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C-SEG : A Canadian Rich Kid's Dream

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The Humble(?) Beginnings...

Growing up in Canada, Chad Richford was similar to many other children in that he loved watching WWF and cheering on his favourite wrestler, The Million Dollar Man. He related to this character largely because he was a spoiled rich kid that got anything he wanted and didn't understand the meaning of the word 'No'.




In October of 2014, he turned 25 and was gifted his trust fund. Being completely full of himself, he had no doubt that he could run the best and most successful sports entertainment company in the world. To no surprise, Chad had his company, C-SEG (Chad's Sports Entertainment Group; pronounced "see-seg"), lined up to launch in November 2014.


What We Know

  • "C-SEG Mondays" is the only current event scheduled, recurring weekly beginning on November 2014 Week 2.
  • Jim Ross (Announcer), Jimmy Korderas (Referee) and none other than The Million Dollar Man himself (Road Agent) have been lured out of the comfort of their retirement (thanks in part to large sums of money being thrown their way) to help launch the brand.
  • Chad is using his many contacts in media to get spots on the radio and TV commercials to hype up C-SEG. It has allowed the company to come to market with a little bit of momentum, but still well behind the leaders of the pack.


Stay Tuned here for more...



Playing around with different writing formats. After the first episode, will likely reduce the actual text, and just summarize speech. Considering posting images, but they appear to only show up as links...unless my settings are off somehow.

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C-SEG Mondays : Ep 1

November 2014 - Week 2

From the Ted Reeve Arena, Toronto, ON

Attendance: 1,095 [Max Capacity: 1,100]


Announce Team: Jim Ross, Messiah Hallberg



The debut episode of C-SEG Mondays opens with a shot of the ringside announce table.

Jim Ross: “Good Evening and thank you for joining us on this very exciting night. Welcome to CSEG Mondays! It is my true honour to be seated here next to the very talented Messiah Hallberg, eagerly ready to get this journey started.”

Messiah Hallberg: “You are absolutely right, James. It is your honour. I, too, am excited about this venture.”

JR: “Well, we are in a hold pattern until the owner, Chad Richford, arrives. How can this kid be late on such a big night?”

MH: “Have some respect for our owner. He can do as he pleases.


In the Parking Area

A camera picks up an incoming limo, and out steps a grinning Chad and a beautiful brunette in a long evening gown. They take a couple of steps, then he stops.

Chad: “Um...aren’t you forgetting something?”

The woman looks puzzled.

Chad: “My bag. Get my bag, take it to the office, then meet me out at ringside. I can’t wait around for you. My people are waiting.”

As Chad walks off camera, the woman lets out a sigh as we fade to commercial.

[score: 54]


Back in the Ring

Chad is in the ring holding a mic, looking around at the fans as he receives a mix of cheers of excitement and boos from the disrespect backstage. A huge smile crossed his face as he lifts the mic.

Chad: “Welcome to my show, Toronto. You should all be proud that you were smart enough to be here, so you can tell your children...and your children’s children...that you got to see the start of it all.”

Chad works the crowd for a few minutes, mostly delivering compliments to himself, then takes a seat next to JR and MH. Hallberg kisses Chad’s ass, which he welcomes. JR welcomes his new boss and says that he arrived with quite a beauty.

Chad: “Well what did you expect, JR? Women love me - I have my pick! And let me tell you some of the things they do to get my attention…”

JR cuts Chad off, and manages to move onto the first match.

[score: 53]


Chris Sabin vs. Roderick Strong

Sabin makes his way to the ring to a loud pop, obviously being recognized by quite a few fans. Roderick Strong is next, wearing jeans and a T-shirt to the ring. Sabin smirks.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Chris Sabin defeated Roderick Strong by pinfall with a Cradle Shock.

Winner: Chris Sabin at 19:31

[score: 51]


Chad: “Okay, you guys, check this out. I was leaving the office the other day, and this moron was out there waving and shaking people’s hands. Like, just for no reason.”

