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<p>So I'm in October of 2001 in my New Blood rising mod and here are the current champions.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Heavyweight: Booker T </p><p> </p><p>

He won the title in the War Games match by being the winning pinfall. He is now being targeted by Goldberg (who was champion that lost the belt in the war games match) with the reason being he never truly lost the belt.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States: Dustin Rhodes</p><p> </p><p>

He won the belt from Kanyon in a long rivalry that included a double turn of Rhodes going heel and Kanyon turning face. Both have the two highest rated match of my save so far with a 92 and 90. He currently has no plans but I might be doing a retirement angle with DDP in the very near future maybe starting on the next Nitro.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight: Elix Skipper</p><p> </p><p>

Just won the belt in a Ultimate X match after the title was vacated because my let my cruiserweight champions contract expire (Aguila)</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Tag Team Champions: The Extremists (RVD and Sabu)</p><p> </p><p>

They have been champions for five months and have ran through all the tag teams with their most notable feuds being Total Control (The tag team consists of Justin Credible and Shane Douglas and as a stable Double J is the leader) and the reunited Steiners. They are currently holding an open challenge for any team which will be some random teams from my Alliance (AAA, NJPW, NOAH) until I find or build a better heel team which will probably be the Haas Brothers who are still in NWA:Wildside.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW TV: CM Punk</p><p> </p><p>

He has been pushed from the time he was called up and won the title in his third match against Big Vito. He is quickly out growing the title and will likely drop it in the next couple of months and join the US title scene.</p><p> </p><p>

Other things: I have had a number of guys who have really gotten over in the US since the save some of who I really didn't intend on happening. Scott Steiner was in the 90's, Booker is currently in the high 80's and low 90's, Goldberg is high 90's mostly 98's, RVD has benifeted from the tag team with sabu and is high 80's and low 90's across the US as well as Sabu who is low 80's across.</p><p> </p><p>

In WWF</p><p> </p><p>

They signed Sid Vicious after I wasn't really too set on keeping him and wouldn't match their offer. They also signed Nash after he requested his release. The current European champion is Marty Jannetty and this is after he's already had a IC title reign.</p><p> </p><p>

In fact a recent Smackdown was co main evented by Sid Vs Jannetty in 2001.</p>

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<p>SuperClash XII was a complete success scoring a perfect 100 rating, making it now my third show so far in this save to score 100 and also the second SuperClash event to scored a perfect 100. Happy with the card also and already have plans on what to do next. Edge and Jericho was a real surprise scoring a 100, Jericho made around 40 defences with his TV Title before dropping it but will now pursue the United States Championship from Kole. The Giant will have a re-match against Sting for the world title but I am unsure yet if I want to give The Giant the belt just yet but the feud is definitely going to be continuing for awhile.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>EDIT:</strong> For those interested in the SuperClash XII card here you go, <a href="https://gyazo.com/310a7df10df7aaad26ce1bd028e1a762" rel="external nofollow">https://gyazo.com/310a7df10df7aaad26ce1bd028e1a762</a></p>

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<p>Currently playing 1992 WCW. It's been quite enjoyable although not without obstacles. </p><p> </p><p>

I've been trying to keep it relatively faithful to life while also enjoying my own take on booking. Lex Luger quit before I could do anything with him, so at Clash 18 I put Sting against Arn Anderson for the vacant WCW Championship. Sting won and went to a draw at Superbrawl II against US Champ Rick Rude in an Iron Man Challenge match for both titles.</p><p> </p><p>

Vader and Ron Simmons were having an intense feud to see who's the dominant force in WCW, but unfortunately Ron went down with a serious groin injury. His surgery was a success, so he should be back by August.</p><p> </p><p>

I had Bret Hart vs Ricky Steamboat pinned for Spring Stampede. Few days prior the PPV, on a Power Hour taping Steamboat was injured by Abdullah the Butcher and had to miss a few months. Much like Simmons, his surger was successful and they are now due to return at the same day. I released Abby since I've got nothing for him in the 1st place.</p><p> </p><p>

