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WWF 1993: Rise From The Ashes

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Month One Survey


As I leave my first full in-game month, I'd like to ask you readers a few questions to give me some feedback on how the dynasty is developing so far, as well as giving me a few ways to improve.


1: What has been your favourite moment/segment so far?


2: What has been your favourite event so far in the dynasty? Have any events slightly flattered to deceive.


3: What wrestlers are you currently enjoying watching? Which superstars do you want to see more/less of?


4: Are there any particular wrestlers that you want me to sign?


5: WrestleMania IX will take place in eight in-game weeks, name three matches that you think will be on that card.

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1: What has been your favourite moment/segment so far? I think my favorite moment was Jake's introduction so far. Really fun take on the character.


2: What has been your favourite event so far in the dynasty? Have any events slightly flattered to deceive. Well, the Rumble obviously was your best event. Also it's your only PPV!


3: What wrestlers are you currently enjoying watching? Which superstars do you want to see more/less of? Michaels' IC title run is great. I would like to see more of the RVD/Lawler storyline - interested in where that will go. Of course, more Pillman is always welcome. :D


4: Are there any particular wrestlers that you want me to sign? Yes; there's this guy who thinks that people's asses should call other people. He would be good.


5: WrestleMania IX will take place in eight in-game weeks, name three matches that you think will be on that card. Hmm... Razor v. The Kid; Jannetty v. Michaels; Hart v. Hogan

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Monday Night Raw


8th February 1993


The show begins with the arena in black. Then a light flickers on, to reveal the ring, with none other than "Classy" Freddie Blassie stood alone in it. Blassie speaks:


Blassie: A lot can happen in three decades. Numerous presidents, numerous events, and too many title changes to count. In wrestling, three decades have been make or break. Some have been bland or uninspiring and sank, some tried their hardest, but never could succeed. There are only a select few who can get past life's hardships with a larger-than-life personality, along with a larger-than-life physique, and still become a true great. My lifelong friend, Andre Roussimoff, better known to you folks at home as Andre The Giant, was one of them. That's why tonight, six days after "The Eighth Wonder of the World" passed away in his hometown of Grenoble, France, we at the World Wrestling Federation come together for a very special Raw dedicated to-




Rating: B+





Announcers: Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan


http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/V%20Images/Vince%20McMahon/VinceMcMahon009KYKYBackground.jpg http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/B_Images/Bobby_Heenan7.jpg




Once the ten-bell salute has rang, the announcers welcome us to what will prove to be a momentous, but sombre night, as the WWF comes to terms with the loss of one of its greatest success stories, Andre The Giant. In a rare moment of empathy, Heenan talks candidly about his friend, saying that he hopes Hulk Hogan does the right thing for once in his life and respects the memory of someone 'The Brain' valued very dearly. We then hear "Sexy Boy" play, as Shawn Michaels, Sergeant Slaughter and Razor Ramon come out to address the WWF faithful.




Michaels is wearing a new attire tonight, coming out in a military-themed leather jacket, with "The Heartbreak Army" on the back, with khaki-coloured wrestling tights. He addresses Marty Jannetty:


Michaels: So, Marty, all week, I've had people coming up to me, asking me, "Oh, Heartbreak Kid, what is up with Marty Jannetty? That kid's pushing above his weight, has he got you, Shawn?" And to reply, I've said one thing-




Razor: Now, now, Sarge, let's not get ahead of ourselves. After all, you need to save the beating for In Your House: The Four-Way Dance!


Michaels: Me and the Sarge have been talking about your elusive tag team in Team Jannetty, and we realise something. You probably forgot to sign them! So we're gonna ask them to come down here and prove themselves worthy of facing 'The Showstopper', 'The General' and 'The Bad Guy'!



That music can only mean one thing: THE ROAD WARRIORS are back in the World Wrestling Federation! Hawk and Animal fist bump fans as they storm down to the ring, warding off Razor Ramon, and seriously worrying Shawn Michaels and Sergeant Slaughter, as the match begins.


Rating: B-




Match 1:

Shawn Michaels and Sergeant Slaughter (w/ Razor Ramon) vs The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)


This match played to the Road Warriors' strengths, as they were able to exploit Michaels' lack of brute force and Slaughter's lack of stamina to their advantage, quickly taking their opponents down with a flurry of powerful moves. However, 'The Heartbreak Army' are in the better position going into In Your House, and this showed, as Michaels and Slaughter rallied back to ensure a Michaels pinfall victory in 09:14 with a Sweet Chin Music.


Rating: C+




Post-match, The Road Warriors go to shake hands with Michaels and Slaughter, but again, out of nowhere, The Kid and Marty Jannetty burst through the crowd and attack The Heartbreak Army. However, Razor Ramon clearly has a 'Plan B', as he ushers for two men to come down the aisle. The two men who come down are none other than Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala, who promptly hit the ring and attack the Road Warriors, reducing Jannetty and Kid's advantage, so that the other three members of The Heartbreak Army are able to beat them down.


Michaels: You think that your "Rockin' Warriors" have the upper hand on us? Well, say hello to the two new members of "The Heartbreak Army"! By the way, Marty, make sure to tell Sherri that her last pay cheque defaulted, so when you lose, you and your little floozy will be broken in half, penniless, and without any support! Get well soon, guys!


EMTs roll out to tend to Jannetty and The Kid, but they are able to get up, and limp back down to the aisle, to applause from the crowd.


Rating: B




When Raw returns from a commercial break, we are in Piper's Pit for a pose-off contest. Piper introduces the contestants:


Piper: Welcome to another edition of Piper's Pit, with me, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper! Tonight, we have a treat in store for you, as we will watch a pose off between two of the men who'll be challenging Bret Hart for the WWF Championship in 13 days' time. So, without further ado, let me introduce Owen Hart and Lex Luger!


Owen and Lex enter at separate sides, exchanging stares with one another. Piper tries to break the ice:


Piper: So, you two do this sort of thing much-


Luger: LISTEN UP, Owen! Tonight, in the Lex Luger Invitational Pose-Off Challenge, I will crush you like a fly, and give you a little taste of what to expect at In Your House!


Owen: Go ahead, buddy, no one's stopping you. Just don't be offended when 'The Rocket' pulls victory out of the bag!


Piper says that the pose off is about to begin. We see Lex Luger show off his muscular physique, which Piper comments are down to 'the ICOPRO supplement program, supported by WWF'. He then takes the mic:


Luger: Beat that, you little weasel!


It's now Owen's turn. The young rookie may be good at a lot of things, but posing off is not one of them, and Piper can't help but raise a smile as he fails miserably at the challenge. Eventually, 'Hotrod' puts him out of his misery, going to pick up a golden trophy sat on the table.


Piper: Alright, alright, Luger wins, what do you have to say to the victor, Owen?


Owen: Well, first of all, I'd like to say - WATCH OUT!


Luger is then jumped from behind by Bruce, Ross and Keith Hart, who promptly beat Lex to the ground.


Owen: That's what you and your little friend Brian get for disrespecting my family! In 13 days' time, prepare to meet your maker, Lex, if you even make it to In Your House!


