hernandez, Strong is the weaker half of a fairly solid team. Debuting in MAW thanks to Rip Chord, Strong appears to lack the talent to be a big star, but there is something about him that makes you think that he COULD be, maybe, one day...... Name: [b]Nomad[/b] Finisher: Trademark Moves: Leaping rana, Springboard dropkick Honours: Style: All Rounder Aliases: Shane D. Pain Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Nomad as a graduated of the MWC training camp that has links to NOTBPW. He briefly wrestled on the indy scene as Shane D. Pain before becoming a more mysterious grunge style wrestler who's natuarl charisma does most of the talking for him. A decent worker, he'll improve over time. Name: [b]Roger Dodger[/b] Finisher: Super Face Crusher Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: Brawler Aliases: He'd rather not say.... Tag Partners/Allies: Sammy The Shark (The Sting, BLW) Notable Rivals: Whistler Bio: Roger Dodger has never managed to accomplish much in his career except an embarassing resume of alter egos and some good interviews. In late 2005, he started teaming with Sammy the Shark as the hustling/conmen team of "The Sting", a role that suited him very well. When BLW debuted, he was found sitting at the announce table alongside Shane Sneer calling the matches and he's proved to be very good at it. He still wrestles occassionally, but himself and Sammy are little more than the whipping boys for more talented teams. His mic work has proved to make him a valuable part of BLW, and so wrestling has taken somewhat of a backburner. Which is a good thing because he was never that good at it. Name: [b]Sammy the Shark[/b] Finisher: Brainbuster Suplex Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: All Rounder Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Roger Dodger (The Sting, BLW) Notable Rivals: Bio: A 2005 graduate of the CCC training camp, Sammy is a decent but unspectacular all rounder in the ring. His character as a card-sharp conman alongside Roger Dodger has helped him get noticed but he needs to improve his ringwork before he'll ever be a serious threat to any title belts. Has potential, especially if he can learn to work the mic like his tag team partner. Name: [b]Valentine Thomas[/b] Finisher: Cupid Lock (sub) Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: All Rounder Aliases: Valentine, Romeo Romaro Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: At one time, he as thought of as being one of the top prospects on the indy scene but he's somehow not managed to fulfil that potential and has become a rather generic lower card worker. BLW signed him in the hopes of helping to fulfil that early promise but so far he's failed to show the sparks of potential that had many calling him a future star. [b]STAFF/INACTIVE WRESLTERS/NON-WRESTLERS[/b] Name: [b]Whistler[/b] Finisher: Over Shoulder Backbreaker Trademark Moves: Honours: Last NYCW Empire Champion Style: Brawler Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Whistler has been wrestling for a long time, but is still only in his 40s. Despite never getting a push in any major organisation, he has managed to gain popularity thanks to his easy to cheer patriotic gimmick. Since the closure of NYCW through financial difficulties, he has taken over the announcing duties from Shane Sneer in BLW and can often be heard telling stories about how wrestling used to be and how bright the future looks with so much talent on BLW's roster almost guaranteed to be big stars one day. May still have some matches left in him. Name: [b]Jay Fair[/b] Finisher: Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: N/A Aliases: Referee Fair Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: Jay Fair is the head referee for BLW and is known for being about as fair as you could expect. A top notch official. Name: [b]Bret Graveson[/b] Finisher: Trademark Moves: Honours: Style: N/A Aliases: Tag Partners/Allies: Notable Rivals: Bio: BLW's other referee. Usually seen refereeing the early matches on a show, he's not afraid to get between two workers if needs be. So far, he's only narrowly managed to avoid getting hit by stray kicks and punches.
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Thanks to Steve for sending in the results..... nah, not really. Its Derek B again. [QUOTE] [b][u]July 2006 - Midsummer Madness - (C+)[/u][/b] [i]DARK: Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Erik Strong [9:23] (D) DARK: Darryl Freeman defeated Nomad [3:42] (D) Chavo Lopez defeated Valentine Thomas [10:01] (C-) American Elemental defeated Ed Larkins [13:57] (C-) The Underdogs defeated Technical Difficulty [12:34] (D) Fumihiro Ota defeated Joey Poison [14:42] (C-) The Trademarks defeated F.U.T.U.R.E (NEW BLW World Tag Team Champions) [18:19] (C) Pistol Pete Hall defeated Joey Beauchamp [11:14] (C+) Samoan Machine defeated Marc Speed [22:31] (B) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Jimmy P [21:19] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Fox Mask (Defense #6 of BLW World Championship) [27:55] (B-)[/i] As one of the first guys to their seats, I had plenty of time to catch the action going on before the real show began. The first of two non-offical matches on the card saw [b]Rolling Johnny Stones[/b] put on a decent match with [b]Erik Strong[/b], picking up the pinfall victory after 9 minutes. Stone's promo before the match wasn't anything worth writing home about and since the crowd was still getting to its seats, didn't grab their attention much. The second dark match saw [b]Darryl Freeman[/b] pretty much squash [b]Nomad[/b] in under 4 minutes. Nothing much to write about here either, with Nomad not being given much chance t do anything. The one thing of great worth to mention was the addition to the commentary team of [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b]. He officially opened the show by welcoming everyone to the show with the GCG World Championship over his shoulder, a belt he recently won. He said he didn't plan to wrestle and was simply here to watch over the future of wrestling just as he'd done when he was training wrestlers in PDW. The crowd enjoyed it and were told to look forward to the [b]Henry Marksman vs Fox Mask[/b] encounter later tonight. The opening match saw [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] take on [b]Valentine Thomas[/b]. Valentine has recently been starting to show some of the potential that once made him a hot prospect for wrestling. In a fairly back and forth match, Chavo Lopez got the victory with the Champagne Breakfast at about 10 minutes to continue his impressive run of performances in BLW. Surely it can only be a matter of time before he gets a chance higher up the card. Our second official match