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The Rise of Rellik (RtG-very light game)

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Well if you are reading this then that must mean I have made it pretty big! Before I talk about my current status as a worldwide sensation, let me start off by telling you more about my beginning.

January 2014:

I spent several years trying my hand in various local and backyard promotions, before a buddy of mine hooked me up with a game by the name of The Gambler. He was starting some upstart promotion up in New England and was looking for a few young fresh talent. After meeting with him, he signed me on and told me that he saw something special about me. I was alittle nervous to move up to New England, but I had a good feeling about this promotion and where it would take me. But I was not prepared for what would happen next...


This is my attempt at a Road to Glory game. However, since I am still not real good at TEW I decided to make it an extra light version. I gave myself 800 points,and turned off many of the ingame options, such as fog, perfect show theory ect. The other reason I did this was because I have never played a C-Verse game nad know next to nothing about the workers. I am excited to do this, as I want to see my character grow. I hope you all enjoy and comment!! :-)
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Owner: The Gambler



L-Ring Hawaiian Champion:




Main Event:


Rayne Man, Regular Joe, Riley McManus, The Gambler


Upper Midcard:


Brimstone, Nigel Svensson, Steel, The Midnight Prowler




Austin Smooth, Doctor Michael O’Haire,Philippe LaGrenier, Rellik


Lower Mid:


Canadian Crusher, JOJI

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January 2014, Friday Week 2


Walking into the door as an actual member of a promotion was huge, seeing all the other talent talking and getting ready had my blood flowing. I walked up to the office and knocked on the door.



"Come on in kid and have a seat."

"Now listen, we got ourselves a problem, my dang Booker backed out on me at the last minute, and I need a replacement..."

"This might seem unorthodox, but I want you to be my head booker, you might be new but hell I own this place and I will do whatever the hell I want. Make it a good show and you will havea future in this promotion. Now go talk to the talent and figure out what is going on tonight. And don't screw it up!"


...I couldn't belive that The Gambler thought I was capable of putting on a show, not that I could have turned it down or anything. Well I guess I got some things to figure out...

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L-Ring Live 1

Venue: Biker’s Paradise (New England)

Attendance: 16

Show Rating: 35


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/JOJI_zps9llo3dyn.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/CVFP_MaskedMale_017_zpszyktrsdc.jpg

Match 1: JOJI v. Rellik

Rellik defeated JOJI in 7:51 by pinfall with The Rellik Dive.

Rating: 22


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Canadian%20Crusher_zpsxw4yofix.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Doctor%20Michael%20OHaire_zpsvz8hckqi.jpg

Canadian Crusher v. Doctor Michael O’Haire

Match 2: Canadian Crusher defeated Doctor Michael O'Haire in 14:30 by pinfall with a Full Nelson Slam.

Rating: 20


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Philippe%20LaGrenier_zpsc589tehf.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Austin%20Smooth_zpsfh3uhwyn.jpg

Philippe LaGrendier v. Austin Smooth

Match 3: Philippe LaGrenier defeated Austin Smooth in 13:36 by pinfall with a Quebec Arrow.

Rating: 31


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Brimstone_zpsrmt3jxn2.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Steel_zpsd84vgfmg.jpg

Match 4: Brimstone v. Steel

Steel defeated Brimstone in 14:23 by pinfall with a Neckbreaker.

Rating: 14


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Nigel%20Svensson_zpsla1pquyc.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/The%20Midnight%20Prowler_zpshze3fcuy.jpg

Match 5: Nigel Svensson v. The Midnight Prowler

The Midnight Prowler defeated Nigel Svensson in 14:20 by pinfall with The Widow Maker.

Rating: 29


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Regular%20Joe_zpsqyvlw5kf.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Rayne%20Man_zpslvf1al6r.jpg

Match 6: Regular Joe v. Rayne Man

Rayne Man defeated Regular Joe in 17:43 by submission with a Rayne Fall.

Rating: 35


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Gareth%20Wayne_zpsytrcugqr.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Riley%20McManus_zps7sde2sbb.jpg

Match 7: The Gambler v. Riley McGanus

The Gambler defeated Riley McManus in 18:28 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker.