Rick Rude and Steve Austin got hurt as well but they can still work. It's just that they're gonna have a handicap for the rest of the year. I wanted to the War Games match like IRL but with all these injuries, I don't think I should.</p><p> </p><p>

Sting and Cactus Jack had 2 great consecutive title matches on PPV. Now I'm struggling to think of something for Jack...</p>

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Guest Asaemon

<p>Hogan Knows WCW Best</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/siWHUP8.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/i6JxwEw.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/FJjiwRA.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>CotC 1994-></em></p><p> </p><p>

So like he always said, Buff truly is the Stuff! Two Armstrongs that could make it big time, instead of being stuck in the midcard. "Jumping" Joey Maggs ready to become a 1-2-3 Kid ripoff? I'm going to enjoy booking this one.</p>

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When last we left the heroes and villains of AWE they were heading into the first big show of January. Internal Combustion marks the first quarter big event and it looked something like this.


The rivalry between Simon Waves and Rapid Attack (Amazing Fire Fly and Rapido) led to three matches which was supposed to determine once and for all who was best. However things weren’t so clear by the end.


Amazing Fire Fly over Ernest Youngman

Marcel LaFluer over Rapido

Simon Waves draws Seth Whitehead when neither man can meet a 10 count after a brutal bout


Foxxy LaRue and her new ally Demelza Wade went to battle once more with Team 5SSW (Shiori Jippensha and Fuyuko Higa) who still claim despite their defeat int heir first tag match that Joshi workers are better than the American womens workers. And they ended up being right in this case putting both teams at one win a piece.


Team 5SSW over Wade & LaRue


In the battle for the AWE Dynamic Duo titles Rising Sons were getting their shot at the Horsemen while The Stretchers went head to head against their rivals since both being brought on to the full roster The Fighting Irish. The Irish had beat them in their first match on the Roster and the Stretchers had won the second but by DQ. This third match was for all the marbles and to move up the ranks for a possible shot at the titles


Horsemen over Risings Sons to retain the AWE Dynamic Duo titles

The Stretchers over The Fighting Irish


In the battle between good and evils Melvin Otto was in the corner of his new Harbingers the team of Hell’s Rebels (Big Dog and Swipe) against the reformed and renewed Heaven’s Light (Moonlight and Starlight). And Slaughter who since joining the roster has had one draw and only one defeat, albeit by getting himself disqualified in his last title shot, gets a second go at the AWE Inspired title against Lobo Solitario after shelving Electric Dreamer for the show.


Heaven’s Light over Hell’s Rebels

Slaughter over Lobo Solitario to become the New AWE Inspired champion



The Stories Continue…



Ladies First



Tied up two a piece Team 5SSW and Wade & LaRue are thrust into singles matches for the next two monthly events. At Hypredrive Fuyuko Higa went over Demelza Wade and Foxxy LaRue went over Shiori Jippensha. In March at no retaliation Shiori Jippensha went over Demelza Wade and Foxxy LaRue went over Fuyuko Higa. Both teams still even went into April looking to prove once and for all who was the top women’s team and so they were both entered into the Impossible Possibilities tournament



The Biggest of Things


Still being evened up in terms of success over each other the two teams decided that championship gold was the only way to settle the score. Whitehead and Waves set their sights on the big belt, the AWE Inspired title, but they were quickly dispatched. Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things got themselves into a three way match with the Fighting Irish to see who would move along in their search for gold. The devious Madam Bat decided that Waves and Whitehead would themselves team to face one of the rising tryout teams – the former NYCW and PSW tag champions – The Ring Generals.


Whitehead and Waves oddly won white their hatred of each other saw Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things lose focus – and the match – with the Fighting Irish. Even in the losses the fight moves on and Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things manage to work their way to four wins each and they at No Hesitation Rapid Attack defeated both Hell’s Rebels and Heaven’s Light in an upset win, while The Next Big Things took out The Fighting Irish one on one giving them both five wins a piece and a shot at the titles. Waves and Whitehead were given another shot at the Ring Generals to see if their win was just a fluke. Both Rapid Attack and The Next Big things won their matches but with April being the beginning of the Impossible Possibilities Tournament when that title shot would happen was up in the air. Waves & Whitehead also won, although Waves was upset Whitehead cheated to do so, and then they were both upset to go into the tournament together as a team.


