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Weight glitch?

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I'm working a Rookie to Legend game with a lightweight wrestler. I won the Burning Junior Championship in BHOTWG which is a Title restricted to Lightweights or less. Then I decided to try for the Burning World Championship which is restricted to Middleweights and up, so I varied my training to beef up to Middleweight. I won the World title but now the problem is I still have the Junior title, but I'm the wrong weight. It seems the game is now confused, because I'm still wrestling the regular Junior title challengers but not for the title. I think it's because my worker doesn't fit the requirements for the title so the game won't recognize the matches as title challenges. Anyone had any experience like this? Adam, any thoughts?
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Well It sounds like it is working correctly, albeit you've put yourself in a no-win situation. If you're no longer the right weight, even if you're the champion, the belt will no longer be defended as the weight restrictions mean you are not eligible to compete in a title bout. You won't be stripped of the belt, as you could always drop back to that weight. For the time being at least, the belt is in a state of limbo, as you can't lose it until you drop a weight class, and the game won't vacate it. As for the game booking you against lightweight challengers, that isn't actually the case. It's booking you with people in a similar card position who you are best suited to, it just happens that they are lightweights, and therefore neither of your titles is eligible to be on the line.
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