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[9000-verse] Mysterious Fight Club - let's turn it up a Notch

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Tursas vs. Nite-Wing

Biff Tannen vs. G'xunak

2/3 Falls match: The Burning Power Duo (Burnout and Fairchild) vs. Cheech & Cloudy

Top Contender Match: Evo vs. Tara Shooter

Tag Team Match: Blind Rage & Frostbite vs. Albert Wesker & Slash


Bonus question: what will the general rating of the show be?:D-

Extra Bonus question: What will the rating of Biff Tannen vs. G'Xunak be?:E+

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MFC Freakshow 2009


Pre-show: Evo again turns up late for the road show meeting. A stern warning follows. Evo says he lost track of time there and will be better in the future. That’s a good reaction but also 2 out of 3 times he no-showed!


Notch: …euhm…Welc…




Notch: (I think she went on and on)


Rating: F+



Tursas and Nite-Wing enter to little response. Tursas tries to throw Nite-Wing around but Nite-Wing gets into his rage and retaliates. A match full of botches though as both seem to be doubting what the other’s going to do. Biff Tannen runs in to attack Tursas and this ends the match to a round of boos.


Tursas defeated Nite-Wing in 7:36 when Nite-Wing was disqualified when Biff Tannen ran in and attacked Tursas. (F)



Biff Tannen enters and after his previous shows, he gets stick from the crowd from the word go. Locust-like G’Xunak was better through-out and when Tursas came out to the ringside (to hardly any reaction), Tannen got distracted leading to the end-game with a Locust Choke.


G'xunak defeated Biff Tannen in 8:28 by submission with a Locust Choke. During the match we also had Tursas distract Biff. (F+)



Cheech & Cloudy come out first, looking confident and get a bit of reaction when Cheech hits Caitlin with a low blow. Fairchild rallies though and the Burning Power Duo look strong, taking 2 falls in a row. Cheech & Cloudy might not be on the winning terms yet, but at least they make a good foil for others.


2/3 Falls: The Burning Power Duo defeated Cheech & Cloudy in a 2 vs 2 2/3 Falls match in 9:36 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Caitlin Fairchild defeated Cheech Hernandez by submission with a Burning Block. (E+)



Evo comes out first for the boos, Shooter –complete with fake guns- to the cheers. And both deliver a solid and fluent entertaining match. Evo stalks Shooter for the finish but she played possum and gets Evo in the Cattle Clutch where he is forced to submit! Tara Shooter gets a title shot (pun intended).


Tara Shooter defeated Evo in 7:41 by submission with a Cattle Clutch. (F+)



Blind Rage and Frostbite come out first, Wesker and his tag partner Slash second. Slash botched a slam early on, leading to the crowd getting on his case. Wesker comes in and dominates things for a bit on Frostbite. Frostbite hits a jawbreaker and both make a hot tag. Blind Rage and Wesker go head to head, Wesker tags in Slash who looks to take control but Blind Rage makes a quick rag to Frostbite who turns Slash round and makes a quick roll-up.


Blind Rage and Frostbite defeated Albert Wesker and Slash in 9:46 when Frostbite defeated Slash by pinfall with a fast roll up. (E+)



Angle: Wesker puts his arm around Slash and then beats him down with the Prototype Plunge. (D-)


General Show: E+

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MFC News Februari 2009


* It is generally believed that Evo, our depressed shapeshifter, might be in the dog house for a few shows after failing to show up for the booking meeting twice.


* Cheech Hernandez has been given a slap on the wrist after being caught smoking weird substances backstage. He claimed his "huff & puff" was given to him by one Bigby Wolfe. A shady claim at best.


* We are pleased to announce that their will be a tournament for the new and vacant MFC Tag Team Titles. A few new signings might be made to bolster the division.


* Nite-Wing has been notified that his current deal won't be extended but that he might return in the future. We wish him all the best in his career.

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MFC Moonfall 2009


MFC Tag Title Tournament: The Burning Power Duo vs. Tannen & Tursas


Frostbite vs. Evo


MFC Tag Title Tournament: Cheech & Cloudy vs. Albert Wesker & Slash


Blind Rage vs. G'Xunak


MFC Tag Title Tournament: Dawn Vengeance (Kid Apollo & Daybreaker) vs. TWC: Kill Team (Wood Man & Piledriver)


MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. Tara Shooter



Bonus Question: how many of the 4 debuting workers (Kid Apollo, Daybreaker, Wood Man, Piledriver) will get the crowd against them on debut?

Extra Question: What will the rating of the main event be?