Rating: 38


I am planning on focusing more on Rellik's role as a booker until I move to a bigger promotion that utilizes storylines and such. Any comments on how to improve or even workers to shortlist would be greatly appreciated!
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After the show The Gambler came up to me and congratulated me on a pretty good show for my first try, but told me he wants to see a title match next week. He also laid out some goals for me to achieve. When he told me he wants me to bring the company balance up to $25k I got real worried, as he made it clear this was extremely important for the long term success of the company.


I knew I had about 1 month to work on scheduling the next show, so I jumped right to it by calling and emailing the talent and also talking to Reese Page about ways to make the matches better. Just an FYI that women is a little on the strange side, not sure how she is our road agent with only wrestling for a few years, but who am I to make those kind of judgments, I mean hell this is my first real wrestling jig and I am already head booker. Now it is time to finalize those booking plans and hopefully my idea is not going to make The Gambler angry...

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A month seems like forever to wait until I can get back into the ring, but tonight is the night, I already emailed everybody the schedule but I dreaded talking to Gambler about the main event. Before I could even get into the building I had to break up an argument between The Midnight Prowler and some random fan who was giving him hell. I torn into Midnight, but he was ticked and thought I was making a big deal out of nothing before he stormed away. I will say this, that man is a cancer to this locker room, and if something doesn’t change with his attitude he is gone. I guess it is time to talk to the Gambler about the main event, and man he is going to be livid...



L-Ring Live 2

Venue: Biker’s Paradise (New England)

Attendance: 9

Show Rating: 36



http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/CVFP_MaskedMale_017_zpszyktrsdc.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Canadian%20Crusher_zpsxw4yofix.jpg

Match 1: Rellik v. Canadian Crusher

This was a good match for me, as I was able to showcase my speed and the Crusher's strength and size advantage. Crusher struggled slightly during the match but was able to hold his own, he won a fan in me tonight. The match ended when I hit a Rellik Dive at 10:07 for win by pinfall.

Rating: 23


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/JOJI_zps9llo3dyn.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Austin%20Smooth_zpsfh3uhwyn.jpg

Match 2: JOJI v. Austin Smooth

What a terrible match between these two as JOJI was lost for most of the match and anytime he did anything, besides getting his ass kicked, the crowd booed him relentlessly. Thankfully, Smooth realized that the match was tanking and ended it with a Smooth Hold at 10:07.

Rating: 17


This kind of match makes me have to reevaluate some of the talent. I am unsure if JOJI made Smooth look bad, or what, I guess I will have to mix them up and see if they can put on a good match with other, more talented workers.


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Brimstone_zpsrmt3jxn2.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Philippe%20LaGrenier_zpsc589tehf.jpg

Match 3: Brimstone v. Philippe LaGrenier

Overall a decent match, but it was Phillippe who carried the entire match. I love Brimstone's look and his whole shlick but man that guy is just terrible. The crowd was not into him, he doesn't know how to sell a move to save his life. Phillippe got the win at 14:30 with a Quebec Arrow.

Rating: 26


Here is another guy that I really need to pair up with another worker to see if they can have a good match. I wish the Gambler would let me make a tag division.


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Nigel%20Svensson_zpsla1pquyc.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Doctor%20Michael%20OHaire_zpsvz8hckqi.jpg

Match 4: Nigel Svensson v. Doctor Michael O’Haire

A decent match, that saw the Dr. put over Nigel, who for some unknown reason I have taken a liking to. My challnege i think is to try to get Nigel over, as the man is not bad in the ring, but man is he boring when he tries to talk. Nigel won by submission at 13:50 with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. I mean even his finishing move is boring to say, he needs a da** gimmick or a cool finisher name at least.

Rating: 29


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Steel_zpsd84vgfmg.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/The%20Midnight%20Prowler_zpshze3fcuy.jpg

Match 5: Steel v. The Midnight Prowler

Originally I was planning to let the Midnight Prowler win, as he is leaps and bounds a better wrestler than Steel, but after the sh*t he pulled with the fan outside, which is like 1 of our 9 fans in attendance, I made him loss to Steel. He was a little annoyed with me, but dammit if he did not go out there and make Steel look like he could actually wrestle. Steel has the look of an animal but he is another worker who lacks any real skills in the ring. It makes me wonder who the hell hired some of these guys... Well anyways, Steel defeated Midnight Prowler in 14:06 via a Sidewalk Slam. Seriously can nobody come up with a creative finishing move name?

Steel defeated The Midnight Prowler in 14:06 by pinfall with a Sidewalk Slam.

