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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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Put your Heavyweight strap on Angry Gilmore and watch him carry your company. He'll put on a great matches with Jack Bruce. Also, import all of SWF's graduating class into your game. When I run SWF, I usually institute a new guard. I push some of the older established Main Eventers into more of a supporting role (backbone), while letting workers like Angry Gilmore, Jack Bruce, Rich Money(IN THE BANK), Remo, and yes Lobster Warrior carry the company. Just my two cents since your asking. At any rate, I'll keep reading!
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Thanks for the advice and suggestions. I thought about getting rid of "The Survivors", but right now, two of them (Archangel and Rev) will be involved in the hottest storyline going (the one involving Emma Chase. Yes, that is actually going somewhere!). Sabbath is next in-line for Melody Cuthill to take on. I could maybe get rid of Chris Gordon, Joel Kovach, and Devorah Triton. Hmmmm.... I'll have to see what develops. I like what you said about a new guard. I'll have to see what I can swing. "When Hell Freezes Over" finished three or four storylines, and last night, I wrote some replacements. I'll see what I can tweak.
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[B][SIZE=3]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] Week 3, January 2006 Held at the Gorski Ballroom in the South West Region [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL[/B] It was a short opening match and it kept the crowd's attention. That's all I was looking for. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez at 4:41[/B] RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]ARCHANGEL & JOEL KOVACH vs. SAM KEITH & TEXAS PETE[/B] This match blew the roof off the house, and the show hadn't even officially started yet. Good work by the veteran wrestlers all around, although I suspect some of the pop was for Emma Chase, who came out with her clients, Archangel and Joel. WINNERS: [B]Joel Kovach & Archangel[/B] at 8:01 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 3) Jessie came out with the air gun and shot some leftover "When Hell Freezes Over" t-shirts into the crowd. Hey, we have to get rid of them somehow, right? RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Skull DeBones, Sabbath, and the Lords of War come out to the ring. They are booed immediately. Skull explains that it's become increasingly obvious that his talent isn't being appreciated in the SWF, so he had to take matters into his own hands. He never meant to fall to the dark side, but if he has to go, he's bringing some back-up. The men in the ring with him will travel to hell and back, and they can't guarantee that anyone in the locker room will survive. Unfortunately, while I thought people would be into the formation of a new stable, they were more interested in the t-shirts they just got. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 2) But Skull moved on to weightier matters. He addresses Steve Frehley and says that it would be wise for the young man to not get used to having that title belt, because he won't hold on to it for long. Skull is coming to get it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) As "The Dark Side" leaves the ring, a graphic goes up on the jumbo screen, hyping the fact that newly crowned SWF World Heavyweight Champion Steve Frehley will make an appearance tonight. The crowd popped. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 4) [B]BART BIGGZ vs. FLEX[/B] The announcers remind everyone that Flex and Pecs and the Biggz Boys have been at each other's throats as of late. This just seems to be another page in what's developing into a vicious feud. The offense went back and forth until finally, Bart hit Flex with the Buggz Up for the win. WINNER: [B]Bart Biggz[/B] at 7:31 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 5) Nicole Kiss leads her clients, the Almighty Dollar, to the ring. Once she's on the mic, she does her best to hype up Remo's raw power and Rich's suave, sophisticated style. She rambled a bit too much and the crowd's interest began to wane. Finally, though, she got to the point: her boys want to take on High Concept in a non-title match. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 6) Black Hat Bailey appears backstage and taunts Melody Cuthill, asking if her head still rung from "When Hell Freezes Over". He suggests that she leave well enough alone and learn her lesson. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 7) Richard Eisen is waiting in his office when Enygma arrives. Richard congratulates Enygma on his win at "When Hell Freezes Over", but then goes on to say that what Angry Gilmore said made sense. Maybe it is time for Enygma to retire. So Richard is setting up a little test. If Enygma can win his match tonight, he can keep his job. If not, he's fired. Enygma appeared a bit perturbed, then asks who his opponent was. His eyes grew wide when Richard uttered one word: "Sabbath." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 8) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. JACK BRUCE[/B] Finally, someone that Jack can wrestle without looking bad! But then, Jack didn't look so good either. Skull dominated the match from the beginning, finally bringing it to an end with a Skull Krusher. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones[/B] at 4:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 9) The Guru is walking backstage, the sight of which just about killed the crowd. As he passes by a locker room, Robbie Retro opens the door, nailing Guru and knocking him over. Robbie doesn't notice and walks away. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] for walking; [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] for the door-shot 10) Remo and Rich Money are backstage, warming up for their match. Remo admits that he's a little nervous, especially since they both got beaten down by Eric Eisen so badly a week ago. How can they make sure that they'll win? Rich thinks about it, and then tells Remo to leave everything to him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]ENYGMA vs. SABBATH[/B] Enygma came out to the ring looking very worried, especially when he saw the sheer size of Sabbath. Enygma did his best and even managed to stagger the larger man, but in the end, Sabbath stole the victory by using the ropes for leverage. The announcers went nuts at that point, screaming how Enygma was screwed out of his job! WINNER: [B]Sabbath[/B] at 6:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 12) The cameras find Rich Money backstage, talking quietly with referee Ric Young. Ric glances around, then sticks out his hand. Rich pulls out a massive roll of bills, peels off a few, and stuffs them into the ref's hand. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 13) Emma Chase finds Jessie backstage. She's holding the card from the flowers she received at the Pay Per View. She shows it to Jessie and asks her if she has any idea who might have sent them. Jessie thinks about it, then suggests that maybe it was the Archangel. Jessie reminds Emma about how badly Double-A reacted to Joe Sexy's inappropriate comments. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 14) [B]THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR vs. HIGH CONCEPT[/B] Not surprisingly, High Concept lost after a very fast three count. Elmo and Groucho stared at Ric Young in shock and, as Almighty Dollar went back to the lockers, they shouted, "Maybe next week, we'll take those title belts from you!" WINNERS: [B]The Almighty Dollar[/B] at 9:57 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 15) The camera goes backstage where we see Steve Frehley, the title belt on his shoulder, walking towards the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 16) Before Steve gets there, though, Nicole Kiss cuts a short commercial, encouraging everyone to pick up the latest copy of SWF's company magazine. She promises it'll be worth every penny. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 17) Steve Frehley enters to very loud cheers. He gets into the ring and thanks the fans for their support. He then adds that he's going to be a new type of champion. He reminds everyone how little Runaway Train defended the title when he had it. Steve intends to be a fighting champion, starting right now. He's willing to take on anybody who comes out. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 18) Much to the crowd's surprise and delight, Joe Sexy came out and said that everyone knows that he's the sexiest person backstage, especially since he holds the North American championship. But he'd be even sexier if he unified the belts! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 19) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. JOE SEXY [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] It was a very back and forth match. Either man could have won it, but in the end, Steve hit Joe with a Frehley's Comet. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] at 9:40 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 20) Joe is kneeling on the mat, looking very frustrated with his loss. Steve walks over and offers him a hand. Joe knocks it away, rolls out of the ring, and leaves Steve alone in the ring to celebrate his first title defense. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] We sold out the ballroom, blew it's roof off with two A* matches, and started some new storylines. All in all, a good night. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]SWF SUPREME TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, January 2006[/I] Held at the President's Hall in Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]The Rev vs. Nevada Nuclear[/B] Mostly just a clinic to see how Nevada could do in a match with a higher card star. Thankfully, the Rev took him through his paces and showed him a few good moves. The crowd loved it. WINNER: [B]The Rev[/B] at 4:50 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 2) [B]JACK BRUCE & CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. SAM KEITH & TEXAS PETE[/B] I'm thinking that Sam and Tex may have to become a permanent tag team. It's not that they have great chemistry together, but in my mind, they fit nicely. This match served two purposes: to keep these veterans working and therefore happy, and to keep the crowd hot. WINNERS: [B]Jack Bruce & Christian Faith [/B] at 8:29 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Jessie came down to the ring with the t-shirt gun. The crowd didn't mind a bit. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE MATCHES[/U] 1) The announcers welcome us to Supreme TV with a major announcement: Steve Frehley will once again defend his title on Supreme TV, this time by taking on Sabbath. Ana Garcia commented that this is what sets Steve apart from previous SWF champions: he actually takes on challenges like Sabbath. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 2) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. PECS[/B] The announcers spoke of how this feud seems to get hotter with every passing week, reminding viewers of how Bart Biggz defeated Flex last week. Unfortunately, we lost some momentum with this match. Pecs must have drunk the water or something; he seemed out of it. As a result, the match suffered. WINNER: [B]Pecs[/B] at 7:53 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 3) Emma Chase finds a note taped to her locker room door. She opens it and reads it, then looks around to see who it might be from. As she does, the camera focuses on the note, revealing flowery calligraphy surrounded by a heart. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 4) Richard Eisen finds Enforcer Roberts backstage. He reminds Enforcer of how he fired Enygma last week because he couldn't get the job done. He also says that he knows that Enforcer is smarter than Enygma. The question is, is Enforcer willing to play by Richard's rules? Although he doesn't come out and say it, Eisen implies that Enforcer wouldn't like what would happen if he said "No." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 5) Joe Sexy is in the ring and he informs the crowd that they should be happy. He traveled all the way down to Puerto Rico to allow them to bask in his magnificence. He also has some deragatory remarks for Steve Frehley. He knocks Frehley for being a fighting champ. Joe goes on to say that he would do the same, but it would be a crime against humanity if he somehow was injured and the ladies lost access to his sexiness. As cheesy as it might sound, the crowd lapped it up. Joel Kovach comes out and gets in Joe's face, saying that he doesn't deserve to hold the chamionship. As a matter of fact, he's challenging him for a match, right here, right now! Joe looks the other wrestler over and laughs. He says he'd love to teach him a lesson, but he's not about to do it here. If he's going to defend his title, he'll do it in a proper venue, not in some back-water little nowhere place like the President's Hall. He laughs again and leaves the ring. RATINGS: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the promo, [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the challenge, [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the refusal 6) As Joe leaves, a graphic appears on screen, announcing a match that has just been made: High Concept vs. the Almighty Dollar. Jerry Eisen puts over the fact that High Concept were so angered by what transpired last week, they demanded a rematch. Almighty Dollar agreed, but only if the titles are on the line this time! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 7) [B]ANGRY GILMORE vs. ROBBIE RETRO[/B] Angry must have drunk the same water that Pecs did. He looked awful out there tonight. That's okay, because Robbie needed to pick up the win anyway. WINNER: [B]Robbie Retro[/B] at 8:33 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 8) The Guru stands backstage, watching a monitor. He smiles wickedly. "Yes, Robbie will do nicely..." he muses. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 9) Queen Emily is interviewing Black Hat Bailey and she asks him what he thinks of Melody Cuthill now. BHB begins to seethe at the mention of the young lady's name, and he quickly cuts to the chase by challenging her to a rematch at "Nothing to Lose", the next Pay-Per-View. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 10) Richard Eisen is in the ring and he calls out Enforcer Roberts. When Enforcer comes out (looking like a deer in the headlights, unfortunately), Richard says that he's had plenty of time to think over Eisen's question. Will he play by Eisen's rules, or will he make the same mistake as Enygma? Enforcer says he didn't need any time to think about it. He's Eisen's man. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) The camera cuts to the closed locker room door. Referee Ric Young steps out, counting a pile of money. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 12) Skull DeBones comes out and rips on Steve Frehley. He wonders why Steve won't face him. He claims to be a fighting champion, but he has yet to fight the obvious Number One Contender. Skull then informs the crowd that they're about to get a sneak preview of what will happen when Steve does. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ[/B] It was a squash match, pure and simple. Mainstream never stood a chance in the ring with an angry Skull. Within minutes of the bell, Skull slammed the smaller man into the mat so hard, Mainstream didn't get up. The ref checked him then started the ten count. Mainstream never even stirred. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones[/B] at 2:51 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 14) While Skull is standing over his defeated opponent, Steve Frehley comes out. He says that Skull just doesn't get it. SWF is moving into a new era. Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley would be "Been There, Done That, Got the T-Shirt." That's why Steve won't face him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) The Guru is with Sabbath backstage, psyching him up for his match with Steve. Unfortunately, the Guru just doesn't seem to be doing that well with his promos. Sabbath, just by grunting and tearing the door off a locker, outperformed him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 16) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Title[/COLOR] The match was a wild one with hot tags, great double-team action, and everything was so up in the air, nobody was sure what would happen next. Toward the end, Remo had an exhausted Elmo Benson in the middle of the ring and was working him over pretty badly. Elmo connected with a desperation move and lunged for the corner to tag in Groucho. Before Elmo could make it, though, Nicole Kiss grabbed Groucho's feet and pulled him off the ring apron. This was done in full sight of referee Ric Young, something that set announcer Peter Michael's off. Remo then pulled Elmo back into the middle of the ring, hit him with a power bomb, then covered him for a fast three count. WINNERS: [B]The Almighty Dollar [/B] at 8:29 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 17) The camera cuts backstage to reveal Steve Frehley walking to the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 18) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SABBATH[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Ana Garcia, our color commentator, must have joined Pecs and Angry Gilmore at Montezuma's drinking fountain. She seemed lost out there, which is a shame, because with a match this good, we needed someone who could deliver some good commentary. Sabbath looked like an out-of-control wrecking machine, one that gave Steve a run for his money. By the time Steve hit Sabbath with the Frehley's Comet, there wasn't a fan left sitting. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] I don't speak a lick of Spanish, but judging from the happy faces that left the arena, we did pretty well. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]SWF SUPREME TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday, Week One of February, 2006[/I] Held at the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Region 5000 people in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]NEVADA NUCLEAR vs. CHRIS GORDON[/B] Sort of a blah match, but that's okay. Once again, I'm just giving Nevada a little bit of a workout with a more experienced wrestler, just so we can gain a little confidence. WINNER: [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] at 7:28 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 2) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN[/B] I'll admit, I was nervous when I sent these two out there. These two are going to be participating in one of the hotter storylines I have going right now, and I had no idea if they could work well together or not! I know, rookie mistake. Thankfully, they blew the roof off the ballroom. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] at 7:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) The show started with a graphic that Steve Frehley was going to continue his "fighting champion" ways by taking on Sam Keith later tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] The crowd was buzzing ... but about Steve Frehley! The cruiserweights did an okay job, it's just that neither of them are very over yet. In the end, Darryl smacked Mainstream over the head with some brass knuckles, knocking him cold. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 3) Melody Cuthill is backstage and she reminds everyone how Black Hat Bailey challenged her to a rematch. She says she's fine with that, and she'll be happy to meet him at "Nothing to Lose." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 4) Emma Chase is looking around backstage, and she comes across Squeeky McClean. She asks him, in a round-about sort of way, if he had been in her locker room recently, and if maybe he had left her some flowers or a note or something. Squeeky denies it, but then asks Emma out on a date. She politely refuses. An angry look flashes over Squeeky's face for a moment, but it passes. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 5) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] That's it. I've almost had it with Jack. Once again, he has no chemistry with someone. Granted, they're both faces, so they won't face off in the ring that often, but still! By my count, that's four people Jack doesn't work well with! Still, this match really got the crowd jumping. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith[/B] in 6:43 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 6) As Christian celebrates in the ring, Skull DeBones, Warlord Agony, and Warlord Pain charge the ring and attack him, beating him down. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 7) As the Lords of War continue to beat Christian, Skull grabs the mic and addresses Steve Frehley. "You think I'm history, that I'm unworthy of your attention? Guess again, Steve! I will hound you all the way to hell if I have to! Give me what's rightfully mine!