was a high flying affair between [b]American Elemental[/b] and [b]Ed Larkins[/b]. Both men are known for taking big risks in their matches and getting the crowd on their feet, so it was no surprise to see the match unfold at a fast paced. Lots of quick moves and counters but in the end, American Elemental picked up the win with an Inferno Splash at about 14 minutes. The third match was our first tag match of the night which saw the popular team of [b]The Underdogs[/b] take on [b]Technical Difficulty[/b]. These teams have faced each other a couple of times already and seem to have learned some of each others moves. But the unpredictablility of the Underdogs high flying pulled them through as Brendan Idol hit Al Parent with the Idoliser for the pinfall win at 12 minutes. [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] was out next looking like he was ready for business against the 4C champion, [b]Joey Poison[/b]. A good performance was expected between the two, but the match managed to underwhelm many with the men involved looking awkward in the ring. After 15 minutes, Ota picked up the win with the Ninja Strike but neither man came out looking particularly good. The next match saw the BLW World Tag Team titles on the line as [b]Darryl Devine and Jacob Jett[/b] defended against a team who had been on a roll as of late, [b]The Trademarks[/b]. Steven Parker and Thomas Morgan both looked good tonight, although it was Darryl Devine who stole the show as always with his constat goading of the crowd. However, the victory came after 18 minutes when Jett went for a rana on Morgan, only to be caught by Parker launching himself from the top rope into a clothesline/powerbomb combo. Devine was stopped by Parker from getting the pin and the [b]new BLW World Tag Team champions[/b] were crowned much to the shock of F.U.T.U.R.E. [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b] was quickly out with a microphone and demanded a match immediately to show everyone that F.U.T.U.R.E "do not suck" as the crowd were saying. Given their recent losing streak, you'd be mistaken for thinking they were almost on top of the BLW mountain not long ago. Beauchamp directed his challenge to the BLW announce table, saying that everyone there was a wrestler aswell as an announcer. When they refused to wrestle at first, he started taunting them until eventually, [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] had had enough and took the challenge, to the delight of the crowd. The match was underway quickly, with Devine and Jett making their way to the back arguing over who's fault the defeat was. Beauchamp tried to use his speed to his advantage, but Pistol Pete was relentless. He may have had a break from actively wrestling for the best part of 20 years, but he's as good now as he ever was, as shown by his GCG title belt from Japan and his performance tonight. After 11 minutes of Pete showing just how good he still is, even against the top young workers of today, he put Beauchamp away with the Pistol Whip Lariat in commanding fashion. As Pete returned to the announce table, barely out of breath, [b]Marc Speed[/b] made his way to the ring and prepared himself for the intense match up coming up. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] has been on fire since joining BLW, something Pete knows about from GCG and this match was being hyped up big by internet fans, who remembered their last encounter. In a show stealing match that was widely acknowledged to be the best of the night, Machine and Speed put on a technical wrestling clinic that left everyone in awe. After 22 minutes of action, Samoan Machine managed to hit the Samoan Driver and picked up the pinfall victory earning him a standing ovation. Up next was an official #1 contender match, with the winner to get a BLW World Championship title shot at Modern Day Gladiators next month. The Coastal Zone champion [b]Jimmy P[/b] against Mid Atlantic champion [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b]. Cattley worked over Jimmy's arms early on as expected, weakening his foe as he's done so many time before. Jimmy put on a strong performance, using many counter moves and keeping Cattley off balance with a varied offense. However, Cattley rolled through Jimmy's top rope crossbody and managed to get to his feet still holding him. A quick moment leter, the Mood Swing proved to be the difference maker and Cattley picked up the pinfall at 21 minutes. And tonight's main event was up next, as CZCW's legendary [b]Fox Mask[/b] tested his skills against the BLW World Champion, [b]Henry Marksman[/b]. Marksman's all round abilities did nothing to fend off Fox's early high paced attack but Marksman gained control of the match when he caught Fox springboarding into the ring for a big move. Fox regained the momentum and looked to be in control, going for the Fox Hunter, but Marksman countered it into the Monkey Suplex. Moments later, Marksman hit the Hell Fire Kick and picked up the three count at 28 minutes. Whistler, Pistol Pete and Roger Dodger ended the show be letting everyone know about BLW's next big event, Modern Day Gladiators taking place next month. Already conformed for the show will be Mean Jean Cattley vs Henry Marksman. They also said that there are plans to bring in some international names in the future to add to the already impressive talent list. Pistol Pete said that he never planned to wrestle here tonight, but after seeing the talent and seeing how he stacked up against Joey Beauchamp, he may actively compete in future. The only way to find out for sure, is to make sure you come along. Make sure you check out BLWrestling.com for any future news.[/QUOTE]
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Thanks for the ideas guys and thanks for reading. Don't worry about reading the roster post, its was as much for me to get to learn my own roster as it was for everyone else to get to know it a little better. Lots of cross referencing with Wrestling Spirit for moves and stuff. I've got another write up of an event to do shortly for Modern Day Gladiators. After that, I'm bringing in my own Trios Tournament to make things interesting. I already know in my mind who's going to win it and where its going after that, but it should be a good event for writing up. Especially with the teams I've got planned and the other matches on the card. I'll put up an offical predictions post when I've got all my teams confirmed. :) Stay tuned to some rambling news postings coming your way soon :) Derek B
