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Total Championship Wrestling: No Frills Diary

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I'm starting a diary for another game I'm playing in TEW. As usual, expect very little effort to be put into it to make it look nice.


Current champions


TCW World Champion: Wolf Hawkins

TCW International Champion: Aaron Andrews

TCW Tag Team Champions: American Buffalo and Texas Pete

TCW All Action Champion: Flying Jimmy Foxx


The only major change I've made so far is the addition of Great Lakes Championship Wrestling, a developmental territory. I've sent Jeremie Courtney and Elliot Thomas down to there. I've also made a few contract offers for developmental roles as well.

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Scheduled for this week's TCW Presents Total Wrestling!


Troy Tornado hosts Sammy Bach on the latest episode of his talk show, Tornado Talk!


A four way tag match to determine who gets a title shot against Texas Buffalo at Malice in Wonderland! The competitors are The L.A. Connection, The Canadian Animals, The Machines and the new team of Joel Bryant and Joshua Taylor.


Rocky Golden promises to address his situation with Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins!


And Rick Law has an exclusive interview with Jason Azaria regarding his terrible attack on Joey Minnesota at last month's Psycho Circus!

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Results from TCW Presents Total Wrestling


1. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Eddie Peak defeated Danny Fonzarelli in 12:04 by pinfall with a Peak Of Perfection in a hardcore match. Rating: 58


Notes: Fonzarelli and Peak don't click


2. In an extremely short match, Texas Buffalo defeated Foxx & Allen in 5:28 when Texas Pete defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx by pinfall with a Lone Star Drop. Rating: 50


3. The announcers put over the fact that Rick Law has something important to say, and he'll be coming soon. Rating: 68


4. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Benny Benson defeated Jay Chord in 7:44 by pinfall with a Shockwave From Next Year. Rating: 66


This was a very open match.


5. In a match that had some good action and average heat, The L.A. Connection defeated The Machines, The Canadian Animals and Bryant & Taylor in 13:23; the order of elimination was The Machines first, then The Canadian Animals, and finally Bryant & Taylor. Rating: 74


6. The L.A. Connection had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Texas Buffalo. In it, Andrews spent some extra time talking about how he would be getting the pinfall. Rating: 58


7. In a pre-taped segment, Jason Azaria interviews Rick Law. Law proceeds to taunt Joey Minnesota, calling him names and generally acting like he is totally unafraid. Rating: 65


8. Floyd Goldworthy had an interview hyping his team of Texas Buffalo taking on The L.A. Connection in a tag match. Rating: 67


9. Troy Tornado is hosting an edition of his talk show, Tornado talk, with Sammy Bach. It starts straight, but Tornado starts bringing up how Sammy Bach is calling himself a Rock God and points out how he was TCW's original rock star. Bach gets frustrated and looks at the crowd, giving Tornado the chance to attack him with a stool. Tornado beats on Bach for awhile and leaves Bach laying. Rating: 66


10. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Genghis Rahn in 7:06 when Genghis Rahn was disqualified when Bryan Vessey ran in and attacked Ricky Dale Johnson. Rating: 65


11. In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Syndicate defeated The New Wave in 26:36 when Wolf Hawkins defeated Guide by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising. Rocky Golden came out on commentary a bit into the match and talked with the announcers about how he planned on getting revenge on Hawkins and Cornell for taking his World Championship. Rating: 79


12. Scout is being attacked by The Syndicate in the ring. Seeing the assault, Ino and Golden come running in and fight them both off, saving Scout from a serious beating. Rating: 68


Overall rating: 73


Other news:


The rumor coming out of the tapings is that Warlord Pain greeted the new year with a terrible backstage fart. No one from management did anything but avoid the area.


Rumors are circling that, with the creation of Great Lakes Championship Wrestling, TCW is looking to bring a few prospects in for development. One name being pushed heavily is KC Glenn. Glenn was notably trained by Joey Minnesota.

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After last night's taping for TCW Presents Total Wrestling, some members of the roster underwent regular drug testing. Of those, Bryan Vessey tested positive for steroids. As dictated by the TCW Wellness Policy, Vessey has been suspended for a month without pay.


TCW employees have informed us that head booker Tommy Cornell is upset about this, as Bryan Vessey is part of a major storyline with Ricky Dale Johnson meant to set up the next challenger for Wolf Hawkins' World Championship. At the same time, Vessey has expressed regret to Cornell and sworn that he intends to stop using steroids.


Current plans for the RDJ-Vessey feud are obviously on hold, though it is not known if the feud will be dropped or delayed.


