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WWE 2008 : Out with the old,In with the new.


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Yeah , I guess they didn't push Burke too much because supposedly he wasn't too fun to work with. But regardless to say the least I decided to use ECW how they use NXT nowadays. Not a development territory but more of a show where stars are made to become bigger stars in the future. Regardless I hope I can do WWE/ECW some justice because they messed up in 2008 quite a bit.


Nah, 2008 was fine, John Morrison and The Miz sold the whole brand for me alone...and then you had Chavo Guerrero, Matt Hardy, a really solid Mark Henry, Elijah Burke, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin...

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Tuesday,Week 1,February 2008

10,000 fans LIVE from the Rodeo Arena in Gladewater,Texas!


We are welcomed by Smackdown Announcers,Michael Cole and Tazz.


Michael Cole: Welcome to the BEST weekly episodic TV Show in WWE History , WWE Smackdown!


Tazz: Das’ right Cole cuz tonight we got some big matches AND some big announcements as well!


Cole: You’re absolutely right Tazz because right now Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long is in the ring ready to make a huge announcement.





Long: “Thank you for coming out tonight , ladies and gentlemen! but tonight I have a huge announcement that could change Smackdown in the long run. Because I have the honor and privilege to announce to you that at WWE NO WAY OUT in 2 weeks time , there will be a #1 contender's match for a World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania but this match will be an Elimination Chamber match!

*The crowd cheers loudly for the announcement*


But since I have no favorites you will have to EARN your place in this match. And with only 6 spots available in the match I wish good luck to anyone who has a qualifying match tonight and next week. And with that said , Enjoy the show!


Cole: What a huge announcement by Long!


Tazz: Yes indeed Cole , I can’t wait for that match! but with that said , up next we got our first qualifying match of the evening, The United States Champion ,MVP VS Finlay!







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MVP© vs Finlay w Hornswoggle

Elimination Chamber Qualifier


Great match to start us off here on Smackdown as the match started with MVP and Finlay trading hard shots until MVP managed to throw Finlay into the ringpost and hit a backdrop to score a 2 count.However both men wanted a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship so badly but the fans managed to will Finlay back into it as he locked in a Cloverleaf submission on MVP. We almost saw MVP tap out but he managed to crawl his way to the ropes to break the hold. Finlay then tried to drag him back to the center and re-apply the hold but MVP poked him in the eye and managed to hit a cruel-looking Playmaker for the 3 count and a spot in the Chamber match , proving why he has held the United States Championship for the last 9 months!


Rating: 73

Notes: MVP= Future.



Cole: MVP qualifies! MVP is going to NO Way Out!


Tazz: This young man already has become my pick to win that Chamber Match ,Cole!


*During the commercial break there is a hype promo for next week RAW, including the feud between Mickie James and Beth Phoenix and Jeff Hardy and Umaga*


Tazz: Another match up here tonight , you can imagine that a win for Chuck Palumbo over Rey Mysterio would be HUGE for him!


Cole: You’re absolutely right Tazz, let’s get right to the action.


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Chuck Palumbo vs Rey Mysterio


The former World Heavyweight Champion ,Rey Mysterio wasn’t playing any games and showed a more aggressive side of himself tonight. The highlight of the match came when Palumbo tried to hit a Side Slam to finish Mysterio off but Mysterio reversed it into a sick looking DDT!From there it was Mysterio controlling the match until he hit a 619 for a quick victory.


Mysterio was celebrating with fans after the match until





the fans looked on in marvel as the 7 foot monster The Great Khali and his manager Runjin Singh made their way down to the ring. Khali was on the apron and Mysterio was in the ring ready to fight at a moment's notice. Khali finally entered the ring and Mysterio went on the attack, but it proved useless as Khali quickly put him down with his devastating Brain Chop. Khali didn’t seem to be finished as he picked Mysterio up and dropped him with a Punjabi Plunge. Eventually security rushed to the ring to stop the assault and Khali left the ring with Runjin , both content with their work.


Cole: What a brutal assault by Khali! Right now we unfortunately have no word on Mysterio’s condition but when we do be sure to check WWE.COM for updates.


Tazz: I honestly don’t blame Khali , I mean taking out Rey Mysterio is a HUGE statement!



Notes: Khali is an E+ in acting , so you know Mysterio carried the whole angle on his back.


The camera pans backstage to see The World Heavyweight Champion Edge getting ready for his match tonight , well that is until





Ric Flair shows up to a massive pop from the audience. Flair is dressed in a suit and tie and Edge finally asks him what he wants. Flair tells him he wants nothing but informs Edge that tonight he’ll be ringside to make sure no shenanigans happen in the main event.Edge tells Flair that he could really care less about what Flair does but if he causes him any problems he will put his old ass down. Edge then takes his World Heavyweight Championship off the top shelf , shoves it in Flair's’ face and says WOO!


Rating: 90

Notes: Really great stuff by these two.



LL9hh4azqGKz3nui5GZzCVnjz_V3oCjg4ktQFzUpooLJbAjw00u_ONAYiNh3MyUK5G5HJ11lGJwR-1tuevnXz5T97Wf_JlHao-RHsDRiZIq5810jKB155xDjX0VGKRSAsUrQgvIbS7SrJZn29d1jURF899vLDhzR9q8wNL7mdtkG3Pm9RbdnTbP8laNVOYuwDDaiVLmTEDBnE1i7go35fWv5hConsppwEdZm0c84E1R_baiJKCemigB7lRNLpFeYb4kyFdWh12ohQ90VVS pS_qVV2ItcRKxIMmslf1OnVaTELyfpdPola7Cs3PLFm7Tg3PZn3k25Y9sBHVd5lhxRq_ZK-yVG7yfcI_Dwlu93TUKOfn9N9s82ZsColTRvpQAKpuQJ4f_H-VjUambgUQsCkcxhmokB8X3dJvb-jKnoN95OnHWLMCXxFz7ikv1ynHCuK-W5eQAE0ekHHGKzBSEPZNvECl7buI2rS5PB4BQ1RoCtF8XJzq2TuNVnn1LB8q9kDyFtZp8OgCAX8nRDI-4NohL5qAyZ52nj9u