Rating: 24


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Regular%20Joe_zpsqyvlw5kf.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Riley%20McManus_zps7sde2sbb.jpg

Match 6: Regular Joe v. Riley McGanus

Now this was a good match all around, that saw two of our better wrestlers go toe to toe with each other. They both got in a decent amount of offense and made each other look good. The biggest problem was Riley started to get tired towards the end. He really needs to be getting in the gym more, but I guess I don't have much room to talk either... Riley put away Regular Joe with his boring finisher name, Slingshot Suplex in 18:25.

Rating: 31


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Rayne%20Man_zpslvf1al6r.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Gareth%20Wayne_zpsytrcugqr.jpg

Match 7: Rayne Man v. The Gambler

By far the best match of the night, and to my surprise The Gambler was okay putting over Rayne Man, as he wanted young talent to shine. Maybe he isn't such an asshole and negative influence to the roster as I originally thought. Anyways, the match was a huge hit with the fans, and Rayne Man picked up the much deserved win in 17:44 with a Rayne Drop (I mean are we really suppose to take a name such as Rayne drop seriously? I really need to have a sit down talk with these people.)

Rayne Man defeated The Gambler in 17:44 by pinfall with a Rayne Drop. Rayne Man wins the L-Ring Hawaiian Championship title.

Rating: 39


Any comments on the show, style, workers I pushed, or anything would be greatly appreciated. I am trying something new in so many avenues I would like to know if it is good or stupid. lol
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That is a great idea!! I may run with that in the future. I have a handful of shows finished, just need to write them up. I am really enjoying this diary and running these shows. Hopefully this gets more comments and such, as I liked writing the match write-ups from Rellik's point of view. Unsure how this will work out in the future when I integrate more storylines but we will see. Thanks for the kind words!
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So far the Gambler has been happy with our last two shows and was even encouraging of this show. Though I am pretty sure I could smell some alcohol on his breath, and probably in his cup, I guess the rules of no alcohol backstage do not pertain to him. Whatever, on with the show, I sure hope this does a better job...



L-Ring Live 3

Venue: Biker’s Paradise (New England)

Attendance: 12 (WOOHOO we are making progress with more people coming)

Show Rating: 38



I wanted to try something new, to see if any of our main draws had the ability to talk and keep the audience entertained. Rayne Man talked about winning the belt and how he feels fighting Riley is a waste of time because Riley is not in the same league. We sent Riley out to answer, who challenged him to a last man standing match. Overall the angle went pretty good as the crowd seemed to like it.

Rating: 32


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/JOJI_zps9llo3dyn.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Doctor%20Michael%20OHaire_zpsvz8hckqi.jpg

Match 1: JOJI v. Doctor Michael O’Haire

The Doctor has been doing a good job of making everybody he fights look good, and he did not disappoint tonight. Despite the crowd still hating JOJI, the Doctor did a good job of bringing out what little postives JOJI has about him and making him look like a decent wrestler. The Doctor put away JOJI by submission with the Mandible Claw (ok slightly better name then some others, but I mean come on, really a finger in the mouth is suppose to make you submit) in 10:25.

Rating: 26


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Steel_zpsd84vgfmg.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Philippe%20LaGrenier_zpsc589tehf.jpg

Match 2: Steel v. Philippe LaGrenier

After Steel's last match I had no choice but to pair him with a better worker in hopes some of that would rub off. Philippe did a good job of selling Steel's offense and making Steel look like a monster, but Steel looked so dang uncomfortable in the ring that it really hurt the overall match. Philippe picked up the win by pinfall with his Quebec Arrow in 14:28.



http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/CVFP_MaskedMale_017_zpszyktrsdc.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Nigel%20Svensson_zpsla1pquyc.jpg

Match 3: Rellik v. Nigel Svensson

Nigel really helped me put on my best match so far and we seemed to click pretty good. Nigel is all around an okay worker but he just doesn't excel in any one area. With that said though, he knew how to make my lucha style look better and in return made the match all around better. I will say though that I am out of shape and need to start lowering my match lengths as I am struggled by the end. I was able to put away Nigel in 13:31 by pinfall following The Rellik Dive.

