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NJPW: Kings Of Strong Style II

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Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


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  • Replies 790
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Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


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Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)

Comments: uh, yeah, I'll go with Shelley


Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)

Comments: Not today Sho


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)

Comments: The Taka train continues to roll!


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)

Comments: I love Desperado so much, I hate picking against him :(


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)

Comments: My Favoritism is so strong!!!!!!!!!


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)

Comments: I predict U-T upset, but let us be safe


Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)

Comments: Sorry Jay


Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: Please let Fish win? Please?


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)

Comments: Give me Points Ricochet!!!


Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)

Comments: So tough, why not make this happen later, I don't wanna pick against Zack.....

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Alex Shelley

Mascara Dorada

TAKA Michinoku - Hey, TAKA's music is awesome.

El Desperado

Katsuhiko Nakajima - This one is a complete guess.

Jushin Thunder Liger

Jay Lethal - Huge upset would bring Eita back down from contention.

Bobby Fish - Fish bait.

Ricochet - YES!

KUSHIDA - His Hoverboard has POWER.

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Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)

Comments: I dont think he'll win, but being one of my favorites, its hard not to pick him


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)

Comments: This would be epic

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June 2nd, 2015 - BOSJ Day Seven




Best Of The Super Juniors Day Seven

June 2nd, 2015


Live Event

Airing on NJPW WORLD!

Tuesday, Week 1, June 2015!

Held at the NGK Sports Plaza in front of 7,434 fans!

Show Rating: B-





Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)


Alex Shelley could be out of the running for the final after defeat to Eita yesterday so tonight was just about to avoiding a downward spiral. Defeat to young Yohei Komatsu could have been disastrous but Shelley was calm and professional, showing the diversity of his arsenal en route to victory after a Sliced Bread #2.


Match Time: 7:36

Rating: C+





Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)


With a victory here, Dorada will join Liger and KUSHIDA at the top of the block. Despite Tanaka's best efforts, the result was never really in doubt. Dorada is a class apart and bamboozles his opponent with all kinds of flashy aerial moves. His Springboard Hurricanrana had Tanaka seeing stars and the Dorada Screwdriver was just the final nail (well, screw) in the coffin.


Match Time: 8:11

Rating: C-





Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)


Two of the more villainous characters do battle here and this clash goes exactly as one would expect. The action spills to the outside in record time but Cavernario, the far more physical of the two, quickly gets the better of TAKA and leaves him laying after a suicide dive. TAKA spends most of the match trying to find shortcuts, such as pulling El Barbaro's trunks when he executes a school boy roll-up. Cavernario on the other hand just takes to his signature dropkicks, delivered with such conviction that the landing probably puts him in more pain than his opponent. As is now par of the course...




Taichi comes down to provide an assist...


The two Suzuki-gun members attempt to double team, but Cavernario wisely shoves TAKA into his partner and then locks on the La Cavernaria! Taichi manages to scramble back onto the apron, but only in time to watch his tag team partner submit the match!


Match Time: 10:41

Rating: C





Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)


Despite just costing TAKA his match, Taichi sticks around at ringside to offer his support to the other Suzuki-gun junior.


Taguchi controls most of the match thanks to his far superior technical wrestling abilities but can do little about Desperado's blatant choke holds. Taichi is also a constant distraction, enough so that Taguchi goes outside the ring to confront him. This proves to be a pivotal mistake, Desperado cleans the 'Funky Weapon' out with a Tope Suicida and rolls him back in the ring. Taguchi has had no time to recover and thus, Desperado can hit the Guitarra de Angel and romp on to six points with a surprising victory.


Match Time: 9:44

Rating: C





Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)


If he picks up a victory here, O'Reilly will climb above his opponent in the tournament ladder for the first time.


Due to their nature, this match was predictably intense and physical. Stiff strikes were the name of the game: in fact, at one point, both of these competitors just exchanged chest kicks in a war of attrition in the middle of the ring. Back and forth they went until O'Reilly gave out, he dropped to one knee just to duck a roundhouse kick and lock on a Guillotine Choke! Nakajima slumped to the canvas, but in an incredible display of brute strength and resilience, he managed to lift O'Reilly's dead weight up as he rose to a vertical base and then hit a Northern Lights Suplex! From here on out, the NOAH representative was in the driver's seat. He clattered O'Reilly with the R-15 (Heel Kick), but that still wasn't enough. Thankfully for Nakajima, the Death Roll was.