John Morrison and The Miz© vs Noble-Naki(Jamie Noble and Funaki)


The match started off with The Miz and Jamie Noble in the ring. The Tag Champ controlled most of the match until Noble reciprocated by dumping Miz over the top rope and to the floor. From there Noble rolled him back in and tagged in Funaki and both men hit him with individual dropkicks for a quick 2 count. Funaki then set the Miz up for the Rising Sun but Miz outsmarted Funaki and threw him off at the last second. From there Miz tagged Morrison in and finished Funaki off with a beautiful Standing Shooting Star Press for the victory.


The Tag Champs weren’t finished as they both grabbed mics. Morrison proclaimed that it’s a shock that they didn’t receive Elimination Chamber qualifying matches. Miz said he understands why as he knows that Theodore Long doesn’t want Miz or Morrison to hold more gold than they already have. They both finally say that they will be Tag Champions forever!


Rating:67(Match) , 74 (angle)

Notes: These guys are hella entertaining , not taking the straps off them for a while.


Cole: That’s quite a statement made by the Tag Team Champions! Maybe just maybe they are hyping themselves up a bit too much.


Tazz: That’s why they’re Tag Team Champions , Cole!



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Kane vs Mark Henry

Elimination Chamber Qualifier


As you can imagine this match was a hard hitting fist fight between two Goliaths. Kane managed to control the match for the most part until he tried for a Chokeslam , Henry reversed it by elbowing his way out of it and managed to lift Kane over his head and hit a military press slam , showcasing his strength! Henry then simply ran the ropes and hit a horrifying splash on Kane for a 2.9999 count. Henry clearly started to get frustrated and signaled for a World’s Strongest Slam but as he lifted Kane up , Kane struck him with possibly the hardest right hand the audience has ever seen. From there Kane slammed Henry into the ground with a Chokeslam for the 1,2,3!


Cole: Kane qualifies! Kane is going to No Way out!


Tazz: What an exciting match Cole, that makes MVP and Kane the only two confirmed participants for the match , but up next we our third qualifying match as Batista takes on the Edgeheads!


Rating: 70

Notes: Brothers of Destruction both in the Chamber?



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Batista vs The Edgeheads(Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder)

Elimination Chamber Qualifier


The Edgeheads didn’t even bother to wait for Batista to make his entrance as they attacked him mid way up the ramp, laying into him with kicks and punches to soften him up. Once they got Batista in the ring ,the match officially started and it quickly went south for Edge’s coons. Both Ryder and Hawkins tried to attack Batista in the ring but Batista hit a Spinebuster on Ryder and threw Hawkins out the ring. Batista then signalled for a Batista Bomb on Ryder but Hawkins ran back in the ring to only be hit with a Batista Bomb! Ryder then got slammed with a Batista Bomb on top of Hawkins! Batista then covered both Hawkins and Ryder for the 3 count and a spot in the Chamber Match!


Tazz: That makes 3 men Cole , will The Undertaker be the fourth?







*We get a quick segment between Show and Theodore Long , with Show telling Long he deserves a qualifying match as well. Long then tells Show that next week he can face a returning William Regal and if he can win he gets a spot in the Chamber match!*

Rating :76



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If Undertaker wins he earns a spot in the Elimination Chamber Match

Edge© vs The Undertaker

w Ric Flair on commentary.


Edge started the match off with his usual cowardly actions as he slipped out the ring and started running causing the Undertaker to give chase.However Edge runs into the ring with Taker right behind him but as Taker enters the ring Edge starts laying into the Deadman with kicks and punches .He then hits a suplex into one of the turnbuckles in the corner injuring Taker’s leg. From there Edge stomps and kicks Taker’s legs until Taker chokes him and gets back to his feet , throwing Edge into the corner and unloads with punches on Edge until the ref pulls him off. This allows Edge to take advantage and hit a big boot on Taker for a 2 count. Edge then tries for a Edge-a Cution but Taker reverses it into a Chokeslam and collapses to the floor! The ref starts counting as both men are down and the count reaches a 8 before both men are back to their feet


Taker then swings Edge over his shoulder to seemingly hit a Tombstone but Edge slips out back and rolls up Taker!










Edge quickly gets back to his feet and dodges a punch from Taker , and comes back with a Spear! into the cover









Edge starts slamming the mat in frustration and then punches a downed Undertaker. Edge then spots Flair laughing on the outside which causes him to go outside the ring and tells Flair to get up from his chair so he can use it on Taker. Flair declines and Edge tries to forcefully push Flair out his chair which only results in Flair taking Edge down with a brutal chair shot to the head!



and with that



The ref calls for the bell!


Edge wins by DQ!


Flair then grabs Edge and throws him into the ring , repeatedly striking the champion , this only causes Taker in redemption to grab him by the throat and deliver a Chokeslam! However Taker isn’t finished and grabs Edge by the throat and delivers a Tombstone !


Taker then exits the ring as he has destroyed everybody in sight and makes his way back up the ramp to end Smackdown!


Rating:82(Match), 89(Angle)

Notes: All left Dave? All left?


Quick Results

MVP def Finlay

Rey Mysterio def Chuck Palumbo

The Miz and John Morrison def Jamie Noble and Funaki

Kane def Mark Henry

Batista def The Edgeheads

Edge def The Undertaker by DQ


Prediction Results:


AMarc9-8: 16/16 (damn AMarc! you getting all these predictions right!)

