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D.O.T.T. WCW Black Saturday

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[QUOTE][SIZE=3][B]"Black Saturday"[/B] [FONT=Book Antiqua]is the term given to the day (July 14, 1984) when WWF programming, out of nowhere, replaced Georgia Championship Wrestling on TBS, thus changing pro-wrestling forever. Imagine all the GCW fans sitting down in front of their Television sets on Saturday morning, looking forward to seeing Gordon Solie, Ric Flair and other wrestlers, but instead watching Gorilla Monsoon pop up on their screen! It was totally out of the blue and took the majority of fans by surprise.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] -Source: Dykens, Brad. The 20th Anniversary of Black Saturday. [url]www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/[/url] columns/nostalgiapop/06.html July 14, 2004
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[QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]“McMahon Buys Georgia Wrestling”[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua]In one of the biggest bombshells to hit wrestling in some time, Titan Sports has bought out Jack and Jerry Brisco, major shareholders in Georgia Championship Wrestling, Inc. The Briscos' percentage, plus the sizeable percentage controlled by current Titan Sports employee Jim Barnett, gives McMahon more than 50 percent of the Georgia stock, thus a controlling share.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE]-Sources:[B]Dave Meltzer[/B], Pro Wrestling Observer, June 1984 [B]Rich Tate looks[/B] back. July 2004 [url]www.georgiawrestlinghistory.com[/url]
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][B]Black Saturday – July 14, 1984 [/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B]Freddy Miller[/B] (smiling): Hello everybody, and welcome to World Championship Wrestling. On behalf of WTBS, it’s a pleasure to welcome the World Wrestling Federation – exciting new matches, great competitors from all over the world. Here’s the man to tell you all about it – here’s Vince McMahon. [B]Vince McMahon[/B] (shaking Miller’s hand): Thank you very much, Freddy. [B]Miller[/B] (exiting): Welcome aboard. [B]McMahon[/B]: Thank you. It’s indeed a pleasure to be associated with WTBS, and we promise to bring you the greatest in professional wrestling entertainment in the world today. [QUOTE][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]In what has become known as “Black Saturday”, July 14, 1984, was a pivotal point in the history of professional wrestling. After months of working behind the scenes to save Georgia Championship Wrestling, Inc., from being purchased by Vincent Kennedy McMahon of the World Wrestling Federation, the deal was finally closed. McMahon now seemingly controlled “World Championship Wrestling”, the television program used as the vehicle to promote GCW on television.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]-Sources: [B]Rich Tate[/B] looks back. July 2004 [url]www.georgiawrestlinghistory.com[/url]
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][B]BLACK SATURDAY101: A history lesson[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]Wrestling had actually been airing on Channel 17 in Atlanta (which was originally a UHF station before Ted Turner bought it and turned it into WTCG) since the early 70s. In 1976, WTCG got their national satellite feed and "Georgia Championship Wrestling" started being seen around the country. In 1979, the station became WTBS after Turner Communications Group was rechristened Turner Broadcasting System. [B]In 1982, "Georgia Championship Wrestling" was renamed "World Championship Wrestling" to give the promotion a less regional feel, as they were taking advantage of their exposure by branching out into other markets around the country. Even though the name of the product changed, the legal name of the company behind it remained Georgia Championship Wrestling, Inc.[/B] However, Jack & Gerald Brisco along with the majority of the other shareholders were upset because Jim Barnett had refused to capitalize and take the product into other NWA territories, not wanting to step on the toes of his fellow member promoters. Ole was also running the company into the ground, so they agreed to sell their stock in the corporation to Vince in 1984. On July 14, 1984, "Black Saturday" occurred as the WWF took over "World Championship Wrestling". Fans and people within the business were seriously ticked off (the Briscos received all kinds of threats for their betrayal), and TBS was inundated with hundreds upon hundreds of calls and letters from angry people voicing their displeasure with the change. So Turner gave Ole Anderson and Fred Ward (promoter in Columbus, Macon, Albany, etc.) an early Saturday morning timeslot for a new show called "Championship Wrestling from Georgia". For the first few episodes they showed footage from Crockett shows with Gordon Solie and Ole doing wraparounds, but then they moved into the TBS studios with their own lineup which featured much of the former GCW talent that refused to work for Vince. In the meanwhile, Vince's show featured matches that were being seen or had already been seen on other WWF programs on other stations, and Turner was getting pissed because the deal called for original matches to be produced from the TBS studios. Eventually they started doing shows from the studio to satisfy the agreement, but the relationship between the two was on the ropes. On a personal level they didn't get along (Vince claimed in an interview that he was invited to a Braves game by Turner and was appalled by the way Ted treated his family) and business wise the WWF was doing bad in the ratings. Vince also stated that Ted made him an offer to buy the WWF, which he rejected and basically claims that Turner has held a personal vendetta against him ever since then. In early 1985, Turner also came to an arrangement with Bill Watts to air "Mid-South Wrestling" on a 13 week trial run on Sundays. The ratings were blowing the WWF out of the water and the story is that Turner now wanted to kick Vince off to put Watts in his place. Vince also wasn't happy and wanted out of the deal, but apparently threatened to sue Turner for breach of contract if he was ousted that way. So McMahon employee and Turner confidant Jim Barnett was brought in to smooth things over. He went to Jim Crockett, who had aspirations of going national himself, and told him if he wanted the slot he could have it. Vince was looking to recoup his investment in Georgia Championship Wrestling, so Crockett jumped at the opportunity and ponied up $1 million for the rights to McMahon's slots. He also took over the "Championship Wrestling from Georgia" timeslot from Ole and Ward, essentially absorbing that promotion's talent and titles into Jim Crockett Promotions, and also made a deal with Turner to become the exclusive provider of wrestling programming for TBS. Watts was allowed to finish up his run on Sundays on TBS per his agreement with Turner, but when his time ran out Crockett became the only promotion on TBS. Recently, it has come to light that had Watts replaced McMahon, it would've been a 50-50 partnership between he and Turner. So it's understandable why Crockett was brought into the picture by Barnett. He was employed by Vince and was looking out for his best interests. A Turner-Watts alliance with Turner owning half of the business and throwing his money into it would've been much more threatening to the WWF than a Turner-Crockett alliance without Turner financial backing. Barnett had always been a confidant to Turner when it came to wrestling and Turner listened to him and trusted his judgment. If anybody could talk Turner into or out of something, it was Barnett. A few years down the road after he left the WWF and went to work for Crockett, he also brokered the deal which saw Turner buyout Crockett in order to ensure the future of 'NWA' wrestling on TBS after JCP ran into severe financial problems. He was very influential.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]-Article written by [B]Dan Poutsma[/B], originally posted on Kayfabe Memories, September 6, 2004 [url]www.theglorydays.net/misc/black_saturday.htm[/url].