Rating: 28


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Austin%20Smooth_zpsfh3uhwyn.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Canadian%20Crusher_zpsxw4yofix.jpg

Match 4: Austin Smooth v. Canadian Crusher

After my match up with Canadian Crusher, I enjoy him and would like to see him develop, as I think he has the potential. Smooth sold Canadian's strength well, but the crowd really was not into Smooth as there were too many pauses and he looked lost out there. Crusher was able to end the match in 10:10 by pinfall with a Full Nelson Slam. For such a big guy I really need to help him think of a new name.

Rating: 22


Another low rated match that Smooth was involved in, I may need to pair him with a better worker to see what he can do, as I like the kid and do not want to have to release him.


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Brimstone_zpsrmt3jxn2.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/The%20Midnight%20Prowler_zpshze3fcuy.jpg

Match 5: Brimstone v. The Midnight Prowler

Wow, this make was terrible all around. Midnight Prowler is one of our most consistent workers who puts on a good show, despite his horrible attitude, but he could not bring out any positives in Brimstone. Brimstone was sloppy, looked lost, could not sell worth a damn, and the crowd hated him. I actually at one poitn felt bad for Prowler and thought about running down and interfering to end the match, but the Gambler did not want me to. We were able to signel the ref and he was able to relay the message to the workers and Prowler finished the match with a Widow Maker in 14:18..

Rating: 19


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Regular%20Joe_zpsqyvlw5kf.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Gareth%20Wayne_zpsytrcugqr.jpg

Match 6: Regular Joe v. The Gambler

Not the best match we have seen from the Gambler but overall a good showing. The Gambler really helped Joe look good out there and bring out good qualities in Joe, but Joe is...well I guess Regular and does not bring much excitement to the table. Joe struggled after about 12 minutes with keeping up with the Gambler, and there were definately times I thought I saw the Gambler stumble a little...I think he may have been slightly drunk... But no major incidents happened and the Gambler won in 17:54 by pinfall following a Shoulder Breaker... Oh what a great name for a finisher..way to go boss.

Rating: 34


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Riley%20McManus_zps7sde2sbb.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Rayne%20Man_zpslvf1al6r.jpg

Match 7: [L-Ring Hawaiian Championship] [Last Man Standing] Riley McGanus v. Rayne Man

Now this was a great matchup between two of our best workers. They both played up their strengths and were able to make not only themselves, but their oppenent look good. Rayne Man really made Riley look like a threat out there. The crowd was in to the match the whole time and it gave us one of our most well received matches of our short existance. After some big moves and good spots, Rayne Man ensured that Riley was unable to answer the 10 count after a vicious looking Rayne Drop (still hate the name) in 18:28

Rayne Man makes defence number 1 of his L-Ring Hawaiian Championship title.



The Gambler was very happy with the show and complemented me on it afterwards, even offering me a drink.. which I declined as it is against the backstage rules. I praised Rayne Man and Riley for their awesome match, and continued to focus on praising Midnight Prowler in hopes that his attitude will slightly change, as I do not want to get rid of him. Now I just need to improve for the next show to keep bossman happy with me.

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L-Ring Live 4

Venue: Biker’s Paradise (New England)

Attendance: 13

Show Rating:38



Match 1: Docter Michael O’Haire v. Steel

The Doctor, one of our more reliable workers struggled to make Steel look good, but he made Steel look okay throughout the match. Despite the Doctor carrying the match, Steel look terrible again. I do not know what I can do to make Steel look good. I mean he has the look, the strength, but he can't wrestle to save his life. I thought a win would help Steel win some fans over, but it did not work, the fans still booed him. Steel won in 14:22 by pinfall following a Sidewalk Slam.

Rating: 22



Match 2: Canadian Crusher v. JOJI

Just a horrible match, I mean the fans were taking bathroom breaks, on their phones, and booing the vast majority of the match. Neither the Crusher or JOJI were able to properly put this match together and it was obvious as there were multiple screw ups and they both looked lost. Canadian Crusher won in 7:43 by pinfall with a Full Nelson Slam.

Rating: 18



Match 3: Rellik v. The Midnight Prowler

One of my better matches, as The Midnight Prowler really helped elavate my game. I mean he is just a great, reliable worker, but despite my best efforts he is a cocky, arrogant POS. The crowd was really into the match, and I was able to utilize my aerial skills to win some fans over. The Prowler didn't take an objection to me winning by pinfall in 13:53 with a Rellik Dive.