LucianCarter: 13/16( I think you’ve predicted on every post, thank you)

Smasher1311: 10/16(I’ll always love you Smash)

Dave_Scott: 10/16( All left!?)

The_CoC: 6/6

shawn michaels 82 : 5 /6 (welcome shawn)

scareltspeed7: 5/6

Gyrokarp: 5/6

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Official Match Card

Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Hard Rhodes(Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly)


Mr .Kennedy vs Brian Kendrick


JBL vs Jeff Hardy ©


Mickie James vs Victoria

#1 contenders Woman's Championship match


Super Crazy vs Carlito w Santino Marella


Triple H and Randy Orton© vs John Cena and Shawn Michaels



Really starting to enjoy writing these shows. No Way Out is in a week!

Predict Away!

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Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Hard Rhodes(Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly)


Mr .Kennedy vs Brian Kendrick


JBL vs Jeff Hardy ©


Mickie James vs Victoria

#1 contenders Woman's Championship match


Super Crazy vs Carlito w Santino Marella


Triple H and Randy Orton© vs John Cena and Shawn Michaels

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Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Hard Rhodes(Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly)


Mr .Kennedy vs Brian Kendrick


JBL vs Jeff Hardy ©


Mickie James vs Victoria

#1 contenders Woman's Championship match


Super Crazy vs Carlito w Santino Marella

Triple H and Randy Orton© vs John Cena and Shawn Michaels


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Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Hard Rhodes(Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly)


Mr .Kennedy vs Brian Kendrick


JBL vs Jeff Hardy ©


Mickie James vs Victoria

#1 contenders Woman's Championship match


Super Crazy vs Carlito w Santino Marella


Triple H and Randy Orton© vs John Cena and Shawn Michaels

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Royal Rumble (Week 4 January)

No Way Out( Week 3 February)

Wrestlemania (Week 4 March)

Backlash (Week 3 April)

Judgement Day(Week 3 May)

The Great American Bash(Week 3 June)

WWE Vengeance (Week 3 July)

Summerslam(Week 4 August)

Unforgiven(Week 3 September)

No Mercy (Week 3 October)

Survivor Series (Week 4 November)

Armageddon (Week 3 December)

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Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Hard Rhodes(Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly)


Mr .Kennedy vs Brian Kendrick


JBL vs Jeff Hardy ©


Mickie James vs Victoria

#1 contenders Woman's Championship match


Super Crazy vs Carlito w Santino Marella


Triple H and Randy Orton© vs John Cena and Shawn Michaels

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Monday,Week 2,February 2008

13,037 fans LIVE from the Scottrade Center in St Louis,Missouri!


Jim Ross: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the weekly edition of Monday Night Raw! What a night of action we have for you tonight!


Jerry Lawler: Of Course we do JR , and I think we’re kicking it off with the hometown boy , The WWE Champion , Randy Orton!


“Burn in my Light” roared through the arena as The WWE Champion Randy Orton came out in his hometown to a rapturous reaction from the audience mostly composed of boos from the St.Louis crowd. Regardless Orton sucked up the reaction from the crowd as he made his way to the ring and he surprisingly slapped a few of the fans hands on his way to the ring. However JR quickly told us those people were relatives of his. Once Orton got into the ring he flopped the WWE title over his shoulder and grabbed a microphone.



Orton: “How’s it goin Missouri? *crowd mostly boos but some cheers are audible* I could really care less about how you all are doing but I came out here for one reason and one reason only. Shawn Michaels. I’ll admit it he beat me last week BUT he beat me by a rollup , it’s clear to see that the only way he can defeat me is by cheating or rolling me up or some bullsh*t like that. But none of that matters because next week Sunday at No Way Out I will put an end to his childish dream of winning the WWE Title again and then I will go on to defeat the worthless piece of sh*t John Cena at-






Orton is interrupted by John Cena himself. Cena comes out to a pretty warm reception from the crowd. He then enters the ring and grabs himself a mic as well.


Cena: “You know somethin Orton , it ain’t to hard to see why these fans are booing you in your OWN hometown. It’s because you’re a coward , it’s also because you can’t accept the fact that Shawn Michaels beat you fair and square last week. And it doesn’t matter who’s champion at Wrestlemania but trust if it’s you , Imma whoop your ass , for that championship *touches WWE Belt* ,Jack!


Orton grabs his mic to respond but he can’t get any words out his mouth before




Triple H arrives on the scene and grabs himself a mic.


Triple H: *chuckles* , look it doesn’t matter who is champion at what time , I just know one thing. After I beat John Cena’s ass at No Way Out ,I’ll kick your ass at Wrestlemania for that WWE belt , Orton.


Cena , Orton and Triple H seem ready to brawl but it’s not to long before the Heartbreak Kid himself arrives to crash the party.





Michaels: “Hold up , hold up! Everyone knows that the Heartbreak Kid , Shawn Michaels is gonna be WWE Champion AT Wrestlemania and AFTER Wrestlemania. But instead of talking , let’s give these people a main event they won’t forget. Me and John Cena versus chickensh*t over there *points to Orton* and Triple H.”


Cena nods to Michaels while Triple H nods to Orton and they all leave the ring staring daggers at each other.


JR: It seems we got ourselves a Main Event , ladies and gentleman!


Jerry Lawler: Oh boy , I can't wait for that one but we got a whole night of action ahead of us before we get there!


Rating: KFTQ-h-UW4NF4MYtllHo87GQpANFXJHzmNjZwatiAza8eAO3qsU9ZhXZsuuUsKfPO5VYNIvXq74curO_YpCdvzPdkF_1jdMFwdDz6oV9RNBuLyOlaQaLf6XKq8ZoI3nEWIThjylR

Notes:Hoping you guys will like the outcome of these matches.




