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Building Announcers - how to?

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Hi all,


I cannot find anything in the small questions or anywhere else in this sub-forum so thought I would ask and hopefully people would share here how to increase these / this?


So I have a 1 year save and my announce teams have not changed over those time periods yet they have not got better experience or better skill improvements at all. Could this be due to the mod i am running or is there some things we can do to improve these at all?


I want them to all be effective when working together, improve (at all) and to not have their experience affect the show that much that it bombs it.


otherwise it is almost like a handicap when playing as a National or higher that you have to have 1 set and leave them as that only....

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Ye, they are assigned to each brand and a different set for the PPV's / well 1 from each show.


Corey Graves has gone up Announcing + 2 in a year and Cole has 1 Microphone.


Smackdown, Superstars & GeneratioNXT all have very low .. Raw and PPV have adequate, thats it :(

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Hmmm... That seems really weird. I'm sure my announce team hit adequate relatively quickly even running monthly shows. Would be interested to hear if anyone else has suggestions; nothing I can think of atm unfortunately. :(
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For skill improvement, this could very well just be correct. Most of the WWE announcing crew are mature or older folks, so they won't have much room for improvement, and improve slowly if at all, especially if they're not working with people better than them.


On experience, though, that's weird. Apart from your save being bugged, the only thing I can think of is to ask if you've been constantly tweaking who's on what show and with whom?


If you have, that's your answer. Experience builds with the same two people doing the same job together for a lot of shows.


If you haven't, that's really weird. I'd expect two people who had never worked together to get to "adequate" well BEFORE calling a year of weekly shows together. Have you been running TEW in admin mode, as is recommended?

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As far as skill improvement begin, Announcers have the same limits as other workers -- they improve gradually until ~30 and begin to decline ~40. I often find that it helps to have an announcer work for multiple companies to prevent skill decline -- I often hire announcers to PPA deals from other companies and let them improve.


Working more shows slows decline, so it makes sense to share your commentary team, often as a package. NYCW is one of my favorites at High Regional/Low Cult.


In general, skill improvement is gradual with an announcer, and the chances of an average announcer becoming great over any time period is low. After you hit cult, it's best to hire a "sure thing" once you hit cult (75+ Announcing).


As far as color commentators, it depends on charisma, so you can put a wrestler or manager in the spot -- think Christian Faith in SWF or RDJ in TCW -- soon to retire and transition them into the role and they will do better than the color commentator.

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Ta for the help guys,


the only thing I can think of that maybe the save is just bugged from upgrading from Win 8 to win 10 without unlicensing? I'm running admin mode.


Raw is Adequate with JBL , Cole and Booker T ( Was Jerry Lawler til retired ) and is adequate.

SD Is Jim Ross, Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips , been together for 9 months un-interrupted.

GeneratioNxt is Corey Graves, Scott Stanford and Taz. Graves & Stanford have been together for 18 months nearly, Taz with them for 8.

Superstars is Saxton, Phillips, Stanford been since I started gone to very low now.

Events is Cole, JBL, JR and is adequete at least


Guess i'll just leave it and hope and check back in 3/4 months with an update then. :)

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As far as skill improvement begin, Announcers have the same limits as other workers -- they improve gradually until ~30 and begin to decline ~40. I often find that it helps to have an announcer work for multiple companies to prevent skill decline -- I often hire announcers to PPA deals from other companies and let them improve.


people can improve way beyond 30 y/o... 30's just the max for their skills to improve without actively working on them...

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