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WWF 1993: Rise From The Ashes

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Ouch! :eek: Okay, I changed it to Yokozuna instead. I thought maybe it was an angle for him to come back and make a strong showing. How long is he out?


Around 6 - 8 months, sadly. I have a pretty big angle planned for his return though (should the dynasty still be active at that point)

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WWF Championship Match:

Bret 'The Hitman Hart © vs 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon w/ 'Flyin' Brian Pillman



WWF Tag Team Championship Match

Money Inc © (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster) w/ Jimmy Hart vs The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner)



WWF Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge

'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels © w/ Diesel and 'Sensational' Sherri vs ???



Handicap Match

The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs Demolition (Ax and Smash) w/ ???



'The Beast from the East' Bam Bam Bigelow vs 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan



The Headshrinkers vs Jerry 'The King' Lawler and ???


30-Man Royal Rumble Match:

Winner: Ric Flair

Final Four: Ric Flair, Diesel, Yokozuna, Owen Hart

Most Eliminations: Diesel

Longest Time: Owen Hart

Shortest Time: Samu


Bonus Questions:

1: Who will accept Shawn Michaels' Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge? 1-2-3 Kid

2: Who is Jerry 'The King' Lawler's new protege? Steve Austin

3: Will the leader of the group dubbed the 'Vigilantes' be revealed? If so, who is he? Sting? I liked scarlets idea.

4: Who will debut as Money Inc's 'hired muscle'? Vader


Looking forward to this!!!!

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Royal Rumble 1993


ARCO Arena, Sacramento, California

Attendance: 17,437 (SELL OUT!)

Pre-Show Panel: Jim Ross, Bruno Sammartino, Big John Studd and Michael 'Hendrix' Hayes


The pre-show panel welcome us to the show, and hype the night's matches, in particular the three title matches, the handicap match between The Undertaker and Demolition, and most importantly, the Royal Rumble match itself. Big John Studd stresses the importance of this contest, saying that it took him from a wrestler to an icon in the space of just under an hour, and Bruno Sammartino says that he normally counts himself lucky to be retired, but on nights like this, he is tempted to lace up his boots one last time. Michael 'Hendrix' Hayes says that he has a number of 'fabulous' surprises tonight that will be sure to light up Sacramento and this sellout crowd. With introductions out the way, we head to our first match of the evening. (B-)


A video plays, recalling the feud between Bam Bam Bigelow, Kamala and 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan. (C+)


We head back to the ring, as Jim Duggan leads the crowd in a hearty rendition of 'The Star-Spangled Banner', however, as he gets midway through the song, Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala hit the ring, attacking the patriot, leading to the bell ringing, starting the match. (C-)


'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan vs 'The Beast from the East' Bam Bam Bigelow


Bigelow picked up from where he started before the match, beating down 'Hacksaw' with the help of Kamala. JR reminds the viewers watching at home that this match is a no-disqualification bout, meaning that the attack is perfectly legal. Duggan, by now rendered unconscious from the attack, can barely muster a defense as both men hit him with a series of splashes, as Big John Studd calls for the referee to stop the contest. Bigelow appears to take delight at this occurring, ordering Kamala over to the pre-show panel, where he grabs Studd, launching him over the table. Upon seeing this, Bruno Sammartino gets up and grabs Kamala, hitting him with a swift uppercut, before hitting a backbreaker on 'The Ugandan Giant', sending him flying to the floor. Without his ally to aid him, Bam Bam Bigelow has no choice but to finish Jim Duggan off with a powerslam, winning the match in 7:46. (C)


Post-match, Bruno Sammartino goes into the ring to check up on 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan, who is still unconscious in the centre of the ring, however, Bam Bam Bigelow sees him coming and hits a diving headbutt on the veteran, telling him to 'go back to the retirement home, old man'. The rest of the panel berate Bigelow's decision as the Royal Rumble '93 pre-show heads to a commercial break. (B-)


When we return from the commercial break, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage has joined the pre-show panel, due to Bruno Sammartino going to hospital as a result of his injuries. The panel discuss the WWF Championship contest between Razor Ramon and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. All four favour Hart in the contest, stating that Razor Ramon's inexperience will cost him dearly when up against a fired-up Bret Hart, however, Michael Hayes says that Razor could be a potential WWF Champion in the future if he continues to pick up wins elsewhere. Jim Ross then informs the panel of an incident which Sean Mooney has witnessed backstage concerning Stu Hart, which we will now go to. (C+)


Backstage, we see Stu Hart sprawled out on the locker room floor, with the entire room trashed. Sean Mooney attempts to speak to someone at the scene, however, he only manages to find 'Flyin' Brian Pillman, who says that "You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can certainly beat the old tricks out of them," before laughing, as Mooney chastises his decision, saying that it is almost certain that Stu Hart will not be at ringside tonight to support his son. (B+)


Upon hearing of Stu Hart's injury, Jim Ross sums up all the matches yet to come on the Royal Rumble card, before hearing the opinions of the panel members on who will win the Royal Rumble. Big John Studd favours Yokozuna in the contest, whilst Michael 'Hendrix' Hayes says that Ric Flair will win two years in a row, and Randy Savage says that his former teammate Hulk Hogan will be the one to face the WWF Champion at WrestleMania IX. JR then hands over to the main commentary team, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan. (C+)


Announce Team: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan


Gorilla Monsoon states that 'there's a sense of something great in the air', as he welcomes us to the ARCO Arena in Sacramento, California for the 1993 Royal Rumble event! He discusses the main matches on the card, that involving the WWF World and Intercontinental Championships, before mentioning the Royal Rumble, a 30-man battle royal in which the victor will secure a WWF Championship shot at WrestleMania IX in Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada! Heenan says that this is the night where legends begin to be made, and careers are ruined in an instant, adding that he hopes the man in the next match is ruined, as we move to the first match of the evening.


Rating: B


The Undertaker and Paul Bearer come out to cheers from the crowd. Paul Bearer says that this vigilante nonsense has gone on for too long, and that 'the only phenom in professional wrestling today' will wipe the slate clean when he knocks the Vigilante six feet under the ground. Upon saying this, The Undertaker says that both Demolition and their 'willing master' will REST...IN...P-





Demolition are here in Sacramento! Ax has the microphone, saying that Demolition were unable to find the leader of the vigilante group, however, they found the next best thing, they discovered a man who may not be targeting The Undertaker, but he wants to make a big impression on the World Wrestling Federation, introducing their new manager....






The announcers are in shock as they realise that is Johnny Polo, the former manager of Jacques and Raymond Rougeau! However, they note that he has taken a dark path in recent weeks, christening himself as 'Jon Raven'. The Undertaker stands stunned at this reveal, as Monsoon states that the 'odds are all against the Deadman now'.



Handicap Match


The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs Demolition w/ Jon Raven


This match starts off with Undertaker and Smash in the ring. Smash attempts to take The Undertaker down with various powerful moves, however, the Phenom simply defends himself against each one, before grabbing Smash for a chokeslam. But before he can apply the move, Jon Raven appears behind the referee, distracting him as Ax hits The Undertaker with Jim Duggan's 4x4 (left at ringside after the previous match), breaking the move. Smash is able to capitalise, making the tag, and Ax promptly hits The Undertaker with a big splash, which he easily kicks out of. At this point, Paul Bearer rises the urn, leading to a familiar sight as The Undertaker also rises, drilling Ax to the floor with a powerslam. He then Irish whips his fallen opponent into the turnbuckle, knocking Smash off the ring apron. Undertaker then appears to go for a top rope manoeuvre, but again, Jon Raven is there to disrupt the move, pushing him off the top rope. Raven then picks Smash up, signalling for him to go to the top rope, as Ax regains his composure to lock in a backbreaker hold on The Undertaker, as Heenan proclaims "This is it, The Deadman really ain't coming back", but as Smash goes to execute the Demolition Decapitation, a group of men in the crowd jump the barricade, revealing themselves to be armed with pokers. They begin hitting Demolition repeatedly, with Jon Raven looking on, with a somewhat pleased look on his face, leading to a disqualification result.


Winners: Demolition (Ax and Smash) by disqualification in 10:21

Rating: C+


Monsoon calls for the Vigilantes to stop, saying that these men have suffered enough, but as the men continue their assault, Paul Bearer again rises the urn, as The Undertaker gets up, then walks towards the masked group known by now as The Vigilantes. The attackers immediately stop their beatdown on Demolition and also rise to their feet, then walk directly over to The Undertaker. Heenan, by this point, can barely contain his emotions, as he states that "The Deadman is going to get what's been coming to him for two and a half long years". However, both groups suddenly stop, and Paul Bearer comes into the ring, brandishing a microphone. The Undertaker, in a rare moment of emotion, snatches the microphone from his mentor, and begins to speak:


Undertaker: "Vigilantes, listen up, because you're not going to like what I'm going to tell you. For the last three weeks, you have been callously and cruelly assaulting any WWF superstar you wish to, in order to achieve your goal of 'absolute destruction'. The only crime that these two poor souls ever committed was to get in your way, but by giving you a distraction, they have enlightened me. I know who you follow and at WrestleMania IX, I demand that your messiah gets into the ring with me, to settle our score once and for all, as I know your leader to be a master of manipulation, a callous figure, a vicious, evil excuse of a human being. You ask why I know this to be, I can tell you that I too, used to be a victim, used to be manipulated into doing his bidding, just like you forgotten men. And I can tell you that I will vanquish your messiah, your vigilante, because I've done it once, and I know 'The Vigilante' to be nothing than a dirty, cheating, weak-willed, slithering......SNAKE!"