The Most Dynamic


The Horsemen had managed to keep their titles well in hand. After defeating the Rising Sons at Internal Combustion the members of the Apocalypse Riders teamed with Slaughter against Heroes Unlimited at Hyper Drive while a new contender was sought. The Fighting Irish beat both Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things to move closer but the Stretchers put in a win over the last contenders Rising Sons to make the five wins now needed to contend for a title, Madam Bat raised it from three after Slaughters win over Lobo Solitario.


With no Tag Partner JOJI was out of contention and with the Stretchers loss at No Hesitation that sent them back down as well. Fighting Irish rose to the top of the field only to be put out by Rapid Attack. So with two teams who had been focusing on each other – The Next Big Things and Rapid Attack – no both having enough to contend for the titles, its up to The Irish and The Stretchers to rebuild their momentum in the Impossible Possibilities tournament. JOJI however sits on the side lines, although he put in a very good showing against Electric Dreamer as he tried his hand at gaining the AWE Inspired title but the time travelling heroine was just too much.


Old Enemy New Name


With the new rules of five wins required to challenge for any title no one was going to make enough victories to take on Slaughter at Hyper Drive. Heroes Unlimited decided that if they kill one head and it grew back it was best to take out all the heads at once. They faces the three remaining Riders – Acid II, Reaver, and Slaughter – in a six man tag but just could not get the job done. They were especially keen and bringing Slaughter down as he had nearly doubled his strength after Madam Bat refueled the formerly shattered AWE Inspired title with new power.


Meanwhile Melvin Otto sought to hobble the former champ and sent his minions after him. Lobo’s tag partner Wolfsbaine came to his aid which set up match at Hyperdrive. The Wolves took on Hell’s Rebels and showed Otto that his plan just wouldn’t work, as usual.


Building too No Hesitation saw both Hell’s Rebels and Heaven’s Light try to gather enough wins to at least wrest the Dynamic Duo titles out of the hands of the Horsemen. However in their triple threat with Rapid Attack they were too intent on each other and the high flying Luchadors took the win.


Electric Dreamer, Melvin Otto, and Lobo Solitario all went for their five wins but only Lobo made it leaving Dreamer and Otto at four. Dreamer and Otto fought to a brutal no contest leaving them both at four wins and then in their weakened state Slaughter destroyed them both after having already put down the Wolf in his first title defense.


Lobo and Logan entered into the Impossible Possibilities tournament but Madam Bat said even though they technically only had four matches neither of them lost and she would allow a triple threat for the AWE Inspired title at the Impossible Possibilities show. Since its not related to the tournament the build up to that match saw Slaughter squash to smaller workers and then win a two on one handicap match against Dreamer and Otto who could not keep their stuff together. Dreamer and Otto both took wins on the go home show and are set to face off with Slaughter and each other.


Impossible Possibilites Tournament


Winners of the A matches face each other and the winners of the B Matches face each other. The last two remaining in a tier face eachohter and then the winner of tier one faces the winner of tier two and the winner of tier three faces the winner of teir four. Leaving just two last teams in the finals.


The winning members of each team get to choose any match they want.


