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WWE 2004: The Coming Storm

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Missed SmackDown again :p


Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven

Comments: Puuuuuuush. Maven should never beat either of these guys.


Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy

Comments: This one's actually kinda tough but I'll go with Matt.


Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly

Comments: I went Molly last week and it bit me, but I'm too stubborn to switch now.


Kane vs Goldberg

Comments: I guess.


RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution

Comments: DQ most likely. Having the champs beat their challengers here wouldn't really make much sense heading into the PPV.


Comments on previous show/diary in general: Good stuff going on here. Keep it up! I enjoyed the sarcastic comment about Cena's mic skills being loved forever hahah.

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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner

Comments: HEH


The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg

Comments: DQ?


RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution


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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner


The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg



RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution



Comments on previous show/diary in general:

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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg

Comments: DQ?


RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution


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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg



RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution


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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg



RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution


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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg



RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution


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Week 3 January 2004


Commentary: Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven


Stephanie lobbied to have Triple H start this show with a promo, but I wanted to mix it up by starting things off with a tag team match. Guess we know who's Dad's favorite now, huh Steph? Anyways, Jericho and Christian tease some more tension between the two of them, but still manage to get the win over the makeshift team of Booker and Maven when Christian hits the Unprettier and picks up the win.


Match Grade: B-




Backstage, Lillian Garcia asks Shawn Michaels, The Dudley Boyz, and RVD about their odds in the eight-man tag team main event against Evolution later tonight. Michaels does most of the talking, and for good reason, as he's masterful in laying out how all four of them are tired of Evolution thinking they can run rough-shod over RAW, and they're going to put a stop to that tonight.



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner


Dad still can't tell me what the common bond between Val Venis and Lance Storm is, not that he has much time to think about it in this match, as Test and Steiner roll through Venis and Storm fairly quickly. This was just a match to put over the two big guys heading into the Royal Rumble match.


Match Grade: C-



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy


Matt Fact: Matt prefers super villains. Classic. This was another showcase match, though this time it was the guy on the losing end of the equation that will actually be in the Royal Rumble match. We wanted to build Matt up a bit after he's done a whole lot of nothing as of late on RAW, and this match saw him gain a bit of momentum as he puts Hurricane away with a Twist Of Fate.


Match Grade: C+



Molly Holly and Jazz vs Jacqueline and Lita


Another tag match on a show that's full of them, as we have our divas match of the night. Dad spends the majority of it asking me who I think is the hottest of the four women in the ring, but I concentrate on the match and see Lita pin Molly Holly in another tag team match via Moonsault.


Match Grade: D+


A video plays showing the dominance of Goldberg and Kane respectively over the recent weeks and months, with it ending as Goldberg spears Kane last week.



Kane vs Goldberg


Kane met Goldberg on the outside of the ring to start this one, and it was obvious that the referee wouldn't be able to control the two. They brawl around the ringside area before taking it back into the ring and eventually it spills outside again. The referee is losing control of the match and starts to count the two out. He gets to the count of ten, but not before Goldberg hits Kane with a spear, sending both of them through the barricade! It's a double count-out!


Match Grade: B


Once the match is over, Goldberg and Kane both have trouble getting to their feet. They're each able to with the help of the barricade, but we send security and officials out to help them to the back and keep them seperated anyways. Goldberg is fuming to me when he gets through the curtain, and corners me, growling in my face that he should have been booked to win the match. I tell him that he's got bigger things coming, and it's all setting up for something more, but with his attitude recently, plans may be changing...


We play a hype video for Evolution ahead of the main event to remind fans of how dominant they have been.






Evolution comes to the ring for the main event, and we slot some time for them to hype themselves up. Triple H does most of the talking, as usual, but Randy Orton and Ric Flair both talk about how they plan on winning the Royal Rumble, with Flair also mentioning the tables match against The Dudley Boyz for the tag titles at Royal Rumble. Batista, for his part, does what he does best, standing there and looking scary.





Evolution vs The Dudley Boyz, RVD, and Shawn Michaels


This main event features the all-stars of Monday Night RAW, and we make sure to have the announcers put that idea over several times throughout the long match. We gave the pinfall to Rob Van Dam on a Five-Star Frog Splash on Ric Flair since we're close to his hometown tonight in Michigan.


