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WCW 1991: A Dangerous Time

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It's January 1st, 1991. The wrestling world doesn't know it yet, but everything is about to change.


The past half decade has been the biggest boom period in wrestling history. Despite a recession, the WWF, the global leader in wrestling based in the United States, has seen its fortunes shoot through the roof. Their success has largely been built on the strength of Hulk Hogan's popularity and the growth of Wrestlemania.


Still, storms are rising in the wrestling world. Storms capable of doing significant damage. How the wrestling world is shaped at the end is anyone's guess, but one thing is certain: night is falling on the Golden Era and the dawn will bring with it certain change.*


*Credit to justtxyank’s writeup of his mod which I’m using.


It was the holiday season of 1990 when Ted Turner sat down with Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes the two biggest stars in his company’s history. Their message was bleak. Jim Herd had to go. He was killing morale, he was killing the product, and although nobody trusts a wrestler to run a wrestling company Turner had to do something to save his company and push it where it needed to be. He listened to their appeals, weighed the options and said he’d have a decision very soon.


A week later there was a new Executive Vice President in charge of WCW. Former owner Jim Crockett Jr returned to the company he had sold only a few years before, the company his father had built, determined to push his idea which he always felt could compete with Vince McMahon and with Ted Turner’s money, it just may.

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Crockett Wastes No Time


WCW recently sent out the following pink slips.


Jim Herd

Chris Youngblood

Dr. X

El Cubano

Jim Clontz

Lt. James Earl Wright

Mark Kyle

Mark Youngblood

Master Blaster Blade

One Man Gang

Ranger Ross

Rip Rogers

Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker

The Juicer

The Minotaur

Tim Horner

Tracy Smothers



World Championship Wrestling Champions


World Champion




United States Champion


Lex Luger


Television Champion



World Tag Team Champions




United States Tag Team Champions


The Steiners



*The World 6 man Tag Team Championship is likely to be scrapped very shortly and thus is unlikely to be filled.



TV Schedule


WCW Main Event--1 Hour (B Show)

WCW Saturday Night--2 Hours (A Show)

WCW Worldwide----1 Hour (B Show)


Event Schedule



January Week 4



February Week 3



May Week 3



July Week 2



September Week 2



October Week 4



December Week 2

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Location---Grady Cole Center, Charlotte NC





The show begins with Gordon Solie and Tony Schiavone welcoming the audience to WCW Worldwide. They wish everyone a happy new year and cover the matches we'll see tonight including the main event of Dustin Rhodes taking on Dirty Dutch Mantell.



Before they can do more, Paul E. Dangerously comes onto the set with his phone in hand. Schiavone tries to get him to leave but Dangerously says he has some things to say. It's 1991, it’s a new decade and a new era for World Championship Wrestling. It's the Dangerously Era and he is putting everyone on notice that he has a plan for domination and very very soon we'll see that plan in action!



Kevin Sullivan vs Brad Armstrong

Armstrong is interested in a wrestling match but Sullivan is here for a fight. He brawls his way into control of the match, focusing with a sadistic glee on Armstrong's neck. Nearing a disqualification several times he always breaks before the five count and finally puts Armstrong down for good with a kneedrop off the second rope.


Winner---Kevin Sullivan



Gordon Solie invites the audience to watch a short video highlighting the career and heroism of the WCW Champion, Sting.



When the show returns from commercial, Tony Schiavone is joined by Alexandra York, Michael Wallstreet, and Terrence Taylor. She says that this will be the year of the York Foundation and they are always scouting for new acquisitions and the two they're looking for are around the waist of the Steiner brothers. Sooner or later they'll be the US Tag champions and then it'll be a hostile takeover of World Championship Wrestling.



The Fabulous Freebirds w/Diamond Dallas Page vs Keith and Owen Hart


Good action between the two teams with the younger Hart showing glimpses of potential. However it is the veteran chemistry between Garvin and Hayes which keep their opponent in their corner for constant double teams. Always instigating the other partner to come in and distract the ref, the Freebirds end things when they hit a double DDT on Keith for the win.


Winner---The Fabulous Freebirds



Following the match Tony Schiavone lets us know that this week on WCW Saturday Night we will see the high flying Brian Pillman against the tough as nails Stan Hansen.