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[SIZE=4][CENTER][B]An article on the ramifications of Black Saturday from the Golden era until present. The beginning of the end:[/B] [/CENTER][/SIZE] [QUOTE][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]Twenty years after Black Saturday, the day when Vince McMahon took over wrestling on TBS in Atlanta, the question remains: How did that dark July day affect wrestling fans nationwide? In a nutshell, here is the digest: • The takeover erupted a feud between McMahon and TBS owner Ted Turner which never ceased until Turner was forced out of his company by AOL/Time Warner merger. • Turner countered by offering not only Columbus promoters Fred Ward and Ralph Freed a Saturday morning show for a year, he scheduled Bill Watts' "Mid-South Wrestling" Sunday nights, which quickly became the number one show on cable television. • In a bitter dispute over who would sell the advertising for the World Wrestling Federation on TBS, Turner kicked McMahon off the Superstation and Carolinas/Virginia promoter Jim Crockett took over the prime Saturday night slot • By 1986, weekly wrestling at the Columbus Municipal Auditorium ceased, giving way to periodic TV tapings for Crockett's syndicated mat series. Over the next four years, the old tradition of weekly matches in small cities across America would be dead. • In October 1988, Crockett sold his wrestling organization to Turner -- who assumed control of producing NWA wrestling on the Superstation. • By 1994, Turner went on a spending spree, acquiring former WWF stars Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Kevin Nash (Diesel), Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) and The Ultimate Warrior (Jim Hellwig). began, which signaled the beginning of the end of Saturday nights as a flagship evening for TV wrestling. • By 1998, TBS's rechristened WCW overtook McMahon's WWF in television ratings and pay-per-view subscription sales [B](Monday Night Wars).[/B] A new star, former University of Georgia football alum Bill Goldberg, captured the nation's fancy. Goldberg's win over Hogan on "WCW Monday Nitro" drew the highest ratings ever for a weekly prime time wrestling event on TV. • After a series of missteps which saw Goldberg's star status restricted by Hogan, WCW plunged again in the ratings while the WWF emphasized sex, extreme violence and gutter language to return to the top. • March 21, 2001: The end of an era. WCW is sold to McMahon and a 53-year history of live television wrestling originating from Atlanta ends. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]- Article reprinted in it's entirety from: [url]www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/[/url] columns/nostalgiapop/06.html- Original author not listed.
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OOC note: I feel like I should be including a bibliography with this lol!... I just wanted to say that the above posts are all reprinted from other sources, and that I have used them because they provide a good historical basis for where I am wanting to go with this diary. I also wanted everyone (as if anyone doesn't already know) why I will be calling GCW, WCW. The Black Saturday story explains that pretty well. Anyway, I'm done with the articles and pretty much the back story as well. I've used the whole history lesson to paint a picture of what took place historically and I will use this diary to contrast that by starting out in 1983 with GCW as is. I will make no changes or editing outside of gameplay, and see if I can change the course of history. The major difference this time being... NO BRISCOS!!! Oh yeah, GCW incorporated's weekly show will now be referred to as WCW Black Saturday. So in the words of famous color commentator Freddy Miller--- " Beeeeeee Theerrrrrrree!!!!!"
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I remember the event all too well; like many, I was horrified. The only redeeming feature of the sorry mess, as far as I was concerned, was seeing The Spoiler (Don Jardine) come out on WWF programming being billed as 'National Heavyweight Champion'. The WWF occupying that beloved 6:05 EST timeslot was a blow, but seeing the Spoiler 'jump ship' made the bitter pill go down a lot smoother. Of course this was well before reading about the exchange between Ole Anderson and Jardine in some airport. Ole knew it was coming and asked a group of workers to side with him during the upcoming storm. Jardine supposedly assured Anderson that he would stay, despite the fact he knew he was jumping. If I was going to define one specific event that signaled the downfall of wrestling as I knew it, it was Black Saturday. My vision of DOTT is actually wrapped around that. Good luck!
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I had seen a timeline but it never mentioned that Georgia was purchased by WWF. The timeline that I saw went as follows: 1985: Mid-Atlantic merged with Georgia and became JCP (Jim Crockett Promotions) 1986: JCP buys Central States 1987: JCP buys CWF and UWF 1988: JCP sells all territories to Ted Turner and they became World Championship Wrestling (WCW) 2001: WWF buys WCW I read in Ric Flair's book that he named Eric Bischoff as the major reason for the downfall of WCW. Anyways, good luck in your journey through time and with your "territory"
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Georgia Championship Wrestling was bought out by the WWF. Ole Anderson came back a month (or so) later and reformed the group as Championship Wrestling from Georgia - the same group that would go on to merging with Crockett in '85. And what a sick transition it was, heh. Going from the Legion of Doom stable in GCW to Ole Anderson & Thunderbolt Patterson vs. Rip Rogers & Ted Oates in CWG was a huge letdown.