More TCW news:


Unsurprisingly, the first wave of new talent hired by TCW includes KC Glenn. It is not known at this time if Glenn will start in developmental fed GLCW or will go to the main roster immediately.


TCW also hired Sam Keith's sons, Greg and Matthew Keith. Though both have previously worked as single stars, with Greg focusing on his career as a gaijin in Japan and Matthew focusing on his run in PSW, it's expected they'll start out in TCW as a tag team. While Glenn has started immediately with the company, the Keiths do have some booking obligations they are finishing out in the next week.


They also hired respected road agent Ed Monton. Monton joins Robert Oxford and Warlord Pain as agents for TCW.


A blurry cell phone photo of what a r/SquaredCircle poster claims is a photo of Joey Minnesota in a Hawaiian airport is making the rounds on the Internet. While TCW refuses to comment on the matter, it's expected that Minnesota will get a short time off of TV to cell the beating he took from Rick Law at Psycho Circus.

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TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling


Pre-Show Match: In a match that had some good action and average heat, The New Wave defeated Bryant & Taylor in 9:39 when Guide defeated Joshua Taylor by pinfall with a Wave Of Mutilation. Rating: 81


1. Rocky Golden comes to the ring and challenges The Syndicate to a tag team match, with Golden having a mystery partner. Rating: 78


2. Rocky Golden is in the ring when The Syndicate come out. They say that they accept the challenge, and will face Golden and his mystery partner in a match. During this segment, the announcers talk about Rocky's history of working with Koshiro Ino. Rating: 81


3. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The L.A. Connection defeated The Canadian Animals in 10:10 when Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy Huggins by pinfall with a Flying Body Press. Rating: 69


4. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rick Law defeated Joel Bryant in 7:50 by pinfall with a Long Arm Of The Law. Rating: 69


5. Rick Law has an interview in which he taunts Joey Minnesota. Rating: 66


6. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Texas Buffalo defeated Benny Benson and Danny Fonzarelli in 11:38 when Texas Pete defeated Benny Benson by pinfall with a Lone Star Drop. Texas Buffalo make defence number 6 of their TCW World Tag Team titles. Rating: 66


7. The Syndicate attack Koshiro Ino backstage, and leave him down and out. Rating: 80


8. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Machines defeated Giant Tana and Flying Jimmy Foxx in 8:09 when Brent Hill defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx by pinfall with a King Of The Hill. Rating: 67


9. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Troy Tornado defeated Harry Allen in 6:53 by pinfall with a Star Maker. Rating: 64


10. Troy Tornado is in the ring. He looks up when he hears the crowd start to roar, and spots Sammy Bach come sprinting out from the locker room. However, by the time Bach makes it to the ring, Tornado has already made his escape via the crowd. Rating: 66


11. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Eddie Peak defeated Joshua Taylor in 10:35 by pinfall with a Peak Of Perfection. Rating: 73


12. The Syndicate have an interview in which they taunt Rocky Golden.

Rating: 77


13. Ricky Dale Johnson is shown entering through the crowd, much to the surprise of the announcers and The Syndicate. Rating: 80


14. In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Rocky Golden and Ricky Dale Johnson defeated The Syndicate in 18:25 when Rocky Golden defeated Wolf Hawkins by pinfall with a Rocky Road. Rating: 79


Overall rating: 78


Big news comes after the show when it's revealed that Jay Chord attacked Troy Tornado after a disagreement that Chord started. Tommy Cornell and others broke it up, and Cornell was said to be furious. Chord was immediately sent home, and we're told that Chord has been suspended for a month without pay.

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TCW continues to expand its new developmental territory, signing Rahmel Goode, Nelson Callum, and Xavier Reckless to developmental deals.


Goode is a 34 year-old Australian worker best known for his time he spent in RAW. Goode held their Television Championship from August 2011 to May 2012 and was a regular at the top of their cards. A legit 6'8", Goode is huge and charismatic, but needs work in the ring. If he can improve while in GLCW, he could be a huge star.


Nelson Callum, 24, is one of the first signings from a scouting trip Joel Bryant is said to have taken to PSW. Callum is a good all-around worker who's close to being ready for the main roster. Callum is one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions with Ash Campbell. Campbell, the son of Nemesis, did not receive a contract offer from TCW due to Campbell's recent weight gain. There's no small bit of irony here, as one of PSW's top stars is Teddy Powell. Powell is a former tag team partner of Sammy Bach, but no longer speaks to Bach due to feeling betrayed when he didn't go to TCW with Sammy.


