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Vibert books a Triple Theat Match - 84

John McClean bt. Phil Roberts - 66

McClean challanges Eisen to a match - 79

F.A.G. found attacked, Rogue takes his place - 71

John Greed bt. Brent Hill - 60

Brown and Lobbie save Spade & Hill from Greed - 46

Remo chooses his target - 76

Platinum, Valiant & Rogue bt. Brandon James & Lords of the Ring - 66

Valiant refuses Rogue handshake - 78

Platinum shakes Rogue's hand - 73

Emma Chase worried about Khoklov - 86

Randy Buck bt. Bart - 68

Davids saves Lenny Brown from Remo - 80

Valiant doesn't trust Rogue - 69

Lobster Warrior bt. Tom Gilmore - 70

Gilmore challanged by Vengeance via Jessie - 89

Christian Faith return hype - 79

Jack Bruce bt. Rich Money & Remo 86




DAVEFAN95 - 4/9

KnowYourEnemy - 4/9

Dragonmack - 2/9


Congratulations to DAVEFAN95 and KnowYourEnemy for your joing prediction victory. Both of you managed to correctly identify one of the three members of the Main Event.


You both have the opportunity to choose a none-SWF worker to hear more about as concerns their record and whereabouts since the beginning of the game as part of an article for TotalWrestling.com. Let me know who you would like by Private Message.


Thanks for your predictions guys!

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<hr>Quick Picks


"Angriest Man on the Planet" Tom Gilmore Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

"The Crustacean Sensation" Lobster Warrior Vs "The Professional" Spencer Spade

"The Explosive" Captain Atomic Vs "The Wrong'Un" Rogue

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen Vs "Platinum" James Prudence

"The Boom" Des Davids Vs "The Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley

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"Angriest Man on the Planet" Tom Gilmore Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

Even if Vengeance isn't on time decline -- and odds are he is -- Gilmore is the better worker in and out of the ring. He's your go-to-guy if you need someone put over.

"The Crustacean Sensation" Lobster Warrior Vs "The Professional" Spencer Spade

Lobbie is usually willing to put people over, and this match gives him the opportunity to do so.

"The Explosive" Captain Atomic Vs "The Wrong'Un" Rogue

I see Rogue tying things up, but I don't see him winning the feud.

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen Vs "Platinum" James Prudence

Eisen wins in a straight squash, and then proceeds to damage a rental car and start a fight backstage

"The Boom" Des Davids Vs "The Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley

As much as I like Davids, he isn't over enough to go over Steve

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"Angriest Man on the Planet" Tom Gilmore Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

"The Crustacean Sensation" Lobster Warrior Vs "The Professional" Spencer Spade

"The Explosive" Captain Atomic Vs "The Wrong'Un" Rogue

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen Vs "Platinum" James Prudence

"The Boom" Des Davids Vs "The Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley

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"Angriest Man on the Planet" Tom Gilmore Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

"The Crustacean Sensation" Lobster Warrior Vs "The Professional" Spencer Spade

"The Explosive" Captain Atomic Vs "The Wrong'Un" Rogue

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen Vs "Platinum" James Prudence

"The Boom" Des Davids Vs "The Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley

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Jack Bruce Booked against James, Remo & Money - 84

Vengeance bt. Tom Gilmore - 38

The BGF collect a bounty - 74

Vengeance disappears in the dark - 80

Lobster Warrior bt. Spencer Spade - 66

Greed taunts Lobbie - 67

The Risk Alliance sit down interview - 56

Des Davids drew with Steve Frehley - 67

Phil Vibert sends Davids and Frehley to hospital - 80

Remo destroys Lenny Brown - 87

Rogue bt. Atomic Lord - 73

Valiant saves Rogue from The Lords - 76

Chase tries to speak to James - 85

Eric Eisen bt. James Prudence - 72

McClean fights Eisen & Roberts - 77

Christian Faith Returns - 84

Bruce & Faith bt. Money, Remo & James - 87

Bruce & Faith Celebrate - 77




RingRider - 3/5

Hitman74 - 2/5

KnowYourEnemy - 2/5


Congratulations RingRider. As a prize, you have the right to name the first contender for the SWF Uprising title. The only superstars you're unable to select is John Greed, Lobster Warrior and Lenny Brown. You may select a non-SWF employee that I will attempt to sign, however in case this is not possible, you may pick an SWF-based 2nd choice. Let me know by PM.

