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Hostile Intentions: The Monday Night Wars

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The wrestling boom of the late 80’s was over, there was no disputing that. In the wake of the WWF’s steroid scandal and the slow economy of the early 90’s, the wrestling industry across the United States suffered deep decline. In pop culture, grunge music was on the rise and America was gravitating to the anti-hero and edgier entertainment. The old-school babyfaces of the territory days simply weren’t cutting it anymore and pro wrestling was in serious need of a wakeup call.


That wakeup call came in late 1995 when Ted Turner’s WCW debuted Nitro on Monday nights, clearly intending to run the WWF’s signature program, Monday Night Raw, right off of television. While Turner’s years in wrestling previously hadn’t been terrible, they never truly represented a serious threat to McMahon’s wrestling empire. Under the creative direction of Eric Bischoff, that changed. WCW had begun gobbling up WWF stars, largely leaving McMahon’s cupboard bare and WCW with a loaded roster of household personalities.


Feeling the mounting pressure of the competition, WWF has slowly been changing their product--perhaps leaning too heavy on the edgy, charismatic, and excellent in-ring performer that is Shawn Michaels to pave the way. Michaels, having turned heads with his masterful performance with Bret Hart at Wrestlemania XII’s, is a young champion living his “boyhood dream” as hip, young babyface champion. Elsewhere, backstage officials are wondering if stalwart WWF personality The Undertaker is in need of something to freshen up his character and whispers are that, despite his recent and largely successful feud with Mankind, he will soon be taken off TV to get a reboot.


This newly initiated “Monday Night War” really has heated up last month when Scott Hall (who WWF fans recognized as WWF Superstar Razor Ramon) walked onto the set of WCW Nitro declaring his intentions of “hostile takeover.” A mere few weeks later, Kevin Nash (former WWF Champion Diesel) was an earth-shattering second foot to drop as he joined Hall in his quest to take on WCW’s best. These two WWF stars were on WWF programming only weeks ago and their sudden and mysterious appearance on WCW Nitro has the fanbase talking. Now the two are taunting that third man will be joining them at Bash at the Beach, where in a huge main event, these two “outsiders” and their mystery tag team partner will take on WCW’s top superstars: Sting, Lex Luger, and Randy Savage.


This is where we join our story--the story of 2 rival wrestling promotions locked in a war of ratings, talent, and livelihoods.


Will the seemingly unstoppable freight train that has been WCW continue its momentum and ultimately conquer the once mighty WWF?


Will Vince McMahon be able to manufacture new generation stars who can battle back and restore WWF to it’s lone place as the nation’s wrestling powerhouse?


Follow along on this epic journey of Hostile Intentions...


OOC: Hello! Just a quick note for a few things about this diary: it will be a secondary diary to Stormfront 1991. I thought it might be fun to have a totally different style of diary and hopefully I can maintain this frequently in between my work with CPBHBK.


My plan is run both WCW and the WWF as I have some interesting ideas for both and thought it would be fun to have them interact with one another in much the same way the actual Monday Night War unfolded. If one company starts to get a bit more interesting than the other I may end up dropping down to one. We’ll see what happens.


Lastly, thanks for checking it out!

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Show Index:

July 1996

Week 1: WCW Bash at the Beach

Week 2: WWF Raw / WCW Nitro




World Wrestling Federation Title History:



WWF World Champion



Shawn Michaels



WWF Intercontinental Champion






WWF Tag Team Champions




The Godwinns



World Championship Wrestling Title History:



WCW World Champion



The Giant



WCW United States Champion






WCW Tag Team Champions



Harlem Heat



WCW Television Champion



Lex Luger



WCW Cruiserweight Champion



Dean Malenko

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Just thought I would share a few words about the upcoming Bash at the Beach event before I opened up for predictions. I am basically using the original card as it originally occurred with a few changes.


Basically this stems from the great Chris Benoit debate. I truly wrestled with myself on what to do here. Normally I ride Benoit out trying to think of him as a video game character opposed to his real life counter part, however as I was getting ready to set this event up I started realizing that at this time he was feuding with Kevin Sullivan over his wife, Woman.


