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Monday 3 Week, January 2010

Arena: AL Celebration Arena

Attendance: 10,000


Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler greet us from the announce table. (76)


The episode starts with a promo of Sheamus. WWE Champion last week interrupted the match between Cena and Orton, because he should be in the main event, he should be in the main spot of the show. He is the WWE Champion and deserves to be the center of attention and the Royal Royal prove that no one can beat him. The speech is interrupted by Legacy that climbs in the ring and attacks the WWE Champion. The segment ends with a RKO of Orton to the damages of Sheamus. (74)


Mark Henry is on the phone with MVP. The World Strongest Man advised his friend to recover, will think he take revenge on The Miz. (78)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Mark%20Henry_zpspmwcfabb.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Chavo%20Guerrero_zpsuu8p3uu4.png


Winner: Mark Henry (61)


Mark Henry celebrates with the fans, but resonates the theme song of The Miz. The US Champion takes the microphone and boasts of having sent to the hospital MVP, for he is always overrated and does not deserve to stay in the ring with the future of WWE. Henry invite Miz in the ring, but the champion says he does not need to humiliate Henry. But behind the champion appears Vince McMahon which enshrines Miz vs. Mark Henry for the next week. (80)


Next Week:


The Miz vs. Mark Henry!


RAW Rewind: the Colòns beat the JeriShow for disqualification! (72)


Promo of JeriShow. Jericho took the floor and reminded that last week they lost against the Colòns for disqualification, but it's good, because they are winning and do not flinch in front of any challenge. Show takes the piss the Hart Dynasty calling them "recommended". At Smackdown have learned that no one can disrespecting the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions. (74)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Primo_zpsfurqrval.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Chris%20Jericho_TagTeamChampion_zpsve6f6bj0.png


Winner: Chris Jericho (81 - YES! YES! YES!)

Chris Jericho called Big Show in the ring to finish the job, but comes Carlito! The Former US Champion tries to resist, but he is sent to the mat with a knockout punch. Jericho concludes by executing the Codebreaker on Primo. (65)


Interview with John Cena. The Leader of the Chain Gang is confident for the Rumble, because despite Sheamus is a coward and Orton is followed by his henchmen, he has the strength to beat anyone that ring and take the WWE Championship. Cena may not conclude the interview, because it is attacked by the Legacy! (86)


Vince McMahon is in the ring. The Chairman recalled that in two weeks will take place on the Royal Rumble Match, and then he wants to announce that not everyone can take part in the match. Because all those who already have a match, unlike Michaels and Triple H, can not participate in the the Royal Rumble. He does not care that top players remain out of the match, because he is the boss and can do whatever he wants. Shawn Michaels reaches Vince into the ring. HBK admits to hate Vince, because put him against his best friend at the Royal Rumble. Michaels unfortunately will have to beat a man who considers a brother because he wants to fight against Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Michaels approaches Vince and says that Wrestlemania is near and that night hopes to see him locked in a Sharpshooter. (83)

Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Jack%20Swagger_zpsyflc6akh.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/John%20Cena_zpsjz5anudd.png


Winner: John Cena (74)


The Colòns are in the infirmary. Carlito tries to give strength to his younger brother, but enters Vince McMahon which enshrines Carlito vs. Big Show for the next week. (78)


Next Week:


Carlito vs. Big Show!


The DX comes out of the dressing room. Michaels Triple H stops and asks his friend to be united tonight to win the match. Triple H says that there are no problems between them and tonight will fight as a real team. (86)

The Legacy is interviewed. Orton took the floor and congratulates with his boys because tonight they have been good, but now it's time to close the evening with a flourish. Tonight SHOULD beat the DX. (74)


Tag Team Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Shawn%20Michaels_zpsgubpjxgs.pnghttp://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Triple%20H_zpsr9h9kgxe.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Ted%20DiBiase%20Jr._zps6jdal7lb.pnghttp://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Cody%20Rhodes_zpsqgl0778m.png


Winners: DX (80)


The Legacy wastes no time attacking the DX. Orton organizes the offensive, but there comes John Cena! The Leader of Chaing Gang sends Orton to the mat, but DiBiase and Rhodes save their leader and sent Cena to the mat.


