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WWF 1993: Lets just skip to the Attitude!

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*Backstory and rest up tommorow.* [B]Preview for my first RAW: Mr. Perfect vs. Curt Henning (Number 1 Contender Match) The Bushwackers vs. The Smoking Gunns (Number 1 Contenders Match) Adam Bomb vs. Shawn Michaels (Intercontinental Title Shot)[/B]
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[QUOTE=Chuck]Crap... I knew I had at least one typo in there. Thanks for catching that. [B]Curt Henning vs. The Undertaker[/B][/QUOTE] you know what, there's actually a bit of irony in this match now, your typo had Curt Hennig vs Himself and now you've got him up against someone who has vs 'himself' in the past in The Undertaker
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[B]Backstory:[/B] [I]"I am sick and tired of all this indy bullcrap". I had just left a show at an arena in Arizona. I left frustrated because of the attitude displayed by a lot of the indy stars and veterans. Me and my buddy Chris Candido had driven to Arizona to talk to some of the owners of this indy fed about possibly letting us run the product. We have started talking and both agree that the wrestling world needs to get out of the 1980s Era and into a new era called the 90's. Chris has been deemed too hardcore by a lot of companies and has been hopping around all over the independant scene. He has been in talks with Paul Heyman of Eastern Championship Wrestling but as of right now is just going where he will take work. Last month I took a faithful trip one that a lot of people have criticisized me about. I went and talked to my friend Marcus Bagwell backstage at a recent World Championship Wrestling show. Me and him talked for a while and he introduce me to Dusty Rhode. Me and Dusty talked and he said he got exactly what I was saying. Me and him talked for about 3 hours. He told me to keep in touch with him over the next month and he said he would see what he could do about getting me a job with WCW. I then went home and sat around for a while. I finnaly got a call from Dusty and he sent me a WCW Contract. He said it would not be for much but he offered me a spot on the booking team. I was about to sign it until fate intervened. Fate's name was legally changed to Vincey Kennedy McMahon. Vince and me talked on the phone one night until 3 in the morning. He told me to fly out to Titan Towers anytime I would like. I was about to sign my WCW contract but something in my head said "Give Vince a shot"... So I did. Something about the WWF Roster just seemed to click with me. The WCW Roster is nice but something is missing its just not right ot me and I dont know what could help it. I flew out to Titan Towers that day... Me and Vince signed and we both agreed on my start date as the first Monday of August 1993. He told me I would be assistant booker under him and Vince Russo. Russo was just hired too and he seems to have a lot of potential as a writer. However something about him rubs me the wrong way...[/I] [B]Josh Montgomery Diary Entry July 1993[/B] I got to the arena with my suitcase in hand. I instantly saw a few friends of mine from years past. When I first broke into the business as a referee I had the honor of befriending Curt Henning. I saw Curt and he looked as much of my friend as ever. I went up to him shook his hand and he told me he realized he would probably not be my main player in the new era I want in the WWF. I told him he could not be more wrong. I told him that he is going to be one of the main players of the new WWF. He looked at me confused and I handed him the card for tonight. He scrolled down and saw his match with Taker and kind of let out a huge sigh of relief. I patted him on the back and left... I met up with Shawn Michaels. Michaels came up to me and introduce himself. He told me he realized I was coming in to do things differently. He told me he was here for the ride and tos ee where it would take him. I told him to get ready to go to Rome... Bret Hart came up to me and was rather rude. He made a few comments aobut me trying to expose the business in some of my indy projects I had done. I sucked it up and kept walking. I can already tell Bret and me are going to clash... Macho Man Randy Savage, Lex Luger and Ludvig Borga and Jeff Jarrett all approached me. They all asked my plans and I told them to just be ready for something the wrestling world may not take well. They each asked what kind of matches each would be involved in tonight. I told Lex and Ludvig that I would have them fueding soon against each other. Jarrett is a pet project of mine. Macho Man asked what he could do to help. I asked him if he was friends with Razor Ramon or Diesel. He