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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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Thank you, ismailite. I'm having fun writing this diary. And thank you to everyone who's been reading this. I was shocked when the diary reached over a thousand views. As for Squeeky, I'll admit, my first thought was to make him a transitional champ, but I thought of a feud I'd like to put him in. So he'll have the title for a while.
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[SIZE=3][I]I'm King of the World[/I][/SIZE] I'll admit, the last Pay-Per-View left me scrambling a little. Most of the major storylines that I had been running either ran out before or at "Master of Puppets". What really had me worried was Squeeky McClean. Choosing him to win the title at MoP had been, I'll admit, something of a lark. Most of the obvious choices had been tied up in storylines. I didn't want to give it back to Steve Frehley right away; his feud with Joel Kovach was heating up and I wanted it to continue. So Squeeky it was. But what to do with him? I didn't want him to just keep the title warm for someone else. I was mulling over my options when Tim Westybrook popped his head into my office. "Scap? Could you come down to the training room?" I sighed. I had hoped to come up with a storyline, but maybe a break would clear my head. I followed Westybrook down to the training facility. I frowned when I saw that the lights were off. I glanced at Tim, but the rookie's face betrayed no expression. As I stepped through the door, the lights clicked on. I blinked, surprised to see the entire roster standing before me. Richard Eisen stood in the center, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Have you seen Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine yet?" he asked. I shook my head. I had been meaning to pick up the latest copy, but never got around to it. Richard pulled a copy of the magazine from his sports jacket and flipped through it casually. Finally, he stopped, put on his reading glasses, and read, "'This may come as a surprise to our readers, but we're going to name our Top Ranked Booker a little early. As far as we're concerned, John "Scapino" Otte is the best in the business right now. Ever since he's started at the SWF as their head booker, he has consistently put together good shows. There have been some missteps, such as the loss of SWF Supreme TV's slot. But the SWF has consistently beaten their top rival, TCW, in every outing.' Congratulations, Scap. You're Number One." The roster cheered for me. I could barely believe it. Then Emma, Bombshell, and Jessie rolled out a large cake with a huge Number One iced on the top. I considered making a speech, but I knew I'd be mocked for it. Pretty soon, everyone was enjoying their cake, broken up into little knots around the training facility, chatting and laughing and having a good time. As I ate, though, I noticed that Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling weren't anywhere near each other. That seemed odd. Elmo and Groucho were best friends; that's part of the reason why they made such a good tag team. But I could almost feel the tension between them from where I was standing. I flagged down Jessie, their manager, and asked her if she knew what was going on. She nodded grimly. "They had a falling out a couple weeks ago." I gritted my teeth. That wasn't good. Hopefully it wouldn't affect their performance in ring, especially since they just recaptured the tag titles. About a half hour later, my cell phone trilled. I excused myself from the party and stepped into the hall. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey kid." Ice water coursed through my veins. Even though I hadn't spoken with him for six months, I knew that voice. "What do you want, Tommy?" Cornell laughed. "Congratulations on the top booker award, kid. You did a whole lot better than I thought you would." I smiled smugly. That was almost reward enough. "I've got a proposition for you," Tommy continued. "How'd you like your own promotion?" I froze, not sure I heard correctly. "What?" "You heard me. How'd you like to start your own promotion? As top booker in the industry, you can, you know. You could resign as head booker of the SWF. I would give you, say, a million dollars and my publicity department would hype your guys up as much as possible. You could run it your way. What do you say?" My head was spinning. Just six months ago, I was a referee. Now I was not only the supposed best booker in the business, but I could own my own promotion! Part of me knew what Tommy was doing: we had been thrashing TCW in the ratings. If he got me out of the SWF, things could easily fall apart and TCW could take the lead. Not only that, but since most of the top talent was already signed with TCW and SWF, I would be forced to work with relative unknowns and would have to claw my way up the ladder, so to speak. There was no guarantees that I wouldn't go bankrupt. Still, the offer was tempting.... As I stood in the hall, Squeeky McClean poked his head out. "There you are! I need to talk to you." Before I could dissuade him, Squeeky launched into a mini-presentation, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I had a cell phone to my ear. He outlined a story idea that he had come up with, including who we would need to hire to make it work. As he described what he wanted to do, I felt a smile tug at my lips. I held up a hand and stopped him in mid-sentence. "Thanks for the offer," I said. "But I think I'm going to stay here a while longer." With that, I hung up the phone and dropped it back into my pocket. I patted Squeeky on the shoulder. "Let's go back to my office and make some calls, champ. We've got some work to do."
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, May 2006[/I] Held at the Virginia Park Fields in Mid Atlantic Region 9,297 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]THE TOMBOYS (Melody Cuthill & Principessa) vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] The Lords were not happy with me about this one. Since we have two female wrestlers who mix it up with the men, I decided to have some fun and make them a tag team. And since the Lords, while experienced, have problems with stamina, I decided to give the 'Boys a little push. A surprisingly good match where the women held their own until Principessa locked in a good submission move on Warlord Agony and made him tap. WINNERS: [B]The Tomboys [/B] in 5:37 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]ENYGMA vs. RUNAWAY TRAIN[/B] I wanted to get the crowd pumped up before the show started, and this did the trick. WINNER: [B]Runaway Train[/B] in 6:40 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Emma Chase shoots t-shirts into the crowd to get the audience really going. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) A video package aired, highlighting action from "Master of Puppets". RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 2) Squeeky McClean goes to the ring with the championship belt slung over his shoulder. He addresses the crowd, saying what a privilege it is to be their champion. He says that the reason he made it where he is today is good clean living. He says that for him, cleanliness is next to godliness. He goes on to say that apparently, for the good folks of Virginia, cleanliness is next to impossible. He finishes by saying that he deserves this championship and he'll make sure it shines bright so long as it's around his waist. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Steve Frehley comes to the ring and gets in Squeeky's face. He points out that the only reason why Squeeky is champ is because Richard Eisen stripped him of the title three weeks ago. Steve goes on to point out that the way he got the title was by playing possum and tricking Remo. Steve goes on to say that he doubts that Squeeky could win a match head-to-head against anyone, so Steve challenges Squeeky to match tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 4) [B]DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] An average match. It was okay, but it wasn't as good as I hoped. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] in 7:33 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 5) A video package plays, highlighting a particularly vicious move from Richard Eisen's match against Eric last week. In it, Richard takes a huge bump that looks like it hurt badly. Jerry Eisen says that Richard has been injured and, by doctor's orders, won't be able to run the SWF for a while until he recovers. Peter Michaels wonders aloud, "Then who's going to run the show?" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 6) Nevada Nuclear is walking backstage when a limo pulls up. Impressed, he whistles as Skull DeBones gets out. He then goes to Skull and thanks him for all of his advice over the past few weeks. Skull says that he's happy to do it. He goes on to say that Nevada should watch his match tonight against Archangel and take notes. He's sure to learn a lot. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] for the arrival; [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the thanking 7) Freddie Datsun comes out to the ring. He says that he knows people think he's washed up, especially since he only drew with Joe Sexy at "Master of Puppets." He says he knows that Joe thinks it's over, but Freddie says that Joe only wishes it were over. As far as Freddie is concerned, it's not over until he gets [COLOR=Red]the North American Championship[/COLOR]. Freddie did poorly in the segment, but the crowd covered for him nicely. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Elmo and Groucho still looked perturbed when they went out, but thankfully, they appear to have left their personal problems in the lockerroom. A good match from the champs and their opponents. WINNERS: [B]High Concept [/B] in 9:53 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 9) Eric Eisen comes out to the ring. He talks about how he regrets injuring his father in their match last week, but he says it really will turn out to be for the best. See, he's been in contact with the SWF Board of Directors, who were frantic to find someone to put together [I]Invasion![/I] for them. Eric said that when he offered to fill his father's shoes, the Board jumped at the chance. As of tonight, Eric Eisen is in charge of the SWF! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 10) Remo is backstage when Rich Money bursts into his room. Rich demands to know what Remo was thinking, eliminating him from the Battle Royale last week. Rich says that if he hadn't, Rich might have been able to save him from Squeeky and that maybe, just maybe, Remo would be the champ now. Remo blows off that idea, saying that Rich has been holding him back, that he's the weaker of the two. Rich denies it and says that he's willing to prove it next week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 11) Eric Eisen is settling into his new office, going through the clutter on Richard's old desk. Joel Kovach bursts into the office and demands to know what Eric is planning on doing about Steve Frehley's challenge to Squeeky. Eric says that he was planning on granting it since Steve was right. Joel goes ballistic, pointing out that in their last few match-ups, Joel has always won. He also reminds Eric that he was the one who eliminated Steve from the Battle Royale. "If anyone deserves a title shot tonight," Joel says, "it's me!" Eric nods thoughtfully and says he'll think about it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. SKULL DeBONES[/B] Skull dominated Archangel throughout the match. He was in control the entire time. Finally, though, as Skull was setting Archangel up for the Skull Krusher, Sam Keith charged the ring and attacked Skull! The ref calls for the bell. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones [/B] by DQ in 7:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 13) Archangel storms through the curtain, followed by Sam, who is calling his name. Archangel turns and glares at Sam, who simply says, "You're welcome!" Archangel says he has no reason to thank Sam. Sam disagrees, pointing out how he just saved Archangel out there, even after Archangel eliminated him from the Battle Royale last week. Archangel says to save it, that he knows that it was Sam who attacked him at "Master of Puppets" before Emma's match. Sam denies it vehemently and the two continue to argue for a few minutes. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 14) Eric Eisen goes to the ring entrance and announces that he's given it a lot of thought. Steve Frehley made some good points earlier tonight and, as far as Eric is concerned, deserves a shot at the title. But Joel Kovach made some excellent points as well. So Eric has come to a decision: tonight's main event will be Squeeky McClean in a three-way dance with both Steve Frehley and Joel Kovach for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR], and that match is next! Eric then left, looking relieved. I don't blame him. He sucked. But the crowd loved it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) vs. STEVE FREHLEY vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] What a match! It mostly was between Steve and Joel. It seemed like whenever one would go after Squeeky, the other would interfere. At one point, Squeeky even made himself comfortable in a corner and watched as the other two brawled in the center of the ring. He paid for that, though, when Steve whipped Joel into him and then hit a splash on both. In the end, though, Squeeky managed to surprise Joel and get him in a small cradle, using the ropes for leverage. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean [/B] in 17:41 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] I'll be the first to admit, there wasn't a lot of wrestling in the show. But we set up some new storylines and continued some of the old ones. The three-way match really made up for some of the miscues. I'm also re-evaluating my plans with Eric Eisen. I had hoped that we could have some fun and draw out Richard's absence, but Eric just doesn't have the entertainment skills right now to pull this off. We'll have to see what happens, though. I don't want to switch his gimmick again too soon. But I guess I was a little distracted tonight. I'd been in talks with Runaway Train for three days. He was holding out for a huge raise (from $25,000 a month to somewhere over $32,500 a month). I tried to continue the talks, but he didn't want anything to do with it. Part of me wants to fire him, but I'm also willing to bet that the minute he hits the open market, Tommy Cornell will snatch him up. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] Tuesday, Week 4 of May 2006 Held at the President's Hall in Puerto Rico 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]PROBLEM SOLVERS vs. THE BIGGZ BOYS[/B] I was worried that coming back to Puerto Rico would be a mistake. Last time we were here, half my roster seemed to be off their game or wound up looking bad. I warned them all to not drink the water, but apparently, Brett Biggz just couldn't resist the mystique. Still, it wasn't a bad match. WINNERS: [B]Problem Solvers[/B] in 4:48 2) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. RUNAWAY TRAIN[/B] I'll admit, this match served two purposes. First, I wanted to pump up the crowd. Second, I wanted to punish Train for causing me grief at the negotiating table. I'm not sure he got the message, though. But the crowd chanted "Aburrir!" at Train quite a bit. I later found out that this means "Boring." I may have to freshen up his character a little. WINNER: [B]Runaway Train[/B] in 6:32 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Jessie shoots the t-shirts into the crowd this week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Jerry Eisen welcomed us to [I]Invasion![/I] by announcing that Squeeky McClean had something important to say tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) Eric Eisen is walking backstage, saying something to himself about how tonight's his night in Puerto Rico. That's when a door flies open and cracks him one in the face. Nevada Nuclear steps through, oblivious that he just hit the acting general manager in the face. