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ICW : The British Revolution

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Saturday 2nd July 2015


Mark Dallas addressing the locker room 10 minutes before the opening bell :


" This is it lads, the first night of the start of the Tramspotting Tour. 4 shows in 7 days across the UK, if we don't do well here then I'm afraid this could very well be the end of a journey so no pressure. There is 3000 loyal, Glaswegian c*nts out there, many have been there since the early days in Mary Hill but it doesn't matter who they are, where they have come from or what they are like you give them the exact same amazing show that the world will soon know we can do. We're not just blood and gore, I strongly believe we have some of the best wrestlers in the world right now in this shitty little room and you deserve better than that and with your experience and knowledge we will become the best wrestling company in the UK, no the best wrestling company in Europe, NO WE WILL BECOME THE BEST WRESTLING COMPANY IN THE WORLD. LET'S F*CKIN 'AVE IT!! "


Current Champions

ICW World Heavyweight : Drew Galloway

ICW Zero-G : Stevie Boy





Starting Roster

Main Eventers

Dave Mastiff

Drew Galloway [black Label]

Jack Jester [black Label]

Jimmy Havoc

Marty Scurll

Mikey Whiplash [Legion]

Sha Samuels [The 55]

Tommy End [Legion]


Upper Midcarders

Big Damo

Colt Cabana

Johnny Moss


Martin Kirby [The 55]

Michael Dante [Legion]

Rampage Brown

Will Ospreay



Brian Kendrick

BT Gunn [NAK]

Chris Renfrew [NAK]

Danny Hope

Darkside [NAK]


Joe Hendry

Kid Fite [The 55]

Noam Dar

Red Lightning [black Label]


Wolfgang [NAK]


Lower Midcarders

Davey Boy

Jack Gallagher

Joe Coffey

Mark Coffey [Polo Promotions]

Stevie Boy [NAK]

Timm Wylie



DCT [Polo Promotions]

Dickie Divers

Kenny Williams

Liam Thompson


Enhancement Talent

Paul London

Roderick Strong


Women's Division

Carmel Jacob

Kasey Owens

Kay Lee Ray [NAK]

Layla Rose

Leah Owens

Nikki Storm


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Tramspotting Night 1 July Week 2, 2015

SECC Clyde Auditorium

3000 Attendance


Red Lightning welcomes everyone to the first night of Tramspotting promising that the Black Label will continue on their path of destruction before the NAK music hits with Chris Renfew comes out and cuts a promo on how the NAK are here for the tag titles and that he can't do anything to stop him. The SDS music hits with Tommy End saying that he and Michael Dante will once again take gold in ICW. Red Lightning sets up a match for later that night of BT Gunn/Chris Renfew vs Tommy End/Michael Dante for the titles tonight.

Rating : 39 D-


Rampage Brown vs Grado

In an extremely poor match, Grado defeated Rampage Brown in 11:31 by pinfall with a Wee Boot.

Rating : 28 E


Red Lightning is backstage when Colt Cabana, Brian Kendrick and Marty Scurll are all demanding a title shot against Drew Galloway tonight. He sets up a triple threat for later.

Rating : 41 D


Stevie Boy vs Noam Dar vs Will Ospreay - ZERO-G TITLE MATCH

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Stevie Boy defeated Noam Dar and Will Ospreay in 13:54 when Stevie Boy defeated Noam Dar by pinfall with a Cartwheel Legdrop. Stevie Boy makes defence number 1 of his ICW Zero-G Championship title.

Rating : 38 D-


Joe Coffey vs Big Damo

In an extremely poor match, Joe Coffey defeated Big Damo in 9:45 by pinfall with a German Suplex.

Rating : 34 E+


Jimmy Havoc is shown sitting backstage, smiling brightly. As the camera pans away, we see that he is jabbing himself with a sharp object, and appears to be enjoying the pain.

Rating : 47 D


Chris Renfew/BT Gunn vs Michael Dante/Tommy End

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The New Age Kliq defeated The Sumerian Death Squad in 18:50 when Chris Renfrew defeated Michael Dante by pinfall with a Head Over Heels. The New Age Kliq win the ICW Tag Team titles.

Rating : 31 E+


Viper vs Nikki Storm

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Nikki Storm defeated Viper in 8:30 by pinfall with The Perfect Storm.

Rating : 19 E-


Drew Galloway and Red Lightning come out and joins the commentary team for the main event of the evening.

Rating : 46 D


Brian Kendrick vs Colt Cabana vs Marty Scurll - NUMBER 1 CONTENDER MATCH

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Marty Scurll defeated Brian Kendrick and Colt Cabana in 15:46 when Marty Scurll defeated Brian Kendrick by pinfall with a Graduation.

