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Watchers Of The World - An Interactive Experience

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Watchers of the World




What is it?

Watchers of the World is as you may of guessed is indeed a watcher diary but with a twist. Rather than looking over the existing stars and established promotions within the Cverse, I plan to be utilising unique player created characters as they make their way through the wrestling industry.


Which is where you come in. I need people that want to be apart of something hopefully special.


Drawing influence from the excellent Road to Glory challenge, other community involved diaries and previous several attempts at similar diaries which didn't quite pan out, I've finally created something that i'm happy with and hopefully will be entertaining for the players and readers.


Player's Role:

The role of the player is to initially create a new wrestler (there's a sign-up template below on the 3rd post). Similar to how the Road to Glory set-up is, they're given a set number of skill points to assign themselves. From there they'll go through the "Next Program", a pen & paper narrative (for lack of a better description).


Next Program?

The Next Program is where players train, earn experience points, develop and define their skills before "going pro" and head up into the open sea that is professional wrestling. This allows for greater customation as every player will get to decide how they wish to grow their wrestlers , helping them stand out from the pack.


This is done by each player choosing an activity or training option for the "week", for the duration of the "Next Program" until a years worth of time has passed. Time progresses as fast as the players do, so active participants results in a quicker game through the "training phase".


Along the way participants will earn "Mystery Cases" - random bonuses selected by the player that provides a bonus to their wrestler, but I'll cover more about Mystery Cases and other bonuses next post.


When the last week has finished, all players will "graduate" and be entered and the watcher diary begins. From here we'll follow their paths as their careers unwind. Will they reach success? Who will be the first to be signed by a major "name" company? Who will have the greatest career? We'll have to find out.


Best way to describe this would be as a one part watcher diary, one part community creation and one part RPG- lite experience.

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Mystery Cases



Throughout your wrestler's year in training, you will earn opportunities at selecting several "mystery cases" that contain bonuses to your skills or other miscellaneous traits. These are earn through progression of the Next Program, events and through other rewards. Hidden within are five Legendary cases that often massive bonuses and boosts, along with 15 Rare (High Boosts), 50 Uncommon (Above Average Boosts or Special events) and 150 Common (Average Boosts).


Legendary and Rare Cases will not reset, unlike regular case. Once they are found they are gone permanently. So good luck and hopefully you'll find all of them.


- 5 Legendary cases (2%)

- 15 Rare (7%)

- 50 Uncommon (23%)

- 150 Common (68%)




Being apart of the training school, your wrestler will get a choice one what training and activities they wish to partake. Different options providing difference rewards to help craft and define your wrestler before their graduation into the wrestling world as an aspiring prospect. Once a week you'll be given the option what you would like to do for the week. Options are as followed:



Work on your wrestler's fitness and physical skills in the gym. Either with Weight Training or Cardio will help your wrestler become bigger, stronger and more athletic.

- Weights Training (Power, Toughness, Sex Appeal, Star Quality, Menace)

- Cardio (Stamina, Athleticism, Sex Appeal, Resilience)


Skills Training

Get in the ring and sharpen your skills. Focusing on either one of the specialist skills (Rumble, Technical, Aerial) or with your performance skills. You only get out what you put in.

- Rumble Work (Brawling, Hardcore, Puroresu)

- Chain 101 (Mat Work, Chain Wrestling, Submission)

- Pool Practice (Aerial, Flashiness)

- Basics (Basic, Physiology, Safety, Selling, Consistency)


Promo Booth

Enhance your entertainment skills through mic practice on your own with against others, take acting classes or even try your hand at announcing. Practice makes perfect.

- Mic Work (Mic Skills, Charisma

- Acting Classes (Acting, Charisma

- Announcing Desk (Announcing, Mic Skills)


Take It Easy

Relax and unwind. Hit the town by yourself or with a few friends and see what it has to often, maybe make some new friends at it too - but don't party too hard.

- Explore the Nightlife (?)

- Food with Friends (?)

- Pub Crawl (?)





Throughout your training or through some Mystery Cases, several random events may occur and possibly change or alter your training, offer bonuses to your skills or provide a unique opportunity. Stay on the lookout for when they pop up. Whilst most events affect everyone, some events can be for a player(s) that met a certain criteria.


