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Grimm SoCal Wrestling

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I have discovered indy wrestling here in Buffalo, NY and despite being part of the TEW community since the EWR I never really understood how little companies worked so I usually suck while using them in the game. There's no promise that this will be any different but I am now willing to try.

GSW Roster


Main Eventers



Busta Capp

Cali Slick

Fro Sure


Mexico's Finest


Upper Midcard


Ace's High

Deaf Touch




Sanchez Villano









Top Dolla


Lower Card


Cheech Kong

Devyn Retribution

Drop Kix


Non Competitors


Brother Grimm

Clifford Caves


MC Motormouth

Moore Vincent

Rumbler Romper


Tag Teams


Brown Pride - LatiNoFear and MexiCain

Dead Men Walking - Gravedigga and Mobstar

Long Beach Crew - Aces High and Cali Slick

Mexican Hardcore Killers - E-Z and Sanchez Villano




GSW American - Busta Capp

former champion - Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team - Mexican Hardcore Killers

former champions - Brown Pride

Dead Men Walking


GSW West Coast - Cali Slick

former champion - Mexico's Finest

Sanchez Villano




A few things about what I'm gonna try to do:


- Brother Grimm is a prideful man and will stop at nothing to destroy the enemy, Invincible Pro Wrestling.


- If you look at the Alumni section of GSW you will see that no worker has ever left, this too is something Grimm is proud of.


- Minorities are preferred, although it will not completely stop me from bringing anyone in, especially from IPW.


- You will be reading this diary through the dvd version which is why you might hear from the commentary team.

GSW presents Change The World 3 from The Warehouse in California, Saturday the first week of January


GSW Heavyweight champion Busta Capp will be defending his title against his bitter rival the always entertaining Fro Sure


Omar will take on Deaf Touch in a number one contenders match.


Also in action will be Cheech Kong, Hard-1, Dead Men Walking and much more!


Just announced on Twitter!! Mexico's Finest will finally meet Boneyard after calling him out at our last two shows, what will happen when these two monster collide??

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GSW presents Change The World 3

January, week 1, Saturday


The show starts as always with Clifford Caves and MC Motormouth going over the last show of 2013 as the camera pans over The Warehouse which is the home of GSW. We see 2 rows of seats completely filled with the rest of the fans who paid for general admission seats closely standing together, a few fans are scattered in the back near the walls and there are also people standing up on the balcony which is on the opposite side of where the wrestler come out.


The show starts with a video recap of the past show showing above the entrance way shown projector style, one of Brother Grimms rap songs, "West Coast Killa" is the song of choice for this video, when it ends Brother Grimm is standing in the ring with a microphone as he usually does.


Grimm immediately goes into hype mode and ask the crowd if they are ready to see some ****in' action tonight, the crowd cheers wildly, some chanting GSW. Grimm plays up to the crowd, point the microphone in the direction of all 4 sides of the crowd before spotting a fan getting an autograph near the souvenir table. Grimm yells out to Drop Kix and D-Lux that they better take their asses to the back until intermission. The crowd enjoys a good laugh as the wrestlers quickly scurry away.


Grimm tells the crowd that he has a big surprise for the fans tonight and that he can't wait to show them but.... they're going to have to wait to find out what it is! Brother Grimm continues to speak as the music of Deaf Touch hits and he makes his way down the aisle, slapping up fans as he walks. Touch gets in the ring and Grimm mockingly offers him the microphone, laughing as he does.


Touch signs with his fingers, as Grimm once again making fun of the Deaf superstar asks him what he's doing out there, and says that Touch must be outta his ****in' mind to interrupt him. He says Touch isn't supposed to fight until later but since he wants to come out now, he must want to fight twice. Grimm calls for Top Dolla to get his ass out here as he leaves the ring, he tells the bartender to get him a whisky on the rocks because he already feels as if it's gonna be stressful ****ing night!!! The Fans chant for Grimm before booing Top Dolla who comes out through the crowd as he is accustom to doing.


Top Dollar vs. Deaf Touch


This was a quick match that allowed both workers to shine throughout parts of the match. This was the usual GSW match which meant that weapons were legal and there were no count outs. Dolla used a few chair shots to really hurt Touch and brought him out to the crowd where he tried one of his amazing dives off the top balcony but unfortunately for him, he missed blooding his face as Touch took over from there picking up the victory with the Crooked Moonsault. After the match Deaf celebrated as Clifford Caves translated the sign language for us on the DVD and the crowd in attendance, Touch went on to say that he respects Omar but he is going to be the next GSW Champion.