Match Grade: C+


After the match is over, chaos predictably erupts in the ring. Triple H basically abandons Evolution as The Dudleyz bring a table into the ring to put Batista through it with a 3-D! That's followed up by Sweet Chin Music to Randy Orton, which RVD continues with a second Five-Star Frog Splash. The four men stand tall and stare Triple H down to end the show, as Evolution's days look numbered!

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Dad handed me the match breakdown for Smackdown Week 3 January 2004, which looks like this:


Chavo Guerrero vs Kurt Angle



Ultimo Dragon vs Tajiri



Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



Billy Gunn vs Rhyno



John Cena vs The Big Show



A-Train vs Hardcore Holly



Comments on previous show/dynasty in general:

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Chavo Guerrero vs Kurt Angle


Ultimo Dragon vs Tajiri



Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



Billy Gunn vs Rhyno


John Cena vs The Big Show



A-Train vs Hardcore Holly



Comments on previous show/dynasty in general: Do I get a prize for being the only person to predict the opposite of what you booked on RAW lol?

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Chavo Guerrero vs Kurt Angle



Ultimo Dragon vs Tajiri



Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



Billy Gunn vs Rhyno



John Cena vs The Big Show



A-Train vs Hardcore Holly


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Kurt Angle - Chavito is on the low end of the spectrum compared to Kurt.

Tajiri - Number one contender picks up a win.

WGTT - Too Cool are too cold. Like a dead fish.


John Cena - Probably by count out or DQ or something.

Hardcore Holly - Gotta build that "hardcore" push...

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Chavo Guerrero vs Kurt Angle



Ultimo Dragon vs Tajiri



Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



Billy Gunn vs Rhyno



John Cena vs The Big Show



A-Train vs Hardcore Holly



Comments on previous show/dynasty in general:

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Chavo Guerrero vs Kurt Angle



Ultimo Dragon vs Tajiri



Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



Billy Gunn vs Rhyno



John Cena vs The Big Show



A-Train vs Hardcore Holly


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Week 3 January 2004


Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz


We start Smackdown with a camera in the parking lot as a car pulls up. The door opens and out steps




Chris Benoit. The audience cheers for the man they hope will win the Royal Rumble, but those cheers quickly turn into boos as




Brock Lesnar comes into the shot by attacking Chris Benoit! He slams him into the side of the car before picking him up and dropping him across the trunk of it. Brock continues to assault Benoit with the car before putting his ankle in the car door and kicking it shut! Brock has completely laid Benoit out, and it's clear that we're not going to see any more of The Rabid Wolverine tonight. The announcers put over the fact that Lesnar did this to take Benoit out so he can't help Hardcore Holly later on in the night.



Chavo Guerrero vs Kurt Angle


Michael Cole tells us that Kurt Angle asked for this match after Chavo helped him win the match against Eddie Guerrero last week, claiming that he didn't ask for or want Chavo's help. This really puts Angle over as the good guy here, just trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately, this is WWE and the good guy doesn't always win, as Tazz points out. Chavo holds his own against Angle in this match, but in this case, Angle proves that sometimes the good guys do win, as he puts Chavo out with an Angle Slam.


Match Grade: B-




Eddie Guerrero comes running down to the ring after the match is over. He shoves Angle in the chest, and he can be heard audibly telling Angle to stay away from his nephew. In spite of everything they've been through, Eddie still cares about Chavo. Unfortunately for Eddie, Angle cares about respect, and that leads to him hitting Eddie with the same move that gained him the win in the last match.



Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon


Another good cruiserweight match, as we see Tajiri square off with Ultimo Dragon. Both of these guys impress me, but especially Tajiri, and I'm interested to see his match with Rey Mysterio at Royal Rumble. Dragon is on a roll in this match until Tajiri uses the green mist on him and follows it up with a Buzzsaw Kick that puts Dragon down for the 3-count.


Match Grade: C-


We replay the video of Rey Mysterio getting hit with the very same green mist a few weeks back, with Michael Cole questioning whether Rey will make it to defend his Cruiserweight Championship against Tajiri at Royal Rumble.




