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AWA: Technical Transformations

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Minneapolis, Minnesota-AWA Headquarters-December 20th, 1984


From Madison Square Garden in New York City to the office of Verne Gagne in Minneapolis is a strange travel, but as someone looking for a job, I can’t really complain. Bobby had told me on my last day as an MSG stagehand that Verne was waiting for me, so I had no issues entering the building and getting to Verne’s office.


It was in front of his door that I stopped. I had to settle my nerves. After being fired due to an altercation with David Sammartino, I knew I had a bad reputation, even if David’s was worse. I could only hope it Bobby’s own word and reputation could override my own. I loved the wrestling business, something about it sang to me, and while I knew I could never be a wrestler myself, I at least wanted a hand in creating the magic.


With my hopes up, I entered the office, my papers tucked in a file under my left arm, a wave on my right hand, and a smile on my face. Confidence. That’s at least got to get me the chance to set up the ring every week right? Regardless, look out AWA, here comes Marcus Witcher.



Minneapolis, Minnesota-Witcher Apartment-December 21st, 1984




I know you must be confused as all hell right now, with the same dumb look on your face you get when talking to Andre, but focus here! You're the booker now kid, so you gotta start right away with plans!


Wait wait, I know what you're thinking, "Bobby what the hell have you gotten me into?!"


Look, for three months you and I have talked about this business, every day without fail, and I am positive when I say, that you belong there. You're exactly the young mind the AWA needs right now.


I know Verne will never admit it with how stubborn he is, but the AWA is getting to a plateau, and in this business that can lead into the end for anybody. Fans will get bored, they'll look elsewhere, and then they'll stay there.


I believe in you kid, and I made damn sure Verne knows I do. The future of his company needs someone fit for the future, not pissing the past away. I know I didn't chat with you for so long just for you to ignore me, so make good use of what I've taught you.


Make something great kid.


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan


I sat in my apartment, still not believing my meeting with the Gagnes, the message from Bobby, everything!


I stared at the letter in hand from my friend. I trust Bobby. He wouldn't just send me here like this if he didn't actually think I could do it. He's not a cruel guy.


But still...booker?


"Dammit Bobby."



After months of playing through mods, even attempting to make my own, I finally found a time and promotion that I feel good about booking.


My favorite stories in wrestling have always revolved around the evolution that happens in the business. Evolutions of wrestlers, characters, promotions and eras, my favorite one being the evolution of ECW, from NWA territory, to hardcore's heaven, to the idea of it evolving into a more modernized wrestling company, with many of our favorites being its headliners.


That being said, I feel like 1985 was the year filled with evolution stories that either never happened, went horribly wrong, or became gold mines.


WCCW was still reeling of the death of David Von Erich, with the shine of the Von Erich family starting to dim, from the deaths and incidents that had happened and were soon to come, especially during that year.


The WWF with the loom of Wrestlemania over their heads, this big chance that would lead into a "Golden Age" if you will. ;)


And the AWA, with the loss of Hulk Hogan among other talents like Gene Okerlund, Adrian Adonis, Wendi Richter, Bobby Heenan, Jesse Ventura and more, needed to fill in the gaps left as well as keep up with the changes of the business like many other territories.


I've tried all three, and while the WWF and WCCW have my interest as a someday diary, AWA has my focus. It has such a prestige to it, and while it was mostly pure wrestling focused, whose to say it couldn't have changed?


The idea of an evolving AWA is something I really enjoy, so for my first diary I want to work on something that keeps me pretty happy. I appreciate all criticisms and advice, as I want to get better and do more of these and do them the justice they deserve.


Welcome, to AWA: Technical Transformations.

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January 4th, 1985

From the Hana Arena in Trotwood, Ohio

Attendance: 3,779


Announce Team: Rod Trongard





The first ever All Star Wrestling of 1985 starts off with the legendary Nick Bockwinkel greeting the people, however that's not his main reason.


Bockwinkel: Even after weeks of standoffs with Rick Martel, I feel I've forgotten something rather important. And that quite frankly, is a congratulations to our World Champion.


You see, Rick Martel did what I could not, and beat Jumbo Tsurata, becoming a member of a prestigious club, allowing him to walk through a door few have ever even seen. A door that is only opened to those who climb the top of our mountain, the top of our world and become the World Champion! Only the absolute best of the best have, can, and ever will hold that World Championship.


Which is why it will always come back to me. You are good Rick. But you aren't great. That spot, has been, currently is, and always will be, reserved for Nick Bockwinkel.




Suddenly the crowd cheers as they see the World Champion walk out to the ring, a determined fire in his eyes, present ever since his first defense seven months ago.


Rick Martel: You're right Nick. You are great. There's no doubt about that, one can't argue about a 3-Time World Heavyweight Champion being great. But what I can argue about, is me just being good. For 7-months I've held this belt with pride, determination, and my will blessed with skill! And for two of those months, you've been walking around brushing me off as a joke. Brushing my skill, my drive, and my heart as a joke! At the January Jam Supercard, I will prove you right for two out of three. Great was Nick Bockwinkel. Great is Nick Bockwinkel. But great will be Rick Martel. And that last point is all that matters.


With that said both men stare into the face of the other, knowing that all words will be settled in one week's time.



Grade: 78


International Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals:

Curt Hennig vs. The Masked Superstar



The young Hennig wanted to start off his year with a bang, and this match with a veteran like The Masked Superstar was definitely a good example. While Superstar is no slouch, Hennig showed all the reasons why he is the talk of the young guns in AWA, getting a well deserved pinfall after a Hennig Plex.


Winner: Curt Hennig with the Hennig Plex at 10:30.


Grade: 66




We cut to backstage where Sunshine is reunited with Jimmy Garvin and Precious, however, Sunshine is here as an interviewer, not a valet. While the history with the three is seated in deep dislike, Sunshine prevents herself from saying anything. Garvin however, does not.


Garvin: Woo! Sunshine baby it is good to see you, guess you couldn't keep away from the "Gorgeous One" for long? But that's alright, I can't blame ya!


With an eye twitching, Sunshine ignores both Jimmy and the death glare of Precious and soldiers on.


Sunshine: Mr. Garvin, what are your thoughts on the International Television Championship Tournament? You've got such strong competition as shown by Curt Hennig.


Garvin: Competition? Competition?! The boy is impressive, but he's just that, a boy! This is a tournament fit for men! I am "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin, the cock of the walk and it ain't hard to see why! I look good, I fight good, and baby, I'll wear that title belt damn well!


Grade: 47


International Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals:

Jimmy Garvin (w/Precious) vs. John Nord



For all his bravado, Jimmy did not have a fun time during this match, as the big John Nord showed off his power game on the "Gorgeous" face. However it was a quick distraction by Precious that led to the end. Nord's quick look to the pretty woman calling his name on the apron allowing Garvin to get him in a DDT and down for the 1, 2, 3.


Winner: Jimmy Garvin by pinfall at 10:05


Grade: 51





After a commerical break we return back to the ring, with the AWA World Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal in the ring, flashing a big toothy smile at the camera.


Regal: "For a while now I've heard people saying some pretty bad things about me and my reign as World Light Heavyweight Champion. But let me tell you people this! I may be a lot of things, but "Mr. Electricity" ain't a coward! So for one whole month, I will put this here belt on the line once a week. That said, let's see whose man enough to face my thunder!"





AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Steve Regal vs. Hector Guerrero



Without even a second passing, Regal's first challenger comes out from the back, a small smile on his face as he high fived fans on both sides of the aisle. However this quickly changed as he got into the ring, determination quickly setting in his face. The champ must've noticed it himself, as some of his bravado faded.


If this had an effect on Regal, it didn't show through their match, a good contest between two men who knew their way on the mat, going back and forth as both men were determined to start 1985 as the Light Heavyweight Champion.


Their even pace came to a halt however, as another man walked down the aisle, eyes dead set on Guerrero.




The luchador himself was staring back, except with eyes wide with shock. Regal wasted no time on this chance, rolling up Guerrero from behind to get the three count and retain his title.


Winner: Steve Regal by flash pinfall following a distraction by El Texano at 11:10


Grade: 54





Our cameras go backstage, where King Kong Brody and Sheik Adnan are talking while waiting for an interview before they are joined by Nick Bockwinkel.




Bockwinkel: "Gentlemen, I would like to request a favor of you. Tonight I need to find a partner for a tag team match against Rick Martel and his own choice. I could not help but think, who better a choice than King Kong Brody? You who are a man of unique power, a higher level than the rabid dogs like Mad Dog Vachon. Someone who can assist me in educating the whelp about respecting his betters."


Brody raises a fuzzy eyebrow, giving a silent look to his manager and friend Sheik Adnan. After receiving a nod from the Sheik, he gives a nod toward Bockwinkel, giving his agreement in punishing Rick Martel.


Grade: 61




The cameras return to the ring, showing a cheerful Bob Backlund waving to the fans from in ring, a mic in his hands as he prepares to address the crowd.


Backlund: "It's a new year, which means it's time for new dreams to make come true, and people, I've got a big one for 1985! It's pretty obvious if I do say so myself, but it's for myself to win that great belt. The AWA World Heavyweight Championship, a belt of pride and skill. I want to be able to put myself on that list of legends who've worn it, to come on television for each and every one of you, and be your champion. I hope you'll all join me this year as I give my all for that chance, and make it OUR year!


The crowd cheers Backlund, hearing the passion in his voice for not just his goal, but for them, the fans he wants to do it for. Unfortunately this feelgood moment doesn't last for too long, as the sound of clapping is heard through the arena, all coming from a smiling Larry Zbysko as he makes his way to the ring, a mic of his own in hand.




Zbysko: "They say ignorance is bliss, but I wonder what group stupidity counts as. It's bad enough you're serious about this, having challenged me to a match at January Jam for the Number One Contendership, but now you're spewing your garbage to these people! And believe me, the town of Ohio has enough garbage to deal with, just look at the front row! Bob, you better keep dreaming, because in Larryland there's no fairytales for you, but the reality of me standing over you, and moving on to become World Heavyweight Champion."


No sign of a smile is on Backlund's face now. There is only determination as he stares down his future opponent, his gaze only hardening as Zbysko gives him another cocky grin before heading to the back.


Grade: 76


Bob Backlund vs. Masa Saito



Backlund stays in the ring, determination still on his face as his opponent Masa Saito makes his way down the aisle, not taking the All-American lightly. This proves to be a great idea, as Backlund does not fool around, taking the fight to the foreigner, showing off his technical mastery, the same he no doubt intends to use on Zbysko soon.


Masa gives Backlund a good fight, but even the veteran's own experience can't keep up with the passion of Backlund, as he gets put down by a hard hitting Atomic Drop, followed by a pin.


Winner: Bob Backlund by Pinfall at 10:50


Grade: 66





We go backstage where Paul Ellering and the Road Warriors are being interviewed by Sunshine about their own match at January Jam against The Fabulous Ones for the World Tag Team Championships.


Ellering: I am sick and tired, of hearing of "The Fabulous Ones". You people want to scream and cheer over Lane and Keirn? Well come January Jam, you'll be screaming, but out of curiosity for the hospital they'll be going into after they face The Road Warriors! Tonight, Animal gives an example of what The Road Warriors do to pretty punks like you two, pay attention, maybe you'll learn how to save a tooth or two come your meeting with the Doomsday Device!


Grade: 66


Road Warrior Animal (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Tom Zenk



True to their word, Animal made an example out of Tom Zenk, dominating the match, barely letting the kid get a shot in as Paul Ellering ordered him to keep on going. Taking minutes that seemed like hours, he finally pinned Zenk once Ellering was satisfied.


Winner: Road Warrior Animal by Pinfall at 5:10

Grade: 49




It turns out Ellering wasn't satisfied, he just wanted Animal to wait for Hawk to join the fun as a way to send a message to their challengers in two weeks. They've made a habit of this lately, having taken out Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzell the last two weeks previous in vicious attacks.




But close behind him comes the Fabulous Ones! They rush in the ring and chase out the champs from the ring, both teams yelling various insults as the show fades into commercial to prepare for the main event of the evening!


Grade: 51


Nick Bockwinkel and King Kong Brody (w/Sheik Adnan) vs. Rick Martel and Baron Von Raschke



A well fought main event had each man showing why they were the top tier talent that the AWA had to offer. From the brawling of Baron and Brody to the skill and potential shown by Martel, to the amazing psychology of Bockwinkel, no man wanted to give an inch in this contest.


With previews given to Martel and Bockwinkel's January Jam match as well as Brody and Baron's International Television Championship Tournament Quarterfinals match next week, the end came when Baron and Nick met in the ring. Long time adversaries, they certainly show it with counters to each others movements.


However it was Brody who began the end, as a surprise attack on the unsuspecting Martel on the apron distracted Baron, leaving him concerned for his young partner. But that concern was what Bockwinkel was waiting for, as he used that second to set up the piledriver, and put out the man for the three.


Winners: Nick Bockwinkel and King Kong Brody by Pinfall at16:27






With his job over, Brody and Sheik walk to the balk as the beaten Baron rolls out the ring, with a smiling Bockwinkel in the middle, clearly gloating to the crowd about his victory. However that smile turns sour as Rick Martel rolls in the ring, World Championship in hand.




The young champion looks into the eyes of the legend, defiant in the face of a man whose been to the top before. The look of a man whose taken a hit, but is far from giving in. But all Bockwinkel does is look back, a smug smile back once more, saying that next time, the pinfall is on Martel.


Grade: 64


Overal Show Grade: 70


(And with that, the first show is in the books! I'm not sure how these work, but I used TFC and Ritchardo's former styles of writing shows for this, and I hope I used it well enough for my first show to make someone feel good about my work.)

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I really enjoyed it! It was an easy read and as someone who is less familiar with time and AWA on the whole it was a great introduction to the characters you have on the roster.


It's too early to really comment on where you're heading with things but seeds have been planted and I'm looking forward to seeing how January Jam takes shape.


Very good effort on your first show!

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AWA: Live!



January 5th, 1985

From Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out!)


Announce Team: Rod Trongard



El Texano defeated Lanny Poffo with a Powerbomb at 5:11 (Grade: 41)


Following the match, new interviewer Chris Cruise attempted to talk to El Texano and find out his connections to Hector Guerrero. All he got was a cold stare in return. (Grade: 35)


Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Zenk with a Bombs Away at 11:31 (Grade: 50)


A video plays detailing the life and journey of Rick Martel, showing his rise to the top of the AWA and his last few months, including his initial challenges by Nick Bockwinkel. (Grade: 62)


Bob Backlund defeated The Masked Superstar with the Crossfaced Chicken Wing in 13:27 (Grade: 63)


A video plays for the crowd detailing the last few weeks of tension between Larry Zbysko and Bob Backlund, all for a chance for either man to become the Number One Contender to the AWA World Heavyweight Championship. (Grade: 62)


Overall Show Grade: 58



*I made the mistake of not posting this with the original show post, so from now on they should be going together.


While on the topic of shows, I do want to start a prediction game in this diary, but would have it on a 4 month cycle of monthly events. Winner of each cycle chooses someone for me to either hire or bring in for a storyline via Talent Trades.


I really enjoyed it! It was an easy read and as someone who is less familiar with time and AWA on the whole it was a great introduction to the characters you have on the roster.


It's too early to really comment on where you're heading with things but seeds have been planted and I'm looking forward to seeing how January Jam takes shape.


Very good effort on your first show!


Thank you very much! I can only hope I do this all the justice it deserves. From the writing to logos for the events!

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January 11th, 1985

From the Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek, Michigan

Attendance: 3,774


Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



The show starts with something different, instead of Rod Trongard's usual introduction and run down of the night's show, we get a bit of a louder voice.


Witcher: Live from Battle Creek Michigan, it's AWA "All-Star Wrestling", brought to you nationwide! This fossil next to me is Rod Trongard, and I am Marcus Witcher, and we'll be your announce team for tonight, and the year of 1985!


After a cheeky wink, Witcher hands it over to his partner while wearing a toothy grin, giving thumbs up to random members of the crowd. Rod meanwhile, is less than enthusiastic, pinching the bridge of his nose before sighing.


Trongard: Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope that you are ready for a long night of the best wrestling in the world. I know I am.


Grade: 42



AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Steve Regal vs. Adolfo Tapia



Tonight's first match starts off with another edition of the "Steve Regal Open Challenge", his second one in fact, as "Mr. Electricity" holds up two fingers to the crowd. With a pearly white smile to the camera, Regal gives a wave of his hand toward the entrance ramp.


His opponent is obviously young, and looks rather nervous about his debut in the AWA, but the crowd cheers him on, rallying behind him to beat the smug Champion.


However Regal is no pushover, even if he may be an annoyance, as he brings the young Tapia to school, countering a majority of the kids offense. Even with a valiant fight, Adolfo goes down to an Electric Bulldog. Maybe he should've brought a chair.


Winner: Steve Regal by Pinfall at 6:13

Regal retains the World Light Heavyweight Championship


Grade: 43




Following the match, a man walks out to the ring, a small smile on his face as he pats Regal on the back, and shakes the hand of the beaten Tapia, raising his hand to a supportive crowd. As the kid walks to the back, the man grabs a microphone from one the Announce Tables.


Tunney: What a match right? What a match...that is what the AWA is all about. Great competitors, great matches, and great showings. I am proud to be in this ring talking to you all, but I am even more proud to be able to introduce myself as Mr. Jack Tunney, representative of the Head Office of Mr. Verne Gagne himself.


I am here to help Mr. Gagne run the AWA, as well as make sure that no matter where we go, the values of our product and competitors is upheld. It is a job I hold with pride, and part of that pride comes from my first action happening tonight! Tonight I will officiate a contract signing for the main event of this Sunday's January Jam, between Nick Bockwinkel, and the World Champion Rick Martel!


The announcement is met with cheers, as the crowd can't wait to see Challenger and Champion face to face once again.