The Vigilantes quickly scarper back over the barricade into the crowd, as Jake 'The Snake' Roberts comes out, with a sadistic smile on his face, also brandishing a microphone. He responds to The Undertaker's claims:


Roberts: "What are you talking about? I know nothing of these Vigilantes, and as much as I would adore to be worshipped as a messianic figure by a death cult, it really isn't my idea of how to go around. I return tonight, not as an enemy of yours, but I return, holding the olive branch of peace, and I vow never to make the same mistakes as I once did. I vow, not to fight you at WrestleMania IX, not to have a personal audience with you at any time, but to fight alongside you to take down these excuses of living flesh. Trust me.... I wouldn't lie to you."


Roberts then returns backstage, with The Undertaker standing in the centre of the ring, all alone, barring the lifeless bodies of Ax and Smash, with Jon Raven nowhere to be seen.


Rating: A


We then go to a hype video for the debut of Jerry Lawler's protege, as his brief feud with The Headshrinkers is detailed. Gorilla and Heenan speculate who the protege could be, and Lawler says that it could be Jerry Jarrett for all the good it would do 'The King' tonight.


Rating: C+


Speaking of Jerry Lawler, he is now in the ring, sitting in a chair closely resembling a throne. He talks about the search for a protege:


King: "For many weeks now, I've been searching for the right man to pass my legacy onto. Some of my choices have been reasonably good, some have been hopelessly bad, but one has been just perfect. And ladies and gentleman, may I introduce to you, the second half of The Memphis City Gods, whom I am no relation to, all the way from Battle Creek, Michigan, the man that they will soon be all calling 'THE REAL, THE TRUE, THE ONLY MR MONDAY NIGHT", ROB.......VAN.......DAM!!!!"




Rob Van Dam: "Thank you, thank you, King, you know, I thought it'd be a total pleasure leaving one of these stinking Jersey promotions and finding myself some real action, but it's quite underwhelming, to tell you the truth. I am the 'Whole Dam Show' and should be the 'Whole Dam Show' and it's about time you underachieving people here in Sacramento, with your underachieving basketball team. realised that. Now, bring out, the savages!"


Rating: C+


The Memphis City Gods (Jerry 'The King' Lawler and 'The Only Mr. Monday Night" Rob Van Dam) vs The Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu)


Jerry Lawler and Samu started this match, and their styles, whilst very different, met for a very close start as the pair traded various holds and grapples. The young rookie, Rob Van Dam, spent this time antagonising both the fans and The Headshrinkers at ringside, saying that "the Kings have more fight than these savages," before he is abruptly stopped by Fatu menacing approaching him. Inside the ring, Jerry Lawler is gaining the advantage, as he manages to knock Samu down to the ground with a clothesline. He then goes for the pinfall, which is quickly broken up by Fatu. At this point, 'The King' realises that the Samoans have an advantage over him now, and retreats over to the ring apron, where he makes a tag to Rob Van Dam. "Mr. Monday Night" makes an immediate impact, wowing fans with a 450 splash off the top rope onto Samu, however, Fatu catches him when he gets up and hits a powerslam on the debutant. Samu then goes for a pinfall, which is broken up before the two-count. At this point, Samu makes the tag to Fatu, who hits Rob Van Dam with a spear, sending him flying to the ground. He goes for the pinfall, however, as he appears to have won the match, Jerry Lawler moves Van Dam's foot onto the ropes, meaning the pinfall is broken up. The Headshrinkers react with fury, going towards 'The King' and threatening him. In this panic, they fail to notice that Rob Van Dam is now on the top rope, as he hits a Five Star Frog Splash on the pair. "The Only Mr. Monday Night" then goes for a successful pinfall to secure a maiden victory for The Memphis City Gods.


Winners: The Memphis City Gods by pinfall in 08:03

Rating: B-


We then go backstage to Mean Gene Okerlund, who is interviewing one of the favourites for tonight's Royal Rumble, Hulk Hogan, who is accompanied by Brutus Beefcake, the man he defeated last Monday night on RAW. Gene asks Beefcake whether he thinks 'The Hulkster' has what it takes to defeat 29 other men in such a momentous match. Beefcake goes to speak, but Hogan grabs the mic:


Hogan: "You wanna know something, Mean Gene, brother? You want your big story on how The Hulkster's past it, how he's turning his back on the ones who made him great, well, I'll give you a story, brother. What I said on RAW was right, brother, I'm not shunning anybody, I love the fans just as much as I did back in '85, when me and my 24-inch pythons defeated Paul Orndorff and Roddy Piper at the first WrestleMania, and that's not gonna change, brother! Yokozuna may talk about winning this match, crushing American hopes and dreams, well I got news for you, jack! Anyone who tries to hurt the American spirit has to answer to me, 'cause I bleed red, white and blue too, brother, and when I throw you over that rope like the oversized loser that you are, you're gonna learn all about crushing hopes and dreams. WHATCHA GONNA DO, BROTHER, WHEN 17,437 Hulkmaniacs and 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan, not to mention my good friend, Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake, RUN WILD ON YOU?!"


Hulk then poses for the camera, as Beefcake looks bemused, perhaps annoyed at being only fleetingly mentioning by his friend in the previous promo. Gene Okerlund then sends us back to the ring, as Shawn Michaels, Diesel, and 'Sensational' Sherri Martel are just arriving in Sacramento, as the announcers hype the Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge, coming up next.


Rating: B+ (Hulk Promo)

B- (Shawn and Diesel arrival)


A vignette is aired for the debut of a new WWF superstar, set to provide a stunning introduction to the world next month at the debut of 'In Your House', an entirely new PPV concept brought to you by the men who revolutionised sports entertainment.


Rating: C+ (In Your House/Debut Announcement)


We now go back to the coverage of Royal Rumble '93, where the Intercontinental Champion, Shawn Michaels is in the ring. Michaels, flanked by the Championship's official bodyguard, Diesel, speaks:


Michaels: "So, all week, people have been asking 'The HEART-BREAK-KID' why he hurt poor little Curtis Hennig, and destroyed his perfection. Why did you have to do it, Shawn, why did you go too far? Well, I didn't go too far at all! Imperfect Curt was stupid enough to accept my challenge, and now he has to suffer, all I did was teach him a few lessons on how to really be perfect. Now, I suppose that I have to call out another lost soul, for a masterclass in technical ability, so here goes: come out, you loveless freak, and challenge the one they call the greatest...THERE...HAS....EVER..BEEN-"










Heenan: That window-breaking coward Jannetty is back in the big time, oh, this night just gets worse!


Jannetty walks down to the ring, with a cocky look on his face, as he approaches the announce table and grabs a microphone. He begins to speak, as chants of "THIS IS AWESOME" ring out:


Jannetty: You talk about injuring people, Shawn, as if you've never done it before. You talk about being a two-faced son of a *censored* as if you've never done it before. But I know you, Shawn, and it's a regular occurrence for you. Was it not eight months ago that you threw me out of the window on The Barber Shop, and injured me as well?


Heenan: That is a lie! Jannetty clearly did it him-


Gorilla: Will you stop?


Michaels: Yeah, sure, I hurt you, big deal. The important thing now is that I have the gold, and you don't, I have the Intercontinental Championship bodyguard, and you don't, and I have Sherri, and you don't. You're fighting against odds you can't win, Marty, go home, kid.


Jannetty: Yeah, sure, I'm fighting against the odds, but that's what The Rockers were about! We fought and beat bigger and possibly better guys, we held our own in the big time, we were loved! But it seems that you're too busy admiring yourself when you look like trailer park trash to care. I'm fighting you, Shawn, but under my terms. WWF President, Jack Tunney, has told me that Diesel is not a licensed WWF performer, and as a result, must vacate the arena immediately.


Diesel reluctantly leaves the ring, with an incensed look on his face. Shawn's look turns to immediate fear, as Marty hits the ring, and hits Shawn with a superkick, as the match begins.

Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge:


Shawn Michaels © w/ Sensational Sherri vs Marty Jannetty


These two play to each other's weakness, not surprising, given that they tagged together for the best part of seven years. A number of flying kicks and submission moves are quickly broken up, as both men really take to the fight. Shawn Michaels gains an early move when he reverses an Irish whip into a DDT, sending Jannetty flying to the ring mat. Michaels goes for the pinfall:






Jannetty rises to his feet, and immediately knocks Shawn down with a swipe to his heels. 'The Rocker' then takes in the crowd's emotions, as he prepares to hit a Rocker Dropper on his fallen opponent. He goes for the initial move, however, Michaels reverses the move into which Gorilla calls a jackhammer.


Heenan: That's Jannetty out of the equation for good!


'The Heartbreak Kid' goes for the pinfall:










Gorilla informs the fans that 'Sensational' Sherri has just entered the ring with a steel chair and attacked Shawn Michaels with it. Michaels manages to rouse himself and gets in Sherri's face, goes to back away, and promptly hits her with a superkick. Michaels then turns round into a Rocker Dropper!







Heenan: NO!