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Blah blah blah..... from Derek B.... blah blah blah..... many thanks..... blah blah blah...... [QUOTE] [b][u]Aug 2006 - Modern Day Gladiators - (B-)[/b][/u] [i] DARK: Derrick Maxx draw Valentine Thomas [6:27] (D) DARK: Mikey James defeated Nomad [4:46] (D) Rolling Johnny Stones/Kashmir Singh [9:57] (D) Mikey James defeated Ed Larkins [11:10] (E) Chavo Lopez defeated Marc Speed [16:32] (C) Toshiharu Hyobanashi defeated Darryl Freeman [14:50] (C-) The Trademarks defeated Joey Beauchamp/Jacob Jett (World Tag Title defense #1) [13:10] (C) Pistol Pete Hall defeated Darryl Devine [17:15] (B-) Samoan Machine defeated Frankie Perez [17:37] (C+) Steve Flash draw Damian Carvill [20:04] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Mean Jean Cattley (BLW World Championship defense #7) [25:46] (B) [/i] Once again I was lucky I got to my seat nice and early as we had two matches take place before the official bell time. First up we saw resident jobber [b]Valentine Thomas[/b] take on a youngster by the name of [b]Derrick Maxx[/b]. The match went to a double count out in a fairly even contest, so I'm guessing the newcomer won't be getting a big push any time soon if he's drawing with the resident jobber. The second match was made after [b]Mikey James[/b] said he wanted a quick warm up for tonight. Other resident jobber [b]Nomad[/b] answered and was beaten in a few minutes with a Dragon Sleeper. Nothing special here. The show opened officially with the new 3 man commentary team of [b]Whistler, Roger Dodger and Pistol Pete Hall[/b] putting over the big matches of the night. Marksman vs Cattley was hyped, as was the rematch between Flash and Carvill. It was also announced that tonight's match between Samoan Machine and Frankie Perez would be for the #1 Contendship to the BLW World Championship with the winner to get his shot at the next BLW event, the details of which would be provided later. The first official match of the night saw a good quality 10 minute match between [b]Kashmir Singh[/b] and the UK rock star, [b]Rolling Johnny Stones[/b]. Both men put a lot of heart into the match, determined to rise up the rankings in BLW and prove themselves and on this night, it was Stones who picked up the victory after a series of 5 suplexes that left the crowd wowed. The second match was a styles clash between the martial artistry of [b]Mikey James[/b] and the high flying skills of [b]Ed Larkins[/b]. James kept one step ahead of Larkins for most of the match and utilised a lot of the kicks reminiscent of his tag team partner, Frankie Perez. In the end, Mikey won the match by submission with a Dragon Sleeper for the second time tonight. Larkins appeared to under perform in this match for reasons unknown. Also, the fans around me that also saw the pre show were wondering if perhaps Mikey was going to get a bit of a push. Up next saw the "crown jewel of lucha libre" [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] take on the man who helped steal the show last month, [b]Marc Speed[/b]. The crowd expected a good match from these two men and after the disappointment of the previous match, they delivered. The finish saw Lopez expertly counter the Speed Limit by flipping through and quickly got back to his feet to hit the devastating Destroyer Piledriver for the 3 count. The match lasted about 17 minutes, so even though Speed lost again, he's no being made to look bad. The next match was one of the most interesting matches on the card as it saw the debut of highly rated [b]Toshiharu Hyobanashi[/b], by far the most difficult to spell member of the BLW roster. He faced a stiff challenge in [b]Darryl Freeman[/b] and fans were split about how it would go. The match was a good brawling affair and spilt out to ringside a few times as both men pushed their offensive advantages. In the end, Toshi (I'm gonna call him that) picked up the win with a sit down reverse piledriver that was reminiscent of Japanese legend Tadiyuki Kikkawa. A good match, it really showed that Toshi could go far in BLW although the crowd knew little about him. It was then time for the BLW World Tag Team title rematch, although it had a slight twist on it. Thanks to some campaigning from Darryl Devine, he convinced the booking committee to replace himself with F.U.T.U.R.E stablemate Joey Beauchamp. So the match was between [b]The Trademarks[/b] and [b]Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp[/b] for the BLW World Tag Team titles. Both teams looked solid, although there is noticably less flow between Joey/Jett than there is between Devine/Jett and there were a few times in the match that they made mistakes. In the end, the Trademarks picked up the fall in the same manner that they won the previous month, with the powerbomb/clothesline double team finisher and a pinfall victory. After the match, Devine didn't look happy. He got on the mic and said that the match should've been an easy win for F.U.T.U.R.E and that the reason he subbed Joey in his place was so that Devine could concentrate on the BLW World Championship. [b]Devine[/b] decided to teach both his stablemates a lesson by challenging [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] to a match, saying to Joey that Mighty Fine will show him how to deal with old timers like Hall. Pete didn't even waste any time getting to the ring from the announce team position and took the fight to Devine early on. Devine tooka few noticable short cuts to gain the advantage on the GCG World Champion and used many high flying moves to push his advantage. Joey and Jett went backstage after one too many bouts of showboating from Devine and Pete seized the advantage from there. After more switches, Devine went for the Devine Intervention but Pete avoided it and as Devine recovered he was caught with a perfectly executed Pistol Whip Lariat for the three count. Pistol Pete wins again to the joy of the crowd. After the match, Pete got on the mic and informed everyone that the next BLW event will be [b]The Trios Tournament[/b]. As the name suggests, it'll feature teams of 3 facing off in a one night tournament. And the winners will each receive the opportunity to make one match of their choice for themselves in future. He told everyone in the back to start making teams because there will only be spaces for 8 teams and Pistol Pete will be bringing in two of his own students for one team. And he expects to see F.U.T.U.R.E representing themselves and maintaining their fine 3 month collective losing streak. Up next was the #1 contender match for the BLW World Championship. Some fans had been wondering why the match between Steve Flash and Damian Carvill wasn't for the #1 contendership, but the commentary team said that anyone who can't respect the Competitors Code doesn't deserve the honour of being in a title match. Anyways, [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Frankie Perez[/b] came out and fought with their usual intensity. For anyone