told me him and Scott (Razor) kind of clicked bakstage. I knowing my place in the business asked him if he would consider putting over Razor. He said it would be an honor. Right before I approached my office my old friend Chris Candido called. I talked to Chris and before he could ask I offred him a tryout deal for next weeks RAW. He asked me with a concerned voice who his opponent would be. I told him it would be Owen Hart a man who I believe is being criminally underpushed. Chris said thanks and that was that. I went into my office prepared, then went into the gorilla position backstage getting ready for the new era of the WWF. [SIZE=4][B]WWE RAW Monday Week 1 August 1993[/B][/SIZE] [B]Owen Hart and Koko B. Ware (High Energy) vs. Well Dunn (Steven Dunn and Timothy Well)[/B] Decent match. [COLOR=Red]Koko and Owen both talked to me before the match about doing something different with there careers. I told them just to hold on a little while longer to see what is going to happen. Well Dunn have potential but no charisma. Maybe need a new gimmick. Owen gets the win with a Moonsault to Timothy Well.[/COLOR] Winner: [B]Koko B. Ware and Owen Hart[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KokoBWare.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/OwenHart4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: C- Time: 14 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red][B]Owen Hart after the match was celebrating with Koko. Owen gave him a hug and then Belly to Belly Suplexed him. He then beat down Koko until Koko was cut wide open. Owen said it was time for him to take hold of the reigns of the Hart family. He said tonight was the night. He then left and argued with some fans.[/B][/COLOR] [B]Rating: D Time: 4 Minutes[/B] [B]Lex Luger vs. Jim Powers[/B] [COLOR=Red]I am not really sure who Jim Powers is and frankliy I dont think any of the fans do either. I will be evaluating him in the next few weeks for a possible new gimmick or termination. Luger came out and sqaushed him like the match was made to be. Luger got the win with a Torture Rack. He said the Lex Express has stopped and it will not be going anymore. He said the Total Package is here and its about to be delivered.[/COLOR] Winner: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/LexLuger.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: C Time: 6 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Ludvig Borga bumps into Lex Luger backstage. He says he saw Lex use the Torture Rack tonight. He said he was not impressed with Luger's variation of it. Luger told him if hes not impressed then do something about it. Ludvig challenged him to a match at Summerslam. He accepted[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Mr. Perfect cuts a promo saying that tonight on RAW perfectoin will be delivered to the Undertaker. He said tonight is the start of the era of Perfection.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Razor Ramon talks to Bobby Heenan backstage. He tells Heenan tonight Macho Man Randy Savage will find out who the number one player is in WWF.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time: 5 Minutes[/B] [B]Macho Man vs. Razor Ramon[/B] [COLOR=Red]Razor and Macho have a good match that ends in a twenty minute time limit draw. Afterwards Razor leaves with a grin on his face.[/COLOR] Winner: Scott Hall [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ScottHall.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: B Time: 22 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Shawn Michaels cuts a promo about his match tonight with Adam Bomb for his Intercontinetal title.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [B]Shawn Michaels vs. Adam Bomb[/B] [COLOR=Red]Michaels went out there. Got the job done in 8 Minutes via superkick. Then started to head home. Until he spit on Adam Bomb and Tim White reversed the decision to the match for unsporstmanlike conduct. Michaels then superkicked Tim White and kept beating him down. Michaels left with a grin on his face.