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Reasonable storyline heat values for APW?

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APW is probably my favourite promotion in TEW 2013 (their roster is just extremely likeable to me) and I've had several attempts on playing them back when TEW 2013 was released. However, I didn't really have the time to dig into it (sadly), but I'm slowly starting to become interested in giving it yet another try.


A huge drawback in playing APW to me is the lack of pre-defined storylines, though. You basically start in a promotion which is not new at all and certainly would have some storylines going on (they're mainstream-heavy in the end), but they're simply not included in the database. I don't think that's a big problem gameplay-wise (although the missing heat might hurt the ratings), but it's in fact an issue for the world of thought I'm building when playing the game. The only valid reason seems to be that every single storyline came to an abrupt end at the last show, but seriously, that's not really realistic considering that APW's december event is not their WrestleMania-like highlight of the year.


So my question is, if I'm adding those storylines to the database by myself, what would reasonable ratings look like for the respective card regions and lengths? I'll check the database for ratings in promotions that are more or less as popular as APW, but since I'm not in front of my Windows PC right now, I don't know whether there are some anyway and, apart from that, some opinions of experienced TEW veterans would definitely help. (:

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