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The World’s Greatest Tag Team vs Hard Rhodes©


The WGTT seemed to be in full effect and the fans had their backs the whole way through. Cody and Charlie started the match off with Rhodes repeatedly suplexing and pinning Haas to try and wear him down. It didn’t work very well because Rhodes tried for a Cross Rhodes but Haas hit a backdrop to escape his predicament. Haas then tried to crawl for a tag to Benjamin and the fans willed him on but Rhodes tagged out to Holly and Holly stopped Haas from making the tag and wore down Haas even me more. Eventually Holly tried to hit an Alabama Slam , but Haas hit an enziguri and successfully made a tag to a fired up Benjamin. Benjamin came with a house of fury and hit dropkicks to Holly and a clothesline to knock Rhodes off the apron. He then dodged a boot by Holly and hit a Paydirt! for a









Winner: Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas


Benjamin and Haas did it, WGTT did it! Benjamin rolled out the ring and grabbed Haas and they celebrated with fans as Rhodes and Holly were left in disbelief inside the ring!


JR: Baw Gawd! The WGTT have reunited to defeat the Tag Team Champions , King !


Jerry Lawler: Even I have to admit that was an impressive victory by the WGTT!

Ratings: UdyYsxEoZdhWF4miwNeiUbxYdummI-UJFP8Ztb4nIp9dKIScRdfGknxB3uJ2yNocYvCowkI1RT9SK0LxtCc1B0QFL1gGp2qlC2ExfbXl32j8vohjczp11mOVUVQt-LkFvWqr7xCu

Notes: World’s Greatest Tag Team , back in action?




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Mr.Kennedy vs Brian Kendrick


A pretty even match for the most part with Kendrick always keeping the pace fast with exciting top rope maneuvers that almost got him the win over Kennedy. At the end of the match , Kendrick set Kennedy up for the Sliced Bread but Kennedy crotched him on one of the ropes which allowed him to hit the Mic Check on Kendrick for the victory!


Winner: Mr .Kennedy



After the match Kennedy started celebrating and kicked Kendrick out the ring. He then grabbed a mic and proceeded to shout “AND YOUR WINNER, HAILING FROM GREEN BAY WISCONSIN…………….. MISTURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


However “Break The Walls Down” played in the arena and out came Kennedy’s rival Chris Jericho!




Jericho: “ Kennedy , just please shut your mouth, junior. These fans don’t want to hear you shouting like an imbecile into the microphone. Regardless I’m out here to challenge you to a match at No Way Out. Because for whatever reason you came out last week and attacked me and you cost me a title match at No Way Out. So how about it , me and you at No Way Out , hell I’ll even let you make the rules. Whaddya say?”

Kennedy didn’t even respond , he simply flipped Jericho the bird and proceeded to leave the ring. However Jericho sprinted into the ring still with the mic in hand and tackled Kennedy to the ground and locked him in the Walls Of Jericho! Jericho put the mic to Kennedy’s mouth and all we heard were screams. Jericho then told Kennedy that he won’t release the hold until he agrees to a match with him at No Way Out.


Kennedy was reluctant but the pain was too much and he eventually agreed to a match and screamed at Jericho to release the hold. However Jericho refused to release it and the hold was only broken when security came rushing down to get Jericho off Kennedy.


JR: Baw Gawd ,King! Another match confirmed for No Way Out except this time by force!


Jerry Lawler: And out of all the matches I think I might be looking forward to this one the most!


Rating GU5_lhgLr6gdxV7kwFsTUbXjYB_-BCa3mGDUl-Urr7GZ2g-bwOuJzvC7GIXP0KLv_0nL9Pr4tA9surEAVhpe0J_8XOkS-2l2u39fJuW-dpWEze0ipMQn8Js_py-ZTWweO_ZwaCKg(match), dKzVGWwjOTSI_o6lPjSK_t9DKs0W9HOw7P1_-v1nIohdbAbOXPZy-pBq8UOT9qkLbcv7m_8QnT7nU04dV24AtiayPAliGUQk0jIKdvdOK2hvX64A8plTHagvU7bRLLpFcotD0Vaj(Angle)

Notes: Good match and greater angle. By the way I think I’ll be keeping the long write-ups for PPV’s.




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Jeff Hardy © vs JBL


An excellent warm-up match for the Intercontinental Champion ,Jeff Hardy who was donning new attire . Hardy managed to keep JBL grounded with his usual flurry of attacks but at one point Hardy tried for a slingblade but got caught with the Clothesline From Hell! However Hardy managed to kick out at 2 and a half and stay in the match. JBL set up for the move again but this time it was reversed into a Twist of Fate, and Hardy went to the top rope to hit a Swanton Bomb to finish it off







However before he could Umaga ran into the ring and threw Hardy off the top rope, causing a DQ victory. JBL got up and started shouting at Umaga but the angry Samoan gave him a look that made JBL exit the ring in quick fashion. From there Umaga picked up Hardy and threw him outside . He then threw Hardy shoulder-first into the steps. Then he threw Hardy into the barricade repeatedly until Hardy seemed like he was unconscious. Umaga then grabbed the IC belt from ringside and posed with it above an injured Hardy.


Winner: Jeff Hardy © by DQ


Jerry Lawler: Wow! For the second week straight , Umaga has taken out the Intercontinental Champion!


JR: I have to agree with you there King. If these attacks continue , Hardy may never make it to No Way Out to defend his title.