Owen picks up the trophy intended for Luger and smashes it over his head, before the four brothers throw Luger into the set, leaving Piper's Pit a mess, as Piper closes the segment.


Rating: B-




Match 2:

Irwin Richard Foley vs PJ Walker


Walker has been on a winning streak on Superstars for a number of weeks, earning him this make-or-break match. Unfortunately for the young gun, it was a case of broken as Irwin dominated his opponent, eventually putting him out of his misery in 04:56 with an inverted DDT, which Vince McMahon calls the 'Hack-Off'.


Rating: C-




Post-match, Irwin Richard Foley takes the microphone, calling out Jake Roberts once more:


Irwin: All week, I've been thinking, Jake. Thinking 'bout my childhood, about the boy I used to be, until you and all of society destroyed me! I was a charming little boy, I had plenty of friends, then HE came around and spoiled it! Oh, yes, HE was popular, everybody loved HIM, but NOBODY CARED ABOUT IRWIN! So I took action, I took out two of his teeth with my bare hands! I laughed through it, daddy thought I was a crazed child, he sent me to the institute. They beat me down, told me I was nothing, left me to starve! I was torn apart limb from limb, and I had nobody to save me! Until, that is, the rich man came and told me I could be an audit for the IRS. I took the job, I formed a layer, a narcissistic layer, around myself, so the man inside wasn't unleashed. And I was successful! I was a champion, I had it all! But this time, it wasn't HIM who spoiled my fun, it was YOU, Jake. The rich man knew he'd make money out of you, and you fell for it, Jakey Boy! That's why, in twelve days, 23 hours, and 17 minutes' time, I will wreak revenge on YOU, HIM AND EVERYBODY! I AM IRWIN RICHARD FOLEY, AND HE IS COMING TO TELL JAKE ROBERTS A LITTLE STORY!!


Rating: B+




When we return from a commercial break, The Steiner Brothers are in the ring. They address the Masked Vigilantes:


Scott: Listen up, Vigilantes, you think you're real men, but The Genetic Freak and The Dog-Faced Gremlin are REAL men! We're gonna hand it to you, Steiner-style, and there ain't a thing you can do about it.


Rick: So, the best thing for you to do, is come out here, maskless, and BITE ME!


The Steiners' pleas are answered by DEMOLITION. Ax and Smash appear ready to talk, while Rick and Scott appear ready to fight. Smash takes the mic:


Smash: So, while you're asking, we ain't your Masked Vigilantes, those guys attacked us, remember? But we think we know who's pulling the strings for them. You see, we trusted this fella, we thought he was on our side, but all the time, he was using us!


Scott: What the hell are you talking about? We'll hand it to you if we can't hand it to them!


Ax: Relax, relax, we want to help you! This guy was only ever using us to decimate the WWF tag team division, before he turned on us, shoved us sideways, and brought in two guys to tie along to this Vigilante crap, even if he's not involved! That man is none other than JON RAVEN! That's right, that leather jacket-wearing freak's to blame. And, seeing as he betrayed us, and those jackasses beat us down, we want the chance to take 'em on, at IN YOUR HOUSE! And let's say, if we pin them, we get your titles! Add us to the match, boys, and let these idiots get what's coming!


Rick and Scott ponder over the decision for a second, before making up their minds.


Rick: Alright, you got your match! But, if you go into bat for yourselves, we won't hesititate to hand it to you on a silver platter-


The ring goes black for a number of seconds. When they come back on, the four men are unconscious in the ring, with no sign of their attackers.


Rating: C+




Following this incident, Vince McMahon informs us that a change has been made to the card, as instead of the Masked Vigilantes, who cannot be found in the arena, fighting against The Smoking Gunns, we will now see the Quebecers taking on brothers Billy and Bart.


Match 3:

The Quebecers (Jacques and Pierre) vs The Smoking Gunns (Billy and Bart Gunn)


These two teams have impressed on Superstars in recent weeks, and they continued to do so, producing a good match which surprisingly ended up being the match of the night, as The Smoking Gunns won in 07:34 with a dropkick from Billy resulting in the pinfall on Pierre.


Rating: B-




We now go to a backstage clip recorded earlier, where Paul Bearer is interrogating Ted DiBiase. Bearer appears to be angry, and DiBiase is smirking:


Bearer: Don't lie to me, Ted, I know that you have something to do with the theft of The Undertaker's urn!


DiBiase: You think I took it? You think I'm sad and pathetic enough to want a sad and pathetic lump of pot like that? I'll tell you something, Paul, I have not taken that urn, but I know who has, and if you bring the Undertaker to fight me at In Your House, I'll tell you where it is!


Bearer: Tell me now, DiBiase, before I've forced to-


Papa Shango comes behind Paul Bearer and goes to attack him, however, The Undertaker comes out of nowhere, and grabs Shango, hitting him with a chokeslam. DiBiase hotfoots it as The Deadman helps Paul Bearer to his feet.


Rating: B+




Vince McMahon then tells us to watch WWF Lucha tomorrow night, where we will see the likes of Chris Jericho, Jushin 'Thunder' Liger and Eddie Guerrero! Bobby Heenan adds that Rob Van Dam has a special live interview from the Isle of Samoa, with none other than Afa and Sika, the Wild Samoans. At this point, the signal breaks up again. We appear to be taken to Madison Square Garden, where Jesse 'The Body' Ventura stands alone:


Ventura: Bobby Heenan, I have had enough of this conspiracy! Gorilla's gone, I'm gone, hell, you won't even let Mike Tenay talk! That's why next week, I'm coming down to that announce table on Monday Night Raw, and I don't care what security do to me, because I'm bringing Gorilla Monsoon with me! And you're gonna pay, Weasel!


The signal breaks up, Vince McMahon attempts to ask Heenan what Ventura's talking about, but it appears that the Brain has scarpered from the arena following that segment. None other than DIESEL comes down to the ring to replace him on commentary, as we move onto tonight's main event!


Rating: C+




Match 4 (Main Event):

Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Davey Boy Smith vs Yokozuna, Adam Bomb and Giant Gonzales (w/ Mr Fuji and Harvey Wippleman)


In this match, Yokozuna was lumbered with two lesser competitors as partners, and he suffered as a result, having to take on three men at once due to his teammates' incompatibilty. The result was a demolition job by Hogan, Savage and Smith, as they dominated their opponents, with Yokozuna eventually refusing to get involved, and storming out of the arena with Mr Fuji. This allowed Davey Boy Smith to win the match with a powerslam on Adam Bomb in 11:29.