Grade: 52


El Texano vs. Brad Rheingans



The following match was definitely a hard one for El Texano, showing his worth as a competitor as he took on Rheingans, a well trained technician. While Texano couldn't keep up technically, he had a good eight years of experience over Brad, using that to keep out of the worst of Rheingans' offense. It wasn't long before Rheingans was countered into a perfect La Magistral, getting a surprise pinfall on one of Verne Gagne's students.


Winner: El Texano by Pinfall at 9:37

Grade: 47




With a final shot of Texano with a hand raised in victory, the camera switches to backstage, with new interviewer Chris Cruise asking Hector Guerrero about his issues with El Texano.


Hector: Chris I wish I could say I had an answer for you, but I have no idea why Texano is here. I came up to the AWA to spread the legacy and accolades of my family, to make sure the world knows the name Guerrero!


I had no issue with El Texano previously, but after he cost me the chance to make my mark with a Championship victory, it's become personal. I spoke with Mr. Tunney, and he's arranged for a match between me and Texano this Sunday.


If he doesn't want to say what's wrong, I'm going to-




Whatever Hector was going to do remains a mystery, as Texano surprises both interviewer and interviewee from behind, giving Guerrero a strong elbow to the back of the head. With a glare to Cruise, Texano snatches the mic out of his hand, turning his head to the fallen luchador as he speaks.


Texano: You aren't going to do anything but lie on the ground like the perro you are. You did it last week. You're doing it tonight, and you'll do it Sunday. Pendejo.


Grade: 38




After a quick commercial, we return to the Interview Set, cleaned up and without the body of Hector Guerrero on the floor. Instead, there is Sunshine and a still shaken Chris Cruise with the Von Erich brothers Kevin and Kerry! Cruise asks the Von Erichs what they're doing so far from Texas, and with Sunshine no less.


Kerry: You see Chris, Kevin and I love our home state of Texas, but we believe that you can only improve in one place for so long. We want to do what Hector Guerrero wants, to spread the name of the Von Erichs across the nation, as well as grow to be the best competitors we could possibly be.


Kevin: However, we weren't expecting to see Sunshine up here as well, and after some discussion with her, we've decide to take her on as our manager in the AWA. it's a whole new world for all three of us, so what better way to be prepared than to stick together?


Sunshine: I've been both enemy and ally to the Von Erich boys, so I know them as well as anyone, and I believe that they can take the world by storm, whether together or alone, you best believe that there's gold in the future of the Von Erichs!


Grade: 45


The Von Erichs (w/Sunshine) vs The Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering)



A clash of tag team titans gets the crowd rowdy, the two teams putting on a supercard level show. Even with no titles on the line, the Von Erich boys are determined to give it their all for the crowd and live up to their statement of being the best competitors possible. However, this hardly means that The Road Warriors are behind, as they meet the Texas Twosome pound for pound, hellbent on keeping their status as the top team in the AWA.


The respective managers even get involved, both Sunshine and Ellering constantly arguing and yelling at each other as their boys fight with their all. During one these arguments, with Kerry and Animal recovering on the ropes, and Kevin and Hawk fighting on the outside, an unfamiliar man comes out from the audience, and smacks a recovering Kerry across the head with a tennis racquet!




But the ref doesn't see it! Too distracted by the arguing managers, he turns around in time to just see Animal hitting a powerbomb on the limp Kerry, counting the pin in favor of The Road Warriors.



Winners: The Road Warriors by Pinfall following interference by Jim Cornette at 12:23


Grade: 65




As Sunshine checks on Kerry, Kevin walks towards the man who costs them the match, anger clear on his face. But from the back runs out a duo of men who immediately go after Kevin! It's the Midnight Express!




They quickly beat on Kevin, only to hold his arms behind his back, letting Cornette give a matching shot to the head with his racquet to match the one given to Kerry.


With both brothers broken and Sunshine a worried mess, the trio leave the ring, proud smirks clear on their faces at a bad job done well.


Grade: 26



The scene switches to Chris Cruise in the locker room of The Fabulous Ones, Stan Lane and Steve Keirn, all three having watched the match and assault afterwards. Cruise asks their opinion on what just happened.


Lane: Chris, what we just saw tells us two things. Number One, the tag team division of the AWA is heating up, a team with the pedigree of the Von Erichs and the hunger of The Midnight Express is nothing to sneeze at. But the Fabulous Ones aren't concerned with their issues. In case you haven't noticed, we have our own nasty trio to deal with, which brings me to Number Two. Steve?


Keirn: Road Warriors! Ellering! You best not expect this Sunday to go the same way as tonight did for you! Because you may be tough, you maybe vicious, but you damn sure aren't fabulous. We intend on taking those tag team titles back to our homes, shine them up real nice, and make them just like us, Fabulous!


Grade: 53


International Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals

King King Brody (w/Sheik Adnan) vs Baron Von Raschke



Like last week's preview during their main event tag team match, this was no technical masterpiece, but a battle of brawn. Raschke showed that while he may not be young, he still has business being in the ring, taking the fight to the younger and arguably wilder Brody. However, Brody isn't famous for being an easy fight, as he trades every blow given back to the Baron. The penalty of age takes its toll on Baron however, as Brody uses his better agility to avoid the Brain Claw, and take down his fellow big man with a Running Boot, finishing him off with a King Kong Knee Drop for the win.


Winner: King King Brody by Pinfall at 13:27


Grade: 49



We join Chris Cruise backstage once again, as he prepares to introduce the newest member of the AWA roster, and a participant in the International Television Championship Tournament. Before he can even say a word however, he is interrupted by a sudden yell of "OOH YEAH!"




Without a sound, Cruise hands over the mic to the newcomer, seeing that this is obviously not a man with his senses. And all too right he is.


Savage: Ladies and gentlemen have I got a surprise for you, it's your newest reason for turning on the TV every Thursday night. It's more than just this lovely lady by my side, it's more than just the wrestling skills I will provide, but it's the wrestling chills oh that's right. The chills and the thrills! I am the "Macho Man" Randy Savage, and let me settle the argument now, nobody in that ring or out of that ring can touch the thrills I bring! I'm on my game, not just my rhyme game, but my prime game, because not only will I win my match tonight, I'll win the whole damn tournament, oh yeah. Baby! Just you wait and see!


And with that he's off to the ring for his match, a smiling Elizabeth following her man, head shaking all the way as Chris Cruise is left with a confused look on his face, not expecting the force of nature that is Randy Savage.


Grade: 54


International Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals

Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs Masa Saito




Randy Savage lived up to his moniker the "Macho Man" as he took on the foreign veteran Masa Saito to the absolute limit. Pound for pound, move for move, until Savage began to step up his game to a higher gear, getting the edge needed for the victory, giving Saito a picture perfect Elbow Drop to score the pinfall.


Winner: Randy Savage by Pinfall at 10:43

Grade: 62


Bob Backlund vs Jimmy Garvin (w/Precious)


From the style of Randy Savage to the cadence of Bob Backlund, we come back from a commercial with a big match as our main event. Both men are looking towards January Jam as a momentum cannon, knowing that if they win here, then Sunday night may just be better. Throughout the match, Garvin sticks with his brawling style, not trusting his own technical skills to try to match Bob Backlund. However while Garvin may be tough in a brawl, Backlund is a master in technical skill, and makes the "Gorgeous One" submit to the Crossface Chickenwing.


Winner: Bob Backlund by Submission at 14:18

Grade: 59




The camera switches to backstage, where a visually exhausted Chris Cruise is preparing to pack up the set for the night, or he would, if he didn't get a tap on the shoulder.




Zbysko: Where do you think you're going? We've been through this whole show without me. That's not gonna work out for me. Do you know who I am? I am Larry Zbysko, THE "Living Legend", the man who fooled Bruno Sammartino, the man destined for greatness, the man who, after this Sunday, will be the Number One Contender. And whether it's Ricky Martel, or Bockwinkel, I can assure you that I will go through whichever one of them is the Champion, and be at the top of the AWA, where I have always belonged.


And with that Zbysko walks away, leaving behind an exasperated looking Cruise, looking both ways before sighing deeply.


Grade: 58



The camera returns to the ring, with Representative Jack Tunney standing behind a table, two chairs on either end of the it, a contract sitting neatly in the middle. He introduces both men, calling them to walk out to join him at the table.




Contrary to popular belief, a contract signing can happen without a table getting destroyed, as Tunney watches both men sign, showing their final, official acceptances for January Jam. No words have to be said during this time, their expressions doing all the talking, speaking volumes about the other. Bockwinkel looks toward the Champion, a smug grin in place as he points at the championship. Martel meanwhile, keeps a face of stone, no anger, but pure determination as he grips the belt tightly with one hand. If one thing can be said of the main event in two days, it's not going to end easy.


Grade: 59



Overall Show Grade: 58





AWA: Live!


January 12th, 1985

From the Iowa Field House in Iowa City, Iowa

Attendance: 1,500 (Sold Out!)

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher


Baron Von Raschke defeated Jason Knight with a Brain Claw at 5:37. (Grade: 39)


As the Baron celebrates in the ring, cameras switch to a backstage view, where Hector Guerrero and El Texano are brawling, jumping over objects in a frenzy to get at the other man until they are broken up by a group of wrestlers. (Grade: 39)


The Midnight Express defeated The Playboys with a Alabama Jam by Bobby Eaton at 6:22. (Grade: 42)


After their match, the Midnights stay in the ring, cocky poses at the ready as their manager, Jim Cornette rolls into the ring, mic in hand. He gloats about their victory, saying that team by team, the AWA will learn the glory that is the Midnight Express, just like the Von Erichs did last night. (Grade: 26)


Greg Gagne made a return to the ring, albeit without his partner, beating Chris Markoff with a Gagne Sleeper at 9:50 (Grade: 55)


Our cameras take us backstage, where Larry Hennig is meeting with his son in their locker room. He tells both the cameraman and Curt that he's proud of his son and the chance he's gained for himself, and that he wants the world to know, ending the segment with a nod and hug between the duo. (Grade: 55)


Kerry Von Erich beat Masa Saito with the Iron Claw at 11:14 (Grade: 56)


Overall Show Grade: 51

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January Jam Scorecard



AWA January Jam Official Souvenir Program


It's the start of a new year, and the American Wrestling Association invites you and your family to join us as we begin 1985 with a Jam! The best wrestling in the world today live from the Ford Fieldhouse in Grand Rapids Michigan! Come see your favorite wrestlers in action and in person, as the first 500 people will get the chance to meet their favorite wrestlers, with one lucky winner getting free tickets to next months February Fight Supercard show!


Match Card

AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Martel ©

Rick Martel has been the World Champion for nearly eight months, and he's taken on challenger after challenger, name after name, but now the biggest name in the AWA is after him, Nick Bockwinkel. The 3-time World Champion is out to do more than add a fourth reign to his list of accomplishments, but out to prove that he is still the man, and that he can lead the AWA into the next decade.


"Living Legend" Larry Zbysko vs. Bob Backlund

There couldn't be any two men who were as different as Larry Zbysko and Bob Backlund. The cocky and composed Zbysko, the "Living Legend", a man who gained fame by being the ultimate traitor. The humble and passionate Bob Backlund, the "All American Boy", whose skill and drive got him to the top of the mountain. They collide at the Jam to find out who is truly better, and will become the Number One Contender for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship.


Other Matches on the Card


AWA World Tag Team Championship

The Road Warriors © (w/Paul Ellering) vs. The Fabulous Ones


Hector Guerrero vs El Texano


AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

"Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal © vs. TBA


International Television Championship Tournament Preview

King King Brody and "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin (w/Sheik Adnan and Precious) vs. Curt Hennig and "Macho Man" Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth and Larry Hennig)


Debut Match

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart vs. Masa Saito



Plus the return of the AWA's Sgt. Slaughter!


Fan Scorecard


AWA World Heavyweight Championship: Rick Martel © vs. Nick Bockwinkel

Number One Contender's Match: Larry Zbysko vs. Bob Backlund

AWA World Tag Team Championship: The Road Warriors © vs. The Fabulous Ones

Hector Guerrero vs. El Texano

AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship: Steve Regal © vs. TBA

King King Brody and Jimmy Garvin vs. Curt Hennig and Randy Savage

Jim Neidhart vs. Masa Saito


What will be the best match of the night?


How many matches (if any) will end in ways other than pinfalls?


How many titles do you expect to change hands tonight?


The first Supercard is here! I know it's a short buildup, but the date I have these one works the best so I can have all my workers available for it. Past this start I hope to really develop my stories, as there are so many personalities to use in the AWA at this time!


24-Hour Prediction Period starts now! I'm off to enjoy a good Halloween night with friends, and I hope you all have a spooky night as well!

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AWA World Heavyweight Championship: Rick Martel © vs. Nick Bockwinkel

Passing of the torch here

Number One Contender's Match: Larry Zbysko vs. Bob Backlund

The Living Legend vs The Potential Legend

AWA World Tag Team Championship: The Road Warriors © vs. The Fabulous Ones

Hawk and Animal aren't in any position to drop it soon

Hector Guerrero vs. El Texano

AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship: Steve Regal © vs. TBA

King King Brody and Jimmy Garvin vs. Curt Hennig and Randy Savage

Jim Neidhart vs. Masa Saito


What will be the best match of the night? Martel vs Bockwinkel


How many matches (if any) will end in ways other than pinfalls?


How many titles do you expect to change hands tonight?


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Fan Scorecard


AWA World Heavyweight Championship: Rick Martel © vs. Nick Bockwinkel

Number One Contender's Match: Larry Zbysko vs. Bob Backlund

AWA World Tag Team Championship: The Road Warriors © vs. The Fabulous Ones

Hector Guerrero vs. El Texano

AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship: Steve Regal © vs. TBA

King King Brody and Jimmy Garvin vs. Curt Hennig and Randy Savage

Jim Neidhart vs. Masa Saito


What will be the best match of the night? Main Event


How many matches (if any) will end in ways other than pinfalls? 1, Warriors vs Fabulous Ones


How many titles do you expect to change hands tonight? 1

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Great diary so far. I'm impressed with this roster your working with so far!


AWA World Heavyweight Championship: Rick Martel © vs. Nick Bockwinkel

Martel is a fantastic worker who could be a main eventer for a while.

Number One Contender's Match: Larry Zbysko vs. Bob Backlund

I'm a Backlund fan, but this is the AWA and not WWF, so Zbyszko is probably a better option for you.

AWA World Tag Team Championship: The Road Warriors © vs. The Fabulous Ones

Hell, the Warriors probably wouldn't let you job them.

Hector Guerrero vs. El Texano

This is just who I would pick here.

AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship: Steve Regal © vs. TBA

A TBA this early in a diary makes me think you've got a big signing you want to pick for a big splash.

King King Brody and Jimmy Garvin vs. Curt Hennig and Randy Savage

Two guys who will main event for you for 15 plus years if you want them to.

Jim Neidhart vs. Masa Saito

Could go either way, but Neidhart is more valuable in your market.


What will be the best match of the night?

Main Event


How many matches (if any) will end in ways other than pinfalls?



How many titles do you expect to change hands tonight?


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AWA: January Jam


January 14th, 1985

From the Ford Fieldhouse in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Attendance: 2,844

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher




The first Supercard show of 1985 starts off with a definite bang, as Jim Cornette opens the show in the middle of the ring, a smug look on his face.


Cornette: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the distinct honor of welcoming you to the American Wrestling Association's January Jam Supercard! Now, hold off your clapping, because you'll want to save it for what I say next! Here to join me with the opening ceremonies is your favorite team and mine, "Loverboy" Dennis Condrey and "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, the Midnight Express!




The duo walk on out to the ring, surrounded by a chorus of boos which gets them and their manager rather angry.


Cornette: Shut up! All of you shut up! I volunteered for this job because I assumed the folks of Grand Rapids had more taste than this! I bet y'all would cheer for the Von Erichs right?!


See I knew it! Well guess what you saps, the Von Erichs are gone! We left them broken and face down in the dirt like they deserve! They thought they could run up north and hide from the Express, so when we caught up to them, we gave them-


Cornette doesn't get to finish, as the music blares and out comes Kerry and Kevin Von Erich, with Sunshine by their side!




Kerry: You gave us what? A cheap shot? A snake's bite? Because you and your boys sure as hell didn't give us a fight! You came in during a match that would make or break our careers here in the AWA and ruined it for us! I'm done talking to you Cornette. I want a fight right here, right now.


Cornette: You want a fight pretty boy?! Well lucky for you I got you one. But it ain't with my men, it's against two tough men who know their way around a broken limb or three, Dean and Joe, the Malenko Brothers!




Grade: 43


The Von Erichs (w/Sunshine) vs. The Malenko Brothers

http://i.imgur.com/ytgpiJG.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/PvAxO4Q.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/4AvPLOR.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/t9IOIWo.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/km0b3Tm.jpg


Cornette wasn't kidding, as the Malenkos start this match off with a spectacular showcasing of what they can do. Hold after hold, movement after movement, there's something special in the technique of these boys.


However one can't doubt the heart of the Von Erichs, as Kerry and Kevin give in their own effort, giving back the fight to Dean and Joe, the roaring crowd behind them keeping them going strong. All it takes is a final Discus Punch by Kerry on Dean and it's a Von Erich victory!


Winner: The Von Erichs by Pinfall at 9: 35

Grade: 60




From the celebrating Von Erichs and Sunshine to a glaring Texano with a bull rope in hand and a worried looking Chris Cruise. While obviously not composed, Cruise does his job regardless and asks Texano about his match with Hector Guerrero. However much like before, the vicious Texano has little to say, except for one parting saying.


Texano: Texano vive. Guerrero muere.


Grade: 35


Hector Guerrero vs. El Texano

http://i.imgur.com/FvL4Mit.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/rPmPGFA.jpg


There's nothing technical to be said here, as this match was a true fight between enemies. There was no feelings of rivalry, just pure, bitter dislike.


So it was one hell of a surprise the end came with the nimble Guerrero using the trademark quick thinking of his family to roll up Texano for the 1, 2, 3.