Rating: p13bMX6BKD8oFw-W7RlAkhIDmy4fNR4umUAFzrP2YhUlX18gN4cKEotsDfpCrXfEGO2fIxVA_ga1h6BCpq5bhH5sM93WTfrWO3LCQAOqbv_RfxjIwyRPTcl87JyweeJHmdwqOBK1(Match) ,3n7NPfrhJl9Z21qsagZWEWMAi0jWNyxSYP4O3PkC-9P-DtkowHRj4UOKlIu_ijJJzKiEBTUPzR_oUgw6Ut7Cbx7FB336sb_BthVar797V8M6eldiM8y4ClK0azNp2Rv9hS1-56I8(Angle)





*We go backstage to see Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon talking, Shane tells Vince thank you for letting him book most of the card tonight, Vince goes to respond but Stephanie Mcmahon bursts in and starts shouting that it’s unfair that Shane can book but she can’t. Shane tries to calm her down but Steph slaps her brother and gives Vince a death stare before walking out , leaving both Shane and Vince in shock*






DnUnAgoRrIE1f6nIFLVkxSBLf6kCT0Panz7MAMG1K85kNWqmabEUBdXAGDnKWqSIVf9wF4guMgMChiKJaJVhqMnJ6aYssUWwsKkb-ebCZTsk6BCAd7XPishTK3FJS8y9mTqeZt4l VS dVGBcZ8ohzDR6VdLIYe8cQXD2KjhWYbpe4FDzcdLFZoGawfBQ2Aoz3TwozSMTqHIYQhS2EQylq_r1D3jSVwWp0BrkVC52WrioQX1h0fSLkhj9PPMFOKgvH6pg1BypZ5nlUn5WORl

Mickie James vs Victoria

#1 contender's match for the Women’s Championship.


A pretty one-sided match for the most part. Victoria used her power to dominate Mickie and you could’ve been sure she had the match put away. However she wasted time taunting the fans at ringside and this allowed Mickie to roll Victoria up for the 1.2.3!


Winner: Mickie James ( #1 Contender)


After the match Victoria started to beat down on Mickie but the experienced Mickie hit a roundhouse kick that knocked Victoria out the ring.






The Women's Champion Beth Phoenix showed up on the stage and seemed to want to attack Mickie. However Mickie was ready for a fight inside the ring but Phoenix shook her head and headed up the ramp and backstage.


Jerry : I think I saw some PUPPIES ,JR!


JR: *sighs* Mickie is one tough chick and she’s scheduled to battle Beth Phoenix at No Way Out for the Women’s Championship!


Rating: MDi2sdmqk6E2JvcVwcHHBaVSxS_62IFGH94uRXfnd1sTME1grjU78FW8N8owK8qtWACPegEsmMvaW1escY717tRgeDLdVicgkWLXZPBshc1I-BUryBFqw38_6NspI55SAr6frfeP(Match) ,IR2_w1_XHJbVj0caSgnF-wKK5p3W6yERr1eH7mhA6TgugnVANGrNd0U6YmKtTzgrV5MA05oEtbdbil75N1ovJs3RBPMSR566oiPTKjU2QOpnPP-JeMqlC17SjXjmM3TgZRmXhW0V(Angle)

Notes: Eh , I need to spice up the Women’s Division.




Instead of coming out to wrestle , Super Crazy informed the fans he has a guest that would love to beat Carlito’s ass instead of him!



EFfAplcxBXXlkXTMJa5mEcWeQQybDaLaj3uDXBb36gQhkX_HLrxvjRmCjVHeYcCga7_8SYWjeJbKVm4tiMp7hSkghvKjcEcTRTnfxeMH3mD-L2HlFOuvVuVe0XeEPlUEvsPHP1cz VS k8sdDx0IHHOZgH5KTvyUBMNOr5_YEIjhhHWQiCv_bqXbiuDX42-n74f_zX6dtM9T7HLH4n9UYWnfoRDYkFAIbMyPLDnSZQU1HnGzRbTGV8ghb2ddnKMpc5maQiCfLFEqjkBeAbRa

Jim Duggan w Super Crazy vs Carlito w Santino Marella

Carlito was pretty shocked that he had to face Jim Duggan but he was still determined to win. Most of the match consisted of Carlito beating down Duggan but at one point Duggan seemed like he was going to hit the Three Point Stance Clothesline but it was intercepted by a boot to the face by Carlito. Carlito then put the legend down with a Backstabber for a victory!


Winner: Carlito

JR: What a victory by Carlito! That could go a long way for Carlito , King!


King: I have to agree once again with you JR. Carlito’s has got a bright future!


Rating: 9v-5sQoypFpRhzrcTqgzReUV1-NxG_JLlHIcmfUdjUYX-f6BX5ObOtSQdSeE8kMBd7PscLVnlCk1OPpJ21wvy7KM5e82llcmg4fuHulY5My74hmDZnD2lClkQHn0EyCz7PoTTG6l

Notes: Pretty sad I don’t have a feud for Carlito ,right now. I also just realized Duggan needs to retire.




W4SEssCbN790AJluiXNBZNByVTXFAnMm1my-rbXPofF-A3UY93jLk4UZUOlzrrIMbXiYVJFnYuB1wdC2WecRud6WENbNsvjDOSoxDrT1NSiJ3yuPquQCA7eQwOeXvlH3YmY4mJWP2suZOYbZTKoulyhWcG3tzUg6J217QkQyIOFpxG2XqvgtUUuxk3k9YOfAYbjifHpgC1_eCrZHonb4773q4cRxc3yJn_Z4HMup6FR6tZu1A4leBxW45sb0rWJ-4s_oILuifpUTkHMn VS Ghm716805z-O32HYwNZXgeRIduebYZ9AkQxEjEf4r6Tk4As_VeQSnkLjnflvsUEuS5WZ-1F79ngRZevTKSIdU-hJ9HQdY4lvaT-TXzJZ8fS_iJGTmAmgOiPSL9_rUIhZBQX_UCdZI1k9ic9A5ATsK_Df3jTmmooWfJpA2Lc44T47qafE6W2-c0FTZUBb7OH_MZCrFsJo-vQiX1Ogjo2Ssy19vVX1-5vEf0zrGkOz_UGQ5ba5IfUNikZ41qfCH9Uah-NwT0_yTC1Xxikt

Shawn Michaels and John Cena vs Triple H and Randy Orton©


No man in this contest seemed to trust their partner however Cena and Michaels seemed to work together better than Orton and HHH. Cena and Orton started off in the ring and Orton took control with punches and kicks to keep Cena down. However we all know Cena never stays down so Cena started to fight back with punches that stunned the champion and even hit a fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count. Cena then set Orton up for the AA to finish the match early but Orton slithered out back and


Triple H tags himself in


Orton simply glares at Triple H while Cena goes over to Michaels and tags him in. There seems to be a bit of hesitation to fight between Triple H and Shawn Michaels but Triple H takes the first shot with a running high knee to take Michaels down. From there HHH works over Michael's keeping him grounded with headlocks but Shawn eventually hits a backdrop on Triple H to create some separation.


