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[9000-verse] Mysterious Fight Club - let's turn it up a Notch

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Somewhere in the 9000-verse...


A little cubic man called Notch becomes the booker of MFC by accident.




Notch: It all began as a block. A blur. I don't know how. But suddenly I was awake and I was a booker of something called Mysterious Fighting Company. I don't know. I'm supposed to put the pieces together. The blocks ... nothing happened. Until after 4 days one man turned up. He was very clear what he wanted. That man was ... ALBERT WESKER.




Wesker: "Hey dummy, you think I paid money for this thing for nothing. Get some of these guys over here and let's get this show on the road."


Notch: I swear ... I didn't know what to do. But he seemed scary enough so I did the best I could. Perhaps with some help ... I can make it out of this one, alive and in one block!

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MFC Darkness Prediction card


Tursas vs. Biff Tannen


G'xunak vs. Nite-Wing


Cheech & Cloudy (Cheech Hernandez & Cloudy Day) vs. The Burning Power Duo (Burnout & Caitlin Fairchild)


MFC Qualifier for the vacant title: Blind Rage vs. Evo


MFC Qualifier for the vacant title: Albert Wesker vs. Frostbite



Prediction winner: will get to pick a new employee for MFC. (choices will be sent by mail)

Extra questions: Which will be the highest rating of a match on the card (A* to F-)

Extra question: Which will the general rating be (A* to F-)?

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Active Roster


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Albert%20Wesker_zps5qxxqblw.jpg - Albert Wesker - Resident Evil

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Biff%20Tannen_zpsqcf79a3d.jpg - Biff Tannen - Back to the Future

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Blind%20Rage_zpsuf9aoe2p.jpg - Blind Rage - CHIKARA

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Burnout_zps9d6za3em.jpg - Burnout - Wildstorm Comics

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Caitlin%20Fairchild_zpswoghbbto.jpg - Caitlin Fairchild - Wildstorm Comics

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Cheech%20Hernandez_zpsq3sgbea1.jpg - Cheech Hernandez - Indy Wrestling

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Cloudy%20Day_zpsh04dc3if.jpg - Cloudy Day - Indy Wrestling

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Evo_zps3x1t0ej2.jpg - Evo - Wildstorm Comics

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Frostbite%20of%20WS_zpsyn8ldrog.jpg - Frostbite - Wildstorm Comics

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Gxunak_zpshf2w9vwh.jpg - G'Xunak - 9000-verse

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Nite-Wing_zpsyyupibji.jpg - Nite-Wing - DC Comics

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Tursas_zpsvt9ap2jo.jpg - Tursas - CHIKARA




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Announcer%20Melissa_zpssmxzlivl.jpg - Announcer Melissa

http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Notch_zps5a6uihr4.jpg - Notch




http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Heather%20Halo_zpszdfonhqv.jpg - Heather Halo

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Very, VERY interested to see how far you can take MFC, my friend :)


Tursas vs. Biff Tannen


G'xunak vs. Nite-Wing


Cheech & Cloudy (Cheech Hernandez & Cloudy Day) vs. The Burning Power Duo (Burnout & Caitlin Fairchild)


MFC Qualifier for the vacant title: Blind Rage vs. Evo


MFC Qualifier for the vacant title: Albert Wesker vs. Frostbite



Prediction winner: will get to pick a new employee for MFC. (choices will be sent by mail)

Extra questions: Which will be the highest rating of a match on the card (A* to F-) Let's say... a D-?

Extra question: Which will the general rating be (A* to F-)? Is "E" a little too generous? :D

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Tursas vs. Biff Tannen


G'xunak vs. Nite-Wing


Cheech & Cloudy (Cheech Hernandez & Cloudy Day) vs. The Burning Power Duo (Burnout & Caitlin Fairchild)


MFC Qualifier for the vacant title: Blind Rage vs. Evo


MFC Qualifier for the vacant title: Albert Wesker vs. Frostbite




Extra questions: Which will be the highest rating of a match on the card (A* to F-) D+ thinking the wesker fight will be good

Extra question: Which will the general rating be (A* to F-)? E+

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MFC Darkness 2008 - 18 attending in Biker's Paradise (New England)


Pre-show: Evo no shows for talking things through with the road agent. A fatherly approach seems a good idea. Evo says he's sorry. Not a very good start for his MFC career.


Announcer Melissa and Notch start the show, hyping the next event. Hyping means: Melissa shouting to the top of her lungs while Notch is trying to cover his ears. Wait, he has ears? (F+)

Notes: Both debut with a B- gimmick rating, which is decent. Notch has no skills at all for announcing but he's got to do something.