Rating: C+




Post-match, the faces get out an American and a British flag. The three put aside their differences for a short period of time to celebrate, however, out of nowhere, Yokozuna and Mr Fuji return down the aisle, with Fuji brandishing a torch. The Japanese pair get into the ring and successfully manage to set fire to both flags, with Yokozuna offering a simple bow to the jeering fans. Hogan, Savage and Smith are cornered by the behemoth, with nowhere to go, when an unlikely ally arrives in the form of Diesel! "Big Daddy Cool" grabs Mr Fuji and hits him with a Jackknife Powerbomb. He then turns around and hits Yokozuna with a clothesline, surprisingly knocking the big man down! Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Davey Boy Smith and the fans are in disbelief, as Diesel slowly turns towards the pair. He appears to embrace the fans' cheers for a second, before hitting Randy Savage and Davey Boy Smith with a double clothesline, executing the move hard enough for Savage to go over the ring and onto the announce table! He then turns to Hulk Hogan, and hits him with an uppercut, before performing a piledriver on 'The Hulkster'. Diesel stands in the centre of the ring, as Vince McMahon says "Say hello to Diesel Power, as the giant has just sent a message to the entire WWF!", as Raw draws to a close.


Rating: A

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WWF Lucha


Episode Uno


9th February 1993


Announcers: Jim Ross and Mike Tenay


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- Jim Ross and Mike Tenay welcome us to the very first edition of WWF Lucha, live from Mexico City! They hype the fact for the next eight weeks, we will see numerous American, Japanese and Mexican luchadores go up against one another, in the quest to discover who is 'The Lucha Champion'. 10 participants will go head to head in a wrestling league, with the top two facing off with one another for the title of Lucha Champion at WrestleMania IX. Without further ado, Mike Tenay introduces the superstars: Eddie Guerrero, Art Barr, Tiger Mask III, Ultimo Dragon, Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Dean Malenko, El Hijo De Santo, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, and one unnamed superstar. Jushin Liger and Tiger Mask III remain in the ring, as their match begins. (B-)


- In a match containing good in-ring action, but very little heat, Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Tiger Mask III in 07:56 by pinfall after hitting a Shooting Star Press. (B)


- We then go to Sean Mooney, who is interviewing Chris Jericho. Jericho appears cocksure of himself, and says that Dean Malenko is just the first stepping stone to WrestleMania IX and that Lucha Championship. (C)


- In a match with good in-ring action, and with some heat, Chris Jericho defeated Dean Malenko in 09:10 by submission by applying the Walls Of Jericho. (B)


- Post-match, Jericho celebrates, but his celebration is shortlisted when Jake Roberts comes out, challenging him to a match on WWF Lucha next week, adding Jericho will act as good target practice as 'The Snake' looks to beat Irwin Richard Foley at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance. (B)


- In a pre-match interview, Vince McMahon talks to Los Nuevos Gringos, Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr. The heels discuss their chances of winning the WWF Lucha Championship, and whilst Guerrero says that he would not wish to fight his friend, Art Barr, in the final, Barr says that he doesn't care who he goes through, just as long as he's on top in Las Vegas, Nevada, in eight weeks' time. (C+)


- Sean Mooney is then with El Hijo De Santo and Rey Mysterio. Mooney brings up Mysterio's relatively new introduction into wrestling, however, El Hijo says that age counts for nothing, as tonight, Rey Mysterio Jr proves his worth to the world, also proving that he will be a future great. The pair refuse to talk about their chances of winning the Lucha Championship in eight weeks' time, preferring to focus on their own chances of winning tonight. (C-)


- In a match with very little heat, but great in-ring action, Los Nuevos Gringos and El Hijo De Santo fought to a time limit draw in 15:00. (B+)


- Post-match, Los Nuevos Gringos attack Mysterio and Hijo, frustrated by their inability to defeat the two rookies. However, their assault is shortlived, as THE NEW LUCHA COMMISSIONER, Jim Cornette comes out, stating that he will not have brutal attacks taking place on HIS show, saying that it will be a fair competition, and those who fail to abide by the rules will be reprimanded. Guerrero and Barr back away from their victims and stare down with Cornette, as the show ends. (B-)

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Confirmed Card For WWF In Your House: The Four-Way Dance

(Card subject to changes)

Four-Way Dance

Shot at the WWF Championship at WrestleMania IX

Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage vs Yokozuna vs Davey Boy Smith vs Diesel


Four-Way Dance WWF Championship Match

Bret Hart © vs Owen Hart vs Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman


Jake Roberts vs Irwin Richard Foley w/ HIM


WWF Tag Team Championship Three-Way Match

The Steiner Brothers © vs The Masked Vigilantes w/ Jon Raven vs Demolition


Five-Man Tag Elimination Match

If Jannetty Wins, He Gets IC Title Shot

If Jannetty Loses, He Is Fired

The Heartbreak Army (Shawn Michaels, Sergeant Slaughter, Razor Ramon, Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala) vs The Rockin' Warriors (Marty Jannetty, ???, The Kid and The Road Warriors) w/ Sherri Martel


If Undertaker wins, Vigilante leader and Urn Location are revealed

The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs Ted DiBiase w/ Debuting Bodyguard


WWF Tag Team Championship Number One Contenders' Match

The Memphis City Gods vs The Headshrinkers w/ ???


Fourth Spot in Main Event

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage

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WWF Shows Preview


15th and 16th February 1993


Monday Night Raw:


Following last week's dramatic close to Raw, WWF President, Jack Tunney, has asked the three confirmed participants in the In Your House main event, Davey Boy Smith, Yokozuna and Diesel, to come down to ringside, in an attempt to clear up the mess that has unfolded over previous weeks in the WWF. Also, Marty Jannetty appears to be in a jubilant mood, as he introduces the fifth and final member of The Rockin' Warriors, who will be facing off with Shawn Michaels in tonight's Intercontinental Championship. Elsewhere, The Undertaker has a message to send to Ted DiBiase ahead of In Your House, as he takes on Papa Shango, Demolition look to prove themselves worthy of the WWF Tag Team Championship shot they have obtained when they take on Well Dunn, two of the main competitors at In Your House clash, as Hulk Hogan and Brian face off, and Jake Roberts hopes to shake off Irwin Richard Foley's threats when he faces 'The Birdman', Koko B Ware. With six days until In Your House: The Four-Way Dance, it will be interesting to see who establishes themselves as someone to watch at the event.


Confirmed Card For Monday Night Raw

15th February 1993


Irwin Richard Foley vs Koko B. Ware

Demolition vs Well Dunn

Hulk Hogan vs Brian Pillman

The Undertaker vs Papa Shango

Shawn Michaels vs 5th Member of Jannetty's Team


Bonus Questions:

1: Who is the fifth member of the Rockin' Warriors?

2: What will Jack Tunney's announcement be?

3: Last week, on Superstars, Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lawler injured The Wild Samoans, ruling them out of contention for In Your House. Who will be The Headshrinkers' replacement manager?

4: Who will appear on Piper's Pit tonight?


WWF Lucha:


After the tense conclusion to last week's debut of WWF Lucha, this week appears to be even more heated, as Jim Cornette rings out the changes on 'Episode Dos', following his appointment as show commissioner. As announced last week, Jake Roberts will take part in his second match in two days, as he takes on 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. Elsewhere, Cornette appears to want to punish Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr, as the members of Los Nuevos Gringos face off with one another. Also, in this week's showcase match, Ultimo Dragon takes on the unnamed contestant in the Lucha League.