[/COLOR] Winner: Shawn Michaels [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: C Time: 12 Minutes[/B] [B]Gunns vs. Bushwackers[/B] [COLOR=Red]Another decent midcard match. Me and the Gunn's talked before the match and we all agree that they need a new character direction. The Gunns got the win with a elevated Gunn Shot (Famouser). [/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/mikebarton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: C- Time: 8 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Billy and Bart Gunn cut a promo about the Steiner brothers (The current WWF Tag Team Champions). They say that the New Age Cowboys the Smoking Gunns are here and they have come to bring some western law to the Steiners![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C 2 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Mr. Fuji is shown backstage talking to Curt Henning. He tells Curt to lose to Taker tonight by DQ but make sure there is nothing left of Taker so that Yokozuna can have an easy match at Summerslam. Curt takes the money and walks off with a grin on his face[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Bret Hart is shown walking backstage. Suddenly Diesel appears out of nowhere and nails Hart in the back of the head with a forearm. After some brawling Diesel lands the Jacknife onto Bret through a cofee table. Diesel then walks away and laughs[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C Time 2 Minutes[/B] [B]Perfect vs. Taker[/B] [COLOR=Red]This match kicked ass on all sorts of levels. The fans were on there feet the entire match. Undertaker nailed a Tombstone Piledriver onto Mr. Perfect but the ref was knocked out. Perfect managed his way up and hit the PerfectPlex. Right before it looked like he was going to pin Taker. Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon and Diesel hit the ring. They got into Henning's face and Henning left the ring before they could do anything. Undertaker got up and Shawn hit Taker with a Sweet Chin Music. Followed by Razor hitting a Razor's Edge on Taker. Diesel then Jacknifed Taker and they left the ring as Henning came back in. Henning looked perplexed and went into the ring and hit the PerfectPlex anyway. He then pinned Taker one..two..three. He left while the three hit the ring again and continued to beat down Taker. Henning grabbed a mic and said "STOP..." the three looked at Henning and stared at him strangely... "You guys are having all the fun without me". They then went in and beat down Taker. [/COLOR] Winner: Mr. Perfect curt Henning [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CurtHennig.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: A Time: 28 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Curt Henning grabs a mic and explains his actions. He says he is tired of not being treated like the star he is. He says he is so damn perfect in every way. He says that Shawn, Razor and Dies are all tired of the treatment the Old Guard of WWF has been giving them. He says the Old Guard consists of Undertaker, Bret Hart, Randy Savage. He says he has seen Shawn, Razor and Diesel backstage trying to get everything in there careers going but every time it looks like things are going to pick up one of the Old Guard steps in. He says that the New Generation of Wrestling takes over tonight. The New Generation X has arrived![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time: 5 Minutes[/B] Thoughts on my first show?
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WWF Creative Meeting Sunday Week 1 1993: [I]I knew going into this creative meeting I would have to bring some new revolutionary idea with me. Russo had a few ideas to throw out and so did I. I knew however that my idea alone could beat anything he had. We both walked in and sat down with McMahon, Cornette, and Jim Ross. Ross and Cornette of course are looking for reasons to hammer everything we pitch to the creative department because of the attitude of the business. Me and Vince Russo both looked blankly at each other.[/I] McMahon: The reason I called the four of you in here was to say that the Henning vs. Undertaker match and following segment from last monday was phenomenal and I am completely hooked on this storyline based on our new writers work. He has shown how to book the company in the right direction. *McMahon, Ross and Cornette all turn to look at Vince* Cornette: However your booking of the Ludvig Borga vs. Lex Luger fued has rised up some questions from our fans like "Why bother?" or "Ludvig who?"... Do you have any redemption for last weeks fiasco to pitch this week? Russo: Actually I do... its called womens wrestling. It has been around for a while and I think that it should have its own title and its own show we can replace Superstars with a womens wrestling show... *McMahon and Cornette look at Russo like hes the biggest retard to ever walk the face of the Earth* At this point I felt sorry for Vince so I had to do the right thing and help him keep his job. Me: *Laughing uncontrollably*... Vince man I told you not to tell them about our rib we thought about pulling over on them. Thats a good one but Vince has told me about a really revolutionary new concept that will get a lot of new fans and some new wrestlers into WWF. *Everyone turns to Vince* Vince: Uh yeah I did. *I wink at him*.... but I think he should tell you guys about it I cannot really do it justice. Me: The concept is Lucha