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 8) Richard Eisen is waiting in his office when his son, Eric, comes in. Eric seems very relaxed when Richard slams the top of his desk and glares at him. "Eric, do you know how much trouble you've been causing me?" he asks. He goes on to describe how Enforcer Roberts and Remo were traumatized by his attacks, how Nicole Kiss almost quit, and that Richard had to throw a lot of money at the problem to make it go away. He goes on to say that Eric has always been a disappointment. Richard snarls that his son is a loose cannon and that he has a choice: he can either play by his father's rules or find somewhere else to work. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 9) Emma returns to her locker room to find another note taped to her bags. She looks it over and looks terrified. She drops it, looks around the room in fear, and then dashes out the door. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 10) [B]JOE SEXY vs. FREDDIE DATSUN [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Title[/COLOR] It was a quick match. Joe masterfully cheated, finally pinning Freddie after giving him a low blow. WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy[/B] at 4:01 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 11) Before Joe can escape to the back, Joel Kovach comes out. He points out that they're back within the continental United States. How about now? Will he face Joel now? Joe laughs and tells him to get real, then leaves. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the challenge, [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the refusal 12) The Guru appears backstage and announces that his new client is itching for some action, and that Guru is going to give it to him soon. Richard Eisen has just agreed that the Guru's client will face Robbie Retro at "Nothing to Lose". RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 13) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SAM KEITH [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Another spectacular match by our champ. He and Sam put it all on the line and had the crowd on their feet more than once. They no-sold each other a few times, but it didn't detract too badly. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B] at 6:35 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 14) Emma is walking through a darkened hallway backstage. She looks around nervously. "Hello?" she calls. "Where are you? You said that I should meet you here ... aren't you going to show yourself?" Nobody shows up. After a while, Emma breathes a sigh of relief and then leaves. Only then does a shadowy figure appear in a doorway. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 15) A video plays highlighting the two tag team feuds we have going. First it shows highlights of the Biggz Boys fighting Flex and Pecs. Then it showed the Almighty Dollar beating High Concept twice. Richard Eisen's voice comes over the speakers: "They say where there's smoke, there's fire. And our tag team division is on fire right now. The worst thing I could do in this case is throw gas on it, right?" After a crash of lightning, the lights come up to reveal a ladder in the middle of the ring with the tag team belts hanging above it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 16) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. FLEX & PECS vs. THE BIGGZ BOYS vs. THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR [/B] in [COLOR=Purple]a ladder match [/COLOR] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] I perhaps screwed up the booking order. I had figured a four-way ladder match would really blow the roof off this arena, but I should have had Steve's title defense last. As it is, it was a good match. The boys all put it on the line and the crowd did enjoy the spectacle. For a while, it didn't look like anyone would retrieve the belts. Then things broke down. Flex and Pecs went after the Biggz Boys and those two teams wound up brawling on the outside. Taking advantage of the distraction, Groucho tried to tie up Rich and Remo so Elmo could get the belts. As soon as Elmo reached the top, though, Nicole Kiss dove into the ring and knocked the ladder over. Elmo flew out of the ring and landed on Groucho, taking out his partner. Rich and Remo capitalized, got the ladder up, and retrieved the titles. WINNERS: [B]The Almighty Dollar[/B] at 19:54 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 17) As the show closes, Almighty Dollar and Nicole Kiss celebrate in the middle of the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] [U]AFTERMATH[/U] Oddly enough, people were sick of Remo at the end of the night. Very odd. Overall, though, it was a successful event. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR]
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[I][SIZE=3]The War Heats Up[/SIZE][/I] I was sitting in my office when Richard Eisen walked in, carrying a copy of "SWF's Supremacy Magazine" and a ream of papers. "Can you explain what this big expenditure is?" he asked, tossing the papers, which turned out to be a spreadsheet, on my desk. I looked it over and grimaced. "Yeah, I know that's a little high. It's a 'signing bonus' for our newest worker." "'Signing bonus'?" Richard asked. "What were the terms of the deal?" "$32,500 a month along with travel expenses and 20% of the merchandise." Richard's eyes bulged open. "What? Why on earth did you give that much away!" "It was the only way I could sign him," I explained with a shrug. "Why? Who is it?" I told him. He choked for a moment, then smiled wickedly. "Wonderful! When does he debut?" "At 'Nothing To Lose.' Something this big, you don't give away for free." Richard nodded thoughtfully, then showed me the magazine. "And what about this article?" Again, I shrugged. "I thought it might be nice to give our fans some background on some of our more unknown workers." Richard flipped through the mag. "Doesn't this come awfully close to breaking kayfabe?" "Since when do you care?" Richard smiled again. "Caught me. All right. I hope you know what you're doing." As he left, I swallowed hard and muttered. "So do I...."
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Taken from "SWF Supremacy Magazine" -- [QUOTE][B]Who Are the Survivors?[/B] SWF fans may have noticed some new faces on Supreme TV and wondered who they are and where they're from. Even though they signed on less than two months ago, this group of wrestlers, nicknamed "The Survivors", have been a staple of indie shows for years now and are finally being given a chance to shine on a larger stage. [I]Survivng the Crash[/I] But where did they get their name? "That's kind of a sensitive subject," the Rev, the unofficial spokesman for the group, said recently. "See, I had just gotten back from a tour in England when I was approached by ... well, a businessman. I don't want to say who. Anyway, he convinced me that I should put some of my savings into a new wrestling organization, and he asked me to convince some of my friends to join as well." The Rev contacted his brother, Chris Gordon, and their mutual friends, Joel Kovach and the Archangel and convinced them to invest. "It sounded like a good idea at the time," Chris Gordon explained. "I was told that my investment guaranteed me a position on what they called 'the championship committee.' They claimed that they had a TV deal already with the ACE network and that a pay-per-view deal was right around the corner too." "Unfortunately, it turned out to be too good to be true. Turns out that our 'president' ... and I use that term loosely ... didn't have the first clue when it came to running a wrestling organization. Half the kids he conned didn't know a turnbuckle from their belt buckles and the other half were cast-offs from other organizations who had a reputation for hurting people. It was an ugly situation," Joel Kovach said. The four wrestlers wanted to bail, but the Rev convinced them to stay. "It wasn't all bad," he explains. "There were some shining stars in that ... difficult situation. Sabbath, for example. I could tell from the moment I saw him that he had something special, so I took him under my wing and worked with him. I know he may not look it, but Sab's a sweet kid, a real go-getter. And he has a sister named Devorah. She's not much in the ring, but she has a knack for the business second to none." "We stuck with the promotion for as long as we could," Archangel remembers. "We actually put on a few shows where the lockerroom had more people in it than the audience. Those were really bad nights. No one knew what was supposed to happen, everyone was looking to us for guidance since we were 'top investors'. It turned ugly really fast." And disasterous. At the last show, one of the workers, another "top investor", arrived drunk and, in the main event, wound up crippling his opponent. "The stuff hit the fan at that point," Kovach explained. "Questions started getting asked, the family sued our boss, and then, we came to discover, all it was was a big scam the whole time. He bilked everyone out of thousands of dollars, maybe even millions, and then fled the country." "It was devastating," Gordon said. "It destroyed a lot of careers and really soured some good workers on the business." But some good came of it. The Rev, Chris Gordon, Archangel, Joel Kovach, and now Sabbath and his sister, Devorah, had grown closer together. They were bound and determined not to let this negative experience destroy them. "It wasn't easy. Lots of late night phone calls," the Rev said with a laugh. "And then, one day, it turned out to be the SWF on the other end. I'll admit, I kept after them, but now, we've all landed on our feet." [I]The Survivors[/I] [COLOR=Navy]The Rev [/COLOR] is still the unofficial spokesman for the group and their spiritual leader. He really is a former pastor, one who fell into wrestling as a lark. His superior skills allowed him to have a good match with just about anyone who steps into the ring with him and soon, he had fallen in love with the business, leaving his old career far behind. But maybe not far enough. Even though he went on tours and gained popularity all over the U.S. and also in Britain ("Particularly in Scotland, although I don't quite know why," he laughs), everyone knew his background. Hence his nickname. [COLOR=Navy]Chris "Flash Ox" Gordon [/COLOR] is Rev's little brother. When Rev made the switch from Reverend to wrestler, Chris came with. His flashy, yellow Spiderman mask got him noticed in several venues. Although not as popular as his brother, "Flash Ox" is sure to put on a great show wherever he goes. [COLOR=Navy]Joel Kovach[/COLOR] received a black belt in Tae Kwan Do before entering the squared circle and he's known for incorporating martial arts moves in his work. A superior technician, he is also known for tying his opponents up in knots. He wears a mask as an homage to his years of touring the indie circuits in Japan, where he still has a rabid fan following. He and the Rev met up on a tour of the States and quickly became good friends. [COLOR=Navy]The Archangel [/COLOR] cuts a mysterious figure with his black-and-white face paint. He was a regular on the indie scene when he was found by Joel Kovach. The two of them were a successful tag team and held numerous titles in smaller federations before Joel introduce Double-A to the Rev. [COLOR=Navy]Sabbath[/COLOR] was a young up-and-comer that the Rev took under his wing. Even though he cuts a menacing figure, towering over most of his opponents, he surprises people with his quickness and ability to keep his opponents down. What does the future hold for the Survivors? Only time will tell. But, as the Rev said recently, they're glad they survived long enough to come to the SWF. "It's an honor," he said with a smile. "A real honor."