Confirmed Card For WWF Lucha

16th February 1993


Ultimo Dragon vs ???

Eddie Guerrero vs Art Barr

Jake Roberts vs Chris Jericho


Bonus Questions:

1: Who is the tenth participant in the WWF Lucha League?

2: A pivotal event occurs following the main event tonight. What happens?

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<p><strong>Irwin Richard Foley</strong> vs Koko B. Ware</p><p>

<em>Koko B. Gone</em></p><p>

Demolition vs <strong>Well Dunn</strong></p><p>

<em>Demolition is too old; probably a safer pick though.</em></p><p>

Hulk Hogan <strong>vs </strong>Brian Pillman</p><p>

<em>Shenanigans shut this one down. And also because I refuse to believe that Pillman should ever lose.</em></p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker</strong> vs Papa Shango</p><p>

<em>We're coming up on the 3rd anniversary of the Undertaker!</em></p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels </strong>vs 5th Member of Jannetty's Team</p><p>

<em>If it's for the belt, Shawn wins.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions:</p><p>

1: Who is the fifth member of the Rockin' Warriors? <strong>Ultimate Warrior</strong></p><p>

2: What will Jack Tunney's announcement be? <strong>That, due misconduct by Razor Ramon, some sort of punishment will be inflicted.</strong></p><p>

3: Last week, on Superstars, Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lawler injured The Wild Samoans, ruling them out of contention for In Your House. Who will be The Headshrinkers' replacement manager? <strong>Mr. Fuji</strong></p><p>

4: Who will appear on Piper's Pit tonight? <strong>Jake Roberts</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWF Lucha:</p><p> </p><p>

Confirmed Card For WWF Lucha</p><p>

16th February 1993</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ultimo Dragon</strong> vs ???</p><p>

<em>Can't be bigger than Ultimo Dragon!</em></p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong> vs Art Barr</p><p>


<strong>Jake Roberts</strong> vs Chris Jericho</p><p>

<em>The Dungeon of Doom leader beats the young Horseman... wait, wrong dynasty.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions:</p><p>

1: Who is the tenth participant in the WWF Lucha League? <strong>Torn on this; I want it to be someone like Psicosis, so I'll go with him.</strong></p><p>

2: A pivotal event occurs following the main event tonight. What happens? <strong>Jim Cornette reverses the match decision.</strong></p>

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<p>Confirmed Card For Monday Night Raw</p><p>

15th February 1993</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Irwin Richard Foley</strong> vs Koko B. Ware</p><p>

<em>While in an alternate universe, both men feuded for the WWF Television Championship </em></p><p>

<strong>Demolition</strong> vs Well Dunn</p><p>

<em>They're so Dunn</em></p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan</strong> vs Brian Pillman</p><p>

<em>I'm imagining some great upset- </em><em><strong>JUST KIDDING THE HULKSTER GOES OVER BROTHER</strong></em></p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker</strong> vs Papa Shango</p><p>

<em>BSK Represent!</em></p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> vs 5th Member of Jannetty's Team</p><p>

<em>Boy toy wins</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions: </p><p>

1: Who is the fifth member of the Rockin' Warriors? <strong>THE UUUUUUUUUUUUUULTIMATE WAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRIORRRRRRR SNORT</strong></p><p>

2: What will Jack Tunney's announcement be? I dunno...</p><p>

3: Last week, on Superstars, Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lawler injured The Wild Samoans, ruling them out of contention for In Your House. Who will be The Headshrinkers' replacement manager? <strong>Heenan?</strong></p><p>

4: Who will appear on Piper's Pit tonight? <strong>The Snake</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Confirmed Card For WWF Lucha</p><p>

16th February 1993</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ultimo Dragon</strong> vs ???</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong> vs Art Barr</p><p>

<strong>Jake Roberts</strong> vs Chris Jericho</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Questions:</p><p>

1: Who is the tenth participant in the WWF Lucha League?</p><p>

2: A pivotal event occurs following the main event tonight. What happens?</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Night Raw</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/user/jmanatl/media/Facebook/WWE/557781_122462411217098_1285001564_n.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab268/jmanatl/Facebook/WWE/557781_122462411217098_1285001564_n.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">15th February 1993</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Meadowlands Arena, New Jersey</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Attendance: 18,600</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Announcers: Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/user/ruben_origami/media/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/V%20Images/Vince%20McMahon/VinceMcMahon009KYKYBackground.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/V%20Images/Vince%20McMahon/VinceMcMahon009KYKYBackground.jpg</span></a> <a href="http://media.photobucket.com/user/TheWho87EWR/media/Wrestlers/B_Images/Bobby_Heenan7.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/B_Images/Bobby_Heenan7.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

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Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to Raw, live from the Meadowlands Arena in New Jersey, for the final show before the inaugural In Your House event! With only six days to go, and eight matches confirmed for the show, McMahon questions who will come out of tonight looking unbeatable, and who will have everything to prove? Vince then hypes the return of his 'old friend', Gorilla Monsoon, which draws an uncomfortable glance from Bobby Heenan, who then brings up tonight's main event, in which 'The Heartbreak Kid', Shawn Michaels, will take on the fifth member of The Rockin' Warriors, who, Heenan adds, shouldn't even bother coming down to New Jersey tonight! The Raw theme plays as WWF President, Jack Tunney comes out.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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Tunney stands in the ring and takes in the audience's reaction for a brief second, before turning to his main issue. The President mentions that over the last few weeks, the World Wrestling Federation has been in turmoil, with masked men attacking superstars, putting referees out of action, wrestlers themselves have been booking matches in open challenges, and the company's main commentator has been out of action since the end of January, not to mention the fractured WWF Championship scene. Tunney then says that his first port of call in dealing with these problems is to address two issues that occurred at last week's Raw, and that he would like Ted DiBiase, The Undertaker, Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Davey Boy Smith, Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji to come down to the ring. All seven men march down the aisle, with Diesel and Smith, as well as DiBiase and The Undertaker, giving each other angered glances. The first man to take the mic is Davey Boy Smith:</p><p> </p><p>

Smith: <strong>Last week, President Tunney, I was aggrieved! Me, Hulk Hogan and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage won our match against Yokozuna and his cronies fair and square, but him and that turncoat, Fuji, over there, had to ruin it. You burned my nation's flag, the Union Jack, and that is unforgivable! As for you, Diesel, yes, you did attack me, whilst I was defenceless, but what do you expect from a man whose only redeeming quality is that he can shout "DIESEL POWER" and powerbomb people-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Diesel: <strong>I'll show you a little more Diesel power if you don't-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tunney: <strong>You've done quite enough already! Because of you, Randy Savage is in hospital, and his attendance at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance is under threat. Sure, Hogan's fine, but you attacked MY franchise player, and in doing that, you've sealed your own fate-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Michaels: <strong>What, you're firing him? You can't fire him without my permission-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tunney: <strong>That's why you're out here, Shawn. Sure, I don't like the idea of you coming out here and proposing an Open Challenge, but I'll accept it, simply because it's something the fans will enjoy. I know that I can't fire Diesel on the spot, he's your championship's personal protector, but what I also know is that I can suspend him indefinitely-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Michaels: <strong>Hold on, Jackie Boy, you're getting ahead of yourself! Ol' Daddy Cool here didn't mean anything by what he did last week, he was just fooling around! Besides, it's me who employs him, not you, Mr. President.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tunney: <strong>In that case, I'll add a stipulation to the contract for the main event: Should Diesel be pinned during the four-way dance between him, Davey Boy Smith, Yokozuna and Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage, the pair of you will be suspended. Should he win, well, you already know what happens then. However, I don't want him on my premises, the man's a walking timebomb, that's why I am evicting Diesel from WWF property, including this arena, until In Your House!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Diesel and Shawn Michaels walk down the aisle, angrily, perhaps anticipating a better outcome than the one that they previously received.</p><p> </p><p>

