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WWE 2008 : Out with the old,In with the new.


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Once again sorry for bumping but I also realized that Big Show vs Regal is not the last spot in the chamber. So far there are 4 competitors in the match , and if regal or show win that makes 5. So there is still one qualifying match left!:D
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Friday,Week 2,February 2008

13,054 fans LIVE from the Berry Events Center in Marquette,Michigan!



Michael Cole: Welcome to the second longest running weekly episodic television show in history! We have lots of action for you tonight , but first our World Heavyweight Champion Edge has something to say.


Tazz: Edge always got somthin’ to say ,Cole!




Metalingus” roared through the arena and out came World Heavyweight Champion Edge along with Vickie Guerrero.


Edge came out with the World Heavyweight title draped over his shoulder with Vickie by his side , and as you can imagine , Michigan showed no remorse and booed the hell out of him. Once he entered the ring , he was handed a microphone by Vickie.




Edge: “ I find it hilarious that Theodore Long even decided to make a Elimination Chamber to face me at Wrestlemania. We all know whoever wins that Chamber Match will lose to me at Wrestlemania. Speaking of which ,last week …..














The Lights went off in the arena and the fans cheered like crazy!



Once the lights came back on , The Undertaker was face to face with Edge. Once Edge seemed to see Undertaker he quickly grabbed Vickie and rolled out the ring. However Taker was right by behind him though and the two seemed as they were going to fight until






Smackdown GM Theodore Long , came out and quickly put a stop to the danger. However before he could get a word out his mouth








Ric Flair comes out and confronts Long. However Taker once again enters the ring and gets into Flair’s face.


Long: Listen! Stop! Tonight , Ric Flair and Taker , I got an opportunity for both of yall’. Tonight , Undertaker and Ric Flair will face off with the winner getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at No Way Out!


Taker and Flair seemed pleased and Edge was nearly out the door but Long once again gets on the mic.


Long: Hold up , Edge . Where you think you going Playa’? You will be at ringside for that match , Playa’!

Edge and Vickie seemed livid but Taker and Flair were busy staring off , until we went to our first commercial break.


Rating: qEBefRMJf6TO2L8HaH-dsqaMpGIdGc76WkPKyvCmLdcguOmv_EvznirP6N7NCDDE2Spgp5H4A-momUbzxl2e0CKTzkv4g790fibueuzxELlapdmUbSNfUiFzj1J4ghMMmCORU5Xb

Notes: Yeah , this is leading to some exciting shiz!




Michael Cole: We got our first match coming up next, between the United States Champion , MVP and The Big Red Machine ,Kane!


Tazz: All I gotta say Cole, is usually matches wit Kane don’t end well for his opponent.


3LVmp7k0EzfKVxBLuxYHMgx0m9xgRjS26Qi8RVPAAAJ86qAmfiCx3QkprsVgkKbgnWd56NYc2qZQBbziZTYF7TK53tf9F8iCjEYxly7pzJwLTpIStt1LM_GKuWR5T-ineElv1t3C VS 15dr8dtk45RU4ENv3oprqOue7nN8FXnZo-ztjBGmczCPJJfKZN8O88Y3WkS0ncWJ8-V2gRvnyXjmzyCOhyx1x8hdRSbO7n6GB8jwt63nO88zxFLk2OADJNv4aNkwsxTG7PgXawWg

MVP © vs Kane


The two chamber participants wanted to prove who would be most likely to win at No Way Out , however as you would imagine Kane dominated MVP for most of the match. At one point Kane punched MVP off the top rope which caused MVP to fall off the top rope and hit the barricade hard outside. Once MVP got back into the ring , Kane attempted a Chokeslam but MVP pulled Kane down to the mat and locked in the Crossface! Kane seemed to be close to tapping out , but rolled over and lifted MVP off the mat and onto his shoulders! Kane was about to hit the Tombstone but MVP rolled off his shoulders and rolled up Kane with the tights held!










Winner: MVP ©


Tazz: MVP wins! Come Sunday , this man already has an advantage !


After the match MVP made the mistake of staying inside the ring. Therefore Kane attacked MVP much to the fans pleasure. Kane Chokeslammed MVP and then hit a Tombstone to finish off the United States Champion. Kane then lift the ring with a smirk on his face.


Michael Cole: You never mess with Kane!


Rating: EuRechdjJpdT4wkZb00MfzME8Q7LpEu_rzACWXYyCTjpSGS73ADO2AHRqS4IotPmnU6eGV8cHHhuwOIqFDI9axCuueb0J1A9ouQSoBAXcCaRLoX6eug6c5fQs6C9s7713So-2gqj(Match),RB2ohDrU2gNB8wxnGzpwM7XxLpCtfLtXkByDxT71U1VkLuomPqmLSKMMf2NMlCTuBZZ11__RD1-0AxgbOLdAZhrJKgpWVydUzN7aBNFsSsCxnQFf31b40z0GDDFvHyhJ3Hpq-f8-(Angle)





YbVw6xJULDUGLHghgwO9lI0QyqQe7tGEvcCK-lXQgzvbRfO5BVK8XSTuMcjbkOI42CX0st6l8zIwuaQ0TyLltfalF1clSig_BvpQNuzPJyxTzKGgVJDNg7CSfdYDgjBcKJvhmZXm VS eIftsepyzUw0V8nAwXdQxqvQ1T1dTg6LUD_1L-e0O-pTFWFeITcFdy0TNa_NwWD7uyWnZzyAbDFc8HsFgTvprYglIxrQdDwd2NjoApOzA1LULQI7kaRuh6XjA6uFx12g4XG3v9qJ

Big Show vs William Regal

Elimination Chamber Qualifier


Great match between these two as it was filled with both men’s experienced brawling styles clustered into one. Although Regal hasn’t wrestled much over the past couple months , the veteran still took the fight to the Big Show , at one point trying to pull out his brass knuckles to only be kicked in the face with Show’s giant foot. From there it was mostly Big Show punishing Regal with chest slaps and splashes. Big Show put an end to Regal’s pain when he hit the KO Punch to win the match.


Winner: Big Show


Tazz: So now the Big Show is in da match!? Those 5 others will have to watch their backs!


Cole: I think you’re right Tazz, I don’t even know if Big Show will be able to fit in one of those pods!


Rating: XmMUOzR19p6bsX6f1R_DmsWkRNybtvjlLndLh4FHkOoVKNeAr_z2XXJy8BRH5RDxZGAzqTIZZhFMw-LsAxxvLJjfsq7wqcGyOtsRSO8ZpG8Q7QDGVtIWUoekmnTA66fE40k-sn14

Notes: This was the best match on the card , might need to bring Regal back if he’s producing quality matches like this.




The camera panned to backstage where




Smackdown GM Theodore Long was flipping through his Playboy magazine until









The Tag Champs , Miz and Morrison decided to show up. This made Theodore quickly get rid of the playboy book and ask them what they want.


Miz: Ol’ Teddie getting busy with that playboy book , huh?


Morrison: Anyways , we want to be placed in the Chamber match!


Teddy: Listen , Playa . There ain’t no more spots in that Chamber Match for BOTH of you. And I already got one man in mind for that last spot. But I’ll tell you what playas , next week you’ll be defending those titles against Batista and Rey Mysterio! And IF you win, whoever makes the pinfall or submission on your team will get in that match, and if you don’t win …. well none of you will be in that match. HOLLA HOLLA PLAYA

Tazz: Miz and Morrison didn’t look to pleased that dey both couldn’t get into dat chamber , Cole.


Michael Cole: Rightfully so.

Rating: 8o7sjU_y4-nRvz2_DK5oC_ReCZT3iUpKPu_MI7vAJ0ipCahgIl3gz74ZZh1mO_2i3jv8LxqfyH4U6oyPNKgAoempii1GLYneoBEJEDO7jPF41XdUXCkQ8Aecu7BvUNpzuMN6P22h

Notes: The last participant ………………. just prepare yourselves




pDLJfhXVQR0Cb8AORIULKH1Q0WjXeEUKUNThLLAbAqs1niKstNkUlS1wRVNvVe-B50rvGQ1CRnwpR7BtPT8wP3iDFUzgd6NsVnl3XDW9QWeWvwVAY3XzRMm4b4L9UM_lgE7F1IhhZZe6EFV6Q96IlKzZNbwyrEhb3KlEMgOw2Icamk3LS55wYJhXj9umrJhCdIYKmeOejiswJkVKm6yfCzaJmfx5PpHFn-Fy3ohmNHaEXuUwibFAZCzgnWzBXJ2rL8xLHGRfZCh0K6eX VS jeVU0zXyG9yXByCT6b3Jrt14qz1BN2w_q63QcAo8XNSBHVcfDyMnlLUFrZkaL6ALgJ3wA3wIjUsHbyFWNexyrEoVV_pG6g7zyBrClL7Z8eKlEgLmOMHxi-3LRqm2O1wwdXjmLQodkwxHrVBiWaOusBOZs1ad2roAIQ-QpL47XaYbkSs52CA022d4QW3paVrJkE-MCNESaEhd8G-AMMPnVz9Jl-6QJ0PYT_tI8VBdxJcJkPLXRQAyOTWw_4PXj90O0BHi1pAqkOVzWhED

Deuce N Domino w Cherry vs Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore

The match started off with Shannon Moore taking the fight to Deuce. Hitting him with chops and kicks to keep him grounded and eventually even a crossbody off the top rope to show off his acrobatic abilities. However his momentum was halted when Moore ran the ropes but Domino pulled them down causing Moore to fall to the outside. However , Wang Yang wouldn’t just let his partner get beat down,so a 2 on 2 brawl started on the outside. After some more brawling, Deuce got Moore back into the ring, but a dropkick allowed Moore to tag out to Wang Yang, but it also allowed Deuce to tag in Domino. Wang Yang gained the advantage over Domino and was about to hit his Diving Moonsault Body Press but Cherry ran over to Shannon Moore and distracted him allowing Domino to crotch Yang on the top rope. This allowed Domino to tag Deuce in and hit their tag finisher (Crack em’ in the mouth) on Yang for the victory!


Winners: Deuce N Domino w Cherry

Michael Cole: What a cheap victory by Deuce N Domino!


Tazz: Once again a win's a win , Cole. And I gotta admit, these two are impressing me, Cole.


Rating: VyEijzfYWb5TAksxSEXMiAtRk3_JofWCNnP_5vmOX5erv2SRqEJ7IghbmrnCnSlZsEh1-HWOAUVdkuy2vIZ7yUQcc0D3iInzoqXPZd40YCzuTYExRDY0kT0GawwqS2rsrH0ybKpv

Notes: I really like Jimmy Wang Yang for whatever reason.




shR_as0NGtz94JbLex9Zg8tg9IoJ5Jmw-C1yeimBJ1k2vCALcx2Y4Ri2Jxreg7DGD1LX9645Z7uYtLTIF-SdmlWRznPkprzDo_yBaWIxtuRwECW4leWNp2cBFp-_3FBewu4j478dVS r49eis5-ZVmBNeSbHzSYgUqt4HJfFCtvDi_DKGDCu1Mvex46-_1ZPVhGXpsXkFUPhe5s7K0x9dJ-lE3JYAji4sgpKCUPZIy8vXsgcOc4HYJEMMZbfcY_JoSodjHVRvM491iNsvad

Mark Henry vs Jamie Noble w Funaki


The match went how you would imagine as Mark Henry destroyed Jamie Noble. Every bit of momentum Noble managed to muster was quickly stopped by Henry. And in the end , Noble was put down with a World’s Strongest Slam for the quick victory.


Winner: Mark Henry


Henry decided to continue the assault on Noble , and punished him with punches and splashes. However Nobles partner Funaki ran into the ring and landed some punches on Henry before being put down with a World’s Strongest Slam himself.