JR: “That's not a bad thing, Chad. The world could use more people like that!”

Chad: “But, no, this kid was slow. Like, in the head. Hilarious!”

MH starts laughing with Chad

JR: “Would you two stop it! How can you make fun of that?”

Chad: “Well, you tell me. I convinced him to sign a contract with us. This is going to be fun!”

JR: “What the...you did what?!?”

Tim Donst makes his way to the ring, shaking people’s hands at ringside, and taking in all the adoration. Early signs he could be a fan favourite. He walks by the announce table and shakes Chad’s hand while thanking him. Chad snickers.

Chad: “Go get ‘em champ!”, he says, obviously mocking Donst.


Ken Carson vs. Tim Donst

Ken Carson makes his way to ringside, takes Donst by the hair and tosses him into the ring. He gives the thumbs up to Chad, saying “I got this for you, man!”. Chad doesn’t pay any attention to him.

Throughout the match, Carson kept going over to the Announce side of the ring and trying to get Chad's attention. Like a kid at a pool, he kept shouting "Watch this!". Going to the well one too many times, after an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Tim Donst sneaks up behind Ken Carson and rolls him up in a quick cradle.

I’m not sure who looked more shocked - Carson or Chad at the fact that Donst won. While fading to commercial, Carson is seen apologizing to Chad after the match, to which he is not really sure why and is “shooing” him away.

Winner: Tim Donst at 8:25

[score: 17]


Chad: “Oh, hey, JR...MH...check this out.”

Chad takes out his phone and starts swiping pictures.

Chad: “You wanna see pictures of Ashley? She’s a freak in the bedroom. Look at that body!”

JR: “How can you go around showing people private photos of that poor girl. Those are not for the public eye!”

MH: “You hush up, James. Chad...can you go back to that last one? Oh my...that little lady works out.”

Ashley is making her way to ringside as this happens. Chad quickly puts the phone away.

Chad: “Hey sweet cheeks. How ‘bout you pop a squat right here on Daddy’s lap?”

Ashley gives a reluctant smile, then slowly obliges and sits down.

Chad: “Now you keep it down, honey. The men are talking.”

[score: 68]


Chris Hero & Greg Burridge vs. Danny Matthews & Johnny Gargano

In an extremely poor match, despite the good chemistry Matthews and Gargano had going on, Burridge is about to finish off Matthews when he suddenly grabs the back of his leg and collapses to the mat. Matthews, seeing an opening, quickly rolls him up for the pinfall

JR: "Poor kid, that Burridge. He looked to have the match won."

MH: "Maybe, James, but on matter how much scouting you do, you just don't see the dreaded charlie horse coming your way."

Winner: Matthews/Gargano at 11:38

[score: 31]


Stanislaw Van Dobroniak vs. Alex Shelley

Van Dobroniak comes out first and gets on the mic. He’s all smiles, very cheerful, and speaking a whole lot of words that no one understands. His thick polish accent has left the crowd looking confused, but he seems pumped up. Shelley, who has now made it to the ring, grabs the mic from him, tells him that no one knows what the hell he is saying, then throws the mic in his face and attacks.

In an extremely poor match, Alex Shelley defeated Stanislaw Van Dobroniak by submission with a Border City Stretch.

Winner: Alex Shelley in 12:17

[score: 27]


Bobby Lashley vs. Petey Williams

Both workers were receiving cheers from the crowd, despite Williams pulling out some classic heel moves. Canadians gotta stick together, eh?

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Bobby Lashley defeated Petey Williams by pinfall with a Knock Out Punch.

Winner: Bobby Lashley in 19:54

[score: 42]


Chad Enters the Ring

Chad: "Before you all leave, I thought I would give your boring lives something to look forward to. I have a surprise in store for next week's show, and that's on top of the fact that I will personally declare the first ever C-SEG World Champion. All you guys in the locker room better try to impress me next week! Ah yes, and one last thing to all of you out there who enjoyed this show...You're Welcome!"