Match Time: 10:32

Rating: B-





Six Man Tag Team Match

Manabu Nakanishi, Captain New Japan & Tomoaki Honma vs. Suzuki-gun (Shelton X Benjamin, Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)


With TAKA losing and Desperado winning, it had been a mixed night for Suzuki's Army. They faced stiff resistance from Tomoaki Honma here but once he laid himself out after missing a Kokeshi, the match rather fell into their laps. Suzuki-gun picked up a pace and eased to victory after Captain New Japan was flattened by Shelton's Paydirt.


Match Time: 12:56

Rating: B





Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)


With an opportunity to put serious pressure on KUSHIDA before his match with Zack Sabre Jr. later tonight, Liger didn't take the challenge of U-T lightly. As such, this match probably went longer than anybody could have reasonably expected. The 'Millenial' has his moments of joy, stunning Liger after a Springboard Missile Dropkick. U-T goes for his signature Front Flip Piledriver (Canadian Destroyer), but Liger put the brakes on and shifted him into position for a match-ending Liger Bomb.


Match Time: 11:18

Rating: D+





Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)


Knowing that a slip up could be very costly, it's almost as if Eita loses himself this match. He struggles from the get-go here, Lethal has years of experience over him and frustrates him with some early slow pace mat wrestling. Reminiscent of the TAKA Michinoku match, the only one the Dragon Gate representative has lost in this tournament, he's able to make a comeback and looks mighty impressive doing so. He almost picks up the victory with a Moonsault onto a standing Jay Lethal, but the ROH World Television Champion still had the wits to kick out. Eita charges off the ropes, but only runs right into an STO Backbreaker followed by an STO that leaves his face splatting the canvas. The Lethal Combination left him on wobbly legs as he returned to a vertical base and the Lethal Injection all but ended Eita's chances of making the final.


Match Time: 12:20

Rating: C+





Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)


With both of these guys all but finished, this match was more about personal pride than anything else. Fish used his superior mat wrestling skills to good effect early on but found the going got a whole rougher as Romero upped the anti. A more experienced singles wrestler at this level, Romero made sure to measure Fish before each and every move. His High Speed Running Knee Strike was followed by the Foreign Devil and the CHAOS representative walked away with 8 points.


Match Time: 10:25

Rating: B-





Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)


With Eita having lost, this was a valuable opportunity for last year's winner to go two points clear. Tiger Mask IV recognised this and frustrated his opponent by always taking him to the mat as he looked to sap all of Ricochet's energy. Front facelocks and chinlocks were the modus operandi - it made for an underwhelming clash but the action picked up once Ricochet found his bearings on a vertical base. Impressively, the 'Future Of Flight' countered a Tiger Bomb with a Hurricanrana and then caught his opponent rushing in with a flush Superkick. Tiger Mask IV was down and out as Ricochet landed the 630 Senton Splash for the victory. Ricochet had avoided complacency, could KUSHIDA?


Match Time: 11:56

Rating: B-





Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


An absolute submission clinic here. The action was intriguing as both competitors constantly countered each other's holds and then countered the counter as they went back and forth. Not a match of much excitement, it wasn't until Sabre Jr. was just inches away from locking on a Cross Armbreaker did the fans finally give this match the appreciation it deserved. Quite surprisingly, Sabre Jr. more than held his own once KUSHIDA tried something more impactful, even countering Kushi's signature Handspring Back Elbow into a Dragon Suplex. Sabre Jr. went for a Penalty Kick shortly after, but only found thin air and was then caught out by KUSHIDA's headscissors as he locked on the Hoverboard Lock! Sabre Jr. fought with all his might but Kushi upped the pressure and the Englishman had no choice but to tap out. Sabre Jr. looked entirely devastated - he had been beaten at his own game tonight.


