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WCW Monday Nitro Preview: Week 1, September 1995




WCW Monday Nitro: Official Preview

Peoria Civic Center; Peoria, IL

Week 1, September 1995




"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Gene Okerlund and in just a short while, World Championship Wrestling will kick off its inaugural Monday Nitro
from Peoria, Illinois, broadcast across the country on Turner Network Television! In front of a capacity crowd, we will see the one, the only
"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan
defending his WCW World Heavyweight Title against the animalistic, terrifying
in our main event!
The Taskmaster
and his Dungeon of Doom have vowed to end Hulkamania, and he has stated that this downfall begins with WCW Monday Nitro!


Also, we've seen it before and I'm sure we'll see it again: what better way to kick off a new era in professional wrestling than by reigniting an age-old rivalry between two of the biggest stars in WCW today?
"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
goes one-on-one with
inside that very ring tonight! As a matter of fact, both men have spoken about the respect they have for one another, but that all goes out the window here on Nitro as each man looks to position themselves for a WCW World Title shot in the near future!


And finally, with this new era in professional wrestling comes the need to push the envelope, which is exactly what our first matchup will do. Two international wrestling phenoms will lock horns inside the squared circle as
"Flyin'" Brian Pillman
takes on a man making his WCW debut, a member of the legendary Guerrero family from Mexico,
Eddie Guerrero
! Which one of these two young high fliers will make a statement on the first ever WCW Monday Nitro?


Until then, don't forget to call the WCW Hotline at 1-900-909-9900 right now for up to the minute details on the hottest rumors and news in the world of professional wrestling! Anything goes on the WCW Hotline! Fans, we will see you for WCW Monday Nitro very soon, stay tuned!"

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With the shows from both companies being posted in this one thread, I definitely think you should only do predictions for the PPVs. I'm a supporter of predictions only on PPVs to begin with, but doubly so here with both WWF and WCW being involved. I think doing anything else would get pretty unwieldy.


Yeah, on top of this, I just don't think that the weekly shows are 'important' enough to have predictions. Most weeks of Nitro aren't going to be as star-studded as the first week, and the same goes for RAW. While it may sometimes negatively affect motivation to see a lack of comments and opinions, I think it'll be better in the long run to minimize the confusion between the two different companies. A PPV-only prediction contest is a nice compromise, I think :)


Ugh! ANOTHER RKO diary... One Star... Terrible!!!


One thing that may be just because I'm not familiar with the era, if you could write who the pictures are for the preview. I have no idea who's fighting Bret Hart on RAW next week :p


I figured that the forums could use an atrocious RW diary to go along with your horrible C-Verse one ;)


I'm sure you've seen the guy Bret is fighting. He just happened to be Jerry Lawler's dentist back then.


Looking forward to this one, guys. I'm still and will always be a WCW Loyalist. So go Team WCW!


Glad to have you on board the bandwagon! We're going to try and settle our differences as diplomatically as possible...maybe. You'd best believe WCW is going to end up on top of the rubble in this universe.


Can't wait for you guys to start posting some shows. It looks like JudgeJuryExecutioner has done his research, because I could just *shudder* hear Todd's nasally whine during that Raw preview!


Trust me, we've been hearing his voice quite a lot lately (we're brothers, we use the Network for this purpose quite often). I'm just hoping that I can live up to half of the impossibly high standard you've set for mid-90s WCW while not following the same paths. WOTT is my benchmark for sure. :)




Nitro will almost surely be up Thursday, then hopefully Saturday Night by early next week. Glad to have everyone on board here, and as always, comments are certainly encouraged.

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WCW Monday Nitro: Week 1, September 1995


From the notes of Eric Bischoff:





WCW Monday Nitro
Week 1, September 1995

Peoria Civic Center; Peoria, IL

10,000 (sell out!)

Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Steve "Mongo" McMichael



Opening fireworks exploded and I welcomed all of our fans to the new epicenter of professional wrestling: our very first WCW Monday Nitro!

  • My colleagues, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and former NFL linebacker Steve "Mongo" McMichael hyped the show to come, including two title matches -
    defending his US Heavyweight Title against
    "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
    Hulk Hogan
    taking on
    of the Dungeon of Doom!

  • Heenan played to the opposite of the pure intentioned McMichael (along with his dressed up chihuahua
    , currently donning a top hat and dog tuxedo for the event); Mongo was on the side of Hulkamania while Heenan said that tonight is finally the night where the world sees the fraud that is Hulk Hogan when he’s exposed by Meng and The Taskmaster!

  • We spoke about the upcoming Fall Brawl event, where the team of Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Randy Savage must find a replacement for the departed Vader to take on the Dungeon of Doom inside War Games!

  • Before the debate could finish, I had to interrupt my colleagues and send it to the ring for our first ever match here on Monday Nitro! The music of
    hits and “Flyin’” Brian exits the curtain to make his way out to the ring!





Eddie Guerrero
"Flyin'" Brian Pillman


MATCH (60; C):
The opening contest of the inaugural Monday Nitro pitted two talented lightweight wrestlers against one another.

  • Originally, Jushin "Thunder" Liger was supposed to take on Pillman, but I let the fans know that due to a prior commitment with New Japan Pro Wrestling, Eddie Guerrero entered his name into the ring as a replacement.

  • We made sure to let the TV audience know a little bit about Guerrero's history in Mexico and his talented lineage, which Bobby so tactfully referred to as "The Taco Bell Board of Directors."

  • These two put on a nice opener which unfortunately suffered a bit from Guerrero's lack of name value in the United States.

  • "Flyin' Brian" picked up the win when he rolled through an impressive Diving Crossbody from Guerrero, and match #1 was in the books!




I sent it over to Mean Gene in the back, and he was standing by with
"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan
and the bulk of the Dungeon of Doom.

  • Sullivan's comments focused on
    , as he would be the one taking on "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan later on tonight.

  • Gene seemed visibly disturbed by the creepy grunting, pacing, and arm-waving of
    Zodiac, The Shark, Kamala
    , etc.

  • The gist of what Sullivan had to say was that right here tonight, Meng would be the one to put the first nail in the coffin of Hulkamania. Tonight he takes the title, and at Fall Brawl, The Taskmaster and his Dungeon of Doom will crush Hulk Hogan once and for all!

  • WCW Monday Nitro is the advent of a new era and Sullivan claims that this era will exist without Hulk Hogan!




SABU (66; C+):
Next, we introduced our fans to a man soon to make his debut in WCW, and his name is

  • After a video of his past exploits of flying around the ring and using weapons, Mongo says he’s excited for this maniac to come to the Dubya See Dubya, meanwhile Bobby thinks the man should be banned from competition here because he’s a psychopath who’s only out here to hurt people.





"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
"The Franchise" Sting ©


I…I’m not really sure what to say about this one. We’ve seen great battles from these two in the past, but this wasn’t one of them. I’m not certain why this one went down the tubes, they just didn’t seem like they were on the same page tonight and their chemistry was pretty awkward.

  • The fans cheered on both men, with Sting getting a little bit more adoration as the workhorse of WCW.

  • About halfway through the match,
    Arn Anderson
    came down to the ring to provoke Flair, who immediately got into it with his former buddy. Arn climbed into the ring as Sting stood by watching, and Arn and Flair started a brawl!

  • Sting went to break it up, but out of the crowd came
    Brian Pillman
    , attacking him from behind! Arn and Pillman took out both Flair and Sting – ending the match in a draw! At the announce table, Mongo and I were appalled while Heenan thanked them for sparing him from that garbage.

While Anderson and Pillman continued a post-match beatdown of Sting and “The Nature Boy,” we had
Randy Savage
run out from the back to make the save!

  • Pillman and Anderson fled immediately as the wild man got the crowd going just by making an appearance.

  • Heenan damns Savage as he lifts Flair and Sting up, with “Mean Gene” getting into the ring holding a microphone.

DIG IT! (77; B):
Okerlund asks Savage why he’s out here – he has nothing to do with this Anderson/Flair blood feud!

  • Randy, in his own exaggerated way, says he’s never seen eye-to-eye with Ric Flair, but after already losing a partner (Vader, but we’re not mentioning him by name anymore), he’s gotta make sure that Sting’s ready for War Games in three weeks!

  • Savage says he’s got Sting’s back, against the Dungeon of Doom, or anyone else, brotha!




I let the fans know that despite the groundbreaking new Nitro program, WCW Saturday Night will still air this Saturday at 6:05 EST on TBS!

  • Graphics display the two top matchups for the event:


    “Diamond” Dallas Page takes on “Macho Man” Randy Savage




    The Renegade defends his WCW Television Title against Earl Robert Eaton
    of the Blue Bloods!




UP NEXT! (78; B):
Heading into our final commercial break, I make sure to tell the fans to stay tuned – Meng challenges for “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan’s WCW World Heavyweight Title next!

