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CV97: Belgian Blood & Beer - "The wrestling's for free, the booze isn't!"

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April Fools event - fan's scorecard


Herschell The Hammer vs. Phil Templeton

Background: The Irish battler will duke it out against one of the big men of BBB. Will he have a chance, or will he be cut short by the Hammer (or the British Samurai?)


BBB Tag Title Match: Walter Morgan/Tony Mahr vs. Jerome Baker & Steve Stoat

Background: Morgan and Mahr may be surprise tag champs, but that makes challenging for the titles a bit easier. Baker and Stoat know how to bring a fight to anyone.


(Unsanctioned Pub brawl): ??? vs. ???

Background: A completely possibly ungrounded story has it that there will be a match INSIDE the bar!! Will it happen?


British Samurai vs. Udo Maslowski

Background: Maslowski has looked strong in about every match, Samurai couldn't win the title but both need a victory to climb the ladders in BB.


Top contender Match: ??? vs. ???

Background: Predictions are wild here. Who will face off to earn a shot at the title next month? Rumour has it that both wrestlers are already under contract.



Bonus questions

1) How many titles will be on the line?

2) How many titles will change hands

3) For2 points: predict the ??? in the line-up for for the Top contender Match.

4) Will the Pub Brawl actually happen? (Yes/No)

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Herschell The Hammer vs. Phil Templeton

Background: The Irish battler will duke it out against one of the big men of BBB. Will he have a chance, or will he be cut short by the Hammer (or the British Samurai?)


BBB Tag Title Match: Walter Morgan/Tony Mahr vs. Jerome Baker & Steve Stoat

Background: Morgan and Mahr may be surprise tag champs, but that makes challenging for the titles a bit easier. Baker and Stoat know how to bring a fight to anyone.


(Unsanctioned Pub brawl): ??? vs. ???

Background: A completely possibly ungrounded story has it that there will be a match INSIDE the bar!! Will it happen?


British Samurai vs. Udo Maslowski

Background: Maslowski has looked strong in about every match, Samurai couldn't win the title but both need a victory to climb the ladders in BB.


Top contender Match: ??? vs. ???

Background: Predictions are wild here. Who will face off to earn a shot at the title next month? Rumour has it that both wrestlers are already under contract.

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Herschell The Hammer vs. Phil Templeton


BBB Tag Title Match: Walter Morgan/Tony Mahr vs. Jerome Baker & Steve Stoat


(Unsanctioned Pub brawl): ??? vs. ???


British Samurai vs. Udo Maslowski


Top contender Match: Melvin The Fantastic vs. White Knight



Bonus questions

1) How many titles will be on the line? 1

2) How many titles will change hands 0

3) For2 points: predict the ??? in the line-up for for the Top contender Match. Melvin vs White Knight

4) Will the Pub Brawl actually happen? (Yes/No)

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Europe: March roundup


BBB hit a loss in March, probably due to owner Jimmy James's habits. And hiring more workers than he can pay. Everything looks more or less still settled. Even the worst members of the backstage are behaving.


Competitors EWCW make the Kick Start event in March, once again hitting a very good D rating. Captain Hero, this time defending against Hiro Kawagame, was once again their anchor, hitting a D+ rating. The Disposable Heroes defended their titles against Jamie Anderson and Griffin in a solid match.

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BBB April Fools event 1997


Dark Match: Danny Patterson defeated Leon Harrison in 6:16 by pinfall with a Towerbomb. (E)


Dark Match: Alpha Female defeated Speedy Marie in 7:37 by pinfall with an Alpha Plex. (E+)




Mark Matthews and Jimmy James open the show.


Matthews: "Welcome, Belgian and other fans, at our third event in the BBB."


James: "Drinks still aren’t free."


Matthews: "Jimmy, I think you made your point. Anyway, we have a surprise top contender match tonight and after that, champion Ioan Glyndwr will know his opponent for the next show. I’m sure the champ will be on the edge of his seat tonight. Any idea who that will be, Jimmy?"


Jimmy: "I don’t know, Matthews."


Matthews: "Neither do I and I only get paid to talk here. Let’s go to the first match."


Angle: Matthews and James talk about Glyndwr being smart and knowing his next opponent tonight! (E-)




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Herschel%20The%20Hammer_zpsnzdyrh3m.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Phil%20Templeton_zpss1qbcuwb.jpg


Herschel The Hammer vs. Phil Templeton


• Herschel the Hammer comes out first to a round of boos. The Irish Fire Phil Templeton comes out next, looking angry.

• Templeton spots British Samurai in the crowd and points a finger at him. Samurai stoicly remains in his seat.

• Templeton tries to use his speed and starts with a few kicks and punches, trying to keep away from The Hammer. A dropkick sends The Hammer staggering and tied in the ropes, which leads to Templeton punching away at him.

• The ref stops Templeton and the Hammer takes a small time-out on the outside, nursing his arms.

• As the return, Templeton goes for a crossbody but is caught and slammed by Herschell. More kicks and elbowdrops put Templeton down.