[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=eayragt]I like everything about his diary... except The Survivors. For a bunch of indy wrestlers their overness has been put far too high, starting as they do as upper midcarders. Apart from their presence, I like this.[/QUOTE] True. They're mostly for my own amusement. That, and two of them are based on my brother-in-laws, and one of them checks these forums to see how he's doing. :) Oh well. If I ever do another dynasty (not that I'm quitting this one, mind you), I'll keep my own creations out.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF SUPREME TV[/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday, Week 2 of February 2006[/I](Go Home Show for "Nothing to Lose") Held at Evanovich Riverside in Tri State 9,466 people in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]CHRIS GORDON vs. DEREK FROST[/B] Just keeping these guys loose and ready should I need them. The crowd lost insterest toward the end. WINNER: [B]Chris Gordon[/B] at 7:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 2) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN vs. SABBATH[/B] These two had no chemistry in the ring. Thanks goodness this match never officially happened! WINNER: [B]Sabbath[/B] at 7:39 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Jerry Eisen hypes the fact that later tonight, we'll see a match between Runaway Train, Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, Skull DeBones, the Rev, and Remo to determine the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Maybe we went on the air too quickly, but Jerry just didn't sound ready to go. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 2) Joe Sexy is shown walking backstage when he gets run over by Joel Kovach, who yells, "Are you ready to face me now?" Joel didn't look so good whereas Joe really shone. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. MELODY CUTHILL [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] The announcers put over the fact that this might not be the best timing for this match for Melody. Ana Garcia pointed out that she should really be concentrating on facing Black Hat Bailey in two days at "Nothing to Lose." Peter Michaels countered that if she could go into the pay-per-view with the title, that might be a good confidence booster. The match itself was filled with decent high flying action. Nothing that the crowd hadn't seen before, but they stayed into it. Toward the end, Melody turned the match in her favor and was getting ready to win it all when Black Hat Bailey ran in and clocked her in the back of the head. The ref spotted it and called for the bell immediately. WINNER: [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] by DQ RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 4) Duane Fry is backstage with Robbie Retro. He asks the "Blast from the Past" if he's nervous at all facing the Guru's newest client, Nevada Nuclear. Robbie says that he isn't. "Gimmicks related to atomic weaponry? That's so out of style!" Robbie says, adjusting his polyester jumpsuit. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 5) Emma Chase is sitting in the locker room when the door bangs open, causing her to jump. The Archangel comes in and asks her what's wrong. Emma spills the whole story of how she's been getting anonymous notes and how she thinks she's being followed. Archangel tells her to not worry, that he'll get to the bottom of this. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 6) Queen Emily is interviewing Nicole Kiss about her clients, the Almighty Dollar. Queen asks if they'll be facing anyone at Nothing to Lose. Nicole says they won't since Remo is in the #1 Contender's match, so he'll be taking on Steve Frehley for the championship. Nicole didn't look like she believed a word she said. Remo looked good just standing beside her scowling. RATING: [COLOR=Blue] C+[/COLOR] 7) Richard Eisen is talking on a cell phone about how he expects to get Eric Eisen's answer later tonight when Joe Sexy bursts into the office, livid about what happened earlier. Richard asks him what he can do, and Joe demands to face Joel Kovach at "Nothing to Lose." Richard informs Joe that Joel was just in the office and said that he wasn't interested in facing Joe anymore, so Joe suggests they make it a title defense. When Richard agrees to book the match, Joe comes to his senses and leaves the office, looking very worried. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 8) Archangel is looking backstage when he overhears Angry Gilmore talking about a woman (who he never names). Archangel assumes it must be Emma, so he confronts Angry about it. This quickly degenerates into an argument, one that grows increasingly hostile until finally, Angry demands that the two of them have a match to settle it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 9) [B]RUNAWAY TRAIN vs. SKULL DeBONES vs. JACK BRUCE vs. THE REV vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. REMO [/B] to determine [COLOR=Red]the #1 Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] A great match! The Rev was pinned first and rather quickly, followed by Train, then Jack Bruce. For a while, Christian had to do his best to fend off both Remo and Skull, who double-teamed him. Christian managed to put on a burst of offense, one that threw Skull out of the ring and allowed him to pin Remo, who left the ring looking extremely upset. Finally, Skull and Christian faced off, but Skull made short work of the other wrestler. Skull will go on to face Steve at "Nothing to Lose." WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones[/B] at 16:22 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 10) Richard Eisen comes out to the ring and calls out his son. It's time to give his answer. Eric comes out to a chorus of cheers, but Richard orders the fans to be quiet. Eric rolls into the ring, and Richard lights into him again, talking about what a disappointment he's been, how spoiled he is, how he is a disgrace to the whole Eisen family. Richard urges him to do the right thing and start playing by the rules. Eric finally is allowed to speak, and he says that he's thought it over and, if he's such a big disappointment, he figures he's got nothing to lose. With that, he throws down the mic and attacks his father, beating him down to the mat. The crowd goes nuts as security has to rush in to get Richard out of the ring to safety. As he heads toward the back, Richard spits that Eric will come to regret that! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Steve turned in another great match tonight! He and Squeeky had the crowd roaring the whole time until finally, Steve hit the Frehley's Comet. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] in 9:36 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 12) As Steve celebrates his win, the Lords of War charge out from the back and attack him. But before any damage can be done, Christian Faith rushes to the rescue of his friend. The Lords bail before Christian can get his hands on them. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] At this point, the announcers hyped up the card for "Nothing to Lose": Flex & Pecs vs. The Biggz Boys ([COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR]) Robbie Retro vs. Nevada Nuclear ([COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR]) Angry Gilmore vs. Archangel ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) Black Hat Bailey vs. Melody Cuthill ([COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR]) Joel Kovach vs. Joe Sexy for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR]) Steve Frehley vs. Skull DeBones for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR]) [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] The crowd left happy, and that's what makes it worthwhile. I can't wait to see how people respond to our little surprise! FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]
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[I][SIZE=3]PANIC MODE[/SIZE][/I] My stomach was flip flopping as the crews set up the ring for "Nothing to Lose." Things were shaping up nicely. The card was well received for the show and it promised to be a good night. True, some storylines weren't working quite as well as I hoped. For some reason, no matter how hard I pushed Melody Cuthill, the crowd just didn't care. So much for hotshotting her as a "tomboy." I was considering cutting my losses and letting her go. That's when Richard showed up, looking quite pale and upset. "We have a major problem!" he said. "How carefully did you look at that contract you drew up?" Ice water shot through my veins. What did he mean? He handed me a lengthy document and pointed to the relevant clause. My eyes widened in horror as I realized what had happened. My "little surprise" wasn't going to be available for the Pay-Per-View after all! I could have sworn I did the math right. I had envisioned a spectacular surprise to spring on the unsuspecting fans. "What do we do? He's supposed to face Eric tonight to continue our feud! Do we insert someone else?" I thought about and shook my head. "No. We'll save that match for next Tuesday. Granted, it would have been nice to use our newest worker at a Pay-Per-View, but I think it'll be better if more people can see his debut."