The fans then started to clap to get Shawn back to his feet and Triple H tagged out to Orton who quickly got knocked down by a flying forearm from Shawn. Shawn did his signature kip-up , and hit an atomic drop into a bodyslam and headed to the top rope . Triple H distracted Shawn which allowed Orton to crotch Shawn and then hit a ring-shaking superplex!


Both men seemed to be down but it’s Shawn who crawls his way over to Cena to tag him in. Orton didn’t realize it and got hit with 2 shoulder tackles from Cena and a Turtle Bomb into a 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena then signalled for a AA but when he got Orton on his shoulders, Triple H tagged himself in by slapping Orton’s arm. Cena didn’t realize this however and he hit an AA on Orton!


He tried to cover Orton but the ref told him about the tag. Once Cena turned around , Triple H pushed him into Shawn Michaels who was on the apron causing Shawn to fall off. This then allowed Triple H to hit a Pedigree on John Cena and go for the pin!










Winners: Triple H and Randy Orton!


After the match Shawn got back to his feet and entered the ring behind Orton and Triple H. Orton seemed to realize the danger and scrambled out the ring with his WWE Championship. However when Triple H turned around he was hit with a Superkick by Shawn!


and with some blood running down his face (apparently from hitting the ring apron hard) he pointed at an escaping Orton and signalled for the belt around his waist to end RAW.


Rating: 4EZzzmqAkjXCah7G0bPPAKTHkD7EgOMYFxvk8mYlrdKyyS9NXKY2A1m7gz5R2KXKKm8-Vz6WuDtKuGd0tZv4E-tw2t5kzbScKxdPtDS5uZGF6rgnmiUZWeW_WNCZlEbQvVRx5UAi(Match), uhyZlZUKmmwmNphf2JijqTG5ViyzRfHARU9OTecNgn8UgmX4sY44BDI6dZpaBGvM6FRVMpgHZDWf5PKuJnq6NH9WqHE_3yNzsxBuljMlHm3UCi05FPZbLFrcK9vRnPsLjR4dNFCg(Angle)

Notes: H-B-K!



Prediction Results:

AMarc9-8: 20

LucianCarter: 17

Smasher1311: 15

The_CoC: 11(welcome back!)

Dave_Scott: 10

daulten6 : 5

shawn michaels 82 : 5

scareltspeed7: 5

Gyrokarp: 5


Quick Results


DH Smith def Snitsky ( That’s what you get for farting backstage , Snitsky)

Main Show

Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas def Hard Rhodes©

Mr . Kennedy def Brian Kendrick

Jeff Hardy© def JBL by DQ

Mickie James def Victoria (#1 contender’s for Women’s Championship Match)

Carlito w Santino Marella def Jim Duggan w Super Crazy

Randy Orton© and Triple H def John Cena and Shawn Michaels





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Official Card

Elijah Burke vs Tommy Dreamer

Elimination Chamber Qualifier for Winner faces the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania.



Balls Mahoney and Colin Delaney vs John Morrison and The Miz ©


CM Punk vs Mike Knox

If Punk wins he faces Chavo for the ECW Title at No Way Out.





Chavo Guerrero © vs Kofi Kingston


Predict Away

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Elijah Burke vs Tommy Dreamer

Elimination Chamber Qualifier for Winner faces the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania.



Balls Mahoney and Colin Delaney vs John Morrison and The Miz ©


CM Punk vs Mike Knox

If Punk wins he faces Chavo for the ECW Title at No Way Out.





Chavo Guerrero © vs Kofi Kingston

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Elijah Burke vs Tommy Dreamer

Elimination Chamber Qualifier for Winner faces the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania.



Balls Mahoney and Colin Delaney vs John Morrison and The Miz ©


CM Punk vs Mike Knox

If Punk wins he faces Chavo for the ECW Title at No Way Out.





Chavo Guerrero © vs Kofi Kingston

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No , lol but in all seriousness , I really appreciate that coming from someone like you. You were one of the first predictors on my first diary. So we technically go a long way back.


Won't let you down. Thanks man.

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Tuesday,Week 2,February 2008

13,054 fans LIVE from the Berry Events Center in Marquette,Michigan!


Joey Styles: Welcome to ECW! *pyro goes off* , we got a whole night of EXTREME action tonight!


Mike Adamle: Yes indeed , we even got a Chamber qualifying match here tonight, but CM Punk has a few words for us before we get to the action!




This Fire Burns” plays throughout the arena and the ECW fans go nuts for CM Punk!


Punk comes out and slaps hands with the fans and when he makes his way down to the ring he grabs a mic.




CM Punk: “ I’m going to get straight to the point. Last week I was attacked by the “ECW Champion” Chavo Guerrero after my match. SO I’m not waiting for a chance to fight you , I want you to come out here WITHOUT your little b*tch, Armando Estrada and fight me like a man!”


The fans cheered in anticipation at the possibility of Chavo coming out.






