I just didn't feel comfortable going there and have simply eliminated Benoit from the game and have dropped the entire story-line. On the original card, Benoit and Arn Anderson teamed up to take on the team of Kevin Sullivan and The Giant (who is the current champ). The Giant will instead be in action defending his title against The Booty Man (crappy opponent I know, but he was the only Upper Mid/Main Event face left for the spot).


WCW Bash at the Beach 1996


Team WCW (Luger, Sting, Savage) vs. The Outsiders (Nash, Hall and the mystery 3rd man)

US Title: Konnan © vs. Ric Flair

World Title: The Booty Man vs. The Giant ©

Hardcore match: The Nasty Boys vs. Public Enemy

Cruiserweight Title: Dean Malenko © vs. Disco Inferno

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs. "Diamond" Dallas Page

John Tenta vs. Big Bubba*

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psicosis


(as always, faces listed first)


*(I didn't have the heart to make these guys compete in an "on a pole" match that they really had to do at this event. If you have never seen it, it's ugly. Neither guy can climb and Jimmy Hart had to get the sock of silver dollars for them.)



What will be the worst match of the night?

Who will the third man be?

What will be the shortest match of the night?



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Team WCW (Luger, Sting, Savage) vs. The Outsiders (Nash, Hall and the mystery 3rd man)

US Title: Konnan © vs. Ric Flair

World Title: The Booty Man vs. The Giant ©

Hardcore match: The Nasty Boys vs. Public Enemy

Cruiserweight Title: Dean Malenko © vs. Disco Inferno

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs. "Diamond" Dallas Page

John Tenta vs. Big Bubba*

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Psicosis


(as always, faces listed first)


*(I didn't have the heart to make these guys compete in an "on a pole" match that they really had to do at this event. If you have never seen it, it's ugly. Neither guy can climb and Jimmy Hart had to get the sock of silver dollars for them.)



What will be the worst match of the night? Bubba/Tenta

Who will the third man be? Sting

What will be the shortest match of the night? Giant/Booty


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Sunday Week 1 July 1996

Bash at the Beach

Greensboro Coliseum

30,000 Fans in attendance

Announce Team: Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes, Bobby Heenan



The show opens a video package highlighting the recent "Hostile Takeover" by former WWF stars Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. As the video concludes we get an opening pyrotechnic display going off at the beach themed entryway.


Our familiar announce team of Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes, and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the broadcast and assure the fans that this will be a historic night in the sport of pro wrestling. Rumors have been swirling about who the third man will be, and tonight that question will be answered. With that, we go to the ring...



Mike Tenay, international wrestling journalist, joins the commentary team for this exciting match between the young luchadores making their WCW debut.


Despite the fact that the two were not commonly known to the fans here in the Greensboro Coliseum, Mysterio and Psicosis were able to bring the fans to their feet with an athletic display and exciting arsnal of high-flying moves and chain wrestling. Mysterio played the part of the undersized, over matched, underdog perfectly and Psicosis excelled in his role as a classic rough and tough Rudo.


The match came to conclusion when Psicosis intended to take Mysterio out with a top rope Splash Mountain only for Mysterio to counter with a Super-Frankensteiner for a pinfall.


Victor: Rey Misterio Jr.

Time: 7:52

Rating: 61


The commentary team, extremely impressed by the match they just saw, toss the broadcast to "Mean" Gene Okerlund who is standing by the United States Champion, Konnan.



Gene begins: "My oh my! How about that one? Konnan, I know you know both of those two young competitors very well. Can you give us your thoughts about what we just saw?"


"Absolutely Gene. Both Psicosis and Mysterio are two big time up-and-comers in Mexico. Mysterio was able to win this one by reversing a Top Rope Splash Mountain into a Frankensteiner, or as we say in Mexico, a Hurracurana."


"I'm sure we'll be seeing more of those guys on Nitro. Now, Konnan in short time you'll be defending your United States title against "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. I know you wrestled in Mexico just last night and got up early this morning to make your flight here. How about it?"


"That's right Gene. But I'm not going to let that be an excuse tonight. I know all about the career that Ric Flair as had and I know that this is a big opportunity for me tonight. I'm ready."