[score: 46]


Show Notes

Final Show Rating: 40

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C-SEG Mondays : Ep 2

November 2014 - Week 3

From the Red Robinson Show Theatre, Coquitlam, BC

Attendance: 1,015 [Max Capacity: 1,075]


Announce Team: Jim Ross, Messiah Hallberg



Jim Ross and Hallberg welcome the viewers and recap last week's show ending where Chad promised not just a surprise this week, but also that by the end of the show, he will name the first ever C-SEG World Champion.


Chris Hero vs. Danny Matthews

In an extremely poor match, Chris Hero defeated Danny Matthews in 12:14 by submission with a Hangman's Clutch. They didn't really click in the ring, and it made for an awkward bout.

[score: 25]


Backstage in Chad's Office

Chad is shown in his overly gaudy office backstage, speaking with Ashley. Ken Carson runs in, grinning like an idiot, and shakes Chad's hand. He tells Chad that if he makes him Champion, he'll serve him with pride. Chad smirks, raises an eyebrow, pats Carson on the head and says "Okay little buddy, I'll take that under consideration."

[score: 32]


Back in the Ring

Greg Burridge vs. Jesse White

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Jesse White made his debut, and despite being really off his game, defeated Greg Burridge in 8:24 by pinfall after Burridge attempted to drop an elbow, missed, and appeared to have injured his arm.

[score: 18]


A Video Vignette Is Shown

Footage is shown of Chad living up his lavish lifestyle. Riding in limos, throwing money around...a total spit in the face of any hard-working individual.

[score: 42]


After the video, Chad is shown talking to Ashley about just how amazing that video tribute to him was. He truly loves himself. He then starts praising himself about being able to book great matches, such as the Sabin and Petey Williams one coming up later tonight.

[score: 51]


In The Ring

Johnny Gargano vs. Stanislaw Van Dobroniak

Dobroniak enters the ring first with a mic and talks to the crown. He appears to be trying to pump them up, but much like last week, no one could understand him through his accent.

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Johnny Gargano defeated Stanislaw Van Dobroniak in 8:28 by pinfall with a Hurts Donut.

[score: 17]



Cameras catch Dobroniak back in the dressing room taking his boots off after his match. Alex Koslov debuts by coming into view, laughing and pointing at him. He seemingly is making fun of his microphone skills, however it's very hard to tell through his thick Russian accent. He pounds his chest a couple of times to emphasize some sort of point (probably something about vodka), then walks off.

[score: 0] Yikes!


The camera follows Chris Hero down the corridor, into Chad's office, only to see him basically pushing himself on Ashley. He is leaning on her while she is pressed against the desk and he says "I don't pay you to say no!".


Hero hears that and snickers, causing Chad to spin around and try to explain what he actually was saying, stumbling over his words. Hero backs out of the office, obviously not buying any of it. At the same time, Ashley sneaks out the back door. Once Chad realizes this, he is none to pleased.

[score: 55]


Back in the Ring

Alex Shelley vs. Bobby Lashley

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Bobby Lashley defeated Alex Shelley in 14:19 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

[score: 41]


Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Chris Sabin defeated Petey Williams in 19:33 by pinfall with a Cradle Shock.

[score: 42]


After a break, we come back to Chad in the ring next to a table that has a sheet draped over it. All the workers get called to ringside for an announcement.


Ashley removes the sheet to reveal the beautiful (no expense spared, quite obviously) C-SEG World Championship title belt.


After a speech declaring what makes a great champion, from dedication to being the idol of every child watching, Chad is ready to reveal the first ever C-SEG champion.


Chad: "Everyone shower your first ever C-SEG World Champion with love and affection. He is none other than....Me!"


Chad lifts his arms as Ashley puts the belt on him. The workers at ringside are obviously not pleased with this development - other than Ken Carson, who is giving him a standing ovation. The situation starts getting muddled, and shoving and yelling ensues ringside. Chris Hero slides in the ring and approaches Chad, who is slowly backing up. Hero is visibly upset, and saying that this is a farce. He backs Chad into a corner and is right in his face.


