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The Return Of O'Mac

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Monday April 2 2001 The Wall Street Journal




FBI investigators are questioning the Warner Brothers chief executive, Jamie Kellner, and World Wrestling Federation CEO Vince McMahon on the dubious sale of World Championship Wrestling.


Several people, including Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair, have come forward to complain about the illegal nature of the sale which is rumoured to be as little as $2million. The main contention of the complaints are that the company was not offered to everybody but, due to accusations of collusion between Kellner and McMahon, was made solely to the WWF CEO.


Many wrestlers have said they would have brought the company for that price.


The investigation continues.




Wednesday April 18 2001 The Daily News


First, federal agents watched the live WWF Raw event. Then they went backstage with a warrant for the arrest of Vince McMahon, according to court records.


The FBI had been investigating the illegal sale of World Championship Wrestling for two weeks and it laid out it's allegations in a 110-page court record that sought to raid World Wrestling Federation Headquaters in Stamford, Connecticut, as well as Vince McMahon's home in Greenwich, Connecticut. The raid went down on April 17.


Vince McMahon could not be reached for comment.


An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment, citing the “Underlying investigation.”



Friday April 20 2001 The Wall Street Journal


World Wrestling Federation has closed it's doors for the last time. All future shows have been cancelled. All pre-booked tickets will be refunded.


The closure of the entertainment giant has left 808 people out of work.


After the illegal purchase of WCW by Vince McMahon all bank accounts were ceased by the government. This has left all 808 people, including on-screen talent like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, with unpaid wages.


It remains to be seen what happens to the talent.

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Pro Wrestling Illustrated Nov 01




After the collapse of WWF and WCW stars like Mick Foley, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash headed east to ply their trade in Japan. The word on the grapevine is that the land of the rising sun is the place to go now for any wrestler worth his salt and some more top names may be heading there shortly.


Ric Flair wasted no time and consolidated the many branches on the NWA into one company. With Dusty Rhodes as head booker expect to see some good old school rasslin. This reporter is hoping for more matches like Roddy Piper vs. Greg Valentine from Starrcade '83 rather than the double DQ finishes Rhodes is notorious for. Flair is hoping the McMahon/Kellner scandal leaves enough of a bad taste in peoples mouths that they reject the sports entertainment style that dominated the last decade.


Whereas Hulk Hogan will be putting all his chips on the hope that the general public still have a hankering for the style of wrestling he made popular during the 80's and 90's. In his own way his American Wrestling Federation is also a throwback to a bygone age. Hogan, with the help of Eric Bischoff, is offering us fans more of the cartoony comic book style of pre-NWO WCW or, to put it another way, WWF New Generation era wrestling. Personally, this doesn't seem like my thing, but if Hogan can put his ego to one side I think Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock is a no-brainer booking decision.


Speaking of child friendly promotions we have Jimmy Hart's Legends of Wrestling and with stars like Randy Savage, Jim Duggan, and the Honky Tonk Man I think you know what to expect. Ooooooh yeah!


On the opposite spectrum of wrestling you have The Extreme. This company wears it's bloody and pulsating heart on it's sleeves and makes no apologies. Run by John Danzig and booked by Tommy Dreamer, it intends to continue where ECW left off. But, no matter how good our memories are of ECW where it left off is not a place I'd like to start from. But, maybe with Terry Funk and the Dudley Boyz on the roster there is a glimmer of hope.


And then there are rumours that a McMahon will start his own company. With Vince facing criminal charges, it leaves only Stephanie and Shane to crawl out of the woodwork. Who will it be? And, will fans blame them for their father's crime? We shall see.

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Taken from Pro Wrestling Insider




Eight months on from his father's (and in turn the entire McMahon family) fall from grace Shane O'Mac shamelessly – or determinedly, depending on your point of view – continues to peddle out the same popular product that saw his former company defeat WCW in the Monday Night Wars. Seeing that Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair wasted no time in founding their own promotions built in their respective images and that there was still an audience for American style wrestling Shane McMahon debuted his Fusion Pro Wrestling in November last year.


FPW Determination drew a crowd of just under 4,000 to the Dallas Sportatorium and saw Too Cool win the FPW World Tag Team titles against KroniK; Funaki defeated Shannon Moore for the FPW Junior Heavyweight; Jeff Hardy beat Vader in a bloody brawl for the FPW United States belt; and head booker Steve Austin beat Booker T for the FPW World Heavyweight title.


In December at FPW In Cold Blood a little over 4,000 fans turned up at the Dallas Sportatorium to see Too Cool defend their titles against KroniK. Scotty 2 Hotty suffered a spinal injury after falling badly into the announcers table. Jeff Hardy defended the United States championship against Bradshaw, but the result was thrown into question when Steven Regal interfered. Funaki kept the Junior Heavyweight belt after a great match with Scorpio. The only title change of the night went to the FPW World Heavyweight belt when The Undertake beat Steve Austin in a Hell In A Cell match.