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[CENTER]SWF Presents... [SIZE=3][B]"Nothing to Lose"[/B][/SIZE] [I]Thursday of Week 2, February 2006[/I] Held at the Maryland Wood in Mid Atlantic 17,802 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]ANDRE JONES vs. CHRIS GORDON[/B] The low card goes out and does a pretty decent job of starting things off. Nothing spectacular but then, not that bad either. WINNER: [B]Andre Jones [/B] in 5:20 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN & THE REV vs. SAM KEITH & TEXAS PETE[/B] Again, nothing too spectacular, but it warmed up the crowd nicely. WINNERS: [B]Freddie Datsun & The Rev [/B] at 6:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 3) Emma Chase comes out with the air gun and shoots t-shirts into the crowd. The fans popped in a big way for her. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Richard Eisen comes out and informs the crowd that while tonight's show may be called "Nothing to Lose", a lot is at stake tonight for the wrestlers. Especially Steve Frehley, who later will defend his title against Skull DeBones. He then goes on to say that his son Eric has a lot to lose tonight as well. As a matter of fact, if Eric Eisen shows up tonight, security has orders to arrest him immediately. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] for the match announcement; [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] for the banning 2) Melody Cuthill is walking backstage, tugging on some gloves and stretching her arms. Black Hat Bailey leaps out of the shadows and smacks her with a chair. She falls to the ground, groaning. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 3) [B]FLEX & PECS vs. THE BIGGZ BOYS[/B] The midcard feud continues as these two tag teams took out their frustrations on each other. It was a fairly open match, but eventually, after some blatant cheating by Flex and Pecs, things got out of control. The Biggz Boys went after their opponents together and soon, the whole thing degenerated into a brawl that the ref couldn't stop. Finally, referee Darren Smith called for the bell. WINNER: [B] No one (Draw)[/B] at 12:57 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 4) A video package aired highlighting the feud betweeen Melody Cuthill and Black Hat Bailey. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 5) [B]BLACK HAT BAILEY vs. MELODY CUTHILL[/B] Melody really didn't look too good out there. She seemed distracted, especially when some of the crowd starting booing her. She did her best to keep things going and the two workers had an average match. Not PPV worthy by any stretch of the imagination, but it wasn't that bad. WINNER: [B]Melody Cuthill [/B] at 5:56 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 6) Duane Fry is standing next to Skull DeBones and asks him what his thoughts are regarding his match against Steve Frehley for the World Heavyweight Championship later tonight. Skull sums it up by saying, "It's about time! I've been after that belt for two months now. I deserve it. I'm destined for it. Steve, prepare to be crushed!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 7) Richard Eisen is in the backstage area when he's confronted by High Concept. Jessie, their manager, points out to Eisen that since Remo lost the Number One Contender's match last Tuesday, that means he and Rich Money should be available to defend their titles, and that her clients are demanding a rematch tonight. Eisen "apologizes", but says that the tag champs aren't here tonight. But if High Concept want a match so badly, they can take on the Lords of War later. He laughs at them and then walks away. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 8) Robbie Retro is heading for the ring for his match when his opponent, Nevada Nuclear, smashes into him from behind, sending him head first into a pile of equipment. Nevada continues the assault, throwing him into the wall, bashing him in the head with heavy objects, and finally, he grabs Robbie by his 'fro and drags him through the ring entrance. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 9) [B]ROBBIE RETRO vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] Robbie and Nevada work great together! Just the right combination of comedy and menace. Nevada worked over the veteran pretty hard, dominating the match. Robbie didn't get in a single bit of offense, but that's okay, because he sold everything so beautifully. Finally, after a devastating match complete with smashing Robbie over the head with the Guru's cane, Nevada pinned him. WINNER: [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] at 4:39 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 10) Joe Sexy appears on screen and talks about Joel Kovach. He makes fun of the other worker, pointing out the fact that he wears a mask. He suggests that the reason why is because Joel just isn't as sexy as he is. And he definitely won't be after Joe gets done with him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 11) A car pulls up outside the arena. "Who could that be?" Peter Michaels asks. The door opens, and Eric Eisen gets out! The crowd goes wild. Eric looks over the arena, smiles, and then heads through a door. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] High Concept did their best, but the veteran Warlords were too well coordinated for them. They menaced Jessie, keeping Elmo and Groucho distracted and finally, after a quick double-team while the ref was distracted, Warlord Agony pinned Groucho Bling. WINNER: [B]The Lords of War [/B] in 10:14 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 13) Eric Eisen is sneaking backstage when the police find him. They explain that they have orders to arrest him on sight. Eric appears to consider fighting back, but finally surrenders. As he's being led away, his father comes along. Richard taunts him, saying that he hopes he can make bail by next Tuesday, because he has a special surprise waiting for him. Eric lunges for his father, but the cops restrain him and then take him away. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 14) Jerry Eisen, looking somewhat haggard, explains that next, we'll be seing Angry Gilmore take on the Acrchangel. He reminds the viewers of the argument that led up to this match. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 15) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] These two put on a phenomenal match, one that told a great story. Archangel made it clear that he thought that Angry was Emma's stalker. Angry lived up to his name with a furious offense. His mistake was when he decided to flirt with Emma. That only enraged Double-A further. Eventually, Archangel hit Angry with the Fall from Grace and made the pin. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] at 17:18 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 16) Queen Emily is backstage and tries to get a word with Steve Frehley, who is doing press ups. Steve doesn't answer any of his questions, remaining focused on his exercise. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 17) [B]JOE SEXY vs. JOEL KOVACH [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] This match did not turn out as well as I had hoped. Unfortunately, there just wasn't any chemistry between Joe and Joel. Worse yet, Joe was visibly tiring by the end of the match. Thankfully the announcers and the crowd carried this match through and gave it a little boost. WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy[/B] RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 18) A video package aired, showing highlights of the feud between Steve Frehley and Skull DeBones. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 19) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SKULL DeBONES [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Maybe the match was too long. Both men looked tired by the time the final bell rung. That might also explain the lack of selling on display. But it was a good main event. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] at 24:48 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 20) After making his fifth title defense, Steve Frehley celebrates in the ring, going from post to post and raising the title in triumph. RATING: A* [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] People are still complaining about Melody Cuthill. Sadly, I think that means that her storyline has to come to an end a little early. I had hoped to establish her as a major competitor even though she's a woman, but seeing as she can't rise above a C-level match, I doubt she'll do much better. Overall, not the best Pay-Per-View, but we entertained the fans and it should have increased our popularity. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR]