A few events include:


- Wrestling Legend comes down to train (Bonus to training X)

- Ring breaks (No Wrestling Skills training for X)

- Heavy Storms ("Take It Easy" options unavailable until storm subsides in X)

- Drugs

- Police Incidents

- Injuries

- New Equipment for Training

- Rivalries

- New Friends

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Warning, wall of text incoming:





Sign-Up Form

Please note there's a "Quick Sign-Up" form if you don't wish to read through all the info below. It's provided in case a player is new to TEW or wanted information about the skills or lifestyle options. Feel free to message if help is needed :)



Basic Info



Short Name:

Alter Ego(s):

Picture (Not Required):

Age: (18 – 30)

Mask: (Y/N)

Hair: (Yes/Bald)

Gender: Male/Female



Ethnicity: (White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Pacific)



Wrestling Style: Regular, Entertainer, Puroresu, Spot Monkey, Luchador, Cruiserweight, Japanese Junior, Technician, MMA Crossover, Brawler, Psychopath


Finishing Move (Up to Two): (Name/Move-Description)




Personal Information





Does your wrestler have any history with substances or have anything affecting how he lives his life? If so, fill out either according on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being mild impact/use, 10 being extreme impact/use). Leaving blank indicates there is no use or issues.


If your wrestler has been publicly known to use any substance, have law problems, be religious or has since then rehabbed, quit or otherwise reformed then write it after the number. A problem that is not known is a secret until they are found out either through an event, drug testing or admission.


• Smoking - A smoking habit heavily damages wrestler's stamina, mildy affects their in-ring skills (negatively) and increases the chance of dying early.


• Excessive Drinking - Alcohol abuse and heavy drinking problems result in a penalty to a wrestler's in-ring skills and lead to an early death (Note: this doesn't include casual drinking, more on the lines of excessively drinking to the point of abuse.


• Hard Drug Use - Use of hard drugs cause harm to a wrestler's skills, damages their body and places themselves at risk of a potentially fatal overdose. Needless to say that this can lead to an early death. Hard Drugs are drugs that create a physical addiction - such as Painkillers, Heroin and Cocaine.


• Soft Drug Use - Use of soft drugs result in a mild impact to a wrestler's performance. Danger with soft drugs (aside from the performance penalties) is that it may develop into an addiction or worse transition into heavy and more dangerous Hard Drugs. Examples of Soft Drugs would include LSD, Marijuana and other Hallucinogens.


• Soft Drug Use - Use of soft drugs result in a mild impact to a wrestler's performance. Danger with soft drugs (aside from the performance penalties) is that it may develop into an addiction or worse transition into heavy and more dangerous Hard Drugs. Examples of Soft Drugs would include LSD, Marijuana and other Hallucinogens.


• Steroid Use - Use of steroids increases the rate of skill development, rapidly increases physical based stats and slows down the rate of decline when older but users are more likely to suffer injury as the body breaks down and prone to dying younger.


• Law Problems - Wrestlers having with the law problems increases the chance of being arrested or being involved in any legal based incidents or events.


• Religion - Highly religious wrestlers may have certain incidents or events occur due to their faith.




A bit of a background for your character. Where are they from? What's their story? Any details that makes them special or unique? What's their motivation? Ambition? Personality traits that can define them? Or just a backstory.

Not necessary but I believe it helps flesh out a good character and turns them into something special.







In-Ring Specialisation Skills

The following eight skills define your wrestler’s style and are the main “skill-wise” impact on a match’s rating. They are divided into three categories:



Brawling: The most common style of wrestling, Brawling is the wrestler's skill to create quality matches without the use of "tradition" wrestling or aerial maneuvers. Brawlers can come in any shape or size, with no real restrictions and can be used in any match variety.


Puroresu: Prominent in Japan, Puroresu or "Strong Style", it is a combination of shoot wrestling and brawling resulting in a more physical style of wrestling. Hard hitting, stiff strikes are a key feature of this style.


Hardcore: The Hardcore skill is the ability to not only just use weapons, but rather a wrestler's skill in matches that have a foreign eliminate such as Hardcore (obviously), Table, Ladder, Cage and other gimmick matches.




Mat Work: Mat Work refers to using amateur wrestling styled techniques and holds in a match in a more "traditional" style of wrestling. Although not exclusively amateur wrestling ability, a wrestler that is skilled in mat work is much more comfortable working on the ground.


Chain Wrestling: The wrestler’s skill in the art of chain wrestling - wrestling and exchanging holds and counter holds.


Submissions: Skill in utilising submissions and submission wrestling. Refers to both using submissions in a match (technique and execution) and/or with skill in legitimate submission wrestling or shoot wrestling skills.