Match Time: 12:38

Rating: B-





Six Man Tag Team Match

Togi Makabe, Naomichi Marufuji & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, YOSHI-HASHI & Gedo)


After defeat to Nakamura, Makabe needed to return to winning ways here. You can't afford to lose too many matches with such a talented, competitive locker room waiting to steal your spot. Makabe couldn't have asked for a better chance, Okada is the only competitor in this CHAOS trio that is anywhere near his or Marufuji's level. The advantage constantly flicked back and forth between these two trios, neither was able to assert complete control all match long. But the combination of both Makabe and Marufuji proves to the difference maker, Marufuji wipes out YOSHI-HASHI with a Shiranui and Makabe takes care of Okada with a King Kong Lariat. This leaves Gedo ripe for the pickings as Watanabe lays him out with a Sit-Out Gourdbuster and Makabe comes flying off the top rope with the King Kong Knee Drop for the pinfall win.


Post-match, Makabe takes a microphone from ring announcer Kimihiko Ozani. He thanks his teammates for helping him tonight and he thanks the fans for supporting him. He says that defeat at Wrestling Dontaku was devastating but it didn't crush his spirit. His knee is close to 100% now and he's getting right back in the hunt. He lays down a challenge to Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata, him & Honma vs. them for the IWGP Tag Team Championships at Dominion. Makabe knows it's not that simple but he tells Meiyu Tag that it would be a war they would never forget and he knows that such fighting Champions would never turn down a challenge.


Match Time: 17:30

Rating: B (match), C+ (promo)



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BOSJ Day Seven Prediction Results


This is how we stand after Day Seven.

Two more shows to go until the FINAL!






Prediction Results


Kijar: 9

Infernalmiko: 8

Beejus: 8

Uncrewed: 7

Trev3454: 6

Snyder: 6 (welcome!)

Crackerjack: 5

Wolfman84: 5

thecoolestjedi12: 5


Kijar wins this week, getting just one incorrect prediction! Away from that, nobody did especially badly, even though Wolfman and the Jedi crashed back to earth. ;)

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BOSJ Day Eight Preview






Best Of The Super Juniors Day Eight

June 4th, 2015


The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion is in the building as he tags with Suzuki & Shelton to take on three of the hardest chins in all of puroresu: Shibata, Honma & Watanabe.


In Super Junior action, KUSHIDA faces Jushin Thunder Liger in a Block B crunch match. Ricochet looks to avoid a potential disaster against young Yohei Komatsu, and Dorada and Eita look to keep themselves in contention before the final day.


BOSJ Day Eight Predictions


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Kyle O'Reilly (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Ricochet (12)



Block B

Rocky Romero (8) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Bobby Fish (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

El Desperado (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (10)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. KUSHIDA (12)




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Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Kyle O'Reilly (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)

Comments: BEST YOUNG LION BEATS FUNKY WEAPON! (is the newspaper heading I imagine in my head that will never come to fruition)


Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Ricochet (12)



Block B

Rocky Romero (8) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Bobby Fish (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

El Desperado (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (10)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. KUSHIDA (12)


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<p>Been reading for a while not as a member, so I figured I'd finally join in with this.</p><p> </p><p>

BOSJ Day Eight Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. <strong>Kyle O'Reilly </strong>(6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. <strong>Sho Tanaka </strong>(0)</p><p>

Comments: The best Young Lion has to get a point, right?</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. <strong>Ricochet </strong>(12)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>Rocky Romero </strong>(8) vs. U-T (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. <strong>Jay Lethal </strong>(6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Bobby Fish (6) vs. <strong>Zack Sabre Jr. </strong>(6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>TAKA Michinoku </strong>(8) vs. Alex Shelley (8)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

El Desperado (6) vs. <strong>Mascara Dorada </strong>(10)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>Eita</strong> (10) vs. Cavernario (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. <strong>KUSHIDA </strong>(12)</p><p>

Comments: Passing of the torch type thing, I guess?</p>

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<p>BOSJ Day Eight Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>Tiger Mask IV (6)</strong> vs. Kyle O'Reilly (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>Ryusuke Taguchi (6)</strong> vs. Sho Tanaka (0)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A </p><p>

