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Workers Who Have Frustrated You The Most...

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1. Valiant

It's probably the worker I'm always the most disappointed with on the roster. He's supposedly a "main event talent" but even against a good opponent, I rarely get a good match out of him, and he rarely improves to the point to deserve a midcard title.

2. Steve Frehley

He has no gas tank, no stamina and seems decidedly average in every way, and I have no idea how he got to the main event so my first idea is to de-push the guy from SWF.

3. Remo

I'm mildly disappointed in Remo. True, he isn't bad with Psychology/Charisma, but there are a limited number of roles I can put him in, and while he gets over well, I can never seem to make Remo face -- and he's never going to pull an opponent either. I seem to go through a number of botched gimmicks with the guy as well -- I'm not sure if it's luck or reality. Jack Bruce, Rich Money and Gilmore are clearly above him if not on time decline, and I've even had luck with more luck Big Cat Brandon... I can't explain why I get good ratings with the Big Cat, I always do.

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I think I've verbally cursed out Bruce the Giant and is darn Creative Control enough times that if I had a penny for each time I did it, I could stop working for a living. That big goon has given me more headaches Than just about anyone else.



Aside from that, I'd say Enygma and his ridiculous starting contract. if he's on decline and someone huge comes up that you simply MUST have or worse if Nicky Champion's contract comes due and you have to pay through the nose to keep him in USPW-land, like what recently happened to me, you could easily end up paying 70+k for whomever it is AND 70+k for a guy who's skills are declining (or worse termanlly declining) and not worth the money. Ugh.


Funny, I always have had great experiences with Enygma. He gets over, stays over, is usually willing to part ways with his mask on PPV for cheap (though not always) and of the ME guys in USPW land, he's the least likely to be on time decline, probably the best in-ring, but still not quite good enough to get poached by SWF/TCW/Japan.


Tyson Baine is my least favorite USPW worker. He's old, slow, seems to be on time decline every other game (sometimes 5+ years) and can absolutely not pull a decent grade, even if you play to his strengths in a brawling match. If I'm trying to stay at National in month 1, I usually have him job/drop the title and begin the de-push, give him three straight losses to Champion and have Baine stake his hair on PPV in the third so it gets a small ratings boost.


...And, despite all of this and a special set, Baine will still drag the match down to a B- AND complain about jobbing to any and every wrestler in the US. What a prick.

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Rick Rude is really frustrating me. Not because he's a jerk but instead because he did an amazing job holding his own in the main event up until I started manuvering him to a World title reign. He was putting on A matches consistently and keeping his popularity up in the 90's until I put him in line to win the world title. The moment I started pushing him towards winning he started putting on C+ matches and letting his popularity fall into the 80's.
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Rick Rude is really frustrating me. Not because he's a jerk but instead because he did an amazing job holding his own in the main event up until I started manuvering him to a World title reign. He was putting on A matches consistently and keeping his popularity up in the 90's until I put him in line to win the world title. The moment I started pushing him towards winning he started putting on C+ matches and letting his popularity fall into the 80's.

Is this the 1983 mod? I have never had the bravery to sign him, so fair play to ya.. His stats look amazing and I am always tempted but manage to resist..

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Sgt. Bubba Lee West - every game I hire him and every time I fire him within months for being a d*bag. This last time was the quickest firing yet. He managed to get himself fired after only 2 months. He started fights with 2 workers in the first 2 weeks he was with my promotion. I suspended him for a month. The first show he was back for he started another fight with a worker so I canned him. I have a bloated roster so it wasnt a huge loss, but I had an extensive storyline worked out for him. That will be the last time I hire him.
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Funny, I always have had great experiences with Enygma. He gets over, stays over, is usually willing to part ways with his mask on PPV for cheap (though not always) and of the ME guys in USPW land, he's the least likely to be on time decline, probably the best in-ring, but still not quite good enough to get poached by SWF/TCW/Japan.


Tyson Baine is my least favorite USPW worker. He's old, slow, seems to be on time decline every other game (sometimes 5+ years) and can absolutely not pull a decent grade, even if you play to his strengths in a brawling match. If I'm trying to stay at National in month 1, I usually have him job/drop the title and begin the de-push, give him three straight losses to Champion and have Baine stake his hair on PPV in the third so it gets a small ratings boost.