  • Bobby is sure that The Taskmaster has something up his sleeve to finally…
    ensure the downfall of Hulkamania, while Mongo isn’t so sure about that; he thinks that Hulk Hogan ain’t gonna get stopped by no Samoan savage that easy! He's got the power of Hulkamania behind him, baby!





"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan © w/Jimmy Hart
Meng w/The Taskmaster


Sullivan’s presence at ringside alongside the legit-tough guy Meng immediately made a formidable threat for Hogan’s 15-month long title reign. Meanwhile, I tried to contain my nervousness and excitement for my make-or-break idea coming in just a few minutes.

  • This match surpassed expectations, as even though the fans have been a little bit weary of Hogan’s schtick as of late, they really got behind it here. Maybe that says more about Meng and the Dungeon than Hogan, for better or worse.

  • About ¾ of the way through the match, a man appeared in the crowd, and everyone knew who he was instantaneously. My idea seemed to have worked in the shock value department, which was a great start. WWF’s
    Lex Luger
    was on Nitro watching our main event!

  • On commentary, we questioned to no end what Lex would be doing here! Hogan was distracted for a moment, which allowed Meng to take control, but a quick Hulk up, finger wag, and the works ensued. Hogan won it with the Atomic Leg Drop to retain.

Gene Okerlund gets in the ring to interview the champ, but Hogan cuts him off.

  • Hulk apologizes to “Mean Gene,” but he’s just got one thing on his mind right now, brother, and that’s why Lex Luger is standing in the crowd watching “The Hulkster” do battle! Hogan calls him into the ring right here, right now.

  • We have “security” escort him into the ring and he gets in the face of Hogan, who asks what he’s doing here in WCW, dude.

  • Luger says he’s spent so much of his time up north and he’s sick and tired of sitting idly by; he wanted a real challenge so he came to “Where the Big Boys Play,” and he’s coming after the biggest boy of them all! He wants Hulk Hogan’s WCW Heavyweight Title!

  • The crowd erupts as Okerlund pulls the mic away and says he’s not even a WCW wrestler! Lex says he’s making his way to Atlanta right after the show, walking into Ted Turner’s office and signing a deal right then and there – and then he’s going to be the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion!

  • Luger walks out and Hogan, “Mean Gene,” and the rest of us are shocked! I could hardly maintain my elation on commentary, trying to disguise it as excitement and shock at the events that just occurred. Bobby, Mongo, and myself send the fans off, reminding them to tune in at 6:05 on Saturday and then again next Monday night so we can clear up this whole situation for everybody!




78 (B)

: I was very happy with the way the show turned out, outside of the Sting/Flair mystery. Most reviews from people outside the company seemed to be positive as well, although some people just aren’t fans of Luger's recent work with WWF. But that’s okay. We'll fix that. I’m satisfied with how this first show went and I think we have some solid footing and momentum right now thanks to my idea to bring Lex in.


Quick Results


"Flyin'" Brian Pillman def. Eddie Guerrero


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Ric Flair drew with Sting ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan © w/Jimmy Hart def. Meng w/The Taskmaster

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WCW Saturday Night: Week 1, September 1995


From the notes of Eric Bischoff:





WCW Saturday Night
Week 1, September 1995

Jefferson County Fairgrounds; Jefferson City, TN

2,000 (sell out!)

Tony Schiavone, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan



This episode of Saturday Night kicked off with a recap video of the shocking appearance of
Lex Luger
this past Monday on Nitro!

  • Heenan and Schiavone both conjectured as to what he was doing here – they played him off as a WWF walkout quite well.

  • Bobby says he’s been a fan on the man before, and if he’s truly here to rid WCW of Hulk Hogan, then he’d love to welcome aboard the train here in World Championship Wrestling.

  • Schiavone runs down the matches here tonight – including our main events of
    The Renegade
    taking on
    Earl Robert Eaton
    ”Macho Man” Randy Savage
    going one-on-one with
    ”Diamond” Dallas Page





The American Males
The State Patrol


MATCH (30; E):
Tag team action opened up Saturday Night; Bagwell and Riggs looked for a statement win against two tough men in Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker and Lt. James Earl Wright.

  • Schiavone talked about the American Males' current fortunes, hyping their future in the tag division. As he finishes his sentence, Riggs and Bagwell hit a Double Dropkick to Wright for the win.




Next, Tony and Bobby delivered some news regarding Fall Brawl in two weeks.

  • Schiavone officially let the audience know that
    "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan
    is officially
    of the War Games match at the pay-per-view!

  • "The Brain" smirks as Tony continues: due to the extenuating circumstances of the arrival of
    Lex Luger
    , the WCW Board of Directors has decided that Hulk Hogan will put his WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line against "The Total Package," the company's newest employee, at Fall Brawl!

  • Bobby is elated at this because not only will Hogan's buddies get crushed by the Dungeon of Doom, but he's gonna lose his title on top of it!




After a commercial break, Tony takes us back to Nitro, where
Eddie Guerrero
made his debut in a losing effort. Despite the loss, Schiavone and Heenan are both impressed by his prowess in the ring. He's in action right now!



Eddie Guerrero
Sgt. Craig Pittman


MATCH (62; C):
Pittman had the clear strength advantage, but Guerrero was able to out-maneuver him using suplexes and an impressive wrestling background. He picked up the win with a Bridging German Suplex.




Tony and Bobby reminded the audience of the attack by
Arn Anderson
Brian Pillman
Ric Flair
last Monday before sending us over to "Mean Gene," standing by with "Double A" and "Flyin' Brian" themselves.

  • Okerlund asks Arn what exactly is going on with he and Flair, and he breaks it down in pretty simple terms. Arn says that there was a time where he and Ric were family, they were brothers through thick and thin, but that time is gone.

  • Ever since Hogan came around and took his title, Flair's been a shell of his former self - he's not the same man that Arn once stood side-by-side with. That's why at Fall Brawl, Arn wants Flair inside the ring, one-on-one. He says it's a shame it has to come down to this, but "The Enforcer" has to put down "The Nature Boy."

  • Arn apologizes to Sting, saying he was just a casualty of the wrong place and the wrong time, but he issues him a warning as well – stay out of this war between he and Flair or he
    have a problem with both Anderson and Pillman…and heading into War Games, it’s a safe bet that Sting doesn’t want that.




With Heenan talking about how Flair pushed Arn to his breaking point, Schiavone sends us to a recap video of the first Nitro main event where
Hulk Hogan
defeated the disciple of The Taskmaster,
, to retain his title.





"Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright
Kurasawa w/Col. Robert Parker


MATCH (39; D-):
WCW's resident blue chipper has been lost in the shuffle as of late, and he once again got caught against a more intimidating foe.

  • With Parker smoking a cigar and lauding his client's work at ringside, Kurasawa locked in a vicious Fujiwara Armbar forcing Wright to submit.

Gene Okerlund catches up with Parker and his client on their way backstage, and he asks for a few words on Kurasawa.

  • Parker obliges, cackling and saying that there's nobody in WCW, and he means nobody that can hang with Kurasawa - reminding the audience that Kurasawa was the man who took Road Warrior Hawk out with that armbar and broke his arm!

  • Parker says 'no more questions' as Kurasawa non-verbally threatens "Mean Gene," who tells him to back off before he calls security, sending it back to ringside.




Tony tells the audience that no, “Mean Gene” isn’t a time traveler or have any superpower whatsoever, he’s simply showing a taped segment from earlier today where Okerlund interviews one of the men in our main event here tonight,
”Diamond” Dallas Page

  • “Diamond Dallas” runs down his thoughts on “Macho Man,” calling him a no good piece of walking garbage and the most overrated wrestler in the history of this business. Page guarantees a win tonight, and seeks the Diamond Doll’s approval.

  • The Doll looks at him and doesn’t give him an expression of confidence, saying she doesn’t know about all that. Page says she’s an idiot too and that he’s gonna show her what he’s made of here tonight.





Chuck Williams
”The Ice Man” Dean Malenko


MATCH (36; D-):
Our announcers hyped the newcomer to WCW, talking about Malenko’s technical ability as he showed off a variety of moves en route to a short victory.





Schiavone runs down the two main matches for the second edition of Monday Nitro.

  • We’ll see a major title defense as…


    Kamala of the Dungeon of Doom challenges for Sting’s US Heavyweight Championship!




    ”The Total Package” Lex Luger makes his WCW debut as he does battle with “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson!




In the back,
Kevin Sullivan
is alongside the Dungeon of Doom and “Mean” Gene Okerlund – but before they can get to speak,
enters the frame and chaos ensues.

  • He says that he doesn’t care if it’s Kamala this Monday, Zodiac, Shark, or whoever else – we don’t need Hogan; Randy and I have plenty of tricks up our sleeve and we’re coming for you at War Games, Taskmaster!





The Renegade © w/Jimmy Hart
Earl Robert Eaton w/Lord Steven Regal


The Renegade has been steadily picking up steam as of late despite being a clear mockery of The Ultimate Warrior, and Eaton was a great choice to put him over.

