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Global Force Wrestling: A True Global Force

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With the wrestling world on the verge of a peak in business, Jeff Jarrett looks to capitalize by bringing his brand of fast paced, hard hitting wrestling to audiences around the world. The only things in his way? The sports entertainment juggernaut known as the WWE and Jarretts former promotion Total Nonstop Action Wresting. Can Jarrett truly bring Global Force Wrestling to the forefront of the industry? Will he be able to bring pro wrestling back to prominence? Will he be able to create A True Global Force? Stay tuned...


Global Force Wrestling Official Roster


Global Force Wrestling

IWGP World Heavyweight AJ Styles

Bad Luck Fale

Chris Hero

Cody Hall

Chuck Taylor

Drew Gulak

Johnny Gargano

Johnny Mundo

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Kenny Omega

Matt Cross

Rich Swann


Tama Tonga

Yujiro Takahashi


"BULLET CLUB" Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson

GHC World Tag Team "K.E.S" Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Lance Hoyt

Matt and Nick Jackson


New Japan Pro Wrestling

Hiroshi Tanahashi

Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Kazuchika Okada

IWGP Intercontinental Shinsuke Nakamura

Tetsuya Naito


"Time Splitters" Alex Shelley and Kushida

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team "Roppongi Vice" Rocky Romero and Trent Barretta


Pro Wrestling NOAH

Naomichi Marufuji

Zack Sabre Jr.


"TMDK" Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste


Ring Of Honor

Adam Cole

ROH World Heavyweight Jay Briscoe

Mark Briscoe

Michel Elgin

Roderick Strong


IWGP World Tag Team "Kingdom" Matt Taven and Mike Bennett

"ReDragon" Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Rielly

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GFW Championships


Global Force Wrestling Champions


GFW Global Heavyweight Championship

Current Champion




GFW Junior Heavyweight Championship

Current Champion




GFW Global Tab Team Championship

Current Champion




GFW Intercontinental Championship

Current Champion



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Global Force Wrestling Roster Reveal


Global Force Wrestling Live Draft Broadcasted On GlobalForceWrestling.com



Jeff Jarrett: "Welcome to the Global Force Wrestling Draft brought to you live on GlobalForceWrestling.com! Well, I'm going to get things started by giving you a better look into what we will be doing here in GFW. Our main objective is to bring the global talent from around the world into our organization and showcase them to the rest of the world. Unfortunately due to prior contractual obligations some of the wrestlers who have joined the force wont be able to compete on our MiLB Tour this summer, never the less you will see these competitors make an impact at some point in the future. One of the things that we've noticed in competing wrestling companies is that they try to change the identities of the workers they bring onto their roster. Here in GFW we plan to work with our fellow wrestling companies to bring their best talent to the United States and promote their home brand of pro wrestling. You will see many top workers from NJPW and ROH on our brand as well as other companies around the world, but they will be here to support their territory and bring a GFW championship back to their respective company. With that being said lets get to what you've all been waiting for, some talent announcements! Will start with the talent we found right here in the US. Global Force Wrestling has come to contract agreements with Chris Hero, Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak, "The Bravado Brothers" Harlem and Lance Bravado, Johnny Gargano, Matt Cross, Rich Swann and Ricochet. These guys have already made a name for themselves on the independent scene and we cant wait to show them off to a broader audience. Now lets get to some of the guys you may already know and love. I'm proud to announce the signing of Davey Boy Smith Jr., Johnny Mundo, Lance Hoyt and Shelton Benjamin. These guys are some of the top free agents in pro wrestling and I'm excited to see what they can bring to Global Force Wrestling. Next I'm going to get to the guys who will representing Ring Of Honor on our MiLB Tour this summer! These men are Adam Cole, "ReDragon" Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Rielly, "The Briscoe Brothers" Jay and Mark, "The Kingdom" Matt Taven and Mike Bennett", Michael Elgin and Roderick Strong. From Pro Wrestling NOAH Zack Sabre Jr."TMDK" Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste. From New Japan Pro Wrestling "The Time Splitters" Alex Shelley and Kushida, "Roppongi Vice" Rocky Romero and Trent Baretta and Kota Ibushi. Also joining us follow the MiLB Tour this summer will be Naomichi Marufuji from Pro Wrestling NOAH, New Japan Pro Wrestling's Hiroshi Tanahashi, Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Kazuchika Okada, Shinsuke Nakamura and Tetsuya Naito. Finally I'd like to announce the signing of pro wrestling's hottest stable The BULLET CLUB from New Japan Pro Wrestling, consisting of leader AJ Styles, the team of second in command Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows, Kenny Omega, Matt and Nick Jackson, Tama Tonga, Yujiro Takahashi, Cody Hall and Bad Luck Fale. I'm also happy to announce the signing of Matt Striker as the voice of Global Force Wrestling. Well folks there you have it, the full Global Force Wrestling roster. I hope you all tune in here on GlobalForceWrestling.com for the upcoming MiLB Tour shows and an IPPV event at the end of the tour, Thanks for watching.