Henry then left the ring with a smirk on his face, obviously pleased with his destruction.

Tazz: Henry seems unstoppable , Cole!


Michael Cole: WOW! The match barely lasted 5 minutes!



Rating: hco2drhyFNeVFq3uaT_3ACSrqNPzg6p1zSWnPtD1W_MkAqHz7tzROaAOL5xTPxnfbemRbdXKqSh9eC7MLYyfGOilUXMDViQYFfBdlFtJS2QzTIHQmQhHqrONyh_3fVRcM4THSMXz(Match) , ldUtImFYBMezS0AUPtqL28lQyHc2US5uJGm40TYq5KE7L7BjD1FD6E2IP6YQoOr1y7bzL3eYyS-q6XO2zbwJMH1eQdbFQWexZ-GAY5HrDIVf8DjK_QGLoPdw9aOq7iDQu0UB87lE(Angle)

Notes: How can you get such a low grade in a match with Jamie Freakin Noble?




bed_TsgE4h2wO8jWf7mxqPyZXNHllAT05mxnHRVeil_5UCk5mcpdT7nQIRU6RcTwJyUeOiGxjNbN_2cM1Fk0DgA-b6IzhA1D1j19jhJAZ35Y95zr_ZnPoa8wJ3RtFVgb7brSs7pB VS tQPzzuqM4oyaEMXcQ3vDl3x3G6hoUrCI2koWUwT_q4d2EMHnHvqvno4HrTELc0_eIOW03bQIeGGi64u5cyVMRMtO2wagpArMzAQ_bGaibKd-veKnsNlsYmcSkhBcEzot4pOj5IXG

The Great Khali w Runjin Singh vs Finlay w Hornswoggle


The match didn’t go much like the previous match as Finlay put up quite the fight.At one point Khali ran at Finlay in the corner but Finlay moved and caused Khali to smash his face into the corner turnbuckle. This allowed Finlay to TRY and lift Khali up to hit the White Noise but Finlay tumbled under Khali’s weight. From there it was Khali all the way as he put the Irishman down with a Punjabi Plunge , and then essentially killed him with a Brain Chop for the dominant victory.


Winner: The Great Khali


After the match Khali picked Finlay up and locked in the Vice Grip! The ref tried to pull Khali off Finlay but he received a Brain Chop of his own. However








Rey Mysterio came out and the fans went crazy. He didn’t reach far before Runjin grabbed a mic and told Mysterio if he moved any closer to the ring Khali will CRUSH Finlay’s brain. However he has a compromise for Mysterio. Khali will release Finlay IF Mysterio accepts a match with Khali at No Way Out. Mysterio seems reluctant on the ramp but eventually accepts the match and screams at Khali to release Finlay. Khali doesn’t release the hold and it causes Mysterio to run into the ring to only be put down with a Brain Chop by Khali!


Khali then released an unconscious Finlay and exited the ring to boos with Runjin.


Rating:Jrdtdu2GTuM5uPS9-BP5AQFlxGA1V3n6xpPUSTVQU5oA0AkgUol5DpKXmosoS2f5Q_YRcBm4_c1wbWnQus-8YthLiWC0_w6cFHnXK7u7yNFKr2WE5EaZezwgruttIMV3sGTRIkXy(Match), s1BNs5YX6nQSeqt9WL-9aQWCx0qtVBos0MLdxvK3KlLlbAbNg7O9XaDM1YnzZlUQ-wM1fNlHX1-Mz3P_8717SzO3wMAf-SIEEiB--qGiji2IGhgMb6_WzxOQ5FwH_IWJAmHiKmo2(Angle)

Notes: Why did you guys think Finlay would win? Lol


Michael Cole: Khali is dominant , come No Way Out ,Mysterio may be injured by Khali!


Tazz: Don’t EVER count Mysterio out , Cole. He’ll surprise you..




CQpVyQo3TqwHD1fgWYo_ma9wO9BRoP-IMLg7kdjc19Meq4wNtPiKT9FDwUlVtD_Th5pOrJkdPONOOBH6c0PejK_uBvKbLi009PlarV4QdxK5xCliw7QM4yNy1ZuRjPW-nedXGVDf VS Q9Q5KM6nk1OL51F0Q9RFAt0iZ7B_XAiSkb3B5UDiKu65ZIPMtOZTWCFMZ2cN2INDZqHqq3PnSH_iXqXpjER_B-vuprNk7znK1Zv7Y2I75uZ3intGOjASN-2XaZ9087mV04Ghguuj

#1 Contender’s Match for World Heavyweight Title

The Undertaker vs Ric Flair


The match didn’t go too well for Ric Flair. As Undertaker was on his toes because Edge was at ringside , and it didn’t help that Flair cost Taker his match last week either. Taker punished Flair with punches so much that Flair was eventually covered with blood




however Flair being the legend that he is, he was able to mount a comeback and deliver multiple chops to Taker and even managed to lock in the Figure Four. Taker started to scream out in pain but he choked Flair from the position he was in and managed to get back to his feet and hit a Chokeslam on Flair! At this point , Flair was covered with blood and seemed down and out. His fate seemed as if it was sealed though as Taker signalled for and hit a Tombstone on Flair for







Winner (And #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship): The Undertaker


After the match Taker got back to his feet and picked Flair up. The two then embraced a handshake until







Edge ran into the ring and took his challenger out with a shot to the head with the World Heavyweight Title. Flair tried to fight Edge but was quickly taken out by a Spear from the champ. Edge then grabbed Vickie , gave her a kiss and raised the World Heavyweight title above his head to end Smackdown!




Rating: FMQkRlqEwh1qJjq8Vz9R6KNPJRy8OZcil7yD_GlPnpvYGr94pIgbtU_jjWp1xQ7km4OvWNprQdJcC6gMlOgNCJFIvV9fpF3g7eWUe3SczMBnvOJ2cPIP_pFc8a29pZdXE-MMJzSo(Match),sMl9OoYMO4NSHDSffs2jMvA4EpWIutj8v6NFTpl-vnEZSckGbnZPY884JreTsKzd0NJFLctjCY-89XPZNbTMUJO3NrLlnsdr99O9Dl9o78f2sYGAlZCUWEWSwcnub5arm6vtuk1s(Angle)

Notes: Expected a better match but I’m loving it regardless.



Quick Results


Pre Show

The Edgeheads (Hawkins and Ryder) def Funaki and Jesse Dalton


Main Show


MVP © def Kane


Big Show def William Regal

Elimination Chamber Qualifier


Deuce N Domino def Country Punks ( Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang


Mark Henry def Jamie Noble w Funaki


The Great Khali w Runjin Singh def Finlay w Hornswoggle


The Undertaker def Ric Flair

#1 Contender’s Match for World Heavyweight Championship.



Prediction Results:

AMarc9-8: 29

Smasher1311: 23

LucianCarter: 21

The_CoC: 11

Kijar: 7

Dave_Scott: 10

daulten6 : 5

shawn michaels 82 : 5

scarletspeed7: 5

Gyrokarp: 5


Close competition for that prize between Smash and AMarc. Who will win?




No Way Out Card ( So Far)



Jeff Hardy © vs Umaga

Intercontinental Championship


The Great Khali w Runjin Singh vs Rey Mysterio


Chris Jericho vs Mr Kennedy


CM Punk vs Chavo Guerrero © w Armando Estrada

ECW Championship

(Extreme Rules Match)


John Cena vs Triple H

If Cena loses he gives up his Wrestlemania spot.


Beth Phoenix © vs Mickie James

Women’s Championship


Winner faces World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania (Elimination Chamber Match)

Batista vs Kane vs MVP © vs Big Show vs Elijah Burke vs ?


Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs The Undertaker

World Heavyweight Championship


Randy Orton © vs Shawn Michaels

WWE Championship


RAW Prediction Card will be posted soon.

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Final Raw before No Way Out!

Official Card



Jim Duggan and Super Crazy vs Carlito and Santino Marella (I’m giving you guys a chance to predict on the pre-show to up your prediction points)


Main Show

World’s Greatest Tag Team vs Hard Rhodes ©

World Tag Team Championships



Chris Jericho vs William Regal



Mickie James and Ashley vs Beth Phoenix and Victoria



Shawn Michaels vs Umaga



Jeff Hardy © vs Triple H



Randy Orton © vs John Cena


Predict Away!

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Jim Duggan and Super Crazy vs Carlito and Santino Marella


Main Show

World’s Greatest Tag Team vs Hard Rhodes ©

World Tag Team Championships

Comments: Can't see you dropping the belts on free TV


Chris Jericho vs William Regal

Comments: Regal's great but Jericho's getting the push


Mickie James and Ashley vs Beth Phoenix and Victoria



Shawn Michaels vs Umaga

Comments: HBK gets win to keep him strong going into title match


Jeff Hardy © vs Triple H

Comments: Cena interferes, ensuring win for Hardy


Randy Orton © vs John Cena

Comments: Haitch repays the favour in the main event

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Monday,Week 3,February 2008

11,444 fans LIVE from the Izod Center in East Rutherford,New Jersey!


The traditional pyro goes off in the Izod Center as the camera pans over 11,000 plus excited fans ready to rumble here in New Jersey!

JR: Welcome to the last Monday Night Raw before No Way Out! I am pleased to tell you that we have a packed show for you tonight, because we also got JR’s BBQ sauce on sale too!


Jerry Lawler: Might wanna stop eating all that BBQ sauce JR, you’re packing on them pounds like crazy!


JR: *mutters inaudible curse words*




Before we could even get to our first match of the evening , Shane Mcmahon and Stephanie Mcmahon are shown arguing once again backstage.










It doesn’t take long for the WWE Champion Randy Orton to make his presence felt.


He shouts at Shane and when Steph opens her mouth to defend Shane , Orton tells her to shut up. He then says that he doesn’t care to wait for No Way Out to kill Shawn Michaels because he wants a match with Shawn Michaels tonight!


However Shane Mcmahon is quick to tell Orton that he doesn’t have the ability to just give Michaels to Orton right now , but even if he he could , Shawn Michaels is already booked for a match tonight regardless.


Orton then goes to talk again but






Triple H enters the room and gets into Orton’s face. He tells Orton that he better not talk to his wife like that again because if he does , he won’t have any teeth to talk with after he knocks them down his throat.


Triple H then turns to Shane and Steph and tells them HE wants a match with John Cena tonight as he doesn’t want to wait until No Way Out either.



Shane tells Triple H that much like Orton , he can’t give him a match with his opponent at the PPV. He then turns to Steph and tells her that he will allow her to pick an opponent for Randy Orton tonight while he will pick an opponent for Triple H.


Steph then tells Orton that he will be facing John Cena in the main event. And as you can imagine Triple H doesn’t look too happy about his wife picking his rival to face Orton but Shane then tells HHH that his opponent for tonight is Jeff Hardy!