Heenan begins yelling in celebration over the mic as Shawn Michaels gets to his feet, along with Jannetty. The pair get face-to-face, before Shawn offers his hand to Marty, seemingly in friendship. Jannetty looks at it hesitantly, but eventually relents for the handshake. The pair shake hands as the crowd cheer-but Shawn hits a lowblow. Jannetty is knocked to the ground as Michaels makes the pinfall:










Winner and STILL WWF Intercontinental Champion: Shawn Michaels by pinfall in 15:52

Rating: B


Heenan: WHAT A MATCH! Shawn Michaels has defied the odds once again!


Monsoon: Do you know what, Heenan? I'm tired of your jibes, I'm outta here!


Gorilla throws down his headset and marches to the back as Shawn Michaels celebrates in the ring alone, with Marty Jannetty, and his reunited ally, Sensational Sherri, looking on angrily, giving a hint that this feud is not over yet.


Rating: B-

We then go to Sean Mooney, who is joined by the challengers to the WWF Tag Team titles, The Steiner Brothers. Sean asks the pair whether they think they have a chance at beating Money Inc tonight. Rick says that they wouldn't have showed up if they came looking for defeat. Mooney then makes a snide remark about The Steiners rarely being in the building, while DiBiase and IRS have been on WWF programming constantly since winning the championships. Scott takes offence to this and takes the mic:


Scott: You think me and my brother have been sitting at home, slacking, while those money-grabbing idiots have been doing all the hard work? Well, NO, WE HAVEN'T! The Dog-Faced Gremlin and I have been preparing in our own time, to deliver a Steiner-style beating to The Million Dollar Madman and his Tax Receipt Lackey, just like we got taught as multiple-time amateur wrestling champions! So, tonight, Money Inc are gonna learn, Sacramento is gonna learn, and you, Sean Mooney, are gonna learn, that THERE'S NOBODY FINER THAN SCOTT! AND! RICK! STEINER! HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME!


Rating: C+

(Wow, Scott's promo skills are pretty poor at this stage..)


When we go back to ringside, Gorilla Monsoon has been replaced on commentary by the new lead announcer for WWF Lucha, Mike Tenay. Him and Heenan briefly hype WWF Lucha, before the tag title match begins.


Rating: C


WWF World Tag Team Championship Match


Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster) © w/ Jimmy Hart vs The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner)


This match begins with Scott Steiner and IRS in the ring, and Scott quickly hits his opponent with a range of suplexes, before hitting him with an Irish whip into the turnbuckle, where he tags in Rick. Rick then performs a leaping bulldog on his opponent, before attempting a three-count, which is easily broken up by IRS. 'The Dog-Faced Gremlin' picks up where his brother left off, hitting IRS with a German suplex in the middle of the ring. He then goes to attack Jimmy Hart, who is stood goading him on the ring apron, but is met with a poke to the eye by Ted DiBiase. IRS capitalises on this, performing a Write-Off on his opponent, but Rick kicks out at two. Rick gets up, incensed that Money Inc were able to gain an advantage. In panic, IRS tags in Ted DiBiase, who aims to hit Rick with a clothesline, but instead knocks his own manager, Jimmy Hart, off the ring apron. Noting that his opponent has been distracted, Rick tags in Scott, who picks up DiBiase as Rick heads to the top rope. The pair perform a Steinerizer on DiBiase, before Scott attempts the pinfall:










Tenay: We have NEW Tag Team Champions, and Money Inc are furious with Jimmy Hart!

Winners and NEW WWF World Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers by pinfall in 05:48

Rating: C+


Post-match, DiBiase and IRS argue with Jimmy Hart. 'The Mouth of the South' attempts to protest his innocence, pointing out that it was DiBiase who ducked out of the way. 'The Million Dollar Man' says that 'it's time to build a new Million Dollar Enterprise', as he turns round and performs a Million Dollar Dream on Jimmy Hart, picks up his megaphone, and smashes it over the head of IRS. Tenay and Heenan both comment on what DiBiase's new ruthless streak could mean for the World Wrestling Federation, stating that he now has to be considered one of the favourites for tonight's Royal Rumble Match.


Rating: B



We then go to a pre-taped promo hyping the Royal Rumble match with Ric Flair. Flair discusses what has been a turbulent few months for him, with him losing the WWF Championship and turning against Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan:


Flair: "These last few months will be instrumental to my success in this match, as I know that even though Bobby Heenan may have helped me in last year's match, he only ever held me back. What did I really ever achieve with him? Sure, there were successes, but they were cheated for, rather than competed for. Hogan is my friend now, not my enemy, but that still means nothing. Because when I go into the Royal Rumble match in my allocated number, which is #1, friendships go out of the window, and 'The Nature Boy' is still your jet-flying, limo-riding son of a gun, as he rolls to a second consecutive Royal Rumble win, and heads to WrestleMania, baby! WOOOOO!"


Heenan: I hope he burns in hell.


Rating: A


A hype video for the WWF Championship match, featuring such events as Razor Ramon's personal attacks on the Hart family, his introduction of the Calgary traitor, Brian Pillman, and to cap it off, Bret Hart's vow to make 'The Bad Guy' suffer. Mike Tenay tells us that match is coming up next!


Rating: B


We then go to Howard Finkel, to announce the competitors for this contest:


"This match is for the World Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Championship, and it is scheduled for one fall."


The challenger in this bout is accompanied to the ring by 'Flyin' Brian Pillman, hailing from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 287 pounds, 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon!"


Fans boo as Razor and Pillman make their way down to the ring. Razor Ramon grabs the microphone and provides his own version of the ring announcement:


Razor: And now, to hear about your champion, mang. Hailing from some sweatshop in hick-town Canadia, weighing in at not enough to measure up to the machismo himself, Chico, 'The Former Hitman', Bret Hart! (Brief pause as Razor smiles) You may be wondering why Bret isn't out here, but I can tell you. Earlier this evening, paramedics in this city of Sacramento found The Hartman lying face down in his own blood, and I would tell you that they treated him, if the paramedics in the arena were taught to actually do anything! (Chorus of boos) But, unfortunately, Bret Hart is not here, which means that I am the CHAMPION!


WWF President Jack Tunney comes down to the ring, microphone in hand. He responds to Razor's claims:


Tunney: Actually, Mr Ramon, you are not the champion. Bret Hart defended his belt 13 days ago, which means he is still champion, as injury has not forced him to vacate the belt. However, seeing as he cannot be here tonight, it is my duty to offer you a number one contenders' match against Bret's chosen opponent, with the winner to face him at the inaugural In Your House event in three weeks' time.


Razor: Bring it on, Chico!


Pillman: Yeah, bring it on, Mr President!


Tunney: Then allow me to do the honours. Here is your opponent:





The crowd goes wild, as OWEN HART, who was injured by Razor Ramon not even a month ago, makes a stunning return to the World Wrestling Federation, accompanied by none other than his father, Stu Hart, who has been on the receiving end of Razor Ramon's criticisms for weeks now. 'The Bad Guy' looks fearful, for once, as 'The Rocket' gets into the ring.


Rating: B+


Number One Contenders' Match for the WWF Championship


Razor Ramon w/ 'Flyin' Brian Pillman vs Owen Hart w/ Stu Hart


Owen uses this momentum to his advantage in the early stages of this contest, hitting Razor Ramon with numerous high-flying moves. He goes for a splash from the top rope, but is tripped up by Pillman, as Razor Ramon goes to deliver a Razor's Edge to the youngster.


Heenan: OUCH! See, Tenay, I knew this kid wasn't good enough for the big time!


Razor goes for the pinfall:






Razor then picks up Owen Hart, and launches him onto the turnbuckle, drawing visible shock from the crowd, as Owen Hart screams in pain. Brian Pillman then joins in the assault, getting in various kicks from behind, as the pair seemingly assimilate Owen. The relative rookie collapses to the mat at the end of this attack, as Razor again goes for the pin.






Tenay: Is there anything that will halt the resolve of young Owen Hart?


'The Rocket' puts this theory to the test, as Razor Ramon goes to pick him up for a Razor's Edge, only for the move to be reversed into a hurricanrana. Owen, with the crowd fully behind him, rises to his feet, only to find Brian Pillman standing in the ring with him. Pillman goes to hit Owen with an Air Pillman, only for 'The Rocket' to hit a DDT on his former friend. He then turns around, seemingly into the path of a Razor's Edge, only to knock Razor Ramon down with a clothesline. 'The Bad Guy' is down for the count, 'Flyin' Brian Pillman is down for the count, and Stu Hart gives a knowing look as Owen Hart applies the Sharpshooter! Razor Ramon tries in vain to break the hold, as he taps, making the very first In Your House main event a Hart family affair!


Winner: Owen Hart by submission in 12:00

Rating: A :D


Owen Hart is ecstatic as he is announced as the winner of this match. Looking at ringside, there are tears in the eyes of Stu Hart as he looks to his son, realising that this young man has just took down a man that almost destroyed his career and defiled the reputation of his family, and, in doing so, achieved something not even his brother, the WWF Champion, could do. Mike Tenay proclaims this a 'star-making moment' as Owen Hart takes in the crowd's cheers, bringing the first part of this Royal Rumble to a close!




(Note: The Royal Rumble will be posted on Tuesday night, so any predictions for that match are still welcome! Predictions much appreciated, thanks for watching.)

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So I guess you didn't reveal the Vigilantes leader since it's obviously not Jake ;)


To be fair, it wouldn't have been a great booking decision at the time to have the leader as Jake, as tempted as I was, given how emphatically Taker beat him at WM 8. The leader is signed at the moment, it's just a case of him debuting for the big reveal.