<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sRgUAFOXlDI" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>






Out came Ron Simmons! the fans cheered like hell for Simmons.Eventually a ringside worker gave him a mic , and of course the first thing out his mouth was






Simmons: “ Now listen , tonight Vince gave me the opportunity to book ECW tonight. So I’ll tell you what Punk , tonight Chavo will pick an opponent for you and IF you win that match you get Chavo for the ECW Championship at No Way Out. You also get to choose an opponent for Chavo as well tonight. and one more thing…..











The fans and announcers erupted in laughter as CM Punk smirked in the ring and we go to commercial break.



Notes: DAMN! I swear to god I didn’t even realize Ron Simmons was signed to a contract.





Ue09a3EskyE9Mtjd3GHf6d9Uhl6NoVBQQDW0jIFXe5WYjj6jjspuCaV874bQFEgrtSfICc1_SH55wdLw2hp397wsFLuCYU-u9kwUMT1M9zIhkGsF2_8BhYHXSMeTS4ZXH-knvIq6VS 1mM0IWgL8J02N8UgQBvZViCW-l0fwjftuj_i7B8kD0FbPtD1p4qPXvbjWQfyrWRfJTmJigemYbWdFP4TsIOX3nJKAPmXgq_AZ-twi4u0Z80JiEFlK73Y_xiDr5XDtrufG0JOhro-

Elijah Burke w Matt Striker vs Tommy Dreamer

Elimination Chamber Qualifier


Dreamer started the match off with powerful moves but when he tried to hit his signature Piledriver to finish Burke off he was distracted by Matt Striker. This allowed Burke to take control with a blow to the back of Dreamer’s head. Burke then set Dreamer up in the corner for the Elijah Express but was backdropped over the top rope and to the floor by Dreamer.


This allowed




Big Daddy V to run down to the ring and climb onto the apron to only be knocked off by Dreamer.However this allowed Burke to sneak back in the ring and roll up Dreamer for the 3 count!


Winner: Elijah Burke


Styles: Burke is going to No Way Out!

After the match Dreamer was jumped by Big Daddy V and laid into Dreamer with kicks and a big splash. Burke seemed to see the assault and of course joined in on the attack , being encouraged to do so by Striker. Eventually Burke held Dreamer up in the corner so V could hit a massive splash on Dreamer in the corner. V , Burke and Striker all left the ring with Dreamer laid out inside the ring.


Styles: That was uncalled for!


Adamle: Hey, in ECW and in the WWE you gotta make a statement or you’ll be forgotten QUICKLY!


Rating:Q6PzlYUuWVlkwLoFj6KRqqd3CFN2z2lmx5UUwfeK_Sc05nY1L0wOf_8fpl0P_HxVbR3JSY2HdyhgXX9OqyHs3koExqmYuicNOD7f68dsRkvMpJ7JVrpEsCZ1HSx4b_TCyyv222oH(Match) ,R7I1PVc9whe94gvj2CjAxXWLoPydnUI40raFEYgy7msuZNn4wTHFameltDZxKZnSYeUi1ttQJ-PVCPVo2yG1f1s0nqpDt9rn3rECGNwFIS9UfeX1YGBi1aVgRXIvyFH84K7m4fo2(Angle)

Notes: Told you I have big things for Burke! he could be in a WHT match at Wrestlemania!




OChhpTIaIXE3SbLR299cByiVxfL0pMQBrz38ZaW1F6oIEF3aXFTCyCJXxOf2MO0ItCHMh15wNTA_KthJT27vEb7h64HeViyiCYVYFvESbwzoaBxKlBRTakQGs5l7DIl_tSZHyDOi11-ZI_fiPBuIt6A3LfJDvo86wYmTmRvzsi25-MDWSb49d9BWac1wmLhJV5-J1hTshztSuD_LceBsq80OJBkUjBGPzRLGVXwx9SugsfqwmEl08g7ZTQxMe2ySV8B2spwKoL7GbnRkVS VO2KY_RZTYETF_f3RM4iD4XiEd6pBnxQkyh1HMgZ2faDkG6pCAfQOsQRDpuW--XPSvsXqXV4CVCaIz12f_tiB9jZmWOewVNEecm-poYI6yc2Nf_T-MhXDRYfZkJcip6dEKkNbiKjq7y5dNEiTmvAvqLovUZOUazlTYqTPfWgiFlf0VrkObYhcbhJFC3KMYpKq-azlEuXbXrUPCudIv0zYs4cAw6_iE6SSTvocsatLJpJC7f59caTd1FV_vYdy0eFt1ghK_2v3Zk8NmuV


The Miz and John Morrison© vs Balls Mahoney and Colin Delaney


The match started off how you would expect it, with Colin Delaney getting his ass whooped by John Morrison. Morrison managed to keep Delaney down every time he managed to muster up the smallest bit of momentum. However after a failed Frog Splash from the top rope by Morrison both men tagged out to their respective partners. Miz missed a clothesline on Mahoney and got taken out with a boot to the face. Morrison then appeared on the apron to distract Mahoney but was tackled to the outside by Delaney. However this allowed Miz to get up and roll Mahoney up from behind to score the victory.


Winners: The Miz and John Morrison ©


Adamle: Another win for the Champions!


Styles: But you gotta admit , Mahoney and Delaney came really close to beating the Champs!

Rating: 4CpbL-mWVy43mAYi8wonrVdHVhnUO6AsBZhMiw73U3QCAVeQ_D_HLwaq8xE97jL-mEBdcPd7sveEDTE9m9BHjE4QouJ6bPm5kuOP23Uck7peg76EZSwmN-w3JaGMLmmox1mmQgfz

Notes: Not the best match but in game notes said Morrison looked good in the match so hey.