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][U][B]Georgia Championship Wrestling December, 1982:[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Style:[/B] Traditional [B]Size:[/B] Regional [B]Location:[/B] Southeast [B]Show:[/B] Georgia Championship Wrestling, Saturdays, 7:00 PM (D.O.T.T. time) on TBS [B]Promotion Pacts:[/B] All-Star Wrestling: Non-Aggression Central States: Non-Aggression Maple Leaf Wrestling: Non-Aggression Mid-South Wrestling: Non-Aggression Pacific Northwest: Non-Aggression World Class Championship Wrestling: Non-Aggression World Wide Wrestling Federation: Non-Aggression World Wrestling Council: Non-Aggression Championship Wrestling from Florida: Working Agreement Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling: Working Agreement Southeastern Championship Wrestling: Working Agreement [B]Owner:[/B] Jim Barnett [B]Head Booker:[/B] Ole Anderson [B]Booking Team:[/B] Paul Ellering [B]Road agents (Locker-room Leaders):[/B] Ole Anderson Gene Anderson Bob Armstrong Les Thornton [B]Commentators:[/B] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddy Miller [B]Officials:[/B] Scrappy McGowen [B]Main Event:[/B] Tommy Rich Mr. Wrestling II Ole Anderson Larry Zbyszko Buzz Sawyer [B]Upper Mid-card:[/B] Road Warrior Hawk The Spoiler Ronnie Garvin Paul Orndorff Road Warrior Animal Jake Roberts Les Thornton Bob Armstrong [B]Mid-card:[/B] Charlie Fulton Brad Armstrong Bret Wayne Bruno Sammartino Jr. Arn Anderson [B]Lower Mid-card:[/B] Rick McGraw Joe Lightfoot Johnny Rich Scott Armstrong [B]Opener:[/B] Pez Watley Tim Horner Italian Stallion [B]Enhancement:[/B] Mike Starbuck [B]Managers:[/B] Gene Anderson Paul Ellering [U][B]Current Champions:[/B][/U] [B]NWA National Heavyweight Champion:[/B] Tommy Rich [B]NWA National Television Champion:[/B] Ronnie Garvin [B]GCW Junior Heavyweight Champion:[/B] Les Thornton [B]NWA National Tag Team Titles:[/B] Vacant[/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]State of Georgia Championship Wrestling as of December, 1982:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][QUOTE][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]- GCW currently falls under the jurisdiction of the NWA, but acts as sort of an independent operative. - GCW maintains a strong working agreement with Championship Wrestling from Florida, and South Eastern Championship Wrestling. - There is also a competitive relationship with SWCW as the promotion in the Southwest has been looking to branch into the Southeast. The two companies however, have decided to set aside any differences for the time being as both also seek to branch out into parts of the Mid-Atlantic. - GCW Maintains a working relationship with MACW as they are the strongest promotion in the country, and will be a necessary ally in the secret war GCW has going with the McMahon’s. - Jim Barnett is a staunch supporter of the territorial system and is fighting desperately to keep the McMahon’s from buying out GCW. - GCW has become GCW INC. The company is now an umbrella for Barnett’s new, World Championship Wrestling.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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Love the historical stuff. I remember watching my first matches on TBS on Saturday afternoons when I was 13 or 14, right when all this was happening. One thing that I don't get is that I have seen McMahon talk about Turner before on one of the Discovery channel shows about pro wrestling, and I could swear he claims they were close up until the day Turner called him and said "Guess what Vince, I own a wrasslin' company", to which Vince claims he responded "That's the difference between you and me Ted, you own a wrasslin' business and I'm in the entertainment business" or something like that. I wouldn't put it past either one to revise history majorly if asked about these events, especially now that Vince thinks he is the business.
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost]Georgia Championship Wrestling was bought out by the WWF. Ole Anderson came back a month (or so) later and reformed the group as Championship Wrestling from Georgia - the same group that would go on to merging with Crockett in '85. And what a sick transition it was, heh. Going from the Legion of Doom stable in GCW to Ole Anderson & Thunderbolt Patterson vs. Rip Rogers & Ted Oates in CWG was a huge letdown.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the clarification. I didn't know that Vinny Mac purchased GCW.
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Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Thank you D. Boon for this amazing mod! Mattg71, I heard something similar with McMahon and turner falling out. In fact, I've just read recently that Turner invited the McMahons to a baseball game, and Vince was supposedly pissed off at the way Turner treated Vince's family. Also, WCW BlacK Saturday has been written and coded, and will be up today for all of those who are interested.
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][U][B]GCW Inc. January, 1983:[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]- At the turn of the year, Jim Barnett began to believe that GCW Inc should hold to the traditional territorial values, while at the same time accepting the idea that it was time for the industry as a whole, to evolve. - Secretly pressed by a relentless attack from the McMahon’s over more than just a coveted television slot, Barnett was becoming desperate. He knew that the industry was in a rut, and it was becoming clear to him that the Jr. of the McMahon’s was something of a visionary… A threat! - Barnett was a powerful man, and he got where he was due to is intelligence. Jim foresaw a change in the industry and understood that at his age, he could no longer be expected to provide the fresh and invigorating ideas to a world he was physically out of touch with. Not that he wasn’t competent. To the contrary, he was competent enough to know when it was time for a changing of the guard - On January first of 1983, [B]theismailite[/B] was introduced to the staff of GCW inc. as the new head booker, and the Black Saturday era would begin.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] - An embittered [B]Ole Anderson[/B] has come to a mutual agreement with Jim Barnet and steps down as the companies head booker. [B]Ole is given an immediate #1 contender status in the Main-event division[/B] as compensation for his service. Interesting to note is that Ole also remains on the booking team. - WCW releases the following workers: 1. Mike Starbuck 2. Italian Stallion 3. Tim Horner 4. Bruno Sammartino Jr. 4. Charlie Fulton 5. Johnny Rich - World Championship Wrestling has entered into negotiations with Mid-South Wrestling. We hope to establish a working agreement with the company. WCW is not particularly interested in the Mid-southern territory at the moment, but is VERY interested in acquiring the services of Ted Dibiase. - We are currently in negotiations with ALL of the Pay Per-View providers in the country, and are hoping for the best. - WCW Extends contract offers to 4 superstars worldwide in an attempt to promote it’s upcoming television show, Black Saturday! Two of the workers are currently active in MACW, and the other two are each employed by SECW, and SWCW respectively. We have beneficial agreements with all of the promotions involved so we’re expecting good responses. [B]****************************************************************************************************[/B] - WAR!