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Are you doing monthly PPVs in 1993? I mean, they wouldn't have started the IYHs yet, but curious if you will kick off some form of monthly earlier.


Yeah, I decided that the Big Four would be too limiting with the storylines I have planned out, so I decided to begin having the IYH events starting with February, plus it makes sense from a business perspective, as WCW had yet to tap in on the concept for another year, if I recall correctly, so it would give us a competitive advantage

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(Please Note: I had the Royal Rumble match written and planned, and ready to post, but the web document I had it on corrupted for some reason, meaning I was not able to upload the information. Rather than keep people waiting, I am going to just upload the statistics page which was to follow the match post. Thanks for your continued support


Royal Rumble Match Statistics


Match Time:




(00:00 = Entry Point)

1: Ric Flair (00:00) (45:19)

2: Randy Savage (00:00) (36:59)

3: Rick Martel (02:00) (14:48)

4: Tito Santana (04:00) (11:51)

5: Giant Gonzales (06:00) (10:39)

6: Tatanka (08:00) (12:23)

7: Papa Shango (10:00) (04:12)

8: Koko B. Ware (12:00) (00:46)

9: Diesel (14:00) (57:28) (Iron Man)

10: Ted DiBiase (16:00) (24:20)

11: Brian Knobbs (18:00) (10:27)

12: Jerry Sags (20:00) (09:10)

13: El Hijo De Santo (22:00) (10:09)

14: The Undertaker (24:00) (07:56)

15: Scott Steiner (26:00) (11:34)

16: The Kid (28:00) (22:54)

17: Lex Luger (30:00) (11:22)

18: Yokozuna (32:00) (28:05)

19: Bruce Hart (34:00) (08:46)

20: Vader (36:00) (10:16)

21: Shawn Michaels (38:00) (03:35)

22: Jake Roberts (40:00) (01:28)

23: Razor Ramon (42:00) (09:51)

24: Rick Steiner (44:00) (00:37) (Shortest Time)

25: Hulk Hogan (46:00) (25:28)

26: Brian Pillman (48:00) (05:25)

27: Bam Bam Bigelow (50:00) (04:42)

28: Jimmy Snuka (52:00) (01:33)

29: The Ultimate Warrior (54:00) (03:00)

30: Davey Boy Smith (56:00) (09:17)


Final Four:


Hulk Hogan (Time: 25:28)

Diesel (Time: 57:28)

Davey Boy Smith (Time: 09:17)

Yokozuna (Time: 28:05)


Order of Elimination:


1. Koko B Ware (Time: 12:46 by Giant Gonzales) (00:46)

2. Papa Shango (Time: 14:12 by Diesel) (04:12)

3. Tito Santana (Time: 15:51 by Rick Martel) (11:51)

4. Rick Martel (Time: 16:48 by Diesel) (12:48)

5. Tatanka (Time: 20:23 by The Nasty Boys) (12:23)n

6. Giant Gonzales (Time: 26:39 by The Undertaker) (20:39)

7. Brian Knobbs (Time: 28:27 by The Undertaker) (10:27)

8. Jerry Sags (Time: 29:10 by Diesel) (9:10)

9. The Undertaker (Time: 31:56 by Lex Luger) (07:56)

10. El Hijo De Santo (Time: 32:09 by Yokozuna) (10:09)

11. Randy Savage (Time: 36:59 by Yokozuna) (36:59)

12. Scott Steiner (Time 37:34 by Vader) (11:34)

13. Ted DiBiase (Time: 40:20 by Jake Roberts) (24:20)

14. Lex Luger (Time: 41:22 by Jake Roberts and Ric Flair) (11:22)

15. Jake Roberts (Time: 41:28 by Shawn Michaels) (01:28)

16. Shawn Michaels (Time: 41:35 by Ric Flair) (03:35)

17. Bruce Hart (Time: 42:46 by Razor Ramon) (08:46)

18. Rick Steiner (Time: 44:37 by Yokozuna)

19. Ric Flair (Time: 45:19 by Yokozuna)

20. Vader (Time: 46:16 by Hulk Hogan)

21. Razor Ramon (Time: 50:31 by The Kid) (09:51)

22. The Kid (Time: 50:54 by Diesel) (22:54)

23. Brian Pillman (53:25 by Jimmy Snuka) (05:25)

24. Jimmy Snuka (53:33 by Bam Bam Bigelow) (01:33)

25. Bam Bam Bigelow (54:42 by The Ultimate Warrior) (04:42)

26. The Ultimate Warrior (57:00 by Yokozuna) (03:00)

27. Yokozuna (60:05 by Davey Boy Smith) (28:05)

28. Davey Boy Smith (65:17 by Diesel) (09:17)

29. Diesel (71:28 by Hulk Hogan) (57:28)


Winner: Hulk Hogan (Entry Number 25)


Prediction contest scores will be on next post

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25th January 1993


Following the controversial events at last night's Royal Rumble, in which the eventual Hulk Hogan was technically eliminated by Davey Boy Smith, before the decision was overturned by officials, WWF President Jack Tunney has called together the final four in last night's match to make an important announcement. As well as this, Razor Ramon was cost both of his chances at WWF Championship success when he was defeated in a #1 contenders' match by Owen Hart, and then the Royal Rumble, where surprise package Sean 'The Kid' Waltman shockingly eliminated him. In order to defuse the situation, he has booked in a match against the young upstart. Elsewhere, the Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge continues master and protege take part in a rematch from last night, as The Memphis City Gods take on The Headshrinkers, and Jake Roberts makes his official WWF debut, taking on Money Inc's prodigal son, Irwin R. Schyster, before 'The Total Package', Lex Luger, takes on Bret 'The Hitman' Hart in a non-title match.


Jake Roberts vs Irwin R. Schyster



The Memphis City Gods vs The Headshrinkers



Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge:

Shawn Michaels vs ???



Razor Ramon vs The Kid



Non-Title Match

Lex Luger vs Bret Hart



Comments on Royal Rumble/dynasty in general:

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Jake Roberts vs Irwin R. Schyster

Comments: Introducing him strong.


The Memphis City Gods vs The Headshrinkers

Comments:Looking forward to this story... I wonder if there will be a feud down the line between Brian Christopher and RVD.


Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge:

Shawn Michaels vs ???

Comments: Shawn Michaels with the IC title vs. my Brian Pillman with the TV title for longer streak... go!


Razor Ramon vs The Kid

Comments: My gut is telling me that The Kid will win, but it won't be here... yet.


Non-Title Match

Lex Luger vs Bret Hart

Comments: Some sort of shenanigans is preventing a winner for this one.


Comments on Royal Rumble/dynasty in general:

A lot of really interesting threads here. Looking forward to where it goes.

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Monday Night RAW, 25th January 1993


Monday Night Raw

25th January 1993


Oracle Arena, Oakland, California

Attendance: 18,780


Announcers: Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan


The announcers welcome us to Monday Night Raw, after what proved to be a truly legendary Royal Rumble event! McMahon tells us that stars were made, as seen by Owen Hart becoming number one contender to the WWF Championship, The Kid surprisingly eliminating Razor Ramon, and Diesel's record breaking iron man display, only for him to fall agonisingly short to Hulk Hogan, who cemented his legacy with a third Rumble victory, amidst controversy, as he appeared to have been eliminated by Randy Savage earlier in the match, only for the decision to be reversed and Yokozuna to eliminate Savage. They also note that WWF President, Jack Tunney, has called a press conference in an attempt to rectify the situation. Heenan then refers to Shawn Michaels' "win against all odds", after the 'traitorous harlot' Sherri Martel attacked him with a chair, saying that his open challenge opponent tonight will have a tough challenge on their hands, as Michaels and Diesel arrive in the ring.

Rating: B


Michaels: "Last night should've been a great night for 'The Heartbreak Kid' and 'Big Daddy Cool'. In both of our matches last night, we put on legendary shows, achieved legendary feats. I should've single-handedly taken down the 'stuck-in-the-1980s' Marty Jannetty, and Diesel should've been able to defeat Hulk Hogan and stick it to the 'old generation'. But TWO despicable actions, yes, TWO despicable actions, took that away from me. First of all, I'll address 'Unsensational' Sherri Martel. Sherri, I don't know why you hit me, your own client, with a steel chair, for a man who cares more about pleasing the fans than pleasing the ladies, but I suppose you had your reasons. Well, you better had, because I'm gonna call you out, come on Sherri!"


Sherri arrives in the ring, wearing a visible neck brace following the attack by Diesel tonight, to cheers, for a change. She gives Shawn a cold-faced stare and begins to speak:


Sherri: "You know, Shawn, I've worked out that you like to exaggerate. You can't single-handedly beat Marty, you can't do that with anybody, you need your jacked-up henchman to finish the job for you. Also, I turned my back on you for one reason: you lost morals. Morals sure don't mean anything to you when you pick up your cheque at the end of the week, cause that's all you do, isn't it, Shawn? And I am sick and tired of your attitude to life and your disrespect of other, more hard-working, more decent, and more technical wrestlers than you will ever be. But you outdid yourself, you got your seven-foot freak over there to take me down, cause you weren't man enough, and look at me now, is this the type of life you really want, Shawn? Come back to us, Marty would take you back in a heartbeat-"


Shawn: "Sherri, Sherri, shut up! Lemme spell it out for you, for Jim Jones in the street, and even for that rockin' idiot Marty Jannetty: THE....ROCKERS....ARE...DEAD! Deal with it, Sherri, cause I'm gonna spell something else out for you. You think you can be my manager and do that to me, the Showstopper, The Heartbreak Kid? Well, no, you can't, because you are F-I-R-E-D!! That's right, get outta my ring, you traitor. (Sherri leaves in tears) So, where was I? Oh, yes, the Rumble match. Look at this specimen alongside me, this beast of a man, Diesel! Where I failed, he was to succeed, and it all looked so promising, until that jezebel Hulk Hogan managed to do some politicking backstage and managed to win the damn thing, despite the fact that his feet touched the mat. Now, if I wasn't the Intercontinental Champion anymore, we'd care about this, but, unfortunately-"


Diesel snatches the microphone, with a furious glint in his eye, he protests the actions of last night.