The crowd goes wild for the name drop of Hardy but Orton and Triple H then leave together , seemingly discussing a plan for both of their matches…



Notes: Jesus, amazing stuff!






g6h8CsILaiiW4IpZ8kLrchfEM9BlBCJ9ix2QpLYSPSq0-ORd3fR7iq9vScvFFokZguwG9u7j_lQGcUgtt_MqUUusn1evsFQGTrS5qxVALkl7Vhl5LnN3if78kDLq4w--GOaQCSPakPuRdCEYRl9Dr3OWqcolT6b_2wgLwa5D9Pz0qnJH4ZGMSlYGfQ1bJefK0hzaoZn7HpWvJNHAoTJO_y2OSCEWF1QiZGRMuSbRRvAyc_5jEqm1xxVJJHrt5LB832rFktR9qY08O_po VS kdDMFssHlTbQj-yg-Lw0u4PITiPQ-WtgxmBDAIk0I0fwdYY-oADcDpZb7RC-11SuEz0NrIZhwsecuTp34z47Mh9gR-1tXtnne14VJwr3oz2eYJsrXj_LsdY0QhMrfan3DxCEXewqgw7pH43OfvnpX9ggl-41iBHLmlDjZaORcODrTKB6qPwajSodk127Ad2IzV76TLZ9RU-fWhxa72S8WuU3xf-mWFDFrp7eMUPYyHH76TbhdYXLCHqLSqaA-dNdgnmA2HuMy4vY6Rk6

Hard Rhodes © vs World’s Greatest Tag Team

WWE World Tag Team Titles


The match started off with Shelton and Cody going at it , with Cody managing to gain the upper hand with suplexes and choke holds. However Benjamin’s amateur wrestling background came into play and he took Cody down with slams and holds. Eventually Shelton went for the Paydirt but Cody threw him off and threw him to the corner where Holly was, from there Cody tagged in Holly and the pair hit a double suplex on Shelton. Holly continued to wear down Shelton until Holly attempted an Alabama Slam , but Shelton kicked him in the gut and hit a T-Bone Suplex! The crowd started to clap and Charlie Haas was shouting at Shelton to tag him in, when Shelton did tag out , Haas came in with a Haas of fire , which included knocking Cody Rhodes off the apron. Haas then locked Holly in the Haas of Pain! Holly seemed as if he was going to tap out but Cody came in and broke up the hold which caused Shelton to clothesline him out the ring , resulting in both Shelton and Cody falling outside. While the ref checked on Shelton and Cody outside Holly low-blowed Haas and then rolled him up , and when the ref turned around he counted to three!


Winners (AND STILL WWE World Tag Team Champions): Hard Rhodes ©


After the match Holly and Cody started to beat down on Haas but Shelton came into the ring , only to be knocked back down by a shot to the face with the Tag Team Belts by Cody Rhodes. Rhodes then set Haas up for the Cross Rhodes but………………






















JR: It’s the DUDLEYZ!




The crowd went absolutely nuts for the return of The Dudleyz and once they entered the ring , Cody ran at them to only be hit with a 3D! It didn't prove any different for Holly either as he received a 3D as well!


The Dudleyz then helped up Shelton and Haas and pointed to an escaping Holly and Cody who were clutching their titles on the ramp , saying that the Dudleyz are coming for those titles!


Jerry Lawler: Those stupid Dudleyz!


JR: What are you talking about , King, The Dudleyz are back!


Rating:3ujbeAkblpbeSekncyRVxJqj7MV0yZAN0-hwJnPo2MoCJWaof578wAvDSsrzQRA4GqViP5jGS8YqYSqha76uWx1LSnbTKflX_4Sm1WfdoE-vulGdo6XRIS_1bvuv-V6FCmSASULi(Match) , f-AdrhafsjE705UJB8Kyaikq9TqwPIIu-1YIgoJKaAeRYc56IwJ77LSQKgKMqGK2RrrVyfpmhnBK5n-MeE7a3IomRANrXdepXYY0tet4pDGSMYZ2I3iIBOQF0ac_0sBSc_2w3J-l(Angle)

Notes: Those DAMN DUDLEYZ!




gMzn3PVf9h8_nuJc9ct-lVonAyXIXQXMDokYY324CiKgokcSzlACsEBl8yEwYnQtZ5-DBec3H06mnf00zcad73NmfVOOhTwAYoba3u7yYqp5l69oJ5gvFSw-f2RJhicQMZVRm9PbVS gnGH18j8kLeeoqooOryZYdTcok0QEBMgxj-koIXBj6Q3xX3HSF9cZEEfwC2fZ3emrTynaIbTNOi-zuWY0vWIPBiOt77t61x0uh8BSgzOXax23S9Y0qNg5D1opB974U-Or2KTFrcq

Chris Jericho vs William Regal

Regal did a lot better against Jericho than he did against Big Show on Smackdown , taking out his anger on Jericho. Regal slapped and kicked Jericho until Jericho came back with a chop to Regal’s chest and then a bodyslam. Jericho then attempted a Lionsault but Regal got his knees up. From there Regal tried to hit the Power of the Punch on Jericho, but when he took the brass knuckles out his pants , Jericho grabbed his legs and locked him in the Walls of Jericho! Regal screamed out in pain but managed to crawl to the ropes,forcing Jericho to release the hold. Jericho then grabbed Regal but Regal poked him in the eye and attempted a big boot but missed and got hit by a Codebreaker! Jericho then pinned Regal for the three count!


Winner: Chris Jericho




After the match , Jericho was still holding his eye and being checked on by the ref until






Mr. Kennedy’s theme played and he came out to boos and a contract and microphone in hand. Kennedy told Jericho he isn’t out here to fight him , he just simply wants to make their match at No Way Out official. Kennedy then entered the ring and handed Jericho the contract , telling him to sign it , so they can make the match official. Jericho signed the contract and Kennedy took it back , thanking Jericho , but as he was seemingly going to leave the ring he turned back around and blasted Jericho in the face with the mic , triggering boos from the crowd.


Kennedy then tells Jericho that he should’ve read the fine print before he signed the contract because if Jericho doesn’t win at No Way Out , he will never get another title match in his life!

Kennedy then leaves a beaten Jericho inside the ring , and runs down the fans as he heads up the ramp.


JR: Should’ve expected that from Kennedy….


Jerry Lawler: Ha , it’s called being smart JR!


Rating: oXGLrtYoEhWSMVaKgTie-CB-nUCuKcuMULTmpxBQk44LP-zVFJCgOWff9ExbQtQWKNCNYavzSMbo14dyEsfTGqQyfAA9JE0TJ2mpZ2t2TtBMtuunKda6IA2Hf9oLT5-p1h-HFd5z(Match),oqgcWfstWHlws4n1Hes63Ui-yIk5cgXxC5hppk_EI6udZePlfHVg5xfaRdIGrA7nAfVCc4qSToqOgg5E_rZoFQd68Pqzen8814eyR_WjkeFqOrKDZoZpc_CutckZngItK7f3AW4e

Notes: Kennedy’s overness is at 93 right now…




Before we could even get to the match , we see The Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix and Victoria backstage attacking Ashley!


They slammed Ashley into lockers and trash cans before Victoria body slammed Ashley on the concrete!


The two escaped just in time as Mickie James was passing by and saw what was happening and managed to chase off Phoenix and Victoria. She then called for medics to help Ashley!



RxgOfD-tz82fyJSMku-ow5UmjkogO5ll0Bp1AeJoegJlu9kIr2kvGWflezYEv6DRswWAnfLcyBYL5Yw1MP01iDDPg3qQAYnjc7WsdeH_wk1Jwuhsql2mmWBOcInNxYkLJwlpqtl9 VS trWLMW8YWdNVHLGTINeElysDiPjYYTCdwdyvtse3HQdJXe-sWTvuxOJLAdzVPe1r5NiSA2TzlKSh6qLHha25jM0vZgXamZJQdDQAV7YQRsb9B0tvNHDfsV6L7flFbd2k-vMb_xoY4C3xyneo0LY93XtT64_5LvsNjDYoSWSQIfto8JUGDG7ekXOchyuJkJqytVvrx9q3HtK0bWNlxcVqVF501Kpd8DBkzPSBHsny3_Zi0lY129tkqJYXY2J1GhUldjsZT0bbjlaVPNDf


Mickie James vs Beth Phoenix © and Victoria


Even though the match was now a handicap match , James still proved why she was #1 contender for the title as she hit dropkicks and DDT’s on Victoria. However the numbers game caught up to James, and a distraction from Beth allowed , Victoria to blast James over the back of her head with a punch. Victoria then tagged in Beth. James tried to fight back but her fate was sealed when the Women’s Champion hit a Glam Slam on her for the 1-2-3!


Winners : Beth Phoenix © and Victoria


Jerry Lawler: Dominant victory by the champ!


JR: I gotta agree with you King, I don’t know if James can win that match come No Way Out!


Rating : qHzILu1BLwTk5OfTeGX99ya0rI2WyzmjnWVymM-yzQ9N1YFfQPNGD0yD8ejcfVSYK1OXW3RyIvM4zr5peBMKiA7bkJtsCzG3kUq1zC3_Yle4VjtlCN2T0u4ChO2VZrxf4JRKrI5M(Attack on Ashley) , 1alz1EkoGUUGsyZmOCFCxRgtn_8VFc-AIIzkhAhYLa9CvOmyBMgXTdP2ZJ3Pbisc3ScdYDQfSt3A6lud1o1RvJ6OVt9V9-duQGNjR1vBY-7VCaUB0Z4gVaYFZnAdkGzvzIOFU74i(Match)





When we get back from commercial break , we see Shawn Michaels taping up his fists for his match against Umaga next.


However Triple H walked by and the two just stared off.


Shawn Michaels eventually broke the silence by telling Triple H ,good luck in his match later on tonight. Michaels then finishes taping his wrists and puts out his hand for a handshake , however Triple H looks Michaels up and down before he walks out the door , leaving Michaels surprised by his “friends” actions.


Rating: q4yrUypCvGZDFVSdMCZXAoa5AU6_4GOLv7mjwB23Ro2Qqp7EaB_2Dl7tYDMPi4l7Lmk-al-osMuQ2vWK68Dj3DduGGqUubaVY5rRK1yGJM18wrrzt0Fj2mOWqopY4Y9nRBd2rzF2

Notes: WOW , that rating!




dA7IkJbjRLn4EW2JiLNqnQsbGP_lm3e-9iL3K4Po9OVz8SH5A9F24waCMhlHRWnqCBsvRmwquRkwzee37YKElBeqctzsvZEdOBkfaRE_OuRL_TAz-JXK5zTqn_pB_jxZfaCU7gMVVS PHkWle-2wyVcZDzCpRTOJLHqAlezsvI5nPTU4DwOWhYTVaGEWszFxoNqfEMjrDk31Xs1XAffcUQxzrahat4h2mL0QuNxnTvlGvaN5dAw6ULHpI_e7ChS8XokzmBvHtzCBRYYRxtc

Shawn Michaels vs Umaga


It doesn’t take very long for Umaga to start the match off by manhandling Michaels with kicks and splashes to keep him down. However at one point Shawn reversed a clothesline by throwing Umaga outside the ring and then hitting a Suicide Dive on Umaga which caused the Big Samoan to hit the barricade hard. However when Michaels grabbed Umaga to throw him back into the ring , Umaga shoved Michaels back-first into the steel steps and headed back into the ring at a count of 8. However Michaels managed to crawl back inside the ring , which made Umaga angry and he tried to hit a Samoan Spike on Michaels but got a slap to the face for his troubles. The slap made Umaga so angry he headbutted Michaels so hard you could see blood running down Umaga’s face. However Michaels managed to kick out at two and stay in the match. Umaga then picked Shawn up by his hair to only be shoved into the corner by Shawn and when Umaga came charging back at Shawn , he got hit with a Sweet Chin Music! Shawn then covered Umaga for a 1 -2 -3!


Winner: Shawn Michaels


After the match , Shawn celebrated with fans until







The WWE Champion Randy Orton hopped the barricade and entered the ring behind a clueless Michaels! and of course when Michaels turned around he was put down by an RKO from Orton. Who then raised the WWE Championship above his head to loud boos.






JR: Classic Orton , attacking his opponent before the PPV!