Smith: <strong>Now, onto Yokozuna-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tunney: <strong>Well, Davey, what Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji did not directly injure, or pose a threat to any individual on last week's Monday Night Raw. If it's a case of patriotic pride in yourself, as opposed to a just cause, then I suggest you take your ball and go home, because I will not allow grudges to be held! </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Davey Boy Smith takes offence at this and storms off backstage, whilst Mr Fuji raises the Japanese flag, taunting the 'British Bulldog'. Jack Tunney leaves the ring, confident that justice has been served, before we head to our first match of the evening.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B+</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1:</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs Well Dunn (Timothy Well and Steven Dunn)</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

During this match, the announcers plug the WWF Tag Team Championship match at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance, with McMahon questioning whether Demolition will be able to resist taking the titles off The Steiner Brothers. As for resistance, Well Dunn showed barely any, as Demolition squashed their opponent in 03:32, with Ax hitting a clothesline for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Rating: C-</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

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Post-match, Demolition are celebrating, when their former ally, Jon Raven, makes a surprise entrance. 'The Enigma' taunts his former clients, stating that his 'Vigilantes' will triumph over the best that the World Wrestling Federation has to offer. Smash offers Raven a chance to back up his words in the ring with them, but he declines, stating that even a man with as much mystique as himself would not be insane enough to do so, and claiming that the actions of his new protégés will do the fighting for him as well, as The Masked Vigilantes burst out of the arena entrance, past their manager, and deliver a number of blows to Demolition! Out of nowhere, The Steiner Brothers arrive to make the save, Rick flying through Raven with a spear, and Scott managing to take both masked man down with a German suplex. However, before they can be unmasked, the Vigilantes hotfoot it back to ringside, with Vince McMahon asking that with so much on the line, who will be victorious in the three-way tag match in six days' time. RAW then cuts to a commercial break.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: C+</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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When we return to Raw, we are joined by 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, who is joined for Piper's Pit by Bret, Owen and Stu Hart. Piper thanks the trio for coming in at short notice, as his original guest, the fifth member of Marty Jannetty's team at In Your House, the Rockin' Warriors, was running late. He then asks Bret why he has allowed his opponents to do the talking in this feud as opposed to doing it himself. 'The Hitman' replies by saying that someone needs to retain a cool head in a field full of maniacs. His younger brother takes offence at this comment, stating that he has done a good job of keeping Lex Luger and Brian Pillman under control. Bret Hart then laughs, saying that the pair have been running riot in the WWF over the last few weeks, and that Owen couldn't stop them if he tried. Sensing the tension between the brothers, Roddy Piper takes the opportunity to question Bret and Owen about how their match has affected their sibling relationship. Bret says that all siblings fight, it's guaranteed, but in a match with so much at stake, he has to give it to his brother that he's stood by the champion, and hasn't looked out for himself. Owen comments that this is the first thanks his brother has given him, instead choosing to single him out for criticism. Roddy Piper revels in the mayhem unfolding around him, as Bret and Owen Hart get up and stare off, with Owen saying "I don't care if it's Sunday night, Monday night, or Tuesday night, when us two get in that ring, all their respect and care for one another goes out of the window, and who knows what will happen when the two most powerful brothers in wrestling today go head to head?" Bret Hart simply wishes his brother good luck, as Piper's Pit draws to a close. We then go to our second bout of the evening.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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A brief video is played, hyping the feud between Ted DiBiase and The Undertaker, set to culminate this Sunday at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: C+</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2: </span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

The Undertaker vs Papa Shango</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Much like the first match of the evening, this match appears to be an evident squash match, as The Deadman dominates his opponent in the first few minutes of the match, sending him down with a flurry of powerful attacks. However, as The Undertaker goes to hit Shango with a chokeslam, Ted DiBiase's spin doctor rolls out of the ring and runs over to the announce table, picking up what appears to be an urn. The Undertaker stops, dead in his tracks, before Papa Shango gets into the ring, where he is met with a devastating powerbomb, followed by a Tombstone Piledriver, to ensure an Undertaker victory in 06:51.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B-</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>


Post-match, The Undertaker grabs the urn that Shango was carrying and opens it, examining the contents. However, this is revealed to be a ruse, as the urn is seen to be empty, allowing DiBiase to attack him, as 'The Phenom' suddenly goes numb and freezes in his tracks. The Million Dollar Man grabs a microphone:</p><p> </p><p>

DiBiase: <strong>Ha-Ha-Ha! That wax nothing but a red herring, Deadman! A red herring! And on Sunday night, you had better watch out, as there are plenty more of those where that little wonder came from. And if you fall for it again, 'The Phenom' will never again be quite so phenomenal! </strong></p><p> </p><p>

The arena then goes black for a second, before the lights come back on, revealing DiBiase and Shango unconscious in the centre of the ring, with the words 'Rest In Peace, Long Live The Vigilantes' spray painted on them. McMahon and Heenan speculate on whether The Undertaker has anything to do with the Vigilantes, as we head to a pre-taped segment with 'Mean' Gene Okerlund. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B+</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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Okerlund is with the Headshrinkers, who recently lost their managers, Afa and Sika, to injury, following an attack by their In Your House opponents, The Memphis City Gods. Fatu and Samu appear in an unusually spirited mood despite this, as they say that Lawler and Van Dam can deny it all they like, but there's no escaping the Samoan Dynasty, and with this man at the helm, there's no way that The Headshrinkers can lose.</p><p> </p><p>

A man walks on the scene, as The Headshrinkers welcome him, and Gene Okerlund looks on in complete shock, as this man is announced as their replacement manager:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/user/ruben_origami/media/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/C%20Images/Capt%20Lou%20Albano/CaptLouAlbano001KYKYBackground.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/C%20Images/Capt%20Lou%20Albano/CaptLouAlbano001KYKYBackground.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: C</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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The events that Brian Pillman and Owen Hart have been involved in over previous weeks are hyped in a video before our next match, as well as the match between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage, which is in serious doubt as a result of Diesel's actions last week. Two men heavily ingrained into those feuds, Pillman and Hogan, are in action against one another, next!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B-</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3: </span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Hulk Hogan vs Brian Pillman</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