• Hammer goes for a corner throw and follows up with an avalanche. Templeton moves and the Hammer is down. Templeton once again looks to the crowd and starts pointing at British Samurai who stands up but doesn’t do anything. Herschell recovers, hits a roll-up from behind and with all the weight, Templeton can’t kick out.


Herschel The Hammer defeated Phil Templeton in 8:24 by pinfall. During the match we also had British Samurai distract Templeton. (E)


Matthews: "The Hammer picks up a good win here but you got to feel Templeton lost against Templeton there. He was just too busy with British Samurai who didn’t do anything wrong."


James: "The luck of the Irish ran out tonight. Let’s go the the next match!"




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Tony%20Mahr_zps6kpffqvw.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Walter%20Morgan_zps3baetarq.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Jay%20B_zpshs43jons.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Stevie%20Stoat_zpsu6vffarh.jpg


BBB Tag Title Match: Tony Mahr & Walter Morgan © vs. Jerome Baker and Stevie Stoat


• The match starts with a brawl, with neither man getting the better of it until Morgan counters a Baker punch with a German Suplex.

• Mahr and Morgan show some decent tag work, cutting the ring in half and take Baker apart.

• Mahr drops his head to soon for a backdrop and after an elbow to the back, Baker can tag in Stoat.

• Stevie starts like a house on fire on Mahr but is caught with a Hotshop. Morgan is tagged in and slaps on the Wigan Wrench. Stoat submits as Mahr & Morgen defend their title.


BBB Tag Titles: Mahr & Morgan defeated Jerome Baker and Stevie Stoat in 8:02 when Walter Morgan defeated Jerome Baker by submission with a Wigan Wrench. Mahr & Morgan make defence number 1 of their BBB Tag Team Titles titles. (E)


Matthews: "That was a solid showing of the tag champs. They’re a decent team, it seems."


James: "Oh no, I just got word that they’re going to be fighting in my bar. Who sanctioned that?"




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Trandafir%20Andrei%20Ionut_zpsbt0zrayz.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/White%20Knight_zpsbkcxuxzr.jpg


Belgian Blood & Beer Match: Trandafir Andrei Ionut vs. White Knight


• In the bar a brawl has started, Ionut jumping the White Knight who quickly counters and tosses Ionut over the pool table.

• White Knight with some punches and throws Ionut into the chairs.

• Ionut takes another bump hitting the slot machine. As White Knights goes over, Ionut drags him with his seat, facefirst into the slot machine.

• Ionut, seemingly out of his mind, picks up a chair and smashes it across White Knights back repeatedly. He turns him over and picks up the three count.


BBB Match: Trandafir Andrei Ionut defeated White Knight in 7:44 by pinfall. (E)




Matthews: "Wait a minute, this is madness."


Ionut, immediately after picking up the three count, grabs a pool cue and keeps smashing White Knights back. White Knight tries to get up but gets a shot each time he is on one knee. The backstage empties and they drag Ionut away.


Matthews: "Ionut did another number on The White Knight. He’s a mean man."


James: "Look … at….my….place. My money……"


Angle: Ionut is not done and continues to beat down White Knight (E+)




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/British%20Samurai_zpsftkup3h9.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Udo%20Maslowski_zpsymfr1ll8.jpg


British Samurai vs. Udo Maslowski


• Both men come out to calm entrances. Maslowski looks like his hyped up for this match.

• Samurai with an armdrag which Maslowski counters with a vicious clothesline, hiptoss and backdrop. A poor backdrop by the way, which seems to have Samurai rubbing his back in anguish.

• Samurai on the defence early on, until Maslowski goes for the backdrop, which Samurai turns into a kick to the gut and a Northern Lights Suplex. He doesn’t even attempt a pin.

• Samurai with a back stretch and a leglock to wear down Maslowski.

• Maslowski counters the hold but eats a chinbreaker as Samurai once again works the leg.

• A few chants for the veteran Polish grappler gets him going again and with a powerout and a dropkick he regains the advantage.

• Maslowski goes for the Ground and Pound finish hold but Samurai calmly sidesteppes it, hits a back suplex and follows it up with the Samurai Secret Stretch. Maslowski fights but has nowhere to go als British Samurai keeps him in the center of the ring. Maslowski has no choice but to tap out.


British Samurai defeated Udo Maslowski in 11:57 by submission with a Samurai Secret Stretch. (E+)

Udo Maslowski was off his game tongiht.


Matthews: "Well, British Samurai shows he’s no push-over. Maslowski is no-one to fool around with and he picked up a great win here."


James: "I’d call it an upset. Well, at least, I’m upset looking at my furniture."


Matthews: "Right, let’s go to the main event. Who will come out here?"




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Larry%20Wood_zpsh6wq3xbd.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/BBB/Bigger%20Dan%20Ewe_zpsx55icipb.jpg


Top Contender Match: Larry Wood vs. Bigger Dan Ewe


• Surprise match here: the first out is –not too surprising- Bigger Dan Ewe who looks confident.