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[I][SIZE=3]Backstage Business[/SIZE][/I] Thankfully, our "little" surprise was able to come to work the day before the next Supreme TV. Financially, our company was doing well. After the last Pay-Per-View, we had a total of $49.5 million on hand. We were also working on branching out a little. I started a house show program a month ago that sent our workers touring the United States and Canada. I also was able to negotiate a deal with Mexican, European, Canadian, and Japanese television companies to air Supreme TV, similar to the deal we had with British television. Our shows were now being broadcast the world over. Granted, in some markets, we only had 2,000 viewers, but it was something that got our foot in the door. I also stopped the storyline with Melody. The intent had always been to give her a good push and rocket her up the ranks to mix it up with the "big boys", but sadly, the fans just didn't care. She had just risen to the Lower Midcard, but that took two pay-per-views. Since she's a good high flier, I'll keep her on the roster to work with the other cruiserweights. And since he wasn't going over well with the fans, Sabbath has been released from the SWF.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF SUPREME TV[/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday, Week 3 of February 2006[/I] Held in Wisconsin Gardens in the Great Lakes Region[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]ANDRE JONES vs. MELODY CUTHILL[/B] Melody was a little upset with me when she went out tonight. She had gotten used to being in the spotlight and she had hoped that her storyline would carry her far. Maybe she needed something to vent her frustration. I think it's that she and Andre have good chemsitry together. Whatever the case, this match was much better than I expected. WINNER: [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] in 7:02 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 2) [B]ARCHANGEL & JOEL KOVACH & THE REV vs. SKULL DeBONES & THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] As Archangel went through the curtain, he gave me a confused look. "Are you sure you want me wrestling right now?" he asked. I shooed him through and only remembered about halfway through that he's in a match later tonight as well. I hope the good people of the Great Lakes region don't get sick of seeing him, but I suspect they will. Oh well. The surprise we have for them later tonight will more than make up for it. WINNER: [B]The Rev, Archangel, and Joel Kovach[/B] in 7:16 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) A graphic appears on the big screen, letting the crowd know that later tonight, we'll see Steve Frehley defend his title against Sam Keith. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) A highlight video from "Nothing to Lose" plays, featuring Melody Cuthill, Black Hat Bailey, Eric Eisen, the Archangel, Joel Kovach, Joe Sexy, Skull DeBones, and Steve Frehley. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 2) The show starts with Maintream Hernandez in the ring. He says that he's pumped after last Thursday's great show and he wants to be part of the action. So he's challenging Darryl Devine to a championship match. Darryl comes out and says that if Mainstream wants to lose that badly, he'll grant his wish. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] for the challenge and the acceptance 3) [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] The match went back and forth for a while with plenty of high spots. Finally, though, the action went outside the ring. Darryl grabbed Mainstream and threw him head first into the ring steps, knocking the other wrestler out. Darryl rolled back into the ring, leaving Mainstream outside to be counted out. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B] in 7:39 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 4) The Biggz Boys are being interviewed backstage by Duane Fry. They say that facing off against Flex and Pecs the past couple of months has been an interesting challenge, but that they're tired of playing. They challenge the other team to face them in a steel cage at the next Pay-Per-Vew. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 5) Archangel is backstage, looking once again for Emma Chase's stalker. He then remembers one of the people who asked her out a few weeks ago: Sabbath. He finds the big man and gets in his face, accusing him of harassing Emma. Sabbath denies it, but suggests that if Archangel has a problem with him, he'd be more than happy to step into the ring with him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 6) Queen Emily is interviewing the Guru about his new client, Nevada Nuclear. Guru admits that Nevada is a little new at this, but he has the raw power to go as far as he wants. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 7) Chris Gordon bumps into American Elemntal backstage. The two masked wrestlers start arguing and it soon becomes heated. Before things get out of hand, though, Richard Eisen comes along and suggests that if they have a problem, maybe they should solve it in the ring next week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 8) Richard Eisen is standing in the ring and he calls out his son. Eric enters without any music or fanfare. Richard smiles wickedly at him. He asks Eric if he enjoyed his night in jail after trespassing at "Nothing to Lose." He says that it's time for his son to learn an important lesson: Don't mess with Dad. He is going to punish him the best way possible. He's booked him in a match with this person.... Richard points to the ring entrance. Strange entrance music begins to play. Then [I][B]BLZ Bubb [/B][/I] (formerly of TCW) comes out. The crowd explodes. Jerry Eisen screams, "What is he doing here? He doesn't work for the SWF, does he?" BLZ Bub rolls into the ring and then roars at Eric. Richard laughs maniacally and gets out of the way. Eric can only stare at the larger worker in shock. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 9) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] Bubb was a monster, dominating the smaller man and tossing him around like he was nothing. Unfortunately, Eric didn't make the devastating offense look that bad. At the end, Eric managed to hit the Silver Spoon Shock, seemingly out of nowhere, knocking the larger man to the mat. Eric dove on top of him and picked up the win, then rolled out of there as quickly as possible. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] in 14:17 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 10) BLZ Bubb can't believe that he lost! He roars and shakes the ropes with a savage fury, then finally calms down enough to head towards the back. On his way out, though, Sabbath passes him and makes some snide comment about losing his first match in the SWF. BLZ Bubb doesn't take kindly to that, and so the two giants start brawling on the entrance ramp. A number of officials stream out of the back to separate them. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. SABBATH[/B] I'll have to say this about Sabbath: he's a professional. This was his last match with the SWF, and he allowed Double-A to thoroughly bury him. Even though this was a squash, both competitors came out looking great. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 10:17 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) Sabbath is standing in the ring, looking absolutely shocked that he lost. Then Nevada Nuclear charged out of the crowd, rolled into the ring, and slammed into him from behind. Unfortunately, Nevada didn't actually hit Sabbath that hard, and you could tell. Sabbath sold the move, though, throwing himself through the ropes and staring back at Nevada in surprise. Nevada paused for a moment, surprised as well, then went into a crazy routine of snarling and spitting. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 13) Emma is sitting backstage, crying to herself. She looks up when the door opens. "Archangel?" she asks. No, it's actually Squeeky McClean. She tries to throw him out, but he points out that maybe she wants to talk. Emma isn't sure, but Squeeky sits down next to her anyway. Before she can say anything else, though, Squeeky throws his arms around her, stroking her hair and whispering comforting things to her. Emma is so shocked she doesn't respond. That's when Archangel does show up. He takes one look at them and storms out of the room. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 14) Sam Keith is backstage with a mic. He says it's about time he got a shot at Steve Frehley. He predicts he'll be walking away with the title tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 15) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. SAM KEITH [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Again, a good match from our champ. It was a nail biter with no clear indications of who was going to win. Finally, though, as Steve was setting Sam up for the Frehley's Comet, Skull DeBones rushed in and attacked Steve. Sam Keith was disqualified. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B] by DQ in 7:47 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]AFTERMATH[/U] Once the show was over, I found our latest hire and clapped him on the back. BLZ Bubb smiled and thanked me for the kind welcome. "I'm just glad we could get you. I bet Tommy Cornell is scrambling right now." "I'll say. Did you hear what happened with Demon Anger?" Bubb asked. I shook my head. "What?" "His contract was up last week, just like mine was two weeks ago. But Tommy was so worried that you'd steal him away too, he called him the second the contract expired to extend it. 'Course, that was at midnight and Anger was already in bed, so he wasn't too pleased about that." I smiled. Things were working out quite nicely. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]
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That's actually what happened. I basically have the whole TCW roster on my shortlist so I can snatch up the main eventers and on-fire talent as they come. That's how I got BLZ Bubb. Then, on the same day, I got the notice that Demon Anger's contract was up and that TCW had re-signed him. I tried to open negotiations, but to no avail. Okay, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to increase my popularity with other countries. Right now, I'm running two house shows a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) in all the American and Canadian territories. Like I said, I've negotiated new TV deals in Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Europe (on top of the existing TV deals in America and the UK). My thoughts are to start holding TV shows in Canada, since my popularity is at C+ in all the territories. I know I'll take a hit on attendance and probably match ratings, but I figure that with the popularity that low, it's bound to increase. I'd only do that on the 4th Tuesdays, away from the PPVs. I also thought I could discontinue one of the house shows a week and schedule a bimonthly "Invasion" show in the foreign countries. On, say, Saturdays of weeks 1 and 3 (again, to avoid the PPV week), we would have an hour long exhibition show in Mexico or Japan or Europe or the UK. Nothing that would advance storylines, just the best matches we can put on to increase our popularity. What do y'all think? Is that the route to go to bring the SWF from international to global? Or am I missing something?