  • Regal lurked at ringside, but “The Mouth of the South” was able to call the referee’s attention to his scheming. This was essential in setting up a big Powerslam by Renegade for the successful title defense!




SABU (70; C+):
Another hype video for
airs, and Tony and Bobby give ample hype to his impending debut on WCW television.




LEX EXCESS (84; B+):
Hulk Hogan
makes an appearance next, as he comes out to the ring for an interview with “Mean Gene.”

  • We let him tell us something, brother, and that’s that he doesn’t care about Lex coming from that playground up north to intrude in WCW, but he’s gonna take that challenge and knock Luger alllll the way back to the back of the line, dude.

  • Hogan apologizes to Savage and Sting for having to leave the War Games team, but it’s his responsibility as Heavyweight Champion of WCW, brother. But don’t you worry, Hulkamaniacs – Sting and “The Macho Man” know all about the training, the prayers, and the vitamins, brother, and at Fall Brawl, The Taskmaster and the Dungeon of Doom will crumble under the power of Hulkamania!





”Macho Man” Randy Savage
”Diamond” Dallas Page w/Diamond Doll


MAIN EVENT (66; C+):
We had “Macho Man” make Page look pretty good in this one, but ultimately it was absolutely about him building some steam for Fall Brawl.

  • Page garnered some heat from the crowd, which is an encouraging sight, and we teased some tension between him and the Doll. With him in firm control after an ‘inadvertent’ low blow, he looked for the Doll to raise her ‘10’ sign, but she was feeling more like a Russian judge on this particular night.

  • Shortly thereafter, Page got too distracted playing to the crowd and Savage finished the match with a quick flurry and the Flying Elbow Drop!

With Savage celebrating his victory, Schiavone talks a bit about Fall Brawl in just two weeks – who will he and Sting find to join their team against the Dungeon of Doom?

  • ”The Brain” doesn’t see anyone who would – even Hogan ran scared of the Taskmaster and his forces! Just like the coward that he is!

  • Schiavone disagrees, and reminds the fans to tune in to Nitro this Monday or call the WCW Hotline to find out more about the upcoming clashes at Fall Brawl!




74 (B-)

: With the beginning of Nitro, Saturday Night isn’t going to turn into a sideshow just yet; it’s definitely going to be used to elevate midcard storylines and further expand on our main event one as well. Despite a dip in match quality overall, this show is going to serve an important purpose as the vessel by which the stories on Nitro are expanded upon. This show in itself did a good job, and fans seemed to be satisfied.


Quick Results


The American Males def. The State Patrol


Eddie Guerrero def. Sgt. Craig Pittman


Kurasawa w/Col. Robert Parker def. “Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright


“The Ice Man” Dean Malenko def. Chuck Williams


WCW World Television Championship

The Renegade © w/Jimmy Hart def. Earl Robert Eaton w/Lord Steven Regal


“Macho Man” Randy Savage def. “Diamond” Dallas Page w/Diamond Doll

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WWF SuperStars


September 1995 - Week One

Burlington Memorial Auditorium - Burlington, Vermont

2,000 - SELLOUT!



Announcing Team: Jim Ross and James E. Cornette









The SuperStars intro video kicks off the show, highlighting some of the best the World Wrestling Federation has to offer. Our announcing team welcomes us and runs down the card. Before long, we're taken to ringside and ready for action.



Rad Radford defeated Man Mountain Rock in 5:44 by pinfall, following a Death Valley Driver. 42; D



The same Goldust promo airs, as seen on RAW this past monday. Cornette mentions that it sounds a lot to him like he's referring to The Undertaker.



"Speaking of The Undertaker," Ross states, "he's been pretty busy himself as of late." Referring of course to not only his ongoing saga with King Mabel since back in June, but also to "this". And from there, we're taken to a recap video from monday night, highlighting Helmsley's ambush on The Undertaker's longtime manager Paul Bearer, followed by The Deadman himself popping out of an upright/vertical casket and running him off. Ross then closes out by informing us that not only will their colleague, Vince McMahon, be conducting an exclusive interview with The Blue Blood himself this week on RAW, but he'll also be in action... next!



Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Aldo Montoya in 4:36 by pinfall, with The Pedigree. 43; D



We return from break, as Brother Love ever-so-kindly welcomes us. He introduces his special guest this week: Henry O. Godwinn, who makes his way out to a rather warm reception. Love proceeds to bring up his recent issues with one; "Misterrr Teeedd DiBiaaase!" But before the big hog farmer could answer anything whatsoever, Brother Love continuously yanked the mic away and began spitting insults, attacking everything from his IQ level, to his hillbilly wardrobe, to his 'grotesque' lifestyle. Eventually however, the big man had had enough and grabbed him by his suit!


Just then though, and almost on que, Sycho Sid and "The Supreme Fighting Machine" Kama ambush Henry O. from behind! With the big hog farmer down, even The Million Dollar Man and Brother Love start putting the additional boots to him. Ross refers to this as despicable, while Cornette calls it sheer brilliance, then points out the fact that that dumb idiot redneck never even seen it comin'.


Moments later, an enraged Bam Bam Bigelow comes storming out to the set, sending DiBiase and company running. He checks on his wounded friend, as we cut to commercial break.



Jean-Pierre Lafitte defeated Bob Holly in 7:52 by pinfall, following the La Cannonball. During the match, we heard from Bret Hart in a pre-taped promo, referring to Lafitte as an utter disgrace to his Canadian heritage. Jean-Pierre Lafitte also looked really off his game tonight. 57; C-



Following the match, Lafitte taunted the audience by putting Bret's jacket on, which he hijacked a few weeks back, and mocking him. Ross noted that he's very lucky The Hitman's not in Burlington right now.



He then turns it over to Dok Hendrix, who's in the WWF Event Center. Dok hypes a local house show where we'll be seeing World Wrestling Federation Champion, Diesel putting his title on the line against the man who double-crossed him just a few short weeks ago: The British Bulldog. Furthermore, he goes on to state that we'll also be seeing The Undertaker go one-on-one with the massive King Mabel. We then hear prerecorded comments from all four men.



Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Doink The Clown in 8:46 by pinfall, with a Top Rope Diving Headbutt. Bam Bam looked good out there. During the match, Jim Ross received word that Bam Bam Bigelow will clash with The British Bulldog at In Your House, with the winner ultimately earning himself a shot at the WWF World Heavyweight Championship at the next In Your House, come October, against whomever the champion may be! Needless to say, Cornette was none-too-pleased, as he feels The Bulldog has already earned his shot and "shouldn't have to go through anybody God Damn It! Pardon my French..." - But yet still seems confident that one of his clients will be champion by that point anyway, so in the end, it doesn't really matter. 63; C



Bigelow celebrates his victory over his old nemesis, as the announcers hype Diesel/Mabel and Bret/Yankem for RAW this monday. Fade out.



Final Rating: 67; C+

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/rslXS8b.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">WWF Monday Night RAW: Official Preview</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Live from Syracuse, New York</strong></p><p><strong>

September 1995 - Week Two</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/yAdZrAls.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>"</em>SummerSlam '95... What a historic night it was.<em>"</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>"</em>The reigning WWF Champion, <em><span style="color:#000080;">"Big Daddy Cool" Diesel</span></em> was running on high-octane as he lit the Royal Kingdom aflame, just barely escaping the clutches of the MASSIVE <em><span style="color:#8B0000;">King Mabel</span></em>. This coming monday night, live from Syracuse, New York, it's been signed, sealed and delivered: the re-match we've all been waiting for... with the WWF World Heavyweight Title on the line!<em>"</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"</em>Additionally, following the humiliation suffered during the infamous Kiss My Foot Match this past June, <em><span style="color:#8B0000;">Jerry "The King" Lawler</span></em> swore vengeance on his arch nemesis, <em><span style="color:#000080;">Bret "The Hitman" Hart</span></em> by calling upon his personal dentist, <em><span style="color:#8B0000;">Isaac Yankem DDS</span></em> to do his dirty work. It was a hard-hitting affair just eight short days ago that resulted in a disqualification, as The Hitman won the battle, but ultimately lost the war. However, this time around The Excellence Of Execution has a special message for The King and his disgusting sidekick - "<em>I was trained to knock teeth out the old-fashioned way... with my two clenched fists!</em>" One thing's for certain; this is one re-match that will most certainly NOT be for the weak at heart.<em>"</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"</em>Also, after the instant-classic we saw between <em><span style="color:#000080;">The 1-2-3 Kid</span></em> and <em><span style="color:#8B0000;">"The White Angel" Hakushi</span></em>, these two are set to do battle one more time around in what's sure to be yet another epic encounter.<em>"</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>"</em>Three re-matches set to take place from that one historic night. Tune in to RAW this monday and see how the unwary backlash unfolds...</p><p> </p><p>

And to continue to... FEEL... THE... HEAT!<em>"</em></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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  • 4 weeks later...