Xavier Reckless, 26, is a former backyard worker who was also featured in PSW. He had not yet made it up the card, but PSW fans point to him as a potential star in the making with charisma. He's like a smaller version of Goode in that if his in-ring skills improve, he could achieve a lot.


TCW also signed Grandmaster Phunk to a main roster deal. It's being reported that the main motivation behind signing him was an attempt to give TCW depth, not so much as to make him a future star. But he's very charismatic so, despite his slightly advanced age, the former manager could breakthrough.


The Keith Brothers and KC Glenn are now said to have started their TCW contracts. They're all currently on the main roster.

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TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling - Tuesday, Week 3, January 2015

Location: The Dust Bowl, 13,470 paid


Pre-Show A. In a match that had some good action and average heat, The New Wave defeated Joel Bryant and Chance Fortune in 9:39 when Scout defeated Joel Bryant by submission with a Special Force. Rating: 77


1. The Syndicate have an interview in which they taunt Rocky Golden. Rating: 82


2. RDJ and Ino come to the ring and challenge Cornell to a tag match, if he can find a partner, for Malice in Wonderland. Rating: 76


3. Tommy Cornell accepts the challenge. Rating: 77


4. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Aaron Andrews defeated Joshua Taylor in 11:31 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Aaron Andrews makes defence number 3 of his TCW International title. Rating: 58


Notes: Chance Fortune was on commentary and acted dismayed at how Andrews won this match while insisting it must have been a mistake.


5. Rick Law is in the ring with a microphone. He claims that he is so good that he cannot be defeated by anyone, and so he is making an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match. Rating: 66


6. In an extremely short match, Rick Law defeated Harry Allen in 2:34 by pinfall with a Long Arm Of The Law. Rating: 54


Notes: Law was booked to dominate this match.


7. Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, Floyd Goldworthy, and Eddie Peak are found talking backstage by a camera crew. Cornell is overheard offering to pay Goldworthy $100,000 if Peak will be his tag team partner at Malice in Wonderland. Peak and Goldworthy accept. Rating: 74


8. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Texas Buffalo defeated Foxx & Tana in 10:34 when Texas Pete defeated Giant Tana by pinfall with a Lone Star Drop. Rating: 56


9. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Benny Benson defeated Freddy Huggins in 5:39 by pinfall with a Shockwave From Next Year. Rating: 67


10. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Sammy Bach defeated Genghis Rahn in 13:57 by submission with a Bach on Your Back. Rating: 71


Notes: Troy Tornado was at the announcing desk and hyped his match with Bach the entire time.


11. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rocky Golden defeated Edd Stone in 10:30 by submission with The Rack. Rating: 78


12. Rocky Golden had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Wolf Hawkins. Golden hyped the match and promised he was coming back for his belt at Malice in Wonderland. Rating: 74


13. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Ricky Dale Johnson and Koshiro Ino defeated The Machines in 23:34 when Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Brent Hill by pinfall with a Southern Justice. Rating: 83


Notes: It was obvious that Ino and RDJ don't work well together, since their timing was off all over the match.


14. Ricky Dale Johnson and Tommy Cornell are in the ring, and are squaring off, unhappy about something. The argument soon turns physical, and they are joined by Rocky Golden, Koshiro Ino, Wolf Hawkins and Eddie Peak for a wild brawl, with the chaos spilling out all around ringside. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull them apart before they kill each other. Rating: 81


Overall rating: 80

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  • 2 weeks later...

TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling - Tuesday, Week 4, January 2015

Location: Iowa State Fayre, 13,572 paid


1. The Syndicate had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Golden and RDJ. Rating: 84


2. In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chance Fortune defeated Killer Shark in 7:40 when Killer Shark was counted out after Aaron Andrews hit him in the knee with a chair behind the ref's back. Chance had no idea about this. Rating: 49


3. A man dressed in grey and black introduces himself Grandmaster Bolte cuts a backstage promo. Rating: 62


Grandmaster Phunk has debuted using his real name in part and using a Scoundrel gimmick. This scored a 78.


4. The Canadian Animals cut a backstage promo about how sexy and great they are. Rating: 65


Notes: Vita helped Stone out


5. In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Keith Brothers defeated The Canadian Animals in 13:48 when Matthew Keith defeated Freddy Huggins by submission with a Proton Lock. Rating: 64


Notes: Both Keiths debuted with Old School Face gimmicks, which scored a 99 for Matthew and a 100 for Greg.