Jerry Lawler: That’s why he’s WWE Champion JR…


Rating: 9evNgBpTZFJSw_fOwGPSwimhNH0403u4ooD9fkC41Z5JzZwwLiji5hqL083tKCejIdGovxvgsXoo883m5gY0jyzTKClY07IvF1SFw9V9e7RUeBeLadcdEM1roOyjLPTOA5Ytx8wy(Match),3w0JKVNRWXsdBm7K9JbpiMMCSh0p903kLkvepYh74ru_ErZF6kcUyIvVAlx4t_tc24NvOZX8P-oRida0OG_tdg-hgI1WCRJWhmLyKepFu95DeVQzmh2RLsO-kESdqC4OonSi5tSq(Angle)

Notes: Great stuff by Shawn!




wlltQAZx5cA1CyI-zhXvUNWZeg_to87KV0yQJKI-dYuSmPBV5WoqTy0vFRq4NcCiiSgcxyLHjZWE9XKMfTAuWDqiF8HbXFXuChg_ak-alPV1_Wlub0_B9XRgbmdvkFV3G5PS73PGVS 0BLPuu5F5WRJVJZY2-6xBFdbMhP66OeBrZjeMAXwwMmhfEK4jFKFKQ5ao8q5V2qJezRc0yNK2NJ62Ct8w4JGDwyUQ2jAaHHErK1tMXn-mLw8KNtWvarGlLwGhmF-j_zMw3w-o4aI

Triple H vs Jeff Hardy ©


The match started off with both men tying up and Triple H gaining the advantage by keeping Hardy down with knees to the midsection. However Hardy managed to mount a comeback by hitting Triple H with elbows to break the hold and then hitting a spin kick for a 2 count. From there Hardy tried for a quick Twist of Fate but Triple H reversed it into his signature high knee for a quick 2 count. Triple H then went on the offense and started beating down on Hardy in the corner until the ref pulled him off. However this allowed Hardy to hit a Whisper in The Wind!










Hardy was in disbelief that Triple H kicked out and immediately went for a Twist of Fate but Triple H threw him into the steel post in the corner. He then put Hardy down with a Spinebuster! From there he grabbed Hardy by his hair and set him up for the Pedigree but Hardy backdropped Triple H and headed to the top rope!






Hardy into the cover!













Triple H reverses it into a crucifix pin!















Winner : Triple H


After the match Triple H told Hardy he was close to beating him , but he’s not quite there yet. So with a defeated Hardy inside the ring , this gave Umaga the chance to run down to the ring and assault Hardy!


The attack was brutal with Umaga throwing Hardy outside and into the steel steps , and grabbed a steel chair , but Hardy grabbed a steel chair of his own and bashed Umaga over the head with it! He then rolled Umaga back into the ring and grabbed a table from underneath the ring, and when he set it up , he put Umaga on top the table and headed to the top rope.




The crowd went absolutely wild for Hardy and when Hardy got up , he grabbed his IC Title and was helped to the back by officials , leaving Umaga in the ring with a broken table.


JR: I think we got a Tables Match set for No Way Out , King!


Jerry Lawler: Indeed we do JR!


Rating: A9oxwgnWNaYy-Hd4SVJeANFeGnnOcRHFcGkqwNSvK4cTiwI4TYqwvXA4mHF4lvAVq6CP7opBB-PDv_Wh6J9OPbcNSJnmxlFmaRpGWzQIYmpNZ_UcljZGaJRHpqNPIlrCBZr3rrKr(Match),F9sDjUZNTQAFZrrN9vJOoSQPdbibq65MvyZfGi0BgPbcI6pSky3LWy17IkP1BKyUbuLJH9GvhCMlEkeUoX4YdGAJtnMs8ns6v7nDJRDjAOQqayIbGRoS8M2QFL3yv88NFE4aSITq(Angle)

Notes: Hardy! Hardy!




Xj5D00iBV4vz7M_xrOCHCIq0WbCFUuBJQVnXAxxLaLYUslfLQ5a23nKcphvQU9DjswY4VfJwwgQnm97d1H_Ar608Vg6vzhhCr8YB0JDY1KFvQ5mNATBLtzWfjyAt_uwjuecxmP0mVS ikb2v2WevrosW5-xxgpd5QORfJbv8GbAisKgicae3XYlhauwpL0N-C19R0zSC2OW9C__GI7EsGnonm_GFrzbZRzJwR-nnwrEmAMTOnuBSuXHvo4ET7IdAefyVhoETxIFrJHBBfnb

Randy Orton © vs John Cena


It didn’t take very long for Orton and Cena to start trading blows and when Cena gained the upper hand , Orton exited the ring to take a breather but Cena quickly went after him. Cena then threw Orton back into the ring and attacked him in the corner but when the ref pulled him off , Orton charged at Cena with a massive clothesline for a 2 count. Orton started to wear down Cena with headlocks and stomps to the face and arms of Cena but an attempted RKO was reversed into a Turtle Bomb!


Cena then attempted the 5 knuckle Shuffle which he hit but when he attempted an AA , Orton slithered down his back and hit his inverted backbreaker for a 2 and a half count. Orton then threw Cena to the apron and hit his Hanging DDT on Cena! Then Orton successfully hit an RKO on Cena!











Orton was livid and started arguing with the ref but when he turned around Cena hit an AA!











With both men wasted after hitting their finishers, Orton got up and grabbed Cena but Cena pulled him down to the mat with a Crossface!


Just as Orton was going to tap out









Triple H showed up on the ramp and walked down to ringside but as he climbed onto the apron





Shawn Michaels showed up and grabbed Triple H off the apron and the two started brawling! Eventually ending with Michaels putting Triple H down with a Superkick!


However inside the ring , Cena already released the Crossface but Orton turned him around







Orton into the cover










Winner: Randy Orton ©


After the match Michaels and Orton stared each other down with Orton once again holding the WWE Title above his head to end Raw!


Rating: uFoMNcQ8mb2npEr6hZn5cteZxLY6Nctq20bCKthH3zGPLjUv_b1__6NoYKGmO_GdykWA3NyyaUDfKOlLUt1ar5uEChj8D-R0A4LvIQGx7HIflgcfHIGJa5i2m0Hlh9K4RsZmn8HM (Match), lft-dmdvHvCDjGG5UtozRX2ncAPbwJAcB2SDnJuXPdjS4kPoJglSWeAU94Wq482V_WqJ-SVZvS1D5FmrsJWXl3SSnFtfw5dsmSBdAyRZxltHMFQO7EynG5kNcCzWvIPJ4Tj8k0UM(Angle)





Quick Match Results



Brian Kendrick def Trevor Murdoch


Carlito and Santino Marella def Super Crazy and Jim Duggan

(Might break Marella and Carlito up , they have horrible chemistry)

Main Show


Hard Rhodes def WGTT to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles


Chris Jericho def William Regal


Beth Phoenix © and Victoria def Mickie James


Shawn Michaels def Umaga


Triple H def Jeff Hardy ©


Randy Orton © def John Cena


Prediction Results


Prediction Results:

AMarc9-8: 34

Smasher1311: 23

LucianCarter: 21

The_CoC: 11

Kijar: 10

Dave_Scott: 10

daulten6 : 5

shawn michaels 82 : 5

scarletspeed7: 5

Gyrokarp: 5


Unless Smasher predicts on ECW and Smackdown plus the PPV I don’t think he's winning the prize.




No Way Out Card ( So Far)



Jeff Hardy © vs Umaga

Intercontinental Championship

(Tables Match)


The Great Khali w Runjin Singh vs Rey Mysterio


Chris Jericho vs Mr Kennedy

(If Jericho loses he will never EVER AGAIN get a title shot)


CM Punk vs Chavo Guerrero © w Armando Estrada

ECW Championship

(Extreme Rules Match)


John Cena vs Triple H

(If Cena loses he gives up his Wrestlemania spot.)


Beth Phoenix © vs Mickie James

(Women’s Championship)


Winner faces World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania (Elimination Chamber Match)

Batista vs Kane vs MVP © vs Big Show vs Elijah Burke vs ?


Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs The Undertaker

(World Heavyweight Championship)


Randy Orton © vs Shawn Michaels

(WWE Championship)

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ECW WEEK 3 , February 2008

The Last ECW before No Way Out is packed , as Tommy Dreamer finally clashes with Big Daddy V in an Extreme Rules Match! Also see your favorite ECW superstars such as Kofi Kingston , Nunzio and even CM Punk in action tonight! Make sure to tune in to the SCI Fi Network at 8/9 EST time for ECW!

Official Card


Tommy Dreamer vs Big Daddy V w Matt Striker

Extreme Rules Match



Kofi Kingston vs Mike Knox



The Miz © w John Morrison vs Nunzio



CM Punk vs Elijah Burke w Matt Striker



Predict Away

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<p>Official Card</p><p> </p><p>

Tommy Dreamer vs <strong>Big Daddy V w Matt Striker</strong></p><p>

Extreme Rules Match</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Kofi Kingston vs <strong>Mike Knox</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Miz ©</strong> w John Morrison vs Nunzio</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs Elijah Burke w Matt Striker</p><p>


Link to comment
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<p>Official Card</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> vs Big Daddy V w Matt Striker</p><p>

Extreme Rules Match</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Kofi Kingston vs <strong>Mike Knox</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Miz ©</strong> w John Morrison vs Nunzio</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs Elijah Burke w Matt Striker</p><p>


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Tuesday,Week 3,February 2008

10,000 fans LIVE from the DCU Center in Worcester ,Massachusetts!


The show opens with a clip of last week’s ECW and the announcers thank us for tuning into Sci-fi to watch ECW. We’re told that tonight is the last ECW before No Way Out and the announcers talk about how 3 ECW superstars will be in action at No Way Out , including CM Punk , Chavo Guerrero and Elijah Burke. Joey Styles tries to make some quick picks for who he thinks will win tonight but is interrupted by cheers as Tommy Dreamer comes out on the stage.










Dreamer comes out with a serious look on his face , a cane in one hand and barbed wire and a microphone in the next. Once Dreamer gets into the ring , he hypes up tonight’s card and says that Big Daddy V better come out right now because he’s tired of waiting to punish him. Dreamer then throws the mic out the ring and motions to the back.


Rating: GvaOPPV3DH1dJYeRpAzcaxnnWWF4FMMK0ll3MVQRTNqYXrwQ3JxaoTzNMIlVoaZOy5oT_2hUsMc_SCoLkf0Xxn1KgdpabW-ur3zrwx_mJyCtqjkrr63awmG05pkQKSKkktywUrPt

Notes: Great Promo skills by Dreamer.




ITScS6kr_6Xx-iMpp4GQhAE0gLaX04Gowaid8wOr2tsLfcM1XH5hhiYi46D3IwFOOErle1E4cC7Jxr0zO2L_0dVLYwB8ydnnSesMVBa3E_L5PztVk1sh8Yeuf01Tm3BJv6MFY3FMVS cwKonHKr5SpR5qsEoEOSLnIez-HfSqhc9qD7LmRCObfTekLKC2K5iWjCC-Sr0of0pS9vj9hHUMoR3ElB7q3K4lGCU-42W6qG9-n72M7Z5M8B58MRA-LJXIixiFc3RL0RozNhK4wu

Tommy Dreamer vs Big Daddy V w Matt Striker

Extreme Rules Match


As you would imagine for an Extreme Rules match , multiple weapons came into play. Dreamer and V traded shots with steel chairs and at one point V managed to use the barbed wire that Dreamer brought to the ring against him by raking Dreamer’s eyes with the barbed wire. However a bloody Dreamer managed to fight back with multiple cane shots to V’s head , busting him wide open. However the end came when Dreamer brought a table into the ring and tried to hit a crossbody onto V , but Striker managed to distract Dreamer long enough for V to plant Dreamer with a Sex Drive through the table!




Winner : Big Daddy V w Matt Striker

After the match the announcers hyped up how dominant Big Daddy V has been since coming to ECW!







