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WWE: Best for Business.

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I won't be doing a massively detailed backstory here, and also the shows themselves won't be that detailed. This is more of a quick read diary rather than a massively detailed one, although that doesn't mean certain shows/segments won't have more detail in them


We kick off with the results from Battleground, as you will see the are some difference to what actually happened. Hope you enjoy.


WWE Battleground - Sunday 19th July 2015


Brock Lesner Def. Seth Rollins by DQ after Triple H interfered and attacked Lesner with the Sledgehammer, leaving the Animal in a pool of blood.


Kevin Owens Def. John Cena after a 3rd Pop-Up Powerbomb to become the new United States Champion.


Bray Wyatt Def. Roman Reigns after interference from previous Wyatt Family members, Eric Rowan & Luke Harper.


Randy Orton Def. Sheamus after an RKO


The Prime Time Players Def. The New Day.


Sasha Banks & Tamina w/Naomi Def. Brie Bella & Alicia Fox w/Nikki Bella and Charlotte & Becky Lynch w/Paige


King Barrett Def. R-Truth.





a quick note. I only will be posting the shows from Raw and the PPV events. Although I will do a backstage news segment and Smackdown, Main Event and NXT may be referenced in those if anything important happens.

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Monday Night Raw - Monday 20th July 2015




The show kicks off with Triple H in the middle of the ring. Triple H says that he gave Brock Lesner his title match at Battleground, because bringing in a star attraction like Lesner was what's best for business.... But the reason he attacked Lesner last night, is because having a world champion who is actually performing week in week out, and not sat on some farm doing nothing for 300 days of the year, is also what's best for business.


Hunter announces a 6 man tournament to find the new no 1 contender. With 3 singles matches tonight, and the winners having a Triple Threat match on Raw next week to decide the new no1 contender. He goes on to say that Lesner will not be in it and as far as he is concerned Lesner is out of the title picture.


The music of Paul Heyman interrupts Triple H. Heyman tells Hunter that Lesner has decided to go back to some farm for some time, he wants to recoup, he wants to get fitter, get meaner, get more aggressive than he has ever been, and when he is ready. He is coming back for Triple H.




Fandango Vs. Rusev w/Summer Rae


Rusev makes his in ring return after his injury and makes quick work on Fandango, forcing him to tap out to The Accolade.


Winner - Rusev


Post match Summer Rae gets on the mic to speak for Rusev, and tells the WWE universe that the most destructive force in the WWE is back, and better than ever.




King Barrett Vs. Randy Orton


Orton and Barrett meet in the first match of the No1 contenders tournament. After a fairly even match Orton is able to hit the RKO pretty much out of nowhere to pick up the win and advance to the triple threat match next week.


Winner - Randy Orton




We head backstage to find Bray Wyatt with Rowan and Harper. Wyatt tells us that last night, his family came back together, and he remembered his true purpose in the WWE is to 'FIX" the WWE Universe. He started that last night with Roman Reigns, and he will continue it tonight with Dean Ambrose and all the way up to the World Heavyweight title.




Alicia Fox Vs. Becky Lynch


Becky Lynch starts like a house on fire but Fox is able to battle back well. However Lynch starts a comeback and is able to lock is the Dis-Arm-Her for the win, and another blow to team Bella.


Winner - Becky Lynch




Sheamus is backstage walking with his money in the bank briefcase when he overhears The New Day talking about his loss to Randy Orton last night. he challenges any of them to a match but none seem interested, at which point, he Brogue Kicks Big E, sends Kingston flying into the wall, and drags Xavier Woods to the ring.




Sheamus Vs. Xavier Woods


Sheamus gets Woods into the ring for this impomptu match, and makes very quick work of him, ending it with a Brogue Kick.


Winner - Sheamus


Sheamus says that people can talk about him all the want, but he backs up his words, and until someone is willing to do the same and stand up to him, he will keep going through anyone he wants to.




Bray Wyatt Vs. Dean Ambrose


Wyatt and Ambrose met in the second No1 contenders match, with Ambrose also looking for revenge for Roman Reigns, and he looks like he is going to get it after hitting a Dirty Deeds on Wyatt, he goes for the cover but Luke Harper pulls the ref out of the ring. The ref sends Harper and Rowan to the back but the distraction is enough for Wyatt to recover and hit a Sister Abigail on Ambrose and pin him for the 1,2 and 3.


Winner - Bray Wyatt




Backstage we go to see Seth Rollins and Triple H. Hunter tells Rollins he put himself into the firing line last night, but he did it because it was best for business, now it's time for Rollins to step up and prove that Triple H was right to put his trust in him. He advises Rollins to go to ringside and watch tonight's main event, as he could very well see the Future of this business.




Rollins is on commentary for the final match in the No 1 Contender's tournament and tonight's main event.


John Cena Vs. Kevin Owens


In a rematch from last night and the fourth meeting between these two. Both men pick up right where they left off in a hard hitting match. Both men are able to kick out of each other's finisher, but the match looks like it is coming to an end when Owens goes for another Pop-Up Powerbomb, only for Cena to jump over Owens head at the start of the move, Owens turns right into an attitude adjustmet and the 3 count.


Winner - John Cena


Cena picks up the win over Owens. Next week on Raw it will be Cena Vs. Orton Vs. Wyatt with the winner facing Seth Rollins at Summerslam.



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Not too much to report from WWE Headquarters this month.


It is now confirmed that Brock Lesner won't be working Summerslam and is gearing up towards a comeback maybe as late as the Royal Rumble. He will definitely be going after Triple H when he does return.


Various feuds are looking to come to life this week on Raw in the build up for Summerslam as a number of superstars are going to enter new programs with each other.


As of right now it is expected that either John Cena or Randy Orton will be going after Seth Rollins's WWE Title next. The most likely candidate is Cena after he dropped the US Title, but nothing is for sure right now.


That's it really, tune in for Raw on Monday Night to see how it all goes down.


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