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]SWF SUPREME TV[/SIZE][/B] Tuesday, Week 4 of February 2006 Held at the Quebec City Arena in Quebec 2,000 People in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] I thought maybe some Cruiserweight action in the early going would help warm up the crowd. Sadly, it did not. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B] in 5:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 2) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] Again, we're just giving Nevada some experience working against people higher up on the card. Not spectacular, but that's okay, since this match techincally never happened. WINNER: [B]Jack Bruce[/B] in 6:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Richard Eisen is in the ring, and he welcomes our Canadian fans to SWF Supreme TV. He says that all of the superstars are looking forward to putting on a spectacular show for them this evening ... all of them except for one, that is. His son, Eric, has been out of control lately, so Richard says that he had no choice but to suspend him. For the protection of every worker backstage and for the fans as well, Richard has had Eric banned from the building. Unfortunately, while Richard really did a great job, the Canadians weren't in a good mood. Even though the segment only lasted five minutes, they were chanting "Boring!" within two. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) A video package plays that reminds fans of the argument that Chris Gordon and American Elemental had the week before, one that's supposed to be resolved in the ring this week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]F[/COLOR] 3) [B]CHRIS GORDON vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL[/B] Maybe Canadians just don't like high fliers. I don't know what to make of this. They didn't seem to care at all, even though Chris and AE had specific instructions to work the crowd. WINNER: [B]American Elemental [/B] in 6:41 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 4) The cameras cut to the backstage area, specifically the lockerrooms, where Mainstream Hernandez is rummaging through bags that belong to Darryl Devine. He pulls out the Shooting Star Title and smiles triumphantly, then stuffs it up his shirt and scurries out of the room. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]F[/COLOR] 5) Peter Michaels wonders why Mainstream is stealing the titles, which reminds Ana Garcia of what happened to High Concept. They grouse about how the Almighty Dollar stole the title belts from Elmo and Groucho through their underhanded tactics. They go on to praise High Concept and say that in a perfect world, they would still be the champs. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 6) Flex stands in the ring with a mic, saying that he doesn't want to wait until "Awesome Impact" to get his hands on the Biggzes. He wants some action tonight! He calls out Brett Biggz to face him. When Brett comes out, he's blindsided by Pecs. Flex joins him and they throw the Biggz boy around, smashing him into all sorts of equipment and the security barrier, until they finally laugh at him and leave him lying on the ground, injured. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 7) Nicole Kiss is backstage with the Almighty Dollar being interviewed by Duane Fry. Nicole dismisses rumors that High Concept is gunning for her clients. She says that Almighty Dollar has better things to do than worry about washed up has-beens. Instead, they're facing Joel Kovach and The Rev tonight, and yes, they will be defending their titles. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 8) BLZ Bubb is walking backstage, looking pretty angry. He passes by Christian Faith, who makes a comment under his breath about Bubb losing his first SWF match. Bubb stops and the two start arguing. Finally, Richard Eisen passes by and suggests that if they want to fight, why don't they do it in the ring later tonight? RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 9) [B]THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR vs. JOEL KOVACH & THE REV [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Remo dominated the match the entire time, taking the brunt of any offense that Joel and Rev were able to mount. Finally, though, Rich Money blind tagged himself in and made the pin. WINNERS: [B]The Almighty Dollar [/B] in 7:18 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 10) Freddie Datsun is walking backstage. The announcers explain that he's scheduled to be in a match tonight with Joe Sexy for the SWF North American Title. Without warning, Nevada Nuclear blindisides him. He beats the smaller man savagely and finally leaves the younger man down and out. The announcers point out that Freddie is in no condition to wrestle anymore! Jerry Eisen says that somebody has to do something about Nevada Nuclear. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]E[/COLOR] 11) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. RUNAWAY TRAIN[/B] The crowd was restless at this point, which I think hurt the match overall. Emma Chase did a fantastic job at ringside, as always. There were a few times when Train made a move toward her, but that merely rallied Archangel to defend his manager. At the end of the match, though, Emma's cell phone rang. She answered it but had trouble hearing the other person. Finally, she shrugged at Archangel and went back up the ramp. Distracted, Archangel never saw the Train Wreck coming. WINNER: [B]Runaway Train[/B] in 8:27 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 12) The camera has followed Emma backstage, where she continues to talk on her cell phone. She is still having trouble understanding the caller. "Can you hear me? Are you there?" she asks. A voice says, "Yes, I am!" Emma turns just in time to see a masked individual rush her. She screams, but he clamps a hand over her mouth, then drags her to a car, forces her in the backseat, hops into the driver's seat, and then screeches away. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 13) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] The crowd was still seething when these two started. Maybe my plan of visiting Canada on a monthly basis for a TV show isn't such a bright idea. At any rate, I wonder if Bubb has been working out. His stamina isn't that impressive. He was visibly tiring at the end of the match. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith[/B] in 10:48 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 14) Skull DeBones comes out to the ring and he apologizes to the Canadian audience. He says that he knows they paid good money to see him win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, but that's just not going to happen tonight. Steve Frehley, he says, is too much of a coward to face him again. He claims it's to be fair to the other wrestlers, but Skull knows the truth. He's scared to. Skull promises the fans that they shouldn't worry. They ... and Steve ... haven't seen the last of him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 15) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. TEXAS PETE [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] The crowd still hurt us, even in this main event. These two put it all on the line for a group of fans who, at this point, just didn't care anymore. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B] in 12:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 16) Steve is celebrating his win in the ring when Skull DeBones rushes in and beats him to the mat. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] [U]AFTERMATH[/U] The fans left the arena grumbling. I really thought that we had bombed, but much to my surprise, my spies in the audience reported that most of the fans said they couldn't wait until the next time SWF came back. Gluttons for punishment, I guess. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR]
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Love this diary - not sure about the holding the shows in Canada - if your popularity in USA is higher than the show rating and the show is televised in USA, then you will lose popularity in the USA while gaining it in Canada. Just a thought ! Kutgw. :)
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Once your show is being shown regularly in other areas, you will gain popularity there as will your workers. Of course, you will still need to visit occassionally to make sure you don't allow the areas to lose interest in you and also to make sure you don't burn out your own local fans by giving them too many shows. House shows in the areas you aren't holding TV shows should be the way forward. Running extra shows in other areas will likely give you a lower show rating than you're used to but you will gain popularity a little more quickly. But IMO, I think the gains from the extra show are particularly much compared to the benefits of staying in one area. Derek B