6ZZwKm6urzgjIKB-E47mAq7vA2EUiNL0C_MDU8CajPHMFahavRwA7bMyiJQ7nWkdkx69O_5fx-G0YN03p3UzVZbcrE_dINOplVivRc654ipLB8Hdxh5nUKHuRC6eAX8oIf-seDb2VS 8K0VBfwD0TFUe9Bdvc6BVv39CAo5VTa6ce0ANLEiJdjzYcYLj1I9vLyfOVfM3P7k9NzlPBazRELX1RvGAubbLaNFJpe_v9kj_5W8yGCX2FoChHAx0Q74qmbqv2arbMyReGLtrJRw

Kofi Kingston vs Mike Knox


Mike Knox didn’t seem to approve of the hype around Kofi Kingston and he dominated Kofi for most of the match. However he was unable to keep Kofi from flying around the ring and getting close falls from his exciting maneuvers. However Kofi tried to set up for a Trouble in Paradise but it was ducked and Knox attempted a Knox Out , but Kofi managed to roll up Knox for the upset victory!


Winner: Kofi Kingston


After the match Kofi celebrated as the fans cheered him on but he was shortly attacked by a angry Mike Knox. The ref tried to stop the assault but Knox put him down with a boot to the face. Knox then picked Kofi up by his dreads and hit the Knox Out on Kofi!


Rating: J0sT-rtztAEcdbwk9jU-N6_GmSQLjTCvgTjfJuPMnLwxi0qQXMgp5vdj2DTF-T0G1ZRH1V3UA_0N7smIY3BEdpCxVMEd2jB_zkUL88Mox6iqKtky-2QmYTVfEWCpk2PPdLpOxjFz(Match), N21eIpS8SrGfHzHBmSC7N9z5YtME-qi6YG_FhPtQeSFHs9Oxsoa965QG4dsdKCPcMuxRrBlMYDSet6wvrKu-F-_vDePtjjOelr8SG2g_8-0eVtbNYQHQZ-fVQP3evK-ynk3bOpDs(Angle)

Notes: Not. Good.



p87v65kHLpBsLDJbzRvjM-XgQbGdRH8OJ2K95miWZViEpSmREfxw10OEmvT3SywWL7Xn3IbyCwgcAS1w6Li8lwIhlztaAwD9rKn0yP-K12bEkq_cMn5nVX2Gonh7lybAJmBQpjWHVS FSnAA87I_sGBWyIiqh_62XetekIVsKuoEVr2Otld8N_yStRZ-qcglfSf5NZxHKcBej5T-2ZiEm8frugUSi7IOPkA0BUL3k8nr97RBXkr0x72rjsNvtXeEMegt5oLLCwd8NvrRCXi


The Miz © w John Morrison vs Nunzio


The Miz made the mistake of taking Nunzio too lightly in this match and consequently Nunzio dominated The Miz for most of the match. However a distraction from John Morrison allowed Miz to take control of the match again. From there it was all Miz , and he put the 2 time Cruiserweight Champion away with the Mizard of Oz for a quick victory.


Winner: The Miz © w John Morrison ©


After the match , John Morrison joined The Miz in the ring and handed him a mic. Miz went on to say that this Friday at Smackdown , they will retain their Tag Team Titles against those losers , Rey Mysterio and Batista. Morrison then said that even though only one of them will go to the Chamber Match if they win the match, the victory is for both of them regardless. The announcers mentioned that there seems to be a bit of tension between the two. However Miz and Morrison then posed with the Tag Team Titles before leaving the ring.


Rating : guGtG8h87H3910lIQuRQglqr382rtW9qOv3apBifSGSNcptYhnVfevgx93Hg8RByDI6cmUCE5bhaZttVYizkhPQrz-NO2hy8XhKLSpx66a4w0frfu2EuGm9H7OGDG4hfxc-My_nT(Match) , wik-Ebmj_P41haja6hOL6vcrm8MnVHoqe2hDdmxjm1O2fVGy2xcL3ZvPub_LxkJWkwdIp-EUeCrqwqh7YKubdCa4dFXDGPZvhhKxYIf687IkZrkWfnDW3lYtVJCy9uYU5Rs3MH99(Angle)

Notes: Miz or Morrison?



OVQjsObGqF8g645-a3aJdh_D7l-i4ZepdJ4zFxnztPXUagFfnvOVBDqPrhPED5ndnD-9o0QPbeRQBDjctKYDf5q_kF2Fsb-Hohub2nQ5v3QX87vee0a0kJxXzzsBBGWmTwahwNiz VS eNb1jXkmbayS0UUxZJ7jaHecnoafq-XWGYc841ljY-nVnp5UqPiBHzMy2F4KxwftutLDfyM7HK4ObVjkU4sfRVZ-NVoZHbt-ZwG4yJdFI14UzSoy8BbmD_3VR_4gsaJfMiX7_o5G

CM Punk vs Elijah Burke w Matt Striker


Punk took Burke down with kicks and slaps early on in the contest and even hit a roundhouse kick for a close fall. However the Elimination Chamber contestant managed to poke Punk in the eye and hit a big backbreaker for a 2 count. Elijah then threw Punk to the outside where Striker was and distracted the ref.This allowed Striker to get in a few cheap shots on Punk but was quickly taken down by a GTS!


Punk then got back into the ring but was attacked by Elijah with kicks to the gut. Elijah then sent Punk to the corner where he attempted an Elijah Express on Punk but Punk took him down with a kick to the face. From there Punk tried for a GTS but Elijah elbowed out of the hold and hit a German suplex for a 2 count. However Elijah made the mistake of taunting the fans and consequently Punk spinned him around and hit a GTS!










Winner: CM Punk!


After the match Punk got back to his feet and celebrated with the fans after his hard fought victory. However





The ECW Champion , Chavo Guerrero came down to the ring with Armando Estrada. He entered the ring and stared Punk down . Before eventually reaching his hand out for a handshake.


As you would imagine Punk slapped Chavo’s hand away before exiting the ring and pointing to Chavo telling him he will Go To Sleep come 5 days at No Way Out!


The announcers then thank us for tuning in and send us off the air!


Rating : X6W29PqjTVdh51FExMYW5RigIve3sJqU_AKhrUuL-TVepdTNrLPdIss4te8_jh6_xHsv3FCh7GbwK85IDn1EbEBn_z80S9kOmv7h4_nG-BxXa2fAJjwxqbh5skn6w1yCe-jJUvrh(Match), vW2DQ3Ozi6p9NLXMkDd9O8IRsMokngpSBf5WxVr0G4nVAC7tkjHcdqu-tgJx-IK5Ou8CyeNh1Hm3RWlsWuuqA8HVO3s634Pv1w3yzXzknMKIMTp4TA6bQk3ieIgKyhBGi3oqrqan(Angle)

Notes: Swerve coming up ahead…….



Quick Results


Big Daddy V w Matt Striker def Tommy Dreamer


Kofi Kingston def Mike Knox


The Miz © w John Morrison © def Nunzio


CM Punk def Elijah Burke w Matt Striker



Prediction Results:

AMarc9-8: 37

Smasher1311: 23

LucianCarter: 21

Kijar: 14

HeelElite : 2 (Welcome Dude, hope you follow)

The_CoC: 11

Dave_Scott: 10

daulten6 : 5

shawn michaels 82 : 5

scarletspeed7: 5

Gyrokarp: 5



No Way Out Card ( So Far)



Jeff Hardy © vs Umaga

Intercontinental Championship

(Tables Match)


The Great Khali w Runjin Singh vs Rey Mysterio


Chris Jericho vs Mr Kennedy

(If Jericho loses he will never EVER AGAIN get a title shot)


CM Punk vs Chavo Guerrero © w Armando Estrada

ECW Championship

(Extreme Rules Match)


John Cena vs Triple H

(If Cena loses he gives up his Wrestlemania spot.)


Beth Phoenix © vs Mickie James

(Women’s Championship)


Winner faces World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania (Elimination Chamber Match)

Batista vs Kane vs MVP © vs Big Show vs Elijah Burke vs ?


Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs The Undertaker


(World Heavyweight Championship)


Randy Orton © vs Shawn Michaels

(WWE Championship)




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Official Smackdown Card


In the last edition of Friday Night Smackdown before No Way Out, we have a stacked card. A brand new tag team is debuting tonight plus ,The World Heavyweight Champion,Edge, will be in action against Ric Flair. We also have all your other favorite Smackdown superstars such as , the United States Champion MVP, The Big Show, Kane, Batista and Rey Mysterio. Tune into CW at 8/9 EST time for Smackdown!

The Big Show vs MVP ©



Funaki w Jamie Noble vs Mark Henry



Finlay vs Curt Hawkins w Zack Ryder



John Morrison © and The Miz © vs Batista and Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Titles

If Miz and Morrison win , whoever makes the fall or submission is the last participant in the Chamber.



Deuce N Domino w Cherry and William Regal vs Kane ,? ,? (Hint , Kane’s partners are a tag team you haven’t seen in the WWE)



Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs Ric Flair



Predict Away

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The Big Show vs MVP ©



Funaki w Jamie Noble vs Mark Henry

Comments: lol


Finlay vs Curt Hawkins w Zack Ryder

Comments: bcuz Finlay is good okay?


John Morrison © and The Miz © vs Batista and Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Titles

If Miz and Morrison win , whoever makes the fall or submission is the last participant in the Chamber.

Comments: John. Morrison.


Deuce N Domino w Cherry and William Regal vs Kane ,? ,? (Hint , Kane’s partners are a tag team you haven’t seen in the WWE)



Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs Ric Flair


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The Big Show vs MVP ©



Funaki w Jamie Noble vs Mark Henry

Comments: If this was 10 years previously, it'd be a totally different result.


Finlay vs Curt Hawkins w Zack Ryder



John Morrison © and The Miz © vs Batista and Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Titles

If Miz and Morrison win , whoever makes the fall or submission is the last participant in the Chamber.

Comments: John Morrison


Deuce N Domino w Cherry and William Regal vs Kane ,? ,? (Hint , Kane’s partners are a tag team you haven’t seen in the WWE)



Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs Ric Flair


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Tuesday, Week 3, February

10,000 Fans LIVE from the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts



Wang Yang and Moore def Zack Ryder and Chuck Palumbo

Main Show



The Announcers:

6xg0R-lP9Kg8CvCS8ke48PL_f11zy3hSY-Rf7c45eH0Y0i2cTFmlMeDmu_Ziyq0Txh3lY-dKIxNIl7LA4vebMcQ_5wKpwlsmyubyg6F4HdX1oWPMROau6YwKA7t21dqTzm-TZjPe and p0p51Wevz7C01OoiMoLS41VfzUDYuGDhskyA102juELWJWv4owt3eHD97LZERbugNxjGGWd18EFahSzXtnVV79ghQD1FrUit_1yYpU0XrV0AbnMEK4deh3G-3liNjZaa8mQ2Q40Z

Michael Cole and Tazz on commentary!


Cole: Welcome to the LAST Smackdown before No Way Out! What a night that’s gonna be!

Tazz: No Way Out’s gonna be a hell of a night Cole, but we got a hell of a night starting NOW, right here on Smackdown!



The show kicked off with the US Champion, MVP, coming down to the ring to boos, with a microphone in hand.


MVP: “Hold up Playa’s! Why all the hate? *Crowd boo’s even more*. Anyways for the past two weeks I’ve been unbeatable, and at No Way Out, my streak won’t be ending. But tonight I have to face that overweight, piece of shit, The Big S-














It didn’t take too long for The Big Show to come out and put a stop to MVP’s “promo”. Show entered the ring and took the fight to the US Champ, starting the match off early!