Rating: 30



Match 4: Brimstone v. Austin Smooth

Another terrible match that really hurt the show as the fans were booing both Smooth and Brimstone. And for some unknown reason we let the match go on for 14:28 and finally Smooth made Brimstone tap out with a Smooth Hold.

Rating: 18


I think Brimstone gets one more shot against a highly skilled worker and if he cannot hold his own or be amde to look good, he is going to be let go.




Match 5: Nigel Svensson v. Philippe LaGrenier

A very good match that saw a slightly more aggressive, but still boring, Nigel keep up with Philippe and those two clicked pretty darn good. The crowd was into the match and were starting to root for Nigel even more. Philippe won by pinfall in 13:48 with a Quebec Arrow.

Rating: 32




Match 6: [L-Ring Hawaiian Championship]Regular Joe v The Gambler v. Riley McManus v. Rayne Man

A great main event that featured an elimination match to try to mix up the action. All four men did a good job, but overall Regular Joe failed to keep up with the other three men in intensity. Despite not being the plan, Gambler eliminated Joe first, which was good because the Gambler, Riley, and Rayne Man did awesome together. the Gambler then eliminated Riley, before Rayne Man swooped in and hit a Rayne Drop on the Gambler to win and retain his title in 17:50. Rayne Man makes defence number 2 of his L-Ring Hawaiian Championship title.

Rating: 41


After the show I praised the Boss, in hopes that his negative impact on the locker room would be decreased, as well as praising the Midnight Prowler, as I have not given up on him yet. The locker room was happy overall with the show, and the boss was happy with me. He told me to keep up the good work, and even stuck around in the locker room longer than usual and joked and shared stories with the other workers. I am hoping my praise has finally paid off with him. I just hope I can keep up this momentum...

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Prior to the show the boss called me into his "office."


"Listen, I got some ideas to shake things up and they are going to start tonight."


"But sir, the plans are laid out and..."


"I am not asking you, I am telling you, now shut up and listen. A few big changes, first, this will help you kid, I am introducing Face/Heel divide finally, I think it is time. Secondly I brought in two new workers that I have a lot of faith in and want to see them pushed, do you understand?"



"Yes sir, I will quickly change some things around and make the most of it."



"Good, now get out of my office, I got work to do."


You have got to be freaking kidding me, we had a whole dang month to prepare this show and he decides to drop the bomb on me now, a few hours before the show. Man, I really hope I can pull this off, it is time to go talk to the talent I guess.




L-Ring Live 5

Venue: Biker’s Paradise (New England)

Attendance: 19

Show Rating:48



In order to introduce one of the new workers I decided to give Kirk and Rayne Man a try on the mic. Rayne Man went out and talked about how he has beat everybody who has stepped up and he wants a good challenge for his title. He wanted to put his title on the line, but only against a worthy oppenent. Kirk answered and he received a nice pop from the crowd. Once he insulted Rayne Man and the crowd, they began to boo him. Overall both men did a decent job on the mic, I mean they aren't anything amazing but for now they can hold their own.

Rating: 30



Match: The Gambler v. Brimstone

This was Brimstone's final chance to put on a decent match, as I set him to face the Gambler in hopes that he would be able to put together a good match. The results were less than stellar. I mean for our size the match wasn't too bad, but Brimstone just sucked it up the whole match. You could see the Gambler getting irrated throughout the match as Brimstone botched several moves and was lost. Despite Brimstone being the Face, he was booed without mercy. The Gambler put an early end to the match in 14:12 with a Shoulder Breaker for the pin and win.

Rating: 24



Match: JOJI v. The Midnight Prowler

Another worker who was on the ropes lately, actually was able to put together a decent match with the help of The Midnight Prowler. Despite being a locker room cancer, Prowler knows how to put together a decent match even with somebody as bad as JOJI. Again despite JOJI being a face he probably received more boos than cheers. Prowler played the heel excellent and really got the crowd against him with a low blow. Prowler displayed his quickness and agility throughout the match, but you could tell he definately toned down his offense to help JOJI out. The match ended when Prolwer hit the Widow Maker in 9:35 to win by pinfall.

Rating: 32



Match: Steel v. Canadian Crusher

Words cannot descripe how bad this match was, I do not know why I placed these two big men against each other, as neither knew what the hell they were doing out there. Crusher came out looking better, but that is not to say much as they both sucked it up. It was impossible to tell who was the Face and who was the Heel as they both got booed relentlessly. Out of the two Crusher looked better, and he showed a spark of something special. He would be an ideal canidate for a tag team, now if I can only convince the boss to let me do it. Anyways the match ended, thankfully, in 13:38 by pinfall when the Crusher his Steel with an impressively looking Full Nelson Slam.

