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The Return of EDGE, the Rated R Superstar!

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In April of 2011, Adam Copeland, aka Edge, was forced into retirement because of potentially life-threatening injuries. Four years later, broke and unable to gain a foothold in anything other employment, he realized that wrestling was not only his past, but also his future. He knew he needed to get back into the business.


Edge knew he wouldn’t be able to stomach a return to the WWE, currently being run by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Every week they forced the same, tired wrestlers down fans’ throats. All the while, any worker who got over organically, without their push or blessing, was drowned out in the mid-card. He knew there was another way, a way to give the fans what they want.


Edge knew he didn’t want to work for any other promotion either, so he decided to invest some of the little remaining money that he had, and buy one of the two unowned, relatively unknown, local promotions in New York City.

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Quick notes from the Author:


Quick notes from the Author:


I am looking to write a slightly different version of a Real World diary. Instead of using the WWE as the point of view, I intend to use it as a backdrop to the events of my diary.


While I love wrestling, especially the WWE's product, I have grown tired of seeing the same wrestlers being pushed over guys that the fans clearly want. This is my chance to right that wrong. So my idea here is that I will be writing from Edge's point of view, but YOU the readers are the company's "universe". I will provide you with the product, the story, but you decide who is "over".


I also did not edit anything other than some small, cosmetic items, like certain wrestler's ages and such. So I will not deviate from realism in the game, by using the editor to "cheat". I want to keep my game "pure" if at all possible.


I am fascinated with the idea of turning a local promotion into a global enterprise, so I will be starting there, and working my way up. I am also fascinated with the idea of a parallel promotion in my location to compete with on the way to the top.


I welcome all feedback, since this is my first attempt at this.

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The first few days...


Edge: After checking out two local promotions and their gyms, I picked New York City Wrestling (NYCW) over Tri-State Wrestling Alliance (TWA). I walked into my newly purchased gym, and after a few days of observing the decidedly disappointing “talent”, I promptly released everyone. I knew that while it wouldn’t be easy, I would have to start from scratch, and put together my own crew of workers and staff, on a limited budget. I set out to find some fresh, unknown talent, some experienced indy guys, and round out the roster some established workers from my WWE days. I would also have to put together a small staff, while filling many backstage roles myself, in order to stay under my monthly budget of $10,000, as this was all the sponsor money I was able to secure.

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My Staff


First, I set out to find some staff members. At one point or another, all of the good wrestling staff has worked for the WWE, so I made a few calls to some old friends of mine from my WWE days. After a few hours, and a few dozen rejections, I was able to convince two old friends to join my promising venture.


My staff:

Announcer: Jonathan “The Coach” Coachman, $930/app. The Coach is well known in wrestling circles, and should be an absolute rock star on the mic.

Color Commentator: Edge, free. I am going to make use of some free labor here.

Road Agent: Edge, free. Same free labor again. Not sure how being at the commentator's table will mesh with being backstage between fights, but we'll see.

Referee: Jim “Jimmy” Korderas, $870/app. Another amazing addition, I was able to hire former WWE referee and talk show host.


With my staff together, I will next turn my attention toward building an adequate, balanced roster.

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A roster in the making...


Next, I am going to need about 12 workers. I want a good mix, but I want to place and emphasis on guys that range from Middleweight to Heavyweight, and will only deviate from that for someone special, someone who can really add something to my roster, like a Rey Mysterio (too small) or The Big Show (too big). Given my size preference, I’d probably be best served looking for primarily Brawlers, but I do want guys that can actually wrestle. Finally, I want to sign a few guys that already have chemistry together, are either related, or have tagged together before. This will give me some booking versatility, as well as provide some additional locker room harmony. I’m looking to spend about $250-$500 per worker.


I hit the phone once again, and this is the initial result:


- Jason Riggs (aka Jason Elliott), Indy wrestler with a background in the Heartland Wrestling Association (HWA) and WWE Developmental territories (OVW, FCW). At 35 years old, he is not going to improve his very basic skills, but he still has the look of a Will go by Jason Riggs, and wrestle as mid-card, old-school type heel. I intend to use him in squash matches to put over my faces. $240/appearance.