Libre... light-heavyweights... a new style of wrestling the WWF has never seen. A lot of people are raving about it in the ECW company and a lot of WCW guys use some Lucha moves. It is completely amazing and anyone who is a wrestling fan will instantly buy into it. I have talked with a bunch of guys from Mexico, a few guys from the US and am in the process of a few from Japan. I can bring all of them in for less money a month than we pay for a lot of our guys who have floundered on the roster. A lot of them know each other and could make great tag teams. You do not even have to use them on RAW at first just have a few of them on Superstars and see what happens from there. Cornette: There is only one problem with this... what about the lack of charisma a lot of them have? I have watched Lucha before but nothing kills me more than somebody not knowing how to talk on the mic... Me: Well Mr. Cornette you, Bobby Heenan, Johnny Polo, Lanny Poffo, and others are very talented on the mic. Why not put a few of them with a manager and get there mic skills up? Cornette: Tousche Tousche. Well boys I think we are all going to look forward to it this week. Call 6 of them up and have a six man tag tonight on Superstars. Lets see your revolutionary concept deliver... *Afterwards me and Vince talked* Vince: Why did you do that in there for me? Me: Vince I know you have some good ideas but I had to save you from being fired and I wanted the Lucha Idea to go over well so I figured I would help both of us out. Vince: Alright thanks I do like the Lucha Idea too. I was just at a training seminar and saw a guy who would be perfect for our first champ if we can make it deliver... Me: Oh we can... whats this guys name? Vince: D' Lo Brown? Ever heard of him... Me: Yea my friend Chris talked to me about him once believe it or not... Vince: Candido? Me: Yea Vince: I think Candido could do good in that kind of division as well... Me: Me too... Vince: Maybe me and you will get along...
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WWF Superstars: Sunday Week 1 1993 August [B]The Rocket Owen Hart vs. Chris Candido[/B] [COLOR=Red]Chris seemed really excited to be in the atmosphere known as the WWF. He and Owen had a decent match but the two of them dont exactly click in the ring. Chris went for a Top Rope Powerbomb but Owen knocked Chris off the top rope and hit a Moonsault for the win.[/COLOR] Winner: Owen Hart [B]Rating: C Time: 9 Minutes[/B] [B]Shocker, Cibernetico and Shawn Michaels vs. Billy Kidman, Skayde and Marty Jannetty[/B] [COLOR=Red]This match for what its worth is good. It did not in anyway steal the show or put over the Lightweight division as something unique but it did serve its purpose. Shawn and Marty were put in there to show the WWF fans some guys they knew. Tommorow night on RAW expect to see Shocker vs. Shawn Michaels. Shocker and Billy Kidman both really stood out.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C- Time: 14 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Tatanka cuts a promo about being undefeated. He says that it is the will of the warrior that carrys him through. Right as Tatanka is leaving Shawn Michaels passes him by. Shawn says to refer to him as "Running Heartwind Brokenstaff". Tatanka politely excuses himself[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B- Time: 1 Min[/B]ute [B]Tatanka vs. Crush[/B] [COLOR=Red]The Crush gimmick is about useless. Expect repacking for him soon. Tatanka wins after Shawn Michaels comes in and superkicks him. Michaels then picks up Tatanka's indian garb that he wore for entrance music and leaves the arena with it on.[/COLOR] Winner: [B]Rating: C+ Time: 17 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]The announcers put over tommorow nights Main Event: Razor Ramon, Diesel and Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart and two partners. They also talk about Shocker vs. Shawn and Steiners vs. Gunns[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute[/B] [COLOR=Red]Mr. Perfect then cuts a promo about his match against Yokozuna at Summerslam for the WWF Title.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Billy Gunn vs. Scott Steiner[/COLOR] This match is just a warmup for the Summerslam match. Actually not a bad match by any standards. Both men seem to click with each other and could one day be future WWF Champions. Of course Gunn needs a new gimmick still along with Bart. Steiner gets the win with a Frankensteiner! [B]Rating: B Time: 16 Minutes[/B] I do not post the pictures to Superstars because its my B-Show