...And, despite all of this and a special set, Baine will still drag the match down to a B- AND complain about jobbing to any and every wrestler in the US. What a prick.



Oh I don't really have an issue with Enygma's personality at all, but that contract is my nightmare with USPW should anyone of significance need signing or resigning.


Baine can be a handful, I agree, forgot about him. He's being solidly depushed in my current game and has a light morale hit for not being featured enough on TV.

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I am playing Hive's 1995 Real World Mod and have a few workers that jump out to me...


Dusty Rhodes: This guy is a royal pain. No matter what I do it seems like his morale goes bad almost immediately and once it goes there is no getting it back. Also I really can not fire him because he has a huge contract and enough friends on the roster that I can not deal with the fallout. Can't wait for his contract to expire!


Hulk Hogan: Now don't get me wrong, Hogan is a beast in the game right now but he has a MASSIVE contract with creative control which means getting a title belt off him or having him put anyone over is basically impossible (congrats to Hive for getting his personality settings 100% correct!!!). I see Hogan becoming a major problem for me down the road as he declines plus he creates a barrier for bringing up new workers to succeed him in the future.


Steve McMichael: Completely useless worker with a big contract. I need to just bite the bullet and cut him but paying off his contract is going to be annoying plus he seems to have a few friends on the roster that won't like it.


Ultimate Warrior: He is not on my roster (he is WWF and I am playing WCW) but he keeps showing up in the news feed. The guy is totally out of control with legal issues, negative relationships, and he got the "I am the only person any good in this company" news story. Plus I assume he has a massive contract, that will be one dude I am not signing as a FA!


Brian Pillman: Brian has delusions of greatness to say the least. He constantly gets mad about his match outcomes and is always whining. I am torn because he is a solid in ring worker but he never wants to put anyone over and is just a pain in the neck.


Arn Anderson: Another clown that almost ALWAYS have a negative morale. He seems to believe that he should be the #1 worker in the company or something. His salary isn't too bad and he is good in the ring which is why I put up with him plus he has all of his "Horsemen" buddies on the roster with him so I have to be careful with that group. Basically I have decided either put up with the Horsemen or fire ALL of them at the same time.

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Findlay O'Farraday.


This guy has ALL the makings of a star. His psych is a bit low, and he's got terrible stamina.


Every time I try to build and push the guy, ONE of those issues is persistant. Either his psych improves greatly, and his stamina never does, or the other way around. I've never seem him getting over BOTH humps and be the next Rick law/Eddie Peak/Remo he COULD be if he did.

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May 96 NWAvsWWF mod.


Shawn Micheals: Not a surprise, just a disappointment. Not only is he a pain I find I have to constantly discipline (to absolutely no effect), I swear he knows when I'm pushing him and acts up accordingly. I got sick of his BS after awhile and stuck him in the 'do what thou wilt' pile (the list of guys I was not actively pushing). He went quiet as his pop dropped below acceptable levels (i mean, he's still Shawn Micheals). I decide to build him up again. It worked great, but now he's a bigger pain than ever. Worse so since I'm trying to unlock motivational speeches and whenever I get an incident report with him I just wish "Punch in the Face" was a disciplinary option. And he failed a drug test. And upon attempt to velvet glove him on it he immediately went to 'simmering tension'. Now he's on the runway for the next WHC program, the next heel down is a significant pop drop (see the small questions thread for my issues with pop) and I'm in a position where I gotta ME this turd. I'm tempted to just pull the plug and run a program with the next guy down even though I'm in a position where a few bad shows can knock me back down to Cult.


Raven: Underperforms in segments, even the talking segments. Basically told me where to get off when he tested black and I tried to velvet glove him. Is not nearly over enough to get away with it.


Goldust: Not a disciplinary or even a drug problem. Had this weird thing for awhile where he would get morale issues for absolutely no reason (no reason was even listed in his morale report, I was using him on shows and was even having him win more than he lost). Also cracks under the pressure of going all out every single time. (yet inexplicably has the honor of being part of the highest rating match I've ever had despite it being something of a throwaway Raw main event)


Sean Waltman: A minor disciplinary issue (at least pays lip service to getting clean after testing black). But, and I don't think I'm exaggerating, he might be the gassiest human being on the planet. 6 Farts inside of 3 months. I usually laugh these off but after #6 I had to tell him to get some Beano or something.