… Hours of unsuccessful negotiations resulted in MSW declaring war on WCW. -We are taking MSW’s declaration personal and are going after several of the companies workers. - We’ve officially offered contracts to the following MSW workers in order of priority: 1. Ted Dibiase 2. Junkyard Dog 3. Ricky Morton 4. Robert Gibson 5. Lanny Poffo 6. Lord Humongous 7. Magnum TA 8. Steve Williams * The goal is clearly to destroy this new and minor enemy from the onset, so that we may concentrate on the WWF assault. Jim Barnett is hoping we pull this off as professionally as possible so as not unsettle certain “Honor codes” recognized throughout the NWA. - We are offering contracts to Pat Patterson and Buddy Rogers who were released by the WWF, and Brad Rheingans who was released by the AWA. [B]****************************************************************************************************[/B] - WCW has signed the following workers to exclusive PPA contracts: 1. Bobby Duncum Sr. 2. Eric the Red 3. The Huffman Brothers 4. Brady Boone 5. Scott Bigelow 6. Dan Severn 7. Scott Steiner 8. Chic Donovan 9. Rick Steiner (Steiner is on a PPA contract) - WCW has signed the following staff members to exclusive PPA contracts: 1. Al Costello 2. Roy Shire 2. Paul Boesch 3. Sam Muchnick 4. Earl hebner 5. Tiger hattori 6. Boris Malenko - All 4 of the workers we initially sought have signed on with PPA contracts. We are pleased as two of them can directly shake up the main-event scene! - Negotiations with all of the Pay Per-View providers fell through today. It appears that WCW isn’t popular enough for the providers to gamble on just yet. [B]****************************************************************************************************[/B] - Negotiations with Ted Dibiase were unsuccessful as he wants to focus on his career in MSW however,… - Brad Rheingans signed an exclusive PPA contract with WCW today. - WCW has signed the following staff members to exclusive PPA contracts: 1. Pat Patterson 2. Buddy Rogers - WCW has signed the following MSW workers to PPA contracts: 1. Junkyard Dog: MSW North American Heavyweight champion 2. The Rock and Roll Express 3. Steve Williams 4. Lanny Poffo * Getting Junkyard dog is a major coup as MSW has just put JYD over Butch Reed last night for their Heavyweight title. Aside from the buzz in our own booking dept, Wait till MSW find out that the “Dog” is making WCW his priority! - WCW has decided to not only rename all of the title belts, but we have also removed any and all restrictions from the titles. We’ve also gone ahead and created a low-level Tag Team title as one of WCW’s goals is to return prestige to the vacant National Tag Titles. The new Titles and changes are as follows: 1. NWA National Heavyweight Title= WCW Heavyweight Title 2. NWA National Television Title= National Title 3. GCW Junior Heavyweight Title= WCW Southern States Title 4. NWA National Tag Team Titles= National Tag Team Titles 5. WCW Southern States Tag Team Titles= Brand new low-level Title - WCW continues to prepare for [B]BLACK SATURDAY[/B] coming up in two days time. We’ve released several advertisements for the event, and are pulling out all of the stops to make sure this will be big! We are planning to run the first ever live super-show on Saturday, and though the venue will be small, the action will be big!
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[CENTER][COLOR=Blue]Live this Saturday night from the John H. Lewis Gym in Alabama Georgia Championship Wrestling Incorporated presents the first ever televised [B]SUPERCARD…[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]WCW BLACK SATURDAY![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3]Double Main-Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Champion v. Champion Unification match: MSW North American Heavyweight © Junkyard Dog v. WCW Heavyweight © Tommy Rich[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][B]#1 Contenders match for the WCW Heavyweight Title: Ole Anderson v. Buzz Sawyer[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]-PLUS-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Larry Zbyszko’s Legend’s Challenge[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Southern States Title match: Arn Anderson v. © Les Thornton[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]WCW Attraction team The Odd Couple (Mr. Wrestling II/ The Spoiler)[/B] fought for the vacant [B]National TAG Team Titles [/B] last night in Japan against Ole Anderson’s mystery team. Find out the result of one the most epic matches in the history of the sport in a pre-taped rebroadcast.[/CENTER][/QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR=Blue]All of this and much more as WCW ushers in a new era starting this Saturday night…. [B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE!!!![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live from the John Lewis Gym in Alabama and broadcast via TBS GCW Inc. Presents... The first ever televised SUPERCARD[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=7]WCW BLACK SATURDAY[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B]Match 1:[/B] [B][COLOR=Blue]Pre-taped segment recorded at the Nakajima Center, Hokkaido, Japan.[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Championship match for the Vacant National Tag Team Titles The Odd Couple (The Spoiler/MR. Wrestling II) v. Wrecking Machine (Machine #1/Machine #2):[/B][/U] This match was a pre-taped match that I expected to confuse the entire viewing audience. I was wrong as it was one of the better matches of the night. Heck, the week! The Spoiler is a heel, and Mr. Wrestling II is a face, and both men have contrasting styles. They are indeed an odd couple. The Wrecking Machines are well… Well no one knows anything about [B]WM[/B] except [B]Ole Anderson [/B] who went out of his way to set this match up in his last act as head booker. The Wrecking Machines wrestled in masks as well in an attempt to mock The Odd Couple. The match itself had plenty of action. The Wrecking Machines went out of their way to bend the rules any chance they got, and Spoiler was more than happy to play the game. Mr. Wrestling II grew noticeably frustrated with his partner and chastised him for his actions before finally giving in to some rule breaking of his own. The match ended when The Spoiler hit Machine #1 with a low blow causing