Tony then throws it to a short video hyping the upcoming Clash of the Champions.



Dirty Dutch Mantell vs Dustin Rhodes


A brawl from the word go, Dustin is put at the disadvantage by Mantell's underhanded tactics behind the referee's back. He perseveres and makes a comeback before hitting a series of Bionic Elbows like his dad, followed by hitting a big spinning side slam for the 1,2,3.


Winner---Dustin Rhodes



As Solie and Schiavone begin to say goodbye Dangerously returns saying he has other things to day but as he shouts and protests the announcers say we're out of time and they'll see everyone right here next week!





((From looking over other people's projects I'm going with a more simple look for B-shows with a little more pizzazzz for the A-Show and PPVs. All comments, even the ones saying this is garbage are welcomed but moreso any ideas on how to make this more entertaining for you the readers. Thanks for reading.))

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Location--- Mobile Civic Center, Mobile AL




Longtime announcer Lance Russell and Magnum TA welcome the audience to the show. They hype all the matches of the night but pay special attention to the fact the main event will see Pex Whatley go against Sid Vicious of the Horsemen.




Magnum welcomes the United States Tag Team Champions, the Steiners to the set. Scott says they heard what the York Foundation had to say but talk is cheap. If they want a piece of the Steiners they can get their first bite this Saturday because Rick will take on either of them one on one. Rick ends the interview with his customary weird dog barking.




El Giante vs George South


Squash match galore. South puts up an early fight but the BIG man just smiles as if hes being buzzed by a fly. A series of chops set up South and when he is whipped into the ropes he meets a huge boot to the face. El Giante picks him up and puts him in a bearhug which gets a quick submission.


Winner---El Giante




Lance Russell tells the audience that he's just learned that new World Championship Wrestling Executive Vice President Jim Crockett, JR will be on hand this Saturday night with a big announcement and that nobody should miss it.




Big Cat vs Tommy Rich


Tommy Rich uses everything in his arsenal and experience but he can't overcome the Big Cat's size and strength. The match comes to a relatively quick end when Cat gives Rich a running powerslam and then finishes the job with a big splash.


Winner---Big Cat




A graphic is shown of the Junkyard Dog as Magnum TA and Lance Russell inform us that the JYD will have something very special to say this Saturday night.




A video is shown to continue the hype for the big Clash of the Champions which will occur at the end of the month.




Sid Vicious w/Arn Anderson vs Pez Whatley


Sid dominates the veteran Whatley, manhandling him around the ring and even when Whatley gets in a smidge of offense Vicious swats him down. It doesn’t take long for Anderson to give the signal and Sid unloads with a huge powerbomb for the win as he makes the over with his boot on Whatley's chest.


Winner---Sid Vicious




The audience is shown a replay of the awesome powerbomb delivered by Vicious which brought an end to the match.




Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious make their way over to the set. Anderson does all the talking and tells Magnum TA that what the world just witnesses was the equivalent of an atomic bomb. The Horsemen have always done what they wanted, when they wanted, and backed it up but now they have a weapon of mass destruction who stands six foot ten and weighs three hundred and twenty pounds and with him there will be no stopping the Horsemen in 1991. Magnum, dismayed by these prospects signs off the show.


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Good Stuff! I do think you should add pictures for the workers that you put on shows. As people who read your stuff might not know who someone is just by words.I also think you should let people predict.
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This Saturday night the best wrestling in the world will be in full view as the action hits home harder than ever before. In action we'll see the following:


*Lex Luger defends his United States Championship against Beautiful Bobby Eaton.


*Rick Steiner goes one on one with Terrence Taylor of the York Foundation.


*Arn Anderson and Barry Windham of the Four Horsemen will take on the tandem of Brian and Scott Armstrong.


All this and more this Saturday night at 6:05 on the Superstation!




((I will be running a prediction contest for Saturday night and the Clash of Champions until WrestleWar and the winner will get to 'toss the coin' for Wargames.))

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(I didn't see your idea about predicting until I posted mine, I swear lol. I'm going to do previews for Saturday night and the PPVs/Clashes but not the B shows. I also plan to spend tomorrow working up some graphics for a Saturday night to make it look a little more special than the others.)
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*Lex Luger defends his United States Championship against Beautiful Bobby Eaton.