Winner: Hector Guerrero by Flash Pinfall at 10: 16

Grade: 50


After a moment to register what just happened, El Texano rose with fury in his eyes, grabbing the bull rope from his corner before stalking towards the celebrating Guerrero on the opposite turnbuckle. With the cowbell of his bull rope in hand, Texano waits for him to turn around before smashing the bell on the skull of Hector, laying him out on the floor. Before he could continue officials rush out, pulling the Mexican cowboy away before further damage could occur as others attend to Hector, bleeding from the shot to the head.


Grade: 42


Jim Neidhart vs. Masa Saito

http://i.imgur.com/igVKGgN.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/cJruPLz.jpg


Once the ring is cleared, the next one begins, this one staring the newest acquisition of the AWA roster, a man from their friends in the Great White North, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart! A big man in his own right, Neidhart starts the match squaring up with Masa, both men trying to start off with an initial show of dominance just from size alone. Once both see that neither will give, the first punches fly, both aiming to knock the other out.


What follows is a battle of the big men, punches and power moves galore as the two show off their strengths and limits. However the luck of the foreigner strikes again, Neidhart out powers a grapple attempt by Saito, turning it into an earth shattering powerslam for the pinfall!


Winner: Jim Neidhart by Pinfall at 11: 27

Grade: 54




After a quick intermission, the lights shine on full bright once more, and in the middle of the ring, full tooth smile and all, is the AWA World Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal.


Regal: What a night, what a night, and now your night is just about to get even better. As "Mr. Electricity" is here to shock your systems with another title defense, so please, bring out my next "opponent" haha!





With a screaming crowd all around him, Sgt. Slaughter marches down to the ring, his jaw set in a vicious grin. Meanwhile the pearly whites of Regal have disappeared, worry and confusion lacing the frown upon his face.


Regal: What are you doing here?! This is a Light Heavyweight only title, and last I checked, you were a bit too patriotic with the turkey at Christmas! And another thin-


Regal is forced to stop there, as Slaughter blows his trademark whistle as loud as possible, causing the champion to drop his mic and cover his ears in pain.


Slaughter: ATTEN-HUT! Listen up buttercup, because I've got something real important to tell ya. I'm not out here for your belt. No, I'm out here to kick your rear end all over this ring! You may think you're giving opportunity, that you're showing American spirit by providing this "Open Challenge", but the way I see it, this isn't freedom at all! This is cowardice!


But don't worry, the good ol' Sarge isn't here to accept "Steve Regal's World Light Heavyweight Open Challenge." He's here to accept Steve Regal's invitation to getting his piehole shut! So put that title down, and put on your best dress sweetheart, because we're about to go dancing! AND THAT'S, AN ORDER!!!


Grade: 60


Steve Regal vs. Sgt. Slaughter

http://i.imgur.com/0OAAbB5.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/3P83WIg.jpg


The Sarge wastes no time in this match as he takes the fight to Regal, a roaring crowd eagerly counting punch after punch to "Mr. Electricity."


However Regal didn't get to the AWA, much less the World Light Heavyweight Championship by not knowing how to wrestle, as he uses his smaller frame to his advantage, slipping out of the grasp of the Sarge and giving him a fight back. Or...at least he did, until his arrogance got the better of him and he began showboating after every strike to the head of Sarge, blowing a kiss to the crowd one at a time. On the 5th strike the Sarge struck back, punching right back at the shining teeth of Regal, dazing him long enough for the Cobra Clutch in the middle of the ring! With nowhere to go Regal is at the mercy of Slaugh-NO! Sarge just got blasted from behind with the World Light Heavyweight belt by a masked man from the crowd! And the ref calls for the bell!


Winner: Sgt. Slaughter by Disqualification at 10: 49

Grade: 64


The masked man stays in the ring, looming above Slaughter as Regal recovers in the corner, looking in confusion before laughing. With another winning smile he points at the masked man with a wink, walking to him with an arm out for a hug that the man reciprocates.


As their hug parts, the man lifts Regal's hand in the air, only to kick the champion in the gut and wrap an arm around his head, his other hand spinning his pointer finger in the air before dropping Regal onto the mat face first!


With Regal in the dirt and the Sarge staring up at the lights, the man takes off his mask, and grins to the crowd.




Grade: 48



Chris Cruise brings us backstage with a cameraman following, as the Road Warriors are being swarmed by countless officials while they stomp on the body of Stan Lane. They only allow themselves to back off as Steve Keirn arrives at the scene, yelling at the Warriors while checking on Lane. With their match up next, one has to wonder if they're even going to compete.


Grade: 46



AWA World Tag Team Championships

The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering) vs. The Fabulous Ones

http://i.imgur.com/lmbej2l.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/AEn0VCJ.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Jl9c4iD.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/Zqrtbyi.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/g6ffbTi.jpg


This was an unfair match from the get go, with it having gone from 2 on 2 to 2 on 1, as Stan Lane spent most of the match in his corner, beaten up and obviously injured, as he limped his way out with Steve Keirn. The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering had matching vicious smiles the entire time, knowing full well the pressure they just put on The Fabulous Ones. Credit to Keirn, as he did was he could, withstanding assaults from both Hawk and Animal, but being tagged out by Lane.


While at a disadvantage, Lane give one hell of a shock to Animal as he used the momentum of the moment to lay out the big man with a Savate Kick. His pin attempt was stopped by an intruding Hawk, who kicked him right on the injured leg, causing extreme agony, letting Animal recover for the Warriors to hit the Doomsay Device for the victory.


Winners: The Road Warriors by Pinfall at 11: 44

Grade: 69


Even with their titles retained, The Road Warriors weren't done just yet, as Paul Ellering keeps bellowing, "Finish the job!" while pointing at the fallen Fabulous Ones. Suddenly, from the back runs out Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzell, former victims of the Road Warriors!




With the numbers game against them as Steve Keirn is back up, the Road Warriors back off, joining Paul Ellering with shouting at the two teams in the ring, titles high in the air.


Grade: 56


King Kong Brody and Jimmy Garvin (w/ Sheik Adnan and Precious) vs. Curt Hennig and Randy Savage (w/Larry Hennig and Miss Elizabeth)

http://i.imgur.com/G1QuiAh.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/xlBVJkO.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/UCqNWiP.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/v2VZwJX.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/wjDGulV.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Zce0O0Y.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/XKofSf2.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/3gqWrTd.jpg


A showcase for the next edition of All-Star Wrestling, these four men will be opponents to decide who goes on in the International Television Championship Tournament. Through the entire match the hunger for greatness shows in each man, as they give their all to shine the brightest, even better than their respective partners.


The team of Savage and Hennig keep to their mat skills to take on the brawling duo of Garvin and Brody, outmaneuvering the power game they try to flex. Meanwhile on the outside, Larry Hennig keeps a close eye on the Sheik, an old foe of the Wildman's manager, as Elizabeth shrinks away from the glares of Precious.


It isn't long before the combustible elements in this match spark, as Brody and Savage clash outside the ring, wild eyes blazing with fist flying and their respective manager yelling at the other. Their fight begins to leave the floor altogether, as they begin to brawl within the crowd, bystanders running this way and that to avoid the carnage. However, while in the ring, Precious uses the distraction to the advantage of her man, rolling inside and low blowing Curt Hennig, making him an easy target for "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin's Bombs Away! The ref finally turns to the ring as Savage and Brody have left the area, and counts the 1, 2, and 3!


Winner: Jimmy Garvin and King Kong Brody by Pinfall at 14: 19

Grade: 62



As a cameraman goes backstage to search for the mad brawl, he comes across Larry Zbysko and AWA World Heavyweight Champion Rick Martel in a confrontation. As Zbysko sees him, he ushers him over to the pair.


Zbysko: You come and stay. I want you to record this so the whole world hears it. I hope you win tonight Martel. But it's not because I like you or think you're a "worthy champion" because let's face it, you're not. You're a punk kid whose got the luck of God over him, but soon enough even the grace of God will fall to the greatness of the "Living Legend".


Martel: For a man whose a supposed to be a highly skilled "Legend" I see you running that legendary mouth of yours more than any signs of you having talent. Beat Backlund tonight, and maybe you'll be a quarter of the man you think you are.


Grade: 60


Larry Zbysko vs. Bob Backlund

http://i.imgur.com/FIza5Tl.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/PYp8YPB.jpg


With a chance at glory on the line both men began this match without hesitation, eager to get the other out of the way for their respective goals. Both men were skilled on the mat, but Backlund had gotten famous off his skills, and in this match he proudly showed why, taking control of the "Living Legend" for most of the time.


As time went on, Zbysko's anger grew, with the crowd cheering Backlund and jeering him, something snapped as Zbysko went into his little black book of cheap tricks, raking the eyes of Backlund at an angle the referee couldn't see. His chance now open, Zybsko lifts the "All-American Boy", and with a flourish of his hand hits a devastating Shoulder Breaker! With Backlund writhing in pain he makes the pin, a foot on the chest of Bob, it's 1...2...NO! Backlund raised his shoulder just in time! But he's now in a bad spot, as Zbysko begins to angrily target that shoulder, intent on breaking Backlund at this point.


It's during a parade of arm drags that Backlund makes his move, preparing for one and keeping on, preventing the full swing as he uses Zbysko's own momentum against him, catching him in the Crossface Chickenwing! It's fully locked on and with the surprise on Zbysko's face he wasn't ready for it whatsoever! Zbysko is frantic to get out of the hold somehow as he uses all his strength to struggle to the ropes, with a final burst of energy he lunges at the ropes, knocking the referee down with the legs of Backlund!


Seeing the official go down, Backlund lets go of the hold to check on refeee Jim Mitchell, as Zbysko hangs onto the turnbuckle in pain, trying to recover from the Crossface. Once he sees the referee begin to come around, Backlund moves toward Zbysko, intent on finishing the match once and for all. He grabs Zbysko from the corner and begins to pull him up-LOW BLOW BY ZBYSKO!


A shot to the groin put Backlund to his knees in the middle of the ring, and with a snarl Zbysko capitalizes on it, slapping on the Larryland Dreamer from behind the pained Backlund just as the referee stands once more. Seconds go by as the "All-American" tries to fight out of the Dreamer, but to no avail, as Zbysko tightens the pressure to cut off each and every effort. Bit by bit, the strength of Backlund fails as his form sags in the grip of Zbysko, the ref begins his count, lifting the arm and letting it drop once....twice...and a third time! Zbysko is the Number One Contender by knock out!


Winner: Larry Zbysko by Knockout at 19: 45

Grade: 75 (MOTN)




The announcers talk about the main event as Bob is helped to the back. The chase of Nick Bockwinkel to become champion once again, and the determination of Rick Martel to shut up Bockwinkel and show he's as good as anyone else. While Rod Trongard is rooting for the young Martel, Witcher puts his bets on Bockwinkel, saying that while the hunger of Martel is strong, the hunger of a man to stay on top is stronger.


Grade: 56



AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Martel

http://i.imgur.com/PyaB8dX.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/sMlpLsc.jpg


The time of words between both men was over, as nothing mattered more in that moment than who could put their money where their mouth was and leave Michigan the World Heavyweight Championship. From their first lockup the crowd knew they were in for a great match, as they picked their favorites from the get go, many giving the support to Martel, but some diehards wanting to see the great Bockwinkel be on top one more time. With the raucous support of his fans, Martel began the match at one hell of a quick pace, whipping Bockwinkel from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, landing a running forearm to the back after each and every shot. However it was this pace that got his momentum shot down, as one of his runs got interrupted by a punch to the gut by a surprisingly quick Bockwinkel.


While aged, Bockwinkel showed that he was still able to keep up with the best of them as he took the fight to Martel, landing powerful punches as he used his larger frame to keep Rick in the corner. Once satisfied that he left Rick dazed, the challenger whipped the champion into the ropes only to catch him mid run for an Oriental Sleeper! With the hold locked on Martel flails to get Bockwinkel off balance, but the bigger man has his stance steady, determined to make Martel submit. However much like the previous match, Martel begins to fade, going down to a knee. Referee Marty Miller begins his count with the arm 1....2....THE ARM STAYED UP!


With eyes of disbelief, Bockwinkel holds on for dear life as he sees Martel's body shake with strength, arms rising, the chants of "MARTEL!" all of it leading to a recovery by the champion as he walks forward and in between the ropes, causing Bockwinkel to go face first into the top rope and let go of the Sleeper! But Bockwinkel is not discouraged, as he tries once more to slap on the Sleeper, only to get an arm drag for his troubles! Sleeper attempt, arm drag! Sleeper attempt, arm drag! Martel will not go back into the hands of Bockwinkel, slipping out every chance he gets, dictating the pace once again!


In time however, Bockwinkel's anger at Rick's control leads to a toss of the champion over the top rope, but Martel hangs on, getting his footing on the apron! Furious at Rick once again avoiding a full attack, Bockwinkel throws punch after punch, each and every one getting dodged by a grinning Rick, only to get caught by a knee to the gut! With a yell of "Gotcha!" Bockwinkel gets his grip on Martel and suplexes him back into the ring with a crash! But Martel uses his quickness to his advantage, turning himself and the still gripping Bockwinkel around to set up for a suplex of his own, getting the full swing and catching the legs of the challenger as he went down! As he arches his back the referee counts the pin! It's a 1....2....3!!! Rick Martel has retained the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!!!


Winner: Rick Martel by Pinfall at 20: 10

Grade: 73



As Martel celebrates in the middle of the ring, Nick Bockwinkel sits in a corner, staring on in disbelief that the kid got one over him. After months of trash talking, he got his cash checked by Rick Martel. However the champ with title in hand walks to his challenger, a hand extended in respect for the match Bockwinkel put him through.


Slowly, very slowly, Bockwinkel rises, eyes looking dead center into Martel's own as he keeps his arms by his side the entire time. With his gaze still fixed to the champion and the title, he exits the ring, stopping at the start of the aisle, with a flicker to the title and Martel's eyes, Bockwinkel shakes his head, and Martel puts his hand down. The message is all clear to the young champion.

"You haven't won just yet."


Grade: 67


Overall Show Grade: 72


Prediction Points and Notes


A-March9-8: 5

The CoC: 5

Scarletspeed7: 5


*A big thank you to you three for predicting, it means a lot to see that you guys are interested in where this is going, and I hope I can keep that interest going on as we head to Wrestlerock in April!


And so the first Supercard is in the books, and I gotta say I'm happy with how it turned out overall. Some places I'm a bit disappointed in, such as with the grade involving Jake and Larry and Rick's backstage talk, but sometimes those happen. After the show I gave Nick Bockwinkel a hug for showing he could still go in the ring, even with the time decline on him, Larry Zbysko got praised for getting the best score of the night and Rick Martel got encouraged, as he fell a bit flat in one segment.


I hope I improved with my writing in this entry, as I tried to piece together the Backlund-Zbysko Match and the Martel-Bockwinkel Match. I watched whatever videos I could find of their matches and mannerisms, and I feel I got them down well.


Also, apologies on this being late, as dealing with family and studying for exams this week had me writing some of this in a rush, but I ended up going back and taking more time to polish it the best I could.

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January 18th, 1985

From the Roy Wilkins Auditorium in St. Paul, Minnesota

Attendance: 3,646

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



The night starts off with a video playing of the highlights of the January Jam Supercard such as the aftermath of Hector Guerrero and El Texano, the attack on Sgt. Slaughter by that masked man, and the victories of Larry Zbysko and Rick Martel. There are a lot of questions to answer, and the road to the February Fight Supercard has just begun.


Grade: 57


Velvet McIntyre and Noriyo Tateno vs. Magnificent Mimi and Madusa Miceli

http://i.imgur.com/8ceeD4Q.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/MXvntvz.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/GZKYtyh.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/4OqrHvM.jpg


The night begins with one hell of a fight between the AWA Women’s Division, as four of the newest competitor’s face off in tag team action. Credit to all four, they each gave a good showing how they deserve to be in the promotion as possible contenders to the title of Candi Devine., but it was the team of Velvet and Noriyo that got the victory with a McIntyre Roll on Madusa.


Winner: Velvet McIntyre and Noriyo Tateno by Pinfall at 7: 33

Grade: 40



AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Steve Regal vs. Al Snow

http://i.imgur.com/NhYmAAc.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/qmLx6AL.jpg


The champion comes out with a bit less of flair, understandably so, not only did he get handed his first loss of the year at the January Jam, he also received a vicious attack for his troubles. Yet all that stress went away as he saw his latest opponent, Al Snow, and it would have stayed away if Snow did not start the match off by nearly beating Regal in 30 seconds with a roll-up.

With a twitching eye Regal takes the fight to Snow, showcasing the fact that while he may not be the most honorable champion to have, he is certainly a credible one. His determination only increased after a short return by Snow, but caught Regal off guard with a punch, but we did say short for a reason, as it wasn’t too long after that Regal got back in control, and punctuated it with an Electric Bulldog for the victory.


Winner: Steve Regal by Pinfall at 8: 20

Grade: 50



With his winning smile back in place, Regal gives the crowd a brilliant wink and walks to the back, title snug around his waist. However midway up the ramp, the familiar tune of Sgt. Slaughter plays, and out walks the Sarge himself, a face of business present. A snarl sends the previously frozen Regal packing, as he wants no part in the wrath of the Sarge once again, happy to let Sunday night go. Slaughter however, is not.




Chris Cruise has also made his way to the ring from the interview area, a notepad of questions in hand, but before he can ask anything, the Sarge takes the mic, his intentions obvious.


Slaugther: ATTEN-HUT! At ease ladies and gentlemen, at ease. Well, at ease for you that is, but definitely not for me. You see this past Sunday I had that same worm you saw leave ready to accept defeat. I had the Cobra Clutch locked in, and your good Ol’ Sarge was going to celebrate another classic American victory! However, that wasn’t the case, as some sorry slimy snake wanted to catch me from behind with a title belt I wasn’t even competing for! I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I’m calling you out punk! I want you to come to this ring, and accept your induction into Sgt. Slaughter’s Boot Camp! AND THAT’S, AN ORDER!!!