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. <strong>Ricochet (12)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Rocky Romero (8) vs. <strong>U-T (4)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. <strong>Jay Lethal (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Bobby Fish (6) vs. <strong>Zack Sabre Jr. (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. <strong>Alex Shelley (8)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

El Desperado (6) vs. <strong>Mascara Dorada (10)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>Eita (10)</strong> vs. Cavernario (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. <strong>KUSHIDA (12)</strong></p><p>


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<p>BOSJ Day Eight</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. <strong>Kyle O'Reilly</strong> (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>Ryusuke Taguchi</strong> (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A </p><p>

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. <strong>Ricochet</strong> (12)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>Rocky Romero</strong> (8) vs. U-T (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. <strong>Jay Lethal</strong> (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Bobby Fish (6) vs. <strong>Zack Sabre Jr.</strong> (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. <strong>Alex Shelley</strong> (8)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

El Desperado (6) vs. <strong>Mascara Dorada</strong> (10)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>Eita</strong> (10) vs. Cavernario (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. <strong>KUSHIDA</strong> (12)</p><p>


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<p>Tiger Mask VI - <em>He made a strong showing the past few shows, so he picks up a win here.</em></p><p>

Ryusuke Taguchi - <em>Poor Tanaka gets skunked.</em></p><p>

Ricochet - <em>I can't see any of Mootinie's Patented Swerves coming here.</em></p><p>

U-T - <em>A nice win for the millennial.</em></p><p>

Jay Lethal - <em>Gaijin ends good.</em></p><p>

Zack Sabre Jr. - <em>Puffer Fish.</em></p><p>

Alex Shelley - <em>Shelley knows all of TAKA's tricks.</em></p><p>

Mascara Dorada - <em>MASK ON MASK VIOLENCE</em></p><p>

Eita - <em>Cav did well at the start, but he really fell off at the end. Loved his match with Tiger Mask, for sure.</em></p><p>

KUSHIDA - <em>After backing Liger all tournament, I really feel this is one that he absolutely cannot win. Should rate a hell of a match, for sure.</em></p>

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<p>Block A</p><p>

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. <strong>Kyle O'Reilly (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>Ryusuke Taguchi (6)</strong> vs. Sho Tanaka (0)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. <strong>Ricochet (12)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Rocky Romero (8) vs. <strong>U-T (4)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs.<strong> Jay Lethal (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Bobby Fish (6) vs. <strong>Zack Sabre Jr. (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. <strong>Alex Shelley (8)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>El Desperado (6)</strong> vs. Mascara Dorada (10)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>Eita (10)</strong> vs. Cavernario (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs.<strong> KUSHIDA (12)</strong></p><p>


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<p>Block A</p><p>

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. <strong>Kyle O'Reilly (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments: O'Reilly For Life!!!</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>Ryusuke Taguchi (6)</strong> vs. Sho Tanaka (0)</p><p>

Comments: I still think you are cool Sho</p><p> </p><p>

Block A </p><p>

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. <strong>Ricochet (12)</strong></p><p>

Comments: No upsets, No upsets, No upsets....</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

<strong>Rocky Romero (8)</strong> vs. U-T (4)</p><p>

Comments: I was this close to picking you U-T</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>Katsuhiko Nakajima (8)</strong> vs. Jay Lethal (6)</p><p>

Comments: Don't see big things for Lethal</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Bobby Fish (6) vs. <strong>Zack Sabre Jr. (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments: Sabre>Fish</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. <strong>Alex Shelley (8)</strong></p><p>

Comments: TAKA, dirty win?</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

El Desperado (6) vs. <strong>Mascara Dorada (10)</strong></p><p>

Comments: Woe is my heart to not pick Dorada</p><p> </p><p>

Block A</p><p>

<strong>Eita (10)</strong> vs. Cavernario (6)</p><p>

Comments: Yeah?</p><p> </p><p>

Block B</p><p>

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. <strong>KUSHIDA (12)</strong></p><p>

Comments: Please not Liger, give me points Kushida</p>

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BOSJ Day Eight


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Kyle O'Reilly (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Ricochet (12)



Block B

Rocky Romero (8) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Bobby Fish (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

El Desperado (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (10)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. KUSHIDA (12)


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BOSJ Day Eight Predictions


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Kyle O'Reilly (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Ricochet (12)



Block B

Rocky Romero (8) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Bobby Fish (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

El Desperado (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (10)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. KUSHIDA (12)


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June 4th, 2015 - BOSJ Day Eight




Best Of The Super Juniors Day Eight

June 4th, 2015


Live Event

Airing on NJPW WORLD!