Tier One



The Puerto Rican Boys (Island Boy Apollo and Kid San Juan)

The Wolves (Lobo Solitario and Logan Wolfsbaine)



The Aces of Mayhem (Ace Youngblood and Max Mayhem)

The Fighting Irish (Jason O'Connor and Robbie McNamara)



The Horsemen (Acid II and REaver)

The Lifetimers (Ben Williams and Happy Gilmore)



Hell's Rebels (Big Dog and Swipe)

The Dynamite Express (Cameron Jones and Syd Collier)


Tier Two



Lily & Rose (Kate Lily and Debbie Rose)

Zone Out (Fox Mask and Remmy Skye)



Going Coastal (California Love Machine and Frankie-Boy Fernandez)

Team 5SSW (Fuyuko Higa and Shiori Jippensha)



The Juggernaughts (Al Coleman and Johnny Perez)

Wade & LaRue (Demelza Wade and Foxxy LaRue)



The Backyardians (G Force and Flying Patriot)

The Supreme Dream Team (Grandmaster Phunk and Greg Black)


Tier Three



The Gopher & The Ant (Topher Smith and Ant-Man)

Waves & Whitehead (Simon Waves and Seth Whitehead)



Everyday Heroes (Ralph Liotta and Robin Newmen)

Powder Keg (Go Hatakeda and Hatsuyo Hiraki -male and female regens respectively)



Flash Sparrow (American Flash and Matt Spwarrow)

The Next Big Things (Ernest Youngman and Marcel LaFleur)



Coulrophobia (Hellech and Pierrot)

Rapid Attack (Amazing Fire Fly and Rapido)


Tier Four



Heaven's Light (Moonlight and Starlight)

Thunder & Lighthing (Jason Thunder and Lighthing Lomas)



The Gilbert Brother (Jesse and Joe Gilbert)

The Young Guns (Ford Gumble and Harry Allen)



The Heartbreakers (Justin Senstive and Raphael)

The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler)



Notorious (Carlos Barrera and Miguel Rivera)

The Stretchers (Laura Flame and Eri Sato)

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<p>Forgot to post this earlier, but here is the tournament that crowned my first ever TCW Women's Tag Team Champions. (October 2016)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opening Round</span></strong></p><p>

Good Lookin' Bunny (Kathleen Goodlooks & Jessica Bunny) defeated Foxxy Larue & Zoe Ammis </p><p> </p><p>

Shiori Jippensha & Tomoko Nagatsuka defeated Danielle Sweetheart & Pamela Rojo</p><p> </p><p>

The A-List (Nadia Snow & Demelza Wade) defeat Gemmei Oonishi & Mystery Pink</p><p> </p><p>

Paige Croft & Alexis (Lee) Littlefeather defeated Hell Cat & Purple Viper</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi Finals</span></strong></p><p>

Good Lookin' Bunny defeated Shiori Jippensha & Tomoko Nagatsuka</p><p> </p><p>

The A-List defeated Paige Croft & Alexis Littlefeather</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Finals!</span></strong></p><p>

The A-List defeated Good Lookin' Bunny to become the <strong>FIRST EVER</strong> TCW Women's Tag Team Champions!</p><p> </p><p>

I have a 16 Team Tournament going on right now for the vacant TCW World Tag Team Titles. Joshua Taylor & Art Reed had to vacate the titles after Taylor broke his ankle. I'll post the full results when its finished. Until next time!</p>

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<p>So I imported the names that were added to the latest Fleisch Real World Chronicles into another DB. My current save has randomly generated workers with the following names....</p><p> </p><p>

The Popular Ibis</p><p>

Stretch Danzig</p><p>

Pitch Wall</p><p>

Western Oklahoma</p><p>

Chop Swoop</p><p>

Sunset Shout</p><p>

Spring Hoot</p><p>

East Slap</p><p>

Practice Taunt</p><p>

Pretty Spartan</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So I imported the names that were added to the latest Fleisch Real World Chronicles into another DB. My current save has randomly generated workers with the following names....<p> </p><p> The Popular Ibis</p><p> Stretch Danzig</p><p> Pitch Wall</p><p> Western Oklahoma</p><p> Chop Swoop</p><p> Sunset Shout</p><p> Spring Hoot</p><p> East Slap</p><p> Practice Taunt</p><p> Pretty Spartan</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> IM ****ING DYING</p>
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<p>So a bit of an update on the 2002 WCW game. I'm now in April of 2002 and things are rolling. Most Nitro's are getting B+ grades, so the thought of making it a bit tougher to get good grades too quickly seems to be out the window. But its fun. </p><p> </p><p>