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 3) Rich Money is being interviewed by Marv Earnest. Marv asks a few half-hearted questions about what happened last week between Remo and Rich. Rich nearly explodes with anger, chastising Marv for bringing it up. He then looks straight in the camera and informs Remo that he'd be more than happy to prove that he isn't the weak link in their team in the ring tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 4) Eric Eisen tracks down Nevada Nuclear and tells him that he should walk where he's going. Nevada starts into his whole "Wrestler of Mass Destruction" schtick, but Eric cuts him off. He tells Nevada that as punishment for hitting the boss, he's booking Nevada in a handicap match against Flashback. As Eric walks away, Skull DeBones appears next to Nevada. He pats Nevada on the shoulder and says, "Don't worry, my boy. I'll tell you exactly what to do." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] for the match announcement and the advice. 5) Joe Sexy, dressed in local garb (and looking quite ridiculous) comes across Principessa backstage. He makes some rather cheesy comments about how lovely the moon looks tonight, how he would love to walk the beaches with a beautiful woman, and that this is Principessa's lucky night. Principessa humors him, so Joe launches into some not-so-subtle innuendo about what they could do after the walk on the beach. Principessa, offended, slaps him. Joe shakes with fury and informs her that it is her lucky night. She wants to play with the boys, he'll give her a shot at his title ... tonight! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 6) [B]NEVADA NUCLEAR vs. FLASHBACK[/B] Robbie Retro and Johnny Martin did their little handslapping routine before hopping into the ring. The crowd actually seemed to get into it. Then Nevada came out with a determined look on his face. He rolls into the ring and even before the bell rings, he attacks Robbie. Nevada dominated the whole match. It seemed like he knew in advance what his opponents were going to do before they did it. Finally, Nevada managed to score the pinfall on Robbie Retro as the Blonde Bombshell made sure that Johnny couldn't help him. WINNER: [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] in 10:47 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 7) Footage aired of the Problem Solvers at a press conference held earlier. They said that they were sick of being hired guns and that they were going into business on their own. They already have their sites set on the Tag Team Championship. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 8) Blonde Bombshell, Angry Gilmore, and BLZ Bubb appeared in a movie parody skit. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 9) Eric Eisen comes to the ring and says that he's going to trump Squeeky, whatever his big announcement is. He said that he realized last week that if he's going to be the acting general manager, he should take advantage of it. He's booking himself in a match tonight .... against Squeeky McClean! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]REMO vs. RICH MONEY[/B] Remo dominated the match. Rich never stood a chance against him. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 11:42 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 11) Sam Keith finds Emma Chase backstage. There is some noticeable tension between the two of them. Finally, Sam breaks the silence and apologizes to her about what's been happening recently. She tries to interrupt and apologize for Archangel, but Sam doesn't let her. He says that he has nothing but respect for Archangel and for Emma, and he hopes that the three of them can work together again. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]JOE SEXY (c) vs. PRINCIPESSA[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] It was a squash match, pure and simple, and the crowd didn't want to see one of those. WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy[/B] in 6:45 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 13) After the match, Joe decides to add insult to injury by beating on Principessa some more, yelling, "I bet a walk on the beach looks really good right now!" That's when Freddie Datsun hit the ring, wielding a steel chair. Joe bailed, escaping up the ramp and laughing the whole way. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 14) Squeeky McClean comes out to the ring. He says that he doesn't care what little games Eric Eisen wants to play, he's the greatest champion the SWF has ever had. He says that he deserves to live the best life possible, so he has hired a new manager for himself, someone who will make sure his life remains as clean as possible. His new manager is .... Dermot O'Logical. Dermot, a strange young man that Squeeky told me about, comes out. He normally plays a skin-care obsessed young man, and Squeeky thought the two of them would make a good pair. Unfortunately, you could tell that this was Dermot's first time in the spotlight. He looked completely lost as he went to the ring. He had a bag filled with cleansers and soap, which he rummaged through. After finding one, he squirted some onto Squeeky's hands and proceeded to rub the stuff in. It was a weird segment, but Squeeky played it up. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 15) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) vs. ERIC EISEN[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Squeeky and Eric really did a fantastic job out there. You could tell that they enjoyed working together and that helped the match. The offense went back and forth for a while until Squeeky grabbed the ref, complaining that Eric hit him with a foreign object. While the ref was distracted, Dermot took some of his hand cleanser and sprayed it into Eric's eyes, blinding him long enough for Squeeky to roll him up and get the pin. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] in 9:47 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 16) Afterwards, Squeeky and Dermot celebrated the win in the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Perhaps Principessa was the wrong person to use in the squash match. I would have thought that Joe beating up a woman would arouse some sympathy for his victim. Most of the fans left saying that she deserved it. Yikes! But not a bad show. It helped us out in Puerto Rico. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR]
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Most fans seem to despise women wrestlers beating up the male ones. Chyna received a lot of backlash from it as I recall, and Madusa winning the WCW Cruiserweight title was considered one of thier worst ideas. Jackie winning the WWE Cruiserweight title didn't go over very well either. Hate to say this, but I think that whole Tomboys idea might backfire on ya.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday, Week One of June 2006[/I] Held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall in New England 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]TEXAS PETE vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] The fans were shocked to see this as a dark match. I suspect that Richard Eisen was too. He sought me out backstage and asked what exactly I was up to. I explained my plan, which caused him to chuckle and wish me luck. At any rate, it was good match. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith[/B] RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championshp[/COLOR] Another great match. I noticed that some of the fans hav soured a little on Joe Sexy's gimmick. That will have to be changed. WINNER: [B]High Concept [/B] in 6:35 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Blonde Bombshell comes to the ring and announces that the fans should go out to the souvenier stands and pick up a copy of the latest issue of the SWF's magazine, especially since she's on the cover. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) We start with a match announcement for the evening: Later tonight, we'll see Jack Bruce vs. Skull DeBones RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) Squeeky McClean hits the ring and talks about what a great champion he is. He hypes up the fact that he owes everything he has to clean living, something he's sure the people of Connecticut don't understand. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Steve Frehley is backstage with Eric Eisen, watching Squeeky's antics on a monitor. Steve tells Eric that he wants another shot at Squeeky and the title and that he's hoping that Eric will give it to him tonight. Eric hesitates, causing Steve to get somewhat angry. He points out that Eric got his shot last week. Now he should share the wealth. Eric says he'll think about it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 4) Skull DeBones is backstage, looking for Nevada Nuclear. He asks several people if they've seen him, but to no avail. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 5) A video package airs, reminding fans of the on-going developments between Emma Chase, Archangel, and Sam Keith. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 6) Speaking of Archangel, the camera catches a glimpse of him arguing backstage with Runaway Train and BLZ Bubb. Unfortunately, we're not close enough to hear what's being said. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 7) Jack Bruce is being interviewed by Queen Emily and he's asked if he's worried at all about his upcoming match with Skull DeBones. He blows off Queen Emily's concern and says that he's going to go show that Skull isn't scary, he's just pathetic. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 8) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. JACK BRUCE[/B] A good back-and-forth match between these two. At one point, it looked like Jack was going to get the win. That's when Nevada Nuclear hit the ring and plowed through Jack while Skull distracted the ref. Then Skull hit Jack with the Skull Krusher to pick up the win. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones [/B] in 8:41 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 9) Skull is met by Nevada backstage. Nevada goes on about what a rush it is to work with someone like Skull. Skull then says that they make a good team and that he's more than willing to continue teaching Nevada. Nevada says he'll think about it and let him know next week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 10) Joe Sexy comes out and talks about what happened last week, how Freddie Datsun interfered in his match against Principessa. Joe goes on to say that he had intended to just ignore Freddie and hope that the other man would leave well enough alone. But Joe says that he has no choice: Freddie Datsun is going down! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 11) Joel Kovach is backstage with a mic. He addresses Steve Frehley and asks Steve if he thinks it's over between him and Joel. Joel tells him that it isn't, not by a long shot. He promises that if Steve does get his match later tonight, he won't win. Joel will see to it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) High Concept is backstage and they address the challenge that was made last week by the Problem Solvers. They say they aren't afraid of them and they'd be more than willing to defend their title at the next Pay-Per-View, "Times of Trouble". RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 13) Eric Eisen comes out and says that he's been giving it a lot of thought. He knows that Steve deserves a title shot, but he wants to keep after Squeeky McClean himself. There's also the Joel Kovach factor to take into account. So his solution: tonight's main event will be a tag team with he and Steve Frehley versus Joel and Squeeky. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 14) A graphic goes up, saying that we're going to see Rich Money take on Remo again next! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) Rich Money is headed for the ring, but before he can get there, Remo runs him over and throws him into the wall. Rich appears dead on his feet, but Remo grabs him by the hair and drags him toward the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 16) [B]REMO vs. RICH MONEY[/B] Remo dominated the match. Rich did manage to get in a little offense, but every advantage he gained was quickly countered by his tag-team partner. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 6:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 17) BLZ Bubb and Runaway Train come out. They make vague reference to the argument that they had with Archangel earlier and said that they decided that they wanted to fight him. At "Times of Trouble", they want Archangel in a tag team match, and they'll even be generous enough to let AA choose his own partner. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 18) Steve Frehley is backstage with Eric Eisen, looking pretty upset. Eric asks what's wrong. Steve said that a tag match wasn't what he had in mind. Instead, he wanted Squeeky on his own. Eric says that if they do this match now, Steve can have Squeeky at "Times of Trouble." Then Enygma comes into the room. He notices Steve's glum expression as well. He tries to psyche them up, telling Steve that he has an opportunity to show Squeeky what true championship caliber is all about. Steve cheers up a little. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 19) [B]ERIC EISEN & STEVE FREHLEY vs. JOEL KOVACH & SQUEEKY McCLEAN[/B] This match was so good, the announcers couldn't keep up with the match. All four competitors went after each other and put it all out. In the end, though, as Steve was getting ready to put Squeeky in the Frehley's Comet, Joel retrieved the championship belt, rolled into the ring, and clocked Steve over the head with it. The ref saw it and called for the bell. WINNERS: [B]Eric Eisen & Steve Frehley [/B] by DQ in 13:14 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 20) At the end of the match, the four competitors went after each other and tried to kill each other. Security had to hit the ring and separate them. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Sadly, I didn't achieve my goal of booking an A* show. I guess the sequences with Nevada Nuclear and Jack Bruce dragged it down too much. I tried to catch Runaway Train's attention after the show, hoping that we could re-enter contract negotiations. He didn't want anything to do with me. I'm worried that when his contract is up in two weeks, he'll leave. I don't know if TCW would snatch him up; but then, I haven't heard about them approaching him, so we'll have to see. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, June 2006[/I] Held at the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. MELODY CUTHILL[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] A slightly above average match. I can't complain. The crowd seemed to like it. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] in 5:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]TEXAS PETE & BLZ BUBB vs. ENYGMA & JACK BRUCE[/B] A great match, one that got the crowd hopping. WINNERS: [B]Enygma & Jack Bruce[/B] in 8:04 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Emma Chase shoots t-shirts into the crowd. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Jerry Eisen hypes the fact that later tonight, we'll see Archangel take on Runaway Train. He mentions the fact that Archangel still hasn't found a partner yet for "Times of Trouble". RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 2) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] What a train wreck! Not a good match at all, although the announcers did a good job of selling it as much as they could. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] in 7:53 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 3) Skull DeBones is backstage with Nevada Nuclear. Skull asks Nevada if he's come to a decision yet. Nevada says that he has, and that he's willing to learn everything he can from Skull. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 4) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A good match, but it would have been better if the Lords were in better shape. Once again, Warlord Pain was exhausted at the end of the match. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] in 7:47 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 5) High Conept is celebrating their win in the ring when the Problem Solvers run in and attack them, beating them down. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 6) Flashback is walking backstage, engaged in a friendly debate about which decade was better, the '70s or the '80s. They bump into Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore, who mock them for being stuck in the past. This turns into a heated argument, one that ends with Joe and Angry challenging Flashback to a match. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 7) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. RUNAWAY TRAIN[/B] Archangel dominated the match, leading the announcers to speculate that maybe he didn't need a tag team partner this Thursday. It was a burial, pure and simple. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 12:15 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 8) As Archangel celebrates his win, BLZ Bubb hits the ring. He and Train attack Archangel and beat him up pretty badly. That's when Sam Keith hits the ring with a steel chair, chasing them off. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 9) Backstage, Archangel berates Sam for interfering again. Sam points out that Archangel was in big trouble out there and that Sam saved his bacon. He then offers to be Archangel's tag partner at "Times of Trouble." It appears like Archangel doesn't want to agree, but Emma Chase urges him to accept the offer. Archangel finally does and the two shake on it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 10) Squeeky McClean comes to the ring and insults the people in the audience. He makes fun of them and generally puts down them, their families, their hometown, drawing boos and catcalls. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) The Problem Solvers are walking backstage when High Concept finds them and attacks them, beating them up. As they leave, Elmo Benson yells, "See you in two days!" As a side note, I need to remember to protect Black Hat Bailey in the upcoming match. He did not look good at all tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]FLASHBACK vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION[/B] A great match. The offense went back and forth for a while. Finally, though, Flashback started to take the lead. Johnny Martin had Angry Gilmore in the middle of the ring and was working him over pretty well. Every time Angry tried to make it to his corner to tag in Joe Sexy, he got pulled back to the middle. Finally, though, Angry managed to free himself and he dove for the corner. At that moment, Freddie Datsun jumped over the security barrier, grabbed Joe Sexy's legs, and pulled him from the ring apron. Angry didn't make the tag, and Johnny set him up for his finishing move, the "Reagonomics Rager". WINNERS: [B]Flashback[/B] in 9:34 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 13) Remo has a mic and he taunts Rich Money, reminding him of how he's been beaten every time he's face Remo. Remo then goes on to inform Rich that he'll have to be beaten one last time this Thursday at "Times of Trouble"! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 14) A video package aired, recapping what happened last week with Eric Eisen, Joel Kovach, Steve Frehley, and Squeeky McClean. It emphasized that Eric promised Steve a title shot at "Times of Trouble" if he was in the tag match from last week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) Eric Eisen is in the ring, which has been decked out with nice carpet, a wooden desk, and two chairs. He explains that, unlike his father, he is a man of his word. He promised Steve Frehley a title shot at "Times of Trouble", and now he's going to deliver. He invites Steve and Squeeky McClean to the ring to sign the contract. The two competitors make their entrance. Steve and Squeeky exchange some angry words, then Steve takes the pen and signs the contract. He hands the pen to Squeeky. Before Squeeky can sign, though, Joel Kovach hits the ring. He attacks Squeeky and lays him out, then jumps on Steve. The two brawl around the ring until finally, Joel puts Steve through the desk. He then picks up the pen and signs the contract instead. He then tosses the contract to Eric. Ana Garcia cries, "What does this mean? Will Steve get his title shot?" Eric watches Joel leave, then looks at the other two wrestlers. He glances over the contract and announces that as much as Steve may not like it, it's binding. Now it'll be Steve Frehley vs. Joel Kovach at Times of Trouble. And since Squeeky is available, Eric is booking himself into a match against the champ instead! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the contract signing; [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] for the match announcement As the show went off the air, the announcers reviewed the card for "Times of Trouble". The rating for each segment is in paranthesis: JOE SEXY (c) vs. FREDDIE DATSUN for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR]) HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR]) RICH MONEY vs. REMO ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) ARCHANGEL & SAM KEITH vs. BLZ BUBB & RUNAWAY TRAIN ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) STEVE FREHLEY vs. JOEL KOVACH ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) vs. ERIC EISEN for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR]) [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Thankfully, we aren't that popular in the North West. I suspect if we were, this show would have hurt us. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR]
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[CENTER]SWF Presents... [COLOR=DarkRed][B][SIZE=3]"Times of Trouble"[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 2, June 2006[/I] Held at the H. Jones Building in Great Lakes 17,689 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. THE ARISTOCRAT vs. CHRIS GORDON vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. MELODY CUTHILL [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] A pretty good start for the PPV. Chris Gordon really shone out there, but then, Chris is pretty popular in the Great Lakes territory. In the end, though, Mainstream surprised everyone by hitting American Elemental with his finisher, Apparition #14. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B] to capture the title in 11:44 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 2) Jessie, who had been out to support her client, Melody, stays out in the ring and fires t-shirts into the crowd. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) The show starts off with a thud. Freddie Datsun is backstage being interviewed by Duane Fry. Freddie says that he has a good feeling about tonight. He knows he's the underdog, but he knows he's going to leave the SWF North American Champ. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]JOE SEXY (c) vs. FREDDIE DATSUN[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Joe, now sporting a "Fabulous Heel" gimmick, strutted to the ring like he owned the place. He glared at the crowd, did a few pelvic thrusts at the women with ringside seats, and seemed completely unconcerned as Freddie made his entrance. That unconcerned attitude quickly dissapeared as Freddie took control. It didn't seem like Joe got any offense in at all. As a matter of fact, it would be safe to say that Freddie controlled the whole match from beginning to end. When it was becoming clear that he was being set up for a painful finish, Joe rolled out of the ring and walked away, shaking his head. The ref counted him out, then called for the bell. The announcer then explained that since the match ended by count-out, the title wouldn't change hands. Joe laughed before disappearing behind the curtain. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] by count-out in 7:48 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 3) Robbie Retro and Johnny Martin appear in a parody of the movie "Back to the Future." It basically involves the two of them overplaying their gimmicks and insisting that they'd rather live in the past. A silly, yet decent, segment. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 4) Archangel and Sam Keith are backstage getting ready for their match. They eye each other warily. Emma Chase comes in and psyches them up, telling them that she believes in both of them and that she's sure they can beat Train and BLZ Bubb. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 5) [B]ARCHANGEL & SAM KEITH vs. BLZ BUBB & RUNAWAY TRAIN[/B] You could tell that Archangel and Sam Keith weren't comfortable with each other, only it wasn't a lack of chemistry. This time, it was the acting. Several times during the match, Archangel wouldn't turn his back on Sam. At one point, while BLZ Bubb was working over Archangel, Train snuck around the ring. When Archangel broke free of Bubb's grasp and went to make the tag, Train pulled Sam off the ring corner. Archangel couldn't find Sam. That's when BLZ Bubb rolled Archangel up into a pinning predicament. As a side note, Train looked horrible out there. I left notes with Chief Two Eagles to continue burying him. WINNER: [B]BLZ Bubb & Runaway Train[/B] in 16:52 6) We see Remo backstage, walking toward the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 7) [B]REMO vs. RICH MONEY[/B] This match blew the roof off the stadium. Rich and Remo did a terrific job. Rich played the part of the scared wrestler quite well, hiding and ducking Remo as often as he could. Remo dominated the match, finally rolling Rich up and using the ropes to hold him down. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 14:47 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 8) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A great match, even though you could tell that Black Hat Bailey was holding everyone back a little. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] in 17:23 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 9) A video package aired, hyping the on-going feud between Joel Kovach and Steve Frehley. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 10) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] Another roof-blower! Joel and Steve tore into each other like they really hated each other. In the end, though, just as Joel was getting ready to set up Steve for his finisher, the Old School Drop, Steve reversed it, hitting Joel with the Frehley's Comet. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] in 27:49 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 11) Steve celebrates his victory, but then Joel jumps him and beats him up. Before it can get out of hand, though, Jack Bruce charges the ring and saves the day. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) A video plays, hyping the upcoming match between Squeeky McClean and Eric Eisen. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) vs. ERIC EISEN[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heaveyweight Championship[/COLOR] I suspect that we won't be invited back to the H. Jones Building any time soon thanks to all the damage we did to its roof. These two put on a spectacular match, one that had the crowd on its feet most of the time. In the end, Squeeky managed to hit his patented finisher, the "Stain Removal". WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] in 21:40 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 14) Having won, Squeeky celebrates with his manager, Dermot O'Logical. Any good momentum we had vanished. The crowd hated Dermot. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 15) Marv Earnest is waiting backstage as Eric Eisen leaves the ring. Eric looks very disappointed in himself. Marv asks Eric what his thoughts were about the match. Eric explains that Squeeky was a good competitor, and that Eric was looking forward to facing him for the title again. That's when, much to everyone's surprise, Richard Eisen appeared! Richard approaches Eric and tells him that his little coup is over. Richard is back in control of the SWF, and that next week, Eric is going to be in a handicap match against BLZ Bubb and Angry Gilmore! The show ends with a close-up of Eric's shocked expression. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] I nervously awaited the final analysis of the Pay-Per-View. Once it was running, I realized that I had scheduled a lot of matches but not too many backstage and interview segments. I had been burned before because of that. I also was kicking myself for using Dermot at the end. The data started trickling in .... a buyrate of 359,613 (which translated as a gross income of almost $5.4 million), the Internet sites were complaining about American Elemental and Melody Cuthill being used too much. But then I saw how people were rating the show, and suddenly, all my worries were gone. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, June 2006[/I] Held at the Gorski Ballroom in the South West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Before the show started, Richard Eisen approached me. We were both a little nervous. Just yesterday, Runaway Train left the SWF. We half-expected him to appear on TCW's show tonight. I hadn't heard that he had been hired, but you never knew. "It's a shame he left when he did," I said. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" Richard asked. "I was going to have him job to Tim Westybrook tonight," I said with a wicked grin. Richard laughed. "Let's just focus on what we have." [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]THE TOMBOYS vs. FLEX AND PECS[/B] In my heart of hearts, I still believe the Tomboys could be a viable team in the SWF. I just need to get them more experience and work on their popularity a little. Dark matches seem to be the way to go for now. WINNERS: [B]The Tomboys[/B] in 7:37 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] I was a little surprised. These two didn't do as good of a job as I had expected. It even brought the crowd down a little. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] in 5:31 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 3) The Blonde Bombshell came out and shot t-shirts into a restless crowd. Her presence seemed to help a little. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) A video package aired highlighting the action from "Times of Trouble", featuring Squeeky McClean, Eric Eisen, Archangel, Sam Keith, BLZ Bubb, High Concept, and the surprising return of Richard Eisen. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 2) Squeeky McClean comes out and reminds the crowd of how he defeated Eric Eisen at "Times of Trouble." He goes on to say that he wasn't pleased with how dirty that match got him, so he's picking his own opponent for tonight. He'll defend his title against Chris Gordon. Jerry Eisen loses it. "Chris is just a cruiserweight! How is that fair?" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) Jerry goes on to hype a match that was made for tonight: Freddie Datsun vs. Joe Sexy. Jerry explains that, given the fact that Joe walked out of the match, Richard Eisen has scheduled a rematch. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 4) Archangel and Sam Keith are backstage arguing about their loss last week. Archangel accuses Sam of deserting him. Sam insists that it was Runaway Train's fault. Eventually Sam Keith storms off. Ana Garcia comments that they had better get with it since they're taking on High Concept later tonight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] for the argument, [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] for the hype 5) Skull DeBones comes to the ring and hypes up his protege, Nevada Nuclear, saying that Nevada is the next big thing in the SWF and that everyone should pay attention to his match. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 6) [B]NEVADA NUCLEAR vs. JOHNNY MARTIN[/B] Nevada lived up to his name as a "Wrestler of Mass Destruction". He cleaned house with Johnny. Towards the end, though, Johnny started to rally. That's when Skull hopped up on the ring apron to distract the ref so Nevada could hit Johnny with a low blow that led to the pinning predicament. WINNER: [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] in 11:54 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 7) Skull DeBones enters the ring and shoves the ref away from Nevada. He then lifts Nevada's hand in victory. Unfortunately, the match took too much out of Nevada. He almost looked like he was the one who lost. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 8) Backstage, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley are arguing over how Jack Bruce "interfered" last week when he saved Steve from Joel Kovach. Steve insists that he had everything well in hand. Jack Bruce counters, saying that Steve needs all the help he can get, that he's been lost since he lost the title. Jack tells Steve to pay attention to his match against Joel Kovach later tonight. He'll show Steve how to get it done. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 9) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. ARCHANGEL & SAM KEITH[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Archangel and Sam obviously were still angry at each other as they made their way to the ring. That led to a lack of teamwork throughout the match. Finally, after Sam was worked over pretty hard by High Concept, he tried to make a tag to Archangel. Instead, AA hopped off the corner and walked to the backstage area. Emma screamed at him to come back but he didn't listen. As Sam stared at him in shock, Elmo Benson rolled him up into a pin. WINNERS: [B]High Concept [/B] in 5:35 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 10) As High Concept celebrate in the ring, they are suddenly attacked by the Problem Solvers. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 11) Joe Sexy comes to the ring. He says that the fans probably expect him to wrestle Freddie Datsun now, but that isn't going to happen, not now, not ever. He knows that he walked out of their match last week, but he did it for a good reason. He realized while he was wrestling Freddie that Freddie was beneath him. That's why the match that was announced isn't going to happen. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 12) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] Add yet [I]another[/I] person to the already lengthy list of people that Jack Bruce has no chemistry with. I think at this point that if I found someone he did have good chemistry with, Richard Eisen would have to find another head booker since I'd have died of a heart attack! In spite of the lack of chemistry, these two put on a phenomenal match. It makes me wonder what would have happened if they had neutral chemistry together. Jack started off very ****y, sure that he could handle himself. But as the match progressed, you could tell that Joel was his equal. Finally, though, as Jack was beginning to regain some momentum, Darryl Devine hit the ring. While Joel distracted the ref, Darryl hopped up to the top turnbuckle and hit Jack with a flyind missile kick. Darryl quickly rolled out of the ring and Joel took advantage, rolling Jack up into the pin. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach[/B] in 8:30 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 13) Remo came out to the ring and hyped himself. He said that he proved to Rich Money who the stronger member of Almighty Dollar was. Now, he said, he was done with piddly tag team gold. He was ready to move on to bigger and better things. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) vs. CHRIS GORDON[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Not surprisingly, Squeeky dominated this match. It was a squash, pure and simple. Chris never even got in a little offense. In the end, Squeeky hit him with the Stain Remover, then covered by simply putting a foot on his chest. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean [/B] in 3:58 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 15) Even though it was such a one-sided match, Squeeky celebrates like he just won a grueling 60-minute iron man match. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 16) Eric Eisen is backstage warming up for his match. Then Richard Eisen walks in on him. He asks Eric if he understands why he's in a handicap match tonight. Before Eric can answer, he explains to him that it's a matter of tough love. Eric needs to learn who really is in charge around here. Richard finally wishes his son luck. He'll need it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 17) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. BLZ BUBB & ANGRY GILMORE[/B] Eric was in trouble. At least, that's the way it appeared. BLZ Bubb and Angry looked like they owned the young man and enjoyed abusing him in every way possible. But their overconfidence proved their downfall. At one point, Angry Gilmore held up Eric so BLZ Bubb could work him over. It worked until Eric slipped out of the hold, resulting in BLZ Bubb clobbering his partner. Eric took that to his advantage, surprising BLZ Bubb with the Silver Spoon Shock, his finishing move. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] in 12:06 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Oddly, people thought I overused Richard Eisen. That's hard for me to believe, seeing as he was only shown in the video package at the beginning of the show and then for a few minutes at the end. There was also a complaint about there not being any hot storylines to follow. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, June 2006[/I] Held at the Saskatoon Bowl in The Prairies Territory 4,367 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. THE ARISTOCRAT[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] These two, I thought, did a good job, but the Canadian crowd just didn't care for it. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] in 3:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 2) [B]THE TOMBOYS vs. THE LORDS OF WAR[/B] I have an idea forming in the back of my head as to how I'd like to use the Tomboys. I think I've come up with a decent storyline idea; the problem is, one of the people I'd want involved is tied up in another storyline at present. I'll let it keep percolating, though. As it is, the Lords of Snore were tired at the end of the match, but it did help Principessa increase her Rumble skills. WINNERS: [B]The Tomboys[/B] in 10:13 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 3) Jessie came out and shot t-shirts into the crowd. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Dermot O'Logical comes to the ring with his client, Squeeky McClean. He announces that Squeeky has once again chosen his opponent for tonight: Tim Westybrook. Moreover, Squeeky wants to face Tim right now. The announcers are stunned. "Have we ever had a World Heavyweight title match first?" Ana Garcia wonders aloud. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 2) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN vs. TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Another squash match. Tim didn't stand a chance (by design). And yet, as I watched them work, I could sense a spark of something special. Perhaps when Tim's a bit more over, we can have these two lock up for real. They seemed to have great chemistry in the ring. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] in 5:03 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) Having picked up the victory, Squeeky taunts the audience, saying that the reason why he went first this evening was so he could get it over with. He's now leaving the building and getting on a plane back to the States because Canadians are just too dirty for his liking! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 4) Skull DeBones is sitting backstage, polishing off a copy of [U]War and Peace[/U] when he's approached by his protege, Nevada Nuclear. Nevada is impressed by how smart Skull is. Skull puts down the book and starts a lesson, showing Nevada a number of wrestling moves. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] for the superior display, [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] for the lesson 5) Joel Kovach and Darryl Devine go to the ring. Joel says that it must have been a shock to everyone, especially Jack Bruce, when Darryl helped him out last week. Joel explains that Darryl is very much like himself. The poor lad was languising away in dark matches. Sure, he was the Shooting Star Champ, but was he every appreciated in that role? No! So Joel asked him to watch his back and help him gain the recognition he deserves. Darryl takes over and says that the two of them aren't done yet, and they'll prove it later by taking on Steve Frehley and Jack Bruce in a tag match. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] for the promo and the challenge 6) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. FLASHBACK [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] High Concept and Flashback really put on a great match out there, one that helped pump up the crowd once again. Toward the end, though, Black Hat Bailey and Enforcer Roberts hit the ring and attacked High Concept. The ref immediately called for the bell. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] by DQ in 7:59 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 7) Remo is backstage with Nicole Kiss. He says that he's been doing some thinking, and he's not happy with the way his career has been going. He doesn't like the way that Rich Money did things: buying off refs, cheating to get ahead. Remo says he's done with that. He doesn't need to cheat to win. He can make it fine on his own, which he'll prove when he beats BLZ Bubb later tonight. Nicole looked pretty upset by this. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 8) Richard Eisen comes out and talks about the situation with Joe Sexy and Freddie Datsun. He points out that this isn't the first time that Joe Sexy has tried to refuse a title match and, quite frankly, Richard is sick of it. Therefore, he's booking a match at the next Pay-Per-View, "The Supreme Challenge". It'll be Joe Sexy vs. Freddie Datsun for the SWF North American Championship. And to make sure that Joe doesn't go anywhere, it'll be held inside a steel cage! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 9) Remo is heading for the ring when Nicole intercepts him. She begs him to reconsider and tells him that Rich Money is willing to forget about the whole feud that the two of them had recently. She says that he's ready to back him up when he needs it. Remo blows her off, telling her to watch how good he really is. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 10) [B]REMO vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] Remo had his hands full with BLZ Bubb. In the beginning, Bubb dominated the match, throwing Remo around. But then, halfway through, Remo caught his stride. He began to fight back and overpower Bubb. Finally, Remo caught Bubb in his patented finisher, the Destroyer. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 11:31 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) Nicole Kiss comes out, applauding Remo's win. She gets into the ring with her client and takes the mic. She's about to say something when Remo takes the mic from her and tells her, quite bluntly, "You're fired." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 12) Rich Money is backstage watching the proceedings and does not look happy about it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 13) Archangel is sitting backstage when Emma Chase finds him. The two launch into an argument about how Archangel walked out on Sam Keith last week during their tag team match. Emma demands to know what's wrong, but Archangel still won't tell her! Finally, AA says something particularly mean. Emma gasps and runs out of the room, crying. AA grimaces and follows, calling after her. When he rounds the corner, though, he finds her sobbing in the arms of Sam Keith. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 14) Steve Frehley and Jack Bruce are getting ready for their match. Steve mocks Jack a little about what happened last week. Jack tells him to shut up and that they have to focus on beating Joel and Darryl this week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 15) [B]STEVE FREHLEY & JACK BRUCE vs. JOEL KOVACH & DARRYL DEVINE[/B] Once again, Jack was a bit too overconfident going into the match. There were several times when Steve tried to tag in to help him, but Jack refused. He paid for it in the end when Darryl rolled him up and held him down with a handful of tights. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine & Joel Kovach [/B] in 15:43 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 16) Joel and Darryl finish the evening by beating on their fallen opponents. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] That's it. I'm done with Canada. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR]
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From PWTorch.com: [QUOTE][B]More Promotions Go Out of Business [/B] -- CZCW and WEXXV announced recently that they were going out of business. Both cited mounting financial problems. [B]Bad Blood in the SWF [/B] -- Rumor has it that Enygma, veteran wrestler of the SWF, refused to enter negotiations with management, citing the poor handling of his career. According to what we've heard, this actually puts one of their on-going storylines in jeopardy.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, July 2006[/I] Held at the Virginia Park Fields in the Mid Atlantic Territory 9,283 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. DEREK FROST[/B] A blah match, mostly put on to give Tim some more experience. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] in 4:48 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 2) [B]THE TOMBOYS vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] Again, mostly to just keep the Tomboys going. WINNER: [B]The Tomboys[/B] in 9:21 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 3) The Blonde Bombshell comes out and shoots t-shirts into the crowd. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Richard Eisen comes out and announces that he thinks that Flashback got the raw end of the deal last week. So, to determine the Number One Contender for the SWF Tag Team Championship, he's booked a match between Flashback and the Problem Solvers. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]FLASHBACK vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] A good match. Really well done. These two teams tore each other up pretty badly. Things got more and more heated as the match went on until finally, Black Hat and Johnny were brawling near the announce table, and Robbie and Enforcer were fighting all the way up the entrance ramp. Sadly, nobody on either team noticed when the ref counted to 10. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 12:24 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 3) Backstage, Robbie and Johnny argue between the two of them about what happened out in the ring. They finally agree that the Problem Solvers are a problem they'll have to solve. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 4) Joe Sexy comes to the ring, livid about the fact that he'll have to face Freddie Datsun in a steel cage at "The Supreme Challenge". He says that Freddie is nowhere near his league. He promises that at the end of the night, Freddie will have to be taken out on a stretcher! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 5) Emma Chase is looking pretty depressed backstage. Someone clears his throat and she turns around, surprised to see Sam Keith there. Sam is acting sort of shy. He says that part of the reason why he's been hanging around Emma so much lately is because, well, he's kind of sweet on her. He was wondering if maybe she would ever consider going out with him? Emma stares at him, stunned. The camera zooms out to reveal that Archangel is standing around the corner, looking absolutely pissed. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 6) A video package airs, hyping Nevada Nuclear. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 7) [B]NEVADA NUCLEAR vs. ENYGMA[/B] Speaking of our own "WMD", he faced off against the veteran, Enygma. Nevada seemed eerily confident, even though Enygma made sure he never mounted a serious offense. Finally, though, we learned why. When it appeared that Enygma had things sewn up, Skull DeBones charged the ring and attacked Enygma while Nevada had the ref distracted. Nevada quickly capitalized, hit him with the Mushroom Cloud (his finisher), then pinned him. WINNER: [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] in 10:49 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 8) Nevada and Skull celebrate the win in the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 9) Archangel is raging backstage. Duane Fry intercepts him and asks him what's wrong. Archangel goes off and yells about how he knew Sam Keith wasn't to be trusted. He's so angry, he wants his so-called "partner" in the ring at the Supreme Challenge! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 10) Remo comes to the ring and says that the time has finally come: it's time for him to get the gold. He challenges Squeeky McClean to a match for the SWF title ... tonight! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 11) Squeeky comes out and tells Remo to dream on! He's not going to face him! Last time the two of them squared off (namely, the Battle Royale), Remo mussed his hair, and that just won't do! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) Then Dermot O'Logical took over. He said that his client had already picked a challenger for tonight anyway. He's going to face ... Bart Biggz instead! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 13) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN vs. BART BIGGZ[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Squeeky lounged in the ring as Bart made his way down the ramp. Bart, while looking a tad nervous, quickly hid that as he rolled into the ring. Squeeky toyed with Bart at first, offering to lock up with him cleanly, then pulling away. The few times they did meet, Squeeky batted at Bart's head playfully. Then Bart slapped Squeeky with a knife-edge chop that took the smile off Squeeky's face. He tried to respond in kind, but Bart hit him again. Then again. Pretty soon, Squeeky's ****y attitude disappeared as it became clear that Bart was not going to be an easy squash. The match continued with Squeeky becoming more and more panicky since he couldn't stop Bart. Finally, Dermot tossed Squeeky the belt and the champ used it to clock Bart over the head in full view of the ref. The ref immediately called for the bell, ending the match. WINNER: [B]Bart Biggz[/B] by DQ in 12:45 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 14) Squeeky isn't satisfied yet. He goes over and proceeds to kick Bart several times, leveling the young man thoroughly. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 15) Squeeky then takes the mic and taunts the audience, telling them that he knows that they want him to take on brutes like Remo or Steve Frehley, but that just isn't going to happen. Not anytime soon! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 16) And then Steve Frehley's music hit. Squeeky froze, absolutely terrified as Steve made his way to the ring. Steve glared at Squeeky for a while, then snatched the mic from his hand. "Clear out, moron, I'm not interested in you," he says. Then he addresses Joel Kovach. He says he's sick of this nonsense between them. He wants it to end, and he wants it to end at The Supreme Challenge. He has a pretty big challenge for Joel: how about facing him in a last man standing match? RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 17) Joel comes out and says, sure, why not? But why wait until then? RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 18) Joel charges the ring to get his hands on Steve. Squeeky shrieks like a girl and gets the heck out of there, cowering in the corner with Dermot. Steve and Joel brawl in the ring and finally, most of the lockerroom has to come out to separate them. As the show ends, Peter Michaels is screaming, "Let them fight! Let them fight!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] I have to admit, the past week had shaken me up pretty badly. The fact that Enygma is so upset with me that he wants to leave threw a monkey wrench into my plans for Squeeky. I've made a substitution, and now Enygma will end his career with us jobbing to lower card heels. Thankfully, tonight seems to have set things back on track. We now have what I think are three solid matches booked for the next Pay-Per-View, and hopefully, we can keep the momentum going. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, July 2006[/I] [COLOR=Green]The Go-Home show for "The Supreme Challenge"[/COLOR] Held at the Friedman Building in the Mid South Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] A good opening bout. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] in 7:08 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. DEREK FROST[/B] This match was made mostly because these two had been complaining that they weren't doing anything. The humorous moment of the match was the fact that Derek was announced first. He strutted to the ring looking pretty confident. Then Eric came out and it looked like Derek was going to wet himself. Given that Eric is a good performer and can get great matches, I think this did okay. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] in 5:45 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 3) Emma fires the t-shirts again. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Christian Faith starts off the show in the ring. He says he's sick and tired of Squeeky McClean's antics. He says that Squeeky is not behaving the way a true champion should. Christian should know; he's held the Heavyweight Title a total of nine times. He lists off the various wrestlers who have held that title: Enygma, Sam Keith, Sean McFly, Bruce the Giant, Rip Chord, Sam Strong, Dread, Micky Starr. He said that they would all be ashamed to see how Squeeky uses it. Christian goes on to say that he's not just going to complain, though. He intends to do something about it. He challenges Squeeky to face him at "The Supreme Challenge." Squeeky's music hits. The champ comes out and tells Christian that he should forget it. He didn't become champ by being stupid. He's not going to face Christian Faith. Not now, not at The Supreme Challenge, and there's nobody that can make him. The crowd went nuts and Squeeky soaked up the adulation, thinking it was for him. It wasn't. "No one?" Squeeky turned, surprised to find Richard Eisen standing behind him. "Don't forget who signs your paycheck, Squeeks. I like what Christian has suggested. At The Supreme Challenge, it will be Christian Faith versus Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship!" Squeeky isn't happy about that. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the complaining; [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the refusal; [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] for the match announcement. 2) [B]THE LORDS OF WAR vs. THE BIGGZ BOYS[/B] The Lords did okay. Much to my surprise, they didn't look tired, and Pain was only "off his game" instead of "exhausted". Maybe they take a nap before each show and they weren't fully awake for their dark matches. At any rate, the Lords looked particularly dangerous as they slammed the Biggzes around the ring. WINNERS: [B]The Lords of War[/B] in 5:55 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) Having finished off the Biggzes, the Lords take the mics. They talk about how things have been too peaceful in the SWF lately. They're going to live up to their names and bring war and destruction to anyone they want from now on. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 4) Sam Keith is backstage. He addresses the camera. He doesn't know what Archangel's problem is, but it's going to end at "The Supreme Challenge." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 5) Richard Eisen enters his office and finds Darryl Devine waiting for him. When asked what he wants, Darryl says that he wants a challenge, but not on Thursday. Tonight. He wants to take on Enygma. Richard thinks about it, and agrees. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 6) Freddie is being interviewed by Duane Fry backstage. Freddie explains that he's going to be the one to take the SWF North American Championship away from Joe Sexy on Thursday because it's his time! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 7) [B]ENYGMA vs. DARRYL DEVINE[/B] You know, I hate doing this to Enygma, especially since he was mentioned prominently by Christian Faith in the opening segment. But I also don't want him appearing on TCW anytime soon either. Besides, my road agents tell me that Darryl is a star just waiting to take off. All he needs is a few victories over upper card people. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] in 6:40 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 8) While Enygma lies on the mat after his beating, Skull DeBones comes out, followed by Nevada Nuclear. Skull rolls into the ring and shoos Darryl out of the way. Skull leans down close to Enygma and says that he wants to use Enygma as a visual aid in Skull's next lesson for Nevada. Skull then challenges Enygma to a match at "The Supreme Challenge." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 9) The announcers are a little stunned, but they go on to hype a match that has just been made, tonight's main event: Joel Kovach vs. Steve Frehley vs. Jack Bruce vs. Joe Sexy vs. BLZ Bubb. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 10) The Problem Solvers are walking backstage. Enforcer "reminds" Black Hat that they're going to meet High Concept out in the ring to challenge them for the tag titles at the Supreme Challenge. They never make it. Flashback attacks and beats them to the floor. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 11) Archangel hypes his match with Sam Keith. He seems a bit nervous to speak openly, especially since a miserable Emma Chase is at his side, but he makes some vague references of Sam getting in the way of things. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) High Concept are in the ring, looking puzzled. Finally, Groucho takes the mic. "Well, the Problem Solvers said that we should meet them out here, but it looks like they're not going to show up. But don't worry folks, we won't leave you hanging. We'll just throw open a challenge to anyone in the back. Come on out and face us. We'll even put the titles on the line." The crowd went nuts ... ... until they saw who accepted the challenge: Flex & Pecs. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] for the response 13) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. FLEX & PECS [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] An okay match. Perhaps Flex and Pecs aren't quite ready to go for the titles yet. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] in 7:26 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 14) The Problem Solvers race out to the ring. Before they can speak, Elmo and Groucho stop them and tell them that they're too late. They missed their chance. That infuriates Enforcer and Black Hat. They grab the mics and say that if they can't face High Concept at "The Supreme Challenge", they'll be willing to beat down Flashback instead! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 15) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] Freddie has what the announcers call a "warm-up" for the Challenge. Unfortunately, Freddie and Angry have lousy chemistry and it threw them off. But Freddie showed that he was a tough competitor by mowing over Angry quickly. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun [/B] in 4:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 16) Joe Sexy charges the ring and smacks Freddie over the head with the title belt, leaving him down and out. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 17) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. JOEL KOVACH vs. JOE SEXY vs. BLZ BUBB vs. STEVE FREHLEY[/B] Jerry Eisen explained this match as being something done just to amuse his father. And it was a greatly entertaining match. These five went after each other like they hated each other. Toward the end, it looked like Joe was going to win it all, but then Freddie appeared and paid him back for his attack earlier. In the end, Jack Bruce hit BLZ Bubb with the New York Minute for the win. WINNER: [B]Jack Bruce[/B] in 11:48 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] Before the show went off the air, the announcers ran through the card for "The Supreme Challenge" -- Problem Solvers vs. Flashback ([COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR]) Archangel vs. Sam Keith ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) Enygma vs. Skull DeBones ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) Joe Sexy vs. Freddie Datsun in [COLOR=Purple]a cage match [/COLOR] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR]) Steve Frehley vs. Joel Kovach in [COLOR=Purple]a last man standing match[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) Squeeky McClean vs. Christian Faith for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Aside from the fact that the final match really didn't have much to do with anything, I thought it was a good show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]
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From SWF.com -- [QUOTE][CENTER]Be sure to order [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]SWF The Supreme Challenge![/SIZE][/COLOR] This Thursday exclusively on Pay-Per-View![/CENTER] Featuring the following matches: [I]The Problem Solvers vs. Flashback [/I] - Enforcer Roberts and Black Hat Bailey have been bound and determined to capture the Tag Team titles and they won't let anything get in their way. Yet the team of Robbie Retro and Johnny Martin have done just that! Who will come out on top? [I]Archangel vs. Sam Keith [/I] - It's the oldest story in the world. Boy meets girl. Boy rescues girl from insane neat-freak. Insane neat-freak's former partner horns in on boy's action. They resolve their differences in the squared circle. A story so classic, we're surprised Shakespeare didn't write it! Will Archangel punish Sam for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong? Or will the veteran Keith show AA how to get it done? [I]Enygma vs. Skull DeBones[/I] - School is in session for Nevada Nuclear, and Skull DeBones is the professor of pain! The newest lesson: how to dissect the mysterious Enygma. Will Skull take Enygma to school? Or will Enygma be the one to teach Skull the lesson? [I][COLOR=Red]SWF North American Champion [/COLOR] Joe Sexy vs. Freddie Datsun[/I] in [COLOR=Purple]a steel cage match[/COLOR] - The last time these two men faced each other, Joe Sexy walked out of the match. That's not an option this time! He must face the dogged challenger, Freddie Datsun, and defend his title. Who will come out with the gold? Order now to find out! [I]Steve Frehley vs. Joel Kovach [/I] in [COLOR=Purple]a last man standing match[/COLOR] - Steve Frehley blames Kovach for the loss of the Heavyweight Championship. Joel Kovach claims Frehley has disrespected him. It's a case of he said-he said that will be resolved when one man stays down for a ten count! [I][COLOR=Red]SWF World Heavyweight Champion [/COLOR] Squeeky McClean vs. Christian Faith[/I] - Squeeky McClean claims that he's gotten where he is thanks to "good clean living". Former champion Christian Faith claims that it's because of cheating and disgraceful behavior. Will Christian redeem the title? Will Squeeky squeek through with another victory? Be sure to order "The Supreme Challenge" to see this and even more![/QUOTE] Don't worry. I fired the guy who wrote that dreck. "We're surprised Shakespeare didn't write it?" "He-said he-said"? Wow.