Thursday, Week 1, June 2015!

Held at the Fukuoka International Center in front of 7,171 fans!

Show Rating: B





Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Kyle O'Reilly (6)


Two competitors that haven't had the best of tournaments opened the show tonight. After find themselves evenly matched on the mat, O'Reilly seized control with a barrage of stiff kicks before going to work on the veteran's left arm. Although Tiger Mask IV did manage to make a comeback, O'Reilly wiggled out of a Tiger Suplex, delivering an armbreaker before locking on the Armageddon Cross Armbreaker for the submission victory.


Match Time: 8:46

Rating: C-





Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)


Taguchi looked fired up as he looked to avenge defeat in a tag match to young lion Tanaka at Wrestling Dontaku. The 'Funky Weapon' mostly dominated on the mat, finding counters to everything Tanaka attempted. Although young Sho might not be the seasoned mat wrestler Sakuraba wants to make him, he's now starting to back up the spirit and determination that he holds with impressive brute strength. Looking like a chiseled statue as he delivered a Powerslam, Tanaka suddenly looked a man to fear for the first time in the tournament. Taguchi wrestled back control when he countered a Half Crab (New Japan Dojo Special!) into an Ankle Lock before setting up for the Dodon. But little Sho countered with a Victory Roll, bridging backwards over Taguchi's legs to pick up the victory!


His first points of the tournament and his first major singles win, Tanaka looked ecstatic as he celebrated.


Match Time: 7:50

Rating: C-

Just for you Uncrewed. :)





Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Ricochet (12)


Having just watched Taguchi suffer an upset defeat, Ricochet wrestled fairly sensibly in the early going here. This allowed Komatsu a little more offence than one would have imagined but the front-runner of Block A gradually grew in confidence. After slipping out of Komatsu's attempted Falcon Arrow, Ricochet hit the Benadryller for the all important 1-2-3 and applied even more pressure onto Eita ahead of his crunch match with Cavernario later tonight.


Match Time: 9:14

Rating: C-





Block B

Rocky Romero (8) vs. U-T (4)


With nothing on the line but pride, you could forgive these two for not putting on the most intense contest you'll see tonight. U-T had his work cut out against such a talented veteran but he actually fared well when the pace was quick. A Hurricanrana was followed by a Tilt-a-whirl Headscissors for a really close two count, but as U-T charged in to perhaps hit his signature Front Flip Piledriver, Romero knocked him silly with a Running Knee Strike before the Foreign Devil (Diving Double Knee Drop) sealed victory.


Match Time: 9:19

Rating: C+





Block A

Katsuhiko Nakajima (8) vs. Jay Lethal (6)


One of the best matches of the last two weeks, both Nakajima and Lethal pulled out all the stops to impress the New Japan officials and hopefully secure themselves more dates. This match was wrestled at a break-neck pace, neither man looking to slow down until they had picked up the W. Lethal thought he had the match won after the Lethal Combination but Nakajima just managed to get his shoulder up before the three. The ROH World Television Champion climbed to the top rope and leaped off with Hail to the King, only to land on Nakajima's knees! The three-time GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion followed this counter up with a Northern Lights Bomb (Scoop Brainbuster), but it was Lethal's turn to show resolve. That said, the impact left him worse for where and Nakajima hit the Death Roll (Jumping Calf Kick To The Back Of The Head) shortly after to seal the victory.