With a rigid stance the Sarge watches the entrance to the back, a snarl present on his face as he wants to get answers and payback, and most likely not in that order. He ignores Cruise and any further questions, just waiting for his new meat to come out and get tenderized. Yet that focus cost the Sarge, as from under the ring comes the same man from January Jam with a chair in hand!



And WHAM! A sharp smack across the back of Slaughter, sending the patriot face down in agony, and then another, and a final third for good measure. With a grin to a frightened Cruise, the man winks, first at Cruise and then at the camera, and heads out the ring, once again ahead of Sgt. Slaughter.


Grade: (Slaughter Promo w/ Cruise) 56

Grade: (In Ring Attack) 57


El Texano vs. Jerry Blackwell

http://i.imgur.com/ZIwKZgq.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/vJW5lFQ.jpg


As we come back from commercial we see AWA mainstay Jerry Blackwell taking on the vicious Texano, who seems to still have anger at his loss to Hector Guerrero, even after brutalizing him with a cowbell after the match. Jerry obviously didn’t approve of the methods of the cowboy, as he fights like a man on a mission, using his larger size to dictate the start of the match. However said size was also his downfall in the end, as Texano began to use his superior speed to escape the power moves of Blackwell, wearing him down before setting him up for a perfect execution of La Magistral for the win!


Winner: El Texano by Pinfall at 10: 12

Grade: 45




After the match, Cruise cautiously enters the ring, even more wary than usual around Texano after being shaken up by the attack on Sgt. Slaughter. However as he sees Texano give him an expectant eyebrow, he clears his throat and asks Texano why. Why did he come so far from Mexico, why has he been targeting Guerrero, and why did he attack him post-match at January Jam?


Texano: Pride. For many years I’ve had clashes with Hector Guerrero and his family. But every single time, Hector Guerrero was the one who got away. I’ve waged wars with his father Gory, shared violence with his brothers Chavo and Mando, and last Sunday I finally got my hands on Hector.


You got lucky perro. You beat me by being the kind of mutt your family takes pride in! All of you basura who think that with the crowd loving you that the world is yours! The world doesn’t belong to Guerreros Hector! It belongs to Texano! I am not done with you and I know you’re licking your wounds, and waiting to come back for me. Your father did it, and so did your brothers so let me cut to the chase. El Texano versus Hector Guerrero at February Fight, in a Bullrope Match, victory by knockout, or submission. Your move perro.


Grade: 38


The Von Erichs (w/ Sunshine) vs. The Malenko Brothers

http://i.imgur.com/Jv8x9Dv.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/qpJcGfN.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/S8RgVxm.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/WCQ35Rm.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/SOpV5yp.jpg


In a rematch from January Jam, the Von Erichs had a harder fight this time around, as Dean and Joe Malenko showed they truly are their father’s sons with a whole new technical game plan, having adjusted to the styles of the Von Erichs for a better offense.

However the Von Erichs are determined men, wanting to get a fight with the Midnight Express, and after giving Joe the same Discus Punch his brother took at January Jam, they continue their statement.


Winners: The Von Erichs by Pinfall at 9: 35

Grade: 56




After their match, the Von Erichs are still pumped up, as Kerry and Kevin both are given mics by Sunshine to speak about their rivals and their manager.


Kerry: Twice we’ve taken down your roadblocks Cornette, if that doesn’t prove that Kevin and I deserve the chance to fight your boys, I don’t know what else possibly will.


Kevin: But you see, we planned ahead for this and talked to Commissioner Tunney, he agreed with us that he knew you’d keep stalling the match for as long as possible, so earlier tonight, he gave us a deal. Beat the Malenkos, and we would get the match we want at February Fight. So “Loverboy” and “Beautiful”, you best be prepared, because this Valentine’s Day there won’t be any love coming from the Von Erichs.


Grade: 54



International Television Championship Tournament, Semifinals

King King Brody (w/ Sheik Adnan) vs. Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth)

http://i.imgur.com/fbV3Nhf.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/sIPvkxp.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/rJnQIpq.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/geK1cti.jpg


This match seemed to just continue from their fight at January Jam, as both man fought a brawl to be remembered, with Brody taking control and dictating their pace, much more used to this style of fighting than Randy Savage. To his credit Savage does well with giving a fight back to the Wildman, showing that he’s more than style, but that he’s finesse and brutality.

Any sense of order soon faded however, as the fight spilled outside the ring neither man caring about finishing the match itself. To Brody and Savage, something about the other man just sparked animosity, and they had to react in the way they know best, violence. As they fought their way into the crowd once more, the referee gave his final count, leading to a double count out, and a lack of an opponent for a finals to the tournament.


Winner: Draw by Double Count Out at 14:12

Grade: 72




As soon as the bell sounded security flooded the floor, separating both men and pulling them to their respective locker rooms so as to prevent a repeat of January Jam, where they fought to a standstill outside the Ford Fieldhouse. In the middle of this, Commissioner Jack Tunney walks out to the ring, shaking his head all the way.


Tunney: As you just saw, we have hit a bit of a snag in our International Television Championship Tournament, and due to this Curt Hennig versus Jimmy Garvin will now be for the International Television Championship!


Grade: 48


International Television Championship Finals

Curt Hennig (w/ Larry Hennig) vs. Jimmy Garvin (w/ Precious)

http://i.imgur.com/kSBzLfQ.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Q2Z9YuD.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/65uSpLM.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/9yJy5Ki.jpg


If the sudden news of their match now being for the actual championship bothered either man, they didn’t show it. The Hennigs came to fight, and the attitude of the two sure as hell showed it, with Curt looking as focused as ever. Meanwhile Jimmy Garvin strut his way down to the ring, Precious by his side, fully willing and ready to walk the walk to match his talk.


In a well fought showing Garvin and Hennig brought each other to the limit, with Garvin using more of a brawling style in this fight, throwing off the technically sound Hennig. Tides changed however as an attempt at interference by Precious to add insult to injury got stopped by “The Axe” Larry Hennig. With his girl screaming in anger, Garvin turned to yell at the veteran, only to return his attention to the ring and get caught in a picture perfect Hennigplex for the big win for young Curt!


Winner and NEW International Television Champion: Curt Hennig by Pinfall at 13: 12

Grade: 57




A stoic Nick Bockwinkel comes down the aisle, mic in hand as no trace of his cocky self shows, just a look of determination and anger.


Bockwinkel: Martel! This isn’t over, one victory over me isn’t enough to make you great, it isn’t even enough for you to brag because one victory has a probable chance of being a fluke. Every dog has his day boy and I can guarantee you that yours has come and set. I am here to officially challenge you to a rematch at February Fight, only this time, in a Two out of Three Falls match!

With the crowd cheering at the thought of another clash of legend and legend in the making, Bockwinkel turns to the back, waiting for an answer by Martel only to have his expectations ruined, as an angry Larry Zbysko makes his way down.




Zbysko: Just who the hell do you think you are?! I’m not sure if you’re going senile Bockwinkel, but according to the results of January Jam, you lost your match, so you go to the back of the waiting list. I’m at the top of that list after sending “Bumbling” Bob Backlund to Larryland, so if you want to continue your mid-life crisis, I suggest you wait until next month, where maybe, I’ll give you a shot at MY AWA World Heavyweight Championship!





At the sound of the shout, both men turn to the aisle, with Zbysko’s eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Bob Backlund, fury in his eyes as he stared into the soul of the “Living Legend”.


Backlund: I don’t think you have any right to challenge anything Zbysko! You did beat me at the Jam, but you sure didn’t do it fairly! It took a cheap shot for a “Legend” to get me in a hold he claims to have mastered, and even then, he did not make me submit! I don’t care about the contendership anymore Zbysko, because you made this a matter of pride, and at February Fight I want to ruin yours! You and me, in a Submission Match!


Tunney: ENOUGH!




At the entrance to the back stands Commissioner Jack Tunney, with Rick Martel by his side, AWA World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. All three heads on the floor turn to the duo, eyes not on Tunney, but the Championship.


Tunney: Maybe I’ve been a bit lax with order here, but that’s going to change, starting with all four of you! Next week, it’s going to be Rick Martel and Larry Zbysko against Bob Backlund and Nick Bockwinkel! If Martel and Zbysko win, then Zbysko will get to use his contendership at February Fight, but if Bockwinkel and Backlund win, then they get their rematches, stipulations included!


All eyes now snapped to Tunney with disbelief, all eyes that is, except for Rick Martel, whose only response is to stand in the middle of the ramp and unhook his belt, lifting it high as possible. One thing about February Fight is clear, Rick Martel is ready to defend his title no matter his opponent.


Grade: 67


Overall Show Grade: 65




AWA: Live!


January 19th, 1985

From the Dodge City Civic Center in Dodge City, Kansas

Attendance: 1,493

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



The show begins with Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher talking about the Tag match on next week's edition of All-Star Wrestling, encouraging fans to call in and place their vote on which team would win! (Grade: 57)


The High Flyers defeated the team of Rick Steiner and Rick Patterson with a Gagne Sleeper by Greg at 7: 10. (Grade: 45)


Chris Cruise interviews the High Flyers as they return to the backstage area, with both men still hyped from their match. They say that they're back with one thing in mind, and that is to get payback on the Road Warriors, and it starts with Jim Brunzell against Animal next week on All-Star Wrestling! (Grade: 42)


The Masked Superstar took on a new competitor to the AWA scene, Keiji Mutoh, who kept his own with the veteran, but ultimately fell to a Swinging Neckbreaker at 5:44. (Grade: 58)


Backstage the Midnight Express accept the challenge made by the Von Erichs, saying that they'll end up just like their next opponents. (Grade: 32)


The Midnights didn't exaggerate, as they took down the team of Brad Rheingans and John Nord, a match specifically asked for by Jim Cornette, ending with an Alabama Jam to Brad at 9: 23. (Grade: 49)


Overall Show Grade: 51

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January 25th, 1985

Attendance: 3,546

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



Trongard: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of AWA All Star Wrestling! I am Rod Trongard and here to call all of your action with my partner Marcus Witcher!


Witcher: It's like a real life beauty and the beast for the ears of the people isn't buddy?


Trongard: Don't push your luck kid. Speaking of luck, it's not going to be present tonight as it's all skill tonight! We get to hear from the Fabulous Ones and an update on Stan Lane's condition as well as Jim Brunzell taking on Road Warrior Animal!


Witcher: Let's not forget our main event, Nick Bockwinkel and Bob Backlund against Rick Martel and Larry Zbysko, with the fate of each men on the line!


Velvet McIntyre vs. Magnificent Mimi

http://i.imgur.com/JaW4yYW.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/lB6YbS6.jpg


In a well fought match two of the rising stars of the Women's Divsion showed the best women's wrestling in America today. Velvet seemed to have something to prove, and let that drive her the entire match, always keeping one step ahead of Mimi. Finally resulting in her win through a McIntyre Roll.


Winner: Velvet McIntyre by Pinfall at 6:30

Grade: 42


Following the match, Velvet rolled out of the ring to grab a mic, her face set in a small smile as she rolled back in, that determination still present.


McIntyre: For the first two weeks of this year the AWA Women's Division was missing. That shouldn't have been allowed! We're just as good athletes, just as hungry, and just as important as the men in this company! And while I've had good matches to show this, I want an even better one. Candi Devine, I want it to be me and you come February Fight, for your AWA World Women's Championship!


Only a few seconds later out comes the champ, an amused look on her face, belt slung over her shoulder.




Devine: I like your fire Velvet, and I like that idea. But you better not go in thinking I'll roll over and just let you win. I'll bring this title, but you better bring a stronger flame, otherwise I'll put it out in two weeks time.


Grade: 38


Jimmy Garvin (w/ Precious) vs. The Crusher

http://i.imgur.com/3kdLQAA.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/RXq6CS2.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/VMiK3oT.jpg


As the two wrestlers in this match make their way to the ring, the announcers remark how Garvin personally requested this match himself, claiming that the "Gorgeous One" needs to do some "aesthetic cleaning" to the AWA, and he plans on starting with The Crusher.


Garvin is all business tonight, showing his usual bravado with a glint of something else in his eyes, and while the Crusher is hardly a rookie to get schooled, he wasn't in his prime. Garvin seemed to take advantage of it, showing up the Crusher with his quicker movements, showcasing the old brawler against the young one, landing a sudden 911 to put the veteran away.


Winner: Jimmy Garvin by Pinfall at 9:33

Grade: 49


As The Crusher is helped to the back by the referee Jimmy Garvin grabs the mic and begins to hoot and holler.


Garvin: You see that ladies and gentlemen?! That's Ol' Jimmy Garvin doing business like he knows how, but he ain't done just yet! It has come to my attention that the AWA is less a wrestling promotion, and more of a retirement home! Old men walking around, acting like they're still twenty and strong, well no fears, no tears! "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin has got your answer, as he intends on cleaning up each and every has been from your TV screens so you'll have more me for your eyes! And Curt Hennig, you better believe that once that time is on yours truly, I'm gonna take that International Television Championship, and make it gorgeous to match this face!


Grade: 67


The Midnight Express (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Brett Sawyer and Al Snow

http://i.imgur.com/pyQyuJN.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/XYhKS8w.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/vUKsDDd.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/eolUYWD.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/P3Z2WTi.jpg


With another showcase presented to his men by Jim Cornette, the Express looked strong as they took Al Snow and Brett Sawyer to school. Cornette had to have known this would happen, as the team of Sawyer and Snow were no match for the tag team expertise of Dennis and Bobby. After a decent attempt by their challengers, the Express ended this match with an Alabama Jam to Snow by Eaton.


Winner: The Midnight Express by Pinfall at 8: 30

Grade: 46


As Sawyer and Snow head to the back Cornette enters the ring with a mic in hand, ready to gloat to the world the power of his men once more, however before he can say a single word, the Cleveland Convention Center blares with the theme of the Von Erichs!




Following close behind is Sunshine, a mic of her own in hand as she stares down the visibly angered Jim Cornette.


Sunshine: Don't you start Cornette. I'm sick of hearing you speak, so let me lay down the law like this. Whatever happens at February Fight, I want this to end, you've been chasing after my boys for ages, so I say we make a bit of a wager. Losers leave the AWA for three months, meaning that one of us is going to miss the Spring special, Wrestlerock, something I'm sure means a bigger paycheck for you three. Yes or no?


The Express and Cornette do a quick huddle, occasionally giving quick glances at the Von Erichs, receiving amused expressions in return. After a minute or two of rough whispers the three men stand in a line, nodding at the stipulation. While it may not completely take out the Von Erichs, making them miss something as big as Wrestlerock would be just as sweet.


Grade: 26



AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Steve Regal vs. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart

http://i.imgur.com/GBjbUDu.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/ZXUgYzS.jpg


The tale of this match begins with a familiar beginning, as we return from commercial to feature a once more smiling, Steve Regal. However instead of the usual gloating, Regal is forced to get straight to business as his challenger is very different than his usual opponents. For one, he comes running to the ring, music blaring and crowd cheering as "The Anvil" is ready for a fight to further his mark in the AWA.


And what a mark he begins to make, as Neidhart takes total control of the unprepared champion, his already superior power game shining in this matchup. However Regal was able to stay alive for quite some time, giving his own strikes and punches that failed to stop the runaway train that was Jim Neidhart. But in the end Regal shows his worth as champion, as he uses his size and speed to slip out of a potentially final Gorilla Press, and give a swift low blow to "The Anvil's"...well anvils. With this having been in full view of the referee, he calls for the bell, giving the win to Neidhart, but not the belt as Regal runs up the ramp, the Light Heavyweight belt in his arms, his for another week.


Winner: Jim Neidhart by DQ at 9:22

Grade: 51




The scene changes, but the feeling of anger is still there, clear as day on the faces of Stan Lane and Steve Keirn. Still clad in their bowties and top hats, the only difference was the feeling of confidence being gone, and the dull gray cast on the right leg of Lane as he sat in a chair at his home.


Lane: It isn't always that you see the Fabulous Ones at anything less than their best, but after January Jam it isn't in exactly my choice thanks to the Road Warriors. But we will be back, not just for the Road Warriors, but for that worm Paul Ellering.


Keirn: It's the turn of the High Flyers to get their own revenge, but you can rest assured Animal and Hawk, that the Fabulous Ones will get their due like they deserve. Because whether tag team championships or not, we'll make sure all three of you get matching casts, each modeled after the original, worn by someone far more Fabulous.


Grade: 49


Road Warrior Animal (w/ Paul Ellering) vs. Jim Brunzell

http://i.imgur.com/fYtr0vW.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/REZupEG.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/Q2zqWik.jpg


Jim Brunzell began this match in a flurry, letting out all his fury from months on the shelf after being an early victim of the Tag Team Champions. However Animal lives up to his name soon enough, using a huge clothesline to end the momentum of Brunzell, firmly cementing himself as the leader of this dance.


Try as he might, Brunzell could not get himself back in the driver's seat, decent bursts of a beginning offense shining through, but Animal kept the pain, just barely keeping down the passion of Brunzell down. Soon enough, the end came with a power bomb, getting the Road Warriors a big rush to their already huge train of momentum.


Winner: Road Warrior Animal by Pinfall at 10:12

Grade: 62




As the bell rings, out comes Hawk, with Ellering himself slipping inside the ring, a three on one coming for one half of the contenders at February Fight. Trongard shouts at the trio from his spot ringside, as Witcher tries to advise his partner not to antagonize the Tag Team Champions, getting a "Shut up!" in return.




At least it would be if not for a run in by Greg Gagne, shouting in anger and showing absolutely no fear to the men who sent him home with a broken body. And he's not alone as Steve Keirn makes a mad dash to the ring right behind Gagne! With their advantage gone, the Warriors and Ellering back off much like they did at the Jam, only this time, it's the Fabulous Ones repaying the favor to the high Flyers.


Grade: 51


A prerecorded video begins playing, sent to our production crew earlier today, with the smiling face of Sgt. Slaughter's attacker in the middle of an empty room, bathed in moonlight coming from a window near him.