The top of the roster is pretty solid. Booker T is around A popularity (think he starts around B-). Sting is back, but I let Jeff Jarrett depart to start TNA. Eddie Guerrero and Raven have seen popularity jumps. The only real concern is that the upper midcard and even fringe main event is a drop below that - the likes of Rob Vam, Kanyon, Lance Storm, Dustin Rhodes, Shane Douglas are all in the C- to C range. Some of them need to move up in popularity, even if they aren't all going to be moving up the card. </p><p> </p><p>

The main feud is Booker being chased by Raven and Eddie Guerrero. Booker has beaten both in one on one matches, with the next PPV set to be a threeway. Booker has held the world title since winning it at Starrcade so I'm not in a giant rush to move it off of him, but both Raven and Eddie could use a title reign to really establish themselves. Just not decided yet one will get it. My thinking is that I'll go from Booker to Eddie in the summer, then RVD in autumn, and then Raven sometime in early 2003, once he has a full Flock. I'd like to keep Flair and Sting away from the title as I don't think either needs it. Still unsure on bringing back Goldberg once he's available. </p><p> </p><p>

Ran the Cruiserweight tournament through January & February, which Rey Mysterio won after his return. He decided to move out of the CW division rather than challenge AJ Styles for the title. Now I'm running a tag team tournament, using the Crockett Cup. The final will be Awesome/Storm going over Flair & AJ. The combo of Awesome & Storm are still the tag champs, but if they end up moving closer to the main event scene, I might need to switch that out before it gets too problematic. </p><p> </p><p>

My intent for the US title was to keep it on RVD for a long while. And then I made a mistake by somehow having Tommy Dreamer go over RVD on Nitro. This is a double mistake, as while I wanted to use Dreamer as a midcarder and B show staple, I forgot to offer him a written deal right off the start as he starts on a PPA. So XPW offered him the booker role. If I hit National before XPW dies, he won't extend. The upside is that I can switch the title to someone else before and now RVD is easier to push into the main event scene without worrying about how to get the belt off of him. </p><p> </p><p>

I still haven't added much for indy talent. Steve Corino, Masato Tanaka, AJ Styles, and Tommy Dreamer are all established on the main roster. But the next generation guys are all still in developmental. And going quite well. All 4 child companies started at the smallest possible size, but the first of them just moved up to Small. I think all 4 will move up in size before long. Having them touring makes a difference.</p><p> </p><p>

When to start calling those talents up is probably the biggest question I have going forward. CM Punk and Bryan Danielson are clearly ready, and already have some popularity so they won't be openers off the start. Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe aren't far behind that. I'm trying to avoid giving any of them monster pushes right out of the gates. I also don't want to bloat up my roster too badly. The current midcard has a bunch of names who are mostly in their mid 30s and solid wrestlers but not stars. Workers like Norman Smiley, Fit Finlay, Haku, D'Lo Brown, Hugh Morrus, Ernest Miller, Konna, Disco Inferno, and Kronik (who are now both on time decline, but just starting). I'm not eager to dump any of these guys, but as the next generation starts to come through, I won't need all of them. Figure some will go down to work in developmental.... just a question of whom.</p>

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<p>A couple weeks away from the first ever SWF Championship Games Tournament, where the winner will become the Number One Contender for the SWF Championship. This is how the bracket's looking: </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="DHDIdhdBTmaZxOZNtkVvsg.png" data-src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/DHDIdhdBTmaZxOZNtkVvsg.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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Very small follow up to the long-winded WCW post above. Of the four touring child promotions I started at the smallest possible size, two more moved up to Local size. So now three of the four are Local after less than four full months. Pretty sure it would have cost me about an extra $600K to open all four up at that size, so pretty big difference.
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<p>I'm lost lol!</p><p> </p><p>

Hey guys I'm wondering if you guys can help me out because I ****ed up real bad and idk how to recover.im running a real world mod and I'm using wwe my idea was I wanted to turn wwe into a njpw sports entertainment hybrid so I started scouring the indies and other companies for talent that met what I was looking for.</p><p> </p><p>