Match Time: 9:45

Rating: B





Six Man Tag Team Match

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Naomichi Marufuji & Captain New Japan vs. Bullet Club (Karl Anderson, Bad Luck Fale & Tama Tonga)


Serving as little more than a distraction from the singles action, the 'Biz Cliz' seemed to be far more preoccupied with entertaining the crowd than actually wrestling or winning this match. Anderson, in particular, was in a jovial mood. After hitting his signature Leg Lariat to curtail a short lived Captain New Japan comeback, the 'Machine Gun' tried to get a 2Sweet from Marufuji and Tenzan. They declined of course. All this tomfoolery would cost them in the end, Anderson celebrated having laid out the Captain with Swivel Gun Stun, only to turn around into a Bicycle High Knee from Marufuji. Tenzan kept Fale occupied on the outside and Marufuji then hit the Shiranui to Tama Tonga to pick up the victory for his team.


Match Time: 11:57

Rating: B-





Block B

Bobby Fish (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


A submission oriented match here, not that we've seen one of those yet... Truth be told, the majesty of these kind of matches has somewhat weared thin and this ends up being a fairly average affair. The fans don't seem to get all that interested and this match simply lacks energy. Fish never truly matches the British submission master here and Sabre Jr. presses home his advantage after a Cross Armbreaker.


Match Time: 9:52

Rating: C





Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Alex Shelley (8)


With such a personal stake in both of this competitors, the crowd lift this contest for personal pride to the next level. Shelley has rather tumbled after such a great start and if his unbreakable resilience shows anything, it's that he's almost desperate for a victory now. He spends most of the match trying to fight both TAKA's experience and his cunning. Despite a spirited effort, a thumb to the eye and a Michinoku Driver II just proves to be one hurdle too many and Shelley falls to another heartbreaking defeat.


Match Time: 12:17

Rating: B





Block B

El Desperado (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (10)


Despite both wearing masks, these two couldn't have less in common if they tried. Very much a rudo, Desperado tugs at Dorada's mask and takes control with some early brawling. The clubbing strikes leave Dorada gasping for air as Despy uses simple holds like a Boston Crab to keep his opponent subdued and helpless. This works for a while but Dorada eventually manages to fight back to a vertical base. Desperado was never winning this battle and that was all but confirmed when Dorada countered the Guitarra De Angel with an Inverted Hurricanrana. As Dorada measured his opponent from the apron...




Taichi attempted to interject!


But Dorada saw him coming and took him out with a Senton Bomb! He hopped back on the apron and spiked Despy with a Springboard Dragonrana to keep his chances of making the final alive.


Match Time: 9:49

Rating: B-





Block A

Eita (10) vs. Cavernario (6)


Considering this is a must-win match for him, Eita is out the blocks early and before long, he has Cavernario backed into a corner with a tirade of knife edge chops. As he sends 'El Barbaro' across the ring, Cavernario slides to the outside only to be then taken out by a Somersault Tope! Knowing he has to stunt his opponent's momentum, Cavernario delivers a dropkick to Eita's knee and slows him down by gradually working over his leg. As he tries to make a comeback, a Dropkick of his own buys Eita some valuable time. The turning point though, was when Cavernario had jumped on the back of Eita's legs and taken him down and was just inches away from locking in the La Cavernaria... only for Eita to just make the bottom rope in time!


The Numero Uno usually follows proceeds Eita's signature Crucifix Driver, but when he appears to be setting up for that, Cavernario ducks out the way of the charge and pulls him Eita by his trunks into the second rope. This allows Cavernario to take Eita up for a Crucifix Powerbomb, but the Millenial slips out the back door and swiftly grabs both of Cavernario's arms from behind before lifting him up for a Vertebreaker. He connects with the move he calls the Hidalgo and the impact on his opponent's neck renders him unable to answer the three count.


Eita is still in contention for the final, but must beat Ricochet.