<iframe width="300" height="150" src="

https://www.youtube.com/embed/yz0pNiBCyN4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


SHEAMUS! The WWE Champion gets in the ring with a chair and hits the entire Legacy... BOOM! CHAIRSHOT ON ORTON! The Viper down the ring, but the Celtic Warrior takes a microphone and challenges Orton to a match for next week. (79)







30-Man Battle Royal Match - Featuring: Batista, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler,

The Miz, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels or Triple H,

and more!


WWE Championship - Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena


World Heavyweight Championship - The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio


ECW Championship - Christian © vs. Shelton Benjamin


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships - JeriShow © vs. Colons


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match - Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

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  • Replies 73
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Interesting piece with Sheamus, I'm reading and following this, just not posting or predicting. Keep up the good work sir!


Same as Kijar. I've checked in quite a few times. I'm kind of rooting for Legacy in a feud against Sheamus. I find him bland right now which is a shame because I used to love him! Maybe you can change my opinion of him!

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Interesting piece with Sheamus, I'm reading and following this, just not posting or predicting. Keep up the good work sir!


Thanks for the support! I appreciate it! :D


Same as Kijar. I've checked in quite a few times. I'm kind of rooting for Legacy in a feud against Sheamus. I find him bland right now which is a shame because I used to love him! Maybe you can change my opinion of him!


I'll tell you the truth ... I do not consider Sheamus a top player, but in my diary will always have a role in uppercarding, which for me is its size ideal.






Kijar = 4/4

michgcs = 4/4



Tuesday 3 Week, January 2010


Ezekiel Jackson vs. Tyler Reks

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Paul Burchill

Christian & Goldust vs. Zack Ryder & Shelton Benjamin

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I'm a closet Sheamus fan for sure. :p


Ezekiel Jackson vs. Tyler Reks

I like T-Reks, but Big Zeke will come away with the win here.

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Paul Burchill

I see more potential with Burchill for some reason.

Christian & Goldust vs. Zack Ryder & Shelton Benjamin

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/Mobile%20Uploads/1445327815051_zpspefxcjxz.png</span><p> </p><p>

<em>Tuesday 3 Week, January 2010</em></p><p>

<strong>Arena:</strong> AL Celebration Arena </p><p>

<strong>Attendance:</strong> 10,000 </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Josh Mathews</strong> and <strong>Matt Striker</strong> welcome us from the announce table. <strong>(60)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stephanie McMahon</strong> is already in the ring. The Billion Dollar Princess is satisfied with the product which is offering the ECW, but still is not sure who will leave this show opened. Stephanie says that the ratings are going up, but is still not enough, then the wrestler must work harder otherwise will lose their jobs and will find themselves in the middle of a road. <strong>(86)</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>William Regal</strong> is in the backstage with Ezekiel Jackson. Regal says his protege that he is a monster, must destroy any target that appears in front and tonight must destroy Tyler Reks.It should prove to be a worthy member of the Ruthless Roundtable. <strong>(67)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Single Match:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Ezekiel%20Jackson_zpsybpa96sj.png</span><strong> vs </strong><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Tyler%20Reks_zpsvai9r5hb.png</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Winner:</strong> Ezekiel Jackson <strong>(16)</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Ezekiel Jackson</strong> wins the match, but is attacked from behind by <strong>Vladimir Kozlov</strong>!!! The former member of the Ruthless Roundtable vents all his frustration on Jackson who manages to escape from the fury of the Russian. <strong>(51)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Katie Lea</strong> in the backstage talking with <strong>Paul Burchill</strong>. The two are interrupted by Stephanie McMahon, who wishes good luck to Burchill and hopes to see him winning tonight in his match. <strong>(56)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Zack Ryder</strong> stops the <strong>Dudebusters</strong>. The New Heart and Soul of ECW advised young people to enter the Woo Woo Connection, because they have the right look, and this choice could be a turning point in their career. The segment is interrupted by <strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong>. The Gold Standard order Zack Ryder to make less the fool tonight because not want to lose. Ryder reassures Benjamin and promises that tonight will win. <strong>(63)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Single Match:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Vladimir%20Kozlov_zpsewwasjpv.png</span><strong> vs </strong><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Paul%20Burchill_zpskkmrqrvh.png</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Winner:</strong> Paul Burchill <strong>(60)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match is over, but <strong>Ezekiel Jackson</strong> climbs in the ring and attacks <strong>Vladimir Kozlov</strong>! The protégé of William Regal takes revenge for the attack received previously and copisce Russian with the Book of Ezekiel. <strong>(48)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Interview with <strong>Christian</strong> and <strong>Goldust</strong>. ECW Champion took the floor and said that tonight will create a great match, because ECW is at risk, so you need to cross the line. Goldust is happy to be able to compete in the main event, because lately you feel in great shape and after getting rid of Ryder could also point all'ECW Title. Christian replied that can confront and beat him when he wants to. The two shake hands. <strong>(69)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Zack%20Ryder_zps4cjazzdh.png</span><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Shelton%20Benjamin_zpslbxj6f3o.png</span><strong> vs </strong><span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Goldust_zpsba8z5gjg.png</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/lUpXGp6.png</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Winner:</strong> Christian <strong>(66)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian</strong> won the match thanks to a Frog Splash. <strong>Goldust</strong> takes the belt and pass the belt to ECW champion. They celebrate with the fans and the episode ends here. <strong>(71)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><b><span style="font-size:14px;">WWE PRESENTS:</span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;">ROYAL RUMBLE 2010</span></b></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/0TrQlt8.png</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">30-Man Battle Royal Match - Featuring: Batista, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler,</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