him to stagger back into his own corner. An angry Mr. Wrestling II slapped The Spoiler across the back, tagging himself in, and was met by a vicious Lariat from Machine #2 who had also just tagged in. Machine #1 ran in and hit a running bulldog on The Spoiler while Machine #2 covered Mr. Wrestling II for the win. [U][B]Wrecking Machine b. The Odd Couple for the National Tag Team Titles: =A[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]The Wrecking Machines [/B] cut a ringside Promo telling [B]WCW[/B] that they will be here in two weeks and that they expect WCW to have handpicked two of the baddest men next to themselves so they can defend their titles as per the mandatory WCW title defense rule. They then tell [B]Ole Anderson[/B] that they’ve come through on their end and that now it’s his turn to bring home gold. [B]=A*[/B] [B]Match 2[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Brad Rheingans/Steve Williams/Dan Severn v. Bob/Brad/Scott Armstrong:[/B][/U] The Armstrong family put up a pretty week showing as Bob was off of his game tonight. Bob being off caused the whole family to follow suit. Dan Severn put Scott Armstrong away with a full nelson slam in the end. [U][B]Brad Rheingans/Steve Williams/Dan Severn b. The Armstrong’s: =C[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]Here comes the Men in Black![/B][/COLOR] [B]The National Champion Ronnie Garvin is accompanied to the ring by Blackjack Bobby Duncum.[/B] Garvin assures the fans that next week he will be defending his [B]National Title[/B], but that’s not the reason why he is here right now. He explains that he’s out here to introduce his good friend [B]Bobby Duncum[/B] and to be the first to acknowledge what [B]The Wrecking Machines[/B] had to say. He wants them to know that he and Bobby are the toughest people in the company, and that they will be waiting for the Wrecking Machines when they arrive to claim those tag titles. As they continue their rant, two men dressed completely in black slide out from under the ring. They climb into the ring behind Duncum and Garvin and sneak attack them. One of the men DDT’s Garvin to the canvas while Duncum is DDT’ed by the other. The damage done, the two men exit the ring and leave through the crowd as quickly as they came.[B]=B-[/B] [B]Match 3: [COLOR=Blue]Welcome to WCW hope you survive the experience….[/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][U][B]The Road Warriors v. The Rock and Roll Express:[/B][/U] This hardly constituted a match as the referee was never able to gain control. Ricky and Rob had barely gotten into the ring when the Road Warriors ran out and blindsided them. Hawk and Animal began a relentless assault that saw the Rock and Rollers get stomped into the corners by multiple boots before the match could even start. Paul Ellering and his bodyguard Lord Humongous watched from the aisle-way as the ref frantically tried to get a handle on this match. Eventually the ref gives the signal and the bell rings out several times as the Road Warriors are disqualified. [U][B]The Rock and Roll Express b. The Road Warriors via DQ: =C+[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Match 4[/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Southern States Championship match Arn Anderson v. © Les Thornton:[/B][/U] Double A and the Bulldog went all out in this one. Thornton put on a clinic in the onset, but Arn was able to goad him into a brawl thereby evening things up. The unexpected appearance of [B]“Double B” Brady Boone [/B] distracted Thornton long enough for Arn to whip him into the ropes and hit a belly to belly suplex to win the Southern States Title. [U][B]Arn Anderson p. Les Thornton for the Southern States Title: =C+[/B][/U][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]MIIB[/B][/COLOR] [B]Les Thornton[/B] leaves in anger as [B]Arn and Brady[/B] celebrate in the ring for a moment. They finally exit the ring and are making their way down the aisle when they are attacked from behind by those who would seem to be the same two men dressed in black from earlier tonight. One of them immediately takes out Boone with a DDT to the cement, they then concentrate their attack on the new [B]Southern States Champion.[/B] In less than a minute, Arn is beaten incoherent , and the two men again exit through the crowd. [B]=C-[/B] [B]Match 5: [COLOR=Blue]The Legends challenge[/COLOR][/B] [B]Larry the Living Legend Zbyszko (Triple L)[/B] comes out to the ring and tells us all that he is the greatest wrestler, and the greatest thinking mind in the world today. He also reiterates over and over again that at 29 years old, he is a living legend of the sport, and in life. He then issues an open challenge to any of the peons in the back that think they can hang with a living legend. [B]=B[/B] WCW’s talented new worker, [B]Ricky Steamboat[/B] comes out and accepts the open challenge much to the chagrin of Triple L who looks noticeably shaken up at his arrival. [B]=B[/B][QUOTE][U][B]Ricky Steamboat v. Larry Zbyszko:[/B][/U] “Triple L” played cat and mouse with the Dragon chasing him for the opening minutes of the match. When they finally locked up. We were treated to a great display of technical wrestling as both men grappled and countered each other for several exchanges. The match took a turn in Steamboats favor when Triple L managed to counter out of a side headlock and right into a double arm chicken wing attempt from “The Dragon”. Before the hold could be locked in, Zbyszko squirmed out of it and quickly rolled out of the ring in frustration. He walks over to the announce table and snatches a microphone.[/QUOTE][B]Triple L:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You know Rick?… I could do this all night! But the truth is… I’ve got you all figured out. You are a [B]PEON[/B] Rick. A Peon. And me? I’m Triple L! [B]LARRY the LIVING LEGEND ZBYSZKO![/B] I’m an intellectual giant…. A superior athlete… I outclass you in every-… You know what? I’m wasting my time. That’s it Rick! No more! It’s over![/COLOR][QUOTE]Rick Steamboat watched on in bewilderment as Zbyszko exited the auditorium. Having no choice, referee Scrappy McGowen signaled for the bell giving Steamboat the win by count-out. [U][B]Ricky Steamboat b. Larry Zbyszko via CO: =A[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B][COLOR=Blue]MIB III: All that you remember[/COLOR][/B] [B]WCW Heavyweight Champion Tommy Rich[/B] is on his way out to the ring and he looks anxious to talk about his upcoming [B]Title unification match with the JYD.