Segment Rating: 72


We come back to the commentary team who banter for a few minutes speculating on tonight's big main event and the identity of the third man.


Eventually, they turn their discussion to the next match up between John Tenta (formally "Shark" in the Dungeon of Doom) and Big Bubba. Schiavone and company recap that Tenta was kicked out of the group, beaten down, and had half of his head shaved by Big Bubba (under direction of Jimmy Hart) setting up this match up.



As you would expect from the two veteran heavyweights, this was a slow-podding and physical match as the two exchanged haymakers shot for shot. Eventually however, Big Bubba was able to secure a victory with some help from Jimmy Hart.


Hart left what appeared to be a loaded sock on the apron and drew the referee's attention allowing Bubba to grab the foreign object and catch Tenta right between the eyes for the pinfall.


Victor: Big Bubba

Time: 10:19

Rating: 57


Following the contest, the commentary team once again ponder the fate of WCW tonight. They share a short exchange with Gene Okerlund, whose investigative reporting has yet to reveal anything regarding the identity of the third man.



DDP was full of swagger and smiles coming down to the ring, showing off his shiny Battlebowl ring won last month as he talked trash to the camera. This smiles were short lived however as the longtime fan favorite and ever the patriot Jim Duggan charged Page with a furious flurry of big haymakers to begin the match.


The bout more or less continued in this fashion as Duggan seemingly had his way with Page, punishing him from corner to corner. DDP had a trick up his sleeve however, pulling the vaunted Battlebowl ring out of his tights and sucker punching Duggan with it in the gut before hitting the Diamond Cutter to secure the tainted victory.


Victor: Diamond Dallas Page

Time: 8:51

Rating: 61


Heenan cheers on the sly deed by Page during the replay and notes that it's "only cheating if you get caught," much to the ire of Schiavone and Rhodes. They then toss it back to "Mean" Gene who is standing by with the World Champion, The Giant, and his manager, Jimmy Hart.



Gene: "Jimmy Hart, tonight, your man The Giant defends his title against The Booty Man."


Jimmy Hart: "That's right Gene! Haha! And the Booty Man is about to get his booty kicked all over North Carolina! Just like Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Lex Luger before him--there's not a wrestler in the world who can beat The Giant!"


The Giant adds in his deep, guttural voice, "Argh! I've beaten the best WCW has to offer! Tonight is The Booty Man's turn when I Chokeslam right through the ring!"


The camera closes in on the Giant's menacing, intense face as he raises his hand signifying the patented big Chokeslam that has put down every competitor he has faced.


Segment Rating: 75


The commentary team take a minute to discuss impressive run that The Giant has been on since debuting in WCW. They can't help but wonder if he'll step to WCW's aid in the escalating battle with The Outsiders.



The "Ice Man" Dean Malenko was strictly business tonight as he sought to defend his Cruiserweight Title against (the slightly comical) Disco Inferno. Disco, for his part, did everything in his power to keep up with the workhorse champion. He threw a barrage of kicks, punches, and slams at the smaller champion, but it wasn't enough. Malenko inevitably secures the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission victory.


Victor: Dean Malenko

Time: 10:18

Rating: 61


After Heenan and Rhodes spend a few moments making Disco music puns, Schiavone once again goes back to "Mean" Gene Okerlund.



"Folks, please welcome my distinguished guests at this time: three of the best in WCW and the three men who will represent us tonight against The Hostile Takeover..."



All three men are pumped up for tonight's big event. Luger begins the interview: "Kevin Nash, Scott Hall--I've been where you've been and I've been in the ring with you before. But this is a whole new ballgame gentlemen--this is WCW! Where the Big Boys Play!"


Sting continues the thread: "That's right Lex. You guys are a couple of dogs who just crossed into the wrong yard! You may be big and tough--but so are we! We got all the little Stingers in the crowd tonight rooting us on--hell, we got the entire locker room rooting us on! I hope you brought your A game fellas, because you're going to need it! Woooo!"


And lastly it's the psychotic Randy Savage: "Thats right! Yeah! This is where the big boys play--this is WCW! Yeah! We got the Madness running wild throughout our bodies, yeah, and with Lex Luger and Sting, we're gonna run you out right outta town! Dig it!"