Rating: 13



Match: Philippe LaGrenier v. Doctor Michael O’Haire

One of my favorite prospects went up against one of the more dependable workers in an overall good matchup. The Doctor brought his A game and helped elavate Philippe throughout the match. Despite the Dr. being a rookie he does a great job in the ring and can really wrestler and make others look good. Plus he has yet to complain as he has been regulated to putting people over lately. Philippe came out of the match not just with a win, but look much better. The match ended in 14:12 by pinfall when Philippe hit the Doctor with a Quebec Arrow.

Rating: 34



Match: Austin Smooth v. Nigel Svensson

These two actually were able to put on a decent match together. Nigel, still boring, made Austin look like he was a good fighter. Lately Austin has struggled as he looks lost very often and struggles greatly in the ring. Austin was to play the heel very well though, as it seems to be a natural fit for him. I was impressed with Nigel's ability to focus on Austin's arm in order to set up for his finisher. Nigel made Austin submit in 14:15 with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.

Rating: 31



Match: Regular Joe v. Rellik

My match was a disappointment, both me and Regular Joe were gassed by the end of the match and the crowd knew it. Joe plays a great face, and helped me out, with some whispers, on improving my heel persona. Our styles did mesh well together, as Joe's more wrestling approach mixed well with my lucha inspired offense. This match helped me improve in my technical skills somewhat, and Joe was able to do a nice Flying Clotheslines, which was a big hit with the crowd. I was by pinfall in 14:15 when I hit the Rellik Dive.

Rating: 28



Match: Riley McManus v. KC Glenn

The crowd was on their feet when KC Glenn made his entrance, however they quickly turned on him when he "hit" a fan (they were one of the stage crew members). Riley was quick to defend the crowd member and the fighting started outside before the bell even rang. Once inside, Glenn showed me why the boss put so much faith in him. Glenn is just simply amazing in the ring, and wrestled circles around Riley, who was tiring towards the end of the match. Glenn went nonstop against Riley and despite some flashes of offense by Riley, Glenn dominated the match. Glenn put Rile away with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band in 17:44 to win by pinfall.

Rating: 54


This was easily the best match we have put together, and I hope we can continue this kind of success with KC Glenn, now I regret my decision I made for the next match...



Match: [L-Ring Hawaiian Championship] Kirk Jameson v. Rayne Man

The main event of the evening had the crowd on their feet as Rayne Man, everybody's favorite here at L-Ring went up against the cocky, newcomer Kirk Jameson. The match was pretty even throuhgout, with Rayne Man maintaining slightly more control throughout. Kirk did awesome work in the ring, and sold Rayne Man's offense perfectly. A Bullseye out of nowhere caught Rayne Man for a huge upset in 18:03. The crowd booed and through garbage at Kirk as he smirked and mocked the crowd with the belt held high to end the show.

Rating: 51

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The night of June 1st, when the phone rang...



"Hey, listen up, I got some news for you. I got brought in two new workers that I think will fit our product better and fired two more. Brimstone and Steel are gone effective immediately. I will email you the new workers info so you can plug them in to fill spots. This show needs to be better than the last, so do NOT disappointment me!"


Before I could respond he hung up. The next morning I got another phone call...


"Yo, what is up man. Listen my contract is almost up, you think we can work something out."



"Listen, I...can't... I am sorry, you havn't improved enough and the boss won't let me... I'm sorry..."



"Dude, seriously, I got bills and this is my only gig. Please?"



"I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do..."


He hung up before I could finish. That was a horrible experience, I have never had to do that before and I feel terrible for it. I hope it gets easier...

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Prior to the show I got to meet the new talen that the boss hired, Deaf Touch who is deaf, luckily he brought with him an interpreter with him which helped. Cowboy Buck Winchester and Ant-Man were also hired which they have some really outdated names and gimmicks, in my opinion, but the boss liked them. I read up a little on all three of the workers and was able to figure out where they could squeeze in at the last minute, especially since JOJI did not show up for the event...