I'll think about the winner reward in the new year! :D

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MFC Moonfall 2009


MFC Tag Title Tournament: The Burning Power Duo vs. Tannen & Tursas

Comments: Biff and Tursas, this is madness!


Frostbite vs. Evo

Comments: Frostbite is the stronger worker. Plus he hasn't been acting like a douche on the roster :)


MFC Tag Title Tournament: Cheech & Cloudy vs. Albert Wesker & Slash

Comments: Going for a long shot on this one!


Blind Rage vs. G'Xunak



MFC Tag Title Tournament: Dawn Vengeance (Kid Apollo & Daybreaker) vs. TWC: Kill Team (Wood Man & Piledriver)

Comments: Interesting interesting! Rooting for the heels


MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. Tara Shooter

Comments: Successful defense coz he's Albert Wesker


Bonus Question: how many of the 4 debuting workers (Kid Apollo, Daybreaker, Wood Man, Piledriver) will get the crowd against them on debut? haha I'll be generous and say only 2


Extra Question: What will the rating of the main event be? D+

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MFC Moonfall 2009


MFC Tag Title Tournament: The Burning Power Duo vs. Tannen & Tursas


Frostbite vs. Evo


MFC Tag Title Tournament: Cheech & Cloudy vs. Albert Wesker & Slash


Blind Rage vs. G'Xunak


MFC Tag Title Tournament: Dawn Vengeance (Kid Apollo & Daybreaker) vs. TWC: Kill Team (Wood Man & Piledriver)


MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. Tara Shooter



Bonus Question: how many of the 4 debuting workers (Kid Apollo, Daybreaker, Wood Man, Piledriver) will get the crowd against them on debut? 1

Extra Question: What will the rating of the main event be?D-

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MFC Moonfall 2009


MFC Tag Title Tournament: The Burning Power Duo vs. Tannen & Tursas


Frostbite vs. Evo


MFC Tag Title Tournament: Cheech & Cloudy vs. Albert Wesker & Slash


Blind Rage vs. G'Xunak


MFC Tag Title Tournament: Dawn Vengeance (Kid Apollo & Daybreaker) vs. TWC: Kill Team (Wood Man & Piledriver)


MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. Tara Shooter



Bonus Question: how many of the 4 debuting workers (Kid Apollo, Daybreaker, Wood Man, Piledriver) will get the crowd against them on debut? Both members of Dawn Vengeance?

Extra Question: What will the rating of the main event be? E+

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MFC Moonfall 2009



Announcer Melissa starts off shouting robotically and very loud and announces the tag tournament with a few surprise teams in it. Notch is trying his best to cover his ears. He has ears? Who knows!


Angle: Announcer Melissa and Notch hype the upcoming show. (E)



The Burning Power Duo come out to a decent reaction in this qualifier for the MFC Tag Title Match. Biff Tannen refuses to come out with Tursas and reluctantly makes it to the ring. Both get boos from the crowd. Tannen starts off but gets pummeled by Burnout. Tursas makes the tag but to little success. Tannen walks out of the match halfway, leaving Tursas a bit helpless as he falls to a submission hold by Caitlin Fairchild.


The Burning Power Duo defeated Tursas and Biff Tannen in 5:55 when Caitlin Fairchild defeated Tursas by submission. (F+)



Angle: Slash is backstage with Albert Wesker, apologizing, saying he won’t drop the ball again (it all looked a bit forced with Wesker cool air outshining Slash). Wesker hardly hears him and waves him away. (D-)



Frostbite makes a very good showing here, dominating Evo (who did attend the pre-show meeting this time), finishing him with the Cool Down finisher!


Frostbite defeated Evo in 8:29 by pinfall with a Cool Down. (F+)



Angle: Frostbite grabs the mic and says he’s gunning for the MFW Belt, if it’s Wesker, Shooter or anyone! That’s loud and clear! (E)




Wesker starts the match and lays out both Cheech and Cloudy flat in the middle of the ring. He then tags in Slash, walks out and yells “Finish it. I got other stuff to do!”, leaving his partner in the ring. Slash goes for a splash but misses it. Cheech and Cloudy recover and fancy their chances, using their speed to wear down the big … thing … and eventually set up their finisher to pull off a surprising victory on Slash.


Cheech & Cloudy defeated Albert Wesker and Slash in 7:36 when Cloudy Day defeated Slash by pinfall with a Double C-Bomb. (E)



An even match, with G’Xanuk getting a bit of a surprise win over Blind Rage. Both competitors had their moments but Blind Rage missed the Reverse Suplex and G'Xunak hit the Locust Choke for the submission.