The Miz, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels or Triple H,</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;">

and more!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">WWE Championship - Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">World Heavyweight Championship - The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">ECW Championship - Christian © vs. Shelton Benjamin</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">WWE Unified Tag Team Championships - JeriShow © vs. Colons</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">Royal Rumble Qualifying Match - Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Kijar, you came out of the closet on your Sheamus love a LONG time ago!! :S


There's nothing hidden about your Sheamus fandom, Kijar :p


I see you two love jokes. :p Chill haha


Tyson Kidd vs. Finlay

CM Punk & Luke Gallows vs. R-Truth & The Great Khali

Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison

Batista vs. Kane

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Friday 3 Week, January 2010

Arena: PA The Palestra

Attendance: 8,722


Jim Ross & Todd Grisham welcome us from the announce table. (72)


Batista opened the episode. The Animal is proclaimed emperor of Smackdown, because last week destroyed Kane and Rey Mysterio in the ring. Batista proved that no one in this roster is at his level and Undertakerhas its days numbered as World Heavyweight Champion. The flames burst onto the stage and Kane goes into the ring. The Big Red Machine climbs into the ring and attacked Batista. The animal survives for a few seconds, but then he was sent out of the ring. Intervenes Teddy Long which enshrines Batista vs. Kane as the main event. (81)


Main Event:


Batista vs Kane!


Promo of the Straight Edge Society. Punk says tonight R-Truth will face the SES with a Mystery Partner. Punk does not know who is this mystery partner, but he is sure that at the end of the evening, will be able to shave R-Truth and prove to the world that sooner or later everyone will have to accept the style Straight Edge. (53)

Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Tyson%20Kidd_zpshewvsz5r.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Finlay_zpswp6plm6z.png


Winner: Finlay (67)


After the match the JeriShow climb into the ring and attack the Hart Dynasty. Show want to hit David Hart Smith with a KO Punk, but Finlay goes back in the ring with a chair and makes a clean sweep. (50)


A video summarizes the feud between CM Punk and R-Truth. (74)


The Straight Edge Society is in the ring. R-Truth comes on stage and present his Mystery Partner... THE GREAT KHALI!!! CM Punk is not so happy about this surprise. (73)


Tag Team Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Luke%20Gallows_zps5dmrxqfp.pnghttp://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/CM%20Punk_zpsmicrgcnz.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/R-Truth_zps4g7pvuza.pnghttp://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/The%20Great%20Khali_zpsfbjtdapj.png


