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The Battle of the Immortals (HYPE)

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The Battle of the Immortals


As eras collide, every wrestler ever existed has one goal, to become Immortal. It is year 1 in the world of wrestling, There are several promotions, from each era, of each company battling to become the elite. Along side these an unknown man has set up the WWF, by far the biggest company in the world, hoping to bring all the stars together, to become part of the hall of immortals. The formation of the new company has brought an end to all the other eras one by one.




I was not originally intending to use this as a dynasty, but I have enjoyed playing it so far and would like to get some creative ideas going forward. After my last dynasty (which I enjoyed doing, but i put to much detail into it and it became too much work) I am keeping this one simple. I am using the war of immortals. I have craeted my own company WWF. The year is 2013 (which is insignificant, as I am calling it year 1. I have set all the workers ages to go in line with their age and era. eg, macho man is 40, bret hart 38, stone cold 36, the rock 34, john cena 32, cm punk 28. I started the first week in January but did not put on my first show until I got a TV deal in march. I have kept PPV's in line with the WWF but have made a few legendary and quite a few historic as there are not many National companies to qualify workers for the Hall of Immortals. I started by taking in a few workers who were on PPA contracts and put the other companies in debt so i could take over one by one (tried to do it in chronological order)


The first show is in March year 1 and as I write I am currently in March on Year 2 ready for the first Wrestlemania. In March year 1 I set up a tournament for the WWF Heavyweight Title at a PPV called Clash of Champions. I will be putting out my shows (or the highlights quite quickly to get up to date, and depending on interest will put out the card beforehand for people to guess. The reward for the person who guesses most correct will be that they will be able to choose a feud or story line (between any amount of workers as they want) for a full month and PM me with as much or little input as they want, or they could choose a worker to push through the roof. My only rule is the people who headline major events must be at least A in momentum and B+ in popularity. I will begin with the line up for the first tournament

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Pre Launch chat Sunday Week 4 February, Year 1





Gorilla Monsoon

"Finally it is announced, that tomorrow night Monday, Week 1 March, the WWF will finally launch its first episode or Raw. I Gorilla Monsoon have signed a 1 year contract as announcer. Two months since the announcement, there has been plenty of speculation of who will sign up for the battle of immortals and take part in a tournament to be crowned the first ever WWF Heavyweight Champion in the quest to become part of the Hall of Immortals. Below we take a look at the rumored entrants of the tournament









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Jesse Ventura

I Jesse 'The Body' Ventura am proud to announce I will be alongside Gorilla Monsoon. This seems to be the likely set of contestants for the tournament. Jake Roberts and Davey Boy Smith are the only ones who are yet to put pen to paper but are it is more than likely a done deal. The question is to those out there. Who will become the WWF champion at the Crowning of The Champion PPV at the end of the month?


People its time to take your pick


Bam Bam Bigelow

The British Bulldog

Bruiser Bordy

Don Muraco

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts

Jimmy Snuka

'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

Owen Hart

Ricky Morton

Rick Steiner


Sid Vicious

Stan Hansen

Terry Funk




And good night from us. See you on Monday night

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Gorilla Monsoon

We can now bring you the lineup for the tournament. First of all let me announce the rules.

*Any worker who pulls out of the tournament can be replaced by any worker who signs up providing it is before the match is scheduled to take place, the match will then take place as scheduled. Failing this will end up with the match awarded to the opposition.

Round One will be announced by Jesse

The format is as follows


Round 2

RAW week 3

2.1. Match 1 winner V Match 2 winner

2.2. Match 3 winner V Match 4 winner

2.3. Match 5 winner V Match 6 winner

2.4. Match 7 winner V Match 8 winner


Round 3

Crowning of the Champion PPV

3.1 Match 2.1 winner v Match 2.2 winner

3.2 Match 2.3 winner v Match 2.4 winner


Crowning the Champions PPV Main Event Title Match

Match 3.1 Winner v Match 3.2 winner

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Jesse Ventura


The line up for the tournament is as follows


RAW Week 2


Match 1

Jimmy Snuka V Stan Hansen


Match 2

'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan V Vader


Match 3

Bruiser Brody V Tatanka


Match 4

Owen Hart V Sid Vicious


Raw Week 3


Match 5

Bam Bam Bigelow V Sabu


Match 6

British Bulldog V Rick Steiner


Match 7

Don Muraco V Terry Funk


Match 8

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts V Ricky Morton


'Ladies and gentlemen get your predictions in now, as well as offering creative input to the winner of each monthly predictions,

The points are as follows


1 point for each correct prediction.

4 points for correctly predicting the winner before the tournament starts.