???: I feel that it's been long enough for Sgt. Slaughter to have fear without a name, so I will grant him a courtesy. Roberts. Jake "The Snake" Roberts. And let me set the record straight for you, Snake is more than just a description for me, it is who I am. The hunter in the grass who waits ever patiently for his prey, who waits for that one mistake before the strike. That strike being something you learned quite well last week Sarge, when I punished you for being weak, for being vulnerable.


You who are supposed to be the paragon of American strength, were exposed last week as being as human as every single one of those people in the audience who watched you fall. And I must admit, I'm a little bit disappointed. I expected more from you Slaughter, more of a guard, more of a plan, but it appears that all the talk about the great Sgt. Slaughter is just that, talk.


I, on the other hand, have done more than talk! Twice you've been tasting the ring mat thanks to my cunning, but the worst is yet to come as I spread a message to the world at your cost. "The Snake" is here, poised and ready to strike, the question is, will the rest of you be like Sgt. Slaughter? Vulnerable and ready to be devoured?


Grade: 57


Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Chris Markoff

http://i.imgur.com/qoTX8aY.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Wfc5bYt.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/ka3lEL1.jpg


Randy requested this match, saying that he wanted an opponent who could help him showcase a point. And what a showcase and point he does as he has a good fight with the veteran Markoff leaving the question of, was it a showcase for Randy to show his stuff to a strict veteran, or to show how Markoff could still keep up with the explosive Savage?


In the end, youth and experience is on the side of Savage, as he takes full control of the match through the slower movements of Markoff, leading into an Elbow Drop off the top rope for the victory.


Winner: Randy Savage by Pinfall at 8:37

Grade: 56


Post match, Savage poses for the people, giving them a good time before a serious look crosses his face, as he asks Elizabeth for a mic.


Savage: Last week the "Macho Man" was all set and ready to win the tournament, to be the International Television Champion yeah, but he hit a roadblock. A roadblock named King King Brody, and for two nights we brawled like men yeah! So Brody, I want to settle a score with you brother, because leaving things at a draw doesn't feel good for the "Macho Man" no, it don't feel good at all!


From the back comes an amused looking Brody and a laughing Sheik, neither man seeming to take Savage seriously whatsoever.




Brody: You are something special Savage. You come here and act as thought you belong with the men while you play dress up, spouting your little lines. You don't deserve to fight me, because I want opponents who can give me a war, and from what I've seen of you, the best you'll give anyone is a headache. I am the "Wildman"! As far as I'm concerned, you're not even a man to begin with, so don't waste my time.


At that Brody barks a laugh and walks back with the Sheik, leaving a fuming Savage in the ring, slowly getting calmed by a gentle Elizabeth. Witcher comments on how Brody and Savage are tied in the ring, but right now Brody got a huge verbal victory tonight. Trongard surprises himself by agreeing, saying that from the look of Savage, Brody may regret his words soon enough.


Grade: 78


Nick Bockwinkel and Bob Backlund vs. Rick Martel and Larry Zbysko

http://i.imgur.com/r9ZBYl7.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/hDlLSUr.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/Ic2fHnO.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/1U2Sgea.jpg


It probably wasn't the best idea for this match to start with Backlund against Zbysko, as neither men showed their technical skill, just Bob Backlund trying to hit every inch of Zbysko he possibly could. Zbysko managed to use the anger and momentum of Bob to his advantage however, giving one hell of a back body drop before lunging at his corner and tagging in Rick Martel.


Thankfully for Rick, Backlund calmed down, having no issues with the champ, nodding his head as both men began to grapple, showcasing the skills they became so well known for. However nobody in the AWA can match Backlund's technical prowess, as he locked the champ in the Cross Face Chickenwing, far from the shouting Zbysko, looking to make the champ ta-and a smack on the back of Backlund tags in Bockwinkel!


With shock on his face Backlund lets go of Martel, letting him fall to the ground as Bockwinkel and Backlund argue about what just happened. Backlund shouting about old men and their egos, and Bockwinkel shouting back about how he deserved to get the victory over Martel.


As their arguing continues Zbysko climbs his way into the ring, pretending to check on his partner, only to charge and clothesline Backlund out of the ring when his back was turned! However turnabout is fair play as Zbysko receives a clothesline of his own, following his rival out onto the floor. With nobody in his way the former 3-time champ begins to pick up the current champ, only to get caught in a cradle! It's a 1! 2! KICKOUT BY BOCKWINKEL!


Nick can't believe he almost got caught again, fury blooming on his face as he loses his composure, going at Martel with authority, taking control of the match. Soon enough he's just giving lefts and rights, only to suddenly get some back, causing him to reel back a bit. Martel is quick to take advantage of his chance, scoop slamming Bockwinkel near the ropes, heading to the apron to perform a slingshot splash! But the splash is just barely avoided by Bockwinkel who rolls out of the ring just in time! After a quick wink to an angry Larry Zbysko he rolls back in, waiting patiently for the world champion to rise slowly, only to get caught in a second cradle! 1! 2! Reversal back Bockwinkel into his own cradle! 1! 2! 3!


Winner: Nick Bockwinkel and Bob Backlund by Pinfall at 16:45

Grade: 65


As the bell rings, all four men are in a separate corner of the ring, four different reactions to not just the result of this match, but to their destiny comes February Fight in two weeks.


Zbysko looks at Bockwinkel and Martel with fury, not believing that he is forced to wait once again for his own shot at the title, but once he locks eyes with Backlund, he falters some.


Bob is not smiling. He's not giving the boyish grin he's well known for. He's just glaring at the face of Larry Zbysko, nodding slowly. Backlund showing that he truly meant it when he said the contendership didn't matter to him at the moment, just getting his hands on the "Living Legend".


Meanwhile Martel was sitting against the bottom turnbuckle a look of disbelief as he registered that Bockwinkel got one over him. Said challenger just smiled from his own corner, thinking the same thought as the champion, only his look wasn't of disbelief, but of the cat who just caught the canary.


Grade: 64


Overall Show Grade: 66




AWA: Live!


January 26th, 1985

From the Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out!)

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



Velvet McIntyre beats Madusa Miceli with a McIntyre Roll at 6:33. (Grade: 40)


A video plays from Hector Guerrero's home, and with a bandage on his head he says that Texano will get his answer to the Bull Rope challenge next week, on All Star Wrestling! (Grade: 30)


The Midnight Express (w/ Jim Cornette) beat the team of Keiji Mutoh and Lanny Poffo with an Alabama Jam to Poffo at 5:24. (Grade: 52)


Randy Savage rants on King King Brody while being interviewed by Chris Cruise, saying that since Brody fancies himself a "wildman", he's gonna get a reeducation, courtesy of the "Macho Man" yeah! (Grade: 54)


Randy Savage beats The Masked Superstar in a convincing fashion, taking the pain dished out onto him quite well, keeping his momentum up from his interview to the finish with an Elbow Drop at 11: 54. (Grade: 63)


To end the show for the crowd a video plays for them, showing the ending of All Star Wrestling, with the four men staring at each other, having to accept their coming matches in two weeks time. (Grade: 68)


Overall Show Grade: 60

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January 28th, 1985


"Hey Greg where are you and Verne at?! Nick's been sharing some amazing stories all night, it'd be great for you and your dad to add to these man!"


His tone was the exact opposite of mine, somber and unsure. "...Marcus, we need to talk. Something's happened, and bottom line is..Dad's gone."


I grip the phone so tight I'm surprise it didn't crumble. Please. Please mean just gone as in vacation, gone as in he'll come back. It's Verne, he has to be here, this is his company! He IS the company for crying out loud!


Shakily I respond back. "Greg, please tell me you don't mean gone for good. Please."


"I'm sorry Marcus. You don't have to tell the boys, I can-"


"No. No....stay with your mom and family, they need you right now. I've got our family here."


"Thank you." I can hear his sympathy from his voice, he knows it won't be easy, regardless of who breaks the news.


With a sigh I hung up the phone, not really ready to turn around and face everyone. This was supposed to be an End of the Month Party. We had turned a great profit, and the January Jam Supercard was an amazing success, so I decided to gather as many of the wrestlers as possible and just celebrate another month of hard work put in.


"Witcher? What's going on?" Came from behind me, the familiar accent of Nick Bockwinkel mixed with his calm tone easing my tension slightly.


Nick is a hell of a guy, always trying to help the company improve anyway possible and the employees as well, wrestler or not. He just shows it further as he comes to me without any word. He's seen a lot of things, so it's no surprise he can tell when something's wrong.


I lick my lips, I really don't know how Nick himself is going to take this. He's known Verne for ages, making his own stardom in his classics with the old man.


"Nick, I'm gonna need your help to tell something to the guys. It's about Verne."


The hand on my shoulder tensed significantly, as he nodded slowly, fearing and guessing correctly about the worst. Together we breathed in and turned around, facing a roster full of smiling faces and laughter. I barely hear Nick tell everyone that I have something important to tell them, something big. With all eyes on me and shaking hands I slowly speak to them, apologizing in my head for what I'm about to tell them.


"There's no easy way to say this...Verne is...Verne is gone."




(Out of all the things I expected to happen in this playthrough, Verne dying this early was not expected. I'm not sure how this will impact my game and diary as the AI is still searching for a new owner, and trying to make my avatar owner would cause me to miss shows I need to continue the buildup. I'm going to see how this runs, who knows, maybe now I'll finally be able to change the product settings for the future.)


Insanely cool roster you've been putting together so far. I had to give you a five-star rating since some loser dropped a 1-star for no reason! Keep up the great work; I've really enjoyed this diary.


Thanks a lot! I'm loving your work as well, I'd rate it myself, but last I checked it already had 5 stars!

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  • 2 weeks later...

February 4th, 1985

From the Roy Wilkins Auditorium in St. Paul Minnesota

Attendance: 4,011

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



Trongard: It is with a heavy and pained heart that we greet you here tonight, for those of you not aware of what has happened or its significance, but Verne Gagne, owner, founder and former 9-time AWA World Heavyweight Champion passed away this past Monday morning.


Witcher: Verne was a great man, one who built this company brick by brick with literal blood, sweat, and tears both in and out of that ring, tonight we here at the AWA are going to give the best of our best more than ever tonight. For Verne.


Trongard: As of now, the future of the AWA is at the highest level of uncertainty possible, but one thing is for sure, you're going to get the high levels of athleticism we always give, because that's what Verne would have wanted, for himself, for us, and for you.




The show begins with a video on the late Verne Gagne, clips of his life in ring and at home playing for the viewers. Also featured are clips by four men who have known Verne for quite a long time, Baron Von Raschke, The Crusher, Chris Markoff, and Larry Hennig. Each man gives his own story of a moment with Verne, and the love he had for the AWA.


Grade: 50


John Nord vs. Brad Rheingans

http://i.imgur.com/udfmIrJ.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/d1eg236.jpg


The night began with a showcasing of one of Verne's own students, Brad Rheingans against the imposting John Nord. Brad quickly went to work, the passion of his mentor shining in his technical skills. After a rather even back and forth between Nord's power and Rheingans' skill, the match came to an end after Brad summoned all of his strength and gave the big man a crashing suplex onto the mat, getting the pinfall.


Winner: Brad Rheingans by Pinfall at 8:34

Grade: 42


With the match over, Brad extends a hand to the fallen hoss, getting a strong clap to his ears as Nord takes it, getting back up. A moment barely passes before the two men shake hands, smiles on their faces at a good fight having gone down.


Grade: 39


The High Flyers vs. Baron Von Rashcke and The Crusher

http://i.imgur.com/f0gGSwL.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/bO3xInP.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/PLVxFAy.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/HuaAKet.jpg



Another showcase match, this time with another of Verne's students and his own son against two of his old rivals/allies. The High Flyers showed the level of intensity of their training, but both the veterans knew their tricks, having had their own separate wars with Verne. After several familiar moves by Greg Gagne to Von Raschke, the son of heart of the AWA finishes it off with a dropkick, echos of his father in the move, getting the victory in 1...2...3!


Winner: The High Flyers by Pinfall at 10:12

Grade: 57



As soon as the bell rings to signify the end of the match, Greg helps Von Raschke up, both men hug tightly in the middle of the ring, Crusher and Brunzell joining soon after. Before parting they grab hands and make a line, arms raised to the sky for the fans to see that there is still a unity to the AWA.


Grade: 53


From the outside referee Jim Mitchell gives Greg Gagne a mic, the man trying to compose himself before the support pouring out from the crowd. With a shaking voice he talks to the crowd, thanking them for coming out to enjoy the legacy of his father. He tells the audience around him and at home that he will do as his father did and give his all to the AWA, and that as long as he lives, this promotion will not fall! As we head to commercial the Roy Wilkins Auditorium is shaking with the chanting of "AWA! AWA!", causing Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher to marvel at the love from the Minnesota fans.


Grade: 61


Steve Regal vs. Jerry Blackwell

http://i.imgur.com/CgbzvI4.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/cVx5OGM.jpg


Steve Regal requested this match apparently, and it showed, as even with the formidable frame of Jerry Blackwell waiting in the ring, his classic shining smile was out for the cameras. As the match began however, Regal's smile was squashed by a surprising dropkick from the near 500 pounds Blackwell! From there the big man unleashed a surprise barrage of elbows and punches, seeming to head to a dominant victory...until he attempted another dropkick, only to hit air as Regal dodged, stopping the runaway train.


From there Regal took over, in control of himself as he moved out of the big man's way, even with his impressive agility. All too soon, Regal got just where he needed, ending the match with his patented Electric Bulldog.


Winner: Steve Regal by Pinfall at 11:23

Grade: 53


Following the match, Steve Regal asked for a mic, and once given he flashed his trademark smile, nodding all the while. "Mr. Electricity" makes a challenge to Jim Neidhart, saying that Neidhart cheated last week, and until he has a pinfall, "Mr. Electricity" is still undefeated! He goes on to brag about his recent victory, saying that if a man bigger than Neidhart couldn't pin Regal, what chance does the "Northern Neanderthal" have?




This brings out "The Anvil" himself, saying that if Regal wants to settle a score, he'll gladly take another shot at Regal's championship at February Fight. He gets a laugh in response, as Regal assures Neidhart that he's going to be another name on the list of men who couldn't pin down "Mr. Electricity", and move to the back of the line to make room for his next electric victory!


Grade: 40




A video of Bob Backlund plays, his normal babyface smile replaced by a somber look. He talks about his own experiences with Verne Gagne, his first time meeting Verne as well as the training he was given by the man. He thanks Verne for all he's done for him, hoping that he made Verne proud with how well he's used his teachings.


Grade: 68



AWA World Women's Championship

Candi Devine vs. Velvet McIntyre

http://i.imgur.com/Phz4Cfa.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/EulNzg7.jpg


Showing that they belong in the AWA as much as their male counterparts, Devine and Velvet put on a good showing, both challenger and champion sending a good message about the quality of the AWA's female competitors.

Trongard remarks that it is only here in the AWA that you'll see this kind of passion and heart, not just for championships, but for the pride of being one of the world's greatest.


However the strong showing came to a halt as two other women ran into the ring and began attacking Devine and McIntyre, punch after punch landing on the two competitors. As he tried to get both women off the referee called for the bell, throwing out the match completely.


Winner: Draw by Stoppage at 8:37

Grade: 39




Even with the bell ringing the two women continue their assault on their victims until they were satisfied with both Velvet and Candi writhing in pain on the mat. The faces of Kat LeRoux and Linda Dallas now in clear view of the camera as they stood tall and proud, snarling at the referee and cameras, making a statement of their own.


Grade: 35




Another video plays, this time of the "Living Legend" Larry Zbysko, and his face is all seriousness, not a hint of his usual ego to be seen as he stares into the camera. He talks about his own time around Verne, giving his thanks for the chance to even have a stage to be the "Living Legend", saying that he'll do the same for the AWA, always giving it a star to showcase, no matter what.


Grade: 70


El Texano vs. Adolfo Taipa

http://i.imgur.com/7C3A3bB.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/tC0zSJH.jpg


This was barely a match, as Texano dominated the young Taipa, making it more of a way for the anger and power behind the man who put Hector Guerrero at home to be vented out. Thankfully for Taipa it came to a quick end with a sudden powerbomb for the victory to Texano.


Winner: El Texano by Pinfall at 5:20

Grade: 35


As Taipa is helped to the back by the referee Texano grabs a mic, a sneer on his face. He calls out Hector, reminding him that it's been a week, and he's wanting his answer now so he can prepare the same bell that opened his skull.




Hector's music plays, and a Guerrero walks down the aisle, a mic of their own in hand, only, it's the wrong Guerrero! A smiling Chavo Guerrero tells surprised Texano that his brother is still recovering, but not to worry, he will be more than happy to drag Texano's body all over that ring for Hector.


Grade: 39



It's the World Heavyweight Champion on video now, as Rick Martel talks about his own feelings toward Verne Gagne, thanking him for the chance to prove himself as a top tier wrestler in the AWA. He promises that he will uphold the values of being an athlete for both the company and the title he holds, wanting to prove Verne right in believing in Martel.


Grade: 66


Bob Backlund and Rick Martel vs. The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering)

http://i.imgur.com/JKqPs5s.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/d0xVcIo.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/4yZsNIW.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/tL3Ouow.jpg w/ http://i.imgur.com/NZMPrM5.jpg



The final match of the night was a big one, four of the company's top stars sought to gain some momentum as they headed into the final week before February Fight. The Road Warriors staked their claim as the top tag team in the AWA, giving the technically sound duo of Martel and Backlund a hard time with their sheer strength breaking the most solid of holds.


However the fan favorites never let that stop them, pure determination keeping them alive and kicking in the snarling faces of the Road Warriors. It all narrowed down to the power of teamwork however, as Martel and Backlund used the straightforward rage of Hawk and Animal against them, keeping them separated long enough for Martel to land a slingshot splash on Hawk! With the whole crowd following his count, the referee counted down the pin, 1! 2! 3!