- Tommy Mercer (aka Crimson), best known for his work in TNA. His usage will largely depend on how the fans receive him, but at 30, he is entering his prime, and should be counted on as a cornerstone of the roster. He is slated to make $360 per appearance. I will probably start using him with his real name, but switch him to his “Crimson” moniker later, probably to go along with a heel turn.


- Shad Gaspard (aka Shad), best known for his work in the WWE, paired with JTG as “Cryme Tyme”. My first major coup, and provided the fans love him, should be in the Main Event mix. At the age of 34, that may not be for long, though, and he may end up serving mostly to bring along the younger talent.


- Deonta Davis, a 22 year old wrestler from OVW. I have no idea what to expect from him, but hope for the best.


- Black Ice and Body Snatcher, two young wrestlers that form a babyface tag team called “D-Line”. Held East Coast Wrestling Association (ECWA) Tag Titles between 2013 and 2014. Heavy contenders for NYCW Tag Titles. $240/apiece for $480.


- Lance Anoa’i, a member of the Anoa’i family of wrestling. Young and promising, a possible future top heel, if developed correctly. Made a brief appearance on Smackdown, on the wrong end of a squash match. $240/app.


- Elijah Burke, another former WWE Superstar. An aging worker that has a lot of mic talent, and enough left in the tank to possibly be a top heel. Will use heavily for promos. I also plan on integrating him into color commentary, so I can keep using him after his wrestling days are over. $380/app.

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Roster continued


I spent a few days observing my newly assembled roster, but I know I am still short a few workers. After asking around, I learned that a few of my workers had family members that might meet my specifications. After a few tryouts, I decided I’d make two additions from these family members:


- Afa Anoa’i Jr (Manu), 30 years old, and another member of the Anoa’i family, and another former WWE Superstar. Will wrestle as Manu, and hopeful be in the Main Event heel mix. I plan on pairing him with Lance, to see if they have any tag chemistry. $610/app.


- Johhny Riggs, 32, brother of Jason. Same role as his brother, and I will pair them to recreate Riggs Brothers, a tag team that once held the Tag Team Title in the HWA. With a little bit of heat, they may find themselves in the NYCW Tag Team Title mix.


This wraps up my first 10 signings. I am working on some real treats as my last two signings, and hopefully they can really put this roster over the top, without breaking the bank.

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Afa Anoa’i Jr (Manu), 30 years old, and another member of the Anoa’i family, and another former WWE Superstar. Will wrestle as Manu, and hopeful be in the Main Event heel mix. I plan on pairing him with Lance, to see if they have any tag chemistry. $610/app.



I am a big fan of Afa as a worker, but for some reason I can never seem to get him to produce for me (my guess is unlucky destiny rolls). Hopefully he can produce for you, and I know I'll be following.

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In the meantime, I still need to create some events, and add some belts worth fighting for. I promptly created the NYCW Heavyweight Championship and the NYCW Tag Team Championship, and am pondering adding another midcard singles belt. I am also adding my first event, Phoenix Rising, on Friday, the 4th week of April.
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Phoenix Rising 2015 Match Card


Match card for “Phoenix Rising”:


Singles Match:

Lance Anoa’i vs. Deonta Davis


For the Tag Team Chamionship:

Riggs Brothers vs. D-Line


Singles Match:

Elijah Burke vs. Tommy Mercer


Singles Match:

Manu vs. Shad


Main Event Ladder Match for the NYCW Heavyweight Championship:

??? vs. ???


My final two signings will be kept a mystery, and will compete against each other in a Ladder match for the NYCW Heavyweight Championship in our Main Event!