Winners: The Straight Edge Society (79)


CM Punk called Serena Deeb and asks him to pass a razor. Punk takes the razor and shave wants R-Truth, but The Great Khali climbs in the ring and save his friend. Punk is very irritated by this, but decides to return backstage. (74)


Drew McIntyre is in Teddy Long's office. The Scotchman complain because it must be protected by its General Menager. Long says he is the Intercontinental Champion and must defend his belt at the Royal Rumble. McIntyre is irritated and leaves the office of Long. (74)


Interview with Matt Hardy. The former ECW Champion is charged for tonight, because he wants to find the motivation to keep going and improve their career in WWE. He knows very well that Morrison is a tough opponent, but tonight is sure that he will win and after that beat McIntyre at the Royal Rumble. (74)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Matt%20Hardy_zpsmwl74nnf.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/John%20Morrison_zpsqvyho2y6.png


Winner: Matt Hardy (71)


Matt Hardy wins the match and will face Drew McIntyre at the Royal Rumble. The Intercontinental Champion climbs in the ring and attacks Hardy behind. The Scotchman hit for a few seconds his next rival, but John Morrison comes to the rescue of Hardy. At the end Hardy and Morrison shake hands a sign of respect. (81)


Smackdown Rewind: Rey Mysterio beats Batista and earns a title shot for the World Heavyweight Title. (85)


Promo of Rey Mysterio. The Ultimate Underdog says that at the Royal Rumble in 2006, he was in the ring and won the Royal Rumble. This year will not be able participate in the Rumble, but will face The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title. He is aware that Undertaker is strong, a legend, and it is hard to beat. But in his career he has never pulled back. Has always silenced his detractors, he always fought with a real man and at the Rumble will not be outdone. The lights go out and we hear the voice of the Undertaker saying: "... Rey Mysterio at the Royal Rumble ... YOU ... WILL ... REST IN PEACE!". The lights come back on and find a Rey Mysterio worried. (89)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Batista_zpsivxr4lxw.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Kane_zpsarozt0wd.png


Double Count Out (60)


The referee called the Double Count Out because Batista and Kane are in the audience. The two wrestlers strike each other. The security test to divide the two rivals, but there's nothing to do. The episode closes on this mega fight. (81)







30-Man Battle Royal Match - Featuring: Batista, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler,

The Miz, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels or Triple H,

and more!


WWE Championship - Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena


World Heavyweight Championship - The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio


ECW Championship - Christian © vs. Shelton Benjamin


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships - JeriShow © vs. Colons


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match - Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

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Kijar = 2/4

michgcs = 1/4



Monday 4 Week, January 2010


Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger

Carlito vs. Big Show

Mark Henry vs. The Miz

Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

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  • 2 weeks later...


Monday 4 Week, January 2010

Arena: MA Conte Forum

Attendance: 7,884


Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler welcome us from the announce table. (82)


The episode starts with a promo of Sheamus. The WWE Champion reminds that last week was brutally attacked by the Legacy. The Celtic Warrior can not move on, he wants revenge, so tonight wants to Randy Orton into the ring to kick him in the ass. Do not wants to wait the Royal Rumble for lay hands on him. Vince McMahon appears on the Titantron. The Chairman is pleasantly surprised by the determination of Sheamus. A true champion should be so, so he decides to reward the WWE Champion sanctioning Sheamus vs. Randy Orton as the main event of RAW. (79)




Sheamus vs. Randy Orton!


Interview with Jack Swagger. The All-American American praised his performance and Sunday night will win the Royal Rumble. Swagger face Kofi Kingston tonight and will have no mercy on the Boom Squad General. (82)


Single Match


http://i.imgur.com/Ac0z3ZL.png vs http://i.imgur.com/tszRv2F.png


Winner: Jack Swagger (83)


Jack Swagger won the match, but is not satisfied. Swagger closes Kofi Kingston in the ankle lock and many leaders intervene to calm down the Oklahoma native. (77)


Vince McMahon is talking at phone in his office. Entry John Cena and asks for a match tonight, because tonight Sheamus and Randy Orton will face and he does not want to stay on the sidelines. Vince says he will give him a match tonight, in fact will face Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes in a handicap match. (79)




John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes!