*Rick Steiner goes one on one with Terrence Taylor of the York Foundation.

going out on a limb for this one...I just think the heels need a little bit of heat. Even if Rick wins, it will be by DQ I'm guessing.


*Arn Anderson and Barry Windham of the Four Horsemen will take on the tandem of Brian and Scott Armstrong.

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Location--- DC Armory, Washington DC







The show opens with Jim Ross, Tony Shiavone, and the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. They welcome us to what promises to be an action packed show here on TBS. And to start us off we’re going straight to the ring to meet one of WCW’s newest talents.




http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Eddie%20Guerrero.jpg VS http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Buddy%20Landel%201.jpg


The newcomer Guererro who Ross bills as coming from one of the greatest families in Mexican wrestling shows off his skills in this one while Landel makes him like gold. After a series of high flying attacks, Guererro floors Landel with a pinpoint dropkick then climbs to the top and flies off with a frogsplash for the win.


Winner---Eddie Guererro






Tony Shiavone welcomes former WCW owner and new Executive Vice President Jim Crockett Jr. to the set. Crockett says it’s great to be back and he has a big announcement in a few weeks we’ll see Clash of the Champions right here on TBS and on that night we’ll see a battle royal to crown the next WCW Television Champion!






Before Crockett can expound on his announcement Diamond Dallas Page saunters up to the set. He says that everyone seems to be forgetting the Diamond Exchange but pretty soon he’ll have two more premium high rollers by his side and then along with the Freebirds nobody will be able to stop them.




http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/Rick%20Steiner%202.jpg VS http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Terrence%20Taylor.jpg


Steiner’s strength lets him keep Taylor on the defense most of the match but when the York Foundation wander down to ringside, Scott Steiner follows. During a heated argument between Scott and Michael Wallstreet the referee is distracted by them allowing Taylor to hit a low blow on Rick, then makes the cover with his feet on the ropes which the referee misses when he makes the count.


Winner---Terrence Taylor




No sooner is the match over and Scott is in the ring and on Taylor. Wallstreet follows and for a moment its two on one but Rick recovers and now it’s even. Referees flood the ring to pull them apart.






Following the chaos in the ring, Paul E. Dangerously strolls up to the interview set and asks Jim Ross if he can hear it? It’s change in the air. This place has been stale for years. Same old faces, same old agendas. But 1991 is going to be different and it’s going to get dangerous! Jim Ross sends us to break with an annoyed shake of his head.




The American Dream welcomes the WCW World Champion Sting to the interview set.




Sting says that it’s a new year but it’s the same Stinger! He will defend this belt with every ounce of his being and….




Multi time world Champion Harley Race steps onto the set and when Sting tries to ask what’s happening Race tells him to shut his mouth. Race says that he’s worn a belt like that many times in his career and that has given him the vision to see who deserves to be the world’s champion and it is definitely not Sting! Race says that if Sting wants to be a fighting champion he’ll meet Race’s protégé at the Clash. Rhodes tries to ask who the mystery man is but Race rebuffs him, just pointing a finger at Sting and telling him to show up at the Clash….or else.




http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/Lex%20Luger%2091.jpg VS http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Bobby%20Eaton%204.jpg


Eaton takes the fight to the champion early on but Luger is just too strong and soon he’s pressing Eaton above his head and flattening him with big running clotheslines. Finally he puts him in the rack and its all over.


Winner----Lex Luger




We get to see a slow-mo replay of the Torture Rack as Luger bounces around until Bobby Eaton submits.




Jim Ross welcomes the Junk Yard Dog to the set and an emotional JYD collects his thoughts for a moment before saying that he’s had a long career and he’s enjoyed every minute. But a man has to realize when he’s come to the end of the road and….


The World Tag Team Champion, Doom, walk up onto the set. Ron Simmons says on behalf of himself and his partner they want to say, from the bottom of their hearts, that they are so happy to see such a washed up Uncle Tom on his way out the door while two strong proud black men continue to dominate the world of professional wrestling. JYD isn’t about to take that kind of abuse and slaps Simmons across the face. Instantly Doom is on him, as Ross gets to safer ground, and about to send the Dog out of wrestling the hard way when Dustin Rhodes hits the scene with a chair in hand and after whacking Reed across the back, the tag champs retreat. Rhodes helps JYD to his feet as we cut back to the ring.




http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Stan%20Hansen%2091.jpg VS http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Brian%20Pillman%201.jpg


Pillman tries to use his speed and quickness to out maneuver Hansen and it works for the first few moments before Hansen swats him out of the air. The veteran goes to work, enjoying himself as he methodically tortures the young man. Finally Hansen hits the big lariat for the win.