Kurt Angle is backstage, when he's approached by Smackdown General Manager Paul Heyman.




Paul Heyman tells Angle that he hopes he's happy with himself for getting involved in the Guerrero family affairs. He tells Angle that he'll have one more chance to, this time legally, as Angle will be the Special Referee when Chavo Guerrero faces Eddie Guerrero at the Royal Rumble. Dad figured adding Angle to the match would make things more interesting, and I have to agree with him on this one.



World's Greatest Tag Team vs Rikishi and Scotty


These are two of Smackdown's top teams, and with the WWE Tag Team title picture wide open, we made sure to have Cole and Tazz say that this match would go a long way in deciding the number one contenders. All four men give it their best, but something just doesn't click. Still not a bad match, just not great. Haas lifts Scotty's legs on his shoulders and Benjamin jumps over them onto Scotty's back, covering him while Haas knocks Rikish off the apron, giving World's Greatest Tag Team the win.


Match Grade: C



Rhyno vs Billy Gunn


The announcers say that Paul Heyman booked this match to show that nobody is safe from his trio of hand-picked guys, but really, Dad and myself just knew we needed to fill some time on this Smackdown. That doesn't mean that Rhyno and Billy don't put on a good match, though. They do, and Rhyno walks out with the win following a Gore.


Match Grade: C




John Cena raps about the Big Show before their match. Cena says he's the best in the ring, and on the stick. Tonight, Big Show can suck his...



Non-Title Match

John Cena vs Big Show


Cena is outmatched when it comes to size, power, and experience in this match, but he shows a lot of fight as the underdog, never giving up against Big Show. I think there may be a career for him in that sort of role. He hits Show with everything he has, but Big Show just keeps attacking him and slamming him into the mat. Cena lifts Big Show for the F-U briefly, but Show rolls out of the ring, grabbing the United States Championship and slamming it into Cena's face right in front of the referee.


Match Grade: C-



A-Train vs Hardcore Holly


We instructed A-Train to go for very few pinfalls in this match, as we wanted to really drive home that Paul Heyman put him in this match to punish Hardcore before his WWE Championship match against Brock at Royal Rumble. A-Train does just that, working over Holly's back and ribs in a harsh match that sees Holly fight back to the best of his ability. A-Train puts Holly in a Powerbomb position, but Holly fights out and turns it into an Alabama Slam to pick up the win.


Match Grade: C+




Brock's music hits, rather than Holly's, and the WWE Champion makes his way down to the ring. Holly looks read for Lesnar and invites him into the ring, but he only does after a Derailer from A-Train to Holly. Brock stomps on Holly and boots him out of the ring, looking down on him cockily before lifting Holly up and hitting an F-5 through the announce table. We close the show with Lesnar standing tall above Holly, holding his WWE Championship high in the air.

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Week 3 January 2004


Rhyno def Rikishi (B-)

Rhyno cuts a promo, telling everyone that will listen that he plans on winning the Royal Rumble (just like everyone else in the match)

Chris Benoit def Matt Morgan (C-)

Benoit cuts a promo, saying that Heyman, Lesnar, nobody can keep him down.

Basham Brothers defeated Paul London and Spanky (D+)

A video recaps Tajiri's recent string of mistings before our main event

Tajiri def Billy Kidman (C-)

We recap Brock Lesnar vs Hardcore Holly so far




Week 3 January 2004


Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak def Val Venis and Lance Storm ©

Molly Holly def Jacqueline (D)

Another video airs for Muhammad Hassan, who will debut at the Royal Rumble

Matt Hardy def Stevie Richards ©

A hardcore match between Goldberg and Kane is announced for Monday's RAW

Booker T def Rob Conway ©

We recap Triple H vs Shawn Michaels thus far, just a week before their final showdown at Royal Rumble

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Dad handed me the match report for RAW Week 4 January 2004, which looks like this:


Intercontinental Championship

RVD vs Randy Orton © w/ Ric Flair



The Dudley Boyz vs Chris Jericho and Christian



Jazz vs Lita



Hardcore Match

Kane vs Goldberg



Ric Flair w/Batista vs Shawn Michaels



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