WWF Monday Night RAW


September 1995 - Week Two

Manley Field House - Syracuse, New York

10,000 - SELLOUT!



Announcing Team: Vince McMahon and Jerry "The King" Lawler








The RAW intro vid airs, highlighting some of the World Wrestling Federation's finest!




Vince McMahon welcomes us, alongside his colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler. He immediately mentions that all three matches scheduled for tonight's LIVE broadcast are indeed rematches from the single biggest event of the summer - SuuummerSlaaaammm!


The King then chimes in by stating how great this is because it's basically like getting a live pay-per-view... for free! He continues on, claiming that the entire world knows that "Diesel Power" is running on fumes, following his clash with King Mabel just eight short days ago. And right here tonight, not only will Mabel finish the job, but also - a brand new champion will be crowned!


McMahon doesn't doubt Lawler, but reminds him that Big Daddy Cool is indeed closing in on one full year as WWF Champion, that he's taken down ALL comers! Lawler quickly responds by reminding Vince that King Mabel has already done the unthinkable... he mowed through The Undertaker in the King Of The Ring tournament, so what makes him think he won't do the same to Diesel tonight? But just as McMahon begins to answer, Lawler cuts him off and tells him his opinion don't matter - because he's so stupid, he thought Hamburger Helper came with a person! Before laughing, as per usual, at his own joke.


Vince throws a sarcastic laugh before reminding The King he himself may not be laughing so hard later when Bret "The Hitman" Hart MOWS OVER his cohort, Dr. Issac Yankem DDS! OH YEAH!!!


Just as Lawler starts in on Bret, Dean Douglas appears, throws a headset on, and tells them to relax, he's just here to "live grade" our opening contest. The entrance theme of Hakushi is heard throughout the arena, as The King mentions to Dean that McMahon would bow down, being he's in the presence of so much greatness - and royalty - at the moment... but he's afraid his toupee might fall off! The two then share a wholehearted laugh, as we head over to ringside.












"The White Angel" Hakushi Vs. The 1-2-3 Kid




As expected, an extremely fast-paced, high-flying encounter here between two of the World Wrestling Federation's finest. Hakushi would gain the early advantage, hitting a swift kick combo, which would back The Kid into a corner... followed by a cartwheel back elbow smash! From there, he'd go for the early cover, but would only get a count of one.


The momentum would swing however, when 'The White Angel' would send his opponent into the ropes, making the ever-so-costly mistake of putting his head down. A hard kick to the chest, a spinning heel kick to the jaw, and it was The Kid who was in the driver's seat.


For the next few minutes or so, these two went at each other tooth & nail. Some highlights would include: The 1-2-3 Kid missing a running suicide dive through the ropes and out onto the floor... which was instantly proceeded by Hakushi hitting a cartwheel over-the-top-rope suicide moonsault! When McMahon asked Douglas what he thought of that, he referred to the move as mildly impressive and gave it a D-plus. To which would clearly outrage Vince: "A WHAT!!?" he responded. Shortly thereafter, after yet another momentum swing, The Kid would hit the 1-2-3 Kick to perfection! But the resilient one from the Orient would throw his shoulder up at two and three quarters.


This one would come to a close when Hakushi would telegraph an asai moonsault - which he naturally preceded with a prayer - and The Kid would capitalize quickly, hitting some kind of sitout face-buster, then scoring the fall and ultimately getting his win back from SummerSlam.


Furthermore, Dean Douglas would go on to give this one an F-minus.





Your Winner: The 1-2-3 Kid (via pinfall.)


Notes: The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Hakushi in 7:53 by pinfall, following a sitout face-buster.


Grade: 57; C-







The bell sounds off, and seconds later, Dean Douglas ambushes The Kid from behind with a knee right to the back! Vince goes on about how he knew Douglas was up to something, as he yanks The 1-2-3 Kid up by the hair and hits a thunderous belly-to-belly suplex! Dean Douglas smirks slyly as The King cheers him on. The Kid uses the ropes to slowly pull himself back up, as Dean looks on; laughing. Eventually, he gets himself there, but virtually out cold on his feet, with McMahon pointing out how much guts and intestinal fortitude The Kid has. Lawler however, claims he's just plain stupid, as Dean moves in... and DRILLS him with a lifting reverse STO, which The King goes wild for!



Lawler: "That's gotta be it McMahon! He told me earlier today that he calls that move The Final Exam!! Ahaahahahahaha!!"



Douglas then gets right in the face of his 'flat-lined' adversary and yells out, asking where his big, bad buddy is now?! (referring to Razor, of course.) He would then gloat to the audience - who responded back with a chorus of boos - as we head off to commercial break.




Just before we return from break, a short video package airs for In Your House: Gold Rush. It's main focus is the main event, which is being billed as a Triple Header Match (for the first time in World Wrestling Federation history).


- Four Men.

- Three Titles.

- Two Teams.

- One Match.




The announcing team then briefly hypes the huge upcoming event, before our next contest.










Skip w/Sunny Vs. Henry O. Godwinn




Skip seemed to have things well in hand, when his part-time tag partner, Rad Radford came down to ringside, apparently to cheer on his friend. Sunny began to scream at him on the outside, stating that she had told him to stay in the back. This distracted Skip's attention away from the big hog-farmer just long enough for a Slop Drop, a cover, and a victory.





Your Winner: Henry O. Godwinn (via pinfall.)


Notes: Henry O. Godwinn defeated Skip in 5:05 by pinfall, following a Slop Drop. During the match we also had an inadvertent distraction caused by Rad Radford. Godwinn was really of his game tonight.


Grade: 55; C-







The big man celebrates his victory up the aisle with some fans, as Sunny seems none-too-thrilled with her clients in the ring. Skip sells the finish well, and appears to be disgusted with his 'partner'.




We return from a short break with Vince McMahon standing in the ring, microphone in hand. He asks us to please welcome his guest at this time: Hunter... Hearst... Helmsley!


The Blue Blood's entrance theme hits, as he slowly - but surely - makes his way down to ringside with a smug look on his face... and a beautiful young lady on his arm. Once the music cuts and he's settled, McMahon begins.



McMahon: "Ok Mr. Helmsley, let's get right down to it, shall we? I don't believe there's a doubt in anyone's mind that your tenure thus far here in the World Wrestling Federation has been nothing short of impressive. But your actions last week jus..."


Helmsley: "Hold it right there, McMahon! I'm pretty sure everyone knows where you're goin' with this, so allow me to save you the time... and the trouble. The reason I did what I did last week is plain and simple; I'm not like all these other nickel-and-dime peasants that revolve through this company time and time again. You see, everything I've ever wanted throughout my life I've always attained, whether it be fortune...whether it be fame... - he then pauses, and glances over at the pretty woman by his side with a smug smirk - whether it be a beautiful young lady. Now make no mistake about it, I've arrived in the World Wrestling Federation for one reason and one reason only: to stand alone atop the mountain. And you and I both know there's no better way to the top then gunning right for the top dog. So UNDERTAKER... you want a piece of me?? Why don't you come get it thirteen days from now... at In Your House."


McMahon: "Wait a minute... did you just lay out a challenge to The UNDERTAKER at In Your House: Gold Rush??"


Helmsley: "You're damn right I did. If that no-good ingrate president of ours, Gorilla Monsoon wants to keep putting yours truly in the ring with glorified nobodies like Aldo Montoya, then I my friend, have to take matters into my own hands. And right now I want The Undertaker... that is of course, if he has the ball..."



Lights out. Bell toll. Massive eruption.



Following another bell toll... and another... the lights shoot back on. With Vince nowhere to be found after instantaneously hightailing it, Helmsley checks frantically but there's no sign of The Deadman. However, his cryptic message had been sent loud and clear.










Isaac Yankem DDS Vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart




McMahon, a bit shaken from what's just transpired, returns to a quite enthusiastic Jerry Lawler, who's hyping our next contest as the one he's been waiting for all week! His personal dentist - and best friend, he claims - makes his way down to ringside, followed by 'The Hitman'. The crowd explodes for Bret, as Yankem clears the ring, standing alongside his number one patient - who's naturally trashing his opponent on commentary.


Before long, we're underway, with Bret effectively sticking and moving. A few arm-drag take downs later, and the World Wrestling Federation's resident cavity-filler retreats right back to the outside. A frustrated Lawler starts taunting 'The Hitman' once again, pointing out his 'greasy long hair' in specific - stating that when Bret was conceived, his mother wanted a girl, his father wanted a boy... and they were both satisfied!


We were treated to a pretty good contest here overall, though Yankem seemed off his game tonight. However, as we seem to be reminded day in and day out, one can never underestimate 'The Excellence Of Execution'. On the contrary, Bret looked good out there, and though things may have looked a bit bleak for 'The Hitman' once or twice in this back-and-forth affair, he managed to simply do what he does best...