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GFW TV Taping 24/7


GFW Full Force TV Taping 7/24 At The Orleans, Las Vegas, Nevada.


Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring and welcomes everyone to the show. He announces the main event match between The Briscoe Brothers and K.E.S, also that at the end of August GFW will be putting on their debut iPPV GFW: Global Turmoil. He says that it will be a card to remember and all the biggest stars from around the world will be there. Jarrett says that next week we will see AJ Styles in action against Jay Briscoe and Kazuchika Okada in a triple threat main event. Also next week will see Kenny Omega take on the winners of the opening Junior Heavyweight matches tonight. Jarrett thanks everyone for supporting Global Force Wrestling and thanks New Japan Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling NOAH, Ring Of Honor and all the other promotions for helping put together the greatest wrestling program he's seen in years.


Junior Heavyweight Showcase

Johnny Gargano Vs Matt Cross Vs Rich Swann

The match begins with all three wrestlers trying to get the upperhand, Gargano and Swann team up on Cross and deliver some

stiff strikes. Gargano hits a great looking enzuigiri on Cross before Swann attacks Gargano, Swann lands some stiff kicks then drops Gargano with a DDT. Swann continues to beat down Gargano before Cross gets back in the mix with a springboard crossbody. Cross continues to attack Swann, Gargano comes out of nowhere with a superkickto cross and tries for the cover. Cross kicks out at 2, Gargano takes control of the match as he begins to attack Swann. Swann battles back with some strikes and hits a big roundhouse kick. Cross tries to get back in the match but Swann hits him with a superkick. Gargano throws up a head kick but Swann dodges the kick and hits a backflip kick on Gargano. Swann gets to his feet and hits a standing shooting star press on Gargano. Swann changes his attention to Cross and hits some strikes, Swann attempts a handspring cutter but Cross avoids it and hits a kick to the chest. Cross lifts Swann up for a suplex and drops him onto his back. Cross gets to his feet and turns into A diving Johnny Gargano, Gargano hits a diving sidekick. Gargano slowly gets to his feet and is met with a kick from Swann, Swann sets Gargano up for the Chicken Fried Driver(Spinning Vertical Suplex Piledriver) but is reversed by Gargano who locks in the Gargano Escape(Chickenwing Over The Shoulder Crossface) Swann tries to escape but can't seem to get out of the hold, Swann taps out giving Gargano the submission victory.


Winner: Johnny Gargano

Match Rating: Great back and forth match to open the show(**)


Junior Heavyweight Showcase

Zack Sabre Jr. Vs Ricochet Vs Chuck Taylor

Zack Sabre starts the match with some strikes to both Ricochet and Chuck Taylor, Sabre quickly hits a belly to belly suplex on Ricochet. Taylor tries to hit Sabre with a kick but Sabre blocks it and hits a stiff elbow. Sabre throws Taylor to the mat with a german suplex, Sabre gets back up and is hit with a hard knee from Ricochet, Ricochet hits some more strikes and kicks Sabre in the gut, Ricochet jumps onto the ropes and springs off catching Sabre with a springboard tornado DDT. Ricochet tries for a cover but its broken up by Chuck Taylor, Taylor and Ricochet go blow for blow until Ricochet ducks a kick and comes back with a roundhouse kick. Ricochet climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off landing a moonsault on Taylor. Sabre is back on his feet and hits a boot to the gut of Ricochet, Sabre hits some stiff elbows before running to the ropes, Sabre rebounds off and nails Ricochet with a running european uppercut. Taylor is getting back to his feet, Sabre hooks his arms and lays him out with a dragon suplex. Sabre picks up Ricochet and hits the Sabre Driver(Sitout Scoop Slam Piledriver). Sabre hooks the leg for the three count.


Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

Match Rating: Excellent performance by Zack Sabre Jr., definately going to make an impact in the Junior Heavyweight division.(***)


A hype video showcasing the wrestlers of Pro Wrestling NOAH plays, it shows highlights of Mikey Nicholls, Naomichi Marufuji, Shane Haste and Zack Sabre.


Tag Team Match

The Bravado Brothers (Lance and Harlem Bravado) Vs TMDK (Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste)

Harlem Bravado starts the match with some quick strikes to Mikey Nicholls, Nicholls quickly answers with a hard knee to the gut. Nicholls hits some hard right hands before lifting Harlem up for a suplex. Nicholls applies a front facelock on Harlem, Nicholls drags Harlem to Haste and makes the tag Nicholls holds Harlem still and Haste hits him with a hard boot to the gut. Haste hits an elbow before driving Harlem to the mat with a german suplex. Haste holds Harlem to the mat with a headlock then hits an elbow to the gut. Haste picks up Harlem and pulls him to Nicholls, Nicholls tags himself in Nicholls climbs to the top rope, Haste lifts Harlem up into a suplex. Nicholls jumps off and crossbodies Harlem as Haste falls to the mat and hits the suplex. Nicholls holds Harlem down for a 2 count, Nicholls picks up Harlem and hits a big elbow. Nicholls throws Harlem to the ropes and rebounds off, Nicholls throws out a clothesline but Harlem dodges it. Harlem leaps off the second rope and spins around, hitting a springboard dropkick. Harlem gets the strength to make the tag to Lance. Lance gets in the ring and hits a quick clothesline, Lance hits some more strikes and plants Nicholls with a DDT. Lance picks up Nicholls but Nicholls hits him with a quick elbow. Nicholls grabs Lance and hits a backbreaker. Nicholls makes the tag to Haste, Haste lifts Lance over his shoulder, Haste climbs to the top rope and leaps off, Nicholls throws Lance to the mat. Haste catches the head off Lance and drives it into the mat hitting the Tank Buster(Over The Shoulder Facebuster/Diving DDT). Nicholls runs to Harlem and hits a forearm knocking him off the apron. Haste pins Lance for the three count.


Winner: TMDK

Match Rating: Good tag team action, TMDK look like a threat for the tag team titles.(**)


The BULLET CLUB are shown standing backstage, AJ Styles is flanked by Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows. Kenny Omega, Matt and Nick Jackson are standing to his left, with Cody Hall, Tama Tonga, Bad Luck Fale and Yujiro Takahashi stand to the right. Styles talks about being IWGP Heavyweight Champion and that soon he will add the GFW Global Heavyweight Championship to his list of accomplishments. He says that The BULLET CLUB is here to dominate and show the world that they are the top group of wrestlers in the industry. AJ says that he will be there next week to show everyone just how good he really is.


Singles Match

Chris Hero Vs Roderick Strong

Roderick Strong immediately takes over the match hitting some big strikes and dropping Hero with a backbreaker. Strong locks in a headlock on Hero, Hero tries to get to his feet but Strong brings him back down with an STO. Strong locks in a single leg crab on Hero, Strong keeps the hold in until Hero makes it to the ropes. Strong picks up hero and lifts him over his shoulder and drops him onto his knee for a huge backbreaker. Strong picks up Hero and Hero hits a knee to Strong's Gut. Hero plans Strong with a DDT and takes some time to recover. Hero picks up Strong and hits a big boot, Hero hits Strong with a scoop slam. The match continues in Hero's favor until strong counters a suplex into a brainbuster. Strong pulls Hero to his feet and hits some elbows and throws Hero to the corner. Strong runs to the corner and leaps up, driving both knees into Hero's chest. Strong gets to his feet and hoists Hero onto his shoulders. Strong throws him off and brings his knees up, Strong drops Hero onto his knees delivering a Death By Roderick(Fireman's Carry Double Knee Gutbuster). Strong grabs onto Hero's legs and turns him onto his back, Strong steps over his back and locks in the Strong Hold(Elevated Boston Crab). Hero tries to make it to the ropes but has to tap out before he can. Strong wins by submission.