Mabel: Doesn't even work for me. I'm just sick of seeing his face on the news report because USWA has apparently decided to make him the new Jerry Lawler and I'm assailed by their "Big Plans" for him at least once a month.

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I am playing Hive's 1995 Real World Mod and have a few workers that jump out to me...


Dusty Rhodes: This guy is a royal pain. No matter what I do it seems like his morale goes bad almost immediately and once it goes there is no getting it back. Also I really can not fire him because he has a huge contract and enough friends on the roster that I can not deal with the fallout. Can't wait for his contract to expire!


Hulk Hogan: Now don't get me wrong, Hogan is a beast in the game right now but he has a MASSIVE contract with creative control which means getting a title belt off him or having him put anyone over is basically impossible (congrats to Hive for getting his personality settings 100% correct!!!). I see Hogan becoming a major problem for me down the road as he declines plus he creates a barrier for bringing up new workers to succeed him in the future.


Steve McMichael: Completely useless worker with a big contract. I need to just bite the bullet and cut him but paying off his contract is going to be annoying plus he seems to have a few friends on the roster that won't like it.


Ultimate Warrior: He is not on my roster (he is WWF and I am playing WCW) but he keeps showing up in the news feed. The guy is totally out of control with legal issues, negative relationships, and he got the "I am the only person any good in this company" news story. Plus I assume he has a massive contract, that will be one dude I am not signing as a FA!


Brian Pillman: Brian has delusions of greatness to say the least. He constantly gets mad about his match outcomes and is always whining. I am torn because he is a solid in ring worker but he never wants to put anyone over and is just a pain in the neck.


Arn Anderson: Another clown that almost ALWAYS have a negative morale. He seems to believe that he should be the #1 worker in the company or something. His salary isn't too bad and he is good in the ring which is why I put up with him plus he has all of his "Horsemen" buddies on the roster with him so I have to be careful with that group. Basically I have decided either put up with the Horsemen or fire ALL of them at the same time.


Hey, at least you weren't stupid enough to put Drug Testing at High Level when running WWF.:mad: Oh well, it took me 3 game weeks to give up on the game. I had just moved the B show to tape on the same day as Raw. My reward? 15, yes FIFTEEN, positive tests that torpedoed my backstage morale under 50 with alcohol just turned on and 5 more tests to go. Just threw up my hands and said the hell with this game. I mean I could fire pretty much everyone who starts the game at ME and UMC (except Taker, Bret, and Lawler) and let them blow up WCW's locker room. I'd have no one with pop over 60 other than those first 2 (and Vader who failed too but he's not a dick). Ugh. What a debacle.

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That Matt Shannon dude who's been in the Real World Chronicles mod sure has given me hell. :p:D j/k


OK, in all seriousness, the ones who would give me fits in Genadi's 1987 mod were Dynamite Kid and Billy Jack Haynes (or as Bobby Heenan so appropriately calls him at WM 3, Billy "Jerk" Haynes). Both guys were constantly getting busted for drugs, steroids, getting into fights, destroying co-workers' rental cars... you name it, they did it. It was easy firing Billy Jack because he didn't have any positive relationships backstage, but if you fire Dynamite, oh boy... you wind up pissing off the Hart Foundation and Davey Boy Smith, and possibly Owen Hart if you sign him too. So in other words, Genadi got both of those guys' personalities spot on! :D



Dynamite Kid is absolutely incorrigible. I was able to tame and ween off drugs Piper, Henning, the Road Warriors, both Freebirds, Tiger Mask I, Backlund, hell even was able to keep Bruiser Brody(the second time around at least) and Akira Maeda relatively quiet due to max leadership and diplomacy.


Dynamite Kid on the other hand negatively reacted to every single solitary discipline and got popped nearly every month and refused to quit so I just got tired of him and fired him.


In a company with the amount of talent I had he was lucky to have a job.

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Might as well add Steve Frehley and Vengeance to the mix.


As KnowYourEnemy said, Frehley doesn't seem to do much to deserve a big main event push. Average (at first) mic skills, poor selling, poor stamina, merely above average overall skills. Right now he's walking the line between main event and upper midcard, and hasn't been in serious contention for the World Heavyweight title for months.