-t9hxTOqaNJ4wcZCvkYzqjwzOpFBomJGsqXe7m3kzUHqQjBuK90KG8ttXCCo8bC5s31VbgucD-im1sJiITI6goz5WoDGweRFEbhU-PFe8wpn1y4Aw04S3k0LkylGuDY2-kxLI3c1 VS tg3R6I74NOlzTyjf2Zqbptbc-zxYhCVYYP7jrp377hQ8dz3ICTwDHWQL7tF5WuCCjsTml6tYdnhrIGoFfuNCddmEPDLBMGr8MNM89RGHQ1b7h_WBZWdIcqznOI_HqXuxYqMIt7c-

MVP © vs The Big Show


From the get-go, Show pummeled MVP, using his power to his advantage on MVP. However, the US Champ fought back with kicks to Show’s knees, focusing on hurting the big man’s legs. It didn’t work for too long though as Show slammed MVP down to the mat with a choke slam and then signaled for a KO Punch. But as MVP turned around and saw Show’s fist, he exited the ring and grabbed his title and a microphone, and headed up the ramp, getting himself counted out.


Rating: vFSjKBxOYvdtpHsA-PIUwxLokoo04Yf0FmJo9hFfl8rP8Uj7I1AFoFw9OeFhQruloV96vjfqC4iX3IMbM9ocmHorkDjSyzNkW2lUU5q6kG51NAos7IoRvZhKT5tr7DzwuN5gimbO


Winner: Big Show via count out

Once MVP was a good bit up the ramp away from Show, he panted into the mic and eventually said he doesn’t need to beat Big Show to prove that he is THE BEST wrestler in WWE right now. He then holds up the US Title and tells the fans and Show that they will have to wait until No Way Out to see him “properly” compete.


Michael Cole: You think MVP is being a bit too cocky, Tazz?

Tazz: No! To make it in this business you gotta make an impact Cole, and I won’t be surprised if MVP wins in 5 days!




The announcers briefly talked about Mark Henry’s dominant victory over Jamie Noble last week and his match against Noble’s partner, Funaki up NEXT!


V1nGdOL4fSKjoQR6bXOiyp_6aR0hHARayPq3UWQSDLPnUV11lsJTIkzO0WrCSQpYNblXrBwHRdUxj1XLycUIeGgcucEEqQNI_f_VLcNyCHmzRn5klXx8jyzyz7aBRB70zKOtPz7R VS cU65SO9acUTzYpJMj009Y21Jt15YDx6WOfrq2N-QgUydIrsRhNO4Aq4jsvqntXHVcw61sT82wspmMu3-wXD7yh8yEHwRw43QpdZq61EfzALRD53MVLnvzSGGZFdY_YmmTaOemZLLw E4RvEoJBV121OCQmIHxdpCWAkoA_NJi37Sue-rcBWlT-2PzbD6XruRMKG-_gk6rnoPiioyZpD70bwR7pwCFFaBPfHy6F2e4zRRcAfR5bZv0Enhnwny3k0ROtJuoCpd9jrgzmJ9rz(Jamie Noble)

Mark Henry vs Funaki


Henry said he would continue his dominance on Smackdown, and he lived up to his word. Putting Funaki away with a World’s Strongest Slam in under 7 minutes.



Notes: Not the best rating but I still have plans for Henry.

Winner: Mark Henry

Henry didn’t even take time to celebrate his victory, instead grabbing a microphone.






Henry: “Ya see? Dis’ is what happens when you mess with the World’s Strongest Man! The Hall of Pain is officially open for business. And you damn right, if you said someone is bout’ to be inducted into the Hall of Pain tonight.

Henry then screamed “DATS WHAT I DO” at the fans before leaving the ring.


Cole: I’m scared for the superstars! Who’s gonna be the first inductee in the Hall of Pain?

Tazz: That’s the fun of it, Cole. You just gotta wait to find out!



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Finlay w Hornswoggle vs Curt Hawkins w Zack Ryder


Hawkins and Ryder picked up a win on the pre-show of Smackdown last week, and Hawkins looked to continue their winning ways against Finlay. Hawkins managed to wear Finlay down with headlocks and slams and even a swinging neck breaker to get a near fall. The Irishman managed to fight back into the competition but Ryder distracted him on the outside allowing Ryder to roll Finlay up for a 2.9 count, but Swoggle managed to kick Ryder in the nuts on the outside, allowing Finlay to hit an Irish Cross for the victory.


Winner: Finlay w Hornswoggle




After the match Finlay and Hornswoggle celebrated with fans at ringside. However











Mark Henry appeared on the ramp and attacked both Finlay and Hornswoggle. Henry threw Finlay into the steel steps, the barricade and then military press slammed him on the steel ramp.


Hornswoggle didn’t prove any different though as Henry quickly put him down with a simple shove. Henry then cleared the announce table and slammed Finlay through it with a World’s Strongest Slam!


Henry then screamed “DATS WHAT I DO” at a beaten Finlay before heading back up the ramp and to the back.


Cole: “I guess we now know that Finlay is the first inductee into the Hall of Pain.

Tazz: “The question is … Why did he do it, Cole?”

Cole: “Well you said it yourself earlier, Tazz. You gotta make an impact, and Henry just made a hell of an impact right there!”





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WWE Tag Team Championships

If Miz and Morrison win, whoever makes the pinfall or submission is in the Elimination Chamber.

John Morrison © and The Miz © vs Rey Mysterio and Batista

From the start of the match, Miz and Morrison and tension between them, as there is only one spot left in the chamber and both men wanted it. Miz and Mysterio were the legal men in the match and Miz wore down Mysterio with suplexes and even a neck breaker that got him a close fall. Mysterio managed to fight back and even attempted a Frog Splash on Miz but missed, and Miz hit a Reality Check! But before Miz could even cover Mysterio, Morrison started to distract the referee, hoping that Miz wouldn’t be able to pin Mysterio. Miz and Morrison then started to argue and Morrison slapped Miz on the shoulder, tagging himself in. However, Mysterio had already tagged Batista in, and Morrison turned around into a Spinebuster! Batista then called for the Batista Bomb, but










Cole: Oh Boy!


The arrival of Khali and his manager Runjin Singh got everyone’s attention in the ring, and when Khali entered it, Batista tried to attack him but only got a chop over the head! Causing a DQ victory for Mysterio and Batista!


Winners: Rey Mysterio and Batista by DQ



Notes: Thought it was Morrison? Naw , gotta keep you on your toes.

This didn’t sit well with the Tag Champs and both Miz and Morrison started to argue with Khali, but both of them received Chops as well!


But Khali turned around into a Spinebuster from Batista! Batista then called over to Mysterio. Mysterio then pointed to the sky and went to the top rope and hit a Frog Splash on Khali!


From there Batista picked up Khali, and with superman strength, manages to hit a Batista Bomb on Khali!


Batista and Mysterio then celebrate their win with the fans at ringside before we go to a commercial break.



Cole: What a match that was! Plus, that means we still have one spot in the chamber match to fill.

Tazz: You’re right Cole! I just got word that the last participant will be revealed TONIGHT!

Cole: Also don’t forget, we have a new tag team debuting tonight, who’s it gonna be Tazz?

Tazz: I dunno Cole, but whoever it is better make an impact.




Before the match started, Kane was making his entrance but he grabbed a microphone and asked for his music to be stopped. He then welcomed his partners!



















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Kane and Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards vs William Regal and Deuce n Domino w Cherry


During the match, the announcers managed to give us some background on Kane’s partners. They told us that they officially go by the tag team name, The Wolves. At the start of the match Eddie was the legal man and managed to take the fight to William Regal, who took Edwards lightly. However, Edwards managed to get a couple near falls on Regal before tagging out to Richards, while Regal tagged out to Deuce.


Davey showed off a more technical style, putting Deuce in multiple holds and submissions but a poke to the eye by Deuce stopped his momentum. From there Deuce tagged out to Domino who hit a quick spine buster for a two count before shortly tagging out to Regal. Regal then tried for a RegalPlex but Edwards reversed it into a enziguri and tagged out to Kane. Regal put up quite the fight, but was finished by a Chokeslam from Kane, who pinned Regal for the 1-2-3.


Winners: Kane and The Wolves



Notes: The Wolves have got a hell of a future.


After the match, Kane celebrated with his tag partners but they were interrupted by Smackdown GM, Theodore Long.














Theodore: “Don’t mean to poop the party playas, but since Miz and Morrison couldn’t win and No Way Out is in 5 days. I would like to announce the last participant. Even though he couldn’t be here tonight, he WILL be in action come Sunday. So Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the last Chamber participant.























Theodore Long: “BROCK LESNAR!”

Cole: Oh My God.



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Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs Ric Flair


Edge seemed a little thrown off in this match, perhaps because he may have to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. However, he started off the match by disrespecting Flair by slapping him in the face. This only served as an adrenaline booster for Flair though, and the Nature Boy unloaded on Edge with chops that turned his chest red and eventually a last one that got him a 2 count. Edge managed to create some separation by sliding out the ring but was followed by Flair, however Edge kicked the steps into Flair’s leg and re-entered the ring.


Much to Edge’s surprise, Flair managed to get back into the ring and started to make a comeback, and locked in a Figure Four on Edge! However, Edge turned over and put the pressure on Flair, forcing Flair to release the hold. Flair tried to apply the hold again, but Edge kicked him into the steel post and rolled Flair up.












Flair kicked out! However as soon as Flair got to his feet- Spear!








Winner: Edge © w Vickie Guerrero


Rating: _BAwjFRXB6gMygPIc-vDIcZHlnbzQi-3AIdAtq5_ArMTGJcnrsnA5pRKMCUO8IoHdiZcmQ-FPhlV1UloMabCFLGgf6C2jK1a5ffte-1uMIFij_vp4-RdpnPNvSt5ERzBsF8pWY4B


After the match, Edge grabbed his belt and celebrated with Vickie but all of a sudden the lights went out.


And when they came back on










The Undertaker was behind Edge! Edge tried to make a run for it, but Taker grabbed him by his throat and threw him outside the ring. Taker then hit a Tombstone on Edge on the ramp! Vickie tried to stop Taker but Taker simply pushed her away and left a lifeless Edge on the ramp.


Cole: Will Edge be able to compete at No Way Out after that brutal attack?

Tazz: Find out in 5 days at WWE NO WAY OUT 2008!

Cole: Goodnight everyone!


Quick Results


Country Punks (Moore and Wang Yang) def Zack Ryder and Chuck Palumbo


Main Show

Big Show def MVP via countout

Mark Henry def Funaki w Jamie Noble

Finlay def Curt Hawkins w Zack Ryder

Batista and Rey Mysterio def A- List © (Morrison and Miz)

Edge © w Vickie Guerrero def Ric Flair


Prediction Results:

AMarc9-8: 41

Smasher1311: 23


LucianCarter: 21

HeelElite : 2 (WelcomeDude, hope you follow)

The_CoC: 11

Dave_Scott: 10

daulten6 : 5

shawn michaels 82 : 5

scarletspeed7: 5

Gyrokarp: 5

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The WWE is officially on the road to Wrestlemania!


Prediction Card


No Way Out Card


Jeff Hardy © vs Umaga

Intercontinental Championship

(Tables Match)




The Great Khali w Runjin Singh vs Rey Mysterio



Chris Jericho vs Mr Kennedy

(If Jericho loses he will never EVER AGAIN get a title shot)



CM Punk vs Chavo Guerrero © w Armando Estrada

ECW Championship

(Extreme Rules Match)



John Cena vs Triple H

(If Cena loses he gives up his Wrestlemania spot.)



Beth Phoenix © vs Mickie James

(Women’s Championship)



Winner faces World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania (Elimination Chamber Match)

Batista vs Kane vs MVP © vs Big Show vs Elijah Burke vs Brock Lesnar



Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs The Undertaker

(World Heavyweight Championship)



Randy Orton © vs Shawn Michaels

(WWE Championship)


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30,000 Fans LIVE In Salt Lake City, Utah!

Sunday Week 3 February,2008


Overall Rating: 83

Buy Rate: 6.26



Ric Flair def Carlito ( Career Threatening Match) by submission (Pre-show)


The fans erupt as the pyro goes off in the arena!