watching that wrestling wasn't real, they would've had a hard time thinking that watching this. Perez's kicks never missed their mark and Machine didn't look to pull a single punch, clothesline or kick. The end of the intense match came after only 17 minutes (a measure of how stiff it really was) when Samoan Machine managed to connect with a Samoan Driver. Machine will face the winner of tonight's main event match between Henry Marksman and Mean Jean Cattley. With both men already under warning for breaking the Competitors Code, the match between [b]Steve Flash[/b] and [b]Damian Carvill[/b] had all the potential to be explosive. Much like their previous encounter, Carvill done what he could to get under Flash's skin, but his attempt at a slap to the face when breaking from the corner was blocked and turned back to him. They fought all over the ring, with neither man applying too much technical skill to the match and eventually, the match broke down into a pure brawl outside the ring. As the referee's count increased, the spilled into the crowd and it was only when they heard the bell ring that the two stopped brawling. Flash, realising that he couldn't afford to not follow the code extended his hand to Carvill in the middle of the crowd after an intense brawl. Carvill looked sceptical for a long time....... but eventually shook his hand. But the rules don't state that you can't continue to fight so they did and they took it all the way backstage before a number of other wrestlers separated them. Something will have to be done to resolve this. And hopefully at the next show!! :) And finally, it was time for our main event of the night as [b]Henry Marksman[/b] attempted to make defense #7 of the BLW World Championship against [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b]. Both men had a counter for almost everything the other one could throw at them. Marksman managed to land on his feet instead of being driven to the mat from the Mood Swing but shortly after that, Cattley caught Marksman's Hell Fire Kick and locked in an ankle lock that very nearly ended the match before Marksman reach the ropes. The finish came when Marksman went to the top rope but was caught by Cattley thanks to Marksman's weakened ankle. But he was able to fight Cattley off and then connected with the Tumbling Monkey to pick up the 3 count in arguably BLW's greatest match to date. Arguably BLW's greatest show to date too. Marksman celebrated with the fans after the handshake with Cattley and all of the 1900 crowd gave him a fantastic ovation. The announce team hyped up that we'd see Marksman take on another tough challenge in Samoan Machine at The Trios Tournament, along with some kind of resolution to the Steve Flash/Damian Carvill situation. We were told that there was going to be a lot of action in BLW over the coming weeks thanks to the Trios Tournament, so everyone should stay logged on to BLWrestling.com to make sure they don't miss a thing. And believe me, I'll never leave the site until I at least see the teams![/QUOTE]
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From BLWrestling.com (week 1, Sept 2006) [QUOTE] The last 10 days have been some of the busiest in BLW history as everyone on the roster tried to get in on the inaugural Trios Tournament. With the prize of being able to make your own match (stipulations apply: see DETAILS for details) against whoever you want, everyone knows that this could be the break they need to get that elusive title shot against the BLW World Champion, Henry Marksman. Of course, that is if he's still the champion at the end of the night because he will face Samoan Machine in a match that promises to be one for the ages. Also announced, Steve Flash and Damian Carvill will definitely be facing each other during the show. The booking committee hasn't yet said what they have planned but we do know that they want to prevent a repeat of the previous two matches and stop both men from ending up brawling in the crowd. Check back later for further information. And now, we're happy to announce the 8 teams that will be in the Trios Tournament. The drawing for the first rond matches will take place next week. F.U.T.U.R.E - Darryl Devine, Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp TEAM CZCW - Fox Mask, Jimmy P and Donnie J TEAM FIGHTING SPIRIT - Frankie Perez, Mikey James and Darryl Freeman TEAM INTERNATIONAL - William Hayes, Joshua Taylor and Chavo Lopez TEAM NATURAL - Toshiharu Hyobanashi, Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas TEAM PDW - Pistol Pete Hall, Merle O'Curle and Shooter Sean Deeley TEAM TRADEMARK - Tommy Morgan, Steven Parker and Mean Jean Cattley TEAM UNDERDOG - Brendan Idol, Raphael Robinson and American Elemental We know that we're all looking forward here to this incredible event. Make sure you get to the event so that you don't miss out on a single minute of the action. For details on how to get to the show and on ticket prices, go to the EVENTS section of the website.[/QUOTE]
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From BLWrestling.com (week 2, Sept 2006) [QUOTE] Exciting news today folks! The matches for the Trios Tournament have been announced and all of them look like interesting clashes to say the least. Here are the pairings! [QUOTE]TEAM PDW - Pistol Pete Hall, Merle O'Curle and Shooter Sean Deeley TEAM FIGHTING SPIRIT - Frankie Perez, Mikey James and Darryl Freeman F.U.T.U.R.E - Darryl Devine, Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp TEAM INTERNATIONAL - William Hayes, Joshua Taylor and Chavo Lopez TEAM UNDERDOG - Brendan Idol, Raphael Robinson and American Elemental TEAM NATURAL - Toshiharu Hyobanashi, Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas TEAM TRADEMARK - Thomas Morgan, Steven Parker and Mean Jean Cattley TEAM CZCW - Fox Mask, Jimmy P and Donnie J[/QUOTE] Some of the stories behind the formation of these teams have been circulating around the rumour sites for weeks now with no evidence. Already people have been speculating as to who will win and what sort of match they will book themselves in. Which brings us neatly on to the other major announcement. Along with the tournament itself, we will also see the conclusion of the dispute between [b]Steve Flash[/b] and [b]Damian Carvill[/b]. These two men have been unable to keep their tempers in check and their matches in the ring so the booking commmittee has decided to make their match a [b]cage match![/b] This match will mark the first time in BLW that a match has been outside the regular rules and as such, the Competitor's Code has been waived just for this match. The only way to win will be by pinfall or submission inside the cage so we won't see the match end up somewhere in the crowd like the previous two encounters. And of course, the BLW World Championship title match will see [b]Henry Marksman[/b] take on the challenge of [b]Samoan Machine[/b]. Machine has been highly impressive recently with big wins over Marc Speed and Frankie Perez in recent months. And of course, Marksman continues to face all comers to defend the World championship. With these two fierce competitors clashing for the first time, the entire show looks set to become an instant classic. Make sure you don't miss out![/QUOTE]