Dead Man Walking are out for the next match and they taunt the crowd until their opponents are announced. Cheech Kong comes out and says that he has a new partner and he is.... Drop Kix!


Dead Man Walking vs. Cheech Kong and Drop Kix


Mobstar and Gravedigga have little trouble during the match, dominating from start to finish. They got the one, two, three after Mobstar picked Kix up on his shoulders and Digga hit a flying ddt off the top rope in a move that they call The White Man Killa.


After the match Cheech Kong beat up an already knocked out Drop Kix. He hit his moonsault finishing move two times before officials from the back came out to make the save.


Everyone turns their attention to the wall where a pretaped hype video where Busta Capp with Kandii talk about what they've done and what they're going to do to Fro Sure.


Hard-1 is the next wrestler to make an appearance today and he comes out and ask for a microphone. He looks out to the crowd and says that they make him sick. He says that when he first started wrestling for GSW 2 years ago that the entire crowd was black, but now he looks out there and he sees white faces mixed in with the crowd. He asks where were they 2 years ago? Where were these so called fans when GSW was struggling to get by? One says that he will take on any white boy who has the guts to get in the ring with him.


Magwitch vs. Hard-1


Magwitch answers this open challenge and he comes down with a shopping cart filled with weapons, before entering the ring he throws chairs, stop signs, brooms, mops, a plunger and staple gun into the ring. While entering the ring Hard-1 knocked Witch off the apron and into the cart, he proceeded to push the cart all the way around the ring before sending him hard in to the steps. Magwitch was never really able to recover as Hard-1 got the victory with a Mafia Kick that had Magwitch in the corner with a ironing board over him.


On his way to the back Hard-1 grabs a fan and brings him over the railing before assaulting him.


Mexico's Finest vs. Boneyard


The two monsters finally met in the next bout, Boneyard and Mexico's finest went about 15 minutes hitting each other with everything they got, battling all through out the arena before ending up in the crowd and setting off the emergency alarm by fighting through the door. The door was quickly shut and the match was ruled a draw.


Brother Grimm got back in the ring and told everyone to get their money out because it was time for intermission as he would wait for the police and fightmen to show up since those two asses set the alarm off! After a few minutes Grimm was back in the arena and hyping up the new shirt for the Long Beach Crew as well as telling fans that they could get autographs and pictures with many stars. When intermission was over Grimm told everyone to turn their attention to the screen again...


A highlight video played of former SWF Star Shady K played, he's now going by the name of Death Row Karl and he will be at GSW's next show!! The fans cheer and holler in unison for this revelation!!!!!! MC Motormouth is going crazy on the audio, saying that this is the biggest star that GSW has ever had and saying that Grimm has really come through on his promise of a big surprise.


The Mexican Hardcore Killers vs. Long Beach Crew


The Tag Team titles were on the line for the next battle, as all 4 men were allowed in the ring at the same time for most of this match. The two teams were very evenly matched as they looked equally strong but the Champions were able to retain when Sanchez Villano pinned Aces High!


Deaf Touch vs. Omar


Deaf Touch is out here for the second time this time its for his scheduled appearance against Omar! These two are two of the most popular competitors as the crowd cheers for both of them no matter what they do. The fans start duel Deaf/Omar chants and both men are feeding off the noise/vibrations. The two are very evenly matched, each one getting a fair amount of offense during this long match. The ending comes when a Big unnamed wrestler with a mohawk in black leather pants and no shirt comes down and completely destroys both workers! The man puts them both through a table.


Brother Grimm gets in the ring with a huge smile and hugs the mystery man, he says that this is the big surprise that he was talking about and that will not be disrespected by anyone! Especially not a deaf idiot! Grimm announces him as Mutant as Clifford Caves mentions that that's a perfect name for this weird looking fellow.


GSW Championship Match


Each man is in the ring before being introduced like a boxing match, letting people know that this is a big deal. The crowd is buzzing in anticipation as Rumble Romper is out there to announce each fighter. Fro Sure does a split and throws his sun glasses into the crowd as he is announced, Busta Capp is in his customary wife beater and jeans, even though Kandii is looking stunningly beautiful in a sparkly red dress. She takes his hat and his Jesus piece as she leaves the ring and the match gets started.