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[B]WWF Raw Week 2 Monday August 1993:[/B] [B]Shane Helms vs. Kindman vs. Dragon Kid[/B] Me, Shane, Kidman and Dragon Kid all knew before this match that a lot of fans would not buy into it seeing how they are all unknowns. However the F Rating kind of seemed a little bit uncalled for. Some nice spots including Shane standing on Kidmans shoulders and moonsaulting off of them to pick up the pin on Dragon Kid. Hopefully next Superstars can delevir a good Lightweight match. Winner: Shane Helms [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: F Time: 8 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Shawn Michaels is shown backstage:[/COLOR] Shawn: [COLOR=Red]Tonight is your big night hmm Shocker? The night you can prove to all of the little boys and girls in Mexico that you might actually be worth something. The night that you will show the rest of the world how good of an athlete and star you really are? Psh not happening... You are a good wrestler I will give you that much but unfortunately your just another person standing in the way of the New Generation. Shocker puts your boots on because its time to dance![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time 2 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Diesel and Razor then walk into the room while Shawn leaves[/COLOR] Razor: [COLOR=Red]Hey yo Chico. Bret the Hitman Hart the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be. Dont make me laugh.... maybe in 1989 whenever he was a tag team wrestler but thats all he will ever be is another tag team wrestler in the big leauges with guys like me and Dies here. Tonight the New Generation takes another casualty in the form of you Bret Hart and the two fools you have chosen as partners.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time 2 Minutes[/B] Shocker vs. Shawn Michaels Shawn and Shocker managed to put on a good match. Nothing too fancy or good but then again Shocker's name is not being chanted everywhere he goes. Shocker hit a very unique Hurricanrana to Shawn. Shawn was standing on the apron taunting the fans so Shocker ran jumped onto the top rope... turned around and landed Shawn with it which the fans went crazy for. Shawn picked up the win with a Sweet Chin Music that he hit while Shocker went for a flying Axe Handle! Winner: The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: C Time 17 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Tatanka is shown backstage now...[/COLOR] Tatanka: [COLOR=Red]Shawn Michaels I just saw your match with Shocker. Shocker is a good athlete and has the will of the warrior however I am better. You however have no will of the warrior. You and your three buddys go out there each night and collect your paychecks and go home. It sickens me. I Tatanka will show you over the next few weeks the will of the warrior.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Black]Rating:B Time: 2 Minutes[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tatanka vs. PJ Walker[/B] [COLOR=Red]For a jobber PJ Walker can really work. Him and Tatanka got into it pretty good for the short amount of time they were given. Tatanka got the win whenever PJ went for a running dropkick and Tatanka capitalized by ducking it and followed up with the Tomahawk Chop![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C Time: 7 Minutes[/B] [B]The Smoking Gunns are shown backstage[/B] Billy: [COLOR=Red]Well folks tonight we have a match against none other than the Steiners. The two men who hold the WWF Tag Team Championships...[/COLOR] (Bart cuts him off) Bart: [COLOR=Red]OF THE WORLD!! We are tired of people treating us like just two more cowboy guys trying to make it in the big leauge. There have been many cowboys come and go but the Gunns are different we are the NEW AGE COWBOYS! From now on thats what we will be referred as and everyone shall see a different attitude from the New Age Cowboys...[/COLOR] [B]Rating:C Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [B]The New Age Cowboys vs. The Steiner Brothers (Non Title Match)[/B] [COLOR=Red]The New Age Cowboys tear the Steiners a new one in this match. The NAC wore pearl snap shirts and a bunch of other "Hip" Western wear to the ring with them. They get the win with the "Cowboy Up" an elevated Rocker Dropper. They then proceed to beat down the Steiners with there golden chains they brought with them.[/COLOR] Winners: The New Age Cowboys! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KipJames2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/mikebarton.jpg[/IMG] [B]Time: 18 Minutes Rating: C+[/B] Lex Luger cuts a promo... Luger: [COLOR=Red]I just got word tonight someone in managements sick joke of a match. It is going to be me and Ludvig Borga teaming up with each other. Apparently in order for us to get a match at Summerslam we need to "get along" and "play nice" with each other. I can tolerate that because this match means a lot to me... however Ludvig you better watch your back....