L-Ring Live 6

Venue: Biker’s Paradise (New England)

Attendance: 14

Show Rating: 42


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Austin%20Smooth_zpsfh3uhwyn.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/CVFP_MaskedMale_017_zpszyktrsdc.jpg

Match 1: Austin Smooth v. Rellik

My match was up first and it was not a horrible match. Grant it I was extremely tired towards the end and Austin was getting booed relentlessly, we seemed to just click with each other and were able to bring out some great spots together. The match ended when I hit my Rellik Dive from the top ropes in 13:53 to win by pinfall. After the match, I banged up my knee pretty good as I was unable to make the full 450 rotation as smoothly as possible and got me thinking, I may need to come up with another finisher as this was not the first time I had a close call...

Rating: 30


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/The%20Midnight%20Prowler_zpshze3fcuy.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Philippe%20LaGrenier_zpsc589tehf.jpg

Match 2: The Midnight Prowler v. Philippe LaGrenier

A solid match with two of are more relaible workers putting on a good back and forth match. Philippe was able to squeek out the win when he hit Prowler with a Quebec Arrom and score a pinfall victory in 14:17.

Rating: 34


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Cowboy%20Buck%20Winchester_zps1k2hahsg.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Doctor%20Michael%20OHaire_zpsvz8hckqi.jpg

Match 3: Cowboy Buck Winchester v. Doctor Michael O’Haire

Not such a great match, and I am not sure who to blame. The Doctor usually puts on a good showing, and it wasn't like these two didn't click. The match just fell apart and I have no clue why. Buck was able to get the win with a, wait for it, Neckbreaker (I mean seriously how creative) in 14:06.

Rating: 26


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Canadian%20Crusher_zpsxw4yofix.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Ant-Man_zps6miiqajc.jpg

Match 4: Canadian Crusher v. Ant-Man

For his size, Ant-Man is a rather strong wrestler, so I decided to pair him up with another powerful worker. These two displayed a hard hitting, no nonsense match that the crowd got into. The Crusher continues to get slightly better in every match, and I was very impressed with Ant-Man. Per my usual booking decisions, Ant-Man got the win in his debut match by pinfall with an Antidote in 13:57

Rating: 30


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Nigel%20Svensson_zpsla1pquyc.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Riley%20McManus_zps7sde2sbb.jpg

Match 5: Nigel Svensson v. Riley McManus

This match definately let me down as neither Nigel or Riley really stepped up their game. Riley was wore out by the end of the match and could barely stand up. Nigel, somehow, appeared to be more boring than usual, and I may need to shake up his character somehow. Riley was able to squeek the win out by pinfall following a Slingshot Suplex.

Rating: 32


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Deaf%20Touch_zps8ndce4zb.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Regular%20Joe_zpsqyvlw5kf.jpg

Match 6: Deaf Touch v. Regular Joe

For the semi main event this was a huge let down. I should have known better than to let Regular Joe work a match for 18 minutes, but as a main eventer that is what the boss thinks is appropraite. Regular Joe struggled to make it to the end of the match, which caused him to botch a few moves. Deaf Touch held his own and put on a good showing and won over many fans. The match ended by pinfall in 18:28 following a Crooked Moonsault.

Rating: 33


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Rayne%20Man_zpslvf1al6r.jpghttp://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Gareth%20Wayne_zpsytrcugqr.jpg v. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/KC%20Glenn_zpsqzo57pwe.jpghttp://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk183/Ryan_Cucunato/Road%20To%20Glory/Kirk%20Jameson_zpspyanjcel.jpg

Match 7: Rayne Man and The Gambler v. KC Glenn and Kirk Jameson

The main event really helped lift the whole show up and make it look good. Four of our biggest stars battled each other in a tag team match. KC and Kirk worked decent together and Rayne Man and The Gambler worked okay together. There was a lot of back and forth match-ups with KC and Kirk really standing out as the better performers in the ring. The match ended when Glenn refused the tag and walked out on Kirk which set him up for a Rayne Fall. Kirk, with no where to go, was forced to top out to the Rayne Fall in 18:05

Rating: 48


Yeah,so it is safe to say after the show I got screamed at, as I made a huge error that really cost us for the overall show. I completely forgot that we divided the roster up in heel/face and had several matches booked as face v. face or heel v.heel. I mean hell, The Gambler is a heel and he was teaming up with our #1 Babyface in Rayne Man. A lesson that I will never forget...
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