That bring us up to date with a new weekly (un-televised) schedule of FPW Revenge for the new year which the company plans to tour through the Mid South, Mid West, and South West regions. They kicked off the month with another show at their home at the Dallas Sportatorium and once again attracting a crowd of about 4,000.


The pre-show saw the company looking for new tag teams to bolster their extremely thin division. Al Snow and Scorpio defeated Juventud Guerrera and Little Guido in a very average match with neither team being particularly interesting. We were then treated to a trio of matches that saw the three FPW United States contenders go over. Bradshaw beat Shannon Moore; Dean Malenko defeated David Finlay; and Steven Regal managed to get Ken Shamrock to tap. The Bradshaw/Moore and Regal/Shamrock matches were worthy of the main card and really got the thousand-or-so fans who had settled down early worked up.


After an intermission (where I brought an Austin 3:16 shirt - seems weird with the PFW logo on it) we went straight to the main show.


The main show started with a bang, as the customary fireworks display announced the start of the evening proper. Commissioner Shawn Michaels came to the ring and showed footage of Austin vs. Undertaker at In Cold Blood. He claimed it was possibly the match of the year and asked the crowd if they wanted to see a rematch who duly replied in the affirmative. And so, the main event of the night was booked with the surprising stipulation that there would be no gimmicks. It would be a twenty minute time limit match to see who truly was worthy of the title.


A title match next, with Brian Lawler challenging Funaki for the FPW Junior Heavyweight belt. It was an underwhelming match that only really came alive in the last few minutes as Chavo Guerrero ran in and attacked Funaki. Lawler then jumped Chavo and it turned into a three man brawl until referee Earl Hebner called for the bell and a no-contest.


Next Steven Regal came to the ring and called out Shane O'Mac. Shane got a positive and supportive reaction from the crowd which was nice. Wrestling fans get be a bit nasty at times, but it was good to see there support. Regal, in all his despicable pomposity, demanded a title shot against Jeff Hardy and said he'd more than proved his worth. Shane agreed. Then, the Ice Man, Dean Malenko came out and said if Regal had earned a shot, then so had he. Before Shane could say anything, Bradshaw emerged and threw his hat in the ring. Shane said he had no choice, but to see them perform in a round robin over the next three weeks with the winner facing Jeff Hardy at FPW New Destiny at the end of the month.


Another match as KroniK squashed Blitzkrieg and Tajiri. Blitzkrieg and Tajiri impressed as a tag team and have since become a permanent partnership calling themselves The Amazingly Awesomes.


Next was the co-main event as Booker T took on Jeff Hardy in a non-title match. This match was great with both Jeff Hardy and Booker T being awesome. It makes you wonder what it would have been like if WWF and WCW had shared performers instead of stealing them. After the match Booker T, who had lost to Hardy's Swanton Bomb, interrupted the celebrations with a brutal chair shot to the back of Jeff Hardy. Booker T then handed out a humiliating beatdown knocking out his opponent with an axe kick.


Then the moment we had all been waiting for: The smashed glass/Austin/massive crowd pop; Lights go out/Undertaker/massive pop from the crowd. It was time. This was as good as, if not slightly better than, their previous match. Great wrestling from two veterans of the game. The end came when Undertaker flew over the top rope and crashed into Austin. Undertaker threw Austin in the ring, pinned him for the 1,2... ding, ding. Time limit expired. The crowd was in shock and on it's feet.


WWF Attitude is dead. Long live FPW Attitude.


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Taken from New Wave Wrestling




We were treated to a 30 minute highlight package of last weeks show at Dallas. It was a neat way to keep the fans up to date with events considering there is no American wrestling on TV these days.


Dean Malenko vs. Steven Regal


As promised by Shane McMahon last week at Dallas we have the first of our round robin matches for the FPW United States title match at New Destiny at the end of the month. This was a solid technical match match to kick things off. It was a close run thing that could have gone either way, but once Regal hit Malenko with the Regal Cutter it was all over. 7/10


The Amazingly Awesomes vs. David Finlay & Little Guido


In FPW's quest to find new tag teams we have the newly formed The Amazingly Awesomes (Tajiri & Blitzkrieg) against David Finlay & Little Guido. Finlay and Guido failed to impress as a team and this match was poorer for it. Finlay got the pin. 4/10


After the match Shane McMahon stood on the stage to announce the next match would be for the FPW Junior Heavyweight title. He stated that Chavo Guerrero had been to his office to ask for a shot at the title and Shane saw no reason to say no.