[/B] He makes it half way down the aisle when for the third time tonight, our friends in black appear and attack Tommy. This time a third man appears with them, and he seems to be directing the other two. [B]Man in black:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Whip that little punks @$$! Take his @$$ out![/COLOR] The men quickly and effectively beat Tommy bloody and let his body fall to the ground in a heap. Finally, a swarm of security rush into the arena followed by [B]Commissioner Boris Malenko. =B-[/B] The two men in black high tail it through the crowd as the third quickly snatches the [B]WCW Heavyweight Title[/B] before following his accomplices with a mob of security in hot pursuit. [B]=A[/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]A Rock and a Hard Place[/B][/COLOR] WCW interviewer, [B]Thunderbolt Patterson[/B] is backstage awaiting an interview when [B]Ole Anderson[/B] walks on set. The two men come face to face and eye to eye for a brief moment before Ole breaks the silence: [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Long time Patterson.[/COLOR] [B]Thunderbolt:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Not long enough![/COLOR] [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Hmmph! Good thing I’ve got my hands full at the moment.[/COLOR] [B]T-bolt:[/B] [COLOR=Red]That you do, such as your #1 Contenders match coming up in just-[/COLOR] [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR=Red]I’m talking about my coop! Tonight was an Anderson COOP![/COLOR] [B]T-bolt:[/B] [COLOR=Red]You mean Coup?[/COLOR] [B]Ole:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Coop!… Coup! Whatever! The Andersons took care of business tonight, and it aint over! My good buddies in Japan brought home Tag Team gold, and my little brother [B][COLOR=Black]Arn[/COLOR][/B] did the same. Now it’s Ole’s turn! It’s my time! Tonight, I’m going out there, and I’m gonna beat snot outta that little punk [B][COLOR=Black]Buzz![/COLOR][/B] I’m gonna beat fight into him, and then I’m gonna beat it outta him… Then I’m gonna do it all over again! When I’m done, I’m gonna be the #1 Contender and next week, [B][COLOR=Black]Tommy Rich, Boris Malenko [/COLOR] [/B] or whoever it is that has [B]MY[/B] Title is going to have to answer to me… [B]The ROCK![/B][/COLOR] [B]=A[/B][QUOTE][CENTER][U][B][SIZE=4]*DOUBLE MAIN-EVENT*[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER][/QUOTE][B]Match 6:[/B] [B][COLOR=Blue]All on the line[/COLOR][/B][QUOTE][U][B]#1 Contenders match for the WCW Heavyweight Title Ole Anderson v. Buzz Sawyer:[/B][/U] All I can say about this one is… Brutal! I don’t think they’ll ever be able to get the blood out of the ring after this one, and yes… There was blood! A twenty minute time limit on this one, and at close to the half way point, Buzz got himself disqualified when he laid Ole out with a ringside chair, gashing his head open in the process.[/QUOTE]Buzz was protesting the ref’s decision, when [B]Commisioner Boris Malenko [/B] came out with a microphone. He explains to the fans that due to unfortunate circumstances, their would not be a unification match tonight as [B][COLOR=Black]Tommy Rich[/COLOR][/B] has been taken to the local hospital, and the [B][COLOR=Black]WCW Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/B] has yet to be located. He then turns his attention towards the combatants in the ring and begins to unload: [B]Malenko:[/B] [COLOR=Red]As for the two of you… Not tonight! Not on my show! My heavyweight Champion has been put out for who knows how long, and my WCW Heavyweight title has been stolen. There is no way I’m going to let my first night as Commissioner end in complete failure. I will salvage what I can. That having been said… We [B]WILL[/B] have a #1 contender [B]TONIGHT![/B] I’ve been in this business long enough to know that Ole’s a rock, he can go on!… Buzz!… I only hope your ready to finish what you’ve started because from this point on, this match is no disqualification![/COLOR] [B]=B[/B][QUOTE]The match restarts at that moment as Ole attacked Buzz with the same chair used on himself. The two men brawled around ringside for another five minutes before the ref called for the bell again citing that both men were losing too much blood. Ole however refused to stop and shoved the ref aside. Buzz hit Ole with everything he had, as the ref let the match continue. Those in attendance thought Ole’s back was going to be broken by a series of four chair shots that Buzz delivered to Ole. The fifth one dropped Ole to his knees and allowed Buzz to lean in the corner for some much needed rest. Ole, catching some kind of second wind, jumped too his feet. Buzz rushed at him with the chair, but Ole kicked him in the stomach and snatched the chair away. Ole then slammed the chair across Buzz’s head sending him backwards into the rope. As Buzz propelled forward off of the ropes, Ole hit a running knee lift using the chair. When Buzz landed on the canvas, Ole brutally whacked him across the head again with the chair for good measure before collapsing on top of Sawyer. The ref made the count giving Ole the win, and making him the new #1 contender to the WCW Heavyweight Title. Neither man moved from their prone pin-fall positions on the mat, and medical teams were brought in immediately to stretcher the two men to medical facilities. [U][B]Ole Anderson p. Buzz Sawyer to become #1 Contender to the WCW Heavyweight Title: =A*[/B][/U][/QUOTE][B]Match 7: [COLOR=Blue]Some kind of “Wonderful”[/COLOR][/B] [B]Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff [/B] comes out to the ring and cuts a promo saying that 2,000 people came here tonight too see Mr. Wonderful, and that no matter what [B]Commissioner Malenko[/B] says, they shouldn’t have to leave until they get their monies worth. What’s more is, he’s going to give it to them. He then brings his attention to the MSW Champion, [B]The Junk Yard Dog:[/B] [B]Paul:[/B] [COLOR=Red]So what do you say JYD? These people came her to see me perform, and they probably came to see you too man. So’s how about you coming out here right now and getting it on with me in front of all of these fans?[/COLOR] JYD comes out to a great ovation and gets into the ring with Paul. [B]JYD:[/B] [COLOR=Red]Let me get this straight… Your saying me and you?… Mr. Wonderful and [B]The DOG!?[/B] Right here, right now in front of all of these people? For all of these fans?[/COLOR] [B]Paul:[/B] [COLOR=Red]That’s what I’m saying man![/COLOR] [B]JYD[/B]: [COLOR=Red]Well now, if it’s for the people, then I’m diggin that! Lets do this.