Hit Five Moves Of Doom.


Finish Opponent With Perfectly Executed Sharpshooter.





Your Winner: Bret "The Hitman" Hart (via submission.)


Notes: Bret Hart defeated Isaac Yankem DDS in 10:06 via submission, with the Sharpshooter. Isaac Yankem seemed off his game tonight. Bret Hart looked good out there. Pretty satisfied with how this one turned out, and looking forward to whatever both their futures may hold. Perhaps someone somehow/someway morphing into Diesel? Or a DUSTY finish in Montreal? :( RIP


Grade: 82; B







The Hitman gets his retribution from SummerSlam without any outside interference from The King, shockingly. Lawler though, is quick to hop on the apron and start waving his finger at Bret, yelling about how worthless he is. He baits... Hart goes after him... but The King jumps off the ring apron at the last possible second. The Hitman begins chasing him around the ring when Jean-Pierre Lafitte suddenly appears, and levels him outta nowhere!


Lawler lets out a manic laugh as both men begin assaulting him. They lay the boots in initially, before Lafitte picks him up by the hair and sends him flying into the ring post! The King barks out orders, as Jean-Pierre picks The Hitman up... rolls him in the ring... and drills him with a death valley driver! With Hart already down and out, Lafitte climbs up high... and hits the La Cannonball (senton bomb, for those wondering.) for good measure! McMahon states how HEINOUS his co-host is for orchestrating this, as we cut to commercial.




We return, with "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon backstage in the catering room, chomping away at some kind of meat on a stick, when a wounded 1-2-3 Kid suddenly sneaks up on him...



The Kid: "Yoooo man!"


Razor: "Hey Kid. You okay, chico? What ha..."


The Kid: "Yo man, where the hell were ya out there??"


Razor: "Huh?"


The Kid: "Out there, earlier tonight when I was gettin' my butt whipped by Dean Douglas..."


Razor: "Relax mang... I just got here. And hey...don't be comin' in here barkin' at me...it ain't my fault you can't take care of yourself."


The Kid: "Ya know Razor, it's just like I told ya last week; no respect. And ya know what the scary part is? Not only is this guy tryin' to drive a wedge between us... it's working."


Razor: "I told you chico, I WASN'T HERE. If I was... I woulda had your back. But you know what mang? You wanna talk about respect, chico? You wanna question... The Bad Guy? Why don't you do us both a favor and stay the hell outta MY BUSINESS! Because at In Your House... Gold Rush... I'm gonna FINISH Dean Douglas. And just for the record, I don't need any help... from NOBODY."



Razor walks off, as The Kid is visibly upset. McMahon and Lawler both seem to agree for a change; on the fact that whatever Douglas' master-plan is, it appears to be working. The King adds in that Dean's IQ level is higher than both those two idiots combined! Vince begs to differ, countering with the fact that at In Your House, his intellectual adeptness won't matter one iota, because The Bad Guy's comin' for a fight! Just then, King Mabel's music hits, and we're set for our main event!










WWF World Heavyweight Championship


King Mabel w/Sir Mo Vs. "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel ©




As expected, this one was an extremely hard-hitting affair.


The two men sized each other up early on. A knee to the gut, followed by an irish whip, and multiple knee lifts/back elbow strikes to the challenger's head would put the champion in the drivers seat early. However, after momentarily being in control, 'Big Daddy Cool' would make a costly mistake; going for yet another irish whip... only this time Mabel reverses hard, sending Diesel's back crashing into the turnbuckle. He comes staggering out and gets clobbered with a pulverizing clothesline!


King Mabel taunts the live audience for a second, before working over his opponent. His sheer power and mass really appear to be too much for the champion here - McMahon points out - as he gets two extremely near falls; following a spinning side slam and a devastating samoan drop. From there however, he hits the ropes... and drops a big leg right on the kisser of 'Big Daddy Cool'! But instead of going for the cover, he decides to hit the ropes once more... and adds a big splash for insurance!


Lawler proclaims a new champion, as the challenger goes for the cover... but Diesel astonishingly kicks out at two!


King Mabel's in shock. Sir Mo is in shock. And 'Big D' somehow catches a second wind!


He levels his opposition with a flurry of punches and catches him with a big boot! He revs up the crowd, but is instantly interrupted by Sir Mo, who's quick to jump on the apron. He draws the champion over, along with the referee and the chaos ensues!


Sir Mo has something in his hand. The referee is trying to hold Diesel back, but King Mabel is seen sneaking up from behind... Sir Mo swings... 'Big Daddy Cool' DUCKS... and the challenger gets unexpectedly blinded! Sir Mo went to throw salt in the eyes of the champ, but ended up hitting his own man! Diesel manages to roll him up - and even puts his feet on the ropes for extra leverage, driving his shoulder even more so into the gargantuan legs of the challenger - and get the three count!





Your Winner: And STILL WWF World Heavyweight Champion, "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel (via pinfall.)


Notes: Diesel defeated King Mabel in 7:17 by pinfall with a schoolboy roll-up, following botched interference by Sir Mo. Diesel makes Defense Number 26 of his WWF World Heavyweight Title. King Mabel and Sir Mo are an awkward pairing, they just have no chemistry whatsoever. And yes, the World Wrestling Federation is still running on DIESEL POWER! :D


Grade: 74; B-







The crowd erupts, as Big Daddy Cool's theme hits and he celebrates his HUGE title-defense victory here on Raw! McMahon calls it "UN-BEEE-LIEVABLE" and claims that the World Wrestling Federation could quite possibly be runnin' on Diesel Power for quite a long time to come. The King makes his frustrations well known, and tells McMahon not to worry, because in just thirteen days - at In Your House: Gold Rush - his day is coming... at the hands of Owen Hart and Yokozuna!


Just then, as Vince points out the fact that Lawler's just bitter because neither of his men were victorious tonight - obviously making reference to not only King Mabel, but Dr. Isaac Yankem as well - we see none other than the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion himself, Shawn Michaels, come bursting through the crowd and jump the barricade!



McMahon: "King! King! There he is!! The Heart Break Kid is here!!!"


Lawler: "I'm outta here McMahon."



Lawler leaves. Shawn enters the ring, as his big buddy stands tall. Diesel then puts his hand high... Michaels runs towards him... jumps... high five!



McMahon: "OH YEAH!!!!!"



Once his obvious love-affair with The Two Dudes With Attitudes tones down a notch, he hypes a few matches that have been officially been signed for the WWF's upcoming week of television...








Next week on RAW:



http://i.imgur.com/pGHQHmSs.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/RTHP1zqs.jpg Vs. http://i.imgur.com/R2wbZoJs.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/C11VQQ8s.jpg





(Vince puts a little extra 'umph' behind this one, hyping it in a big way...)


http://i.imgur.com/RMgMdNzs.jpg Vs. http://i.imgur.com/xgEQq54s.jpg





This week on SuperStars:





In Tag Team Action!









Final Rating: 76; B-


This show increased our popularity in 9 regions.

This show decreased our popularity in 11 regions.


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WCW Monday Nitro Preview: Week 2, September 1995




WCW Monday Nitro: Official Preview

The Pyramid Arena; Memphis, TN

Week 2, September 1995




"It's week 2 of the WCW Monday Nitro Era and boy, it's going to be explosive! I'm Gene Okerlund and this week, our main event will feature action between a WCW stalwart and a man whose World Championship Wrestling days I thought were over before his shocking return last week: we will see
"Double A" Arn Anderson
going one-on-one with
"The Total Package" Lex Luger
! Luger's contract is signed, sealed, and delivered, and this means that he is officially a member of the WCW locker room once more, but can he make a statement by toppling "The Enforcer" in his return?


Also, despite the chaos surrounding the conclusion to his match last week, the life of a champion is a busy one;
"The Franchise" Sting
will defend his United States Heavyweight Championship against a fearsome member of the Dungeon of Doom,
"The Ugandan Giant" Kamala
! The title bouts do not stop there; at the top of the hour we will see
Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater
defend their WCW Tag Team Titles against
The American Males
! With two title matches and the unpredictability of WCW Monday Nitro, who will walk out with the two championships?


I've recently received word that at the opening of the show,
Eric Bischoff
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
will announce the state of the main event in two weeks at WCW Fall Brawl! How will this affect World Championship Wrestling as a whole? I'm not sure, but what I am sure of is that
"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan
will have something to say about it!


Until then, don't forget to call the WCW Hotline at 1-900-909-9900 right now for up to the minute details on the hottest rumors and news in the world of professional wrestling! Anything goes on the WCW Hotline! Fans, we will see you for WCW Monday Nitro very soon, stay tuned!"

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WCW Monday Nitro: Week 2, September 1995


From the notes of Eric Bischoff:





WCW Monday Nitro
Week 2, September 1995

The Pyramid Arena; Memphis, TN


Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Steve "Mongo" McMichael



Fireworks explode and along with “Mongo” and “Brain,” I greeted our television audience.