The opening bout consisted of Biff Tannen squiring up to Tursas and trying to eyepoke him through his mask. Tursas no-sold it. Sloppy throughout and as Biff goes for the Biff Upper Lip punch, Tursas counters it. Before Tursas can capitalize Biff walks out of the match saying: "See you in the future!".

Tursas defeated Biff Tannen in 6:11 by count out. (F)

Notes: The crowd hated the finish and both start off poorly with C rated gimmicks. Not sure whether this feud will have a long history. On a plus note, Tursas is improving in skills.



The locust-like G'Xunak starts off strong creeping all over the place till Nite-Wing catches him and throws him around. His anger costs him though as G'Xunak withstands the pain of the attacks and finishes him off with a choke.

G'xunak defeated Nite-Wing in 6:24 by submission with a Locust Choke (E)

Notes: A SURPRISINGLY good match. G'Xunak gets a B- on the Alien Invader gimmick, Nite-Wing gets a B- on the Adrenaline Junkie gimmick. An E rating is higher than expected, especially as Nite-Wing was off his game.



Albert Wesker enters the ring and delivers a fantastic promo, hyping himself as the owner, the future champ and one of the greatest persons ever! C+

Notes: NAILED IT! Wesker gets an A* for the God Complex gimmick and was fantastic without a script. He's going to be a royal pain for managing him though.



Cheech & Cloudy start with a few taunts and a few flashy moves on Burnout till he has enough and both feel the power of the fire. The end is soon there for Cheech & Cloudy.

The Burning Power Duo defeated Cheech & Cloudy in 7:45 when Caitlin Fairchild defeated Cheech Hernandez by submission with a Burning Block. (E)

Notes: a fun little match, all gimmicks went down well and even with Burnout and Cloudy Day off their games, this was an entertaining bout. Fairchild and Burnout seem to be good youngsters.


Evo stalks the ring and blindsides (haha) Blind Rage. His offence is a bit too slow, even for a vampire as Blind Rage takes over and ends it with a clean pinfall to get into the finals next month.

Blind Rage defeated Evo in 9:57 by pinfall with a Reverse Suplex. (F+)

Notes: Having Biff Tannen as a road agent didn't help here and both only got "meh"-reactions on the gimmick front. Considering these two have excellent chemistry, the final grade was disappointing.


Wesker starts things off by blindsiding Frostbite and hitting a lot of offence early on. Frostbite counters as Wesker misses a corner move and a powerslam nearly put Wesker away. Wesker soon made a come-back, outwrestling and even outpowering Frostbite. His trademark finisher was enough to put a valiant Frostbite down.

Albert Wesker defeated Frostbite in 12:17 by pinfall with a Prototype Plunge. (D)

Notes: Wesker is just awesome and Frostbite, despite tiring towards the end put in his share of the work. Frostbite is improving here and once again, the lack of a capable road agent hurt the rating but can't complain about a D.



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dang it I thought I would have at least hit 3 outta 5, I'm never trusting Biff again. :( Oh well there is always next week.


Notch Admin Mode: Different from your diary (is that proper English?), I am booking the fed with who wins. Pushes at this stage are pretty much up for grabs. Biff and Tursas were pretty much even, finish being called a bit in a possible future storyline.

Truth be told: that match (even with Albert Wesker as my make-shift owner/wrestler/road agent) bombed. Still, I want to see if they can develop a feud here. ....bleep...clank....


Notch Recovery Mode: "There's always next block....week."

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Notch Admin Mode: Different from your diary (is that proper English?), I am booking the fed with who wins. Pushes at this stage are pretty much up for grabs. Biff and Tursas were pretty much even, finish being called a bit in a possible future storyline.

Truth be told: that match (even with Albert Wesker as my make-shift owner/wrestler/road agent) bombed. Still, I want to see if they can develop a feud here. ....bleep...clank....


Notch Recovery Mode: "There's always next block....week."


Yeah I'm letting the game decide on winners and pushes (Auto push) until there is a TV deal, or if there is a reward for it. which may happen soon FYI. Oh well. for the people I don't know much I think I will pick them on who I think look cool from now on

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Jan. 2009



Notch: I woke up. Pushed around by a man with sun-glasses. I recognoze him. He is Albert Wesker, my boss. I realised he meant business. He always does. I mean, he's not one for going around the block about business. Straight to the block. Point. I'm not going to block his decision.



Wesker: "Alright, egghead, you didn't do too bad that show. Our finances are running a bit low but I got someone new in. A female. But don't get too feminist here, alright."