PWTL2MFzhDZt2JXVTjUNrYRUYlvkTEKWTa8HBOS_dVbiI-9_wNUJUEXSK9_d8e_Ct0c1wYBMM7RNeM7wXwwb6jzMMaZda8AIFwdW4pk--5t6rHxgTRR_RAAKdOy-ZBMIhFfeoXSn VS 4eZL3v23tFNdam6VYc1cgLgpU9NVy8b6XrhcyPYnLrw63Y26Dho8K3jFNZHOyE6dlQeE1rLYXfTd6CWFv2Ff5P7pI92y6rv9hc5spAWpvkvYwzGw7J1xzj2tK_nVGlmzbEX_uJML

CM Punk vs Mike Knox

(Pick Your Poison Match)

If Punk wins he faces Chavo for the ECW Title at No Way Out.



During the early moments of the match Punk didn’t do too well against what announcer Joey Styles calls theBig Bearded Monster” Mike Knox. He totally dominated Punk with clotheslines and big boots to keep him down. For most of the match you could see why Chavo picked Knox to face Punk. But after an attempted Knox Out , Punk roundhouse kicked Knox straight out of the ring ,creating some space between the two.


After Knox got back into the ring , Punk attempted a GTS but Knox slipped out back and once again set him up for the Knox Out , but as he turned to hit the move , Punk pushed him into the corner and hit him with a High Knee! Punk then propped Knox up on his shoulders and hit a GTS for the win!


Winner: CM Punk


Styles: Punk vs Chavo at No Way Out!


Adamle: It’s also for the ECW Championship, Styles. I can’t wait!


Rating: 4fnd7I_6mQMvuvgU5W3qM0nZd-Ha-p78VfZxp9hgcxYjghWNrKLwpbVUEDjbVI_t_Rge_C7-Z4S_4I4b4tTAZ_54t1chQIElY3rQ5-8hBFTuiSP5dJY6PauKHWHVo7PRIqYtCqQI

Notes: ohhhhhh , You guys are gonna LOVE No Way Out. So when the time comes. Make those predictions VERY Carefully.




z-bznP6VhR3X1r9qNittbWMw6-2ggfNgTbYoxttFc8SYbi87IrNr7aAJ_BPlP22Ub20BjK7-5qi6PMHS-Td9brPIoAEeQFvZoVHRdzNMRsb9hfXzmFPdtahyy3_BLWsyPL9NVLdh© VS mJaKUFuFtrIQ331DRw5nJVwkoNNs2c0hZ70Vajrc-CeykgD3Hk2N1rMgN8JYe3JnJ0vB2RfkXYy9D2piTDBj5Cay2N7O8_ZPvYnpR7vMVUnKmF7KBX0-CAIjUnXjD9CqWTJFqFyj

(Pick Your Poison Match)

Chavo Guerrero©w Armando Estrada vs Kofi Kingston

Even though most people expected Chavo to dominate the match and win , it was actually Kofi in control most of the match. Going wild on Chavo with dropkicks and finally a clothesline over the top rope.Kofi then exited the ring and started to work on Chavo outside , however Armando distracted the ref long enough for Chavo to club Kofi over the back of the head with the ECW Championship. He then threw a knocked out Kofi back into the ring and climbed to the top rope and hit a Frog Splash! he then covered Kofi for the 3 count!


Styles: What a cheap win by Chavo..


Adamle: a win is a win ,Styles!


Styles: Who are you , Jerry Lawler?


After the match , Chavo grabbed Kofi and started beating down on him , this was until





CM Punk ran down to the ring , but as Chavo saw him he quickly exited the ring , not allowing Punk to get one shot in on him. However Punk helped Kofi up and pointed to Chavo , audibly saying “ Me , You . And there’s no way out of me kicking your ass.”


Winner: Chavo Guerrero ©


Rating: VF4F4IStHrYafomdbl58TfXfqxeBs_a0yZqHTkPRr_UTKk4FZbGbMt3Q_4oPVmBl7WTgo2fT2BMOXit4RgNMfqDXgqDWYi6RMTwJ2VBR-kds0IkS_Z5Lsmdu0F3ro0_zK7Y_BMA5(Match),aZGVHUJqPtKzvzLroeb2OMlxZSaUalgfdYpksEdk_V0-KnO0g-hnXngu0v5y_o7yKNs3wUwBmUeCL9gCV0qW3i1ijf2m8tgRlOv009EDHLS_WC_Vc6AsZXn5hnDPSgLJBkmpVpyd(Angle)

Notes: Kofi kinda ruined the angle , his stats are way too low in this mod.


The announcers then thanked us for watching as ECW went off the air.



Quick Results:


Elijah Burke w Matt Striker def Tommy Dreamer


The Miz and John Morrison © def Balls Mahoney and Colin Delaney


CM Punk def Mike Knox


Chavo Guerrero © w Armando Estrada def Kofi Kingston



Prediction Results:

AMarc9-8: 24

LucianCarter: 21

Smasher1311: 19

The_CoC: 11(welcome back!)

Kijar: 4

Dave_Scott: 10

daulten6 : 5

shawn michaels 82 : 5

scarletspeed7: 5

Gyrokarp: 5




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Smackdown Week 2 Official Card

Kane vs MVP ©


Big Show vs William Regal

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match(Last spot)


Deuce N Domino w Cherry vs Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore


Finlay vs The Great Khali w Runjin Singh


Mark Henry vs Jamie Noble


Ric Flair vs The Undertaker

#1 Contender's Match For World Heavyweight Championship




Predict away


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Kane vs MVP ©


Big Show vs William Regal

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match(Last spot)


Deuce N Domino w Cherry vs Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore


Finlay vs The Great Khali w Runjin Singh


Mark Henry vs Jamie Noble


Ric Flair vs The Undertaker

#1 Contender's Match For World Heavyweight Champions

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Kofi was an unknown in early 2008 and really only gained notoriety by beating Jericho at Night of Champions, so that would be accurate.



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Don't mean to bump the thread , but during the booking of Smackdown in game , the game crashed on me and well I didn't save. SO Smackdown may be up a bit later than previously.
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