Within just a few minutes both of these competitors are busted open, as they hit each other with steel chairs, taking turns one after another until Capp finally knocks Sure down and continually beats him with the chair. Somehow though Fro is able to kick out at just a 2 count. Sure makes a great come back that leads to him charging Busta in the corner but Capp is able to slide out of the ring. As Capp is recovering with Kandii behind the turnbuckle near the crowd, Fro Sure jumps clear over the turnbuckle and ring post hitting a flip but the champion pulls his manager in the way and she is immediately knocked down with Sure landing on his feet in the crowd. Fro Sure checks on the fallin manager as Busta Capp runs from the side and curbs stomps Sure's face into the metal guard rail! Capp gets the pinfall victory outside the ring!! He picks up his title and then grabs his girlfriend as he exits the arena and the dvd ends with the announcers thanking us for the purchase!


Overall Rating: 28

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Our next show, GSW Xtreme Prejudice will be held at The Warehouse on Saturday the 2nd week of February! The partial card is as follows:


A 10 man over the top battle royal for the right to face GSW Champion Busta Capp late in the night! The rumble will feature Boneyard, Death Row Karl, Mexico's Finest, Dead Men Walking, Magwitch and more!


Cheech Kong will be taking on Drop Kix after Kong brutally attacked his already hurt opponent!


GSW West Coast Champion Cali Slick will be taking on Top Dolla!


THREE big time wrestlers will be making their debut at Xtreme Prejudice including the already mentioned Death Row Karl, the amazingly talented Frantic Ali and HARDCORE LEGEND Johnny Martin will be there!


Also scheduled to appear:


Brother Grimm, Deaf Touch, Fro Sure, Omar, and Mutant


Doors open at 5 for a meet and greet at the bar with many GSW talents!

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GSW Xtreme Prejudice

Satuday week 2 of February


This show opens up like all the others with the camera going over the crowd as MC Motormouth and Clifford Caves welcome us to The Warehouse! A video for Change The World 3 is played to bring the fans who weren't there last month up to speed.


Brother Grimm is in the ring again as he hyped up the crowd for tonights show, running down the card and the competitors who are in the back and ready to fight! But before he can really get going he is cut off by Omar!


Omar gets right in Brother Grimms as Grimm tells him that that's not something that he really wants to do. Omar says that he deserves a chance at GSW Champion Busta Capp as he was going to beat Deaf Touch before he was screwed by Grimm himself. Grimm once again warns Omar to get out of his face but it only brings him directly to the face of the owner of GSW.


Mutant hits the ring and quickly takes care of Omar laying him out with a vicious back breaker before hitting a move that Clifford Caves called The Tina-Turner! Deaf Touch hits the ring as Mutant misses with a clothesline as Touch ducks under hits the far ropes and hits a drop kick on the much larger man, forcing him out the ring. Mutant tries to get back in the ring as Brother Grimm holds him back with Deaf Touch checking on his opponent from last month. Brother Grimm says that tonight Deaf Touch and Omar will be on teams!


The Ten Man Battle Royal was next as the competitors were Boneyard, Death Row Karl, Devyn Retribution, Frantic Ali, Gravedigga, LatiNoFear, Magwitch, MexiCain, Mexico's Finest and Mobstar. Devyn Retribution and Magwitch were thrown out of the ring almost immediately by Mexico's finest and Boneyard as they were standing between these two men who fought with each other and only each other for the rest of the match in the far right corner. The two tag teams, Walking Dead Men and Brown Pride were paired off in the opposite corner as Death Row Karl and Ali went head to head showing a good amount of moves around the battles around them. Suddenly the two men stop fighting and joined forces to throw out both tag teams! Mexicane, LatiNOFear, Gravedigga and Mobstar wouldn't allow this to stop them though as the 4 men just continued to brawl all the way to the back. Ali and Karl then turned their attention to the Monsters in the other corner and together threw both of them out at the same time! After those two got thrown out, Ali pushes Karl over the top rope and is the new number one contender and will get his match tonight! Karl is not happy at ring side, cursing and pointing at Frantic Ali as referees and backstage workers restrain him and drag him to the back.


The camera shows GSW Champion Busta Capp and the beautiful Kandii sitting up in the front row of the balcony looking unimpressed.


Cheech Kong and Drop Kix were out for the next match, a match that Kong dominated from start to finish with Kix barely even getting a move in. The finish came with an impressive Moonsault for the victory.


GSW West Coast champion Cali Slick was out for the next match where he took on Top Dolla! The two had a very even match but in the end Cali Slick was able to win the match with a roll up! After the match Dolla put his hand out for Slick to shake it but instead Slicks tag team partner Ace's High comes out and the two men tag team Top Dolla until Fro Sure comes out to make the save! Fro Sure challenges Aces High to a match and it is accepted!


Intermission took place before the show continued. If you look on GSW's facebook or twitter you can see plenty of the fan pictures from this event!