  • We put over the unprecedented inaugural Nitro and talked about how anything can happen in WCW – and that’s exemplified by the changes made for WCW Fall Brawl in thirteen days!

  • War Games is in turmoil as
    ”The Immortal” Hulk Hogan
    has been
    from the match against the
    Dungeon of Doom
    ; instead, he’ll be defending the WCW World Heavyweight Title in a contest against
    ”The Total Package” Lex Luger

  • Bobby said that Sting and “The Macho Man” are in trouble because that rotten traitor Hogan decided to cash in on Luger’s popularity around the world!

  • ”Mongo” was more of the opinion that Hogan was just taking care of his business as Dubya See Dubya Heavyweight Champion, baby, and (presumably) his pet Chihuahua, Pepe, agreed with him.

  • I rerouted our broadcast to the ringside area, where a jam-packed hour of WCW television was set to kick off – with
    ”Mean” Gene Okerlund
    in the ring!




Gene Okerlund
introduced his guests as two men who have a tall task thirteen days away; with the monumental announcement they lose their second partner in two weeks. He introduces
”The Macho Man” Randy Savage

  • Sting reminded us of his history of strong friendship with Lex Luger, and how he and Hogan haven’t always seen eye to eye. He and Randy felt as if they were hung out to dry for money, and that's not cool, man.

  • Randy said he’s always been more of a man of action – and calls Hogan out to the ring!

  • We didn’t get the World Champion, but we got
    ”The Total Package”

  • Sting thought that after all they’d been through, even keeping in contact while Luger was “playing cowboys and Indians” up north, he thought they were better friends and that Lex would help him against the real threat – the Dungeon of Doom!

  • Luger let Sting know that their friendship shouldn’t be called into question here and that Sting would do the same thing if he had the title opportunity! Sting disagreed, and Lex asked why they’re fighting Hogan’s battles, but neither let the other get a productive word in edgewise.

  • Randy had enough of the bickering; he got into Luger’s face and asks the simple question – “are you with us or are you
    us, dude?!” … to which Luger had no answer; he scowled at Savage and walked out without a response one way or the other! “Mean Gene” had no choice but to send us to our first commercial break, promising Tag Title action when we come back!





The American Males
Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck © w/Col. Robert Parker


We talked about the upstart American Males as possible championship contenders, despite only having been together for a month, but Bobby wasn’t buying it – Col. Parker was too smart to let that happen.

  • The rough-and-tough rednecks did a good job of beating on the challengers, teaching their younger, flashier adversaries a lesson.

  • Things took a dark turn as soon as
    Sensuous Sherri
    , the manager of Harlem Heat, walked down to the ring, completely attracting the gaze and concentration of Col. Robert Parker and indirectly created a disturbance for the Tag Team Champions inside the ring.

  • This allowed Riggs and Bagwell to shock the world when Bagwell caught Buck with a diving clothesline from the top rope! Riggs dropkicked Slater away and the Males became the WCW Tag Team Champions!




SABU HYPE (66; C+):
We move from new champions to new wrestlers, as the commentary crew and I sent it over to a video of newcomer

  • After the video, we got more of Heenan expressing his disgust with the maniacal tactics of this man soon to wrestle in the WCW ring, while McMichael was still excited for his debut.

  • But first, it was time for me to send it over to Gene Okerlund in the back, standing with a man who stuck his nose in Ric Flair’s business last week.




“Mean Gene” introduced his next backstage guest,
”Double A” Arn Anderson
, along with his newfound ‘friend’
”Flyin’” Brian Pillman
. Okerlund explained that Anderson requested this interview time to send a message to “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair.

  • With Pillman wandering around the frame cackling to himself and making faces behind “Mean Gene,” Arn talked about the near future – once he takes out that Hollywood Blonde-wannabe Luger and sends him back to Connecticut in a box, he’s got Flair at Fall Brawl!

  • Pillman, still howling with laughter, drew the ire of Okerlund, who wants to know what in the
    (excuse his language) “Flyin’ Brian” finds so funny?

  • This forced the typically stoic “Enforcer” to crack a smirk himself; he let Okerlund know that in thirteen nights at Fall Brawl, the special guest referee for his match against Flair is gonna be Brian Pillman! Gene was aghast as Pillman’s raspy cackle followed him and “Double A” offscreen.





"The Franchise" Sting © w/Randy Savage
"The Ugandan Giant" Kamala w/The Taskmaster


It was clear from the start that Sting had other matters on his mind, and we talked a lot about his strained relationship with both Luger and Hogan. Bobby reminded him to focus on the Dungeon, because The Taskmaster is too brilliant to be trifled with.

  • ”The Ugandan Giant” looked to take advantage here and take the US Title from “The Franchise,” though he didn’t seem to be very aware of the issues Sting had been facing.

  • While Kamala posed a formidable challenge, the guts and the will to win by Sting pulled him through as a Stinger Splash and the Scorpion Deathlock led to a title defense for the Stinger!

With the bell ringing,
The Taskmaster
summoned the cavalry;
Zodiac, Meng, and The Shark
hit the ring from the back to overwhelm Sting and Savage.

  • Just when it looked like our heroes were doomed, both
    Lex Luger
    Hulk Hogan
    hit the ring! Some punches and clotheslines quickly cleared the ring of the Dungeon, as we mentioned the best chance to beat the Dungeon was as a cohesive unit; but Bobby said that it was too bad Hogan’s greed got in the way at Fall Brawl.

  • As the four stars were holding their arms high in unison, someone said something and the next thing we knew, Luger and Hogan were in the middle of a shoving match, shouting at each other in the ring! Sting held back Lex and walked him to the back while Savage tried to talk some sense into Hogan before we headed to a commercial break.




”The Nature Boy” Ric Flair
is with Mean Gene, and he’s got some words for his former running buddy Arn Anderson.

  • Flair says he’s seen those prying eyes behind him all these years and he always knew that “Double A” knew deep down he could never ‘measure up’ to “The Nature Boy” and “Space Mountain,” woo!

  • And Pillman! If he wanted to get involved, Flair said he just had to ask, brotha! “Double A” is gonna get the beating of his life, and Pillman ain’t gonna have a choice but to stop the match when Arn’s crying like a baby in the Figure Four!

  • There ain’t gonna be no “Dirtiest Player in the Game,” Flair said, just an old-fashioned, all guns’ blazing beat down,




A 6:05 Eastern Time on TBS, Tony Schiavone and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan will be live from WCW Saturday Night!

  • Graphics display the two top matchups for the event:


    Lord Steven Regal goes one-on-one with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair




    One-half of the new WCW Tag Team Champions, Marcus Bagwell, will face off with "Flyin'" Brian Pillman!





"The Total Package" Lex Luger
"Double A" Arn Anderson w/Brian Pillman


Next, it was time for our main event, and we hyped the (re)debut of Luger to the moon; though, Heenan made sure that the audience didn’t sleep on the intelligence of “The Enforcer.”

  • The contest was entirely evenly-matched, with Luger having most of the crowd support in his corner. Arn spent most of the match working on Luger’s back, seeking to prevent him from lifting him for the Torture Rack.

  • Pillman’s presence around the outside was hard to ignore, as Lex had his ankles grabbed and dealt with various shouts from the outside.

  • After
    ”The Nature Boy” Ric Flair
    ran down to ringside and engaged Pillman, Luger was able to capitalize on the chaos by gathering all his strength and lifting Anderson up for the Torture Rack! “The Enforcer” had no choice but to submit, and Luger was the victor in his return to WCW programming!

With Lex celebrating in the ring, we hyped next week’s Nitro, promising to clear up the situation regarding War Games, and reminded the audience to tune in to Saturday Night!

  • Not only that, but we let everyone know that next week on Nitro, our new WCW Tag Team Champions
    The American Males
    would put their belts on the line against
    ”Flyin’” Brian and Arn Anderson
    in what should be a barn burner!




77 (B)

: We built upon the storylines from last week pretty well, though the title matches could have been better. We're still working out the kinks of a one-hour main show, but so far, so good in my opinion. Fall Brawl should be a telling sign of our progress.


Quick Results


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The American Males def. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater © w/Col. Robert Parker


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Sting © def. Kamala w/The Taskmaster


Lex Luger def. Arn Anderson w/Brian Pillman

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WCW Saturday Night: Week 2, September 1995


From the notes of Eric Bischoff:





WCW Saturday Night
Week 2, September 1995

Jefferson County Fairgrounds; Jefferson City, TN

2,000 (sell out!)

Tony Schiavone, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan



WELCOME! (88; B+):
Tony and Bobby introduce WCW Saturday Night by discussing last week’s Nitro events including the tempers flaring between
Lex Luger
Hulk Hogan
and the precarious position of
”The Macho Man”
against the
Dungeon of Doom

  • Bobby’s behind Lex despite his hiatus from WCW because he believes Luger is a man who knows how to get the job done, not like that piece of garbage Hogan, and he wants Lex as the face of WCW.