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Update on TWA


So... Eric Bischoff has been busy... He has put together a 25 person roster (compared to my 12), and his wage bill is way higher than mine. Remains to be seen if his method of aggressive brand growth is sustainable. Our difference in business models should be very obvious. Oh well, I believe in my way, and will see it through. Here is a snapshot of his roster:


Tiger Raj Singh (Jinder Mahal)

John Hennigan (John Morrison)

Shawn Hernandez

Jesus Rodriguez (Ricardo Rodriguez)

Jay Briscoe

Chris Hero

Brian Kendrick

Nick Dinsmore (Eugene)


Ok, so I am a little jealous of that talent, but again, I believe in my model, and will grow my product patiently.

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Phoenix Rising Event


Phoenix Rising Event:


ANGLE: Edge comes out to the ring and introduces himself as the new Authority Figure of the company. (Rating: 82)


Singles Match:

Lance Anoa’i vs. Deonta Davis

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Lance Anoa'i defeated Deonta Davis in 11:51 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (Rating: 11)


ANGLE: Elijah Burke cuts a promo hyping himself up. (Rating: 27). Tommy Mercer runs into the ring and chases off Elijah Burke. (Rating: 13). This sets up a match between the two tonight.


For the Tag Team Championship:

Riggs Brothers vs. D-Line

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, D-Line defeated Riggs Brothers in 8:11 when Black Ice defeated Jason Riggs by pinfall. D-Line win the NYCW Tag Team Championship titles. (Rating 18)


ANGLE: Edge comes down to the ring, and introduces Curt Hawkins as the newest member of the roster. Curt Hawkins comes out and poses for the crowd. (Rating 54)


Singles Match:

Elijah Burke vs. Tommy Mercer

In an extremely poor match, Elijah Burke defeated Tommy Mercer in 12:13 by pinfall after using a foreign object. Tommy seemed off his game tonight… (Rating: 24)


ANGLE: Edge comes out and announces his major new signing, JTG. Out he comes to make his first appearance as the newest signing. (Rating: 56) Edge books a match between Curt Hawkins and JTG. (Rating: 44)


Singles Match:

Manu vs. Shad

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Manu defeated Shad in 19:48 by pinfall with a Storminator. (Rating: 28) Neither wrestler has the stamina for a 20 minute match.


Main Event Ladder Match for the NYCW Heavyweight Championship:

Curt Hawkins vs. JTG

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Curt Hawkins defeated JTG in a 1 vs 1 Ladder match in 19:51 when Curt Hawkins retrieved the item. Curt Hawkins wins the NYCW Heavyweight Championship title. (Rating 40)



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Meanwhile around wrestling


Recap of WWE Extreme Rules 2015 (Rated: 78)


John Cena beats Miz to retain United Stated Championship (Rated: 69)


Cesaro/Kidd defeat Dallas/Slater to retain Tag Team Titles (Rated:50)


Daniel Bryan defeats Stardust to retain Intercontinental Title (Rated: 83)


Seth Rollins defeats Dolph Ziggler to retain WWE Heavyweight Title (Rated: 78)


Interesting side note: both of their dark matches rated lightly higher than my Main Event...


Recap of TWA Guilty As Charged 2015 (Rated: 39)


Sean/Waltman defeated York/Helms for the TWA Tag Team Titles (Rated: 32)


Carlos Colon Jr. defeated Scott Taylor for the TWA Arena Championship Title (Rated: 28)


U-Gene defeated Chris Hero for the TWA International Title (Rated: 36)

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I'm using sports entertainment right now. What do you recommend?


Traditional as your Key Feature, the rest is up to you. You can still keep Mainstream high if you want some sports entertainment, but to balance it out, you'll need to raise Realism or Hyper Realism and maybe Pure.

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Nycw: Into The Void




JTG is in the ring giving an interview. Curt Hawkins comes out and enters the ring. After some back-and-forth insults, he attacks, laying JTG out. Shad comes out from the back, hits the ring, and cleans house, saving JTG. (Rating 38)

For the Tag Team Chamionship:

Riggs Brothers vs. D-Line

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, D-Line defeated Riggs Brothers in 12:26 when Body Snatcher defeated Jason Riggs by pinfall. D-Line make defence number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team Championship titles. (Rating 17) Johnny Riggs was really off his game tonight.