Vengeance's skill set in his early 40s hasn't been anything special either. Which is why he often ends up like late-period Kane whenever I play SWF - big, older guy who's mainly there to put over the young upper midcarders and main eventers.

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I also don't know why people are talking about contract sizes....you could give the whole roster 50k contacts and you still can't really lose money.


Are you absolutely right about the contract sizes in relation to making/losing money (probably something that needs to be tweaked if a new version of this game is ever made).


So I normally put "house rules" on myself with a salary cap and general spending limits, otherwise I would just sign every top worker in the game and destroy the competition with even less difficulty than normal. The house rules keep things competitive and make the game much more enjoyable!

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Wrestlers who let me down


Kirk Jameson


Fro Sure




Logan Wolfsbaine


I worked really hard trying to get them out of the trash, but after I hit cult they really just had to go, because they could not keep up even for the pre-show.

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In every 2001 game as either WWF or WCW Curt Hennig frustrates me. He doesn't put on matches that his abilities would suggest he would. He obviously has drug problems and a bad attitude. The guy should be money!


I've always tried to push Hennig as a main eventer in my 2001 games. It just never truly works. Have any of you struggled with him?

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In every 2001 game as either WWF or WCW Curt Hennig frustrates me. He doesn't put on matches that his abilities would suggest he would. He obviously has drug problems and a bad attitude. The guy should be money!


I've always tried to push Hennig as a main eventer in my 2001 games. It just never truly works. Have any of you struggled with him?


My current game is in 1996 and I have been using Henning as a manager. He has been aces as a manager and no problems outside of the ring. I really do not have the option to put him in the ring due to a back injury so I am not sure how he would do wrestling.


Maybe you can convert him to a manager in your game and get a little better production out of him?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GreatestGOATOfAllTim" data-cite="GreatestGOATOfAllTim" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39419" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also to a lesser extent Robin Newman, listed as a NBT but refuses to bulk up to lightweight and I refuse to seriously push a small male wrestler.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I really don't see the problem, if they're good they're good I don't see how him being small changes that.</p>
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Playing Ruthless Aggression 2004 and signed Nash, Hall, and Waltman (Hogan is injured) when the game started in January 2004. I'm in March, a couple week prior to Mania. Sean Waltman has failed 4 drug tests in 2 and a half months. A couple of others have had one time offenses. Angle has had two for roids, but oh well. Same with Batista.
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Guest michael20001

<p>Tyler Breeze, through no fault of his own (even though he has a bad personality), has been attacked my Randy Orton, Vince McMahon and John Laurinitis. He never does anything himself though</p><p> </p><p>

So he is just a very unlikable person, and the others with bad personalities cant help targeting him (in my head it almost seems like ribbing from the guys who have been around forever)</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KnowYourEnemy" data-cite="KnowYourEnemy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39419" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>IN SWF</strong></p></div><p></p><p> <em>1. Valiant</em></p><p> It's probably the worker I'm always the most disappointed with on the roster. He's supposedly a "main event talent" but even against a good opponent, I rarely get a good match out of him, and he rarely improves to the point to deserve a midcard title. </p><p> <em>2. Steve Frehley</em></p><p> He has no gas tank, no stamina and seems decidedly average in every way, and I have no idea how he got to the main event so my first idea is to de-push the guy from SWF. </p><p> <em>3. Remo</em></p><p> I'm mildly disappointed in Remo. True, he isn't bad with Psychology/Charisma, but there are a limited number of roles I can put him in, and while he gets over well, I can never seem to make Remo face -- and he's never going to pull an opponent either. I seem to go through a number of botched gimmicks with the guy as well -- I'm not sure if it's luck or reality. Jack Bruce, Rich Money and Gilmore are clearly above him if not on time decline, and I've even had luck with more luck Big Cat Brandon... I can't explain why I get good ratings with the Big Cat, I always do.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is usually the case for me too. But in my current game Valiant and Remo are both absolute gold. After Valiant's feud with Eisen (that Eisen won) he still managed to shoot up to the Main Event and never gave got anything lower than a B performance. His stats are improving nicely, and in fact he will be challenging Remo (he has been my champ since Feb and rarely delivers less than an A match) for the World title in my October PPV.</p>
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