This match was relatively equally contested, with Hogan looking to build some more momentum ahead of a potential two matches at In Your House, and Pillman wanting to prove himself worthy of the WWF Championship match he has been granted by default. Nevertheless, the match had to have a victor, and it did after 12:03, when Hogan nailed Pillman with a Big Boot and Leg Drop for the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B+</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

-------</p><p> </p><p>

Post-match, 'The Hulkster' takes the microphone, addressing the situation regarding his match with Randy Savage:</p><p> </p><p>

Hogan: <strong>Since last Monday, the Hulkamaniacs have been asking me whether I'll be fighting Randy Savage at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance, or whether he's too beat down to compete. Well, I'll tell you something, brother, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage may be a lot of things, but he's no coward, and I spoke to him in hospital after Monday Night Raw, so to speak. As you know, we lost a friend of ours, Andre, last week, and our discussion turned to him, and what he'd make of the situation. Now, I know that me and Randy have had our problems in the past, like me and Andre did, but we've made our peace, brother, cause life's too short to bear grudges! And we will go out there at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance and steal the show, cause that's what Andre would do, brother!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hogan then starts posing for the fans, as Raw goes to a commercial break, with Vince McMahon hyping the return of Gorilla Monsoon, coming up next!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: A*</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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When we return, Bobby Heenan is in the ring. He says that he's done a lot of thinking over the last few weeks about his treatment of Gorilla Monsoon, and he's came to one conclusion: He was in the wrong, for a change. For too long, he's been riling Monsoon up at ringside, favouring the bad guys, hating the good guys, and even though his opinions of Bret Hart, Marty Jannetty and Hulk Hogan will never change, he's gonna try to cut back on the criticism in the future, and focus on solely being a 'broadcast journalist', alongside his old buddy. Jesse Ventura then comes out, and mocks Heenan, saying that this grovelling means nothing, when it comes down to the heart of the matter, Gorilla's mad, and he's out for vengeance. 'The Brain' then freezes, as Jesse ushers out Gorilla Monsoon, to an immense pop from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

Monsoon takes in the fans' adulations for a second, then speaks, with Ventura on edge, barely holding his excitement in:</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla: <strong>Heenan, when I came here tonight, I came here for one reason, and one reason only: to sock it to you for the countless years of abuse you've given me!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Heenan: <strong>Gorilla, old buddy, don't do something stupid-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla: <strong>Stupid? Stupid? The only stupid thing I've ever done over the last few years was sit here for seven and a half FREAKING YEARS next to you, chomping at the bit, whilst you went about life in a sarcastic, degrading, and purely despicable manner! You may think I'm gonna hurt you, Bobby, but I'm not.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Heenan eases up, pleased that he has been spared. Ventura attempts to protest, but Gorilla asks him not to interfere:</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla: <strong>One thing spared you, Brain. That one thing was the first sign of compassion you've ever shown, and it made me realise something: I don't need you to be a bland 'broadcast journalist' like the Sean Mooneys and the Todd Pettengills, those guys are lifeless! I've been surrounded by pompous jackasses all of my career: Killer Kowalski, 'Big Cat' Ernie Ladd, 'Superstar' Billy Graham, Lord Alfred Hayes, and even you, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, and out of all of them, none managed to be as big of a pompous jackass as you, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan, and that's why I've enjoyed our partnership on the commentary desk. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ventura now looks visibly frustrated and storms off, angered at Monsoon's unintentional rebuttal.</p><p> </p><p>

Gorilla: <strong>So, since I left, people have rumoured that I'll be retiring tonight. I can confirm these rumours to be untrue, as I'm not retiring immediately, but after WrestleMania IX, I'll be taking a place on the WWF Board of Directors. But, as I said earlier, Heenan, let's not allow a petty argument get in the way of our last six weeks onscreen together. Because after all, someone has to show these young guns how to really commentate, huh, Vince?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

McMahon merely laughs off the criticism, calling it 'vintage Gorilla'. Monsoon then puts out his hand, for 'The Brain' to shake. After a minute of contemplating, Heenan takes the opportunity to shake it, drawing cheers from the crowd for the first time in his career. However, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura walks back down the aisle, and he has company, as Jon Raven follows him. The pair circle on Heenan and Monsoon, and appear ready to attack, however, out of nowhere, The Steiner Brothers hit the ring, and even up the numbers, as the heels back away. The commentators appear relieved that they've been saved from an almost definite beatdown, as The Steiner Brothers return backstage.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4: </span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Irwin Richard Foley vs Koko B. Ware</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

In this match, Koko had it all to prove, having failed to win a single match since the split up of his team with Owen Hart, High Energy, in early January. However, 'The Birdman' was not able to build any momentum, as Foley finished him off with a Hack-Off in 07:14 for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: C</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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Post-match, Irwin Richard Foley takes the microphone:</p><p> </p><p>

Irwin: <strong>So, Jake, since last week, you've declined my advances. I challenged you to meet your maker, and you declined. I challenged you to put the rich man's money where your mouth is, but you declined. I challenged you to be fearsome, dominating, manipulative, like you used to be, but 'The Venomless Viper', OF COURSE HE DECLINED! Now, Jakey, I'm not a happy man when somebody turns me down, but I know why you're not coming out. Because you know that's HE'S COMING FOR YOU!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jake Roberts then appears at the top of the aisle, to the fans' delight:</p><p> </p><p>

Jake: <strong>Now, now, Irwin, save your eulogies for next Sunday, as with all your taunting, and your goading, and your downright stupidity, there's no way that you're escaping with your body, along with your already fragmented head, intact. I don't fear HIM, in fact, I know that he's dead! Michael Foley was reported dead fifteen years ago, his own brother, a madman in his own right, finished him off! That's right, Irwin, you're a murderer, and I've called your bluff. So, next week, bring me wind, fire, even Poseidon himself if you have to, but it will never be enough. Trust me, Irwin, if you value your life, don't bother showing up at In Your House: The Four-Way Dance, because I'm angry too. And that makes two angry men, one of sound mind, one of no mind, fighting for nothing, and the one with the lost cause will be his own downfall.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jake smirks at Irwin, who tells Jake to bring it on, as Raw cuts to its final commercial break of the evening, with Vince McMahon telling fans to tune into our main event, where the fifth member of the Rockin' Warriors will be revealed, coming up next!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B-</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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As we return, Shawn Michaels and the Heartbreak Army are stood in the ring. Michaels issues the open challenge, but he has a man in mind. A man who is the fifth member of Jannetty's team, as he proclaims Marty seems to think that he's some godlike figure, a giant amongst men, a true warrior, befitting of his team name, a man just enough to face the big bad Heartbreak Kid. Marty Jannetty, The Kid, and The Road Warriors come out, and simply smile, as this man comes out:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/user/cactus_y2j/media/111/Wrestlers%20U/Ultimate_Warrior.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20U/Ultimate_Warrior.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