Michael Cole , Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler


Cole: “Welcome to No Way Out!”

JR: “Ohhhh boy, we got a whole heap of slobberknockers for you tonight”

Jerry Lawler: “ You forgot to mention….. PUPPIES!”


Tables are surrounding the ring , as the ring announcer Todd Grisham let’s us know that the Tables Match for the Intercontinental Championship between Jeff Hardy and Umaga is up next.






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Intercontinental Championship

Tables Match

Jeff Hardy © vs Umaga


The match started off with Umaga going right after Jeff , attacking Hardy’s midsection with lefts and rights before throwing him halfway across the ring.Umaga then hit a samoan drop on Hardy , before going outside and getting a chair. Once Umaga was back inside the ring he tried to hit a standing Hardy with the chair , however he only received a dropkick to the face! causing the chair to slam into his face and bust him open.


Hardy took control from here by throwing Umaga outside the ring and clotheslining him over the barricade, into a group of fans. This gave Hardy a chance to pick up a table from outside the ring and slant it on the barricade. He then picked up Umaga and tried to throw him into the table , but Umaga pulled back and clothesline Hardy on the barely padded outside floor.


Umaga then picked up Hardy and slammed him into the ringpost , causing Hardy to scream out in pain. Umaga then slid the table into the ring and set it up. By this time Hardy managed to slide back into the ring allowing Umaga to grab him and try to hit a Samoan Drop through the table. However, the gutsy champion elbowed his way out of the hold and hit a quick DDT , missing the table. Both men were down however.


Both men started to get back to their feet and both traded shots but Hardy gained the advantage by slapping Umaga and hitting a Twist of Fate , knocking out Umaga! Hardy then got back to his feet using the ropes and positioned Umaga on the table. He then climbed to the top rope and attempted a Swanton Bomb but was crotched by Umaga. Umaga then climbed to the top rope with Hardy and tried to superplex him through the table but Hardy pushed him off the top rope causing Umaga to land on the table but it didn’t break!


Hardy was shocked and once again Umaga crotched the champion, but this time Umaga just threw him straight off the top rope and through the table














Rating: 72


After the match , Hardy gets up from the broken pieces of wood and gets his hand raised by the ref. He then goes outside and grabs his title ,then jumps the barricade to celebrate with fans.

Cole: “ Oh Boy! what a match!”

JR: “That was one hell of a slobberknocker folks , but we’d like to thank Seether for the official theme song for No Way Out 2008”

Jerry Lawler: “I’m addicted to this song JR!”


<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gy8HPSIFXEM" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>





Before the match Josh Matthews is asking Rey Mysterio how he feels about his match that is up next.


Mysterio: “ I’ve always been the underdog in most of my matches. In this match I really don’t know how I’m going to defeat the Great Khali. However I know I WILL because of YOU , the WWE Universe”


Matthews then wishes Mysterio good luck in his match.



xIQ9ayktBMCIVcai-1hlB_IU3KI35MWKI6HqSfpXvdyQryEjgX7fhkko3jXl7bwSZc15hVORFKpxQF2SCrY5K5ECGnsa3GhGPnrTqhNvFWNXQOaUPdKe_SGFrJDzB-3BqNGbJfhO VS RKezROu4fh2a1OTTB2uZZkRr7rv1WFyLjYvsBrjCRxijhZxvbuEctNAzxKMlOZiiMNj_G8DGegNpwNIVn3f9s-jYZzj8kMUkkL-DWuoQbsMKfnQ_Xag6ZnrQFCTE6CGHaprHn5JV w Runjin Singh

Rey Mysterio vs The Great Khali w Runjin Singh


The match wasn’t a particularly great one but Rey Mysterio standing face to face with the 7 foot plus monster in Great Khali was a great moment at the start of the contest. As you would imagine Khali dominated Mysterio straight off the bat , punishing the former Tag Team champion with slaps to his chest. Mysterio managed to make a comeback though as he hit a few kicks to the unstable legs of Khali , causing him to fall down to one knee. Mysterio then hit a huge DDT on Khali for barely a 1 count.


Mysterio then climbed to the top rope but Runjin climbed onto the apron to distract Mysterio which allowed Khali to get back to his feet. Mysterio kicked Runjin off the apron and jumped onto Khali but Khali gave him a chop in midair!












Khali immediately went back to punishing Rey as he picked Rey up and tried to military press slam him outside the ring but Mysterio reversed it into a DDT!




The fans cheered Mysterio back to his feet and when Mysterio did get back to his feet he went to the top rope and pointed to the sky and hit a Frog Splash on Khali!












Winner: Rey Mysterio

Rating: 61

Notes: Had to end it with the tribute to Eddie.


Cole: “I love Mysterio JR but what an upset victory!”

JR “I told ya, never ever count Mysterio out”


Before Mysterio could even properly celebrate






MVP came running down to the ring. However MVP grabbed a microphone.


MVP: “Chill out playa, I ain’t out here to cause any trouble. I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory man. In fact , when I win tonight , and then go on to win at Wrestlemania , you’ll be first in line for a shot at my title”


The crowd booed the hell out of MVP , but the US champ stuck his hand out to Rey. Rey looked to the crowd , who booed MVP but Mysterio reluctantly shakes his hand.




Mysterio then goes to leave the ring but MVP smashes him over the back of his head with the US Title!


MVP then chuckles while he leaves the ring to boos.


JR: “C’mon MVP , that was uncalled for”

Jerry Lawler: “ Mysterio is the one who shook MVP’s hand JR. It’s his fault!

Michael Cole: “ Anyways, up next we have a career defining match because if Chris Jericho loses to Mr.Kennedy , he will never get a title shot in his career again”




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If Jericho loses he never can get a title shot again.

Chris Jericho vs Mr Kennedy


Jericho came into the match with fire , and a new haircut. Kennedy walked up to Jericho and slapped him across the face at the start of the match causing Jericho to go ballistic and send Kennedy to the corner where Jericho beat down Kennedy. It seemed as if Kennedy was trying to get Jericho DQ’d for the easy win but after the ref pulled Jericho off Kennedy , Kennedy charged Jericho with a clothesline into a quick 2 count.


Kennedy then kept Jericho grounded with headlocks but Jericho elbowed his way out of it and grabbed Kennedy’s legs for the walls. However was unsuccessful in locking the move in , allowing Kennedy to throw Jericho into the ringpost and roll him up.









Jericho then charged at Kennedy and Kennedy threw him over the top rope , but Jericho held on and climbed to the top rope and hit a crossbody on Kennedy for a 2 count.


Jericho then started to beatdown Kennedy and threw him over the top rope and to the floor. Jericho then clotheslined Kennedy over the announcer table in a rage. He then grabbed Kennedy and tried to lock in the walls but Kennedy reversed it into a suplex on the outside. Kennedy got back into the ring and Jericho did eventually as well but as soon as Jericho charged Kennedy - MIC Check!

















Kennedy started to slam the mat in frustration and he went to the top rope for a Green Bay Plunge. However






Into the cover!














Both men started to get back to their feet , tired and frustrated and both started to trade blows with Jericho getting yay and Kennedy getting boo.


This continued until Jericho pulled Kennedy’s legs out from under him and locked in the walls!


Kennedy scratched and clawed his way toward the ropes but Jericho brought him back to the middle of the ring! However Kennedy crawled his way back to the ropes , forcing Jericho to release.


Jericho then grabbed Kennedy by the head but out of nowhere





















Kennedy started to argue with ref but the ref told him Jericho’s foot was on the ropes and when Kennedy turned around

















Winner : Chris Jericho

Rating : 82

Notes : Really enjoyed writing this match up.


Jerry Lawler: “ OH boy! What a match! those men fought to the death”

Cole: “ Jericho doesn’t have to worry about never getting a title shot again”

JR: “Jericho WATCH OUT! “


In the ring Kennedy was livid and had a steel chair in his hand , ready to strike Jericho. However Jericho being the veteran that he is , scouted Kennedy!




Jericho then exited the ring and slapped a few hands before we went to our first and last commercial break.




When we came back from the break , a vignette showing the heated rivalry between CM Punk and Chavo Guerrero for the ECW Championship was played.





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Extreme Rules Match

ECW Championship

CM Punk vs Chavo Guerrero © w Armando Estrada


Both men started off the match by going outside the ring and started to throw random weapons inside the ring. Once back inside the ring , they had a bit of a cane war , with Punk gaining the advantage by hitting Chavo’s nuts with the cane.


Punk then grabbed a chair and started slamming Chavo’s back with it repeatedly until it was dented in.


Punk then tried for an early finish and set Chavo up for a GTS but Chavo elbowed out and smashed Punk over the head with a trashcan , gaining a 2 count. Chavo then told Armando to get inside the ring and grab a weapon , and he did. Chavo then grabbed Punk by his arms and held him up for Armando to unleash on with the cane. About 20 shots later, Armando put the cane down and grabbed Punk’s arms , and told Chavo to hit Punk with the chair. It backfired though as Punk ducked the shot and Chavo hit Armando!


Chavo went over to check on Armando which gave Punk the chance to scoop Chavo up and hit a GTS!












Punk showed no remorse though as he quickly locked Chavo in the Anaconda Vice!


However Chavo was able to reach a nearby steel chair and slam it over the back of Punk’s head , forcing him to release the hold. From there Chavo picked Punk up and hit a brainbuster on Punk through a trash can!











The crowd erupted when Punk kicked out and Chavo went ballistic by kicking the ropes and grabbing the ref. This benefited Punk though because when Chavo turned around - GTS!

















Armando then started to beat down on Punk with cane shots and Chavo joined in as well. Punk seemed doomed until












Two men dressed in all black and masks came running down to the ring.


and they attacked










The first masked man took out Chavo with a sick looking move.




While the other hit a brutal move on an escaping Armando Estrada





The first masked man then pulled a barely conscious Punk over Chavo and told the ref to count.














Rating: 82

Notes : “OHHH YES” *Paul Bearer voice*


Cole : “Who the hell are those two men?”


Cole’s question was answered pretty quickly as the two masked men took their masks off on the ramp





















Some people in the crowd recognized the first masked man as Claudio Castagnoli from the indies. But a lot more recognized the second masked man












Cesaro ( changed his name) and Colt Cabana!


Announcers : *Baffled noises*



The crowd still weren’t over the tyranny that happened in the last match but when John Cena’s music hit the crowd erupted in cheers for the Rumble winner.


Jerry Lawler: “ Remember , if Cena loses this match he has to give up his Mania spot to Triple H

JR: “ This is gonna be a hell of a slobberknocker!”

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If Cena loses , Triple H gets his Mania spot.

John Cena vs Triple H


This match wasn’t as long as most other matches as Triple H tore his bicep in the middle of the match. However he continued to fight against Cena with kicks and punches with his good arm . However “ Big Match John” came back and delivered some shoulder tackles to Triple H before hitting the turtle bomb and the 5 knuckle shuffle.


He set HHH up for the AA but Triple H slid behind Cena and turned him around - Spinebuster!









Triple H seemed livid and set Cena up for the Pedigree but because of his bad arm he couldn’t hook both Cena’s arms , which allowed Cena to lift HHH up and hit an AA!










Winner: John Cena

Rating: 82

Notes: Trips is out , forreals

Cole: “ Triple H never really had a chance in that match”

JR: “ Oh boy , I’m hearing Triple H may miss Wrestlemania because of his injuries”

Jerry Lawler: “That can’t be good for Triple H!”





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Women’s Championship

Beth Phoenix © vs Mickie James


James started off the match by tackling Beth to the ground and unloaded with shots on the Women’s Champ , almost getting herself DQ’ed but Beth hit a knee to the gut of James and then a quick snap suplex for a 2 count.