G’Nuxak defeated Blind Rage in 6.52 with the Locust Choke (E-)



Daybreaker comes out alone, announcing that his partner Kid Apollo is currently out injured but that he will take on the challenge. Daybreaker holds his own for a while, especially against the slower Wood Man but Piledriver delivers a cheating knee to the back to swing the momentum. The Kill Team doesn’t let up from their and Piledriver finishes it off to advance to the title match.


TWC: Kill Team defeated Daybreaker in 6:11 when Piledriver defeated Daybreaker by pinfall with a Piledriver. (E)



Shooter comes out to a decent crowd reaction and Wesker soaks in the boos. Shooter with a big springboard attempt but the strength of Wesker counters it. Wesker dominates Shooter, who gets a big rally in the end but a cross-body is countered by a big slam, with the Prototype Plunge finishing it as Wesker fights off a valiant effort and gets the win.


Albert Wesker defeated Tara Shooter in 9:18 by pinfall with a Prototype Plunge. Albert Wesker makes defence number 1 of his MFC Heavyweight title. (D-)


General: E+ show




General Show: E+

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MFC Moonfall Prediction Results.


Additional comments: none of the new workers got bad crowd reactions, though I missed out on Kid Apollo being out for a couple of months, turning the last match into a handicap match.


Crayon: 6/6 (!!)

EpicCorey: 4/6

MichGCS: 4/6


Congrats again to crayon. You'll get to pick a worker to add to the roster. I'll PM the options.

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MFC March 2009 Round-up


* MFC is pleased to announce the signing of Explodercide. More news about him will follow of course. Rumour has it that MFC are going to stop bringing in new names for the time being.


* A mysterious (hey, it's MFC) partner has donated (or loaned) 100.000$ to MFC. No comments have been made. Speculation has it that the source is either undead, a tax evasion mob or even Notch himself. Owner Albert Wesker denies that a donation was made.


* Blockhead Notch got some stick from the owner after signing a worker (Kid Apollo) who's still out injured.


* The MFC Tag Team Titles will be on the line in April, featuring a triangle tag match between The Burning Power Duo, Cheech & Cloudy and TWC: Team Kill.


Featured Profiles for this month



Tara Shooter has been working for MFC from the start of 2009. Debuting a Cowgirl gimmick and being an entertainer more than a brawler, the crowd have reacted pretty positive towards her. More than decent in ring and pretty entertaining outside the ring, she's had a title match after a strong start.

She forms a tag team with Tiffany Six, who -to the surprise of a few insiders- hasn't been brought into MFC.


Evo is a youth delinquent who can shapeshift into a few forms if he wants to. Brought into MFC as a top talent and a draw, Evo's attitude soon put him at the wrong side of the fence. Missing the first meeting, he took a defeat while running for the MFC Title to Blind Rage. After missing another meeting, his push was supposedly terminated. His attitude might be changing: rumour has it that he's been good backstage since then. His first win still eludes him though.

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MFC Super Mayham 2009


Explodercide vs. Evo


Daybreaker vs. Tursas


Frostbite vs. Slash


Tara Shooter vs. Blind Rage


MFC Tag Match for the vacant MFC Tag Titles: The Burning Power Duo vs. Cheech & Cloudy vs. TWC: Team Kill


MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. G'Xunak



Tie breaker: what will be the best match on the show?


Winner will get to pick a worker to be pushed.

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MFC Super Mayham 2009


Explodercide vs. Evo

Comment: New guy theory


Daybreaker vs. Tursas



Frostbite vs. Slash

Comment: Hmmm... proving his worth to Wesker?


Tara Shooter vs. Blind Rage



MFC Tag Match for the vacant MFC Tag Titles: The Burning Power Duo vs. Cheech & Cloudy vs. TWC: Team Kill

Comment: It was a strong showing last time - let's see if they can capitalize


MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. G'Xunak

Comment: G'Xunak seems surprisingly over, but he's not in possession of Wesker heat!

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Explodercide vs. Evo

Comment: LOL at the name :D

Daybreaker vs. Tursas


Frostbite vs. Slash

Comment: Slash's momentum is going DOWN

Tara Shooter vs. Blind Rage


MFC Tag Match for the vacant MFC Tag Titles: The Burning Power Duo vs. Cheech & Cloudy vs. TWC: Team Kill

Comment: I can see any of these guys winning, TBH

MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. G'Xunak

Comment: Match of the Night

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Explodercide vs. Evo

Comment:Evo has been a flop and I can't back him anymore

Daybreaker vs. Tursas

Comment:Day breaker got this if Biff has any say in the matter

Frostbite vs. Slash

Comment:Chill out Slash...