Curt Hawkins comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interrupted by Shad. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match. (Rating 41)

Fatal Four-Way for the newly created NYCW Empire Championship:

In an extremely poor match, Lance Anoa'i defeated Deonta Davis, Elijah Burke and Tommy Mercer in a Four Way Ladder match in 19:56 when Lance Anoa'i retrieved the item. Lance Anoa'i wins the NYCW Empire Championship title. (Rating 24) Lance Anoa’I was visibly tiring toward the end of the match. Deonta Davis was really off his game tonight.


A video airs showing Manu. (Rating 32)

Singles Match:

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, JTG defeated Manu in 20:21 by pinfall with a Shout Out. (Rating 33) Manu was visibly tiring toward the end of the match.


Manu has an interview, in which he goes off on a rant about how much he hates Shad. (Rating 23)

Singles Match:

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Curt Hawkins defeated Shad in 20:22 by pinfall with a Taste of Pain. (Rating 38) Curt Hawkins and Shad have pretty good chemistry. Shad was visibly tiring toward the end of the match.


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Around the wrestling world:


Recap of WWE Payback 2015 (Rating 78):


John Cena defeated The Miz to retain the United States Championship (Rating 77)


Daniel Bryan defeated Bray Wyatt (Rating 79)


Ziggler and Ambrose defeated Rollins and Big Show (Rating 75)


Recap of TWA Forsaken (Rating 30):


Shawn Hernandez defeated Brian Kendrick (Rating 38)


Carlos Colon Jr. defeated Christian York to retain the TWA Arena Championship (Rating 31)

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Nycw: Break And Enter




Edge books a tag team match that will see Black Ice and Body Snatcher againt Jason Riggs and Johnny Riggs. (Rating 18)

For the Tag Team Championship:

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Riggs Brothers defeated D-Line in a 2 vs 2 Table match in 8:05 when Jason Riggs put Black Ice through a table. Riggs Brothers win the NYCW Tag Team Championship titles. (Rating 15)


In the ring, Elijah Burke calls out Deonta Davis and challenges Him to a match. Davis responds, and accepts the challenge by brawling with Burke. (Rating 19)

Singles Match:

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Elijah Burke defeated Deonta Davis in 12:22 by pinfall with a STO. (Rating 22) Deonta Davis was really off his game tonight… Again.


Lance Anoa'i cuts a promo hyping himself up. (Rating 19)

For the NYCW Empire Championship:

In an extremely poor match, Lance Anoa'i defeated Tommy Mercer in a 1 vs 1 I Quit match in 12:24 by submission. Lance Anoa'i makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Empire Championship title. (Rating 22) Lance Anoa’i was really off his game tonight, but Lance and Tommy have great chemistry, and that really showed.


A video airs showing Manu. (Rating 31)

Singles Match:

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Manu defeated Shad in a 1 vs 1 Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match in 15:14 when Manu retrieved the item. (Rating 22, but booking errors were made on my part, there was no “item”, and I selected “Slow Build” for a match that was too short.)

For the NYCW Heavyweight Championship:

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Curt Hawkins defeated JTG in 20:26 by pinfall with a Laugh Riot. Curt Hawkins makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Heavyweight Championship title. (Rating 42)



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Thoughts after three events...


  • Deonta Davis is not ready for the upper midcard, due for a demotion
  • I sincerely want to keep pushing Lance Anoa'i with the Midcard Belt, but he may not be ready. Perhaps Tommy Mercer should take the belt for awhile
  • I also want to build Manu into a top heal, but his stamina is crap
  • I need another tag team, to freshen up the division
  • I think I also need to introduce another wrestler at or near the top of my roster, which would push both Manu and Deonta Davis each down one level

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What are your product settings now? With that roster you definitely shouldn't have any hyper realism or pure at all. If you don't want the angles to bomb completely, keep mainstream in heavy/key. Traditional should probably be heavy/key as well. Then bump realism or modern (or both) to medium. Though you don't seem to have that much fast paced wrestlers so maybe only realism and no modern.
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My product setting are on the baseline setting for Sports Entertainment. The game doesn't seem to like any major adjustments (telling me I'll lose fans), and minor adjustments (low and very low) do not seem to have an effect. I think I am going to just keep plugging away, and let my product develop naturally. I have already reached 1 prestige, and have a little momentum. I am going to make a few daring roster moves, and see if that jump-starts my promotion.