Winner: Bob Backlund and Rick Martel by Pinfall at 15: 33

Grade: 67




After a celebration in the ring with Martel and Backlund the show transitions into the final video of the night, Nick Bockwinkel being the subject this time around. The man speaks on his long history with Verne both in and out of the ring, his composure slowly slipping away as he gave in to the emotions caused by his memories. With a deep sigh he straightened up and gave a strong look into the camera, giving his final words for the Auditorium and the viewers at home, ending with a phrase that summed up the entire evening, "Thank you Verne."


Grade: 71


Overall Show Grade: 64




February 6th, 1985


Our first taping without Verne had gone on pretty well, while many of us were still feeling the effects of losing the heart and mind behind the AWA, we knew we couldn't just stop.


That didn't stop me from canceling our weekly "AWA: Live!" show though, call me paranoid, but I wanted to make sure everyone had the time they needed to fully process everything, especially after those videos Nick and the others had recorded for the show. We kept to kayfabe the best we could while letting the guys express their respect for Verne, we knew he'd have our heads otherwise, living or dead.


Another reason I cancelled the show was due to a call I had gotten last night, one from the Board of Directors informing me that a new owner had been chosen, and that he wanted to meet me as soon as possible at the AWA Headquarters. I was nervous, whoever it was could choose to ruin the company or worse, our fanbase, the loyal supporters we needed to grow bigger, let alone stay afloat. While I was hired to help evolve the AWA, I knew that changing things too fast could only lead to a sinking ship, so it was understandable that I was nervous.


I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door begin to open, my heart beating pretty fast, there was only one chance to make a good impression, and show that I knew what I was doing. And so the future of the AWA began with a nervous booker, and a smiling new owner and the first words between the two.


"Mr. Witcher I presume? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the new owner of the American Wrestling Association, I've heard good things about you from several people, and I can only hope you've heard the same about me."



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  • 2 weeks later...

February 11th, 1985

From the Hara Arena in Trotwood, Ohio

Attendance: 3,737

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



Trongard: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another grand edition of AWA: All Star Wrestling! We have a jam packed show to see us off before the February Fight Supercard this Sunday!


Witcher: I am excited for this show Trongard, not just for our main event tonight between Randy Savage and Jim Neidhart against King Kong Bundy and Steve Regal; but also for the official contract signing between our "champion" and Nick Bockwinkel.


Trongard: Your disrespect of Rick Martel aside, we also have a special announcement by Commissioner Jack Tunney to start off our show tonight regarding the biggest show of the spring spectacular, WrestleRock '85! Let's take it to the ring!




Jack Tunney is already in the ring, a mic in hand as he takes in the cheering of the Hara Arena crowd, speaking as they begin to settle down.


Tunney: Ladies and gentlemen it is a pleasure to be here in Trotwood, Ohio, not just for our show tonight, but to be able to make this amazing announcement.


I am proud to inform you all here at the Hara Arena and the many of you watching at home that on April 14th, our spring spectacle event, WrestleRock '85, will host the first ever Verne Gagne Invitational Tournament! The best of the best from all over the wrestling world have been invited for this sixteen man tournament, with the winner receiving one hundred thousand dollars and the glory of being the first ever Invitational Ironman!


Grade: 52


El Texano vs. Brett Sawyer

http://i.imgur.com/Wn01GIl.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/XVs1uTT.jpg


We being our final night with the anger of El Texano against one half of "The Playboys" Brett Sawyer. This wasn't much of a match as Texano ripped apart the young Sawyer, obviously still angry at not only being denied the chance to finish off Hector Guerrero, but also having to fight his brother Chavo once again. With a furious yell Texano put away Brett with a powerbomb, getting the pin, all the while snarling as he looked into the camera.


Winner: El Texano by Pinfall at 4:40

Grade: 35




We go backstage where Candi Devine and Velvet McIntyre are talking heatedly, but as the cameraman gets closer we hear that their topic is about each other. Nodding their heads, they both turn to the cameraman, scowls on their faces.


They talk about their enjoyment of their title match last week only to have it ruined by the Nasty Girls, Kat LeRoux and Linda Dallas. Both champion and former challenger say that if the Girls want a fight, they should show up at February Fight for a fair one. With that both women make their way to the ring, preparing to show their own ability as a tag team.


Grade: 26


Velvet McIntyre and Candi Devine vs. Magnificent Mimi and Madusa Miceli

http://i.imgur.com/JEa473r.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/jCXuWgr.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/S0NFl4C.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/atloQJl.jpg


The duo certainly showed that whether the Nasty Girls show up this Sunday or not, they've got each others backs, taking one hell of an impressive fight to their opposing makeshift team. Trongard comments on how impressed he is at the quick cohesion between the two, saying that it isn't easy to expect competitors to unite like that. Witcher remarks back, reminding his partner that at the moment they have a common enemy, who knows how long teamwork lasts after this Sunday as a Candi Drop by Devine gains her team the win.


Winners: Candi Devine and Velvet McIntyre by Pinfall at 7:13

Grade: 40




We go to the Interview Set, where instead of our usual Chris Cruise with the mic, we see a smiling Jim Cornette with the Midnight Express, a stoic and obviously nervous Cruise in between the two men.




With a laugh Cornette talks about the match against the Von Erichs this Sunday, saying that he's decided to give his boys some days off leading to the easy match at February Fight. He spends time calling the suspension stipulation perfect for the Von Erichs, saying that since their natural born losers, it's a no brainer to see who will be leaving the AWA for three months. So they'll get to watch as Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey go into the Verne Gagne Invitational at WrestleRock, getting more than just the cash prize, but bragging rights over their rivals.


Grade: 24


Chavo Guerrero vs. Rick Steiner

http://i.imgur.com/LI67Wu0.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/7aCdFhZ.jpg


The brother of Hector Guerrero made his AWA debut in a very convincing fashion, putting the bigger Rick Steiner to the test, his experience coming in handy over the rookie. Credit to Rick, he showcases the amazing wrestling ability he's got, but with just a year in the business compared to Chavo's twelve he couldn't keep up with the hard trained technical style of Guerrero, earning an impressive German Suplex for his efforts.


Winner: Chavo Guerrero by Pinfall at 8:33

Grade: 45




As Chavo celebrates in the ring an enraged Texano comes charging down, Trongard likening him to a bull seeing red as the elder Guerrero readies for an early fight by his nemesis. Instead Texano grabs a mic from ringside and immediately begins to rip into Chavo. He warns Chavo that this Sunday he will be a message for Hector that he can run and hide behind his family all he wants, but one day his blood will be on Texano's hands once again.


Chavo nods, calling Texano one determined bastard, but saying that it doesn't matter how much Guerrero blood he spills, as no matter how much flows, the victory will always be to the best family in Mexico. With their talking done both men stare each other down as we head to commercial.


Grade: 44


Jake Roberts vs. Al Snow

http://i.imgur.com/DiLMy89.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/PHmJNNb.jpg


We come back to see the young Al Snow in the ring with his opponent making the second in-ring debut of the night as he walks to the ring with an eerie smile on his face. It must look natural to the young Snow, as he sees it as a sign of sportsmanship, offering his hand to Roberts, only to receive a vicious forearm to the face. From there Roberts played with Snow, showcasing unusual dominance for a man of his size, ending the rookie's suffering with a DDT to the mat.


Winner: Jake Roberts by Pinfall at 5:00

Grade: 43


As Snow is rolled out of the ring Roberts leans over to the timekeeper and calls for a mic, his same grin still in place, a sick confidence evident on his face.


Roberts: It appears our dear Sarge has taken my words to heart and is at home licking his wounds, physical and mental, unfortunately your rest period won't last for long Slaughter. The Commissioner has approved a recent request of mine for some time on this Sunday's Supercard, and I intend on putting it to good use. I want you to come to me this time, to my...Pit, and we can have a discussion, man to man. But don't keep me waiting Slaughter, after all I'm positive by now that you don't want another visit from "The Snake".


Grade: 39


Jimmy Garvin (w/Precious) vs. Baron Von Raschke

http://i.imgur.com/6jH0rMz.jpgw/ http://i.imgur.com/9VUrxvY.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/8bGrnWW.jpg


Jimmy Garvin's "cleanup crusade" continues into this week as he takes on another AWA veteran, the vicious Baron Von Raschke, and the Baron certainly lives up to his legacy in this fight. Jimmy Garvin is more than a pretty face though as he stands his ground in a jaw busting brawl with the Baron. The determination of the "Gorgeous One" shines through however, as he lands a devastating Bombs Away brainbuster on Baron to get the pinfall and second notch on his list.


Winner: Jimmy Garvin by Pinfall at 9:33

Grade: 48


The match has ended, but Garvin isn't leaving as he continues to kick at the fallen Baron, Precious cheering her man at ringside as the crowd boos in disgust at the treatment of a legend. Garvin's actions come to a halt however as "The Axe" comes down to the ring with the fury of a bull on his face.




With a scream from Precious, Garvin notices the hustling Hennig and rolls out the ring, and scrambles to the back with his wife, the elder Hennig not too far behind the vile couple.


Grade: 58





In the midst of the chaos Bob Backlund comes out to the ring to help Raschke make his way to the back, making sure he's in the capable hands of the AWA officials before heading back to the ring, a mic in hand as he shakes his head the entire way.


Backlund: What just happened right there, that made me sick, and from what I can tell it made all of you sick as well. I'm sick of the selfishness and the arrogance that seems to be spreading throughout the AWA. From Steve Regal and Jimmy Garvin, to the coward at the very top of the list, Larry Zbysko! The score is 1-0 for now Larry, and I plan on evening the score the FAIR way!


Zbysko: And that is exactly why you're going to lose and disappoint every single person here and at home.




From the back comes the "Living Legend", an angry look on his face as his patience with Backlund is at its end. From being denied his shot at Martel, to being forced into another match with Backlund, Zbysko hasn't had the best February so far.


Zbysko: You just don't get it Bob, all you want to do is play the good old boy night in and night out, but the world doesn't work like that you goof! It's a dog eat dog world, and last month I took a bite out of that hide of yours, showing that the "Living Legend" is more than bark. So unless you're going to do whatever it takes to avoid going to sleep this Sunday, you're better off preparing for a trip to Larryland than preparing for a future in the AWA.


With that Zbysko turns around and heads to the back, a scowling Backlund left in the ring as the show heads to commercial.


Grade: 71


Road Warrior Hawk vs. John Nord

http://i.imgur.com/MsOxAls.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/6lPj2L6.jpg


Hawk is out here on his own this time, probably to show that even with two teams gunning for their titles there is no fear from the Road Warriors. Hawk also shows that the Road Warriors are taking their opposition very seriously, as he and the big John Nord have a battle of big men, vicious strikes leaving the crowd in awe of the obvious power shown in this matchup. However like any match, all it takes is that one mistake for there to be a victor, and a failed splash by Nord is all Hawk needed to set up for a halting lariat from the second turnbuckle to keep the big man down.


Winner: Road Warrior Hawk by Pinfall at 9:13

Grade: 52




Hawk is joined in the ring by Animal and Paul Ellering, celebrating yet another gain of momentum as the Road Warriors rush onwards into February Fight. Before they can truly begin comes an interruption by the Commissioner himself, Jack Tunney.




Tunney congratulates Hawk for a hard fought victory, saying that it's effort like that which makes the AWA the greatest wrestling promotion in the country, if not the world. He goes on to say that even their manager has great contributions, as it's thanks to a request by Ellering to "do something" about the raging Stan Lane that he had an idea. During the match between the High Flyers and the Road Warriors there will be a special referee, and that man will be the uninjured half of the Fabulous Ones, "Sweet" Stan Lane!


At that announcement the trio in the ring begin yelling amongst each other, obviously distressed at this turn of events before they head to the back to talk about their match at February Fight as the crowd around them cheers, excited for a chance to see the dominant tag team champions finally fall.


Grade: 40


Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) and Jim Neidhart vs. King Kong Brody (w/Sheik Adnan) and Steve Regal

http://i.imgur.com/aoFlGyH.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Fc3FFKy.jpgw/ http://i.imgur.com/LfhzDIp.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/5QoMnwO.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/sUj79V0.jpgw/http://i.imgur.com/yt1Mo7n.jpg


The main event match of the evening was an odd fight between these sudden partners, but not one without some logic. Both Savage and Neidhart were more than eager to get their hands on their rivals and it showed, doing small bursts of impressive teamwork to start off with good control. However it wasn't long before the dirty tricks of their adversaries got thrown into the mix, the Sheik tripping up a running Savage, giving Brody all he needed to begin manhandling the "Macho Man".


However there's no honor amongst thieves, as "Mr. Electricity" begins to argue with the "Wildman", yelling out that he is hogging all the attention, something that gets a "You tell him Steve!" from Witcher. As the two argue their opponents took control back, each man grabbing their respective enemy and pounding away. With a toss of Regal outside the ring, the cohesive team perform a powerslam/elbow drop combo on the lone Brody, giving both men tremendous momentum on the way to February Fight.


Winners: Randy Savage and Jim Neidhart by Pinfall at 12:51

Grade: 62



After an extremely manly hug with "The Anvil", Savage and Elizabeth make their way to the back, only to stop at the door to the back as Randy notices Brody stirring in the ring. With a quick grin to Elizabeth he grabs a microphone from one of the stagehands, glasses off as he looks at the "Wildman" and his manager.


Savage: Brody two weeks ago you told me that you wanted a man who could bring a war to you in the ring yeah, well brother consider right now the day the war began! But this ain't enough no no no, this ain't over just yet, this was just the first shot in a grueling campaign between the two of us yeah. So how about we go to the next battlefield man at February Fight, in a match where anytime, anyplace, anyhow, all pinfalls count yeah? Nowhere we can run or hide, it's all legal, I just need you to say yes or no, so how about it Wildman?


At this challenge Sheik Adnan scrambles to grab a mic from ringside, only to have his efforts made useless by an enraged shout of "YES!!" by his client. With his whole body shaking King Kong Brody just nods over and over while chanting his answer, not caring at all at the shocked look of his friend and manager, his focused eyes being the last thing seen before our final commercial of the night.


Grade: 73




We come back to Commissioner Jack Tunney in the middle of the ring with a table in front of him, the contract dead center. With a greeting to the crowd he gives introductions to both men who will be headlining February Fight in a Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship. The World Heavyweight Champion himself, Rick Martel and his challenger, former 3-time World Champion Nick Bockwinkel!




With introductions complete both men take their respective seats at opposite ends of the table, further showing the contrast between the two men, with the young Champion dressed rather casually in jeans and a t-shirt while his opponent is dressed as classy as ever in a full suit and sunglasses. After an explanation of the contract by Jack Tunney the two men sign, neither taking their eyes off the other. With the floor now open Martel grabs a mic from the table and stands up from his chair, Nick Bockwinkel doing the same. The two men walk closer until they meet at the middle of the ring, the tension rising with each breath they take. As Martel brings his microphone up to speak he is interrupted by a fist from Bockwinkel, and from there all composure is gone out the window and straight to a brawl!


It is as clear as glass that for both men talking is over, all that matters is getting to that World Heavyweight Championship and proving who really deserves that title. At the call of the Commissioner arena security floods the ring and pulls both Champion and Challenger apart, neither men speaking, letting the intensity in their eyes be the only warning left for each other.


Grade: 65


Overall Show Grade: 63




AWA: Live!


February 12th, 1985

From the Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out!)

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



Steve Regal beat Brett Sawyer after an Electric Bulldog at 7:12. (Grade: 46)


Following his match Regal talked up his "undefeated streak" once more, claiming that it'll take more than a Canadian clown to stop "Mr. Electricity!" (Grade: 42)


The father-son Hennig duo beat the Malenko Brothers with a Hennigplex by Curt on Joe at 8:45. (Grade: 49)


As the victorious family celebrates, the elder Hennig grabs a mic and calls out Jimmy Garvin, challenging him on the behalf of Baron Von Raschke and The Crusher to a six man tag team match for the February Fight. Garvin comes out and tells Hennig that if they want to get hurt playing a young man's game, then so be it, he'll see Hennig and his fossils in two days. Before a fight can begin the Hennig's are ushered out by the referee, Garvin's match starting. (Grade: 63)


In a rematch from two weeks ago and now a preview of the six man tag coming up, Jimmy Garvin beat The Crusher with a rollup pin after a distraction by Precious. (Grade: 49)


As our announcer's begin to close out the show a ruckus is heard coming from the back, only to find a familiar scene of King Kong Brody and Randy Savage going at each other, seeming to want to put on their Falls Count Anywhere match earlier than expected. With a rush of security the two are both dragged away through different exits of the building. (Grade: 86)


Overall Show Grade: 58




I'll be posting the prediction card for February Fight within the hour, there will be a 48 hour prediction period this time, as I am currently swamped with studying for my final exams. Hopefully I'll be able to post more soon, as I am dying to getting to WrestleRock as well as slowly change my format, thanks to the WWE Network adding old episodes of the AWA All-Star Wrestling I have more resource material to work with and make these shows more true to the original.

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AWA February Fight Official Souvenir Program

The cold month of February is about to be bitter with more than just the cold as the American Wrestling Association presents February Fight! Live from the Green Bay Veterans Arena in Green Bay, Wisconsin you can come and feel the heat of the hottest action in the world today! First 500 to come in get the chance to meet our star studded panel of wrestlers, including: "Macho Man" Randy Savage, AWA International Television Champion, AWA World Women's Champion Candi Devine and AWA World Heavyweight Champion Rick Martel! Also for the first 500 is the chance for one lucky winner to get free tickets for the madness next month with our March Mayhem Supercard!


Match Card


AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Two out of Three Falls

Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Martel ©

Whatever grudging respect these two had between each other last month is done and gone as they will put each other to the limit in their second meeting! It was hard enough for either man to get a pin on the other at the Jam, who can do it twice in one night?!