Security has come down to ringside to disperse the crowd. With most workers being herded away, two security guards are in the ring trying to pull Hero back from Chad. He shoves them aside, but then they attack and start to lay a beating on him.


Jim Ross: "Dear lord, this night has just taken a terrible turn! First Mr. Richford ruins the morale of the workers by taking the belt for himself - what a joke! - but then on top of ..... wait a minute ... that security guard. That beard. Isn't that..."


Just then, the two in-ring security guards remove their low-brimmed hats to reveal Jim Neidhart and Lance Storm! They stand by Chad's side and he stands over the fallen Chris Hero, holding the C-SEG Championship belt over his head.

[score: 42]


Show Notes

Final Show Rating: 39

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C-SEG Mondays : Ep 3

November 2014 - Week 4

From the Bowness Sportsplex, Calgary, AB

Attendance: 884 [Max Capacity: 1,185]


Announce Team: Jim Ross, Messiah Hallberg


In the Ring

Chad Richford is in the ring with his two henchmen, Neidhart and Storm, as well as Ashley by his side to start the show. They refer to themselves as "The Upper Echelon", and remind people of what they did to Chris Hero last week. They also put the locker room on notice that the same fate will fall on those who confront them. Chad then goes into a speech about how his poo don't stink, and he will hold the title forever. Charming.

[score: 51]



Petey Williams is seen talking to himself, very angry about not being given the title last week, since "us Canadians should stick together". Roderick Strong comes into view and tells him to stop whining about not being given things, and start earning what he wants with hard work. Williams is left irritated as Strong walks off.

[score: 28]


Back in the Ring

Stanislaw Van Dobroniak is standing in the ring with a mic (oh no...) with his tag partner Dean Allmark. He is giving a riveting speech to work up the crowd...probably.

[score: 23]


Danny Matthews & Johnny Gargano vs. Dean Allmark & Dobroniak

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Danny Matthews and Johnny Gargano defeated Dean Allmark and Stanislaw Van Dobroniak in 11:57 when Johnny Gargano defeated Stanislaw Van Dobroniak by submission with a Garga-No-Escape.

[score: 21]


Alex Kozlov vs. Greg Burridge

With Kozlov in the ring, Burridge was introduced. After a few moments, Jim Ross steps into the ring and announces that Burridge slipped in the shower earlier while getting ready and hit his head. He's under concussion watch. His replacement opponent will be right out.

[score: 48]


Alex Kozlov vs. Tim Donst

Tim Donst runs to the ring, high fiving those ringside as he goes, as he seems incredibly excited to be part of another show. His wide-eyed eagerness was short-lived, however, as Alex Koslov defeated him in 8:27 by pinfall with a Frog Splash Elbow Drop.

[score: 18]


In Chad's Office

Chris Sabin shows up at Chad's office, and is lead in by Neidhart and Storm who were standing guard at the door. Chad's thrilled to see him, shakes his hand, and explains how it is his honour that he is being offered a place in The Upper Echelon. Assuming Sabin's acceptable, he sits back down at his desk to continue his important Solitaire-ing when Sabin says he's not interested in being some lackey like these two (he gestures to Neidhart and Storm). He then leaves the office, as the three men are visibly displeased.

[score: 54]


Back in the Ring

Carson is in the ring first, grabs a mic, and dedicates this match to The Upper Echelon.

[score: 0] Keep the mic away from this guy!


Ken Carson vs. Roderick Strong

In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Roderick Strong defeated Ken Carson in 13:13 when Ken Carson was disqualified when Petey Williams ran in and attacked Roderick Strong.

[score: 37]


Bobby Lashley vs. Alex Shelley

In a rematch from last week, Alex Shelley falls to 0-and-2 against the big guy. It had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action. Bobby Lashley defeated Alex Shelley in 12:04 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper.

[score: 40]


Show Notes

Final Show Rating: 38

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