Interview with JeriShow. Show says that tonight will be a bad night for Carlito, because it will address the World's Largest Athlete. Big Show will have no mercy for Carlito and later will also touch to his brother Primo. (69)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Big%20Show_TagTeamChampion_zpsw9xecigy.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Carlito_zps51h6ijcu.png


Winner: Carlito (70)


Carlito sensationally manages to win the match, but is attacked by JeriShow. Carlito is in danger, however, comes Primo with a steel chair that sends out of the ring the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions. (70)


A video summarizing the whole story between The Miz, MVP and Mark Henry. (62)


Interview with The Miz. The US Champion is irritated, because tonight will face a tough match against Mark Henry, should instead be at home for rest. Sunday will participate in the Royal Rumble Match, but tonight he will still do his job and beat Mark Henry. (76)

Single Match:


http://i.imgur.com/qdJjraE.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Mark%20Henry_zpspmwcfabb.png


Winner by Count Out: Mark Henry (61)


The Miz left the ring, he takes the belt and goes to the backstage. Mark Henry asks the US Champion to back in the ring, but the Awesome One sends to that country his rival and back in the backstage. (80)


After the commercial break, Triple H climbs into the ring with a microphone. The Game reminds that last week he and his best friend have defeated the Legacy. They fought as a team, but they will face Sunday night at the Royal Rumble. Triple H understands that HBK wants to win the Royal Rumble, because it might give him the chance to face Undertaker at WrestleMania, but he will have to break his dreams of glory. Shawn Michaels climbs into the ring and takes a microphone. HBK says this Royal Rumble Match will have special significance, is the last lifeline that could save his career. Since one year think to Undertaker, thinks of his defeat of Wrestlemania 25 and Sunday night will win the Royal Rumble to forget everything. He will do anything to face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, even passing over the body of his best friend. Michaels and Triple H go face to face, but they are attacked from behind by Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes. The two young men brutally attacking veterans, but there comes John Cena that saves the DX and put away from the ring the Legacy. John Cena vs. Legacy... IS NEXT!!! (80)


Handicap Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/John%20Cena_zpsjz5anudd.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Ted%20DiBiase%20Jr._zps6jdal7lb.pnghttp://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Cody%20Rhodes_zpsqgl0778m.png


Winner: John Cena (68)


John Cena is visibly proved by this match and is attacked from behind by Cody Rhodes. Ted DiBiase Jr. joins his partner, but back in the ring Shawn Michaels that hitting members of the Legacy with two Sweet Chin Music. (80)


Interview with Randy Orton. The Viper is irritated by the defeat of his boys, because all this puts in a bad light the Legacy. The Legend Killer hoped that DiBiase and Rhodes do a good job in the main event, otherwise it will be a bad day for them. (76)


John Cena limps in the backstage, but meets Vince McMahon. The Chairman informed Cena that his night is not yet complete, will have to go to the announce table for the Main Event. (87)


Single Match:


http://i.imgur.com/J0nXcG0.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Randy%20Orton_zps0qltsmeb.png


Winner: Sheamus (67)


Ted DiBiase Jr. accidentally hit Randy Orton, causing the defeat of the Viper. Orton asks explanations to his stable mate, but Cody Rhodes invites the two wrestlers to return in the backstage. Sheamus takes the belt and smiles watching the scene. Behind him it appears John Cena that knocks him down with an Attitude Adjustment. (83)







30-Man Battle Royal Match - Featuring: Batista, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler,

The Miz, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels or Triple H,

and more!


WWE Championship - Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena


World Heavyweight Championship - The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio


ECW Championship - Christian © vs. Shelton Benjamin


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships - JeriShow © vs. Colons


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match - Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

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Smasher1311 = 2/5

Kijar = 2/5



Tuesday 4 Week, January 2010


Paul Burchill vs. Tyler Reks

Vance Archer vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Goldust vs. Zack Ryder

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  • 2 weeks later...