Diesel: "Now, YOU LISTEN TO ME, HOGAN! Last night, I had it all going for me, my name in lights. The iron man of the Royal Rumble, the most eliminations, I was a STAR! But, you, yes, Hogan, YOU, had to do what you always do, and put your goddamn self first! Don't lie, Hogan, I've heard the stories. How you never faced Piper in a serious match without your buddies being there, so you'd not get beat, how you dropped the title, instead of offering DiBiase a shot at it. And, most importantly, you deprived fans of the greatest match in history, by fighting The Undertaker instead! That's right, Hogan, I know what you are, a liar, a thief, and a MOMENT-STEALER! And tonight, let it be known that I EXPECT Jack Tunney to give me what I want, because if he, and the rest of his imaginary friends in the World Wrestling Federation Committee don't punish Hogan, they better get ready to feel DIESEL POWER! Now, let's see who cares about their opportunities, go ahead, Shawn!"


Diesel slams down the microphone, and storms off backstage, leaving Shawn Michaels to face his opponent in the open challenge alone for the second consecutive night.

Rating: B-





McMahon: Well, there's certainly a few 'maggots' who will be sent delirious with this choice, SERGEANT SLAUGHTER is here, ladies and gentleman.


Slaughter enters the ring to a mixed reaction. He too has a microphone, and gets in Shawn Michaels' face, before speaking:


Slaughter: "Listen up, all you ungrateful maggots! I fought for this country, I fought for all of you, and what did you do for me? What did you do for me? Nothing! I went out, became a star, was on GI Joe, and still, you dumbass American slobs boo and jeer me for doing what's right for me. And you know something? I'm not out here to fight this Heartbreak Kid for the American good, for the 'good old US of A', I'm out here to have a wrestling contest with a man I admire for looking out for no one but himself, and we're gonna steal the show, just so we can rub it in your faces!"


The crowd heavily boo both men, as the match begins:

Rating: C+


Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge:

Shawn Michaels © vs Sergeant Slaughter


As much as Sgt. Slaughter liked to talk the talk before the match, he certainly couldn't walk the walk. The 44-year old former WWF Champion was tore apart by Shawn Michaels, with him getting very little offence in, besides an attempted cobra clutch in the early stages of the match. Michaels saw that Slaughter was suffering, and in a rare moment of mercy, finished his opponent off in 06:18 with a top rope splash, followed by a pinfall.

Rating: C

(Notes: Sergeant Slaughter was slightly off his game tonight.)


Post-match, Michaels and Slaughter shake hands, the veteran having been outclassed in every department by his younger counterpart. However, as the pair go to leave the ring, Marty Jannetty comes down the aisle, armed with a steel chair! He aims for Sgt. Slaughter, nailing him with a shot to the stomach, however, he doesn't see Shawn Michaels behind him, ready to deliver a Sweet Chin Music! Michaels then helps Slaughter up, and the pair furiously attack Jannetty, as Raw goes to a commercial break.

Rating: C+


We then go to a pre-taped interview with Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, who returned triumphantly at last night's Royal Rumble, offering the olive branch of peace to his former foe, The Undertaker. Gene Okerlund asked Roberts if he thought The Deadman really trusted him. Roberts' reply was one of articulation and mystery, showing that he was still the same 'Snake' the fans knew and loved:


Roberts: "Does The Undertaker trust me? That, I do not believe. For when a man is subjected to the treatment of a corpse, something is unleashed within him. A dark, looming ghost that can only be manifested in the form of a ice-cold monster. That is all I can see from The Undertaker, but he can be saved. For I know the man behind the suit and gloves to be a gentle giant, a man who has more dignity and honour than any of these Vigilantes, who parade in their little masks and their little suits, and think they're the 'stuff'. Well, gentleman, I have news for you, The Undertaker may not like it, but he has support in the most deranged of places. And when The Deadman is ready to accept that, let him know that I'll be waiting in the wings, waiting for my prodigal son to return home. Trust me...I'd never lie to you."

Rating: B+



Vince McMahon then informs us that Jake Roberts is making his WWF debut against Irwin R. Schyster, a man who last night was betrayed by Ted DiBiase, following their defeat and loss of the WWF World Tag Team Championships to The Steiner Brothers. We then go to the ring, for this match:


Jake 'The Snake' Roberts vs Irwin R. Schyster


Schyster was without his traditional suit and briefcase for this match, instead coming to the ring in a tatty leather jacket and a torn pair of jeans. This new dress code appeared to have an adverse impact on IRS' performance, as he took it to the 'Snake', making it a harder contest for him than expected. Schyster kept stealing Roberts' moves in order to gain an advantage, already unsettling Roberts' usually strong mental state. IRS was able to gain enough momentum to hit a DDT on his opponent, but Roberts reversed the move into a stunner, before performing a underhook DDT. Schyster would've been expected to be down for the count after this move, but instead rapidly rose to his feet, and left the ring. He then picked up a kendo stick at ringside, got back into the ring, and pummelled Roberts with it, leading to an illegal object disqualification in 08:53.

Rating: B


Post-match, Schyster continues his beatdown on Roberts, reducing him to a bloody mess, much to the horror of fans at ringside. He gives 'The Snake' enough legroom to escape the ring and limp to the back, before grabbing a microphone, to a chorus of deafening jeers. Schyster speaks, in a much more psychotic tone than previously:


IRS: "What's wrong, Jakey? Am I too much for you? Is this pleasant little taxman, who wouldn't hurt a fly, too much for the Big Bad Viper? Well, that's great for you, Mr Roberts, because, I know who I am now! I know I'm not a former audit for the IRS, I know I ain't some million dollar heir to the rich man's palace, I know that I am nothing but a social outcast. A misfit, if you will! And I'm angry at your society, your educated, rich man, society and its intoxication with success! Because all my life, I've had to fight for what I've earned. I've done horrible, unspeakable things, I've toiled to escape my past, in order to B-B-BE LIKE YOU! But I know now, that I've only been ignoring who I am all this time, a common man, a common psychopath by oath! So don't pretend you care about me, don't pretend you're concerned about my 'mental state', like all those crooks I saw as a boy! I know you don't care about me, the social misfit, because I am 'The Maniac', Irwin Richard Foley, and I'M GONNA TELL YOU A LITTLE STORY!"


The newly-christened Irwin Foley cooly slips out of the ring, clearly pleased with the commotion he has caused.

Rating: B-

(Note: Irwin Foley has debuted a split personality gimmick, it rated as a 92!)


Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan, on the back of that bombshell, begin to discuss the events of last night's Royal Rumble, where Gorilla Monsoon finally had enough of Bobby Heenan's jibes, and stormed out of the arena, since when he has not been seen. Heenan says that Gorilla's "being unreasonable" and "needs to realise who got him the commentary job in the first place", before a shouting fan at ringside begins going berserk at him. Heenan turns around and tells the fan to "knock it off, knucklehead", but is met with the sight of Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, who has some truths to tell Heenan:


Ventura: "You wanna know something, Heenan, you scatter-brained weasel? Gorilla Monsoon may be many things, but a bad man he is not. And the fact that you drove him near-enough to insanity, only to say he's the unreasonable one. You're unacceptable, Heenan! Face up to the facts, or someone will have to make you!"


'The Body' jumps the barrier and attempts to attack Heenan, but is dragged away from him by security before he can do any real damage. As Ventura is led away, Heenan regains his voice, telling Jesse that "he's not a real man" and that "Gorilla would not approve of your heinous, unprovoked action", as we head to a commercial break.

When we return, WWF President, Jack Tunney, is in the ring. He addresses the WWF faithful:


Tunney: "Hello, ladies and gentleman, and welcome to Monday Night Raw, I hope you've enjoyed your evening thus far. I am here to discuss a matter that is of grave importance to the committee in charge of the World Wrestling Federation. Last night, at Royal Rumble '93, Hulk Hogan stormed to a third successive win in the main event, the 30-man Royal Rumble match. However, he appeared to have been eliminated by Randy Savage, only for the decision to be overturned, leading to Savage's elimination by Yokozuna. As a result, I would like to ask the following men to head out to the ring: Mr Fuji and his client, 'The Mighty' Yokozuna, Mr. David Hart Smith, better known to WWF fans as Davey Boy Smith, Mr. Kevin 'Diesel' Nash, Mr. Hulk Hogan, and Mr. Randall Poffo Savage.