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Quick Picks


"Big Money" Brandon James Vs "The Guru" Brent Hill

"Ravishing" Randy Buck Vs "Zany" Zimmy B

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen & The Lords of the Ring Vs John "Squeaky" McClean, "The Wrong'Un" Rogue & "The Man of Honour" Valiant

The Big Game Players Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

"All Business" Rich Money Vs "The Boom" Des Davids

??? Vs ???


A point for each of the correctly named competitors in the Main Event is up for grabs.


The winner of this weeks prediction contest will choose the subject of Phil Vibert's first Column on the SWF website.

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"Big Money" Brandon James Vs "The Guru" Brent Hill

"Ravishing" Randy Buck Vs "Zany" Zimmy B

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen & The Lords of the Ring Vs John "Squeaky" McClean, "The Wrong'Un" Rogue & "The Man of Honour" Valiant

The Big Game Players Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

"All Business" Rich Money Vs "The Boom" Des Davids

Jack Bruce Vs Steve Frehley

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"Big Money" Brandon James Vs "The Guru" Brent Hill

This is a squash for Brandon James

"Ravishing" Randy Buck Vs "Zany" Zimmy B

The two are about equal when push comes to shove... I'll give it to "Ravishing" here

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen & The Lords of the Ring Vs John "Squeaky" McClean, "The Wrong'Un" Rogue & "The Man of Honour" Valiant[

Hmm... Actually, I think Rouge and Valiant win on PPV, so the "Lords" win here.

The Big Game Players Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

This is another squash here

"All Business" Rich Money Vs "The Boom" Des Davids

This could very well be a BS finish.. but I don't think "The Boom" is over enough to be in the money

"Deadpool" Remo d. "The Iron Man" Christian Faith

This is a guess based on who isn't and is on PPV. Remo goes over here as he continues to chase the big one

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"Big Money" Brandon James Vs "The Guru" Brent Hill

"Ravishing" Randy Buck Vs "Zany" Zimmy B

"The Supremacist" Eric Eisen & The Lords of the Ring Vs John "Squeaky" McClean, "The Wrong'Un" Rogue & "The Man of Honour" Valiant

The Big Game Players Vs "The Conscience of the SWF" Vengeance

"All Business" Rich Money Vs "The Boom" Des Davids

??? Vs ??? : Faith vs. Frehley?

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Vibert books Tom Gilmore Vs Jack Bruce - 90

Des Davids bt. Rich Money - 72

Frehley & Davids taunt Money & Remo - 83

Remo Deadpool's Money - 75

Vengeance bt. The Big Game Players - 58

Gilmore guarantees no interference if Vengeance stays out of Main Event - 80

McClean, Rogue & Valiant hype six man tag - 78

Eric Eisen & The Lords of the Ring bt. John McClean, Rogue & Valiant - 84

Brandon James challenges Christian Faith to a Match - 84

Brandon James bt. Brent Hill - 66

Faith accepts Brandon James' challenge - 79

Greed announces automatic advancement to Uprising Final - 70

Randy Buck drew with Zimmy B - 70

Dudes & Alliance brawl, Vibert makes Tag Match at PPV - 59

Tom Gilmore prepares for Main Event - 86

Jack Bruce bt. Tom Gilmore - 94

Khoklov destroys Bruce - 76




Big thank you to those of you who predicted.


KnowYourEnemy - 3/7

MisterRomanini - 3/7

RingRider - 2/7


As we have a tie, KnowYourEnemy and MisterRomanini both get to choose a subject for Phil Vibert to talk about in his first Monthly Column for the SWF website.


Congratulations guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>It is with sadness I bring to an end this current project. Unfortunately, I have struggled to recapture the enthusiasm that I had for my original USPW project that was so well received before it's demise almost 12 months ago.</p><p> </p><p>

I never intended this project to be a one show per month effort - I knew that if I couldn't increase my level of output that I would eventually crawl to a stop. Thus far I have posted just one show in the last calander month and that isn't good enough to keep myself or others interested.</p><p> </p><p>

Thank you to all of those who have supported me - RingRider and MisterRomanini who have given me great feedback outside of this thread and KnowYourEnemy who has been a constant in predictions. But also to those of you who have read and haven't commented - Thank you! Thank you all for your support.</p><p> </p><p>

I do plan on starting another project, more specifically with USPW I would have thought. I'm hoping that in returning to my most successful company thus far, that this will improve my motivation.</p><p> </p><p>

I leave you with the final show that I had written - Nothing to Lose. This was the show we had built during the the last two months. I hope you enjoy.<hr></p><p>

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