Tuesday 4 Week, January 2010

Arena: MA Conte Forum

Attendance: 7,884


Josh Matthews & Matt Striker welcome us from the announce table. (74)


Paul Burchill and Katie Lea climb into the ring. The girl took the floor and says that his brother last week launched a signal to Regal. It should not meddle in among his business, because people around him, as Ezekie Jackson, could suffer a harsh consequences. William Regal interrupted and climbs into the ring. The Englishman says that last week Burchill has been shown to have the balls. Has severely affected Jackson, but the monster is ready to hurt him. He advised Jackson to step aside and to think about Vladimir Kozlov. Regal sees talent in Paul Burchill and wants to take him in the Ruthless Roundtable. Intervenes Stephanie McMahon that enshrines Paul Burchill vs. Tyler Reks. (62)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Paul%20Burchill_zpskkmrqrvh.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Tyler%20Reks_zpsvai9r5hb.png


Winner: Paul Burchill (16)


William Regal has seen the match from ringside. The English climbs into the ring and extends his hand to Paul Burchill. Katie Lea takes his brother and brings him in the backstage. (65)


Zack Ryder talking in the backstage with Rosa Mendes. Ryder recommends the girl to watch his match tonight, because tonight will show the power of Woo Woo Connection. Mendes reminds Ryder that might well lose, but Ryder putteth away Mendes. (64)


Video Recap of history between Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Kozlov. (54)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Vance%20Archer_zpsenukdrmv.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Vladimir%20Kozlov_zpsewwasjpv.png


Winner: Vladimir Kozlov (55)


Vladimir Kozlov celebrates the victory, but on the stage appears Ezekiel Jackson. Russian invites his rival in the ring and starts a brawl between the two wrestlers. Tough battle, but eventually wins Jackson, which affects Kozlov with the Book of Ezekiel. (55)


Interview with Goldust. The son of Dusty Rhodes remembers his past in WWE. His career was long, but after a few years of loss, has a chance to rebuild. ECW is giving this opportunity and he will not waste this opportunity. (64)


Single Match:


http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Goldust_zpsba8z5gjg.png vs http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m523/DarioFiore94/WWE%202010/Zack%20Ryder_zps4cjazzdh.png


Winner: Goldust (60)


Goldust won the match! Zack Ryder is desperate, but beware! The Dudebusters attack behind Goldust! Ryder gets up and hugs the two young wrestlers! OH MY GOD! THE WOO WOO CONNECTION IS HERE! (39)


A video shows us how Shelton Benjamin won a shot for the ECW Title. (75)


Josh Matthews is already in the ring for the contract signing between Shelton Benjamin and Christian. The Gold Standard is the first to climb into the ring, then is joined by Christian. Benjamin took the floor and says that over the years has always been the number two. He never won a title up, has won always secondary titles and seldom he appeared in the main event. He is tired, he wants to be the number, you want to be the Gold in a roster of WWE. At the Royal Rumble he will do anything to get out of this situation and fulfill his dream. Benjamin takes the contract and signing. Christian takes the microphone and says to appreciate the determination of his rival. After all, if you want to go higher, you have to be determined. Benjamin has the makings to become ECW champion, but there is a problem that the ECW Title away from Benjamin. That problem is called Christian. When he returned to WWE, he has promised to make their mark and not to remain in the rear. He kept his promise, won the ECW Title, and now is the best in ECW. Christian hopes that one day Benjamin could realize his dream, but it certainly will not happen at the Royal Rumble. The ECW Champion takes the contract and sign it. It 's official: Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin. The Canadian and Benjamin shaking hands. (78)







30-Man Battle Royal Match - Featuring: Batista, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler,

The Miz, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels or Triple H,

and more!


WWE Championship - Sheamus © vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena


World Heavyweight Championship - The Undertaker © vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships - JeriShow © vs. Colons


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match - Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

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Kijar = 1/3

michgcs = 2/3

AMarc9-8 = 2/3



Friday 4 Week, January 2010


John Morrison vs. Mike Knox

Hart Dinasty & Finlay vs. JeriShow & Dolph Ziggler

The Great Khali vs. CM Punk

Batista & ??? vs. Rey Mysterio & Kane

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