The fans know who it is, Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan know who it is, and most importantly, we know who it is, as <strong>THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR</strong> comes out, making his triumphant return to the World Wrestling Federation. He snorts and growls at Michaels, who appears genuinely worried, as the match begins:</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5 and Main Event</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge:</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Shawn Michaels © w/ The Heartbreak Army vs The Ultimate Warrior w/ The Rockin' Warriors</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

As expected, this match was dominated by the returning superstar in the early stages, with the fans getting wild behind their hero. The Warrior sends Michaels crashing to ringside with a thunderous powerslam, allowing Hawk and Animal to set themselves upon him. However, the imposing threat of Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala is enough to ward off the Road Warriors, as the action continues in the ring. This, however, is where the contest heats up, as a lowblow from Michaels results in Marty Jannetty coming into the ring with a steel chair, and attacking 'The Heartbreak Kid', leaving the referee no choice but to call for the bell for a disqualification in 15:09.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Post-match, Razor Ramon goes for Jannetty, but is stopped by The Road Warriors, who nail him with a two-man powerslam. The Ultimate Warrior then defends Jannetty, coming off the top rope to hit Razor with a splash, before being hit in mid-air with a Sweet Chin Music from Michaels. As pandemonium ensues, Vince McMahon informs us of a breaking news bulletin backstage in WWF, where Jim Ross is on the scene.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B+</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

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JR is outside the WWF President, Jack Tunney's office, where he informs us that following the outcome of that main event, the senior official at the Meadowlands Arena called on President Tunney, only to find him unconscious, and the room in a mess, as a result of an assault by an unknown assailant. With no president to run the Federation at In Your House, Ross questions whether similar incidents of wreckage can be prevented, or will panic ensue in six days' time? He hypes all the matches on the card, before reminding fans to tune in to witness the events live on pay-per-view.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rating: B-</span></strong></span></p><p>


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In Your House I: The Four-Way Dance

21st February 1993


Confirmed Matches:


Four-Way Dance for WWF Championship Match at WrestleMania IX

If Diesel is pinned, he is released from his WWF contract


'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan or 'Macho Man' Randy Savage vs 'The Mighty One' Yokozuna w/ Mr Fuji vs 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith vs 'Big Daddy Cool' Diesel


http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/H%20Images/Hulk%20Hogan/HulkHogan003KYKYBackground.jpg OR http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/M%20Images/Macho%20Man%20Randy%20Savage/MachoManRandySavage002KYKYBackground.jpg VS http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/Y%20Images/Yokozuna/Yokozuna001KYKYBackground.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/D_Images/Davey_Boy_Smith.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/D_Images/Diesel2.jpg


How we got here: Following the events at last month's Royal Rumble, where Randy Savage technically eliminated winner Hulk Hogan, only for the decision to be reversed, WWF President, Jack Tunney scheduled a match between three of the final four men in the match, as well as the victor of Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage. Since then, Diesel has been the main talking point of this feud, with his reckless nature endangering numerous wrestlers, as 'Diesel Power' was unleashed on the World Wrestling Federation, which then resulted in a stipulation being added which stated that 'Big Daddy Cool' could leave the company just as quickly as he joined, if he was the victim of the winning pinfall. Davey Boy Smith has surprisingly sided with Hulk Hogan, as they look to stop Yokozuna's rapid rise to the top of the WWF, a battle which only intensified two weeks ago, when Yokozuna burned both the American and British flags. This match is now not only for a title shot, it is a matter of personal pride and dignity, but just who will manage to see past their ego and go on to face the WWF Champion at WrestleMania IX?


Four-Way Dance for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship


Bret 'The Hitman' Hart © vs Owen 'The Rocket' Hart vs 'The Total Package' Lex Luger vs 'Flyin' Brian Pillman


http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj238/rko_038/Bret%20Hart/thBret_Hart.jpg VS http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/O%20Images/Owen%20Hart/OwenHart002KYKYBackground.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/L_Images/Lex_Luger4.jpg VS http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h291/TweekIt/WCW/Brian_Pillman5.jpg


How we got here: Following Owen Hart's stunning win over Razor Ramon, he was all set for a WWF Championship match with his brother, Bret Hart, at In Your House. However, Razor's ally 'Flyin' Brian Pillman managed to get himself a guaranteed title match, courtesy of a mystery benefactor, and 'The Total Package' Lex Luger also got involved in the match, thanks to his strong showing at the Royal Rumble. Since then, the four have been causing havoc, with Luger and Pillman regularly teaming up to challenge the sibling bond between Bret and Owen. They initially didn't succeed, as their antics only brought the brothers closer together, but last week on Raw, it appeared that Owen had simply had enough of Bret leaning solely on him for support, generating unwanted tension between the pair. With so much at stake, who will prevail in this contest between four of the WWF's brightest stars?


If Marty Jannetty wins, he faces Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania IX

If Shawn Michaels wins, Marty Jannetty is fired


The Heartbreak Army (Shawn Michaels, Sergeant Slaughter, Razor Ramon, Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala) w/ Kim Chee vs The Rockin' Warriors (Marty Jannetty, The Ultimate Warrior, The Kid and The Road Warriors) w/ Sherri Martel


http://i963.photobucket.com/albums/ae118/Lockmark/image_zpsldnmmijy.jpeg http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/S%20Images/Sgt%20Slaughter/SgtSlaughter001KYKYBackground_zps54a36095.jpg http://i490.photobucket.com/albums/rr269/martintew/RazorRamon.jpg http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/B%20Images/Bam%20Bam%20Bigelow/BamBamBigelow001KYKYBackground.jpg http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac234/GVSG/My%20Games/Pro%20Wrestling%20Nexus%20v104/Wrestler%20Images/K%20-%20L/Kamala.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/M_Images/Marty_Jannetty6.jpg http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20U/Ultimate_Warrior.jpg http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/S_Images/Sean_Waltman17.jpg http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20H/Hawk.jpg http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20A/RW_Animal.jpg


How we got here: At Royal Rumble, Marty Jannetty returned to the WWF after ten months away, and fought against his former Rockers partner, Shawn Michaels, in the Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge, however, 'The Heartbreak Kid' managed to retain his title after hitting Jannetty with a low blow. Since then, Michaels has formed an alliance with the returning Sergeant Slaughter, meaning that Jannetty was forced to join forces with The Kid to take the pair down. Razor Ramon then joined the alliance of Sgt Slaughter and Shawn Michaels, along with Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala, to leave the pair outnumbered. This then meant that Jannetty called for backup from three 'warriors', Hawk, Animal and The Ultimate Warrior, in order to face off with the five at In Your House for another shot at Michaels' championship, however, a loss would result in Jannetty's dismissal? Can 'The Rocker' get out one more tune and win the contest, or will 'The Heartbreak Army' share the spoils?


Jake Roberts vs Irwin Richard Foley


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20J/Jake_Roberts.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/M_Images/Mike_Rotunda7.jpg


How we got here: Last month, at the Royal Rumble, Ted DiBiase turned on Irwin R. Schyster, choosing instead to focus on a new 'enterprise'. Since then, the former IRS audit has appeared in a number of disturbing vignettes, denouncing his past, and claiming to have let the maniac within him free. His first target: Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, another recent debutant, who rejected DiBiase's offer to join the enterprise, however, Irwin Richard Foley still blamed him for the regression back into madness. Irwin has been taunting Roberts, saying that a mysterious force from both of their pasts will return at In Your House, however, will this force be unleashed, or will 'The Snake' have one more trick up his sleeve?


WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

The Steiner Brothers © vs The Masked Vigilantes w/ Jon Raven vs Demolition


http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt266/WCW92Rude/ScottSteiner.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l296/joehelmer/WCW%20dynasty/Wrestlers/RickSteiner2.jpg VS ??? AND ??? VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/A_Images/Ax2.jpg http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/B%20Images/Barry%20Darsow/Smash001KYKYBackground_zpsbcc4a955.jpg


How we got here: After Demolition's disqualification win over The Undertaker, two masked vigilantes attacked the duo, putting them out of action for several weeks. Meanwhile, the Steiner Brothers were in jubilant mood, having defeated Money Inc for the WWF Tag Team Championship, but their celebration was short-lived, as the same vigilantes attacked them on the Raw following Royal Rumble. However, both teams rallied back, and once Demolition discovered that their former manager, Jon Raven, was managing the vigilantes, and that they were in fact imposters, led to direct the WWF towards the desired cause, they asked to be entered into the WWF Tag Team Championship match, and The Steiner Brothers relented, allowing them to join in the punishment that would come the Masked Vigilantes? But will they dish out the punishment, or will a new force reign supreme over the tag team division?


If Undertaker Wins, The Urn's Location is Revealed

The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs Ted DiBiase w/ ???


http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/U%20Images/Undertaker/Undertaker%20013%20KYKY%20Background_zps9yjahy3q.jpg VS http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/T%20Images/Ted%20DiBiase%20Sr/TedDiBiaseSr001KYKYBackground.jpg


How we got here: The Undertaker's urn was stolen by a group of masked vigilantes at the Royal Rumble, and since then, 'The Deadman' and his manager, Paul Bearer, have diligently looking for it, knowing that without it, there is no phenom in the WWF. 'The Million Dollar Man', Ted DiBiase, 'kindly' stepped in, stating that he knew where the urn was, before setting Papa Shango on both men, signalling the beginning of his new enterprise. He then offered The Undertaker a match, stating that all he'd wanted to do since bringing the Undertaker into the WWF at Survivor Series 1990 is to get an up-close glimpse of the Deadman for himself, offering the urn's location as a match winning stipulation. The Undertaker accepted, but with cryptic talk of DiBiase introducing someone to make a stunning introduction, can he prevail against a man who is the embodiment of American capitalism?


Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships

The Headshrinkers w/ Captain Lou Albano vs The Memphis City Gods


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/S_Images/Samula_Anoai.jpg http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh244/newerawrestling/Rikishi3.jpg VS http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20J/Jerry_Lawler2.jpg http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/R%20Images/Rob%20Van%20Dam/RobVanDam002KYKYBackground.jpg


How we got here: Following the Memphis City Gods' win over The Headshrinkers at the Royal Rumble, the pair have continued to goad the Samoans, criticising their dynasty, and attacking managers, Afa and Sika, nonetheless. However, Samu and Fatu have struck back, employing their mentors' former manager, Captain Lou Albano, in an attempt to get them a shot at gold. With such hungry teams vying for the number one contenders' spot, just who will grab this opportunity?


Match For Fourth Spot in Main Event:

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage


http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/H%20Images/Hulk%20Hogan/HulkHogan003KYKYBackground.jpg VS http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee460/ruben_origami/Wrestling/KYKY%20Background/M%20Images/Macho%20Man%20Randy%20Savage/MachoManRandySavage002KYKYBackground.jpg


Prediction Card:


Fourth Spot In Main Event:

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage



#1 Contenders for WWF World Tag Championships:

The Headshrinkers w/ Captain Lou Albano vs The Memphis City Gods



Urn Location Stipulation:

The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs Ted DiBiase w/ ???



WWF World Tag Team Championships:

The Steiner Brothers © vs The Masked Vigilantes vs Demolition



Jake Roberts vs Irwin Richard Foley



Jannetty Win = Title Shot

Jannetty Lose = Fired

The Heartbreak Army (Shawn Michaels, Sergeant Slaughter, Razor Ramon, Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala) vs The Rockin' Warriors (Marty Jannetty, The Ultimate Warrior, The Kid and The Road Warriors)



WWF Championship Four-Way Dance:

Bret Hart © vs Owen Hart vs Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman



Four-Way Dance for WWF Championship Match at WrestleMania IX

If Diesel is pinned, he is released from his WWF contract:

Hogan/Savage vs Yokozuna vs Davey Boy Smith vs Diesel



Bonus Questions:

1: Who will be Ted DiBiase's stunning introduction?

2: Will the leader of the Vigilantes be revealed? If so, who is he?

3: Who is the HE that Irwin Richard Foley speaks of, and when will he debut?

4: Who are the men behind the masks in the Tag Team match?

5: Will there be any returns tonight? If so, who?


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Fourth Spot In Main Event:

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage

Comments: Good luck trying to get Hogan to lose.


#1 Contenders for WWF World Tag Championships:

The Headshrinkers w/ Captain Lou Albano vs The Memphis City Gods

Comments: Please don't be modern WWE in 1993 and push a Roman Reigns.


Urn Location Stipulation:

The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs Ted DiBiase w/ ???

Comments: Only because Mania would be a better place for Taker's win.


WWF World Tag Team Championships:

The Steiner Brothers © vs The Masked Vigilantes vs Demolition

Comments: Can't wait to see who this is.


Jake Roberts vs Irwin Richard Foley

Comments: Shenanigans will introduce Cactus here.


Jannetty Win = Title Shot

Jannetty Lose = Fired

The Heartbreak Army (Shawn Michaels, Sergeant Slaughter, Razor Ramon, Bam Bam Bigelow and Kamala) vs The Rockin' Warriors (Marty Jannetty, The Ultimate Warrior, The Kid and The Road Warriors)

Comments: Jannetty living in a world where he doesn't get fired every three months will be awesome.


WWF Championship Four-Way Dance:

Bret Hart © vs Owen Hart vs Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman

Comments: This pains my heart not to say Pillman.


Four-Way Dance for WWF Championship Match at WrestleMania IX

If Diesel is pinned, he is released from his WWF contract:

Hogan/Savage vs Yokozuna vs Davey Boy Smith vs Diesel

Comments: I thought about choosing Hogan here. Tough choice.


Bonus Questions:

1: Who will be Ted DiBiase's stunning introduction? That's gotta be Kane!

2: Will the leader of the Vigilantes be revealed? If so, who is he? Yes; gotta set up Mania here. I have no earthly idea. Maybe Sting?

3: Who is the HE that Irwin Richard Foley speaks of, and when will he debut? Mick Foley. Maybe at this match.

4: Who are the men behind the masks in the Tag Team match? Hawk and Animal

5: Will there be any returns tonight? If so, who? Nah, I feel like there's already way too many big things happening.

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