Chavo Guerrero Jnr. vs. Funaki – FPW JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT


A fast-paced, action packed match, yet somehow average. Arm-drags and drop-kicks do not a good match make. Brian Lawler ran in at the end and saved Funaki from a pinfall by putting his leg on the rope for a rope-break. As Chavo confronted Lawler, Funaki recovered and hit Chavo with his Rising Sun for the 1, 2, 3. 5/10


Booker T was out next he warned Jeff Hardy that he was still upset at his defeat last week and Hardy had better watch out. He picked up a chair and sat at ringside.


Jeff Hardy vs. Perry Saturn


A new acquisition for FPW Perry Saturn failed to impress in my opinion. He got the win after Booker T hit Jeff Hardy with a hidden object. Not much to say about this match. 6/10


Steve Austin came out next and said a few words about the upcoming match. The 1,000 strong crowd in the Chase Park Plaza came alive. This is all anybody wanted to see.


Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker


This is one of those matches where everything comes together perfectly. An amazing crowd. Two outstanding performers putting on an amazing show. Just like last week at Dallas this was another 20 minute time limit match. A bloody Austin gave The Undertaker the middle finger and a Stunner. The crowd had been counting down from 10. We were on 2. He knew it was pointless going for the pin so he helped The Undertaker up delivered another Stone Cold Stunner. He flipped the bird and left the building. The rattlesnake was furious and frustrated. What a match! 10/10


Just what is Booker T's problem? He was a serious case of the bad-losers. Who will win the right to challenge Jeff Hardy for the FPW United States championship? Will Chavo and Lawler sort out their differences? And what of poor Funaki caught in the middle? And, will Austin and The Undertaker break the deadlock? One thing's for sure this reviewer can't wait.

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From http://www.wrestleforum.com


--- wrestlefan82 ---


God dammit! I hate the McMahon's. They ruined wrestling. WTF was Attitude about? Don't get me started on that Hulkamania crap, either.


I went to the Newark Pavilion last night to see FPW's lastest show to see what the fuss was about. I wish I'd saved my money. It was WWF Attitude. Sucked balls.


Here's my review:


I didn't see the pre-show fight as I was waiting for my mum to buy me a cola. Didn't really care much anyway. If they're not good enough to be on the main show they must suck.


Funaki beat Juventud Guerrera. Both fighters are wasted here. I read on wrestlinginsider.com that Funaki might be leaving for Japan soon. Good. He'll be better off. It was a good fast paced fight. Ok start.


A video angle where Brian Lawler asked Shane McMahon (God I hate him) for a title shot against Funaki. Shane O'Mac said he'd think about it.


KroniK (who suck) beat Dean Malenko and Scorpio. Dean Malenko was supposedly injured in this match and won't be able to fight in the obvious four-way showdown for the United States belt at the end of the month. He'll be replaced by Perry Saturn. Well, that's bulls**t. Malenko signed for NWA last week and this is his last show for FPW. Good. He'll be better off working with Ric Flair.


Chavo's turn to visit McMahon (I hate the whole family). He wants a rematch with Funaki with a stipulation requiring Brian Lawler to stay away. McMahon says he'll think about it. Yawn.


Video footage from earlier shows Jeff Hardy lying down backstage, unconscious. Booker T is shown walking away.


Booker T & David Finlay beat Jeff Hardy & Al Snow. Booker T pinned Hardy with his feet on the ropes while Finlay and Snow brawled outside the ring. Boring.


Official announcement that Perry Saturn will be replacing Dean Malenko in the next match.


Perry Saturn beat Bradshaw. This was a good match. It reminded me of old school Jim Crockett shows I've seen on tape. A long, slow build before a great finish. Pleasantly surprised.


Steve Austin vs The Undertaker. The crowd was pumped for this. I'll admit I went along with them. They defiantly improved the match which was the usual brawl you'd expect from two former WWF stars. Full of drama and excellent finish which ended in a double DQ. Not much wrestling. Crapoloa if not for the atmosphere.


It was an ok ending to a sucky show. Did I mention I don't like the McMahon's. Still not convinced FPW can keep it up. I wish NWA would put on a show here.


--- takerno1fan ---


Thanks douchebag. You could have put a spoiler warning up. I was going to watch this online tonight.


--- wrestlefan82 ---


I saved you you two hours and a subscription fee. You should be showing me some respect.


--- guest ---




--- imisswwf ---


if u didnt lik the McMahon's or there product y did you go


--- wrestlefan82 ---


@imisswwf that was a question dumbass. Questions end in a ? Go back to school.


--- takerno1fan ---


If that's the only problem you had with that post I think you're the one who needs to go back to school.


--- imisswwf ---


if u luv nwgay so much y don't u go on there forum and post rubbish reviews



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