The men in question head down to the ring. Fuji and Yokozuna look quietly confident, whilst still annoyed that Hogan won the Rumble, Davey Boy Smith takes in the fans' cheers as he walks down the aisle, Diesel looks determined to get his chosen outcome, Hogan looks genuinely worried, much to the delight of Mr Fuji and Bobby Heenan, and Savage stares at Hogan during the long walk down to the ring. Hogan is the first to speak:


Hogan: Last night, Randy, brother, I didn't know-


Savage: You didn't know? You didn't KNOW? Of course you knew, Hogan! You knew that you'd lost and you couldn't take it, so you took my moment, you took the cream of the crop, and made it hit rock bottom like you should've done!


Diesel: You're a very lucky man, Hogan! If President Tunney wasn't out here, I'd give you a PIECE OF DIESEL POWER!


Hogan: Go ahead, brother, Jack Tunney ain't stopping you-


Tunney: Now, now, gentleman, let's be reasonable. Firstly, Hogan, your actions last night were purely unacceptable. Your feet clearly touched the ground, and you knew it, yet you protested to an unsuspecting Earl Hebner, and the man believed you! As a result, I have no choice but to strip you of your automatic right to main event WrestleMania IX.


Savage: OOH, YEAH! Does this mean I get the shot?


Tunney: Let me speak, Mr. Savage. As you know, in four weeks' time, we have the inaugural In Your House pay-per-view, a new monthly PPV concept at low-cost prices, sponsored by Pepsi. And I have three other men worthy of that title shot, who will automatically entered into that match, who were the other three members of the final quartet in the Royal Rumble match.


Smith, Yokozuna and Diesel all celebrate, much to Hogan and Savage's chagrin.


Tunney: "However, I can't ignore your pleas, and I can't leave Hogan without giving him a chance to regain his position in that match. So, I have a proposition for you both: in the first match of that In Your House event, Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage will face off, one-on-one, for a place in the four-way dance main event. Whoever wins that four-way match, will face the winner of Bret Hart vs Owen Hart at WrestleMania IX!


The commentary team go ballistic at the announcement of the main event, as the competitors all leave the ring, with Hogan and Savage even sharing a reluctant handshake.

Rating: B+


When we return, Vince McMahon reminds us of the main shock at Royal Rumble '93, where the young rookie, The Kid, managed to eliminate 'The Bad Guy', Razor Ramon. Following that match, Razor Ramon had some choice words for The Kid, who he will be facing tonight:


Razor: "Last night, you had your moment, kid. You eliminated 'The Bad Guy' from the Rumble, but, mang, you didn't win it either, so it means nothing, and you don't need to be so happy about it. I can't wait to get in that ring with you, and crush that over-excited attitude of yours when I hit you with the Razor's Edge. And you can't stop me, mang."


Razor Ramon vs The Kid


Razor Ramon dominated this one, with it appearing like a typical squash match, as 'The Bad Guy' hit The Kid with a variety of powerful moves. Eventually, it looked as if Razor had won the contest with a Razor's Edge, but The Kid reversed the move into a rollup win, for another shock victory.

Rating: C


Post-match, The Kid is ecstatic. He runs around the ring, jumping with joy, as he takes in the fans' adulations, until he is met by Razor Ramon. 'The Bad Guy' picks him up and hits him with a Razor's Edge, leaving the rookie in a pile in the middle of the ring, as boos ring out in the arena at 'The Bad Guy'.

Rating: C+


When we return from a commercial break, The Memphis City Gods are in the ring. Rob Van Dam introduces himself:


RVD: "For those of you common peasants who couldn't afford to take out Royal Rumble '93 on pay-per-view, allow me, myself and I to introduce myself! I am your saviour, your favourite superstar in THE WORLD TODAY, THE MASTER OF THE FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH, THE GREATEST MARTIAL ARTIST WHO EVER LIVED, THE HEIR TO THE ROYAL THRONE OF THE GREATEST WRESTLER OF ALL TIME, JERRY 'THE KING' LAWLER, and most of all, MOST-OF-ALL, THE ONE, THE ONLY, MR. MONDAY NIGHT HIMSELF, ROB VAN DAM!!! Yeah!"


Lawler: "And his partner, the one man in Oakland, barring Mr. Rob Van Dam, who can tie his own shoelaces, Jerry 'The King' Lawler!"


RVD : "Hey, Jerry, stop stealing my moment! Cause we both know that 'The Headsuckers' only got this rematch in order to learn how to actually wrestle, which means that the R and the V and the D, as well as Jerry Lawler, will have to show 'em how it rocks in Memphis! Now, BRING ON THE SAVAGES!!!"


Two obese Samoan-looking men run down to the ring, dressed in a set of rags. Jerry and RVD laugh at them:


Jerry: And I thought Oakland's women were bad, ha-ha-ha!

Rating: C


The Memphis City Gods (Jerry Lawler and Rob Van Dam) vs 'The Headshrinkers' (Sumo and Fata)


The Headshrinkers' replacements weren't gifted with wrestling ability like their counterparts, struggling to even hit a single successful move. This then meant that Lawler was able to take 'Sumo' down with a piledriver in just 00:30, putting his foot on the Samoan for the pinfall.

Rating: D-


Post-match, The Memphis City Gods mockingly celebrate, wiping 'sweat' off their foreheads and 'catching' their breath. However, they quickly get a shock when the real Headshrinkers show up, attacking the pair, giving them barely enough time to escape the ring scot-free.

Rating: C-


Before we head towards tonight's main event, a hype video is played for the inaugural episode of WWF Lucha, just 15 days away! Talents such as Jake Roberts, Eddie Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon and Jushin Liger are displayed as appearing, with many other possible shocks to occur throughout the night!

Rating: B-


We then go to ringside, where Owen Hart has accompanied his brother, and In Your House opponent, Bret, to his match with last night's debutant, Lex Luger. McMahon briefly discusses the possible impact of the brothers' fight on their relationship.

Rating: B


Non-Title Match:

Lex Luger vs Bret Hart w/ Owen Hart


This match was a even encounter, with neither man being able to work out the other's strengths. However, both did try to, leading to a very clinical affair. Owen Hart did intervene occasionally, if only to ward off any signs of Luger cheating. Eventually, it took an interference to bring the match to a close after 14:27, when Brian Pillman ran down to the ring, attacking Bret.

Rating: B+

Post-match, the Hart brothers help each other back to ringside, as Pillman gloats about his small victory. He asks Luger to stay in the ring, and grabs a microphone:


Pillman: "Well, well, well, looks like us southern boys challenged the status quo, huh? There's no need to beat around the bush, Hart-Man, we're not here for a game of charades. Me, this man and Razor Ramon have came to the World Wrestling Federation with one goal in mind: to ensure the downfall of that tough son, and corrupted trainer, Stu Hart. That's right, Stu, I remember the torture you put me through, it didn't help me, man, just left me more bruised and beaten than I'd ever been, and Stu, Stu, Stu, what sort of man lets his kids suffer at the hands of evil men, crooked men, spineless men? Oh, wait, that's right, they already got that in the family home. You see, Harts, I've stayed quiet on why I took Razor's money and ran, but there's one reason me, him, Lex, we're all against you for one reason: we're causing your downfall. Oh, and one last thing, boys, you may think you're safe fighting one another, but we've been to see Jack Tunney, and you won't be as nice to each other when there's Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Lex Luger and Brian Pillman in the ring, at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance, for the WWF World Championship! Good luck, fellas, you're gonna need it!"


Brian Pillman smirks as Bret and Owen stand in the aisle, motioning for the pair in the ring to bring it on, as RAW draws to a close.

Rating: B




Final Show Rating: B


Prediction Scores:


scarletspeed7 = 3/5

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WWF In Your House: The Four-Way Dance

21st February 1993

Confirmed Matches (subject to change)


WWF Championship Shot At WrestleMania IX

Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage vs Yokozuna vs Diesel vs Davey Boy Smith


WWF Championship Fatal Four Way Match:

Bret Hart © vs Owen Hart vs Brian Pillman vs Lex Luger


Place In The Title Shot Main Event

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage

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Monday Night Raw Prediction Card, 2/1/1993



1st February 1993


Following last week's stunning events, a number of matches have been booked for In Your House: The Four-Way Dance. The Headshrinkers and The Memphis City Gods will face off with one another in a rematch from Royal Rumble '93, whereas Jake Roberts and the newly-christened Irwin Richard Foley will settle their brief score once and for all, following "The Maniac" melting down publicly last week. As for this week's action, Brian Pillman continues to hound out the Hart family, enlisting the help of his friend, and Owen Hart's opponent eight days ago, Razor Ramon, to take on WWF Champion Bret Hart in a handicap main event. The Headshrinkers will get a chance to prove their worth to The Memphis City Gods when they face off with Tito Santana and his makeshift tag team partner, Crush. Elsewhere, The Kid gets a chance to continue his run of good form when he takes on Sergeant Slaughter, and Shawn Michaels continues his Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge


Confirmed card for Monday Night Raw:


Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge

Shawn Michaels © vs ???

The Headshrinkers vs Crush and Tito Santana

Sergeant Slaughter vs The Kid

Bret Hart vs Brian Pillman and Razor Ramon


Bonus Questions:


1: Who will accept Shawn Michaels' Open Challenge?

2: Piper's Pit makes a return this week. Who are its first guests?

3: Who will Ted DiBiase recruit to his 'Million Dollar Enterprise'? (Another bonus point if you name the person he fails to recruit as well)

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Shawn Michaels © vs ???

It continues yet again.

The Headshrinkers vs Crush and Tito Santana

Tito's on his way out soon and I HOPE Crush is too.