[/COLOR] [B]=B[/B][QUOTE][U][B]MSW North american Heavyweight © Junkyard Dog v. Paul Orndorff:[/B][/U] This was a good clean scrap between two competitors that seem to have a lot of respect for each other. This match was a seesaw battle that could have went either way. A very short time limit was placed on this one because of the impromptu nature, and also based upon the stamina of JYD, but yet and still these two exhibited an amazing amount of chemistry in the time given. JYD took Mr. Wonderful out with the thump in the end, but Paul more than proved he could be a match for an MSW Champion. [U][B]Junkyard Dog p. Paul Orndorff: =A[/B][/U] [/QUOTE]After the match, [B]Mr. Wonderful [/B] invited [B]JYD[/B] to participate in a pose down challenge in celebration. JYD was down with it and encouraged Paul to go first. Paul began posing and playing to the crowd as they cheered in approval. He then gestured towards JYD that it was his turn. JYD’s music hit over the audio system and he began to dance in the center of the ring. The crowd went nuts as JYD danced, and Paul posed WCW Black Saturday off the off of the air. [B]=A[/B] [SIZE=3][B]OVERALL RATING: =A[/B][/SIZE] [B]Announcer:[/B] Gordon Solie [B]Color Commentator:[/B] Freddie Miller [B]Atendance:[/B] 2,000 (sellout) [B]TV Rating:[/B] 42,695 [B]Notes:[/B] An A rating on our first outing huh? Not at all impressed. We expected this actually as we spent MUCH more money than we were going to make on this show. It was a necessary strategy, as we are in a crunch to increase our popularity so that we can acquire a PPV contract before the end of the month. The bright side is that this show was a success and has increased our popularity from C to C+ in the Southeast. The bad news is that we've managed to lose a heap of money. Though the show was a success, it is not likely that I will be booking too many more televised supercards in the future! [QUOTE][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Next week:[/SIZE] 1. The Usual Suspects! 2. Ole Anderson is the #1 Contender, but where is the title? 3. Update on the condition of Tommy Rich 4. Ronnie Garvin defends The National title against WCW's newest signing, "The Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez. 5. Road Warrior Hawk goes head to head with Robert Gibson.[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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*SPOILER* OOC: I want to keep this diary as honest as possible, and in doing so, I'm going to have to reveal some storyline elements as the diary is about to take big change from what has already been presented. I accidently erased my save game the other day, and am in the proces of re-signing certain workers, as well as booking the first show again. The thing is, when I set it up the first time, I broke a promotion pact with MSW in order to sign Dibiase. MSW declared war on me, and Dibiase refused my offer. I then went after JYD who MSW had just given their Heavyweight title too. I booked the title unification match story with JYD/Tommy Rich because I thought it would be neat to play with the idea of a unification. In the course of my first show, my own Heavyweight tile was stolen by a worker whom I had not introduced yet. After the first week, JYD dropped his MSW title, and left MSW. MSW then stole one of my top workers. The very same worker who stole my Heavyweight title, and before I could reveal who he was. I was going to tie this into my war with MSW storyline with MSW citing that since we had tried to defend their title on my show, they were now in possession of ours. I intended to run my company without my Heavyweight title until I was able to sign my worker back (assuming 6 months). Now, I've gone an accidently erased my saved game, and am in the process of getting it back on track. My problem is that I have no idea if things will work out the same and it SUCKS!!! Ahh well... I'm almost done, and will be updating this thing soon. Re-booking that first show is just becoming a drag as it is boring for me to have to go through with it again is all. Just wanted to clear up any confusion in case there are changes to planted story elements. Sorry for the rant, and thanks folks.
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] - [B]Junkyard Dog[/B] has lost the MSW North American title to Butch reed this week, and as a result, the dog has left their company in favor of the WCW. - [B]The Rock and Roll Express, Lord Humongous, and Steve Williams[/B] have also parted ways with MSW. We are of course welcoming them into our fold with open arms. - MSW has approached [B]Ricky Steamboat[/B] today in an attempt to recoup from their recent losses. We are holding our breadth in the hopes that Steamboat feels his current contracts with both MACW and WCW will be enough to sustain him. We have given him a hefty downside offer, and our prepared to offer a percentage of merchandising as well. Anything to avoid the possibility of a Steamboat/Dibiase headliner over in the Mid-South! - On a brighter note, [B]Larry Zbyszko[/B] has notified us that he has accepted a position with MACW. We wish him nothing but the best of luck with this endeavor, and are chomping at the bit at any possibility of getting that coveted NWA title here in WCW. **************************************************************************************************** - In response to the actions of three unidentified workers on last weekends Black Saturday program, WCW is launching a full investigation. We are concerned primarily for the well being of our individual workers, and the whereabouts of the WCW Heavyweight title. We are currently scrutinizing our own roster and are assembling a list of possible perpetrators. We have been referring to the people on this list as the [B]“Usual Suspects”.[/B] - [B]Ole Anderson and his Wrecking Machines[/B] have been removed from the list and are cleared to continue wrestling. All of our champions were attacked on Saturday night save for the new tag champs. This initially led us to believe they had some involvement in the attacks. The fact that Arn Anderson was ambushed, and is suffering from a severe concussion disproves that theory for the time being. We however, are keeping an eye on them. - The following workers have been placed on the injury list and have not been given medical clearance to wrestle: 1. Tommy Rich: Severe concussion 2. Arn Anderson: Severe concussion 3. Brady Boone: Severe concussion - The following workers have been placed on the injury list, but are cleared to wrestle: 1. Ole Anderson: Mild back spasms 2. Buzz Sawyer: Mild concussion 3. Ronnie Garvin: Possibly suffering from a severe concussion (guy’s too damn tough to admit it tho.)* 4. Bobbie Duncum: Mild concussion * Ronnie Garvin remains insistent upon defending his National title this week at Black Saturday against Manny Fernandez. - WCW has signed [B]Jerry Stubbs[/B] to a PPA deal in an attempt to fill the void left by the ambushing of several of our workers. - WCW has also signed JYD to an 18 month exclusive PPA deal. We are excited as now WCW will be the only venue in which one can see the DOG perform! - In an effort to cut costs, WCW has released the following staff members: 1. Al Costello 2. Buddy Rogers 3. Roy Shire 4. Earl Hebner - WCW has informed [B]Mr. Wrestling II[/B] that he needs to either choose between WCW or MSW and that he cannot continue working for both. Wrestling II is content with the current situation and is not budging. Having little choice, and with much regret, we are going to be releasing him at the end of the month. We wish him all the best! - We are going to be releasing a staff and roster report to coincide with preparations for next weeks Black Saturday event.