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From ProWrestlingWorld We're starting to think that Derek B works for BLW which is why he always sends us the results. Not that it would be a bad thing, but y'know........ either way, many thanks to him again. [QUOTE] [b][u]Sept 2006 - The Trios Tournament - (C+)[/b][/u] [i]DARK: Fumihiro Ota defeated Derrick Maxx [2:46] (C-) DARK: Fumihiro Ota defeated Valentine Thomas [2:03] (C) TEAM Fighting Spirit defeated Team PDW [15:23] (C+) F.U.T.U.R.E defeated TEAM Internaional [17:58] (C) TEAM Naturals defeated TEAM Underdog [11:48] (C-) TEAM CZCW defeated TEAM Trademark [19:13] (C) Damian Carvill defeated Stave Flash [14:49] (C+) F.U.T.U.R.E defeated TEAM Fighting Spirit [13:51] (C) TEAM CZCW defeated Team Naturals [13:44] (C) Henry Marksman defeated Samoan Machine (defense #8 of BLW World Championship) [20:58] (B-) F.U.T.U.R.E defeated TEAM CZCW to win the Trios Tournament 2006 [13:59] (C+)[/i] For the fans at the front of the queue to get in, we were treated to a match between [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] and rookie [b]Derrick Maxx[/b]. The match didn't last long, a little under 3 minutes before Ota won with the Ninja Strike. [b]Valentine Thomas[/b] came out and rubbished Maxx's performance, saying he could beat Ota. Ota and Maxx said prove it, to which Valentime backed off, not expecting Ota to want a second match. So the match between Ota and Valentine kicked off and lasted just 2 minutes as Ota won again. Maxx laughed at Valentine and the show finally kicked off properly. The show opened with the two man announce team of [b]Whistler and Roger Dodger[/b] telling us that Pistol Pete was going to focus just on wrestling in future. They also hyped up the big upcoming singles matches for tonight, with Damian Carvill facing Steve Flash in a cage with the Competitors Code waived for one match and also Samoan Machine facing Henry Marksman for the BLW World Championship. Alongside the Trios Tournament tonight, the face of BLW could change forever. So they said. The first match of the night saw two newcomers debut as Pistol Pete Hall teamed with Shooter Sean Deeley and Merle O'Curle to form [b]Team PDW[/b]. PDW is of course, Piledriver Wrestling, a highly acclaimed wrestling academy formerly run by Pistol Pete. Both Sean and Merle trained under Pete. Their opponents were the formidable trio of Frankie Perez, Mikey James and Darryl Freeman known collectively as [b]TEAM Fighting Spirit[/b]. The newcomers showed off considerable technical skills and looked very proficient throughout the match. Pete obviously trained them well. But when push came to shove, the hard hitting Team FiSpi were too much for the youngsters and Pete and Frankie Perex picked up the win with the Perez Plunge '03 on Shooter Sean Deeley for the victory. F.U.T.U.R.E wasted no time in coming out from the back for their match and poked fun at Pistol Pete and his "no-good rookies". Pete restrained his youngsters from attacking, saying that it may not have been their night tonight, but that Team PDW were here to stay and F.U.T.U.R.E had better watch out cos the new future were coming. F.U.T.U.R.E were joined in the ring by [b]TEAM International[/b] moments later. It was explained that Joshua Taylor and William Hayes had caught up with Chavo Lopez at the airport as they flew out to Japan and Mexico respectively. They agreed to team up while there and thats how they got here tonight. However, this did appear to be all that Lopez had in common with his team mates once they were in the ring. F.U.T.U.R.E were fluent with their tags and teamwork while Lopez wasn't in synch with his partners. In the end, Jacob Jett picked up the fall on Joshua Taylor with a Jett Engine. F.U.T.U.R.E had broken their losing streak at last. F.U.T.U.R.E advance to face Team fighting Spirit later tonight. Out next we had [b]TEAM Naturals vs TEAM Underdog[/b]. Dodger and Whistler weren't sure of exactly why TEAM Naturals had formed but they had heard it was to do with a plan from Damian Carvill aka The Natural. But the match kicked of half way through the explanation as American Elemental, Raphael Robinson and Brendan Idol tried to get an advantage on the impressive team of Toshiharu Hyobanashi, Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas. However, the early advantage was never going to be enough as Toshi powered through the Underdogs. In the end, which took a while thanks only to some over-confidence from Thomas and Johnson, Toshi put Raphael out with his version of the Kikkawa Driver. Up next was [b]TEAM CZCW[/b] facing the trio of [b]TEAM Trademark[/b]. On one side, the best out of CZCW with Jimmy P, Donnie J and Fox Mask. On the other, the BLW World Tag Team champions Steven Parker and Thomas Morgan and one of the most highly acclaimed indy wrestlers in the world, Mean Jean Cattley. By far the longest and most competitive match of the first round, both sides struggled to break the other down. In the end, it was a 6 man brawl that seperated the sides enough for one to get an advantage. with 4 men brawling at ringside, Donnie J capialised and hit Steven Parker with the Death on Miami Beach to pick up the pifall victory. And with a victory over a tag team champion, this should go far in securing the Fly Boys a tag team title shot in the near future. TEAM CZCW advance to face TEAM Naturals later tonight. And then it was time to bring down the cage that had been suspended above the ring for so long already. [b]Steve Flash[/b] and [b]Damian Carvill[/b] had both been instructed that this match was to stay in the cage and could only win by pinfall or submission. There was to be no running away during this one. For this match only, the Competitor's Code was allowed to be ignored. Flash still offered the handshake, but got slapped by Carvill for his trouble. The atmosphere of the match was immediately set as Flash lunged in. The fight, since calling it a wrestling match may be misleading, was on. Both men used the cage as a weapon and both men brought a lot of intensity. Flash was busted open early and this slowed him down as Carvill worked over Flash's knee, using everything he could to weaken it. Flash fought valiantly, but Carvill locked in the figure 4 leglock. It looked like