Sergeant Slaughter vs The Kid

After that amazing set of Razor defeats, ain't no stopping him now!

Bret Hart vs Brian Pillman and Razor Ramon

Handicap loss will kill their momentum.


Bonus Questions:


1: Who will accept Shawn Michaels' Open Challenge?

Papa Shango, although you just never know with this diary!

2: Piper's Pit makes a return this week. Who are its first guests?

I would go with Hogan and Savage.

3: Who will Ted DiBiase recruit to his 'Million Dollar Enterprise'? (Another bonus point if you name the person he fails to recruit as well)

Success: Rick Martel; Failure: The Steiner Brothers

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Monday Night Raw

1st February 1993


New Haven Coliseum, Connecticut

Attendance: 11,266

Announcers: Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan


Pyrotechnics go off as Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the 'Homecoming' edition of Monday Night Raw, straight from the New Haven Coliseum, not 10 minutes away from Titan Towers, the headquarters of the World Wrestling Federation! And what a show we have in store tonight, McMahon tells us, as Shawn Michaels, The Headshrinkers, and Sergeant Slaughter are all in action. Bobby Heenan then says he can't wait to see Bret Hart destroyed in the main event, as he takes on Razor Ramon and Brian Pillman in a handicap match, in the run-in to In Your House: The Four-Way Dance.


Rating: B-

"Everybody's Got A Price" brings out Ted DiBiase, to a particularly rabid crowd, who boo him out of the arena. DiBiase simply smirks and walks into the ring, where Howard Finkel is announcing him. He hands over a $100 note to Finkel, who vacates the ring.


DiBiase: Last week, at Royal Rumble '93, my plan came to fruition. After two years of being held back, beat down and made a fool out of, I finally managed to break my ties with the "Loudmouth of The South" and Irwin R. Schyster, that's right, I'm calling him that name, because his Foley shtick doesn't wash with me. It's plain to see, the man's had a breakdown, ad I can't have him ruining my "Million Dollar Enterprise". That's why I've taken to recruiting new men to lead me onwards to the next step: ultimate success in the World Wrestling Federation. In order to do this, I need a motivational speaker, a man who can tell a thousand stories with just a couple of words. I'd like to ask Jake 'The Snake' Roberts to come out here.


Roberts comes out, with an angered look on his face. McMahon recalls that these two had a particularly thrilling feud three years ago, which culminated at WrestleMania VI, where DiBiase defeated Roberts by countout. Roberts enters the ring and begins trashing DiBiase:


Roberts: You ask me to come out here, and join your crusade against the company that employs me and keeps me in good nick? You seriously believe that your financial grip will sway me away from the light, when I have been in the dark for so long? I have news for you, DiBiase. I agreed to remain at The Undertaker's side, through thick and thin, and none of your blood money will stop that.


DiBiase: The Undertaker? (laughs) You do realise that he only arrived in the WWF because of ME? That man can be swayed by my hand at any time, Jake. Join me, both of you, and our enterprise will be ultimately successful.


Roberts: Your enterprise involves one thing, DiBiase. Cheating, a deed I have grown accustomed to, but I now shun, leaving it in the dark like a lost soul with no home to return to. And I will not betray my new found freedom for your so-called prices. My answer is simple, Ted: No!


DiBiase:I thought you might say that, Jake, which is why I prepared this-


DiBiase hits Jake Roberts with a Million Dollar Dream! He then begins kicking at 'The Snake', leaving him writhing on the floor in pain.




McMahon: THE UNDERTAKER IS HERE, ladies and gentlemen. And he looks determined to wipe the smug smile off the face of Ted DiBiase.


'The Deadman' gets in the ring, and stands face to face with DiBiase:


Undertaker: Leave...him...alone...or...rest...in...peace...[/b


The Undertaker grabs DiBiase and prepares to hit a chokeslam, but out of nowhere, he is attacked with a stick by PAPA SHANGO . Without his urn, The Undertaker is defenceless, and falls to the floor in agony, as DiBiase brushes off his suit.


DiBiase: Every enterprise requires a 'spin doctor', Undertaker! Ha-Ha-Ha!


Rating: B

We then go to a hype video for the Steiner Brothers. Vince McMahon informs us that we will witness their WWF World Tag Team Championship celebration ceremony, later tonight, before returning back to the action for the first match of the evening.


Rating: C+


The Headshrinkers vs Crush and Tito Santana


The makeshift team of Crush and Santana was there for no other reason than to make The Headshrinkers look good, and that they successfully did, being easily defeated in 04:37 with a Samoan Drop by Samu, leading to the pinfall.


Rating: C


Post-match, The Headshrinkers grab the microphones, they address The Memphis City Gods:


Fatu: Lawler, Van Dam, what you did last week defiled the good name of The Samoan Dynasty. We are not your ordinary savages, we live among you, we fight against you, but one thing we need to have in common with the Samoan legends of the past is that we require that Samoan pride and spirit!


Samu: That's why we're gonna get some backup at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance! In our corner, we will have the two-time WWF Tag Team Champions, Afa and Sika, the Wild Samoans! And you two loudmouth idiots will have to face THE MUSIC!


Rating: C-

When we return from the commercial break, Shawn Michaels, Diesel and Sergeant Slaughter are in the ring. Slaughter grabs the mic:


Slaughter: Last week, the two-faced maggot Marty Jannetty stormed this ring and hit me right where it hurt! And I'm not standing for it. Jannetty, you weak-willed freak, me and my friend are gonna challenge you with a proposition for In Your House! Us and three of our men, versus you, and four of yours, in a five-man elimination match.


Michaels: And one more thing, Marty, 'buddy', if you can manage to actually beat us, even if it is impossible, I'll give you another shot at this gold at WrestleMania IX! If you lose, you leave the World Wrestling Federation, never to return! Now that's out of the way, I await my challenger:



Diesel immediately has a furious look on his face, as Shawn Michaels' challenger is none other than DAVEY BOY SMITH. Shawn Michaels looks slightly worried, as 'The British Bulldog' has not competed in the WWF, barring the Royal Rumble, since Michaels defeated him for the Intercontinental Championship in October 1992. Sergeant Slaughter tells Michaels to "go get him, kid", as the match begins.


Rating: B-


Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge:

Shawn Michaels © w/ Sergeant Slaughter and Diesel vs Davey Boy Smith


Vince McMahon hypes this match as a contest between two potential future world champions, as Davey Boy dominates the early stages of the contest, delivering suplex after suplex to 'The Heartbreak Kid'. Despite their obvious differences in terms of wrestling style, the pair manage to pull off a great match, as Michaels rallies back into the contest, with McMahon noting that he is the underdog for once. 'The British Bulldog' taunts Diesel numerous times during the contest, which provokes Diesel into attacking Davey Boy Smith, resulting in a DQ finish after 14:52.


Rating: B


Post-match, Diesel, Michaels and Slaughter begin to attack their fallen opponent, before Marty Jannetty interferes, sending Shawn Michaels flying out of the ring with a clothesline. Jannetty then grabs a microphone and accepts the challenge of Slaughter, as McMahon announces that we now have six matches scheduled for the very first In Your House event.


Rating: C+

When we return from a commercial break, Rick and Scott Steiner are in the ring, for their WWF Tag Team Championship ceremony. There is a buffet set out in the ring, and it is matted with a red carpet. Scott speaks:


Scott: I think I speak for all my peaks and freaks when I say that we duly kicked Money Inc's keister last week. And we couldn't have done without the WWF fans, who've been great to us since we arrived here.


Rick: The Dog-Faced Gremlin and The Genetic Freak are ready to kick some ass for you all, and we are gonna do Steiner-style. BITE ME, BITE ME!


Scott: So, I note that we ain't got any challengers for our belts, which is too bad, cause we wanna hand it to some people round here who think they run the damn place! That's right, we're talking 'bout those damn Vigilantes, in their little masks, and their crappy little boiler suits, thinking they're Super Mario Burglars! That's why we're challenging any two of their members to enter the ring with the most dominantant tag team in wrestling today at In Your Hou-


The arena goes black, there are numerous murmurs from the crowd, as we hear the words, "WE ARE COMING. THE VIGILANTES ARE COMING." When the lights come back on, two Vigilantes are in the ring, with The Steiner Brothers unconscious, the victim of a bloodbath attack. The first Vigilante talks, in a classic Ole Anderson voice:




The Masked Vigilantes leave the ring, to a chorus of boos, as paramedics tend to The Steiner Brothers.


Rating: B+

We then go to Piper's Pit, with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. 'Hotrod' is wearing a neck brace as a result of Shawn Michaels' attack on him three weeks ago.


Piper: Hello, and welcome to the first edition of Piper's Pit, with me, Roddy Piper! Tonight, I've got two guests with me, who know all about winning titles, and they're gonna get another chance to do that on Sunday night, when they face off, one-on-one, for a chance to be in the Number One Contenders' Main Event! Please welcome, "Macho Man" Randy Savage and "The Immortal", Hulk Hogan!


Hogan and Savage enter together, shaking hands with one another. Piper confronts the pair:


Piper: Jeez, you two really are pally these days, huh?


Hogan: You wanna know something, Hotrod, brother? Me and Savage may have had our problems in the past, but The Mega-Powers are back together again, and you won't find a substitute!


Piper: Randy, just last week, you appeared infuriated at Hogan, when he denied you of the chance to main event WrestleMania IX. What's with the sudden change in attitude?