Winnner---Stan Hansen




The referee is talking with the time keeper to announce Hansen as the winner but he's not done yet. He goes and gets his bullrope out of the corner before marching over to Pillman and bashing him in the forehead with a cowbell which busts Pillman open. TBS censors the blood for the most part with a black box as the announcers talk about how vile Hansen in and show intense concern for Pillman. Finally referees force Hansen to leave as we go to break.




Coming back from commercial Jim Ross says that they will not show a replay of Hansen's heinous attack on Brian Pillman but he can tell the audience that Pillman was taken backstage to receive medical attention.


Grade---- 67


http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Larry%20Zbyszko%201.jpg VS http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Owen%20Hart%2091.jpg


Zybysko toys with the youngster for the opening minutes but when Hart catches him flush with a solid right hand, Zybysko loses his mind and rips into Hart, punishing him and talking to him while he does it. Finally he locks in a guillotine choke hold which vaguely passes for a legal sleeper and sends Owen to Larryland.


Winner----Larry Zybysko




Jim Ross says we have received a pre recorded interview with Kevin Sullivan and we really need to see it to believe it.


Sullivan, cloaked in a black robe sits on the floor of a small room lit only by several smaller candles. He says that it’s no surprise to anyone that he’s always been more comfortable surrounded by the darkness. But now he knows his mission. It is to find the others in the darkness and bring them forth. It’s a job he relishes and soon the world will have to deal with the faces of evil. Then the candles go out at once.




The Four Horsemen come to the interview set to talk to Shiavone. Flair delivers most of the talking letting the world know that they’re about to see two of the four best wrestlers in the world in that ring named Anderson and Windham. After all four shake hands AA and Windham head to the ring a short distance away as Vicious stays with Flair.




http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Arn%20Anderson%203.jpghttp://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Barry%20Windham.jpgVS http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Brian%20James.jpghttp://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Scott%20Armstrong%201.jpg


The Horsemen start strong and don’t relent which is constantly pointed out by Flair who’s “helping” with color commentary. With constant tags they work over Brian, the younger brother before throwing him into his corner and urging his brother to come in. Scott proves to be a bigger challenge as he rocks both opponents and is building momentum until Anderson puts a knee in his back from behind. The moment lost it’s not long before Windham hits the superplex for the win.


Winners-----Arn Anderson and Barry Windham




The bell is ringing but Anderson and Windham don’t care. Flair who’s thinking this is hilarious tells Vicious to go have some fun and now it’s three on two as the big man delivers powerbombs to each of the Armstrongs.




As Anderson, Vicious, and Windham continue their assault and Flair cheers them on from the interview set, a masked man in a black tracksuit comes up from behind with a wooden baseball back and nails flair in the ribs. He continues his assault, jabbing down at him with the bat mostly obscured by the desk. Finally Anderson notices and the Horsemen sprint to the rescue as the masked man runs.


As they attend to Flair on the ground Anderson is screaming at Schiavone to tell him who did it but nobody has any answers as the program ends.



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January Week 1 Report


World Championship Wrestling has spent the week signing new talents as evidenced by the debt of young Eddy Guererro.


http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Chris%20Benoit%201.jpg Chris Benoit

http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Dean%20Malenko.jpg Dean Malenko

http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Cactus%20Jack%2091.jpg Cactus Jack

http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/El%20Dandy%2091.jpg El Dandy

http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Jushin%20Liger%202.jpg Jushin Liger

http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Tiger%20Mask%202.jpg Tiger Mask

http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Scott%20Hall%201.jpg Scott Hall

http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/People/Ultimo%20Dragon%202.jpg Ultimo Dragon


The international scope of many of the signings makes some industry insiders believe WCW is headed towards Jim Crockett’s plan of expansion into potentially Japan and Mexico with a more high flying style.



The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly



Good---One week of television in the books and most of the Clash card is shaping up. Now it will be up to the creative team to keep momentum and enthusiasms about the road they’re travelling.