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Yeah, as of now, my title is still in my company which worked out different. I also didn't go after Lanny Poffo or Magnum T.A. this time around. Hated to cut Wrestling II, but he works for the enemy. I can't have him making money for the both of us you know. I'd rather let them foot his bill! On another note... I'm curious, anyone want to offer a guess as to the identities of the [B]Usual Suspects[/B]? Again, this is more for my own curiosity than anything. The person who stole my title is impossible to figure out so I wouldn't try. I'm going to be releasing the roster real soon, and a Smark should be able to figure out the other two culprits. Also, feel free to offer critiques, comments, predictions, or whatever. Even if it's just to comment about the era. Things you remembered or have enjoyed from the period cuz that stuff excites me. For instance, I feel so compelled to break Ricky Mortons nose in this diary! Why? It just seems appropriate I guess. Ricky had so many great matches when his nose was broken!
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[U][CENTER][SIZE=4][B]WCW: The Black Saturday Era:[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] - [B]Ricky Steamboat[/B] has informed WCW that he is content with his current Main event status in our company, and will be remaining with us for the time being. - WCW has signed the following workers to PPA contracts: 1. Jim Cornette 2. Jimmy Hart* 3. Bobby Eaton 4. Stan Lane 5. Steve Keirn * We intend to use [B]Jimmy Harts[/B] “Mouth of the South” gimmick to it’s fullest extent, and are in the plans of creating a talk show segment to debut at this weekends Black Saturday. - WCW has been in negotiations with [B]Greg Valentine of MACW fame.[/B] [B]Ricky Steamboat[/B] brought this fine worker to our attention after losing a 5 star classic to Mr. Valentine for the MACW U.S. Title earlier in the week. [B]MACW[/B] has been more than compliant in working with us and currently shares both [B]Steamboat and Zbyszko’s[/B] services. We would love nothing more than to broaden our relationship with that prestigious company, and Valentine may be an opportunity to do just that. Again, it is all about getting that [B]NWA World title[/B] into the WCW where it belongs! - A tournament has been scheduled to crown champions for WCW’s brand new [B]Southern States tag team titles[/B]. The tournament will begin this weekend and will culminate at [B]WCW’s end of the month show[/B] which has yet to be named. The tag teams participating in the tournament are listed in bracket order as follows: 1. [B]The Fabulous Ones vs. Houston Heat [/B] (Bobby & Lane Huffman) 2. [B]The Road Warriors vs. The Steiners[/B] 3. [B]Rock & Roll Express vs. A&B Connection[/B] (Arn Anderson & Brady Boone) 4. [B]New Midnight Express [/B] (Beautiful Bobby Eaton & Pretty Boy Doug Somers) vs. [B]The Young Guns [/B] (Pistol Pez Watley & Quick Draw Rick McGraw) - WCW has a packed roster at the moment and we are currently in the process of evaluating many of our workers. Initially, we approached much of our talent based on popularity in our region. Now that we have enough talent to ensure success, we will be making serious roster cuts in the weeks to come. These cuts will be determined by performance as opposed to popularity. Our workers have been given notice as to what we are expecting of them. We are sure that those who really want to be involved with the Black Saturday era will do what is necessary to remain under our employ. That having been said, WCW has released the following workers today: 1. Brett Wayne Sawyer 2. Scott Armstrong 3. Brad Armstrong - [B]Joe lightfoot[/B] was placed on the chopping block but was immediately removed due to his ability to convince me that he has the great ability to make other workers look good in the ring. Many on the roster vouched for this, so for the time being, Joe is safe! - Executives in the PR department have been diligently compiling the most recent and up to date information on our roster. They’ve submitted five different copies to me for approval before releasing it to the public. I’ve not been the most compliant boss in this event as I’ve found grounds to veto every submission for one reason or another. I’ve determined that I will do this task myself as I won’t be satisfied any other way.
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[CENTER][COLOR=Blue][B]Live this Saturday night from the John H. Lewis Gym in Atlanta Georgia Championship Wrestling Incorporated presents...[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]WCW BLACK SATURDAY![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=3]Main-Event[/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]WCW National Championship match: The Raging Bull Manny Fernandez v. ©Rugged Ronnie Garvin[/B][/QUOTE][/CENTER][QUOTE][CENTER][B]Grudge match: Road Warrior Hawk v. Robert Gibson[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][QUOTE][CENTER][B]Southern States tag tournament round 1: The Fabulous Ones v. The Young Guns (Pistol Pez Watley/Quick Draw Rick McGraw)[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][B][SIZE=3]-PLUS-[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Jimmy Hart presents… The Mouth of the South! A talk show. Join Jimmy and guest Larry Zbyszko for a candid conversation on the state of WCW.[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Also, WCW continues it’s investigation on the whereabouts of the WCW heavyweight title as well as seeks to identify the members of the group referred to as The Usual Suspects![/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Two more exciting matches to be announced come showtime as on Black Saturday, anything can happen and it most likely will. So you’ll either be square or you’ll….[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE][COLOR=Blue][B]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE!!!![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] OOC: So there's the card. The show is next. Predictions any one? Any guesses as to the identities of the usual suspects?
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WCW National Championship match: The Raging Bull Manny Fernandez v. [b]©Rugged Ronnie Garvin[/b] Grudge match: [b]Road Warrior Hawk[/b] v. Robert Gibson Southern States tag tournament round 1: [b]The Fabulous Ones[/b] v. The Young Guns (Pistol Pez Watley/Quick Draw Rick McGraw) The Usual Suspects: [b]Stev Williams & Terry Gordy[/b]
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