Tara Shooter vs. Blind Rage


MFC Tag Match for the vacant MFC Tag Titles: The Burning Power Duo vs. Cheech & Cloudy vs. TWC: Team Kill

Comment:Can't mess with fairchild

MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. G'Xunak

Comment:No contest.


Tie breaker: what will be the best match on the show? Albert Wesker © vs. G'Xunak

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Explodercide vs. Evo


Daybreaker vs. Tursas


Frostbite vs. Slash


Tara Shooter vs. Blind Rage


MFC Tag Match for the vacant MFC Tag Titles: The Burning Power Duo vs. Cheech & Cloudy vs. TWC: Team Kill


MFC Title Match: Albert Wesker © vs. G'Xunak


Tie breaker: what will be the best match on the show?

Tara Shooter vs. Blind Rage

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MFC Super Mayhem 2009



Announcer Melissa nods to Notch who reluctantly begins…


Notch: "Welcome everyone…."




That’s about all Notch had to add as the rant continues.


Angle: Announcer Melissa and Notch hype the upcoming show. (E)



A match between two competitors with different attitudes. Evo tries to wear Explodercide down but after a low blow, Explodercide snaps and pummels Evo down to finish things with the Full Crazy.


Explodercide defeated Evo in 6:02 by pinfall with a Full Crazy. (F+)



Daybreaker starts off strong but gets some bad crowd reaction here. Tursas tries to use his strength against Daybreaker but Biff Tannen comes out and trips Tursas. As he is distracted, Daybreaker hits a reverse sweep and takes the win, as Tannen smirks outside the ring.


Daybreaker defeated Tursas in 6:04 by pinfall. During the match we also had Biff Tannen distract Tursas. (F+)



As Tursas regains his senses, Tannen enters the ring, grabs a chair and pummels Tursas some more before leaving.


Angle: Biff Tannen enters the ring and beats down the prone Tursas. (E-)



A surprisingly fluent match between the big Slash and Frostbite. Slash overpowers Frostbite for a bit but Frostbite is the better wrestler as he wins it with the Cool Down. Not a bad match and both seem to have potential to improve.


Frostbite defeated Slash in 5:41 by pinfall with a Cool Down. (E-)



Frostbite grabs the mic after the match and calls out Albert Wesker. Wesker coolly walks out. Frostbite says he wants the MFC Heavyweight Title. Wesker just smiles and says Frostbite will never be good enough to claim the title. (D-)



Tara Shooter squares off against Blind Rage. With both coming off a loss last week, they look to take the win this time. Blind Rage once again misses his finisher, leaving him open for a Six Pack Shot and a win from Shooter.


Tara Shooter defeated Blind Rage in 8:29 by pinfall with a Six Pack Shot. (F+)



The match for the Tag Titles promised to be good as all the teams look in decent form. Cheech & Cloudy hit some flashy moves early on, but get overpowered by Wood Man and Burnout and are eliminated first. Piledriver hit some cheating moves to put TWC Team Kill in control and they look to put away Burnout. As Piledriver tags in Wood Man during an Irish whip, he misses Burnout making a quick tag to Fairchild. As Piledriver poses, Caitlin surprises Wood Man to take the surprise pinfall and The Burning Power Duo become the first MFC champs!


MFC Triangle Match for the Vacant Tag Team Titles: The Burning Power Duo defeated Cheech & Cloudy and TWC: Kill Team in 9:56 when Caitlin Fairchild defeated Wood Man by submission. The Burning Power Duo win the MFC Tag Team Titles titles. (E)



G’Xunak has a decent record in MFC and got the title shot this month but came up short against a very concentrated Wesker. The locust-like creature never got into the match and Wesker made a solid title defence.


MFC Heavyweight Title Match: Albert Wesker defeated G'xunak in 10:27 by pinfall with a Prototype Plunge. Albert Wesker makes defence number 2 of his MFC Heavyweight title. (D-)



Angle: Wesker celebrates, holding the title high! (E)


General Show: E+

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Prediction results


Crayon : 4/6

Michgcs: 6/6

EpicCorey: 6/6

Kanegan: 5/6


Michgcs & EpicCorey win it here. You may both PM me a worker who gets an extra push (from midcard to upper, from upper to main event). Note that this will not guarantee them wins.

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<p>PM sent!</p><p> </p><p>

I love the Explodercide picture AND the name! <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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