My roster consists of </p><p>

All the current wwe wrestlers minus a few </p><p>




Cherry bomb</p><p>

Motor city machine guns</p><p>

Gail Kim</p><p>

Goldberg </p><p>

LAX only (homicide Hernandez ivelisse)</p><p>

lo shirai</p><p>

Jay lethal </p><p>

The Hardys (already botched this one)</p><p>

Kairi hojo</p><p>

Kay Lee Ray</p><p>

Kenny omega ( new Japan ****ed up lol)</p><p>

Kurt angle </p><p>


Lio rush </p><p>

Manami Toyota ( I signed her to manage the group of kairi,lo,asuka) "Trinity"</p><p>

Matt riddle</p><p>

Rob van dam</p><p>


Tetsuya naito</p><p>

Hot sauce Tracy Williams </p><p>

Will ospreay</p><p>

Zack Sabre Jr</p><p>

Adam Cole </p><p>

Adam page</p><p>


Black lotus</p><p>

Candice lerae</p><p>

Donovan dijak</p><p>

Drew galloway</p><p>

El ligero</p><p>

Ethan carter</p><p>


Rey fenix</p><p>

Jimmy havoc </p><p>

Kelly Klein </p><p>

Kobra moon</p><p>

Mandy Leon </p><p>

Young bucks </p><p>

Marty scurll</p><p>

Mia yim</p><p>

Pentagon jr</p><p>

Sexy starr</p><p>

Rey mysterio </p><p> </p><p>

Main story lines are </p><p>


Bayley vs Gail Kim</p><p>

I'm thinking of putting the strap on Gail and having bayley chase her</p><p> </p><p>

Hardys vs Decay man I botched this one.Abyss is the only one getting over I brought the Hardys in and didn't realize Matt was still a heel I had them teaming doing the broken thing until I saw that it wasn't working and when I changed him to a face the fans won't buy it now.</p><p> </p><p>

Omega vs Owens of the universal title </p><p>

I wanted omega to come in red hot I had Owens hold the title for a while and I had placed omega in nxt for a while until he started complaining and I had him answer Owens open challenge and that kicked off the feud.</p><p> </p><p>

Lethal vs joe us title I had joe take the title off Jericho and just dissimate the roster and look unbeatable I had lethal win a battle royal for a shot at the title and that's how I started this off.</p><p> </p><p>

Roman and Seth vs kill shot society</p><p>

Kill shot society is s group I formed which consists of Roderick strong,Matt riddle,Tracy Williams. Kyle o Riley was also apart of this but he had zero chemistry with these guys and just wasn't a good fit so I pulled him out. lol basically I had nothing for Seth or roman right now so I decided to put them up again a team that needed the exposure and I'm trying to get them over. This is only temporary I want to start making riddle and Williams serious threats in the tag division.</p><p> </p><p>

I also have women tag champs who travel between shows</p><p>

They are Sasha banks and Kay lee ray i plan on having lo and kairi challenge them for the belts </p><p> </p><p>

Roddy strong won the cruiserweight belt at mania for the title I don't know who to put him up against right now because I split the division up and gave smackdown a cruiserweight division and belt also so any suggestions would be great.</p><p> </p><p>

Smackdown </p><p> </p><p>

Angle vs nakamura self explanatory lol</p><p>

Truthfully this is just angles farewell tour so I want him to have as many great matches as possible and maybe win the title one last time.</p><p> </p><p>

Asuka vs Becky lynch I have no idea what I wanna do with this I might scratch it thoughts?</p><p> </p><p>

Cesaro vs Bray Wyatt I moved cesaro to smackdown I want to put the belt on him soon but I needed something to hold him over for right now.</p><p> </p><p>

Charlotte vs mickie for the women's title I was thinking I should scrap Becky and asuka feud and just make this a fatal four way ? </p><p> </p><p>

Los ingobernables de japon (evil and cien almas and naito ) vs American alpha</p><p>