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[CENTER][I]SWF Presents....[/I] [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]"The Supreme Challenge"[/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Thursday of Week 2, July 2006[/I] Held at New Hampshire Garden in New England 20,252 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYS vs. FLEX & PECS vs. THE LORDS OF WAR vs. THE TOMBOYS[/B] A good opening match for what is apparently the biggest PPV of the SWF all year. Wish I had known that ahead of time. I would have booked more matches. Flex & Pecs were eliminated first by the Tomboys. Then the 'Boys were eliminated by the Boys. Finally, the Lords eliminated the Biggzes. WINNERS: [B]The Lords of War[/B] in 10:44 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) The Blonde Bombshell shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Richard Eisen comes out and talks about what a great show the SWF is putting on. He reminds the crowd of the main event, Squeeky McClean vs. Christian Faith. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 2) Duane Fry is backstage interviewing Flashback about their upcoming match against The Problem Solvers. Robbie and Johnny talk about how the Problem Solvers think they're the only ones who deserve a title shot. Robbie comments that "That ain't cool, man!" They're going to teach them that they aren't the dominant force in tag team wrestling. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) [B]FLASHBACK vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] The Problem Solvers looked pretty confident going into the match. BHB and Enforcer Roberts strategized in the corner as Robbie and Johnny entered, then went into their elaborate hand-slapping routine. Before they could finish, though, Black Hat and Enforcer ran them over. The match was back and forth but as time went on, it was slowly becoming clear that Flashback was going to come out on top. Finally, in desperation, Enforcer toseed Black Hat a nightclub, which Black Hat used to clobber Robbie. WINNERS: [B]Flashback[/B] by DQ in 13:50 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 4) Enygma is backstage and Marv Earnest approaches him. He points out that Enygma's been on a sort of losing streak lately, having lost to both Darryl Devine and Nevada Nuclear, the student of the man he's going to face tonight, Skull DeBones. Enygma glares daggers at Marv, then fixes the camera with an angry glare. "If anyone thinks that Enygma is done, they don't have a clue!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 5) The camera cuts to Skull DeBones warming up for his match, powerlifting an impressive amount of weight. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 6) [B]ENYGMA vs. SKULL DeBONES[/B] A tremendous match that told a good story. Enygma looked like he was out to prove that he could beat Skull while Skull just looked dangerous. There were a number of near falls early on as Enygma tried to win it quickly. Ana Garcia speculated that it was to show that he was still a contender. After slugging it out back and forth for a while, Enygma finally gained the upper hand. He was getting ready to put Skull in the Enygma Variation, his submission finisher, when Blonde Bombshell came out. She was throwing more t-shirts into the crowd. She then clambered up on the ring apron to toss the shirts to the people in the front row. When the ref saw her, he turned his back and ordered her to get down. That's when Nevada Nuclear hit the ring. He stomped Enygma over the head, breaking the Variation, and then rolled out of the ring before the ref realized what was going on. Skull recovered and, after a little more back and forth, hit Enygma with the Skull Krusher. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones[/B] in 18:36 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 7) Backstage, Nevada and Skull celebrate the latter's win and they throw a few choice insults at Enygma while they do. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 8) Eric Eisen and Remo are sitting backstage, looking pretty upset. Each of them take turns complaining about how neither of them are in a match tonight. They each list the reasons why they should be working. This complaining turns into an argument about who is getting screwed over worse. Finally Richard Eisen comes along and breaks it up. He tells them that if they want to fight so much, they can do it in the ring. But not tonight. Neither had earned the privilege. They'll face off on the next episode of "Invasion!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 9) A video package airs, hitting the high points of the on-going feud between Joe Sexy and Freddie Datsun. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]JOE SEXY (c) vs. FREDDIE DATSUN [/B] in [COLOR=Purple]a classic cage match [/COLOR] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] As the cage was lowered over the ring, Jerry Eisen explained that this match was going to proceed under "classic cage" rules. That meant that you had to get a pinfall or submission inside the cage. The cage was there to make sure that Joe Sexy didn't walk out like he did the last time he faced Freddie Datsun. It was a good match. Joe performed his part very well of the reluctant champ facing a very determined challenger. There were a number of near falls, many times when one worker got thrown into the cage side. At one point, Joe and Freddie ran over the ref, Jay Fair. Joe then hit Freddie with a nasty looking piledriver that seemed to knock Freddie out. Joe pinned him, but since the ref was out, nobody counted it. Joe kept Freddie pinned for what could have been a ten or fifteen count, then looked back at the ref. He groaned in frustration and went over to revive him. As Jay regained consciousness, Joe went back to pin Freddie again. But that's when Freddie suddenly leapt up and put Joe into the Patriot Press, his finishing move. WINNER: [B] Freddie Datsun [/B] to become [COLOR=Red]SWF North American Champion[/COLOR] in 27:56 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 11) Freddie Datsun takes the title belt and goes backstage, where he is congratulated on his win by Robbie Retro and Jack Bruce. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 12) As the cage is being raised, a groggy Jay Fair discovers a set of brass knuckles in the ring. He looks around, confused, and then heads toward the back. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 13) The Tag Team Champions, High Concept, are in the ring. They issue an open challenge to anyone in the back who wants to face them for the titles. After a few seconds' wait, BLZ Bubb and Angry Gilmore come out. They say they have nothing better to do and they'd be happy to take the titles off their hands. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] for the response 14) [B]HIGH CONCEPT (c) vs. BLZ BUBB & ANGRY GILMORE [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A great match. In the end, Elmo Benson hit Angry with a "Shockwave from Next Year" to pick up the win. WINNERS: [B]High Concept [/B] in 12:41 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) A video package aired, highlighting the on-going soap opera between Archangel, Emma Chase, and Sam Keith. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 16) Sam Keith comes out to the ring and says that he's not just fighting for himself tonight. He's fighting for Emma. He goes on to say that he hasn't felt this good about himself for a long time and he has her to thank for it. So he's dedicating the match to her. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 17) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. SAM KEITH[/B] This match told another great story. Archangel looked extremely pissed at the whole thing and tried to take it out on Sam, but it was clear that his anger was clouding his judgment. He took what the announcers labeled "stupid risks" in trying to hurt Sam. Emma looked torn at ringside, like she didn't know who to root for. A few times, Sam kept things going by blowing kisses to her or winking at her. Finally, Archangel was locked into Sam's finisher, the "Proton Lock". He struggled valiantly, refusing to submit. He fought his way to the ropes once, only to get caught in the Lock again. Finally, he had to tap out. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith[/B] in 16:32 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 18) Sam Keith is celebrating his win. Archangel looks particularly crushed. He glances in Emma's direction. Emma meets his gaze, but then looks away. Archangel winces. He gets up and taps Sam on the shoulder. He offers Sam his hand. Sam looks at the hand and snorts, walking away. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 19) Steve Frehley is backstage, warming up for his match. Christian Faith comes into the locker room and wishes Steve luck. Steve suggests that maybe Christian should go tell Joel Kovach that. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 20) A video plays, highlighting the feud between Steve Frehley and Joel Kovach. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 21) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. JOEL KOVACH [/B] in [COLOR=Purple]a Last Man Standing match[/COLOR] This one was a rager. Steve and Joel kept after each other the whole time, hitting each other with finishing moves and even chairs a few times when the ref wasn't looking. Finally, though, they managed to knock each other down and both didn't get up. The ref stood over them and started the count. At six, they both started moving. At eight, Joel propped himself up, only to collapse again. At nine, Steve managed to haul himself up using the ropes. He managed to stand at ten. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] in 38:15 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 22) A video played, highlighting Squeeky McClean's recent antics and Christian Faith's speech about treating the title with respect. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 23) Squeeky McClean is shown walking to the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 24) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Wouldn't you know it! Squeeky and Christian have bad chemistry. Still, it was a good match. Christian kept after Squeeky, who tried every trick in the book to get the upperhand: calling for time outs, hiding behind the ref, that sort of thing. Finally, though, Dermot O'Logical distracted the ref long enough for Squeeky to low-blow Christian and roll him up for the win. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] in 24:03 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 25) As Christian is leaving the ring, Squeeky grabs the mic. He taunts Christian, saying that Christian may have tradition and fair play on his side, but Squeeky still has the belt! Christian tried to go back to the ring, but the officials wouldn't let him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] I'm glad that I had four hours to play with on this one. I had worried a little about trying to cram in all those matches (especially the Last Man Standing match) into just two and a half. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] From SWF.com - [QUOTE][COLOR=DarkRed]"The Supreme Challenge"[/COLOR] Quick Results: [I]The Lords of War defeated The Biggz Boys, Flex & Pecs, and the Tomboys[/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] [I]Flashback defeated Problem Solvers [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [I]Skull DeBones defeated Enygma [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]Freddie Datsun defeated Joe Sexy to become [COLOR=Red]SWF North American Champion [/COLOR] [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] [I]High Concept defeated BLZ Bubb & Angry Gilmore to retain [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Archangel [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [I]Steve Frehley defeated Joel Kovach [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]Squeeky McClean defeated Christian Faith to retain [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR] [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE] derek_b, I hope you don't mind that I'm borrowing your idea for quick results. From now on, if you just want to find out who won, scroll down to the bottom of the post to see quick results.