Rating : 38 D-


Post match Drew Galloway takes to the microphone to address Marty Scurll and tells him he isn't worthy of a title shot and that he only beat two crappy American wrestlers that are only here because they couldn't make it in the big leagues. The crowd starts chanting '3MB'. Galloway goes on to say that he will only get a match against him if he can beat Red Lightning and Jack Jester on nights 2 and 3.

Rating : 36 D-



Final Rating : 36 D-

This show won us popularity in 1 region.



Overall a disappointing show but now I know which certain people were hated by the crowd and won't be appearing again.

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I'm playing an ICW game as well.


Its tough going as a lot of the matches and segments get a lot smaller rating than you would think.


Im currently in September after starting in April, running 3 shows a month ish. Not made much gain in terms of Popularity yet.


Keep this updated, i would be intrested to see how you get on.

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Tramspotting Night 2 July Week 3, 2015

O2 Academy Newcastle

1996 Attendance


Drew Galloway comes out to the ring with Jack Jester and issues an open challenge for main event of tonight in a non-title match. Out comes Roderick Strong as the crowd freaks out in disbelief as Galloway and Jester look like they immediately regret their challenge.

Rating : 43 D


The Hooligans vs Irn Jew

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Irn Jew defeated The Hooligans in 9:36 when Grado defeated Paul London by pinfall with a Wee Boot.

Rating : 36 D-


Jimmy Havoc is shown backstage having a conversation without someone off screen. As the camera pans back, it is revealed that he is actually talking to himself, has he gone crazy?

Rating : 43 D


Chris Renfew/BT Gunn/Darkside vs Mikey Whiplash/Tommy End/Michael Dante

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, NAK (Chris Renfrew, BT Gunn and Darkside) drew with Legion (Mikey Whiplash, Michael Dante and Tommy End) in 12:21 following a double disqualification.

Rating : 37 D-


Noam Dar vs Stevie Boy

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Stevie Boy defeated Noam Dar in 14:47 by pinfall with a Cartwheel Legdrop following interference from Wolfgang. Stevie Boy makes defence number 2 of his ICW Zero-G Championship title.

Rating : 34 E-


Kid Fite and Sha Samuels announce that the 55 have recruited a new member who they promise will be the future face of ICW.

Rating : 36 D-


Jack Jester vs Marty Scurll

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Marty Scurll defeated Jack Jester in 15:30 by pinfall with a Graduation.

Rating : 36 D-


Drew Galloway vs Roderick Strong

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Drew Galloway defeated Roderick Strong in 24:45 by pinfall with a Future Shock.

Rating : 53 C-


Final Rating : 47 D

This show increased our popularity in 1 Region.

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Tramspotting Night 3 July Week 3, 2015

Rock City Nottingham

1565 Attendance


Red Lightning starts the show in the ring and calls out Marty Scurll. Scurll demands that he gets to fight Drew tonight and he's had enough of facing guys lower than him. Red Lightning tells him that he would gladly oblige with his request but he has given Drew the night off to stay at home so he will have to deal with a match with somebody else. Joe Coffey's music hits and he walks saying he wants Scurll later tonight in an iron man match, a match that Coffey has never lost. Red Lightning books it for later on.

Rating : 33 E+


In an extremely poor match, Grado defeated Rampage Brown in 9:54 by pinfall with a Wee Boot.

Rating : 28 E


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jimmy Havoc defeated Dave Mastiff, Colt Cabana and Brian Kendrick in 15:19 when Jimmy Havoc defeated Brian Kendrick by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver.

Rating : 34 E+


Mikey Whiplash, Michael Dante, and Tommy End come down to the ring. They enjoy rubbing everybody's noses in the fact that they have been unstoppable recently and vow to destroy the NAK next weekend inside a steel cage.

Rating : 30 E+


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Chris Renfrew defeated Tommy End in 13:51 by pinfall after using a steel chair when the ref was distracted.

Rating : 38 D-


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Marty Scurll defeated Joe Coffey in a 30 Minute Iron Man match in 30:00 by two falls to one after botched interference from Jack Jester.

Rating : 32 E+


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Roderick Strong defeated Will Ospreay and Sha Samuels in 14:03 when Roderick Strong defeated Sha Samuels by submission with a Strong Hold.

Rating : 48 D+


Final Rating : 42 D

This show increased our popularity in 1 Region.


The main event was a fairly random triple threat with no build but I knew that Scurll vs Coffey wouldn't get the rating it would deserve with the stats they have in game. None of the TNA talent were available for the show as it was a Wednesday, in future I'll just avoid that day, lesson learned.

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