Winner: Roderick Strong

Match Rating: Good solid bout between two great workers. Strong definitely deserved the win.(***)


A video highlighting the wrestlers of Ring Of Honor is shown, specifically Jay and Mark Briscoe. The Kingdom, Michael Elgin, Roderick Strong, and ReDragon

are also featured.


3-Corner's Tag Team Match

The Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) Vs "IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions" Roppongi Vice (Rocky Romero and Trent Baretta) Vs

Time Splitters (Alex Shelley and Kushida)

Matt Taven and Alex Shelley start off in the ring, Shelley takes the upperhand and hits some quick takedowns. Shelley hits a stiff kick to the chest, Shelley lands a snap DDT. Shelley tags out to Kushida, Kushida comes into the ring and whips Taven to the ropes. Rocky Romero slaps Taven's back and enters the ring, Romero hits a hard elbow onto Kushida. Romero hits some open hand chops on Kushida, Romero picks him up and hits him with a suplex. Romero throws him to Baretta and Baretta holds him in the corner. Romero comes running in and hits a knee to the gut then tags in Baretta. Baretta gets in the ring and hits some big strikes. Baretta hits a scoop slam on Kushida, Kushida tries to crawl to Shelley but Baretta stops him and pulls him to his feet. Kushida pushes Baretta into the corner of The Kingdom. Mike Bennett slaps Kushida's back and gets in the ring hitting Baretta with a right hand. Bennett lifts him up and hits him with a backbreaker, Bennett picks him back up and hits a hard sidewalk slam. Bennett hits him with some strikes before whipping him to the ropes. Baretta ducks a big boot and retaliates with a clothesline. He runs over to Romero and tags him in, Mike Bennett dives to Alex Shelley and makes the tag. Romero and Shelley trade some blows before Shelley hits a spinning heel kick, Shelley picks up

Romero and hits a brainbuster suplex. Shelley runs to the ropes and leaps onto the second rope, Baretta shakes the ropes and Shelley falls onto his back. Kushida complains to the referee about Baretta's interference and Romero knocks Matt Taven and Mike Bennett off the apron. Shelley gets to his feet and Romero hits Kurayami Piledriver(Cradle Kneeling Reverse Piledriver). Romero goes for the pinfall, Kushida tries to break up the pinbut is stopped by Baretta. Romero gets the 3 count.


Winner: Roppongi Vice

Match Rating: Great match between some top tag teams, Roppongi Vice stood out as the team to beat. (***)


A Video showing highlights of Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Shinsuke Nakamura and New Japan Pro Wrestling is shown, saying how they have the most talented workers in Japan and want to show them off in the US.