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No problem at all :) I just realised I hadn't checked this diary out for a while so made it my first stop to catch up with. Excellent stuff as always, and its good to see Squeeky with a good title reign so far. I might have to steal some of your ideas sometime soon, perhaps for Mr Nuclear if I ever sign him myself. Wrestler of Mass Destruction is a most excellent nickname if ever I heard one. Keep up the top notch work :D Derek B
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, July 2006[/I] Held at the Missouri State Armory in the Mid West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] Andre's been complaining about his win-loss record lately, so I figured a dark match with Tim would maybe cheer him up a little. It didn't cheer up the crowd, though. WINNER: [B]Andre Jones [/B] in 6:44 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 2) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYZ vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] Again, mostly just a match to get Brett Biggz off my back. He must have known it. He seemed distracted the whole time out there. Maybe it's because, as I just discovered, I've been misspelling his team name up until now. Oops. In this match, I basically just told the road agent to have them work the crowd. Didn't care who won. WINNERS: [B]The Biggz Boyz[/B] in 6:32 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 3) Jessie shoots the shirts. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Squeeky McClean and his manager, Dermot O'Logical, come to the ring. Squeeky hypes himself, talking about how he showed Christian Faith last week at "The Supreme Challenge" why he is the champion and would be for the foreseeable future. He takes several shots at Christian, make fun of his age and the way he lost. Christian then charges the ring. Squeeky freaks out. As Christian hits the ring, he tosses Dermot at Christian and rolls out of the way. Dermot gets run over by a charging Christian, who then turns toward Squeeky and demands that he come back to the ring. It was a funny moment, but Dermot ruined it. He didn't look the least bit scared. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) Freddie Datsun is backstage, proudly displaying the SWF North American Championship belt to anyone who wants to see it. He is congratulated on his win by Tim Westybrook and Chris Gordon. He even gets a peck on the cheek from the beautiful Principessa. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) The announcers say that Freddie probably shouldn't be celebrating too quickly. They show a recap of the end of the match from "The Supreme Challenge", starting with referee Jay Fair finding the errant pair of brass knuckles. They then go through the final minutes of the match from various angles, explaining that SWF management has been doing the same for the past couple of days, trying to figure out where the brass knuckles came from and if they were used at any time. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 4) Joe Sexy is shown in Richard Eisen's office. Joe complains that the Board of Directors doesn't need to review any footage, he'll gladly tell them where the knucks came from. Freddie Datsun not only had them, Joe claims that he used them to win the match! Joe insists that he was robbed of his title. Richard Eisen tells Joe to settle down, but Joe refuses, making promises of going over Richard's head to the board. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 5) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. THE ARISTOCRAT vs. MELODY CUTHILL [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] An okay match. Just wanted to keep everybody working, and a four-way match for this title seemed a good way to do it. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B] in 8:31 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 6) The Problem Solvers taunt Flashback over how they won the match last week at "The Supreme Challenge." They ask Robbie if his head is still hurting from Black Hat's nightclub shot. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 7) We see some video footage of Emma Chase and Sam Keith out on a date at a local restaurant. They are chatting pleasantly. Then Sam signals for a wandering troubadore to come over and serenade Emma. She blushes but smiles at Sam sweetly. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 8) The camera cuts to show Archangel sitting in the lockerroom, looking absolutely miserable. He pulls out a cellphone and dials. He waits, then winces, and hangs up again. Archangel leaves the lockerroom and bumps into BLZ Bubb. Bubb makes some smart comment about Archangel losing both the match and the girl at the Supreme Challenge. Archangel stops in his tracks and a dangerous look flashes on his face. He turns back to Bubb and suggests that maybe he'd like to take his smart mouth into the ring later. Bubb agrees. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] for the miserableness; [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the argument 9) Enygma is in the ring. He talks about how Skull beat him at the Supreme Challenge, but he says that it was because Skull had help from Nevada. Enygma claims to be a greater wrestler than the two of them put together, so he challenges them to a handicap match right now! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 10) [B]SKULL DeBONES & NEVADA NUCLEAR vs. ENYGMA[/B] And the slow death of Enygma's SWF career continues. I know he isn't happy jobbing to Nevada, but I have to think in the long term. In about ten days Enygma will leave the company. I need to make sure he looks bad before he leaves, and if he can help shove Nevada into the upper card on his way out, so much the better. At any rate, Enygma did do a good job holding his own, but everntually, the numbers game proved to be too much, especially with the Blonde Bombshell at ringside to distract the ref at key moments. WINNERS: [B]Nevada Nuclear & Skull DeBones[/B] in 11:29 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) Flashback is backstage with Marv Earnest. They say they want Problem Solvers again next week to show them what a real loss feels like. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 12) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] Archangel dominated the match. Poor Bubb, he didn't know what hit him. Every time the big man tried to put AA down, AA kept going. Finally, Archangel locked in his submission move, the Wing Clip, forcing Bubb to tap. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 7:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 13) .... and Archangel doesn't let BLZ Bubb out of the Wing Clip! BLZ Bubb is screaming in pain and Archangel is roaring, ignoring the ref's orders to break the hold. Finally the ref signals for help. Referee Ric Young, accompanied by Andre Jones and Derek Frost hit the ring and they along with the ref drag AA off of BLZ Bubb, but it's a struggle the whole way. When they finally manage, Archangel stares at the fallen BLZ Bubb with fire in his eyes. Ana Garcia wonders, "Do you suppose that he's picturing someone else lying on the mat?" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 14) Peter Michaels quickly changes the subject, saying that tonight's main event is coming up. It's the match booked by Richard Eisen at the Supreme Challenge. It's Eric Eisen vs. Remo, and it's next! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 15) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. REMO[/B] A great match. These two put it all on the line. There was a selling problem, but it didn't hurt things in the least. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 13:33 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 16) Eric rises to his feet and stumbles about, a little unsteady, while the ref raises Remo's hand in triumph. Then Remo turns and looks at Eric. Eric holds out his hand and Remo shakes it, then raises Eric's hand in triumph as well. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] The consensus was that Tim Westybrook was used too much. I was also delighted to realize that after last week's Pay-Per-View, Melody Cuthill has risen through the ranks to midcarder. She's hovering right around a C in popularity in most territories. That means that she'll be ready for my "big storyline" involving the Tomboys which will start in three weeks. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] From SWF.com - [QUOTE]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I] -- [I]Andre Jones defeated Tim Westybrook [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] [I]The Biggz Boyz defeated Flex & Pecs [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Melody Cuthill, American Elemental, and the Aristocrat [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] [I]Skull DeBones and Nevada Nuclear defeated Enygma [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated BLZ Bubb [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Eric Eisen [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [B]Show rating [/B] - [B][COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show rating - [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, July 2006[/I] Held at the Wisconsin Gardens in the Great Lakes Territory 9,665 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] This should keep these two off my back for a little while at least. WINNER: [B]Andre Jones[/B] in 5:48 2) [B]ENYGMA vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] I had hoped to have Enygma's final match with the SWF be a humiliating burial on live TV, but the rest of the show was so packed, I couldn't fit it in. So I guess a dark match will have to do. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach[/B] in 8:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) The show starts with Christian Faith in the ring. He says that he's not done with Squeeky McClean yet. As a matter of fact, he wants to get Squeeky in the ring tonight! Squeeky comes out to the ring entrance with his manager, Dermot O'Logical. Squeeky says that Christian should have a match tonight. Only Squeeky's not the one who's going to face him. No, it will be Christian Faith .... taking on his manager! Dermot overreacted and it hurt the segment. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] for the response 2) [B]THE LORDS OF WAR vs. CHRIS GORDON & TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] The Lords mowed down Chris and Tim, but their sleepiness has returned. Pain was exhausted at the end of the match. WINNER: [B]The Lords of War[/B] in 6:43 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) Richard Eisen comes out to the podium and announces that the Board of Directors has finished their review of Freddie Datsun and Joe Sexy's match from "The Supreme Challenge." They are unable to determine who dropped the brass knuckles or if they were used. For that reason, it is their decision to strip Freddie Datsun of the SWF North American Title. He goes on to say that he's got good news as well. He says that he knows the fans enjoyed watching the match between Eric Eisen and Remo last week and that he enjoyed it as well. That's why he's signed the two wrestlers to a best of seven series, and the first match in the series will be tonight! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] for the title stripping; [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the match announcement 4) Emma Chase is backstage when Sam Keith approaches her with his hands behind his back. He taps her on the shoulder. She smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Sam thanks her for the wonderful time last week and that he has something for her. He reveals a large bouquet of roses. Emma accepts them graciously, then is surprised when Sam kisses her! She simply stands there and doesn't respond. If Sam notices, he doesn't let on. He tells her he'll see her later. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 5) A video plays, hyping the on-going feud between the Problem Solvers and Flashback. The announcers remind the audience at the end that what these two teams are fighting over is who will be the Number One Contender for the tag titles that High Concept currently hold. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]FLASHBACK vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] The announcers hyped the match as best as they could, but it fell a little flat. The action was back-and-forth the whole time, and finally, Black Hat managed to lock Robbie into a submission hold. Robbie wasn't going to tap, but Black Hat managed to grab the ropes for leverage, which increased the pain, and Robbie finally tapped. WINNER: [B]The Problem Solvers [/B] in 8:25 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 7) Skull DeBones is backstage, speaking with Nevada Nuclear. Skull looked really good, explaining moves and countermoves. Nevada, on the other hand, stood there like a statue. The announcers explain that Skull is getting his student ready for his upcoming match with Mainstream Hernandez. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B [/COLOR] for the mentor/student stuff; [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] for the hype 8) A video plays featuring BLZ Bubb. Bubb has his shoulder wrapped heavily. He explains that he's going to be out of action for a while thanks to Archangel, but that when he comes back, he'll settle the score. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 9) Emma is still backstage, looking over the roses when Archangel comes into the room. He glares at the roses and asks who they're from, like he needs to ask. Emma turns on him and the two of them get into an argument. She demands to know what he was thinking last week, injuring BLZ Bubb the way he did. Archangel doesn't answer. Emma then demands to know what's gotten into him lately and why he's been acting so strange. Archangel steels himself and tells her that he's got something important to get off his chest. He sits her down and looks deeply into her eyes.... .... and that's when Sam Keith interrupts them. He grabs Archangel and says that he has something to tell his friend. Archangel protests, but Sam drags him out of the room. Sam tells Archangel to back off. Emma is his, plain and simple. He doesn't care that she was Archangel's manager first or that they've been friends longer. Archangel gets angry and suggests that maybe they should settle their differences in the ring next week. Sam agrees. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] for the near-telling and the challenge 10) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] The announcers explain that this is a non-title match so Mainstream's Shooting Star Title isn't on the line. Good thing too. WINNER: [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] in 9:47 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 11) Rich Money comes out to the ring and announces that he's been waiting for Remo to come back to his senses and come back to Almighty Dollar, but it's become clear that Remo's not about to do that. So Rich announces that he's going to hold interviews to find Remo's replacement. Interested workers should get their resume's ready and that interviews are going to start next week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 12) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. DERMOT O'LOGICAL[/B] Dermot got ran over, but that's exactly what was supposed to happen. He tried his best to get Christian, but the veteran easily destroyed the younger man, finally smashing him with a Leap of Faith. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith[/B] in 3:34 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 13) .... but then, that's probably what Squeeky was hoping for. Dermot didn't move, even when the ref tried to rouse him. Christian noticed this and bent over his fallen opponent, calling his name and shaking him gently. That's when Squeeky McClean vaulted the security railing and dove into the ring. Before Christian knew what was happening, Dermot suddenly revived and wrapped himself around Christian's ankles, holding the veteran in place so Squeeky could smash the title belt over his head, knocking him cold. Squeeky and Dermot then rolled out of the ring and headed to the back, laughing at Christian the whole way. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. REMO[/B] Another great match from these two. There was a problem with the selling again, but the crowd didn't much care. In the end, Eric hit Remo with the Silver Spoon Shock for the pin, making the series 1-0. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] in 8:33 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) As the show went off the air, Principessa came out to the ring and shot t-shirts into the crowd. I know I normally do this at the beginning of the show, but I want to give Principessa some national exposure and get her a little higher before the big Tomboys storyline starts. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Aside from the fact that I couldn't finish off Enygma the way I had originally planned, I'd say the show went well. The crowd seemed satisfied. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I] - [I]Andre Jones defeated Brett Biggz [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Enygma [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [I]The Lords of War defeated Chris Gordon & Tim Westybrook[/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] [I]Problem Solvers defeated Flashback [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] [I]Nevada Nuclear defeated Mainstream Hernandez [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] [I]Christian Faith defeated Dermot O'Logical [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen defeated Remo [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [B]SHOW RATING - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR][/B] TCW SHOW RATING - [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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From PWTorch.com - [QUOTE][B][I]NOTBPW on a hiring spree [/I][/B] - North of the Border Professional Wrestling has gone on something of a hiring spree this week, snatching up a number of workers. The list includes Bryan Vessey, Bobby Thomas, Jungle Jack, Jez McArthuer, and the Stomper. Perhaps the most surprising hire was Enygma. Up until just a few days ago, Enygma was considered a fixture of SWF's upper card. While Enygma wouldn't comment on the reason for his departure from the SWF, rumor has it that Enygma has had difficulties lately with SWF management. [I][B]MAW goes out of business[/B][/I] - One of the last small promotions in the world closed its doors today as Mid-Atlantic Wrestling went out of business. Owner Rip Chord cited mounting financial problems and said that he hopes that his former employees will be able to find work in the other promotions soon. [B][I]Sam Strong Out[/I][/B] - Sam Strong has been removed from his position of head booker of TCW. While Tommy Cornell couldn't be reached for comment, speculation is that this happened because of the simple fact that Sam has been unable to book a show that rises above a "B" rating. Their most recent Pay-Per-View, "TCW Summer Showdown", only garnered a "B" rating.