  • He also admits that Sting and Savage are in
    trouble because “The Taskmaster” surely has something cooked up even if they do find partners by next Sunday night.

  • Tony cuts him off here because we’ve got to head to the ring for some wrestling!





"Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright
Rip Rogers


MATCH (39; D-):
Wright had a tremendous amount of momentum going for him in ’95 thus far, and despite a loss to Kurasawa last week on Saturday Night, he picked back up with a nice performance here.

  • The well-traveled Rip Rogers found himself on the receiving end of a Missile Dropkick, and “Das Wunderkind” left with a victory.




In the back,
”Mean” Gene Okerlund
is standing with
The Taskmaster
and the
Dungeon of Doom

  • Sullivan cuts a quick promo on their War Games opponents, saying essentially what Bobby said earlier; the Dungeon of Doom is all on the same page while Sting and Randy are worried about holding those two big idiots apart.

  • When you mess with the Dungeon of Doom, you have to be willing to put your life in the hands of your allies, because Sullivan and his ghouls are going to
    the false idols in WCW!





The Nasty Boys
Kamala and The Shark w/The Taskmaster


MATCH (66; C+):
The Taskmaster’s minions were in action against the former three-time WCW Tag Team Champions.

  • It was an all-out brawl, but eventually the chaos backfired on the Dungeon;
    Sting and Randy Savage
    hit the ring to stand in unison against Sullivan’s cheating tactics, and the Nastys hit a Double DDT on Kamala for the win!




Tony and Bobby send it over to a vignette hyping one of WCW’s newest arrivals, a man with slicked back black hair, clad in a suit with a dollar sign lapel on his jacket.

  • He introduces himself as WCW’s resident financial advisor; every billion dollar corporation like World Championship Wrestling needs a man to keep the fiscal affairs in order to stop it from going under.

  • WCW management has decided to invest in this man, by the name of
    Vincent K. Price
    , and while tax collecting is only one of his many talents, he’s going to make the entirety of the competition in World Championship Wrestling “pay the Price.”




OH NO… (61; C):
In the ring as we return is
Col. Robert Parker
, who is standing with
”Mean” Gene Okerlund
, and an unnamed Japanese man with small round sunglasses.

  • Parker, smoking his signature cigar, talks about how hard it is to wrangle a man like Kurasawa whose fighting spirit is running at all times; Parker says he’s had to stop him from attacking children backstage because he’s always in the mood for a fight!

  • Gene calls that reprehensible as Parker and the man laugh; Parker says that he traveled far and wide to find a man who could handle Kurasawa and he’s finally found him; he introduces the man to his left as
    Sonny Onoo
    , and he’s going to help him manage Kurasawa!

  • He tells Gene to back up and let Sonny do his work; we’ve got a match after this commercial break!



"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo and Col. Robert Parker


MATCH (54; C-):
The crowd was still somewhat behind Duggan despite his act being stale and his age getting in the way of his performances.

  • Duggan had the Japanese Kurasawa reeling for a bit, and as he played to the crowd and went to tape his fist for a closed-hand shot to the face, Kurasawa ducked and caught him with a Fujiwara Armbar, the same move that broke Hawk’s arm! Duggan had no choice but to submit as Parker and Onoo raised the arm of their client.




”Mean Gene”
has an interview segment with the new WCW Tag Team Champions,
The American Males
, backstage; but it’s interrupted by…
”The Macho Man” Randy Savage

  • Savage says they’ve been impressed by their skills as of late, (
    ), and “The Stinger” and “The Macho Man” are in the market for some new allies – they want the champs on their side at War Games!

  • ”Mean Gene” jumps at that announcement – Sting, Savage, and the Tag Champs would be a formidable squad to face the Dungeon of Doom! Bagwell and Riggs hesitate for a moment though – they’ve got Marcus’s match here tonight against Pillman and a title defense on Nitro – but they agree to let them know by Monday night whether they’ll join the fight against the Dungeon of Doom!




SABU (62; C):
Another video airs to hype
, showing the unorthodox offense and the high intensity that he’ll be bringing to WCW, backed by some cheesy music.

  • Bobby still says that Sabu shouldn’t be sanctioned to wrestle as a WCW competitor, but that’s it as we head back to ringside for more action.





Julio Sanchez
"The Ice Man" Dean Malenko


MATCH (40; D-):
The upstart Sanchez tried to use his quickness to his advantage, but he was no match for “The Ice Man.” The cold, focused Malenko caught Julio after an errant crossbody and hit a double-underhook Powerbomb for the win.





Tony and “The Brain” talk about what’s to come in two nights at “the epicenter of professional wrestling” WCW Monday Nitro.

  • Lex Luger
    ”The Immortal” Hulk Hogan
    will have an in-ring ‘face-off’ six nights before the pay-per-view, and we’ll also hear the decision by
    The American Males
    as to whether they’ll be joining
    Randy Savage
    against the
    Dungeon of Doom
    inside War Games!

  • Our big matchups are as follows:


    In our main event, Meng of the Dungeon of Doom takes on “The Macho Man” Randy Savage just six days before War Games: The Match Beyond!




    ”The Enforcer” Arn Anderson and “Flyin’” Brian Pillman get their chance to put their hands on gold as they take on the WCW World Tag Team Champions, The American Males!




Harlem Heat
, Booker T and Stevie Ray, are spotted walking through the back, when a commotion erupts.

  • They spot their manager,
    Sensuous Sherri
    , flirting with the hated
    Col. Robert Parker
    and they begin to rip into Sherri for talking to him!

  • Stevie is questioning Sherri while Booker decides to grab Parker by the head – knocking the cigar out of his mouth to the ground in the process – and boots him from the area! The two continue to argue with Sherri as we head back to ringside where Tony and Bobby discuss the friction.





Marcus Bagwell w/Scotty Riggs
"Flyin'" Brian Pillman w/Arn Anderson


MATCH (69; C+):
Two of WCW’s brightest young wrestlers went at it here, and it was a solid contest from start to finish.

  • Bagwell looked to have this one in hand as he used the motivation of the crowd, but Pillman caught him with a low blow as the referee was preoccupied with “The Enforcer,” hitting a Russian Legsweep for the win.

Pillman and Anderson celebrate “Flyin’ Brian”’s win by putting the boots immediately to Bagwell and overwhelming his tag team partner, Scotty Riggs, in a two-on-one assault.

  • But wait –
    ”The Nature Boy” Ric Flair
    runs out from the back like a house of fire to deliver some justice! Anderson catches a couple of chops before Pillman turns Flair around – chops and punches to Pillman! Arn and Brian get out of Dodge as Flair helps the Males to their feet, gesturing to their Tag Team Titles!





"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
Lord Steven Regal w/Earl Robert Eaton


Flair stayed in the ring as his main event match was up next! This one turned out to be a fine, fine wrestling match as these two technicians drew out the best in one another.

  • Regal twisted and stretched the limbs of Flair throughout the match; prompting an occasional “oh God!” from “The Nature Boy,” but no submission.

  • Eaton, on the outside, looked to get involved as much as possible before Flair confronted him; this led to a Regal attack from behind, which Ric ducked and Eaton caught an elbow from his Lordship!

  • Though Regal looked to end it by locking in the Figure Four on its master, Flair mustered up enough momentum to turn it over! Regal had no choice but to tap out from the reversal of pressure, and “The Nature Boy” scored a nice win on Saturday Night!

After the match,
”Mean Gene
gets in the ring, asking Flair what it means to face off with “Double A” at Fall Brawl.

  • The adrenaline-laced “Nature Boy” begins to shout at the top of his lungs at both Anderson and Pillman, saying that they’re both cowards and that “The Nature Boy” will take ‘em for a ride anytime, anywhere!

  • Since he lost the WCW Title, Flair recognizes that he’s been pushed harder than ever to be a champion. Arn’s made him realize that he’d lost his way; but that slimy piece of trash Pillman is the one corrupting this friendship right now!

  • Flair says if this is what it takes – the family feud you never thought you’d see is here, brother! Ric Flair! Arn Anderson! Fall Brawl, baby,




Just as Bobby and Tony are getting ready to wrap things up, Schiavone gets word from the back that there’s commotion, and sends us right there with a camera crew.

  • It’s the parking lot and it appears that
    Hulk Hogan
    Lex Luger
    are in the middle of an argument about the Heavyweight Championship and their own histories, being held apart by
    ”The Macho Man” Randy Savage
    , respectively.

  • The fracas calms down for a moment thanks to the mediators, and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion and his challenger meet. They take a couple of deep breaths and Luger extends his hand. Hogan accepts the shake, but Luger slaps him across the face with his left hand, re-igniting the uproar!