Flash would be able to turn it but Carvill added extra pressure by holding onto the ropes, taking advantage of the rules. Flash had no choice to tap as Carvill upped the pressure and Damian Carvill won the first cage match in BLW history after about 15 minutes of action. Carvill then boasted that he may not be considered for a title shot despite beating Flash, but when his TEAM Natural win the Trios Tournament, he will be booked as part of a three way title match by each man if needs be until he wins the BLW World Championship. [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/b] and [b]TEAM Fighting Spirit[/b] were out next for their second round Trios Tournament match. Both sides looked fluent, with Frankie Perez and Mikey James working fluidly together and pulling out some great athletic double team moves. But once again, F.U.T.U.R.E managed to work together as a cohesive unit and they got the fall on Mikey James following a well organised spot where Joey Beauchamp grabbed Mikey to distract his attention while Jett quickly locked in the Jett Lag. While Devine and Joey fended off the attempts to break the hold from Perez and Freeman, Mikey had no choice but to tap. F.U.T.U.R.E advance to the finals of the Trios Tournament. We then had [b]TEAM Natuarls[/b] taking on [b]TEAM CZCW[/b] for the other berth in the finals. Damian Carvill was sent backstage after accompanying his team down to ringside although he protested greatly about it. Toshi once again looked good as he used his size to his advantage over Team CZCW but fluid teamwork between the CZCW main event roster helped them recover. The Naturals weaknesses were exposed when they kept calling for a tag from Toshi, who appear to not understand English. In the end, Fox Mask managed to hit the big man with a Fox Flip Off DDT and TEAM CZCW advance to the finals of the tournament and will face F.U.T.U.R.E later tonight. And up next, we had the BLW World Championship on the line as [b]Henry Marksman[/b] faced [b]Samoan Machine[/b] in a match that was being hyped as being potentially the most stiff and intense match in BLW so far, with Machine being labelled the most deadly threat yet to Marksman's title reign. The match lived up to much of its hype, with the physicality between the two men barely pausing even when they were out the ring. In skills, the two were evenly matched, in intensity they were evenly matched and in crowd support, there seemed to be little to seperate them. The finish occured at the 21 minute mark when Marksman managed to connect with the Hell Fire Kick and barely pick up the hard fought victory of Samoan Machine. But thats now 8 successful title defenses for Henry Marksman who is still unbeaten in a BLW ring. However, its expeced that he'll have to face the challenges of each of the winners in the Trios Tournament over the next few months. No doubt, he'll have a close eye on the next match. [b]TEAM CZCW[/b] and [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/b] looked fired up as they made their way to the ring and stood on opposite sides of the ring, talking trash at each other. F.U.T.U.R.E got the jump on CZCW as Donnie and Jimmy were going to the apron and then got kicked to the floor on their way out but the quick thinking F.U.T.U.R.E group. A quick but vicious 3 on 1 against Fox Mask gave F.U.T.U.R.E the advantage early on as the ref tried to gani order. For the large part of the match, Fox was isolated as F.U.T.U.R.E made quick tags and showed good teamwork but when he hot tagged in Jimmy P, the crowd went wild. within moments, everyone was in the ring and then F.U.T.U.R.E were sent out with the exception of Devine, who looked like he was about to get hit with a big top rope move from Fox Mask. But Fox was sent through the ringside announce table by a Joey Beauchamp shove and it didn't take long for F.U.T.U.R.E to press the 3 on 2 advantage even against the experienced team of the Fly Boyz. Jett picked up the win with the Jett Take Off on CZCW Champion Jimmy P and as the crowd let their feelings be known, F.U.T.U.R.E started to celebrate in the ring as the Trios Tournament Champions 2006. F.U.T.U.R.E get on the microphone and start letting the fans know about the future, as they see it. They announce that the next big BLW event will be a 2 day event at the end of October and start of November. The whole Honourable Combat weekend will once again be dominated by the F.U.T.U.R.E they say and that they'd like to thank Damian Carvill for his idea. Since they now have the power to book themselves in whatever match they want, Devine tells everyone that Day 2 of Honourable Combat will feature a 4 way match for the BLW World Championship. It will feature Henry Marksman, assuming he's still champion, against Darryl Devine...... and Jacob Jett..... and Joey Beauchamp.... for the BLW World Championship. And thats just Devine's match. Once Devine wins the title, the rest of F.U.T.U.R.E can challenge [i]him[/i] for the belt. The best in BLW, will finally get what they deserve. [/QUOTE] [i]OOC: Oops, realised I never actually said how long my events and stuff are. So far, all my events have been 3 hours long and after each one, I've gained a little popularity and have been making money every month so far. The Trios Tournament was (I think) the first show I lost money on, but I still made profit for the month thanks to sponsors and merchandise. I get some messages about workers being tired, but not exhausted or anything terrible. Most of my matches are also booked with the "All out match" road agent note, but not always. And for those who are interested, the Damian Carvill vs Steve Flash match was left up to the AI to pick a winner, since I couldn't decide who I wanted to win. I was mildly surprised when it picked Carvill (upper midcarder) to go over flash (main eventer) but I guess the game is as high on him as I am. :) I had kinda hoped that I woulda got some predictions and stuff, but no worries. If anyone DOES want to leave any feedback though, that'd be great. What do you think of the storylines, the lay out, the general goodness (or badness) of the diary itself. And who would you like to see getting a push? As long as you don't say Valentine, I'm happy. He's in my own personal development camp that I call "Dark Matches" until he's got at least one slighly better stat. But he's in a mini feud with the generated guy called Derrick Maxx just now. Gives them something to do during dark time. :D Derek B[/i]