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, August 2006[/I] Held at the Virginia Park Fields in the Mid Atlantic Territory 9,846 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYZ vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] An okay opening match. Brett is still off his game, but he is improving in his Rumble abilities, so that's something. WINNER: [B]The Biggz Boyz[/B] in 6:57 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]MELODY CUTHILL vs. DARRYL DEVINE[/B] This stepped things up a little. I noticed that Melody seems to be improving in her Technical skills, so that's a good thing also. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] in 7:55 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) The show starts with the champ, Squeeky McClean in the ring. He crows about how he tricked Christian Faith last week. He says that he and Dermot suckered Christian in pretty badly. He says that he'll do the same later tonight when he faces Jack Bruce in a non-title match. In the middle of a sentence, though, the lights go out. When they come back up, Christian Faith is in the ring with Squeeky. He attacks Squeeky and beats him around the ring until finally, Squeeky rolls out of the ring and escapes. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) The announcers transition by saying that tonight, we'll see yet another match between the Problem Solvers and Flashback. It was a funny moment, with Ana Garcia talking about how she'd think one of them would be declared the Number One Contender eventually. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 3) Rich Money is seated in a plush chair in his locker room. He calls to his manager, Nicole Kiss, to show in the first applicant. Derek Frost comes in and Rich asks him a number of questions, mostly related to how inexperienced Derek is. Derek tried to play the earnest young butt-kisser who wanted to "bask in the aura of true tag team greatness that is Rich Money", but he just couldn't pull it off. Rich finally thanks Derek and says that he shouldn't hold his breath. While the segment didn't fly as well as I hoped, Derek did improve in acting, charisma, and performance. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 4) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. SAM KEITH[/B] Archangel went to the ring like a man on a mission. Sam went out looking equally intense. The two put on a heck of a match, throwing each other pillar to post. They really made it look like they were pissed with each other. Emma Chase did a fantastic job at ringside, like she wished the two of them would stop fighting. Finally, in the end, Sam Keith started to set Archangel up for a Proton Lock, but AA was able to reverse it at the last second and slammed Sam with a Fall from Grace, knocking the other man silly. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 8:36 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 5) Archangel presses his advantage by getting the mic. Before Sam can recover, Archangel confesses his love to Emma. Emma looks genuinely surprised, but then she touches her neck where the diamon pendant that Archangel gave her still hangs. Tears form in her eyes and she smiles, a brilliant smile that caused the crowd to go nuts. But Sam has recovered. He snatches the mic from Archangel's hand and says that he has feelings for Emma as well. And he knows that there's a connection there. He's felt it on every date. As far as he can tell, Emma has a choice: she can choose either Archangel or him. She can't have it both ways anymore. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the confession; [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the choice 6) Richard Eisen is sitting at his desk backstage when the door bursts open and Freddie Datsun charges inside. He rips into Richard, denying that the brass knuckles were his. He suggests that Joe Sexy probably planted the knuckles so this would happen. Richard coolly suggests that Freddie ask Joe himself and points over Freddie's shoulder. Freddie turns just in time to get smashed over the head with a steel chair by Joe Sexy. Before Joe can work him over too badly, Richard tells him to get out of his office and to pay attention. Richard will make an announcement later tonight that he and Freddie will want to hear. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 7) [B]FLASHBACK vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] I was stunned. This was a great match! Normally Black Hat Bailey drags the other three down, but tonight, that didn't happen! The crowd really enjoyed themselves. WINNERS: [B]Flashback[/B] in 7:14 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 8) The Lords of War are backstage and watching the previous match on a monitor. Richard Eisen happens to be walking by, so the Lords stop him. They make reference to the fact that Flashback and Problem Solvers seem to have forgotten why they're fighting each other. Their war has become more important than the final goal: the tag titles. The Lords, however, have their eyes on the prize. They ask Richard for a title shot against High Concept. Richard admits that they have been on a good winning streak lately. But he still wants them to prove themselves by taking on the Problem Solvers next week. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 9) Rich Money calls to Nicole to send in the next applicant. In walks the Blonde Bombshell. Rich is confused and asks Bombshell what she's doing there. She says that she's there to interview for the position that Rich is offering. Rich says that Bombshell is obviously mistaken. The position is for a tag partner. He already has a manager. Bombshell pouts, saying that she didn't realize he was trying to fill the position of tag partner. She says she had a different "position" in mind. Rich swallows hard and asks what position she had in mind. Bombshell smiles and says she'll show him and starts to disrobe. That's when Nicole Kiss walks in. Rich and Bombshell are embarassed and Bombshell quickly leaves the room. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 10) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. REMO[/B] in [COLOR=DarkGreen]Match #2[/COLOR] of a [COLOR=Purple]Best of Seven Series[/COLOR] The announcers remind everyone that Eric won last week's match, putting him in an early lead. Jerry Eisen points out, though, that the series is still young and Remo could always come back and win it. I'm not quite sure why, but these two just have a problem with selling each other's moves. It might be conflicting styles; Eric is a high flier while Remo is more Rumble oriented. But the crowd still loved that strange blend. Remo was able to avoid a few pinfall attempts, but then Eric hit him with the Silver Spoon Shock seemingly out of nowhere and got the pin. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] in 11:09 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 11) Richard Eisen comes out and announces that he's booking Joe Sexy and Freddie Datsun in one final match for the SWF North American Championship, a match to be held at the next Pay-Per-View, "Welcome to the Jungle". RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 12) [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN vs. JACK BRUCE[/B] Squeeky and Dermot seemed fairly ****y going into the match. Jack had to do his best to keep his eye on both Dermot and Squeeky, especially since Dermot was determined to influence the match. He tripped Jack up a number of times from the ring apron and distracted the ref. Finally, though, referee Darren Smith caught Dermot choking Jack from the ring apron and ordered him to the back. Squeeky was not happy about that. The match continued and Squeeky was able to hold his own against Jack. Eventually, the two managed to slam into Darren Smith and knocked him out. Squeeky hit Jack with the Stain Remover and pinned him, then realized that the ref wasn't counting. He got up and turned to the ref just in time to see Christian Faith leap off the top turnbuckle, taking him down with a Leap of Fatih. Christian then rolled Jack on top of Squeeky and shook the ref to get him to wake up. The ref crawled over and counted as Christian laughed from ringside. WINNER: [B]Jack Bruce[/B] in 11:53 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 13) Having recovered, Squeeky grabs a mic and screams at Christian Faith. In his anger, Squeeky challenges Christian to match at "Welcome to the Jungle". Christian laughs and gets a mic of his own. "You're on." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the response 14) Principessa comes out and finishes off the night by shooting shirts into the crowd. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] People were a little annoyed with how much Richard Eisen was used. I can understand that and I kind of expected it, but I needed him to keep some of the storylines moving. All in all, though, the audience apparently loved the show. I know that we're drawing more and more people on TV-Mex. In the past month, we jumped from just a few thousand to around 35,000 a show. We're still hovering around 1.5 million for U.S. viewership. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick Results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]The Biggz Boyz defeated Flex & Pecs [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] [I]Darryl Devine defeated Melody Cuthill [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated Sam Keith [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]Flashback defeated the Problem Solvers [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen defeated Remo [/I] (making it 2-0) - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]Jack Bruce defeated Squeeky McClean [/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [B]SHOW RATING - [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR][/B] TCW SHOW RATING - [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, August 2006[/I] [COLOR=Green]The Go Home Show for "Welcome to the Jungle"[/COLOR] Held at the Friedman Building in the Mid South Territory 8,588 in attendance[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. DEREK FROST[/B] A blah match. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook [/B] in 4:01 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 2) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. SKULL DeBONES & NEVADA NUCLEAR[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A better match. I couldn't have asked for a better one, really. Everything just clicked perfectly. In the end, Skull DeBones DQed himself by attacking Groucho Bling with a steel chair. WINNERS: [B]High Concept [/B] by DQ in 7:43 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 3) The Blonde Bombshell shoots the shirts. Oops. I meant for it to be Principessa. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR] An okay opening match. I wish these two would start to get over. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] in 5:44 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 2) Duane Fry interviews Squeeky McClean about his upcoming match against Christian Faith. Squeeky says that he's beaten Christian physically, mentally, intellectually. When he beats him at "Welcome to the Jungle", he promises to do so cleanly. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) [B]THE LORDS OF WAR vs. THE PROBLEM SOLVERS[/B] The action went back and forth for a while, but in the end, Warlord Agony hit Enforcer Roberts with a Hostile Takeover for the win. WINNERS: [B]The Lords of War [/B] in 7:52 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 4) Flashback is watching the previous match backstage on a monitor. They rejoice over the win because they figure that means that they're the number one contender ... finally! Richard Eisen, who happens to be passing by, quickly dispels that notion. He says that the Lords of War are so impressive right now, they might have a shot at the tag team titles. To see if they deserve it, Richard has booked them into a match against .... Flashback at "Welcome to the Jungle." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 5) Freddie Datsun hypes his upcoming match against Joe Sexy at "Welcome to the Jungle". He complains about how Joe has stood in his way the whole time. Freddie says his interference will end when Freddie reclaims the title that is rightfully his. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 6) Jessie leads her clients, High Concept, out to the ring. Jessie says that she understands that her clients are a hot commodity right now, seeing as how three tag teams are fighting for the chance to face them for the title. But, she says, Richard Eisen is neglecting his champs. High Concept, she says, needs the opportunity to fight. Elmo then steals the mic for a second to add, "Yeah, and we're getting bored just sitting around, too!" Jessie wrenches the mic from his hand and shoots him a dirty look before continuing: her clients want to help Rich Money find a new partner. They're willing to face him and a partner of his choice at "Welcome to the Jungle", and they'll even put the titles on the line. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 7) Emma Chase is shown backstage, looking extremely unhappy. The announcers wonder if she's come to a decision yet. Archangel and Sam Keith are apparently wondering the same thing. They approach Emma very politely and ask if she's come to a decision yet. Emma looks up and says that she has. She's given it a lot of thought. She tells Archangel that he's a sweet guy and she knows that he cares about her a lot. She appreciates all the help he's given her. Sam, she goes on to say, is a mature man who can offer her stability and makes her laugh. She then says, "But only one of you has always been my angel." She then rises and throws her arms around Archangel, showering him with kisses. Archangel beams brightly and wraps his arms around her waist. Sam looks dejected, but that sadness soon turns to anger. He tears Emma out of Archangel's arms and beats the living crap out of AA. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the unhappiness; [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] for the decision 8) Joe Sexy is backstage being interviewed by Queen Emily. He complains about how Freddie Datsun stole his title from him and has kept after him this whole time. He says that at "Welcome to the Jungle", he's going to claim what's rightfully his! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 9) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. REMO [/B] in [COLOR=DarkGreen]Match #3[/COLOR] of a [COLOR=Purple]Best of Seven Series[/COLOR] Eric Eisen seemed to be in control in the early going of this match. Remo seemed particularly cautious, especially whenever Eric seemed about ready to get him with the Silver Spoon Shock. Eventually, though, Eric's overconfidence proved to be too much for him. He tried to get Remo with the Silver Spoon Shock, but Remo countered it and turned it into his finisher, the Destroyer, making the series 2-1. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 13:46 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 10) And Marv Earnest wonders why I don't use him that much. I threw him a bone and let him interview Christian Faith about his title shot at the upcoming Pay-Per-View, and he wrecked the whole thing. Christian, though, looked fantastic, saying that he knows he has a lot riding on this. If he wins this match, it would be the tenth time he held the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. He also knows that he has to worry about Dermot O'Logical in Squeeky's corner, so he has a little surprise to make sure that everything is nice and clean. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 11) Rich Money is in his lockerroom, moaning about how he has to find someone before Thursday. He calls for the next interviewee. Much to his surprise (and the delight of the audience), Joel Kovach enters. Joel explains to Rich that he wants a chance to show the world how dangerous he is, and taking apart High Concept would be a great way to do it. Rich agrees and says that maybe they can try out their teamwork at "Welcome to the Jungle" against High Concept. Joel agrees. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH & FREDDIE DATSUN vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN & JOE SEXY[/B] In what the announcers called a "preview of 'Welcome to the Jungle', these four superstars faced off against each other and really did a phenomenal job. Eventually, the ref lost control of the match and called for the bell. WINNER: [B]No one (draw)[/B] in 10:50 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 13) Joe and Freddie stopped fighting when the bell rang ending the match, but that didn't stop Christian and Squeeky. They confronted each other in the middle of the ring and soon started brawling. Half the lockerroom cleared out to pull them off of each other. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] As the show went off the air, the announcers hyped the card for "Welcome to the Jungle" -- [B]The Lords of War vs. Flashback [/B] ([COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR]) [B]Eric Eisen vs. Remo [/B] in [COLOR=DarkGreen]Match #4[/COLOR] of the [COLOR=Purple]Best of Seven Series[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) [B]Archangel vs. Sam Keith [/B] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) [B]High Concept vs. Rich Money & Joel Kovach [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) [B]Freddie Datsun vs. Joe Sexy [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR]) [B]Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Nothing specific to comment on. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM -- [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Tim Westybrook defeated Derek Frost[/I] - [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] [I]High Concept defeated Skull DeBones & Nevada Nuclear to retain [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated American Elemental to retain [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] [I]The Lords of War defeated the Problem Solvers[/I] - [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Eric Eisen [/I] (to make the series 2-1) - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [I]Christian Faith & Freddie Datsun drew with Squeeky McClean & Joe Sexy[/I] - [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [B]SHOW RATING - [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR][/B] TCW SHOW RATING - [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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