Submission Match

"The Living Legend" Larry Zbysko vs. Bob Backlund

Backlund has made it loud and clear that he's after nothing more than the pride and hide of Larry Zbysko after last month's loss to the cheating "Legend" the All-American in a rage. There can be no mercy in this match, just one man being forced to surrender, or fall.


Falls Count Anywhere Match

"Macho Man" Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. "Wildman" King Kong Brody (w/Sheik Adnan)

After a tournament match went south there's been more than just tension between these two, there's true intensity that only two men of madness could ever share. It comes to the rematch now as the entire ring is open for the wild men to put on a wild fight!


Also on the Card


AWA World Tag Team Championship

The Road Warriors © (w/Paul Ellering) vs. The High Flyers

w/ "Sweet" Stan Lane as the Special Guest Referee


Bullrope Match

El Texano vs. Chavo Guerrero


"Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin (w/Precious), ???, and ??? vs. Larry Hennig, Baron Von Raschke, and The Crusher (w/Curt Hennig)


AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart vs. "Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal


Candi Devine and Velvet McIntyre vs. The Nasty Girls


Losers Leave For 3 Months

The Von Erichs (w/Sunshine) vs. The Midnight Express (Jim Cornette)


Plus Sgt. Slaughter returns to confront the vicious Jake "The Snake" Roberts in the very first edition of the "Snake Pit"!


Fan Scorecard


AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Two Out of Three Falls Match

Rick Martel © vs. Nick Bockwinkel


Submission Match

Bob Backlund vs. "The Living Legend" Larry Zbysko



Falls Count Anywhere Match

"Macho Man" Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. "Wildman" King Kong Brody (w/Sheik Adnan)



AWA World Tag Team Championship

w/Special Referee "Sweet" Stan Lane

The Road Warriors © (w/Paul Ellering) vs. The High Flyers



Bullrope Match

El Texano vs. Chavo Guerrero



"Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin (w/Precious) vs. Larry Hennig, Baron Von Raschke, and The Crusher (w/Curt Hennig)



AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart vs. "Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal ©



Candi Devine and Velvet McIntyre vs. The Nasty Girls



Losers Leave For 3 Months

The Von Erichs (w/Sunshine) vs. The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)





1. What was the highest rated match on the show?

2. How many titles will change hands?

3. How many matches, if any, will end in ways other than pinfall or submission?

4. Who will be Jimmy Garvin's mystery partners?

5. Where will the Falls Count Anywhere Match end?

6. Who will get the first fall in the Two Out of Three Falls Match? The second? (Possibly) The third?


Monthly Fan Contest:

Place random name (ex. Jane Doe) here:


All names will be put in a random number generator, the number at the top of the list will be the winner and get 2 points to their prediction total!




A heavier Supercard this time around as more stories develop, and I hope they get more and more interesting as we go through the year and establish a unique identity for the AWA.

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first what a sad day for the AWA to lose long champion, founder, and owner.



AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Two Out of Three Falls Match

Rick Martel © vs. Nick Bockwinkel


I think as homage to Gagne, his old rival and nemesis takes over the title


Submission Match

Bob Backlund vs. "The Living Legend" Larry Zbysko



Falls Count Anywhere Match

"Macho Man" Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. "Wildman" King Kong Brody (w/Sheik Adnan)

Comments: Brody is king in AWA


AWA World Tag Team Championship

w/Special Referee "Sweet" Stan Lane

The Road Warriors © (w/Paul Ellering) vs. The High Flyers


good time for Lane to turn Heel and swerve the fans. Would be a nice wrinkle in history for him to take on Ellering as his manager


Bullrope Match

El Texano vs. Chavo Guerrero



"Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin (w/Precious) vs. Larry Hennig, Baron Von Raschke, and The Crusher (w/Curt Hennig)


great to debut some new faces, but would think the old guard could pull out a win -- maybe by DQ


AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart vs. "Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal ©


Anvil is a good addition and might can cause some waves but don't see him as a lightweight at all


Candi Devine and Velvet McIntyre vs. The Nasty Girls



Losers Leave For 3 Months

The Von Erichs (w/Sunshine) vs. The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)





1. What was the highest rated match on the show? Nick vs Rick

2. How many titles will change hands?1

3. How many matches, if any, will end in ways other than pinfall or submission? 2

4. Who will be Jimmy Garvin's mystery partners? Hayes and Roberts

5. Where will the Falls Count Anywhere Match end? sidewalk

6. Who will get the first fall in the Two Out of Three Falls Match? The second? (Possibly) The third? Nick, Rick, Nick

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AWA: February Fight

<a href="http://www.postermywall.com/index.php/poster/view/cec9b6bae8bf1e0398f0a8da01694c8a" title="View this poster on PosterMyWall"><img src="http://postermywall.com.s3.amazonaws.com/posterpreviews/cec9b6bae8bf1e0398f0a8da01694c8a_screen.jpg?ts=1449113455" width="500" height="333" alt="February Fight"/></a>

February 14th, 1985

From the Green Bay Veterans Arena in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Attendance: 2,955

Announce Team: Rod Trongard and Marcus Witcher



Trongard: It's Valentine's Day and the Green Bay Veterans Arena is filled with anything but love tonight as the American Wrestling Association brings to you the February Fight Supercard!


Witcher: That's where you're wrong Rod, there's definitely love going on in this building, and that's the love of a good fight! We've got plenty of grudges to be settled tonight, and you know for damn sure the love of victory is going to be a drive behind the outcomes!


Trongard: Well I guess even you can be right sometimes...except when it comes to your love life, or so I've heard from Velvet...


Witcher: Hey! Let's just call the show and be professionals ok? First up is the...women's...match....not a word Trongard. Not a word.


Velvet McIntyre and Candi Devine vs. The Nasty Girls

http://i.imgur.com/EhLjpHh.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/r3DQ0tT.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/RYFLpwu.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/hrr6mbx.jpg



The women's division is on fire as of late, and this match only shows the talent behind each and every pretty face. The team of rivals Velvet and Candi show why they're part of the most elite group of women in the world as they hold their own against the more established team. It isn't enough however, as the Nasty Girls live up to their names, bringing the pain to the champion and partner with viciousness learned from their time under legendary Killer Kowalski. It's with a pair of piledrivers to their opponents that the match ends, Kat LeRoux pinning the legal woman, Candi Devine for the victory.


Winners: The Nasty Girls by Pinfall at 8:12

Grade: 44




We go backstage where Chris Cruise is already in what many are calling the "Cruise Control" room with "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin and Precious bouncing next to the man with the mic, Cruise himself. Cruise asks Jimmy Garvin where his teammates are, as his match is coming up soon, but the "Gorgeous One" waves him off, telling Chris not to worry, because being fabulously late is their thing. Before Cruise can question the said phrase Garvin is off, his lady following, hairspray going off all the while.


Grade: 46


Losers Leave For Three Months

The Von Erichs (w/Sunshine) vs. The Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)

http://i.imgur.com/9QTaSfS.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Dj3sa8F.jpg w/http://i.imgur.com/fn08QMx.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/bigxPcl.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/KtR9KuZ.jpg w/http://i.imgur.com/m5WSSgK.jpg


As soon as the bell rings it's a jump to a brawl between the two Southern teams with everything to lose in the AWA, and the entire arena knows it. With more punches than holds the fight is a completely even contest, the established teamwork of both rivals shown off, their managers doing a great job of supporting their boys while insulting the others.


In the end it's the Midnights' own dirty tactics that lead to their loss, as a side fight by Condrey with Kevin distracts the referee as Eaton whips Kerry to the ropes, his head in line for a shot by Cornette's racquet! Or at least it would if Sunshine wasn't grabbing onto the damn thing for dear life! Her slight distraction was all the Von Erichs needed as Kerry managed to give to give Eaton a taste of his own medicine; a whip from one side of the ring to the other, only to receive a swing to the head by a distracted Cornette, thinking that Kerry was still on the ropes! With a dazed look in his eye Eaton stumbles backwards, only to turn right into Kerry's patented Discus Punch! With the impact made he pins his enemy, finally ridding the Von Erichs and the AWA of the Midnight Express!


Winners: The Von Erichs by Pinfall at 9:45

Grade: 60




As the Von Erichs celebrate and the Midnights just look at each other in disbelief, we head to the back where a lone champion stands with a microphone. Why it's "Mr. Electricity" himself, Steve Regal! With a flash of his pearly whites he taunts Jim Neidhart, saying that his nickname is all due to him being as dumb as an anvil is heavy. Meanwhile Regal's nickname is all because of the feeling he gives just by stepping into that ring, a feeling Neidhart himself will feel, electric!


Grade: 47


AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship


Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart vs. "Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal

http://i.imgur.com/rpQfrNh.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/lRovvya.jpg


Much like their last encounter Jim Neidhart brought the power to this contest, staring the match with his signature Gorilla Press to a rowdy crowd thinking that it was over already. Regal isn't a simple man to beat however, as with quick thinking he rolls out the ring, recovering on the floor. From there it was a cautious game played by the champion, using his ring awareness to slip out of pinfalls and moves, as well as get his own shots in to wear down "The Anvil". Neidhart isn't just muscles however, and a clever plan to feign weakness gets Regal right where Jim wants him, in the clutches of a powerslam! Not done just yet the Canadian picks up Regal and performs a Gorilla Press to punctuate his dominance before going down for the pi-the bell is ringing! The referee is shouting, "Time's up!" Regal just barely escaped yet again!


Winner: Draw by Time Limit at 15:00

Steve Regal RETAINS the AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

Grade: 59




We head backstage to the Von Erichs and Sunshine preparing for an interview with Chris Cruise about their victory before a loud shout causes the trio to freeze.


Hayes: My oh my, what is that I spy?!




With a smile from Hayes and a glare from Gordy the Fabulous Freebirds congratulate the Von Erichs for beating the Midnight Express, saying that he and Terry Gordy are happy their long time rivals get to watch the Freebirds steal the show. Kerry warns Michael Hayes that if they pull anything, that he and Kevin will be right there to stop them. Hayes just laughs him off, stating that the Freebirds are there as a favor to a good friend who needs some help "cleaning up". With a wink to Sunshine who scowls back, the Freebirds walk away, leaving a suspicious group behind.


Grade: 50




The view switches to the "Cruise Control" room where Larry Hennig is standing with his long time colleagues Baron Von Raschke and The Crusher. Each man takes their turn speaking about their accolades in the AWA, giving reminder that age may come, but their skill isn't gone just yet. With a final note, Larry tells Cruise that he asked his son Curt to stay in the back, as he wants to uphold his own end of the Hennig family legacy.


Grade: 52


The Fabulous Freebirds (w/Precious) vs. Larry "The Axe" Hennig, Baron Von Raschke, and The Crusher

http://i.imgur.com/ZK0Sh0y.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/akRopaP.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/f7K0lqi.jpg w/http://i.imgur.com/JndO7fE.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/KS1U6lA.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/NysBgbV.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/jLzmSJ2.jpg


The Freebirds came to fight, but they weren't expecting the fight to start so soon as the trio of AWA mainstays gave all three of their opponents a clothesline to the mat as they flaunted to the crowd as the bell rang. It was truly skill versus experience as Hennig and his men commanded a presence in ring as they took the fight to the Freebirds. However the boys of Badstreet, U.S.A. aren't known for just being flashy, but for being some of the greatest competitors in the world today as they took back control, constantly taking one of their adversaries hostage on their side of the ring to wear him down. In the end it came to a three man suplex on "The Axe" that settled the contest, the crowd cheering in support for the effort shown by the proud veterans.


Winners: The Fabulous Freebirds by Pinfall at 11:14

Grade: 57


The support towards their adversaries angered the victorious Freebirds, deciding that if the crowd weren't going to cheer for them, they wouldn't get anybody to cheer for at all! Thankfully the assault ended just before it got worse, as Curt Hennig and the Von Erichs run into the ring, facing off with the Freebirds!




With a shout the Freebirds escape the ring and starting to back up the aisle, shouting at the three saviors as they do so. Meanwhile Hennig and the Von Erichs check on the fallen veterans, Curt helping his father stand up the best he can. As they stand together Curt gets a look at Jimmy Garvin just before he goes behind the door to the back, giving him a wink while mouthing to the International Television Champion, "You're next!"


Grade: 54




The camera quickly switches to the back, where a panting Chris Cruise tells the audience that he was supposed to have an interview with Chavo Guerrero, but out of nowhere El Texano struck with that vicious cowbell! He then points to the left, where both men are brawling like crazy, their feelings of hate, both old and new coming to a head as their fight spills to the aisle!


Grade: 38


El Texano vs. Chavo Guerrero

http://i.imgur.com/prjZueb.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/gTn6Zw3.jpg


The two men continue their fight all the way to the ring, but referee Jim Mitchell doesn't know what to make of this situation, as he knows there's no way he can stop these two for a second to tie them together. Finally an announcement comes through the announce table, as Trongard gets a mic and tells the arena that as per orders of Commissioner Jack Tunney, the match is a now under no disqualification rules! While neither man stops, it's obvious that they are all for this change, as vicious grins mirror each other on their faces.


The "x factor" of the match rears its ugly head however, stopping the equal amount of viciousness as Texano strikes Chavo on the back with his cowbell, wanting to begin the process of sending Guerrero to a matching hospital bed with his brother. However Chavo would not say die as he surprised his old nemesis with a German Suplex, quickly chaining it into a second, only to get smacked in the head with the cowbell as he attempted a third!


But the heart of the Guerrero family doesn't just die as Chavo gets back up and moves to the prone Texano, only for the vulnerability to be a trick! A final smashing of that cowbell from his hated rival onto his head brings Chavo to his knees, letting Texano use him as leverage to stand before getting in position and unleashing a final powerbomb in the middle of the mat! In yet another war, this time in the northern borders of America, Texano gains a point in his campaign against the Guerrero family as he pins a bloodied Chavo.


Winner: El Texano by Pinfall at 12:30

Grade: 40


With pained breaths Texano rolls out the ring and snatches a mic from Marcus Witcher, causing the announcer to jump. something Trongard scolds him for, calling him a "pansy". Once inside the ring he leans against the ropes and speaks, eyes dead set on the man laying in front of him.


Texano: It isn't over. I've fought this family for long enough to know that this is just one battle out of many. With Chavo broken like this, I know you're going to be coming Hector, and I know that Mando won't be too far behind for revenge. So how about this, next month, all three of you get El Texano, but it won't be me alone, it'll be Los Guerreros against Los Misoneros de la Muerte! Mexico's finest in a fight to the bitter end.


Grade: 48




Heading backstage we are greeted by a recomposed Chris Cruise who introduces the Number One Contender to the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, Nick Bockwinkel, whose decked out in a fine black suit as he smiles to the camera. Cruise asks Bockwinkel what his game plan is in the Two Out of Three Falls Match, knowing that a single pin by Martel or himself could give enough momentum for a straight second pin.


Bockwinkel: Surprisingly enough, that is a very intelligent question from you Chris. You see, momentum is a powerful thing in this sport, as just the slightest swing of it can cause a lost cause into a resounding victory. However in this match it won't be a factor, as I don't make mistakes, but men like Martel, they simply get lucky. Last month was luck, and after one win against me I can assure all you humanoids that your "champion" has no more to spare. It is all skill from here on out Martel, and whether you like it or not you have to face the reality of your future. A future where your fantasy as the World Heavyweight Champion comes to an end, and the status quo is returned to normalcy with myself as the decorated 4-time, AWA World Heavyweight Champion.


Grade: 56


AWA World Tag Team Championship


(w/Special Referee "Sweet" Stan Lane)


The High Flyers vs. The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering)

http://i.imgur.com/ck2dcQJ.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/VLDdq1l.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/wghMiQO.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/IJRMwXJ.jpg w/http://i.imgur.com/SDgSM2O.jpg


Whatever edge Stan Lane would bring to the High Flyers winning the Tag Team Championships isn't present in this match, as the uninjured half of the Fabulous Ones keeps his actions fair, giving his authority to both teams. However it becomes clear that he hasn't let anything go soon enough, as he had the eyes of a hawk on Paul Ellering the entire time, thwarting any and all attempts at interference. Little by little, Paul's men grew agitated, as the pressure of The High Flyers, and the presence of Stan Lane began to make them slip up, causing Greg and Jim to gain the offensive. After a brutal double dropkick to both men, the Road Warriors snapped, charging and pounding away at their challengers, even past the five count, causing Stan to ring for the bell in favor of the High Flyers via Disqualification!


Winners: The High Flyers by DQ at 12:34

The Road Warriors RETAIN the AWA World Tag Team Championships

Grade: 58


As the bell rang throughout the arena it seemed to snap Hawk and Animal out of their fury, leading to their realization that they had lost a match after so long. Even though their titles were still with them, it was clear the loss made them furious, as they turned to Stan Lane and attacked, wanting to finish the job and completely take out the Fabulous Ones! But just as they began to set up for their signature Doomsday Device, they're intercepted by a charging Steve Keirn with anger blazing in his entire being!




He takes them both by surprise, taking down Animal with a Savate Kick, shades of his partner showing as he gives Hawk another! With the crowd roaring at the reuinted Fabulous Ones, Ellering regroups with his men, holding the Tag Team Championships high in the air, showing that while the Warriors aren't standing tall, they're still champions.


Grade: 57




We transition to a pair of interviews by King Kong Brody and Randy Savage, both man giving their thoughts on their Fall Count Anywhere Match. Savage guarantees the crowd that he will prove to the "Wildman" and the world that he is more than style, but that he is also substance! Meanwhile Brody and the Sheik talk about the devastation left in the AWA by the duo, and that Savage's destruction will be the same! Except that this time, instead of in the ring, Brody plans on breaking him in front of his pretty woman, no matter where she hides!