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF SUPREME TV[/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday, Week 1 of March 2006[/I] Held at the Friedman Building in Mid South 8,001 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]ROBBIE RETRO vs. DEREK FROST[/B] A decent opening match. Nothing to write home about, but it helped hype the crowd. WINNER: [B]Robbie Retro[/B] in 5:31 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 2) American Elemental comes to the ring and taunts Chris Gordon a little, pointing out how pathetic he is. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 3) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. THE LORDS OF WAR [/B] in a [COLOR=Purple]handicap match[/COLOR] You know, the Lords of War must not work out during the week. There were two of them in this match, and yet Joel outlasted both of them. Warlord Pain in particular had to drag his sorry butt back up the entrance ramp at the end of the match. At least this really warmed up the crowd. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B] in 7:45 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) In a segment "filmed earlier today", Runaway Train approaches Richard Eisen in the back. Train points out that he's always been a team player and that he and Richard have never had any problems. He thinks he deserves a reward for his good behavior, and he wants it tonight: a title match against Steve Frehley. Richard considers it, then agrees, on one condition: Train owes him a favor, one that Richard can call in at any time. Train agrees, and the men shake hands. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) A video played, recapping the attack on Brett Biggz. The announcers explain that due to Flex and Pec's actions last week, Brett Biggz is injured and so won't be appearing tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 3) Flex and Pecs stand by a monitor, weeping on each other's shoulders. When the video from the previous segment stops playing, they burst out laughing. They turn to the camera and address Bart Biggz. They remind him that their contract for "Awesome Impact" states that nothing, not even the injury of his partner, gets him out of the steel cage match. They say they're looking forward to tearing him apart in that cage! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 4) Mainstream Hernandez is walking backstage with the Shooting Star Title Belt around his waist. He suddenly looks up in surprise then dashes back down the hall, skidding around a corner. We soon see the reason why: Darryl Devine is after him and he wants his title back! When Darryl goes around the corner, though, Mainstream is nowhere to be seen. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 5) [B]MELODY CUTHILL vs. THE ARISTOCRAT[/B] I'm beginning to think that SWF fans just don't like cruiserweights. Oh well. Melody and 'Crat did a decent job out there, but the fans just didn't seem into it. WINNER: [B]Melody Cuthill [/B] in 5:24 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 6) Almighty Dollar is walking backstage when they turn a corner, running right into High Concept. Before Rich Money and Remo can react, High Concept strikes, knocking them both to the ground. The two smaller athletes pound the tag team champs until finally, officials wade into the brawl and separate them. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 7) The announcers cue up a press conference that was held earlier in regards to the upcoming Pay-Per-View, "Awesome Impact." The video highlights a challenge made by Chris Gordon to American Elemental, challenging him to a match at "Impact." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 8) American Elemental is watching the video from a monitor. He turns to the camera and lets Chris know that he's on! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 9) Freddie Datsun is hiding behind a pile of equipment when Nevada Nuclear walks by. Freddie leaps out and tries to get the larger man into a headlock, but Nuclear easily tosses Freddie over his shoulder onto the concrete floor. Before Freddie can recover, Nevada stomps on his chest until finally, Freddie crawls away. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 10) Archangel is in the ring with a mic. He addresses the crowd, saying that it's been a week and no one has heard a thing from Emma Chase. A.A. is worried about her and hopes that she'll be returned soon, safe and sound. That's when the jumbo screen lights up with a man in a black hood. He taunts Archangel, then pulls off the hood to reveal that Emma's abductor is Squeeky McClean. He steps away from the camera to reveal Emma tied up in some sort of boiler room. He urges Archangel to come and get him. A.A. rolls out of the ring and dashes to the back. Unfortunately, the crowd was a little too restless at this point; much of the drama was ruined by people going to the bathroom or buying snacks. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 11) [B]ANGRY GILMORE vs. THE REV[/B] This got the crowd jumping again. Rev and Angry really tossed each other around and did such a great job, Ana Garcia had a hard time keeping up with the moves. Often times, she was left sputtering, unsure of what to say. Finally, though, as the Rev was setting Angry up for a Crucifix Slam, Joe Sexy ran in and attacked the Rev. The ref called for the bell. WINNER: [B]The Rev[/B] by DQ in 6:32 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 12) Christian Faith is walking backstage when BLZ Bubb and Texas Pete jump him from behind and beat him up. I just realized; half my roster got beat up tonight. That can't be good. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 13) We cut back to the mysterious boiler room where Emma is tied up. Squeeky circles her with a predatory gleem in his eye. He explains to her that his intentions were always honorable towards her. He wasn't a pervert or a sex fiend; he's squeeky clean. He knew he loved her from the moment he saw her, and yet she continually rejected his advances. But now she was his ... all his! He hears a noise from the door and quickly melts into the shadows. The door bursts open and Archangel rushes inside. Emma tries to say something, but her words are muffled through the gag. Archangel takes a step towards her, but Squeeky jumps him from behind and beats him down with a lead pipe. Archangel lays on the boiler room floor, moaning. Squeeky screams that he'll never get Emma back, then grabs her and drags her from the room. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the menacing talk, [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the beat-down 14) Freddie Datsun is in the ring, looking pretty banged up from his failed attack on Nevada. He says that he's through beating around the bush. He wants Nevada at Awesome Imapct! Nevada and the Guru come out. Guru says that his client accepts the challange and that in a little over a week, Freddie will understand what an Awesome Impact feels like! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] for the challenge and response 15) Outside the arena, a car pulls up. "Who could that be?" Peter Michaels asks. The crowd explodes when Eric Eisen gets out and heads for the door. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 16) [B]JOE SEXY vs. JACK BRUCE [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] I know that these two have bad chemistry. But if this is bad chemistry ... well, I can't wait to see good! WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy [/B] in 5:54 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 17) Richard Eisen is screaming at gathered security personnel to find his son and get him out of the building. The guards disperse, leaving Richard alone. He realizes he's vulnerable just as Eric rounds a corner. Father and son stare at each other for a moment, then Eric charges. Richard flees for his life, diving into a waiting limo. Before Eric can get to him, the limo squeels out of the building. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 18) Steve Frehley is stretching out backstage when Jessie enters. She admires the champ for a moment or two, then catches herself staring and clears her throat. When Steve turns around, she makes some awkward small talk, then leans forward and kisses him. "For luck," she whispers, then leaves. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 19) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. RUNAWAY TRAIN [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] I know it's a bad idea to keep the title on one person for too long, but man, I'm glad that Steve has the belt for now! He and Train tore the place up tonight and the crowd loved every moment. The kiss must have worked! WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B] in 13:26 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 20) Steve is celebrating in the ring when smoke pours out from under the ring. Steve looks at it, confused, when the mat rips open and Skull DeBones pops up out of the opening. He snares Steve by the leg. Smoke pours out of the hole, and when it clears, Steve is gone. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] It's good to be back in America. No offense to the Canadians, but tonight just felt right. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]
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Something weird just happened This isn't the first time this happened. It happened the last game I played too: Supreme TV just disappeared from American television. I think I had more than a season left in my contract, but last night's episode of Supreme TV did not air in the United States. Has something like this happened to anyone else? Shouldn't the game warn me if my contract with a TV station is almost up? Does this mean I have to wait until the next scheduling time? Help!
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974]This isn't the first time this happened. It happened the last game I played too: Supreme TV just disappeared from American television. I think I had more than a season left in my contract, but last night's episode of Supreme TV did not air in the United States. Has something like this happened to anyone else? Shouldn't the game warn me if my contract with a TV station is almost up? Does this mean I have to wait until the next scheduling time? Help![/QUOTE] Unfortunately that will happen - its not a bug - its just that you don't get any warning that your TV shows are about to expire, you have to check them manually. You will have to wait now till May 1st (when you will get the email about TV stations starting negotiations for next season) to renegotiate a new TV deal, which will start showing in June. This would be a good time to take this show to Canada (or wherever else) cos the lower ratings will not harm your USA popularity, because it is not now being shown in USA. Alternatively, you could try changing the show size to PPV and running it as a weekly PPV for the next 3 months.
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[I][SIZE=3]CHANGING TACTICS[/SIZE][/I] From PWTorch.com: [QUOTE]Wrestling fans across America were surprised last week when "SWF Supreme TV" didn't air. Even more shocking was the explanation of E.J. MacMann, the Vice President in charge of scheduling for America-Sports-1. It wasn't that the show was cancelled. It's contract was never renewed. "We're just as surprised as you are," MacMann said. "We've been quite pleased with our relationship with the SWF and had hoped that they'd sign on for a number of new seasons. But we wish them the best in their new ventures, whatever those may be." Insiders at TCW, the SWF's major competition, report that Tommy Cornell is particularly delighted with this news, gloating that it's a "rookie mistake" that should lead to the "decline, downfall, and demise of the SWF." Richard Eisen declined to comment when contacted.[/QUOTE]
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