Segment Rating: 81


All three members of the announce team are in agreement following that promo as they express their support of Team WCW. Rhodes and Heenan both note that all three have off the charts intensity tonight and while they may not know who the third man is, after hearing Team WCW's confident words, they feel bad for whoever comes through that curtain tonight.



Not much to say here beyond it being a bad night to be The Booty Man. The Giant made very short work of him in this title defense, putting him down with an enormous Chokeslam in just over 5 minutes of one-sided action.


Victor: The Giant

Time: 5:11

Rating: 53


For the second time this evening the commentary team excitedly talk about the idea of The Giant facing off with any of these Outsiders.


Next, they transition us to a wild tag match scheduled between The Nasty Boys and Public Enemy. This match will be fought with DQ and no countout and Dusty Rhodes excitedly talks about the use of "plunder" in this upcoming contest.



This one went just as the announce team predicted as the four brawlers took their fight all over the arena. They brawled seemingly everywhere but the ring, including by lifeguard chair set up by the entry way, up and down the aisle, and even by the production monitors off in the corner of the arena.


As Dusty predicted, they whacked each other over the head with just about everything but a kitchen sink. There were chair shots, a broken mop, and several trash cans used in this wild contest.


The finish came when Rocco Rock missed a Senton Splash from the top rope and put himself through a table allowing Knobbs to get the pinfall victory.


Victors: The Nasty Boys

Time: 12:03

Rating: 64


The announce team again badger Gene Okerlund for any new details that he can provide regarding the mystery third man. Okerlund reports that he has heard a distinct male voice that sounded vaguely familiar, but was unable to pinpoint it.



"The Nature Boy" was ever his cocky self, strutting to the ring with the lovely Elizabeth draped on his arm. Mexican lucha star and current US champion Konnan was just as self-assured however and wasn't intimidated by Flair's Hall of Fame caliber resume.


The two played out a classic cowardly heel vs. babyface power wrestler matchup, with Konnan displaying great strength and athleticism and Flair pressing every advantage he could with an arsenal of underhanded tactics.


Konnan was not to be denied however as he kept coming at "The Dirtiest Player in the Game" full of heart and determination. Until...



Barry Windham, much to the shock of the fans and the announce team, jumped Konnan from over the guardrail while Elizabeth and Flair had the referee's attention. Windham smashed a chair over Konnan's head before depositing him in the ring and laying low until after Flair got the 3 count.


Victor: Ric Flair

Time: 20:23

Rating: 78



Following the match, Arn Anderson and Steve McMichael (accompanied by Queen Debra) join Flair and Windham in the ring. With the newly won US title belt slung over his shoulder, Flair grabbed a microphone.


"What you have here is the greatest collection of wrestlers in the world! Woooooo! You hear that? You hear that? It's the sound of the Horsemen!"


"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson picks up the thread. "That's right Ric. Barry Windham is back in his rightful place and with big "Mongo" at our side, ain't nobody gonna stop us."


Segment Rating: 70


The commentary team is blown away by the appearance of the returning Barry Windham, however they do not dwell here, for the widely talked about main event is coming up next...


http://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab203/ringrider/Hostile%20Intentions/Randy%20Savage%2095%204_zpspuy7uswm.jpghttp://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab203/ringrider/Hostile%20Intentions/Sting%2096%202_zpsp0ezdgrs.jpghttp://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab203/ringrider/Hostile%20Intentions/Lex%20Luger%2095_zpsrykiuwxj.jpg vs. http://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab203/ringrider/Hostile%20Intentions/Scott%20Hall%2011_zpszxtpem8s.jpghttp://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab203/ringrider/Hostile%20Intentions/Kevin%20Nash_zpswavrglkd.jpg

Team WCW (Savage, Sting, & Luger) vs. The Outsiders (Hall, Nash, and ???)


The tension for this one is palpable throughout the arena. The arrival of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash on WCW television was the hottest story in wrestling and tonight is the first night that they would compete in an officially sanctioned WCW match.


The team of Luger, Sting and Savage made their way to the ring first, coming out together in a display of solidarity. Hall and Nash came out next by themselves as the announce team curiously questioned the lack of a third partner for their team.