  • Hulk throws a punch, Luger throws one back, and their friends jump in the middle once more! Sting shoves Luger back, Savage is now screaming at Hogan, and the two are impeded by security again – we leave the show with the ruckus in the parking lot – see you in two nights for Nitro!




85 (B+)

: Regal and Flair really turned some heads here and that helped out the sizzling final segment. Saturday Night is going to do the bulk of the storytelling while Nitro picks parts of the big storylines. Fall Brawl will be interesting next Sunday for sure.


Quick Results


"Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright def. Rip Rogers


The Nasty Boys def. Kamala and The Shark w/The Taskmaster


Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo and Col. Robert Parker def. “Hacksaw" Jim Duggan


“The Ice Man” Dean Malenko def. Julio Sanchez


"Flyin'" Brian Pillman w/Arn Anderson def. Marcus Bagwell w/Scotty Riggs


"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair def. Lord Steven Regal w/Earl Robert Eaton

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Yeah, it was just a shot at the big Mabel push of 95. Mabel was not a good big guy at all at the time.


Regardless, he was being pushed extremely hard at this point. Trying to stay (somewhat) true to what they were actually doing here, at least for the first month or two. Then... expect all hell to break loose! :D


Hey hey hey now, Mabel was a beast! But anyways good stuff, keep it up JudgeJury and RKO!


lol thank you kind sir.

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  • 3 weeks later...






WWF SuperStars


September 1995 - Week Two

Charles L. Sewall Center - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2,000 - SELLOUT!



Announcing Team: Jim Ross and James E. Cornette









The SuperStars intro video kicks off the show, highlighting some of the best the World Wrestling Federation has to offer.



Jim Ross and James E. Cornette welcome us in and immediately speak of our feature bout, in which we'll see The Two Dudes With Attitudes - making a rare SuperStars appearance - in tag team action. Cornette goes on a short tirade about how in approximately one weeks time, one of them is gonna be kissing their coveted gold goodbye... courtesy of Camp Cornette! Ross begs to differ, before hyping a forthcoming video package. The package airs, and features the incredible brute strength and power of newcomer Ahmed Johnson. Directly after, an unfamiliar theme hits, as Ross states his in-ring debut comes to us right now!



Ahmed Johnson defeated AC Conner in 1:37 by pinfall, with the Pearl River Plunge. Ahmed Johnson seemed off his game tonight. 36; D



Following Ahmed's dominating victory and a quick debriefing of how impressive he looked, we're taken to the WWF Event Center, where Dok Hendrix hypes a local house show coming to the Pittsburgh area in just a few short weeks - where we'll be seeing Owen Hart and Yokozuna put their World Wrestling Federation tag team titles on the line against the two men they defeated to become champs in the first place: The Smokin' Gunns! Also, in our main event, we'll be seeing "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon get his SummerSlam rematch when he does battle with WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels.... inside of a 15-foot high steel cage! He then goes on to clarify that these two HUGE title matches are each subject to change, pending on the outcome of next week's In Your House: Gold Rush pay-per-view.



Superstars Recap: (Last week) Sid and Kama ambush Henry O. Godwinn on The Brother Love Show, when Bam Bam Bigelow eventually comes storming out for the save.



Henry O. Godwinn and Savio Vega defeated Jason Ahrndt and The Brooklyn Brawler Brawler in 4:56 when Henry O. Godwinn defeated The Brooklyn y pinfall, following the Slop Drop. Savio Vega looked good out there. 32; E



Raw Recap: Vince McMahon conducts an in-ring interview with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, who made some pretty bold statements regarding his actions toward both The Undertaker and Paul Bearer the week prior. He even went as far as to challenge him to a grudge match at In Your House, in just one weeks time, before the lights dimmed to black... and The Deadman would most certainly make his presence felt.



Kama defeated Sonny Rogers in 3:47 by pinfall with a Shoulderbreaker. Sonny Rogers was really off his game tonight.32; E



Raw Recap: The well-perpetrated attack on Bret "The Hitman" Hart by Jerry "The King" Lawler and Jean-Pierre Lafitte, following his big victory over Dr. Isaac Yankem.



We cut back to the announcing table, where Jim Ross and James E. Cornette welcome Lawler and Lafitte via satellite. The two obnoxiously gloat, as Cornette seems to be loving every minute of it, telling them how ingenious the attack was. Jean-Pierre is wearing The Hitman's jacket, which as we all know, he stole - and The King proclaims that next Sunday it's all over for that greasy slimeball once and for all! He then closes out by saying that he's pulled a few strings around here, and gotten himself a one night only managers license for In Your House: Gold Rush... much to the dismay of Jim Ross. However, James E. refers to this move as another act of sheer brilliance, as his colleague then goes on to question if he himself had a hand in this treachery.



Raw Recap: Dean Douglas ambushes The 1-2-3 Kid following his victory over Hakushi. Later on in the evening, a wounded Kid locates his buddy Razor backstage and questions his whereabouts earlier in the night, which needless to say, leaves The Bad Guy none-too-pleased.


Ross and Cornette cover this ongoing saga for just a moment, before J.R. mentions that Dean Douglas is set for in-ring action for the first time ever in the World Wrestling Federation right here on WWF SuperStars... next!



Dean Douglas defeated Barry Horowitz in 6:56 by pinfall, following the Final Exam. During the match, we also heard comments from Douglas in a pre-taped promo, where he stated that though Razor may be one tough customer, he's heavily lacking in the most important department of all: intelligence. 49; D



Upon returning from a short break, we're treated to our all-time favorite obnoxious talk show host, Brother Love - who's standing in the ring alongside James E. Cornette. He then introduces his guest at this time: The one... the only... The British Bulldog!


James E. did the vast majority of the talking on behalf of his client, - following the grand entrance and arrogant flexing - as he covered a myriad of topics, starting with "The Man From The Darkside", then moving on to "The Beast From The East" Bam Bam Bigelow. In a nutshell, basically saying that The British Bulldog is gonna achieve the unthinkable by laying The Undertaker to rest tomorrow night... mowing through Bam Bam at Gold Rush... then claiming his rightful place, as the number one contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship!


Brother Love moves along, asking what were to happen if either 'Brother Yoko' or 'Brother Owen' were to walk out WWF Champion, following the Triple Header Match... what then?


This causes an awkward pause and an unsure answer from Cornette. He claims that whether it's Yokozuna, Owen Hart, or The British Bulldog, it really doesn't matter, just as long as the title is right here where it rightfully belongs... in the clutches of Camp Cornette. The Bulldog responds, seemingly frustrated, letting his manager know that whether it's "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel or someone Cornette himself represents, that he'll be challenging for the belt regardless, after he Powerslams The Undertaker and The Beast From The East straight to HELL this coming week!



The Two Dudes With Attitudes defeated Big Matty Smalls and The Tahitian Warrior in 8:01, when Diesel defeated The Tahitian Warrior by pinfall with a Jacknife Power Bomb. Diesel looked good out there. The performance of Shawn Michaels stood out as being good. 52; D



Following the match, The Two Dudes With Attitudes taunted Cornette - who's been a bit disheveled since the Brother Love segment - at the announcer's table, culminating with Big Daddy Cool giving James E. a noogie! The two then celebrate with a few fans up front, as Jim Ross reminds us: Bulldog/Undertaker - tomorrow night live on RAW!



Final Rating: 60; C

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WWF Monday Night RAW: Official Preview

Live from Asheville, North Carolina

September 1995 - Week Three








"The Undertaker. The Man From The Darkside. Some would refer to him as the single most dominant force in the history of the World Wrestling Federation. But in recent history, yet another 'dominant force' undoubtedly discovered his inner-darkside, when The British Bulldog not only turned his back on the current WWF Champion, 'Big Daddy Cool' Diesel, but also on his legions upon legions of fans worldwide. This week, in our HUGE main event, the irresistible force meets the immovable object when The Undertaker clashes with The British Bulldog! Will The Phenom lay his adversary to rest like he's done so many other? Or will the bite of this Bulldog be too much for even The Deadman to handle?"


"Also, we'll see the big hog farmer himself, Henry O. Godwinn joining forces with Puerto Rican sensation, Savio Vega to take on the unstable, off-the-rocker, duo of: The Million Dollar Corporation's own Sycho Sid and the gravely deranged Waylon Mercy. That being said, only one thing's for certain... and that's that this one promises to be all out war!"


"Plus, it's been confirmed that both 'The Hitman' Bret Hart and arch-nemesis, Jean-Pierre Lafitte will be in the house in Asheville! Furthermore, in a local Calgary FM radio interview just this past week, The Excellence Of Execution stated that he's not gonna wait until In Your House: Gold Rush to get his hands on Lafitte. Instead, he's vowed to find him this monday night... and I quote... rip his head off! This however, doesn't bode too well for The King either, as he also claimed to have a little something in store for Pierre's pal Jerry as well."


"All this, plus much, much more coming your way - live this week... on Monday Night RAW!"

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