Savage: You see, Piper, I know that I'm still in with a shot at facing Bret Hart at WrestleMania IX, and that means that I don't need to fret. Me and Hogan are fine.


Piper: But what about all the things that were said? How Hogan stabbed you in the back repeatedly, took your woman, how he's always held you down? I may not hate Hogan anymore, but I don't like him either, and he's gonna keep holding you down, Randy, unless you step up and confront him.


Hogan: That's not fair, Piper, brother-


Savage: NOT FAIR? Not fair? I'll tell you what's not fair, Hogan, you! I've been in this business a long time, and I have never defeated YOU, because you only ever gave me one shot. All that time at the top, and you couldn't help your old friend Macho! Mark my words, Hogan, at In Your House, I will punish you! OOH YEAH!!


Piper slips off, clearly happy with the trouble he has caused. Hogan and Savage stare off as Raw heads to a commercial break.


Rating: A

Sergeant Slaughter vs The Kid


Following Marty Jannetty's attack earlier this evening, Sergeant Slaughter looked greatly out-of-shape. The Kid was able to exploit this weakness, defeating the veteran in 06:01 with a rollup pin, when Slaughter was distracted by Jannetty.


Rating: D


Post-match, Marty Jannetty comes down to the ring. Sergeant Slaughter looks visibly angry. Jannetty grabs a microphone:


Jannetty: Did you enjoy eating that pin, Slaughter? Cause you've got plenty more to come at In Your House!




Jannetty: Whoa, whoa, save the fighting for three weeks' time, and say hello to the second member of my team, The Kid!


The Kid jumps up in celebration, clearly upsetting Sergeant Slaughter. Shawn Michaels then comes out and walks down to the aisle, much to the annoyance of Jannetty.


Michaels: You know, Marty, it's funny that you should announce your second member, because we're about to announce the third member of 'The Heartbreak Army'. He's a recent debutant in the World Wrestling Federation, he's challenged for the WWF Championship, he's 'The Bad Guy', RAZOR RAMON!


Razor Ramon runs down the aisle and joins Slaughter and Michaels, as they attack Marty Jannetty. The Kid attempts to stop them, but is hit with a Razor's Edge, leaving the two members of Team Jannetty on the floor, as The Heartbreak Army gains the initial advantage in this feud.


Rating: C+

Before we go to the last match of the evening, a pre-taped vignette is aired. We initially see a darkly lit room, with eerie organ music playing in the background. The lights flicker on, to reveal what appears to be a mental facility, and none other than Irwin Richard Foley is present:


Irwin: I had it all. Job with the IRS, the WWF Tag Team Championship, part of the strongest team in WWF history, it was all mine. For the first time in my life, I was not judged. I was not made to feel like a social outcast. But you had to spoil it, Jake. HE was looking at you for years, saying you were the man to form an alliance with, I realise that now. Your arrival resulted in "him" hurting "me". HIM betraying ME. HIM leaving ME to pick up the places. But I don't abhor you, Jake. You did what you had to, to secure tribal control. But you won't be a lucky man, Mr. Roberts, because you did a bad thing. You turned HIM down. HE is angry, HE is furious, furious that the man HE handpicked disobeyed, like a prodigal son trying to escape the fray. HE is an evil man, a despicable man, a vengeful man. HE will have HIS revenge, Jake, and so will I. I am Irwin Richard Foley, and YOU DON'T KNOW MY STORY!


The commentators discuss who "HE" could be, Heenan says it's obvious he's talking about-


The camera cuts out..


We go to a familiar setting..


The set of the former Body Shop...


Ventura : Bobby, you turned Gorilla away. The one man who believed in you, no matter how much you drove him crazy, now gone forever. But he's left a weasel, a weak man behind. I blamed you until recently. But I now know that your fate's out of your hands, it's part of a wider...scheme-


The camera goes back to Heenan and McMahon. Heenan simply laughs off the clip, but is white as a sheet. We then go back to the ring for tonight's main event.


Rating: B

Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon and Brian Pillman


The Bad Guy and Pillman initially have trouble breaking Bret to pieces, as 'The Hitman' regains his composure throughout. Pillman had several chances of winning the match, but chose to hurt Bret rather than consolidate the victory, which then cost him the match after 11:09, when Owen Hart arrived in the aisle, dressed in Pillman's ring gear, allowing Bret to get a rollup pinfall win.


Rating: B


Post-match, Pillman is furious. Security hold him back from running down the aisle, as Owen Hart goads his opponent:


Owen: Just look at you, you're furious! (Laughs) You should've see the look on your face. But this just proves something, Brian. You say me and my brother have our eye off the ball, but you're an even bigger culprit at doing this. Everything you said about us being distracted by family ties, by our morals, you're wrong. We're totally focused, Pillman. Focusing on annihilating you and that bodybuilding freak you call an ally. Oh, wait, he's not here, is he? Too busy fulfilling other commitments with his 'doctor', I see. Well, he's not here, Brian, and you're all alone. Which means that you don't have anyone to help you.




Owen: I wish you luck with that, but who's really gonna help you? Razor? Too busy helping his Heartbreak Army buddies. Flair? Last time I checked, he was on OUR side. Lex? Don't make me laugh, as soon as he enters that ring, he's going for one thing, and one thing only, and he won't care who he has to beat to get it. That means that in three weeks' time, it's every man for himself. Which then means that in three weeks, there won't be anybody to stop me from hurting you, Pillman. Good luck, Brian!


Pillman has a deranged look in his eye, as security direct him away from the aisle. Owen and Bret Hart simply smile, as Raw draws to a close.


Rating: A*


Final Show Rating: B




Prediction Contest


scarletspeed7: 6/9

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WWF In Your House: The Four-Way Dance

21st February 1993

Confirmed Matches (subject to change)


WWF Championship Shot At WrestleMania IX

Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage vs Yokozuna vs Diesel vs Davey Boy Smith


WWF Championship Fatal Four Way Match:

Bret Hart © vs Owen Hart vs Brian Pillman vs Lex Luger


Place In The Title Shot Main Event

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage


WWF Tag Team Championship

The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs The Masked Vigilantes (??? and ???)


Title Shot vs WWF Contract

The Heartbreak Army (Shawn Michaels, Sergeant Slaughter, Razor Ramon, ??? and ???) vs Marty Jannetty's Team (Marty Jannetty, The Kid, ???, ??? and ???)


Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships

The Memphis City Gods (Jerry Lawler and Rob Van Dam) vs The Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu)


Jake Roberts vs Irwin Richard Foley

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Prediction Cards for RAW and Debut of Lucha


Monday Night Raw:


Shawn Michaels and Sergeant Slaughter vs 3rd and 4th Members of Team Jannetty

The Masked Vigilantes vs The Smoking Gunns

Irwin Richard Foley vs PJ Walker

Yokozuna, Adam Bomb and Giant Gonzales vs Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Davey Boy Smith


1: Who are the third and fourth members of Team Jannetty?

2: What will Irwin Richard Foley reveal to Jake Roberts?

3: Lex Luger and Owen Hart compete in a pose-down on Piper's Pit tonight. What will happen?

4: Who will be revealed as the manager of the Masked Vigilantes?


WWF Lucha

American Showcase:

Dean Malenko vs Chris Jericho

Mexican Showcase

El Hijo De Santo and Rey Mysterio vs Los Nuevos Gringos

Japanese Showcase:

Tiger Mask III vs Jushin 'Thunder' Liger


1: A WWF superstar will challenge Chris Jericho to a match next week on Lucha. Who will it be?

2: Who will be named as the new commissioner of WWF Lucha? (Clue: Legendary pro-wrestling figure, not particularly known for his love of Lucha action, but a lover of pure wrestling nonetheless.



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Monday Night Raw:

Shawn Michaels and Sergeant Slaughter vs 3rd and 4th Members of Team Jannetty

I feel like Team Jannetty needs to lose here because they HAVE to win their match.

The Masked Vigilantes vs The Smoking Gunns

I blame Butterbean for this choice.

Irwin Richard Foley vs PJ Walker

IRF doesn't have the ring to it but I think know where this is going.

Yokozuna, Adam Bomb and Giant Gonzales vs Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Davey Boy Smith

Because, I'm sorry, but **** Giant Gonzales.


1: Who are the third and fourth members of Team Jannetty? Men on a Mission.

2: What will Irwin Richard Foley reveal to Jake Roberts? His brother.

3: Lex Luger and Owen Hart compete in a pose-down on Piper's Pit tonight. What will happen?Piper makes a lot of amazing jokes about Luger and gives the win to Owen because he's Piper.

4: Who will be revealed as the manager of the Masked Vigilantes?Um... I honestly have no idea. I'll say Mr. Perfect.



WWF Lucha

American Showcase:

Dean Malenko vs Chris Jericho

Jericho needs a couple more years.

Mexican Showcase

El Hijo De Santo and Rey Mysterio vs Los Nuevos Gringos

El Hijo is just too good to give a loss.

Japanese Showcase:

Tiger Mask III vs Jushin 'Thunder' Liger

If this was Tiger Mask IV...


1: A WWF superstar will challenge Chris Jericho to a match next week on Lucha. Who will it be? Brian Pillman

2: Who will be named as the new commissioner of WWF Lucha? (Clue: Legendary pro-wrestling figure, not particularly known for his love of Lucha action, but a lover of pure wrestling nonetheless. Gosh, another one I have no idea about. Sammartino has been showing up a lot, maybe him.

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