Grade: 64


Falls Count Anywhere Match

"Macho Man" Randy Savage (w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. "Wildman" King Kong Brody (w/Sheik Adnan)

http://i.imgur.com/TFWRxu1.jpg w/http://i.imgur.com/mhLhP5X.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/hzkabGL.jpg w/http://i.imgur.com/IWm53St.jpg


The match begins as the brawl everyone knew it would, but it's the vicious Brody who takes control, seemingly immune to the punches thrown by the "Macho Man"! It isn't long before Brody decides to take advantage of the rules of this match as he tosses Savage outside, immediately whipping him into the metal ring post. The scene continues are Brody intends on busting Savage open the old fashioned way, only for his consistent method to backfire, a counter leading to a smash of Brody's own skull to the post! With the Macho Man firmly in control he puts the pain on Brody, slamming him onto the mat outside over and over.


After a fifth slam, Savage makes his way to the top of the ropes, preparing to drop onto his opponent, but Sheik Adnan is there for the save, shaking the ropes and causing Randy to fall groin first on the turnbuckle! Both managers head to their respective clients, knowing that time is of the essence to gain control in favor of their man. Unfortunately for Elizabeth and Randy, the failed drop was enough time for recovery, as Brody stands and snarls at the two, stalking around the ring, seeming to look for something, smiling as he finds it, a steel chair! With evil intentions in his eyes, Brody slides into the ring, a pained Savage ushering Elizabeth out of the ring, and just in time as a chairshot to the head knocks the prone Savage to the mat!


With a roar Brody raises the chair once more and smacks it onto the back of the "Macho Man" over and over, only stopping as his eyes meet those of the frightened Elizabeth at ringside. Remembering his words from earlier, Brody takes Savage outside and props him against the ring apron before running after Elizabeth. Once he has her, Brody drags her to Randy, yelling right in her face that she's about to see her man broken, only to turn right into a vicious clothesline by Randy Savage that takes both men over the barricade!


As both men rise to their feet, it's clear that something hit the head of Brody, as he has blood running down his face, making the snarling face of the "Wildman" more vicious than before. Yet Savage is not deterred as he takes shot after shot as his enemy, bringing him deeper and deeper into the crowd until they reached the stands! It seems that was what Brody wanted however, as he whipped Savage into the sides of the stands before charging with a yell! But Savage dodged it, leading to a big man crashing face first as he opponent grabbed a chair from the crowd! With a yell of his own Savage leveled the vicious Brody with a shot to the back! He climbed four rows up and stood at the ledge, raising his arms to the sky with fingers pointing before leaping onto Brody with a picture perfect Elbow Drop! With the crowd behind him, referee Jim Mitchell counted right on the stands, giving the 1,the 2, and the 3!


Winner: Randy Savage by Pinfall at 16:12

Grade: 62




As Savage celebrates his victory with his Miss Elizabeth, we head to the "Cruise Control" room for our final time of the evening, where it's the AWA World Heavyweight Champion Rick Martel getting the questions. After a friendly greeting Cruise questions Martel on Bockwinkel's comments from earlier. With a nod Martel's face fades from a smile, into the serious look we've come to recognize on our champion when he's at his best.


Martel: Bockwinkel likes to talk about his own skill day in and day out, and for years he's shown that he can back up every word he's ever had and will say. But I am not any ordinary man, I am not just a flash in the pan champion, I am Rick Martel, AWA World Heavyweight Champion of eight months! Time and time again I've fought vicious men, I've fought cunning men, and I've fought men who are legends, and that's the reality Nick Bockwinkel has to face.


He's not some old man, and I'm not some kid. We're the backbone of the AWA, and to me that is the status quo, where every night we're on we give the best showing only the best athletes in the world can. It's about what the Champion does, not who the Champion is, and Nick I'll show you for the final time what this champion can do.


Grade: 50




Another pair of interviews play for the viewers as Bob Backlund and Larry Zbysko share their opinions on both the match and each other. Backlund spoke on how he would heal his pride tonight as he did something nobody has done in years, get a fair fight out of the "Living Legend". Zbysko however was simply condescending of his opponent, saying that he'd use Backlund, once again, as a stepping stone to the biggest prize in the world. The prize that'd cement his place in history, full fact, that he was, is and forever will be THE Legend.


Grade: 68


Submission Match

Bob Backlund vs. "Living Legend" Larry Zbysko

http://i.imgur.com/lPXmWEb.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/CrbKJPs.jpg


Right away the match begins with technical skill, both men aiming towards the upper body and neck regions, knowing that the best way to get their victory was to use the holds they knew by heart. It was Zbysko who managed it first however, slapping on the Larryland Dreamer after a suplex right in the middle of the ring on Bob. The heart of Backlund kept him going however, as he managed to push Zbysko into the turnbuckle, the impact causing him to release the hold.


From there Backlund took his own reigns with the match, giving his all and slamming Zbysko all over the ring, making sure to keep him landing on his upper body. Trongard gives Backlund praise, saying that like Verne Gagne himself, Bob Backlund knows how to handle a match, and he is proven right as Backlund's control pays off, letting him put Zbysko into the Crossface Chickenwing! With all his strength Backlund pulls Zbysko to the mat, wrapping his leg around the "Living Legend" to fully lock in the hold, but Zbysko is close enough to the ropes that he grabs on and pulls, getting his lower half to the apron. But Backlund still hangs on, not wanting to let go, knowing that he has Larry exactly where he wants him.


With desperation Zbysko throws his body forward, barely ducking the ropes as Backlund hits them face first, finally letting go of the Crossface as Zbysko collapses on the floor. Slowly both men make their way to their feet, Backlund meeting Larry at the ropes as he tries to get in the ring, only to get a poke to the eyes for his troubles! With the advantage in hand Zbysko rolls in, kicking the vulnerable Backlund in the gut for good measure before landing a vicious piledriver! However that still wasn't enough for Larry, as he hits a second piledriver, with a sick grin he waits, just waits for the guaranteed will of Bob as he gets to his knees, only to get a fully locked in Larryland Dreamer on him! After those two piledrivers, there's no doubt that Bob's in pain, more than anyone could ever imagine, but the crowd sees it as they cheer on Backlund to fight as loud as they can, Trongard joining them as they all say, "Fight Bob Fight! Fight Bob Fight!"


But Bob is hurt, he's hurt real bad, and it shows through the shining tears in eyes, but he's got his arms tense, giving every piece of strength he has, only for Zbysko to cut it off with force. All the while Zbysko mocks Backlund, yelling at him to fight dirty, taking joy in the fact that Bob would never do it. That Bob would rather lose fairly than win cheaply, just for the people all cheering his name, some for him to keep going, others for him to give and fight another day. With a final cry of agony, Backlund slaps the mat three times in succession, signaling his submission after fighting so hard, for so long.


Winner: Larry Zbysko by Submission at 19:22

Grade: 79 (MOTN)


The crowd is given an intermission after such an emotional match, a loud ovation given to Bob Backlund and the will he showed throughout the fight. However, all hearts grew cold as they saw the man awaiting in the ring, seated in one of two chairs, a mysterious bag in the ring, a sick grin on his face as the crowd returned.




Roberts: It's always interesting seeing a man like Bob Backlund, a man with so much heart that no matter how much he bleeds for a cause, there's always more blood to give. I must confess, I'm rather interested in how men like that tick, to see what makes someone believe so purely in a cause. Thankfully my guest tonight in the first ever "Snake Pit" is the perfect specimen to ask, as he is your "American Hero", Sgt. Slaughter.




With a cheer the crowd are excited to see Slaughter, both due to their liking of the man, as well as their eagerness to no longer be alone with Jake, his bag gaining more than one cautious eye as it seemed to have twitched during his introduction. With slow movements Slaughter takes the empty seat, obviously keeping a watchful eye on Roberts as he grabs the mic sitting on it.


From the bat, Slaughter questions Roberts, demanding to know what the "Snakeman's" game is, from attacking to "tea time"? Something doesn't quite add up and the Sarge doesn't like it. Roberts merely laughs, telling the Sarge this is the final calm before the storm, before the hunt truly begins. Up until now, Jake has been toying with Slaughter, wanting to get him as his most aware so he had his prey at tip top shape for the best game possible. In anger Slaughter challenges Roberts right then and now for a match, saying that if he wanted a game so badly, then he'd get one!


Jake just shook his head, grinning at the man mockingly as he spoke, telling his "prey" that that isn't how the "Snake Pit" works. In this zone Roberts makes the rules, he sets the pace, and most importantly, HE makes the decisions, giving Slaughter a sudden kick to the groin, only to get drilled into the mat with a vicious DDT! As the Sarge lays unconscious, Jake moves to his bag, slowly loosening it, only to open it right above the still form of Slaughter, a 10-foot python sliding onto the American Hero's chest. As screams echo from the crowd Roberts merely smiles and adjusts the creature on the Sarge as casually as one would flowers. The segment ending with a shot of Slaughter with the python resting on his chest, its master smiling like a proud mother.


Grade: 56




The final video of the night plays of Nick Bockwinkel and Rick Martel, both men getting their final words in the back as they prepare for what could be the biggest match of the year. With so much pride on the line, and months of talk, each man echoes the statement of the other, "It's time."


Grade: 70


Two Out of Three Falls Match

AWA World Heavyweight Championship


Rick Martel vs. Nick Bockwinkel

http://i.imgur.com/LZEUcjJ.jpg vs. http://i.imgur.com/47kg3GA.jpg


The match began with a staredown between champion and challenger, and unlike whatever Steve Regal claims he brings, there was a true electricity in the air. The announce team noted the feeling, pointing out the feeling of awe throughout the crowd as they watched the meeting of two technical titans. With the title risen above both men, the tension reached an all time high, only to erupt as the competitors locked up, an ecstatic crowd ready for the main event!


It seemed neither man could be shaken, as they were fully focused on gaining the first fall of the night, knowing full well the kind of toll a match like this could have on their bodies. Yet for all his effort, it was Nick Bockwinkel who got control, by a sneaky poke to the eyes out of the sight of the referee. With Martel at his mercy Bockwinkel wasted no time, landing a piledriver on the champion, but much like Zbysko earlier, he hits a second one.


Winner of the 1st Fall: Nick Bockwinkel at 9:13


The crowd began to chant the name of the young champion, hoping that much like last month, their support would rouse him, helping him overcome the methodical mayhem of Nick Bockwinkel. With a laugh Bockwinkel mocked the crowd as he set up for a third piledriver, Witcher preparing to announce a new World Champion, only to be interrupted by Trongard pointing out a reversal by Martel! With a vicious backdrop the champion floors Bockwinkel, a raucous crowd behind his sudden comeback! With shot after shot on Bockwinkel Martel regained his momentum, unleashing a devastating chain of moves with speed only he could accomplish! From a backbreaker to a scoop slam, Martel finished his combo with his signature Slingshot Splash, landing on his enemy and gaining the second fall of the match!


Winner of the 2nd Fall: Rick Martel at 14:20


With a cheer to the crowd Martel raised his hands in victory and climed the nearest turnbuckle, announcers pointing out the versatility in Martel, being able to take the fight to the mat and air as he waited for Bockwinkel to rise. As soon as the challenger turned Martel leaped with a diving crossbody, intent on ending the match now, but he got caught by a prepared Bockwinkel!


With Martel in his clutches Bockwinkel rammed his knee into the champion's gut, taking all wind out of his sails before putting on Martel's own signature submission, the Boston Crab! With barely a breath in his body Martel can hardly fight back, only able to yell in agony as Bockwinkel attempts to break him for the World Championship. However the heart of a champion shines through, and with whatever breath he has left, Martel dragged both himself and Bockwinkel to the ropes, getting a saving grace in the form of a rope break!


A rather angry Bockwinkel just shook his head and stayed in action, quickly setting up for another piledriver, clearly a believer in the third time being the charm, especially for the third fall in this contest. But Martel counters it once again, this time punching the gut and whipping his elder enemy into the ropes. Yet Bockwinkel did not stop his run and instead used the momentum to his advantage, arm fully extended for a vicious clothesline aimed right at Martel! With a duck the arm was dodged, instincts barely saving Rick, only for it to return with a vengeance, but this time the champion was ready, and with all his strength he turned Bockwinkel's speed and momentum against him, landing a brutal spinning spinebuster for the ages, hooking both legs for the final fall and resounding victory of Nick Bockwinkel to retain his championship!


Winner of the 3rd Fall: Rick Martel at 20:40

Rick Martel RETAINS the AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Grade: 74


Overall Show Grade: 71




Prediction Points


olympia: 5

A-March9-8: 5

The CoC: 5

Scarletspeed7: 5


Welcome to the board Olympia!


I apologize for this taking so long, I'm at the tail end of my current semester, so my diary and writing have taken a backseat while life has been filled with studying. This is also a bit of a longer post, longer than anything I've written for a hobby in a long while, so I hope I did well. Any and all criticism and suggestions are welcome, as I'm still trying to tinker with my format to find what works and fits best.

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I didn't know this existed until now, but I'm pleasantly surprised. Good job. You're a good writer and the TFC format works great as usual. A couple of minor criticisms I had:


Most diaries I see use the "tapout" for submission long before it was ever a thing in real life. I'm glad you didn't use the exact word, but Backlund slapping the mat 3 times is the same thing. 1985 is over a decade too early for that, as Ken Shamrock brought it over from his MMA days and Taz started using it in ECW around 1997. Obviously you're young and it's cool you're going back in time and doing research. Not sure how much you know. I was barely born at this time and was never into AWA, but I do know a little bit about some of this stuff. I know it was a Submission match, but I'd have the finish be Zbyszko locking in the Crossface Chicken Wing and the ref stopping the match when Bob refused to quit. But, there's no right or wrong way to go and it's ultimately up to you. I don't wanna come off as abrasive or some pseudo expert, just trying to give some feedback.


Another thing is, for the sake of realism, I hope you don't add to many chairshots (or other weapon attacks), and definitely no course language. Once again, these are just things I've noticed a lot of people do when they do diaries from back in the day. Only speaking for myself, the big name signings I don't mind, but I like to read diaries that are at least somewhat grounded in realism. "Damn" and "hell" aren't that bad of course, but you'd rarely hear that said on any wrestling show at that time, let alone AWA. But I think it'd be ok in small doses.


The only other thing I can think of is the Brody promos. I'm honestly not that familiar with him, but from what I've seen, he didn't give interviews. He'd just glare into the camera and yell "HUSS!" a bunch of times. LOL I'd guess Adnan talking while Brody just stood menacingly would be more appropriate, but again, it's your diary. I don't sign in much, but I try to give general feedback in a nice way. I'd hate to come off as trying to tell you how to run your own diary. These are just merely suggestions. Anyway, KUTGW

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Backlund slapping the mat and the ref calling the match gives Backlund the "out" that he really didn't quit. The fact the tapout rule did not exist at the time adds fuel to that fire: a twist on the angle where his manager threw in the towel that cost him the WWWF World title


In AWA, usually Brody just let Shiek Adnan do the talking while he barked or made noises, but not always


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I didn't know this existed until now, but I'm pleasantly surprised. Good job. You're a good writer and the TFC format works great as usual. A couple of minor criticisms I had:


Most diaries I see use the "tapout" for submission long before it was ever a thing in real life. I'm glad you didn't use the exact word, but Backlund slapping the mat 3 times is the same thing. 1985 is over a decade too early for that, as Ken Shamrock brought it over from his MMA days and Taz started using it in ECW around 1997. Obviously you're young and it's cool you're going back in time and doing research. Not sure how much you know. I was barely born at this time and was never into AWA, but I do know a little bit about some of this stuff. I know it was a Submission match, but I'd have the finish be Zbyszko locking in the Crossface Chicken Wing and the ref stopping the match when Bob refused to quit. But, there's no right or wrong way to go and it's ultimately up to you. I don't wanna come off as abrasive or some pseudo expert, just trying to give some feedback.


Another thing is, for the sake of realism, I hope you don't add to many chairshots (or other weapon attacks), and definitely no course language. Once again, these are just things I've noticed a lot of people do when they do diaries from back in the day. Only speaking for myself, the big name signings I don't mind, but I like to read diaries that are at least somewhat grounded in realism. "Damn" and "hell" aren't that bad of course, but you'd rarely hear that said on any wrestling show at that time, let alone AWA. But I think it'd be ok in small doses.


The only other thing I can think of is the Brody promos. I'm honestly not that familiar with him, but from what I've seen, he didn't give interviews. He'd just glare into the camera and yell "HUSS!" a bunch of times. LOL I'd guess Adnan talking while Brody just stood menacingly would be more appropriate, but again, it's your diary. I don't sign in much, but I try to give general feedback in a nice way. I'd hate to come off as trying to tell you how to run your own diary. These are just merely suggestions. Anyway, KUTGW


Thank you very much for that information on tapouts, I wasn't aware of that, but I'll definitely keep it in mind from here on out. If anything I'll leave that in, it'll be a nice reminder for myself in the future as (I hope) to look back upon when I started on this diary.


On the point of chair shots and coarse language however I am aware of that being at a minimum at this point in time. Supercards alone will probably get these moments, as I feel like it'd be a selling point kind of thing, or just in the right scenario like with Brody and Savage's feud or Texano's personal cowbell.


I, like infinitekillz, just discovered this dynasty today and have added it to my read list. ^_^


Not sure about Brody in the AWA, but I do recall him talking when giving promos in World Class, for what it's worth.


Backlund slapping the mat and the ref calling the match gives Backlund the "out" that he really didn't quit. The fact the tapout rule did not exist at the time adds fuel to that fire: a twist on the angle where his manager threw in the towel that cost him the WWWF World title


In AWA, usually Brody just let Shiek Adnan do the talking while he barked or made noises, but not always



It's funny this got brought up, as the videos olympia posted where the exact ones I found that made me decide to have Brody himself do some interviews. Also I want to really sell the personal animosity between these two since it's a clash of a known wildman and a budding madman, so little things (and bigger things ;)) that heat the image are what I'm aiming for. After all, if there was ever a way to start Macho Madness without the flamboyance and glitz of the WWF, a blood feud with Brody would do it.


I really do appreciate all of your suggestions and support, as it helps me get to my end goal with making this diary shine as bright as possible. It's been an amazingly fun ride for me so far, and with how giddy I've been over my plans for the next few shows I can't wait for the rest of the ride!

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