[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B+ Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [B]Luger and Borga vs. Money INC[/B] [COLOR=Red]Money INC is a good team however Dibiase is not active enough to really get it going. This match was actually pretty solid and could be considered a "Match of the Night Candidate". The finish came whenever Luger and Borga had both members of Money INC up for Torture Racks at the same time and both tapped out at the same time. Luger and Borga then proceeded to get into each others faces but Borga quickly left. [/COLOR] Winners: Lex Luger and Ludvig Borga [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/LexLuger.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/LudvigBorga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: B Time: 21 Minutes[/B] [B]Backlund vs. Yokozuna[/B] [COLOR=Red]This match was basically a way of making sure Yokozuna had some TV Time before Summerslam. Yokozuna went out there and had a match with Bob Backlund. Not the best match of the night or the worst. Yokozuna won with a Big Splash to Backlund![/COLOR] Winner: Yokozuna [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Yokozuna.jpg[/IMG] [B]Time: 17 Minutes Rating: C[/B] [B]Razor, Diesel and Mr. Perfect vs. Neidhart, Bret Hart and Crush[/B] [COLOR=Red]A lot of people consider this match to be a very good match. I watched it from backstage and had to agree that all six men delevired. The ending came whenever Diesel hit a Jacknife to Bret while Crush just stood there not even helping his own teammates. After the match Crush was offered a handshake from Curt Henning but Crush turned it down and left the arena. Nobody knows whats going on with Crush either...[/COLOR] Winners: New Generation X [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CurtHennig.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ScottHall.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KevinNash3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: B- Time: 23 Minutes[/B] After the show another creative meeting went on. Cornette; Good show tonight by you and Vince. I really enjoyed the ligthweight match even though the crowd was dead during it. I see a lot of potential in Shane Helms. Me: I could not agree more. Next week on Superstars I want to have two Lightweight matches. Then the following night on RAW the same thing. Then at Summerslam the winners of each match can face each other in a Fatal Four Way for the official WWF Lightweight Title. Cornette: That sounds like a good idea. Something flashy and new I think we can run with it. I also want to say that we are prepared to offer your buddy Candido a full time contract. Another day, another new idea... Preview for WWF Superstars: Tatanka vs. Owen Hart Chris Candido vs. Koko B. Ware Lightweight Tournament Begins: Mike Quackenbush vs. Super Delfin Nick Dinsmore vs. Dragon Kid RAW Preview: Lightweight Tournament Matches: Chris Candido vs. Shocker Gregory Helms vs. Billy Kidman vs. Cibernetico Diesel vs. Yokozuna Undertaker returns! Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart
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[B]WWF Superstars: Week 2 August 1993 Sunday:[/B] [COLOR=Red]A Hype Video is shown for the newly repackaged Johhny Polo character. Its Johhny Polo with the same name but he is more of a loner and a threat to society. He talks about how his whole life he has been nice to people and its never gotten him anywhere. He said from now on he will show the WWF the threat known as Johnny Polo. [/COLOR] [B]Rating: E Time: 1 Minute[/B] [B]Chris Candido vs. Koko B. Ware[/B] [COLOR=Red]Candido and Koko both talked before the match with me about giving them some extra time for the match. On the initial booking sheet Russo had given them only 6 minutes to wrestle. I of course approved of giving them 5 more minutes. Candido picked up the win with a Brainbuster to Koko.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D Time: 11 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Mr. Fuji introduces Mike Quackenbush as his newest client. He says Quackenbush came to him whenever WWF announced the Lightweight division and needed work. Fuji promises great things from Quack.