The crowd started to chant “NEXT MATCH PLEASE” until Mickie was able to roll the Women’s champion up for a close fall. Mickie then ducked a clothesline and came back at Phoenix with one of her own and then hit a hurricanrana on the champ for a 2 count!


Mickie then stripped one of the turnbuckles of its padding much to the referee’s dismay. It proved to be useful to her opponent though , as Beth pushed Mickie face first into the exposed turnbuckle and rolled Mickie up with the tights held.


















Rating: 66


Cole: “Speaking of the NEXT Match , we got the Elimination Chamber match up next”!


JR: “ and I have only two words… BROCK. LESNAR




The chamber descended and each participant came out but as you would imagine Brock Lesnar got the loudest reaction when he came out.





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Elimination Chamber Match

Winner is #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania

Elijah Burke vs Kane vs Big Show vs MVP © vs Batista vs Brock Lesnar


The two men to start the match off were ECW’s Elijah Burke and Smackdown’s Kane. Kane started the match off by pushing Burke to one corner and unloading on him with rights and lefts. However Burke kicked Kane right between the legs. Burke however got a bit too cocky and tried to suplex Kane over the top rope but Kane reversed it into a Chokeslam causing Burke to hit the steel on the outside.


Burke’s screams were heard as a new participant was about to emerge














The Big Show was released from his pod and he came into the ring with a house of fire , hitting Kane with shoulder blocks and then a Chokeslam that took Kane out. Burke however thought it was a good idea to jump off the top rope onto Big Show but as you would imagine Show caught Burke and threw him straight into MVP’s pod! it didn’t break but Show started banging on the pod and MVP pointed to the back of Show where Kane was standing. Kane then grabbed Show and clotheslined him over the top rope and to the steel!











Batista was the next man out his pod. Burke was trying to get back up when Batista turned him around and hit a Spinebuster on the steel!


Cole: “Burke can’t catch a break!”


Batista then entered the ring where he ducked a clothesline from Kane and hit a Spear for a 2 count. Big Show was back to his feet by now and Batista tried to attack Show but received a KO Punch for his troubles! Kane then got back to his feet and pointed to Show and then to Burke. Show and Kane then went outside and Burke tried to run but was cornered. He started to beg for mercy from the two giants. But both Show and Kane grabbed Burke by the throat and then hit a Double Chokeslam on the steel! Kane and Big Show then simultaneously pinned Burke for the first elimination.


ELIMINATIONS: Elijah Burke ( Kane and Big Show)

Still Alive: The Big Show , Kane and Batista














Brock Lesnar came out his pod like a hungry wolf , immediately entering the ring and then clotheslined both Kane and Show and then hit a German Suplex on Batista. Lesnar then went over to Kane and hit a belly to belly on Kane and then one on Show. From there Lesnar grabbed Kane - and for the first time in a long time he hit an F5!




But as Lesnar went to pin Kane , Batista hit a Spear on Lesnar! Taking him down. Batista then pinned Kane











ELIMINATIONS: Kane ( By Batista)









and the US champ emerged from his pod , but as soon as he entered the ring. Show confronted him , however behind Show was an angry Lesnar! he tapped Show on the shoulder and when Show turned around , Lesnar hit an F5!




But a sneaky MVP pushed Lesnar out the ring and pinned Show!











Still Alive: MVP , Batista and Brock Lesnar


MVP and Batista then started to trade blows but the US Champ gained the upper hand. He then attempted a Playmaker but Batista reversed it into a Spinebuster!


Batista then set MVP up for a Batista Bomb but Lesnar came back into the ring and clotheslined Batista halfway across the ring! he then turned his attention to MVP , and the US Champ tried to crawl out the ring but Lesnar grabbed him and hit a German Suplex


and a 2nd time


and a 3rd

and a 4th and a 5th and a 6th


and a 7th ….


Lesnar hit a total of 20 suplexes on MVP! By this point MVP wasn’t even moving anymore. So Lesnar grabbed him and hit an F5!









Eliminations: MVP ( KILLED BY LESNAR)

Final Two: Batista and Brock Lesnar


Brock Lesnar then turned his attention to Batista and smiled but Batista charged Lesnar with a clothesline and then another and eventually hit a Spinebuster!


The crowd went wild for the possibility of Batista knocking off Lesnar , and Batista hit a Batista Bomb on Lesnar!







Batista was in absolute shock that Lesnar kicked out before even a 2 , and he tried for a next Batista Bomb but Lesnar reversed it into an F5!


But Lesnar didn’t pin Batista , he instead waited for Batista to get back up and he hit another F5! he picked Batista up and hit a third F5! and a 4th!


Officials unlocked the cage and told Lesnar that he has to pin Batista or they would stop the match. Lesnar being Lesnar he simply pushed the officials out the way and locked the cage door and hit 2 more F5’s on Batista before finally pinning Batista by putting his pinky on Batista’s chest.











Winner: Brock Lesnar!

Rating: 82

Notes: Lesnar is back!


Cole: “ Wow.. just wow…”

JR: “ Good god Cole , Lesnar is going to Wrestlemania!

Jerry Lawler: “ And that's why you shouldn’t go anywhere , because up next is the World Heavyweight Championship match between the Undertaker and Edge!






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World Heavyweight Title Match

Edge © w Vickie Guerrero vs The Undertaker


Edge seemed somewhat confident in his abilities to defeat the Undertaker but after kissing Vickie Guerrero on the apron to distract Taker, Taker did his signature death taunt and Edge immediately exited the ring. Taker followed him out and eventually grabbed him by his hair and threw him over the announce table. He then threw Edge back into the ring and hit a big boot for a 2 count.


Edge then started to crawl to the corner and Taker followed him and when Taker tried to grab Edge , Edge pulled him down face-first into the turnbuckle. Edge then started to beat down on Taker in the corner and even tried for a Spear but Taker moved out of the way and Edge went shoulder first into the ring post.This allowed Taker to attempt a Chokeslam , but Edge managed to reverse it into a DDT.

Both men were down and out but Taker rolled Edge over into a Hell’s Gate!


Edge was close to tapping out but managed to place his foot on the ropes , forcing Taker to release the hold. Edge was literally breathless and Taker set him up for a Tombstone but Edge slid down Taker’s shoulder and pushed him off the ropes and hit a Spear!









Taker kicked out and Edge got frustrated. Edge then went outside and cleared the announcer table. He then went back inside the ring and threw Taker to the outside and set him up on the table. Edge then tried to hit an Edge-a -cution but Taker reversed it into a Chokeslam through the table!


The ref’s count reached 8 before Taker got back to his feet and threw Edge back inside the ring. Taker then locked in the Hell’s Gate once again but Vickie climbed onto the apron and distracted the referee. All while Edge was tapping out.


Taker released the hold and told the ref to pay attention , but when Taker turned around he got hit with a Spear!
















Edge started to slam the mat in disbelief but eventually went back to work on Taker. He went to the corner and started to chant “SPEAR” “SPEAR’ and charged Taker but Taker slung Edge over his shoulder and hit a Tombstone Piledriver!











Both men were down and out and while the ref was checking on Taker , Vickie slid the title belt to Edge , and Vickie started to distract the ref and this allowed Edge to hit Taker with the title but Taker ducked it and for a second time , Taker put Edge over his shoulder and hit a Tombstone!












Rating: 82


Cole : “ What a Match!”



JR: “It’s Main Event Time!”

Cole : “ Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton for the WWE Championship!”




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WWE Championship Match

Randy Orton © vs Shawn Michaels


The match started off with the crowd chanting “Let’s go Michaels” before both men tied up. Orton pushed Shawn into a corner and the ref separated the two, but Orton then slapped Michaels across the face. This caused Michaels to come out the corner with a house of fire. Hitting a flying forearm on Orton and then 2 chops that sent Orton retreating to the outside.


Shawn then ran the ropes and hit a suicide dive but Orton moved out of the way which caused Shawn to hit the barricade instead. Orton then threw Shawn into the steps before throwing him back into the ring and pinning him for a 2 count. Orton then started to work over Shawn’s shoulder with holds but Shawn managed to hit a backdrop to create some space between the two.


Once Shawn got back to his feet he hit an inverted atomic drop on Orton and then a bodyslam. He then climbed to the top rope for his elbow drop but Orton crotched Shawn on the top turnbuckle. Orton then climbed to the top with Shawn and hit a superplex that shook the ring!


Orton then picked Shawn up and threw him to the apron and hit his vintage DDT! Orton then looked around to the fans who booed him and then Orton started to signal for the RKO! Once Shawn got up , Orton turned him around and tried to hit an RKO but Shawn shoved him off into the ropes and hit a Sweet Chin Music!


However Orton couldn’t pin Orton as both men were too exhausted. Once they both got back to their feet Orton hit an RKO out of nowhere!











Orton quickly got back to his feet and set up for another RKO but when he tried to hit it , Shawn pulled him down to the mat and locked in a crossface! Orton however struggled and crawled his way over to the bottom rope , forcing Shawn to release the hold. Shawn then went to the top rope and hit his signature elbow drop!


He then went to the corner to tune up the band! but as he charged Orton , Orton reversed the superkick into a powerslam!


Orton then started to rally again and he picked Shawn up by his hair and tried an RKO but Shawn rolled him up!







Orton rolls through








Shawn falls into the cover











Thr-- Kickout!



The crowd started to chant “This IS AWESOME” while both men were laid out. Once they got back to their feet they started to trade blows until Orton thumbed Shawn in the eye and hit a second RKO!









Orton Retains!


The crowd went absolutely ballistic and started to boo Orton!


Winner: Randy Orton ( STILL WWE Champion)

Rating: 81

Notes: Mania is gonna be so good!


Cole: “ Thank you for watching ladies and gentlemen , goodnight!”

The show then ended with Orton raising the WWE Title up in the air to end No Way Out!


Not gonna bother to post predictions for this card since no one predicted. I sent A-Marc his prize. Prediction Points are restarting when I post RAW!


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Just 24 hours after NO Way Out. WWE is on the road to Wrestlemania 24! This includes Money in the Bank qualifying matches! Ric Flair is booked to make an appearance and inform the fans on the future of his career.


Also the returning Dudleyz will be in action in a number one contendership match for the Tag Team titles.


Also see your favorite superstars such as Brian Kendrick , Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy in action.





Chris Jericho vs Umaga

Money In The Bank Qualifier



Murdoch and Cade vs The Dudleyz

#1 contendership for World Tag Team Titles



Carlito vs Brian Kendrick

Money In The Bank Qualifier



Mr. Kennedy vs Jeff Hardy ©



Mickie James vs Jillian Hall



??? vs Randy Orton



Comments on PPV:

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Chris Jericho vs Umaga

Money In The Bank Qualifier

Comments: Hard pick!


Murdoch and Cade vs The Dudleyz

#1 contendership for World Tag Team Titles



Carlito vs Brian Kendrick

Money In The Bank Qualifier

Comments: Wouldn't mind either way!


Mr. Kennedy vs Jeff Hardy ©

Comments: KENNEDY


Mickie James vs Jillian Hall



??? vs Randy Orton



Comments on PPV: Written very well, good to see you still pumping out great shows like that.

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Chris Jericho vs Umaga

Money In The Bank Qualifier



Murdoch and Cade vs The Dudleyz

#1 contendership for World Tag Team Titles



Carlito vs Brian Kendrick

Money In The Bank Qualifier



Mr. Kennedy vs Jeff Hardy ©


Mickie James vs Jillian Hall


??? vs Randy Orton



Comments: Can't believe I missed it! But that PPV was truely awesome Tom, seriously your best effort yet. Well done mate.

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Comments on PPV: Written very well, good to see you still pumping out great shows like that.



Comments: Can't believe I missed it! But that PPV was truely awesome Tom, seriously your best effort yet. Well done mate.


Wow Thanks guys. Really do appreciate it.

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