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From ProWrestlingWorld.com Many thanks once more to Derek B, who says he's sending us the results straight from his room after the show and apologises in advance if they seem a bit..... odd. [QUOTE] [b][u]Oct 2006 - Honourable Combat Day 1 - (B-)[/u][/b] DARK: Valentine Thomas defeated Derrick Maxx [7:02] (E) The Specialists defeated International Stretching Crew [12:48] (C-) Chavo Lopez defeated Joshua Taylor [11:34] (C) Axxis Jr defeated Rafael Ruiz and El Critico in a three way dance [15:54] (C) Melody Cuthill defeated Joanne Rodriguez [11:13] (C-) Fox Mask defeated Joey Beauchamp [13:41] (C) The Fly Boys defeated The Trademarks by DQ (BLW World Tag Title match, defense #2) [13:56] (C) Damian Carvill defeated Fumihiro Ota [18:21] (C+) Awesome Thunder defeated American Elemental [11:23] (C-) Jacob Jett defeated Steve Flash [20:45] (C) Pistol Pete Hall defeated Darryl Devine [18:59] (B) Acid defeated Frankie Perez [17:08] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Mean Jean Cattley (defense #9 of BLW World Championship) [25:43] (B) Its the BLW two day event of Honourable Combat, four hours of wrestling on [i]each day[/i] and still they find time to give the audience something extra before the main show starts! I don't know how they can afford to do it, but they've done it. Anyways, in a dark match, [b]Valentine Thomas[/b] beats [b]Derrick Maxx[/b] in about 7 minutes with the Cupid Lock. Yay! No-one cared that it wasn't a particularly exciting match, not with the rest of the night still to come. The show opened with [b]Whistler and Roger Dodger[/b] putting over various memmbers of the roster and hyping the big matches. But with all the internet hype that had been going on, they didn't really need to. The opening match saw [b]Merle O'Curle and Shooter Sean Deeley[/b] team together to face [b]Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas[/b]. It didn't take long for The Specialists to get their regular teamwork going and to save time, lets cut a long story short and say that they won with a fairly commanding performance to book themselves a match against whoever the BLW Tag champs are by tomorrow night. Our second match stemmed directly from the Trios tournament last month. Following the elimination of their team, [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] challenged both [b]william Hayes[/b] and [b]Joshua Taylor[/b] to a match, saying he could beat them both. Taylor accepted first and faced Chavo tonight. Lopez looked impressive as always, using his superior speed and technical skills to wear down Taylor. But Taylor brought his experience in Japan to the table and fought back, but he never looked like he was going to beat Lopez and eventually fell prey to Chavo's Champagne Breakfast submission finisher and he had to tap out. Tomorrow night, Lopez will face William Hayes to see if he can make good on his claims of being able to beat them both. Next up, the announcers started hyping the highly anticpated debut of Awesome Thunder against American Elemental, but they were interupted by someone speaking Spanish on the mic. I didn't know exactly what was being said or who it was being said by, but within moments we had three men identified as [b]Axxis Jr, El Critico and Rafael Ruiz[/b] in the ring and a high paced match was underway. Turns out it was Axxis that had been on the microphone as the match went on and all three put on a lucha wrestling clinic, with high paced action and some unique submission holds. Despite knowing very little about all three men, the match was damn good and Axxis Jr was declared the winner after a spining falcon arrow that was announced as being the Spin On This, perhaps a play on his name. Excellent stuff that suprised everyone in the crowd. We were then joined by all three members of [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/B] who said they had an announcement to make. Obviously, we already knew that all three of them were going to be involved in tomorrow night's main event, where they belonged. But no group is complete without a lady in the mix. So they debuted a new member by the name of [b]Melody Cuthill[/b] who said she was the best female wrestler on the planet and would prove it. She challenged any woman brave enough to have a match with her right now. And then, to the joy of everyone (especially me), [b]Joanne Rodriguez[/b] made an appearance! She fired a couple of T-shirts into the crowd and then fired one at the entire F.U.T.U.R.E group before grabbing a microphone and accepting the challenge. Yay! Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp were ordered backstage, but Darryl Devine stayed on to do commentary for this match and he put over Melody a lot, saying she was an incredible wrestler. The match turned out to be as good as anything you would expect from anyone else on the roster, with both women really going for it without resorting to the sort of cheap eye candy tactics that TCW or SWF would resort to. But F.U.T.U.R.E wouldn't be denied a win in this match and Devine distracted J-Ro long enough give Melody the chance to hit a German suplex to pick up the win. Jett and Beauchamp made their way from the back to celebrate and as J-Ro was heading backstage (after a grudging handshake of course) she was joined by [b]Fox Mask[/b]. Fox challenged the only member of F.U.T.U.R.E to not have a match scheduled tonight, Joey Beauchamp and the match was on immediately, with the rest of F.U.T.U.R.E being ordered backstage to prevent future interuptions. Both men worked at a high pace but Fox kept it as high as he possibly could and constantly kept finding counters for Beauchamp's attempts to slow down the pace. After about 10 minutes, Fox was dominating and a couple of minutes later, he hit the Fox Flip Off DDT to pick up the popular victory. It was then time for the BLW World Tag Team title match, with [b]the Fly Boys[/b] getting a shot they earned by beating the champions [b]The Trademarks[/b] in a 6 man match during the Trios Tournament. The Fly Boys showed their tag team experience by controlling the match early on. An attempted surf's Up from Jimmy P on Steven Parker was blocked by Thomas Morgan launching Jimmy to the floor. But the Fly Boys kept fighting on, consistently countering moves and getting on the offense. In the end, Thomas Morgan got the champions DQed when he hit Donnie J with a chair while he was rebounding off the ropes and was caught by the referee, who had been temporarily distracted by Jimmy P. The match was thrown out and it would seem that a rematch will have to happen sometime soon, but not tomorrow night, because the Trademarks will be facing The Specialists in a title match. And as we'd soon find out, the Fly Boys will be busy in another match. Up next was a big match, pitting [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] against [b]Damian Carvill[/b], who has been building momentum since beating Steve Flash in that cage match. Both men put on top performances as always, with each of them hitting