Notch: With those words, he closed the door. Egghead didn't sound right. Feminist I don't understand. How could anyone call me egghead? With that left, I set about to book the next show. Still not knowing what to do.


Else: Tara Shooter has signed for MFC.

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MFC New Year Madness 2009


Prediction Card


Cloudy Day vs. Tara Shooter


Biff Tannen vs. Nite-Wing


The Burning Power Duo vs. Tursas & G'Xunak


Evo vs. Frostbite


(vacant) MFW Heavyweight Title Match: Blind Rage vs. Albert Wesker



Bonus Question: What will the rating of the show be (A-F)?

Extra Bonus: Will Tara Shooter debut as a heel or a face?


To win: winner of the prediction, will get to pick a new worker.

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Yeah I'm letting the game decide on winners and pushes (Auto push) until there is a TV deal, or if there is a reward for it. which may happen soon FYI. Oh well. for the people I don't know much I think I will pick them on who I think look cool from now on


Notch: My boss dictates me to book the winners but all positions are very much up for grabs at this stage.


An interesting roster and I'm intrigued as to what kind of feud you could be planning with Tursas and Biff :p And I have to imagine that Wesker will be the ratings go-to-guy for these early days. Keep it up!


Notch: grrrnl....bleep....hmmm....Albert Wesker is the best wrestler and person and uber-god alive in this universe....bleep...snrlll...and owner of MFC as well...bleep...he also costs lot of money, as much as 5x another worker on the show, so how we'll manage to keep him on without going bust is another blocky question.

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Cloudy Day vs. Tara Shooter

Comments: Tara off to a positive start against Cloudy methinks


Biff Tannen vs. Nite-Wing

Comments: Unless Biff has some tricks up his sleeve I think he's outmatched


The Burning Power Duo vs. Tursas & G'Xunak

Comments: CAITLIN!


Evo vs. Frostbite

Comments: Continued punishment for Evo for no showing last week :)


(vacant) MFW Heavyweight Title Match: Blind Rage vs. Albert Wesker

Comments: Blind Rage would be lucky to lose against a god


Bonus Question: What will the rating of the show be (A-F)? D-

Extra Bonus: Will Tara Shooter debut as a heel or a face? Heel

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Cloudy Day vs. Tara Shooter


Biff Tannen vs. Nite-Wing


The Burning Power Duo vs. Tursas & G'Xunak


Evo vs. Frostbite


(vacant) MFW Heavyweight Title Match: Blind Rage vs. Albert Wesker



Bonus Question: What will the rating of the show be (A-F)? E+

Extra Bonus: Will Tara Shooter debut as a heel or a face? Face she is too purdy for a heel

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MFC New Year Madness 2009


Prediction Card


Cloudy Day vs. Tara Shooter


Biff Tannen vs. Nite-Wing


The Burning Power Duo vs. Tursas & G'Xunak


Evo vs. Frostbite


(vacant) MFW Heavyweight Title Match: Blind Rage vs. Albert Wesker



Bonus Question: What will the rating of the show be (A-F)? E

Extra Bonus: Will Tara Shooter debut as a heel or a face? Heel?

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(Sorry, running on very slowband here - make up of the show will follow)


MFC New Year Madness


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Announcer%20Melissa_zpssmxzlivl.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Notch_zps5a6uihr4.jpg


Angle: Announcer Melissa starts shouting from the top of her voice. THE WHOLE TIME! I try to say something, perhaps someone heard it. (F+)


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Albert%20Wesker_zps5qxxqblw.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Cheech%20Hernandez_zpsq3sgbea1.jpg


Angle: Owner and title-contender Albert Wesker enters the backstage area. Cheech Hernandez tries to make pals with him, only to be greeted by a big right fist and some solid stomps on the chest! (D-)


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Cloudy%20Day_zpsh04dc3if.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Tara%20Shooter_zpse4bvybor.jpg


Match: Cloudy Day comes to the ring looking confident, and then confused, seeing Hernandez is not there. Tara Shooter comes out to make her debut. Cloudy starts off strongly but Shooter soon distracts him and goes into the offence! Clean win!

Tara Shooter defeated Cloudy Day in 6:22 by pinfall with a Six Pack Shot. (E)


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Nite-Wing_zpsyyupibji.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Biff%20Tannen_zpsqcf79a3d.jpg


Match: Biff Tannen comes out and tries to throw Nite-Wing around with some throws. Tursas is shown in the crowd and Tannen starts taunting him. Nite-Wing turns things around and wins it after that. Horrible match.