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D Time: 1 Minute[/B] [B]Mike Quackenbsh vs. Super Delfin[/B] [COLOR=Red]Quackenbush and Delfin are both debuting tonight so to get the ignorant fans into it we put Fuji in there. Fuji should really help out Quack on his microphone abilities. Quack got the win whenever Fuji nailed Delfin in the back of the head with a Kendo Stick letting Quack hit a Michinoku Driver![/COLOR] [B]Rating: E Time: 10 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Billy Gunn and Bart Gunn celebrate there victory over the Steiners backstage. [/COLOR] [B]Rating: C- Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner then walk in and jump the Gunns[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C- Time: 2 Minutes[/B] [B]Johnny Polo vs. The Model Rick Martel[/B] [COLOR=Red]Polo gets the win over Martel with a Running DDT. This match was pretty good to establish Polo is a character on the roster. The Beverly's Polo's ex clients came out and watched his match. They then left after he won. [/COLOR] [B]Rating: C Time: 12 Minutes[/B] [B]Owen Hart vs. Tatanka[/B] [COLOR=Red]Hart and Tatanka had quite a match tonight. Tatanka however proved his "will of the warrior theory" by makign Owen lose to the Tomahawk Chops[/COLOR]! [B]Rating: C+ Time: 21 Minutes[/B]
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[QUOTE]A Hype Video is shown for the newly repackaged Johhny Polo character. Its Johhny Polo with the same name but he is more of a loner and a threat to society. He talks about how his whole life he has been nice to people and its never gotten him anywhere. He said from now on he will show the WWF the threat known as Johnny Polo. [/QUOTE] wow how did you come up with that gimmick :D
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*I have no clue how I came up with it I think its a devine message. I am thinking about calling him Scarecrow :D* WWF RAW Week 3 Monday 1993 August [B]Shocker vs. Chris Candido vs. Nick Dinsmore (Lightweight Tournament Qualifier)[/B] [COLOR=Red]Shocker picks up another impressive victory here. He came out tonight with a purpose and accomplished it. Dinsmore is debuting tonight and is in his rookie year of wrestling. Shocker got the win with a Lucha Libre roll-up to Dinsmore[/COLOR] Winner: Shocker [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Shocker.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: E Time: 12 Minutes[/B] [B]Cibernetico vs. Billy Kidman vs. Shane Helms[/B] [COLOR=Red]Billy Kidman picks up a win in another cruiserwieght three way. These matches are not deleviring yet. We hope they do soon. Kidman one with the Shooting Star Press[/COLOR] Winner: Billy Kidman [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BillyKidman3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: E Time: 10 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Tatanka talks about Shawn Michaels even more and his lack of the Warrior's will.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute[/B] [B]Tatanka vs. Virgil[/B] [COLOR=Red]Tatanka gets the win with a Indian Death Drop. Basic match continuing Tatankas winning streak.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C Time: 13 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Yokozuna and Fuji cut a promo about Diesel and there match tonight.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time: 3 Minutes[/B] [B]Diesel vs. Yokozuna[/B] [COLOR=Red]Big vs. Big match. Diesel pulled out the win with a powerbomb. Perfect then came to the ring and got into Yokozunas face.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: C+ Time: 23 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Razor Ramon is shown talking with Mr Perfect about his match tonight against Bret Hart[/COLOR] [B]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/B] [B]Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels[/B] [COLOR=Red]Michaels and Razor both announced before this match started that this is just a friendly competition bout between the two best athletes in the world today! The match was just starting to get going whenever the Undertaker came in and destroyed both leading into...[/COLOR] [B]Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon vs. Undertaker[/B] [COLOR=Red]Undertaker came in and got the job done here. He destroyed Michaels and Razor the whole time. Crush came out on stage and looked on in all black gear. Undertaker got the pin with a Chokeslam to Michaels.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B Time: 11 Minutes[/B] [B]Bret Hart vs. Mr Perfect[/B] [COLOR=Red]Perfect and Hart stole the show here. Perfect scored the win with a Fisherman Superplex. After the match Lex Luger challenged Curt to a match for the World Title in the near future if Curt wins... then Borga came.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B- Time: 29 Minutes[/B] [COLOR=Red]Ludvig Borga and Lex Luger have to be held apart from a brawl[/COLOR] [B]Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes[/B] Summerslam Preview: Yokozuna vs. Mr Perfect Razor Ramon vs. Undertaker Bret Hart vs. Diesel Lightweight Title Match Luger vs. Borga Much More!
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