Match Time: 12:26

Rating: B-





Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. KUSHIDA (12)


Easily the toughest match of either man's tournament, we're now at crunch time! His aging body giving up on him, Liger tries to keep the pace slow. Every move that KUSHIDA executes is almost twice as effective here: he takes Liger out with a Suicide Dive that leaves him rolling back into the ring at the count of 18. Despite his best efforts to keep KUSHIDA at bay, the multi-time IWGP Jr. Tag Team Champion keeps finding a way back into the match. It's part of the reason that KUSHIDA is steadfastly becoming a force, he has an answer to pretty much everything and nobody has an answer to the Hoverboard Lock. A Diving Crossbody leaves Liger kicking out at 2¾ but he rallies back and goes for the Liger Suplex. Kushi fights out with elbow strikes, ducks a Palm Strike and clatters Liger with a Handspring Back Elbow. The 50-year old is left in a heap as last year's finalist climbs to the top rope and hits Midnight Express (Corkscrew Moonsault) for the victory.


KUSHIDA looks a little shocked, perhaps he was expecting that it would take more? But nonetheless, he sits top of the block and only has Mascara Dorada to deal with now.


Match Time: 11:59

Rating: C+





Six Man Tag Team Match

Katsuyori Shibata, Tomoaki Honma & Watanabe vs. Suzuki-gun (Tetsuya Naito, Shelton X Benjamin & Minoru Suzuki)


Tetsuya Naito takes a lifetime to make his entrance here, his gentle meander doing very little to endear him to the fans. As if it wasn't bad enough that his opponents had to wait through Suzuki's entrance too...


Once the bell rings, Team Puroresu are all over their opponents. All three of them rain down with strikes and Suzuki's army try to retreat to the outside to buy time. This goes about as well as you imagine - Shibata, Honma and Watanabe follow them out and the fight spills all over the arena. This is Suzuki-gun's habitat though and they turn the tables as they utilise the environment to their advantage. Back in the ring and Watanabe is finding himself on the recieving end of a Superkick from 'Invader X' that puts Suzuki-gun in control. A hot tag to Honma swings the match back in New Japan's favour, but only until Honma's head meets canvas on a failed Kokeshi. Not to be deterred, Honma is sent to the ropes shortly after and rebounds with a Kamikaze Kokeshi that puts his team back in the driving seat. The third hot tag of the match is from Shelton to Naito, but instead of coming in like a house on fire, Naito drops from the apron to the floor as Suzuki sneaks in from behind and locks a Sleeper on Shibata! Shelton hits an unsuspecting Honma with the Paydirt and the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion nails the Stardust Press from the top rope to Watanabe as Suzuki's army prevail.


Post-match, Suzuki takes a microphone. He tells the fans that they betrayed Naito and now look: Suzuki-gun reigns supreme! Suzuki said he knew that Naito would be on top one day but little did he know he would bring such precious gold home to his army. Naito takes the microphone and tells Fukuoka that they boo'd him once when all he wanted was their love but now, now he wants them to hate him! He tells them that he wants Suzuki-gun to be a unit of Champions, for no other reason than to spite the fans that have rejected them. He could stand here all day and entertain them with his words of wisdom but that's what they want and thus, Naito is done now. Suzuki-gun will be back and will be victorious again.


Match Time: 15:01

Rating: B+ (match), B (promo)



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BOSJ Day Eight Prediction Results


After Day Eight, this is how we stand.

One more show until the FINAL!






Prediction Results


Uncrewed: 9

rawcass: 9 (welcome!)

Snyder: 9

thecoolestjedi12: 8

Wolfman84: 7

Trev3454: 6

Kijar: 5

Beejus: 5

Crackerjack: 5

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BOSJ Day Nine Preview






Best Of The Super Juniors Day Nine

June 5th, 2015


It couldn't be simpler.


Ricochet or Eita. KUSHIDA or Mascara Dorada.


BOSJ Day Nine Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)



Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)



Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)


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BOSJ Day Nine Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)



Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)



Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)


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BOSJ Day Nine Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)



Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)



Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)

Comments: So, I have been meaning to ask this question. Why no T-Hawk? :p

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BOSJ Day Nine


Block B

Sho Tanaka (2) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (10)



Block B

Rocky Romero (10) vs. El Desperado (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (10) vs. Jay Lethal (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (12) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (8) vs. Cavernario (6)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (8)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Alex Shelley (8)



Block B

KUSHIDA (14) vs. Mascara Dorada (12)



Block A

Ricochet (14) vs. Eita (12)


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