Singles Match

Johnny Mundo Vs Shelton "X" Benjamin

Both wrestlers take the time to feel each other out, they lock up and Shelton applies a headlock to Mundo. Mundo slips out and applies a waist lock, Shelton slips under the arm and lifts Mundo up, dropping onto his face with a wrestling takedown, Shelton moves over Mundo before hitting him withsome knees to the shoulder. Shelton picks up Mundo and throws him to the ropes, Mundo rebounds off but ducks a clothesline and jumps onto the ropes, Mundo leaps off and catches Shelton with a springboard headscissors. Mundo goes on the attack for awhile, Mundo hits a handspring moonsault on Benjamin, Mundo drags Shelton near the turnbuckle and climbs the top rope. Shelton Jumps to his feet and climbs up the turnbuckle, Shelton throws Mundo off with A top rope german suplex. Benjamin hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Benjamin picks up Mundo and hits a belly to belly suplex. Mundo trips Shelton to the mat, he climbs on top and applies a headlock. Shelton starts to get to his feet, Mundo hits a forearm and runs to the ropes. Shelton catches him by the waist and throws Mundo's arm over his shoulder. Shelton lifts mundo over and drops him onto his back hitting a T-Bone Suplex. Shelton stocks Mundo now waiting for him to get to his feet, Mundo turns around and Shelton leaps off the mat and grabs Mundo's neck, Shelton brings them to the mat, slapping Mundo's face off the canvas. Shelton hits the Paydirt(Leaping Reverse STO). Shelton pins Mundo for 3.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Match Rating: Decent match between two well known wrestlers, Shelton Benjamin came out of this match looking great.(***)


Jay and Mark Briscoe stand in the ring holding microphones, Jay Briscoe says that they are here to prove that Ring Of Honor really has the best wrestlers in the world and that he is the best out of all of them. Mark Briscoe seems to back up whatever Jay has to say, Jay Briscoe tells the fans that he is here to win the Global Heavyweight Championship and that he will show that he deserves it by defeating his opponents tonight. Harry Smith and Lance Hoyt storm the ring and the match is set to kick off.


Tag Team Main Event

The Briscoe Brothers ("ROH Heavyweight Champion" Jay And Mark Briscoe) Vs "GHC World Tag Team Champions" K.E.S (Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Lance Hoyt)

Smith Jr. and Jay Briscoe start off in the ring, Jay Briscoe uses his speed to avoid Smith. Briscoe goes for the legs of Smith, Briscoe hits a few stiff kicks to the leg before Smith throws him to the ropes, Briscoe rebounds off and hits a forearm strike. Smith seems uneffected and hits a headbutt on Briscoe, Smith picks him up and scoop slams him to the canvas. Smith hits a big elbow drop and gets back to his feet, he tags in Hoyt. Hoyt gets in the ring and picks up Jay, He hits a right hand then throws Jay to the ropes, Jay ducks a big boot and makes the tag to Mark. Mark comes off the top rope and hits a diving dropkick to Hoyt. Briscoe goes on to hit Hoyt with some big right hands, Mark pulls him to his feet and hits a big DDT. Mark hits a standing moonsault onto Hoyt, then walks over to Jay and makes the tag. Jay enters the ring and hits some right elbows to Hoyt, trying to keep him on the ground. Jay pulls Hoyt to his feet and runs to the ropes. Briscoe jumps onto the second rope and springboards off, Hoyt catches Jay and throws him to the mat with a powerslam. Hoyt drags Jay to Smith and tags him in. Hoyt lifts up Briscoe and throws him off onto Smith's knee, Smith goes for the pin but Jay kicks out at 2. Smith picks up Jay and throws him onto his shoulders, Smith hits a samoan drop. Smith pulls Jay up and pulls him to the corner. Smith lifts him onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up after him. Smith throws Jays arm over his shoulder and lifts him off the turnbuckle Smith plans Jay into the mat with a superplex. Smith goes for the pin but its broken up by Mark at 2, Smith pulls Jay over to Hoyt and tags him in. Smith whips Jay to the ropes and he rebounds off into Hoyt's big boot. Hoyt lifts Jay up for the Texas Tornado but Jay slips off the shoulders and makes a hot tag to Mark Briscoe, Mark comes into the ring and hits a clothesline on Hoyt, Hoyt gets up fast but is hit with another clothesline, Mark runs over to Smith and hits him with a forearm knocking him off the apron. Hoyt gets to his feet, Mark hits a superkick on Hoyt, Jay Briscoe comes off the top rope witha diving dropkick. Smith runs into the ring but is hit with a superkick from Mark. Jay and Mark both grab onto Hoyt and throw his arm over their shoulder. They both lift up Hoyt and sit out to the mat hitting the Briscoe Bottom. Mark hooks the leg for the three count.


Winner: Mark Briscoe

Match Rating: Great Main Event contest, both teams deserved the win but The Briscoe Brothers came out on top.(***1/2)

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