And again, I am really set on the realism of this: If the WWE is averaging about 75 rating per PPV, then a local promotion averaging about 32 per non-televised event seems about right...


On the bright side, my rival, TWA, does not appear to be doing any better, despite an arguably better roster.

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Around the wrestling world


Recap of WWE Money in the Bank 2015 (Rating 76):


Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler (Rating 75)


Roman Reigns defeated Dean Ambrose (Rating 75)


John Cena defeated The Miz to retain US Championship (Rating 78)


Daniel Bryan defeated Kidd and Otunga to retain Intercontinental Championship (Rating 68??? Bryan can put on a better match than that with a broomstick...)


Other observations:

  • Heavyweight Championship not contested: boo!
  • No actual "Money in the Bank" ladder match... seriously? Bad glitch.


Recap of TWA Good Times gone Bad (Rating 35):


Shawn Hernandez defeated Eric Perez (Rating 37)


Carlos Colon Jr. defeated Scott Taylor to retain the TWA Arena Championship (Rating 31)


Tiger Raj Singh defeated U-Gene for the TWA International Title (Rating 37)

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NYCW Breaking Point




In the ring, Riggs Brothers have a celebration ceremony to commemorate their recent success, but two mysterious masked wrestlers show up and crash the festivities. The Riggs Brothers end up escaping backstage. (Rating 11)


Edge introduces the mysterious, masked team as Haack and Slaash, and announces that he’s signed them to a contract. He then announces that they will face off against the Riggs Brothers in the first match of the night. (Rating 25)

For the NYCW Tag Team Chamionship:

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Riggs Brothers defeated Haack 'n' Slaash in 7:33 when Jason Riggs defeated Slaash by submission after blatantly cheating. Riggs Brothers make defense number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team Championship titles. (Rating 12). Slaash and both of the Riggs Brothers were off their game tonight…


In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Body Snatcher defeated Deonta Davis in 8:30 by submission. (Rating12) Body Snatcher was off his game tonight, but he and Davis have great chemistry together.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Black Ice defeated Elijah Burke in 8:23 by submission. (Rating 22)

For the NYCW Empire Championship:

In an extremely poor match, Tommy Mercer defeated Lance Anoa'i in 11:51 by pinfall with a Mercy Kill. Tommy Mercer wins the NYCW Empire Championship title. (Rating 23) Lance and Tommy have great chemistry.


Edge books a three way match between Manu, Curt Hawkins and Shad. (Rating 36)

For the NYCW Heavyweight Championship:

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Manu defeated Curt Hawkins and Shad in 20:29 when Shad was counted out after being attacked by Edge at ringside out of nowhere. Hawkins retains the belt thanks to the assist from Edge. (Rating 38)


NYCW Owner Edge takes the microphone, and announces that Curt Hawkins is the Face of the Franchise, and the chosen one to represent the company. He put the roster on notice, telling the other superstars that they should really take an example from Curt Hawkins. (Rating 57)


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Around the wrestling world...


WWE Night of Champions 2015 (Rating 79):


Bryan defeated Kidd, Mizdow and Rose to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (Rating 73)


Ziggler and Orton defeated Wyatt Family (Rating 74)


Rollins and Big Show defeated Cena and Ambrose (Rating 77)


TWA Rock You Tonight (Rating 37):


Tiger Raj Singh defeated U-Gene to retain TWA International Championship (Rating 35)


Chris Hero defeated Lance Hoyt (Rating 37)


Glamour Boy Sean defeated Shelton Benjamin (Rating 36)

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