High Flying

Aerial: The Aerial skill is the wrestler's ability to showcase a high-flying style of offense. Not just a measure of what they can do in the air but how well and consistently they can perform their aerial maneuvers. Technique and execution.


Flashiness: The excitement and flashness that a wrestler adds to his offense. A flashy offense can bring a crowd to their feet or liven up even the dead-est of audiences. Conversely, a lack of flashiness may result in people being bored in watching you perform. While more flashiness is usually good, too much flash and not enough substance in the form of actual wrestling skill can lead you to be labeled as a "Spot Monkey" - a wrestler that only goes from spot to spot for the sake of getting a reaction rather than wrestling. Whilst they'll get a reaction for the spot, they'll generally be despised for their lack of ability.



Performance Skills

The next five skills are the performance skills. These core skills are your bread and butter and help separate wrestlers from good to great, and future prospect from barely trained. They include:


Basics: Skill with the basic core skills of wrestling (Footwork, bumping, running the ropes ect.)


Psychology: The wrestler’s skill in how they can involve psychology into a match, tell a story in the ring. Wrestlers with high skill are able to "call" matches in the ring rather than being scripted or guided by a road agent. Conversely, wrestlers with low skill in psychology may notice that their matches tend to "fall apart" or suffer from a natural lack of flow and may appear awkward if exposed.


Safety: How safe the wrestler is to work with. A low rating would mean that they are a high risk to not only their opponent but also themselves.


Consistency: How consistent the wrestler is in their performance. An extremely consistent wrestler would almost never have an “off-night” whilst a low rating may result in a wrestler rarely performing at their best.


Selling: The wrestler’s ability to sell moves and matches. A low selling skill would result in “No Selling” moves and would bring the match down or look comical/unprofessional.



Physical Skills

The next five skills are Physical skills. They refer to your wrestler's physical attributes and capabilities.


Athleticism: The wrestler’s natural athleticism (Speed, Vertical Leap ect.) Can provide a bonus to a match.


Toughness: How physically tough the wrestler is.


Stamina: Determines how long the wrestler can perform for before running out of gas, resulting in a worse match. Certain, more intense match types may also be ill-advised for wrestlers with little to no stamina.


Power: The wrestler’s physical strength. Important to bigger wrestlers and powerhouses. High power can provide a bonus to a match


Resilience: How injury prone the wrestler is. A high rating would result in a wrestler being high durable, picking up fewer injuries if any than a less resilient wrestler.



Entertainment and On Camera Skills

The last five skills are the entertainment. They cover skills they involve talking, acting or announcing along with attributes such as charisma or a wrestler's look and/or menance. Such skills or attributes are highly regarded in certain companies or products.


Microphone: Skill in using the microphone for interviews, working the crowd or talking on colour commentary.


Charisma: The wrestler’s natural charisma, the innate ability to connect to a crowd. A charismatic wrestler just seems to "stand out", regard of their appearance - just draws attention and compels a crowd to notice.


Acting: Skill, comfort and performance within acting and their mannerisms while on-screen, on camera or in front of a crowd.


Announcing: The wrestler’s skill in Announcing and calling a match from being a desk.

Sex Appeal: The wrestler’s physical looks and sexual attractiveness


Star Quality: The wrestler’s “X Factor”, “Superstar Look”. A higher rating means how easily the fans can consider and accept the wrestler as a major star.


Menace: The wrestler’s natural menace. Vital important for monster heels, bodyguards, bullies as the more menacing they look the more believable character they portray.




Setting Up





700 initial points to spend

Potential will be set to "Excellence"

In-Ring, Performance and Entertainment* skills can't exceed 75 (for the first 700 pts)

*Exception with Sex Appeal and Menace - there is no cap on those two skills

Resilience set at 50 (no cap)





Quick Template



Short Name:

Alter Ego(s):

Picture (Not Required):

Age: (18 – 30)

Mask: (Y/N)

Hair: (Yes/Bald)

Gender: Male/Female



Ethnicity: (White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Pacific)



Wrestling Style: Regular, Entertainer, Puroresu, Spot Monkey, Luchador, Cruiserweight, Japanese Junior, Technician, MMA Crossover, Brawler, Psychopath


Finishing Move (Up to Two): (Name/Move-Description)


Skills: 0/700






Mat Work:

Chain Wrestling:
















Resilience: 50





Star Quality:



Sex Appeal





For anyone that what's to sign-up, just PM me your application or post it here and I'll get back to you. :)

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