• His opponent: Larry Wood … who’s about the same size as Dan Ewe and eyeballs Ewe with intensity.

• After some circling, both lock up and trade a few punches which aren’t sold by either man.

• Wood connects first, with a HUGE clothesline that staggers Bigger Dan Ewe. He hits a running boot to put the big man down.

Horse Svenson, Ewe’s partner in crime, comes out and grabs Wood’s foot as he bounds of the ropes. Wood goes to the outside, allowing Bigger Dan Ewe to recover and hit a sloppy axhandle off the apron. Svenson retreats to the back before the ref spotted too many things.

• Bigger Dan Ewe throws Wood back into the ring. Dan is looking tired here. Kicks and punches and stomps.

• As Dan Ewe hits a body slam on the big Larry Wood and poses, Ioan Glyndwr runs out.

• Bigger Dan Ewe sets up Wood for the Double Handed Choke Bomb but Glyndwr nails a knee to the back without the ref seeing it.

• Larry Wood recovers, bounds off the ropes and hits a Running Big Foot on Bigger Dan Ewe and makes a quick, solid cover for a three count!


Top contender Match: Larry Wood defeated Bigger Dan Ewe in 9:39 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. During the match we also saw Horse Svenson run in and attack Larry Wood, and Ioan Glyndwr also attack Bigger Dan Ewe. (E-)

Bigger Dan Ewe was exhausted in the end.


Matthews: "What was that all about? First Svenson, than Glyndwr…I’m not sure what’s to who’s advantage here. Larry Wood is the top contender now."


James: "Oh no, more mayhem. Don’t damage any furniture!!!"




Wood and Bigger Dan Ewe remain in the ring but Svenson returns from the back. Glyndwr is still there. Svenson tries to rush Glyndwr but he sidesteps and Svenson runs into Wood who chokeslams him. Bigger Dan Ewe in the meanwhile has recovered and hits a chokebomb on Wood. Glyndwr hits a few dropkicks on Bigger Dan Ewe, who falls to the ground and shows off his title belt before Dan Ewe grabs a hold of him. Wood and Svenson are also up as this show ends with a big brawl!


Matthews: "Get someone out here, this is mayhem."


James: "Don’t damage the furniture."


(The show closes with the entire lockerroom out to break the brawl.


Angle: a big crazy brawl between Glyndwr, Wood, Svenson and Ewe breaks out (F+)




General: E show

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Europe: April/early Mayroundup


Trandafir Andrei Ionut makes a radio appearance where he is hailed as being a good prospect in Europe. He makes a pretty arrogant showing for himself, probably true to his own nature but gains some popularity here.


Danny “The Tower of London” Patterson for some reason decided to end his PPA contract with MOSC and was immediately snapped up by BBB, debuting in their pre-show. He’s expected to make a proper appearance at the next show.


Bigger Dan Ewe extends his contract for 3 months. Tony Mahr, so far impressing as half of the tag team champs, extends for 2 years.


Meanwhile, competitors EWCW have another successful event with the End of the Line getting another D rating. Captain Hero again got a successful TITLE defence, this time beating tag champ Doctor Insane for a D Rating.

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BBB Witlof From Belgium (May 1997)


Herschel The Hammer vs. Jerome Baker

Background: Herschel has been on a roll so far but Baker is looking to score a sneaky win. Who will prevail?


Danny Patterson vs. Udo Maslowski

Background: the big Patterson quit MOSC last month and looks to become a big name in BBB. Can he beat the Polish veteran grappler?


Triangle Match: Eva Berlin vs. Speedy Marie vs. Alpha Female

Background: The 3 women wrestlers in BBB go at eachother in a triangle match!


BBB Tag Title Match: Mahr and Morgan vs. The Hughes Brothers

Background: Mahr & Morgan got the belts in an upset victory over the more experienced Hughes Brothers. They get another shot tonight.


White Knight & Phil Templeton vs. British Samurai & Trandafir Andrei Ionut

Background: Knight and Ionut have been bitter enemies from the start of BBB, as have British Samurai and Templeton. Will allies stay allies or become enemies?


BBB Supreme Title Match: Iaon Glyndwr © vs. Larry Wood

Background: Larry Wood won the top contender match last month and gets a big shot at the title here. With Glyndwr probably looking over his shoulder to see if Bigger Dan Ewe or Horse Svenson will get involved, Wood seems to have a good opportunity to win the belt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p><strong>Herschel The Hammer </strong>vs. Jerome Baker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danny Patterson</strong> vs. Udo Maslowski</p><p> </p><p>

Triangle Match: <strong>Eva Berlin</strong> vs. Speedy Marie vs. Alpha Female</p><p> </p><p>

BBB Tag Title Match: <strong>Mahr and Morgan</strong> vs. The Hughes Brothers</p><p> </p><p>

White Knight & Phil Templeton vs. <strong>British Samurai & Trandafir Andrei Ionut</strong></p><p> </p><p>

BBB Supreme Title Match: <strong>Iaon Glyndwr ©</strong> vs. Larry Wood</p>

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