Nite-Wing defeated Biff Tannen in 8:18 by pinfall with a Night Slash. During the match we also had Tursas distract Biff. (F)


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Announcer%20Melissa_zpssmxzlivl.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Notch_zps5a6uihr4.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Albert%20Wesker_zps5qxxqblw.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Blind%20Rage_zpsuf9aoe2p.jpg


Angle: On the mic, Announcer Melissa (and Notch) are shouting about Wesker and Blind Rage fighting for the FMC Titlte Tonight! (E-)


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Burnout_zps9d6za3em.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Caitlin%20Fairchild_zpswoghbbto.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Gxunak_zpshf2w9vwh.jpg & http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Tursas_zpsvt9ap2jo.jpg


Match: Burnout & Caitlin Fairchild give a good showing here. Well, at least against G’Xunak after Tursas was distracted early by Tannen and Tursas ran backstage to fight Biff Tannen. G'Xunak was left alone and had to face the law of the strongest.

The Burning Power Duo defeated Tursas and G'xunak in 8:29 when Caitlin Fairchild defeated Tursas by submission. During the match we also had Biff Tannen run in and attack Tursas. (E+)


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Evo_zps3x1t0ej2.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Frostbite%20of%20WS_zpsyn8ldrog.jpg


Match: Frostbite and Evo square off, both being the losers in the ongoing title tournament. Evo looked to be getting it but Frostbite turned things around, winning it with the Cool Down. Not good by any means.

Frostbite defeated Evo in 7:33 by pinfall with a Cool Down. (F+)


http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Albert%20Wesker_zps5qxxqblw.jpg vs. http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Blind%20Rage_zpsuf9aoe2p.jpg


MFC Title Match title: Albert Wester, full on confidence, squares off against Blind Rage. Rage tries everything, but Wesker seems in full control. Blind Rage gets a final, desperation rally … not good enough and Wesker counters his finisher with the Prototype Plunge! Wesker becomes the first MFC Champ.

MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker defeated Blind Rage in 11:58 by pinfall with a Prototype Plunge. Albert Wesker wins the MFC Heavyweight title. (D)




Angle: Wesker coolly collect the MFC Title and poses with it! (E)


General: E+ show

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crayon" data-cite="crayon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="40585" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Owch slowband! So was Tara's debut a babyface?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, it was. Pretty good rating too.</p>
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<p>(Story to follow -still slowbanding- but we got a new signing: <strong>Slash</strong>, from TMNT).</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://s752.photobucket.com/user/rikgeerts/media/Slash%20TMNT_zpsav7uy0hw.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx165/rikgeerts/Slash%20TMNT_zpsav7uy0hw.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MFC Freakshow (Februari) prediction card:</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tursas vs. Nite-Wing</p><p>

Biff Tannen vs. G'xunak</p><p>

2/3 Falls match: The Burning Power Duo (Burnout and Fairchild) vs. Cheech & Cloudy</p><p>

Top Contender Match: Evo vs. Tara Shooter</p><p>

Tag Team Match: Blind Rage & Frostbite vs. Albert Wesker & Slash</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus question: what will the general rating of the show be?</p><p>

Extra Bonus question: What will the rating of Biff Tannen vs. G'Xunak be?</p><p> </p><p>

Winner of the prediction will get to choose between releasing a worker or giving a worker an extra push.</p>

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<p>MFC Freakshow (Februari) prediction card:</p><p> </p><p>

Tursas vs. <strong>Nite-Wing</strong></p><p>

Biff Tannen vs. <strong>G'xunak</strong></p><p>

2/3 Falls match: <strong>The Burning Power Duo (Burnout and Fairchild)</strong> vs. Cheech & Cloudy</p><p>

Top Contender Match: <strong>Evo</strong> vs. Tara Shooter</p><p>

Tag Team Match: <strong>Blind Rage & Frostbite</strong> vs. Albert Wesker & Slash</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus question: what will the general rating of the show be? <strong>E</strong></p><p>

Extra Bonus question: What will the rating of Biff Tannen vs. G'Xunak be? <strong>F+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Looking forward to it!</p>

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Tursas vs. Nite-Wing

guessing the distractions bite tursas in the end

Biff Tannen vs. G'xunak

2/3 Falls match: The Burning Power Duo (Burnout and Fairchild) vs. Cheech & Cloudy

Top Contender Match: Evo vs. Tara Shooter

Tag Team Match: Blind Rage & Frostbite vs. Albert Wesker & Slash


Bonus question: what will the general rating of the show be? E+

Extra Bonus question: What will the rating of Biff Tannen vs. G'Xunak be? F

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