Bad---- Scott Steiner nearly punched out a fan outside the DC Armory this week. Crockett tried to simmer him down with a fatherly approach but reportedly Steiner blew him off.


Ugly--- Stan Hansen’s attack on Brian Pillman which resulted in Pillman being cut open did not go down well with some TBS executives who ordered the footage to be censored. However one person not upset was Ted Turner himself. Many fear that if Turner wants to “win” bad enough he may loosen the standards for TBS wrestling programming which may result in a more mature audience and more chance for injuries to say nothing gambling on higher ratings.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Pipers_Pit/1991/WCW%20Worldwide.jpg</span><p> <strong>Location---Jeffrson County Fairgrounds, Jefferson City, Tennessee</strong></p><p><strong> Attendance---- 1,763</strong></p><p><strong> Grade---61</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Gordon Solie and Tony Schiavone welcome us to the show but don’t spend much time before sending us to the ring where we meet one another WCW newcomer.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39813" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Tiger Mask vs Jack Victory</strong> <p> </p><p> Tiger Mask who is unknown to the great majority of the audience elicits some cheers as his constant energy and athleticism runs circles around Victory. It isn’t long until he hits a double chickenwing with a bridge that Schiavone refers to as the Tiger Suplex for the win.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner-----Tiger Mask</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> Grade------41</p><p> </p><p> Following the match the announcers discuss Jim Crockett’s announcement about the TV Championship battle royal at the Clash of Champions until….</p><p> Grade------73</p><p> </p><p> The World Tag Team Champions Doom along with Teddy Long stroll up to the set. Long says instead of talking about that junk they ought to be talking about the World Tag Team Champions and what they are going to do to that no good uncle tom the Junkyard Dog and the little boy who didn’t know better than to stick his nose in the champs’ business. Dustin Rhodes is on official notice and that’s all anyone needs to know!</p><p> Grade------54</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39813" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Steve Austin w/Paul E. Dangerously vs Tommy Rich</strong> <p> </p><p> Paul E. Dangerously comes to the ring and taking the microphone announces his new client Stunning Steve Austin. Austin decked out in a red and black robe and in his first test has a former NWA World Champion. Rich controls the early moments but thanks to Dangerously continuously yakking at the referee Rich ducks his head between the ropes to tell him to shut up. Austin takes advantage with a running knee in the back followed quickly by hitting a flapjack into the ropes, catching Rich across the throat for the win.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner-----Steve Austin</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> Grade------55</p><p> </p><p> Dangerously and his new protégé approach the set and as always Dangerously has a lot to say. He goes on to tell how we just witnessed the debut of the future of professional wrestling and the debut of the most devastating finisher ever invented, the Stungun, courtesy of Stunning Steve Austin. Austin for his part does not speak, just looking smug.</p><p> Grade------54</p><p> </p><p> We cut to Gordon Solie who lets us know that Flyin’ Brian Pillman is out of the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery after the attack at the hands of Stan Hansen. Solie says a decision has been made after consultation between WCW officials and TBS that they will never show scenes of that attack again.</p><p> Grade------63</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39813" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>El Gigante vs Pat Rose</strong> <p> </p><p> This isn’t even a contest. The smaller kids in the audience seem to enjoy the giant, everyone else not so much. It mercifully ends with a big, and not very good looking chokeslam.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner----- El Gigante </strong></p></div></blockquote><p> Grade------37</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Following the match Solie and Schiavone take us back with a video of the attack on Ric Flair during WCW Saturday Night where he was blindsided by a masked man with a baseball bat.</p><p> Grade------78</p><p> </p><p> Schiavone then introduces the Enforcer, Arn Anderson who goes onto say that he’s out here to send a message. Sometimes people want to jump on the biggest guys in the yard but jumping on the Horsemen is a lot easier than jumping off. And when the Horsemen get their hands on the man who….</p><p> Grade------74</p><p> </p><p> Suddenly from behind the same man in the black mask and tack suit carrying a baseball bat whacks Anderson across the back. Schiavone heads for the hills as the man rains blows down on Anderson with the bat. As the show ends security has closed in but is not sure how to stop the man as Schiavone says they’ll see us next week!</p><p> Grade------46</p>
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