several big spots during the 18 minute match. In the end, Carvill managed to lock in the figure 4 leglock right in the middle of the ring and Ota had no choice but to tap despite a valiant struggle. Carvill then grabbed a mic and laid down a challenge to the roster of CZCW. He said that he knows many people talk big about CZCW but they're nothing without him in the roster. Thats why BLW, NOTBPW and even MAW are better than CZCW. Along with some of the MAW roster, he said he challenged CZCW to a ten person tag match tomorrow night. The crowd cheered loudly for this, partly because that probably meant we'd get to see J-Ro again and partly at the thought of a big MAW vs CZCW match right here...... in BLW. Once again, the annoucers started hyping up [b]Awesome Thunder[/b]'s BLW debut against [b]American Elemental[/b], the next match. They said that this would be a good debut for him, as American Elemental uses a lot of techniques similar to the original Elemental and his successor Elemental II in Japan. The match was filled with respect early on, but it didn't last too long as the two men started pulling out the big moves. However, American Elemental isn't as good as his Japanese equivalents yet and he fell to the offense of Awesome Thunder at about the 11 minute mark. Whistler used the celebration time to announce that tomorrow night, Awesome Thunder would face fellow Japanese wrestler [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] in a match that promised to be very, very good. F.U.T.U.R.E member [b]Jacob Jett[/b] returned to the ring once more but this time without the rest of the group with him. In case anyone wasn't paying attention, Jett was the star of the Trios Tournament, getting the victory in every match which was what prompted [b]Steve Flash[/b] to make a chalenge to him. Words had been exchanged (via the internet) and both men were looking forward to the challenge of youth vs experience. In a back and forth match, youth reversed the anticipated roles and kept things slow while experience frequently took to the air. Flash looked to be ending the match and went for the Flash Bang, but Jett avoided the impact and then managed to connect with the Jett Engine and pick up the three count and what many thought of as a surprise victory. Especially surprising due to it being a clean victory in fact. [b]Darryl Devine[/b] congratulated his stablemate as he came out for his match, shouting at the crowds and saying that its his turn to put an old timer to rest. [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b], still the reigning GCG World Champion and recent signee to DAVE got one of the biggest cheers of the night as he came out. The match spilled out of the ring on many occassions, allowing both men to hit some big spots. But once more, it was Pistol Pete Hall who pulled off the win after a Pistol Whip Lariat on Devine leaving the leader of F.U.T.U.R.E looking shocked once more. up next was a match that many people had been looking forward to ever since [b]Acid[/b] had informed people that he was no longer working exclusively for DAVE. The indy legend was returning to the indy scene and where better to go than straight to BLW, the best promotion in the world! Almost immediately he was challenged by the fast rising indy star [b]Frankie Perez[/b] to a match and the hype had been huuuuge! When the two locked eyes in the ring, you could see it would be a good match. Acid, despite being so small, has proved himself to be a top competitor and Frankie Perez is no push over. In a match that mixed up all kinds of styles, Frankie's kicks looked as stiff as ever and Acid was forced to pull off some insane high flying to counter the offense. In the end, the match was decided by an Acid Rain Bomb and Acid won his debut match in BLW. And lastly, a big main event match that would decide who would face all three members of F.U.T.U.R.E tomorrow night for the BLW Championship. Its [b]Henry Marksman[/b] against [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] for the BLW World Championship in what could be another match of the year candidate! The Devine vs Hall match has been a match that looked like it would be the show stealer of the night but Cattley and Marksman proved once again that they are two of BLW's best and put on a 25 minute classic match, with both men pulling everything out as always. They've faced a few times already and it showed as they came up with counters for each other's moves, with Cattley avoiding the Hell Fire Kick and Monkey landing on his feet out of a Mood Swing. Marksman countered what looked like was going to be a top rope Mood Swing and managed to superplex Cattley to the canvas hard. He didn't go for the pin and as the crowd held its collective breath he went ot the top and managed to connect with the Tumbling Monkey for the victory! The crowd were on their feet for the entire ending of the match as Marksman picked up the win. The handshake between the two was full of respect and out of everyone, Cattley has repeatedly come close to winning the belt from Marksman. As both men are celebrating, [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/b] once again make their presence felt by "congratulating" Marksman on his win and reminds him that he's got to beat the future of wrestling tomorrow night. Devine, Jett and Beauchamp. It'll simply be a matter of who beats Marksman, not if they'll beat him. And lastly to close the show, Whistler and Roger Dodger talk about tomorrow night's action and what we've got to look forward to. Here's a run down of the card so far. [QUOTE] [CENTER] [b][u]Special Challenge Match[/u] Chavo Lopez vs William Hayes [u]BLW World Tag Title Match[/u] The Trademarks (C) vs The Specialists [u]Best of Puro Match[/u] Awesome Thunder vs Fumihiro Ota [u]CZCW vs MAW - 10 Person Tag Team Match[/u] [i]teams unknown but expected to include[/i] Jimmy P, Donnie J, Fox Mask, ???, ??? VS Damian Carvill, Mean Jean Cattley, ???, ???, ??? [u]Challenge Match[/u] Marc Speed vs Samoan Machine [u]A Special Attraction Match[/u] Pistol Pete Hall vs Bryan Holmes [u]BLW World Championship 4 Way Match[/u] Henry Marksman (C) vs Darryl Devine vs Jacob Jett vs Joey Beauchamp [/CENTER] [u]PLUS[/u]: More matches will be made as the likes of Acid, Axxis Jr, The Underdogs and Mikey James are scheduled to appear![/b][/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [i]OOC: This was a 4 hour show and isn't technically two days in a row due to DAVE being inconvenient and signing Hell Monkey (Henry Marksman) and having a show in Monday. So I moved the second day to Tuesday and I'm using the power of pretending to make it appear to be two days in a row. You gots to love the lies :) Derek B[/i]
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