6. Rick Law is in the ring with a microphone. He claims that he is so good that he cannot be defeated by anyone, and so he is making an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match.Rating: 70


7. In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Rick Law defeated KC Glenn in 8:21 when KC Glenn was disqualified when Joey Minnesota ran in and attacked Rick Law. Rating: 55


The match ended when Law was about to attack Glenn with his nightstick. Joey Minnesota surprisingly ran in for the surprise save.


8. Joey Minnesota had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Rick Law. He announced that he and Law would be having a nightstick on a pole match at Malice in Wonderland Rating: 69


9. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Texas Buffalo defeated Bryant & Taylor in 8:20 when American Buffalo defeated Joshua Taylor by pinfall with The Stampede. Texas Buffalo make defence number 7 of their TCW World Tag Team titles. Rating: 59


10. In a match that had some good action and average heat, Troy Tornado defeated Danny Fonzarelli in 12:57 by pinfall with a Star Maker. Rating: 69


Sammy Bach was on commentary for this match.


11. Sammy Bach had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Troy Tornado. Rating: 68


12. In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eddie Peak and The Syndicate defeated Ricky Dale Johnson, Koshiro Ino and Rocky Golden in 26:31 when Wolf Hawkins defeated Koshiro Ino by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Rating: 81


Overall rating: 77

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<p>The full card for <strong>Malice in Wonderland 2013</strong> is:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Malice in Wonderland</strong>, a 20-man battle royal which will determine one of the four participants in a World Heavyweight Championship match at the next PPV, The War to Settle the Score.</p><p> </p><p>

For the World Tag Team Championship: <strong>The L.A. Connection, Chance Fortune and Aaron Andrews</strong> vs. the champions, <strong>American Buffalo and Texas Pete, Texas Buffalo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach</strong> vs. <strong>Troy Tornado</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a nightstick on a pole match: <strong>Rick Law</strong> vs. <strong>Joey Minnesota</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a special attraction match, <strong>Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson</strong> vs. <strong>Eddie Peak and Tommy Cornell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

For the World Heavyweight Championship: <strong>challenger and former champion Rocky Golden</strong> vs. <strong>reigning, defending champion Wolf Hawkins</strong></p>

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to TCW's Malice in Wonderland! We're in the Nevada State Armory and have a sold out crowd of 30,000 fans in attendance.


1. In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Eddie Peak won a 20 Man Mayhem in 25:23. The other members of the 'final four' were Danny Fonzarelli, Giant Tana and Edd Stone, with Danny Fonzarelli being the final elimination. Danny Fonzarelli got the most eliminations over the course of the match. Rating: 81


Eddie Peak has won a spot in the main event of the next PPV.


2. Ricky Dale Johnson had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Tommy Cornell. Rating: 87


3.In a match that had some good action and average heat, Texas Buffalo defeated The L.A. Connection in 12:37 when American Buffalo defeated Chance Fortune by pinfall with The Stampede. Texas Buffalo make defence number 8 of their TCW World Tag Team titles. Rating: 62


4. Chance Fortune is slowly getting to his feet after the match. Aaron Andrews is standing off to the side, getting angrier and angrier. Andrews eventually attacks Fortune and beats him down, breaking up their team and their friendship. Rating: 55


Andrews has turned heel, which was a complete success.


5. The Keith Brothers cut a backstage promo. Rating: 42


6. Sammy Bach had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Troy Tornado. Rating: 65


7. In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Sammy Bach defeated Troy Tornado in 14:24 by submission with a Bach on Your Back. Rating: 86


Notes: Bach and Tornado have great chemistry.


8. Peak and Cornell had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Ino and RDJ. Rating: 78


Notes: both struggled when going off-script. Floyd Goldworthy helped Eddie Peak out.


9. In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Joey Minnesota defeated Rick Law in an A Weapon On A Pole match in 14:14 by pinfall with an Empire Spiral. Rating: 80


Notes: KC Glenn has good chemistry when acting as Minnesota's manager.


10. Grandmaster Bolte cuts a backstage promo. Rating: 60


11. In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Koshiro Ino and Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tommy Cornell and Eddie Peak in 25:49 when Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Eddie Peak by pinfall with a Southern Justice. Rating: 77


Notes: Ino and RDJ don't work well as a team.


12. A video plays hyping Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden. Rating: 81


13. In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Wolf Hawkins defeated Rocky Golden in 23:46 by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising. Wolf Hawkins makes defence number 4 of his TCW World Heavyweight title. Rating: 84


Overall rating: 82

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