3 points for correctly predicting the winner before Raw week 4

2 points for correctly predicting the winner before the PPV

2 bonus points which will be revealed after the PPV


This is Jesse 'The Body' Ventura on the build up of RAWs first ever episode. The action starts on week 2 don't miss it

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Gorilla Monsoon

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first ever WWF Raw battle of the Immortals, Im Gorilla Monsoon and alongside me Jesse Ventura"


Jesse Ventura

"Don't forget the tournament for the title starts tonight with the first ever champion to be crowned at 'The Crowning of the Champion' who will be the first person to go closer to be part of the Hall of Immortals. And lets get the show underway"






Jim Cornette enters the ring

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce 'Cornette's Monsters' I have no doubt these two will not only take over the WWF but will be the first people in the Hall of Immortals. Let me waste no time in introducing Vader and Yokozuna. As Vader is already in the tournament, Yokozuna is ready to take the place of anybody who pulls out, and as a warm up match he will take on Bob Sapp right now.






Bob Sapp Vs Yokozuna


On the way to the ring Jim Cornette and Vader intimidate Sapp. As he enters the ring he is distracted by both. As he turns around to Yokozuna he is met with a 'Savate kick' which downs him. Yokozuna plays the audience for a while and gains great heat. Then he takes Sapp to the corner and gives Sapp a banzai drop and the ref counts. Its all over



After the match Yokozuna continues to beat up Sapp while playing the crowd creating even more heat for himself, Vader and Cornette. Who walk down the ramp shouting at the crowd




"Backstage shows The British Bulldog signing up for the tournament"






Jimmy Snuka V Stan Hansen


Hansen dominates early, eventually hits Snuka with a Lariet and pins. Snuka kicks out at 2. Snuka eventually manages to down Hansen and goes to the top rope and hits with the 'Superfly Splash' and pins Hansen for the win




"Backstage shows Jake 'The Snake' Roberts signing up for the tournament"





Bruiser Brody V Tatanka


Bruiser Brody is on top most of the match. Tatanka keeps trying to come back. Everytime Tatanka gets some momentum, Brody manages to hit him with a powerful moves which downs him again. Eventually Brody shows of his running knee drop and pins Tatanka for the win





'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan V Vader


Cornette manages to try and do his best to distract Duggan throughout the match. Duggan matches Vader for most of the early part, but Cornette's distraction is too much and Vader gets on top. Playing the crowd with every big move he hits. He then hits Duggan with a 'Vadersault' stands up and beats his chest and covers Duggan for the pin. As Jim Cornette claps and congratulates Vader in the ring



After the match Cornette instructs Vader to beat up Duggan. Similar to Yokozuna earlier he beats up Duggan and engages the crowd to generate heat. He and Cornette then leave down the ramp while celebrating





Owen Hart V Sid Vicious


Sid starts off strong, but Owen Hart uses his Technical skills to get on top and keep bringing Sid down. Sid eventually gets back on top and Owen counters with a spinning heel kick. Jake 'The Snake' comes down to ringside to watch and distracts Sid. Owen goes for the quick roll up and Sid kicks out at 2. As they both get up Sid manages to grab Owen and hit him with a powerbomb. Then covers Owen for the count.



In the ring

Jake runs straight into the ring and hits Sid Vicious with a chair. He orders Owen out of the ring. He then continues the assault, he pull a python out of the bag and puts in on Sid and picks up a mic"


B]Jake Roberts[/b]

"I came out here to see who would be my hardest opponent. I knew the winner of this match would be the best out of all the rest. Unforunately for you Sid, this is just a warning. If you ever enter that ring with me, I will starve the snake, and bring him out, and let him eat you alive in front of all these people"




Show Rating C-



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Gorilla Monsoon

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to RAW. This week we have the rest of the first round matches for the tournament to crown the first ever champion "


Jesse Ventura

"Last week we saw 4 men go trhough to the next round. Cornette has Yokozuna ready and waiting to take anybodies place in the tournament. With Cornette behind them him and Vader could become unstoppable. Also Jaske The Snake showed what he has in store for anyone he comes up against. Will the snake put fear into the rest of the WWF "







Jim Cornette enters the ring

"A new week on RAW and a new announcement from Jim Cornette. After showing the world my two unstoppable monsters, who absolutely destroyed their opponents last week. I have been kind enough to you all to bring somebody else on board. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Bam Bam Bigelow. Yokozuna is still waiting for a place in this tournament, so I have arranged a match to keep him ready. He will take on Mo





Mo Vs Yokozuna

(Falls count anywhere)


Mo enters the ring with Yokozuna wasting no time starting the match. He throws Mo out of the ring showing great strength. Yokozuna exits the ring and him, Vader and Bam Bam take it in turns to hit Mo with a series of moves. All three workers play the crowd who are booing all the way through this. Mo is then thrown back inside the ring for Yokozuna to hit the Banzai drop and get the win



After the match Yokozuna continues to beat up Sapp while playing the crowd creating even more heat for himself, Vader and Cornette. Who walk down the ramp shouting at the crowd