After intermission the match that was just made took place as Fro Sure took on Ace's High! Top Dolla and Cali Slick were both on the outside of the ring for this match, and eventually those two would cancel each other by brawling in the crowd where Top Dolla of course went up to the balcony and hit his diving elbow through a table. The match in the ring was just as good with Ace's High using a chair shot to the top of Sure's head which had no effect thanks because of the Afro on top of his head! Fro Sure was able to hit a split face buster on the chair for a win. After the match Fro Sure danced for the crowd!


GSW Tag Team Champions Sanchez Villano and E-Z were out for the next match and they were facing Deaf Touch and Omar as promised by Brother Grimm. Grimm and Mutant were seen mingaling in the crowd near the front row with drinks in their hands. This one was as hardcore as it could be with world class wrestlers like Omar and Deaf Touch in it! The Mexican Hardcore Killers used everything in site to try to put away their oppoentns but they just couldn't do it. The most entertaining part of the match came when Deaf Touch put a piñata on the crotch of Sanchez Villano who was sitting in the corner and busted it open with a kendo stick sending candy everywhere in the smallish arena! E-Z got the win when Deaf Touch was holding him for Omar to hit a big move outside the ring but Brother Grimm threw his drink in Omars face causing him to hit Deaf Touch. An angry Touch threw his partner into the stairs before leaving him to fight for himself, a task which was just too hard as E-Z hit his launch pad elbow off the top rope.


Hard-1 was out next and he once again came out taunting the crowd, as he grabbed the microphone and blasted the white people in the crowd, raising his left hand in the air and asking all his "brothas" in the crowd to join him as he promotes Black Power. Hard one calls Brother Grimm a sell out for promotion GSW in white neighborhoods and areas, just like he sold out making his music for the white kids in the burbs. Hard-1 is cut off though when Johnny Martin comes out with his own microphone!


The fans both black and white are cheering loudly as they chant, "We're not worthy!!" over and over again. Martin says that it doesn't matter if he's black, it doesn't matter if he's white because they are all human, and they are all here to see him kick Hard-1's ass. The fans once again go crazy as Martin rushes the ring and the two men start to brawl. These two go crazy on each other, using multiple tables, a six pack of beers and even having a bottle of Crown Royal snatched from the bar and broken over the head of Hard-1! Hard 1 was bloodied but not beaten as he was able to win the match with his hands on the tights. After the match Martin complained to referee Moore Vincent when he was attacked by Hard, who used a stapler to the head and eyes of Martin. Hard one lifted the mats off the concrete floor of The Warehouse and hit a pile driver off the apron on to the floor. The EMTS and workers from the back rush out as they load Martin on a stretcher. Hard one lifts the stretch board off the rolling part and throws Johnny into the ring post, as he was strapped down Martin could not protect himself. D-Lux came down to the make the save by chasing the bad guy back to the back.


Busta Capp and Frantic Ali came out for the main event, and were announced in ring as Martin was being worked on outside the ring. The fans were hot for this match as they were standing and oohing and ahhhing with every move. Ali looked like he was going to pick up the victory and win the title in his very first appearance for the company when his friend and then enemy from the battle royal, Death Row Karl made his was way down the aisle and pulled the referee out of the ring just as his hand was coming down for the 3 count. Ali jumped over the top rope landing on Karl but that was just enough time for Capp to come to and get the victory with the Mafia Kick!!


Busta Capp poses with the belt and his lady as the show goes off the air!!

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GSW Festival of Violence III



Don't miss our next show GSW Festival of Violence III on the 2nd Saturday of March! This is one of our biggest shows of the year as there were will be a rap show, and a comedy show immediately before the wrestling action, just outside The Warehouse! Tickets are $30 dollars for first 2 rows, or $20 for general admission. A Ticket to the wrestling event gets you into the festival for free!!


We will see the first ever Loser Leaves GSW match when Frantic Ali takes on Death Row Karl and as you all know, anything goes.


Fro Sure will team with Top Dolla to take on former tag team champions The Long Beach Crew


D-Lux has seen his race put down and his hero Johnny Martin put out of action and now he's seeking revenge against Hard-1


Boneyard and Mexico's Finest will go at it in a Hood Street Fight, where the only way to win is knock your opponent down and out for 10 seconds! The winner of this match will be in line for a GSW American Championship match.


Deaf Touch, Omar, Mutant and Cheech Kong will meet in a 4 way dance.


GSW American Champion Busta Capp will go head to head with Gravedigga of Dead Men Walking!


The Tag Team titles will also be on the line when the Mexican Hardcore Killers take on Brown Pride

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