The Outsiders seemed to be content to go without a tag partner to start the match however, clearly playing head games with their WCW counterparts. As good as Hall and Nash are however, eventually the numbers game got to them as Team WCW started to take control of the match up as fans cheered and the announcers rooted them on.


Sting was coming on like a house of fire delivering first a giant Stinger Splash to Hall in one corner of the ring. Next, he set up to deliver a second Stinger Splash to Nash in the other corner but Nash, sensing the end was near, pulled the referee in the way, sandwiching him between the seven footer and the on-coming Sting.


With the referee seemingly unconscious, the third man revealed himself by jumping over the fan barricade...



"MY GOD!!! HE'S THE CHAMPION OF ANOTHER COMPANY! HE DEFINITELY DOES NOT WORK HERE!!" screamed Schiavone on commentary, unaware if legally he could even say Shawn Michaels' name on the air.


Michaels slid into the ring and nailed all three members of Team WCW in the head with the WWF World Heavyweight Title belt. Nash fell atop Sting and the referee, only half conscious, counted to three.


Victors: Hall, Nash and Michaels

Time: 22:55

Rating: 85




The three members of this outside team began to pose in the center of the WCW ring as the fans began hurling their trash at them. Michaels patted the WWF title belt over his shoulder and all three men had giant grins on their faces.


Michaels was the first to speak: "You never even saw it coming..." Michaels spoke in even tones, letting his gravelly voice come through as Hall and Nash both cackled wildly.


Michaels continued, "Trust me, neither did Vinnie Mac." He took a moment for the gravity of the situation to take hold while he flashed a cocky smirk. "But you shoulda...everyone shoulda seen it coming. Hell, we practically advertised it in the middle of Madison Square Garden!" Michaels again smirked at the reference to the infamous "Curtain Call" incident.


"We spent the last three years carrying the load. We beat everyone there is to beat. We beat 'Taker, we beat The Hitman, hell we even beat the hell out of the whole Hart family. Meanwhile, down here in the south, Ted Turner has spending money like it's going out of style. Down here in the south you have big names like Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Ric Flair--all who got the hell out of dodge when they saw us climbing up the card!


"If you dinosaurs thought you were going to be safe from extinction by hiding behind Billionaire Ted's money, then you got another thing coming! Scott told you that you've got war--and here it is on your doorstep!


"So whatcha' gonna do about it, Brother" Michaels slipped into a voice mocking Hulk Hogan, "Because the Kliq is here and we're gonna knock your teeth down your throats!"


Segment Rating: 88


Show Rating: 74

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Thanks for everyone who checked out the first show! I'm glad that everyone seemed to like it and the ending came off as shocking as I hoped.


When I first thought about the idea of HBK leaving alongside Hall and Nash, I wasn't sure if that would make a better WCW or WWF diary. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that it had to be for both companies, as the ramifications effect both drastically.


I haven't figured out how I will post Raw and Nitro yet, and I'd be interested to hear any feedback on how best to present it. At the moment I am thinking about trying something that shows both show at the same time, almost as if you were channeling flipping (as I'm sure many of did throughout the late 90s). I'm not sure how it will come off though (nor do I want it to be a bear to read).


Lastly, I might not be getting new material up on this right away as I'm working on writing up the Clash in Storm Front at the moment, but once it's up, I'll be back to work on this.

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Sorry off the bat to anyone who expected a new show here, but just wanted to give a brief update about the future of this diary.


I am using BurningHamster's May 1996 mod as a base, but made a few modifications to have the data properly fit this diary. Unfortunately I made a few errors regarding face/heel turns, assigning the proper champions, championship histories, etc. when I tinkered.


My plan is to correct the data, start a new save and run through the Bash again. I won't change any outcomes of matches or angles, but I need to set it all up before I can properly proceed to where the next show would logically come following the Bash.


I'm looking forward to book Raw next as I have some interesting ideas on how I want Vince McMahon to respond following the defection of his World champ to the competition. Nitro will be interesting for a different set of reasons. The Hostile Takeover has only just begun. :)


Anyway, sorry for the delay and I hope people check it out once I get it up to speed.

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