"Bob Sapp makes his way down the ramp and Yokozuna is confronted by Sapp asking him why he continued his assault last week. Cornette instructs Bam Bam to beat Sapp up which he does with no trouble. Cornette then announces Bam Bam will take on Sabu"







Bam Bam Bigelow V Sabu

(Falls count anywhere)


Similar to the match before its not long before the rest get involved. This time Vader and Yokozuna enter the ring and all three men assault Sabu. When Sabu is clearly downed Cornette enters the ring clapping and instucting the monsters move by move. Bam Bam finally goes upstairs and hits a diving headbutt and pins Sabu for the win




"Jimmy Sunka comes down the ramp as Bob Sapp is getting up. Snuka grabs the mic and tells Cornette it is not right what they are doing. He enters the ring and is surrounded by the three men. He turns round to look a Sapp who shakes his head and walks off, and Sabu who has rolled out of the ring and run back up the ramp. Vader, Yokozuna and Bam Bam then Beat up Snuka"






Don Muraco V Terry Funk


In a match with not much incident, both workers go all out getting in some sort of offence. Eventually both men are down and the ref starts to count. As he gets to six, Don Muraco gets to his feet and pick Funk up throwing him towards the ropes. As Funk comes towards Muraco he ducks the clothesline and gets Muraco in the Sleeper, which puts Muraco out for the count




Funk is walking up the ramp when out come Vader, Bam Bam and Yokozuna. The beat Funk up and throw him of the top of the ramp while Cornette claps in acknowledgement






The British Bulldog V Rick Steiner


In a very even contest both men end up grappling a lot with neither gaining the advantage. The referee ends up getting in the way of a move which sees him downed. Steiner then hits Bulldog with a low blow and exits the ring for a chair. As he enters the ring, The Dynamite Kid comes running out and stands in front of Bulldog. Steiner hits The Dynamite Kid with the chair just as Bulldog gets to his feet, Bulldog is able to charge at Steiner before he can readjust himself, knocking the chair out of his hand and throwing him towards the ropes. As he comes back off them Bulldog can pick Steiner u and hit him with a running powerbomb. He then covers steiner and the ref still on the floor manages to count to a slow three to cheers from the crowd




In the ring

The Dynamite Kid picks up the mic and asks Bulldog if he wants to reignite their Tag Team careers. Bulldog tells Kid, he is not sure if they will be able to hit the heights of their Tag Team careers against the Immortals, but if Kid can prove it he may change his mind




Teddy Long is backstage with Sid Vicious

Teddy Long

"Sid Vicious has come up to me and ask for my hand in management. We have Jim Cornette running around with those animals, and Jake Roberts deciding to hit Sid from behind. So I have agreed. This is for all you fans out there who want to see it done the right way. To me Sid Vicious is the best of all time. Nobody can match the strength of Sid, and with me looking out for him, he will make the Hall of Immortals"


The camera then cuts to Sid Vicious who is lifting weights to show of his strength





Jake 'The Snake' Roberts V Rick Morton


As the men grapple early on Jake tries all sorts of tricks, complaining to the referee and catching Morton out when he is distracted by the complaints, Morton is still giving Jake a run for his money when eventually the two square off and Jake points to the ramp as if to indicate someone coming to interfere, as the referee turns around Jake pokes Morton in the eyes and hits him with a DDT. He then gets the pin



In Ring

Cornette brings his three men down to beat up Morton who is on his way out of the ring, they all take it in turns to hit him with powerful moves. Cornette is smiling and clapping the three men.



In Ring

Cornette then points towards the ring, to instruct the three men to get Jake Roberts, as they enter the ring Jake picks up his bag to release the python, which Cornette's men then escape the ring and exit up the ramp. Jake then raises the snake in the air to each corner of the crowd while laughing. As he exits the ring heplace the python on top of a terrified Ricky Morton and walks off slowly with an evil smirk leaving the snake and Morton behind




Show Rating C




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Jesse Ventura


Now the first round has finished we can bring you the next round of matches for Week 4 on Raw


RAW Week 4


Match 1

Vader V Jimmy Snuka


Match 2

Bruiser Brody V Sid Vicious


Match 3

Bam Bam Bigelow V The British Bulldog


Match 4

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts V Terry Funk


Jim Cornette has also arranged the following

Tatanka V Yokozuna


'Ladies and gentlemen get your predictions in now"

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Once I've finished posting the tournament for the first ppv, I'm going to pretty much run vaguely through raw and just post PPV's unless anyone becomes interested then I'll post the Raws in more detail. I am a year in front on the game so have a lot to go through (and much bigger stars to come) Also I'm pretty much waiting for a 93 mod to come out as i think the war of immortals is good to play but I don't think it interests many people
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