Jey uso got hurt and messed up the Orginal plans I want the LOS to win the belts I hope then and alpha tear it up.</p><p> </p><p>

Naito vs apollo crews for the intercontinental title I just wanted apollo crews to be doing something so I had him win the belt and I felt him and naito would mesh perfectly and they do! Eventually I want naito to win and have LOS to somewhat dominate smackdown.</p><p> </p><p>

John cena wwe champion vs ? </p><p> </p><p>

This right here is the problem idk what to do with this technically I didn't even want cena as champ but randy had a horrible run as champion wasn't up to par however the match with cena got an insane match rating but I don't wanna run Orton vs cena as the main program for smackdown. I have Aj in the waiting but I also don't wanna just do the same old cop out feud I wanted to get creative and do something new and fresh but idk what to do now suggestions please lol!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The smackdown cruiserweight title is vacant I was kinda running a tournament </p><p>

And was thinking maybe having Zack sabre jr win or maybe Rey mysterio can't decide.</p><p> </p><p>

Right now we are in a cool down period and I'm trying to bring the company out of it but I really do need some help or some input lol because it feels like nothing im doing is working !</p>

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<p>Alright folks, I just finished my massive tag team tournament in TCW (2016). As promised, here are the results.</p><p> </p><p>

Just a quick overview, the hot tag team of Art Reed & Joshua Taylor rose up the rankings fast. In the falls of 2016, they challenged the dominating tag team of The Syndicate’s Jay Chord & Edd Stone. Much to the delight of TCW fans, Reed & Taylor dethroned The Syndicate as Tag Champions.</p><p> </p><p>

Sadly, one week before the highly anticipated rematch, Taylor broke his ankle. Taylor & Reed were forced to vacate the Tag Team Titles. Thus, a 16 Tag Team Tournament was built to crown the new tag team champions. Many of the prominent tag teams along with new duos went to battle over a month’s time to see which two men will be left standing among the thirty-two.</p><p> </p><p>

That said, here we go!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opening Round!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

East Bracket</strong></p><p>

Masked Cougar & “Thrill Seeker” Lee Rivera defeated Bryan Holmes & Brent Hill</p><p> </p><p>

The Syndicate (Jay Chord & Edd Stone) defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond & Matt Hocking</p><p> </p><p>

Rocky Golden & Art Reed defeated Beauty & Da Beast (“Fabulous” Eddie Chandler & American Buffalo)</p><p> </p><p>

The Gold Mine (Chance Fortune & Multimillonario) defeated Troy Tornado & Shane Nelson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>West Bracket</strong></p><p>

The (Syndicate’s) Enforcers (Steven Parker & Bulldozer Brandon Smith) defeated The All Day Express (Darryl Devine & Bart Biggins)</p><p> </p><p>

Party Squad (Donnie J & Flying Jimmy Foxx) defeated Human Arsenal & Giant Tana</p><p> </p><p>

Freddy Huggins & Casey Valentine defeated Mighty Mo & KP Avatar</p><p> </p><p>

Ricky DeColt & Benny Benson defeated Nate Johnson & Thom “Guide” Barrowman</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Second Round!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

East Bracket</strong></p><p>

The Syndicate defeated Masked Cougar & Lee Rivera</p><p> </p><p>

Rocky Golden & Art Reed defeated The Gold Mine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>West Bracket</strong></p><p>

The Enforcers defeated Party Squad</p><p> </p><p>

Ricky DeColt & Benny Benson defeated Freddy Huggins & Casey Valentine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Semi-Finals!</span></strong></p><p><strong>

East Bracket</strong></p><p>

The Syndicate defeated Rocky Golden & Art Reed</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>West Bracket</strong></p><p>

Ricky DeColt & Benny Benson defeated The Enforcers</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Both Golden & Bulldozer interfered in each other’s match, setting up a huge behemoth versus behemoth match. 98 Rating! Woo Hoo!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Finals of The TCW World Tag Team Championship Tournament!</span></strong></p><p>

Ricky DeColt & Benny Benson defeated The Syndicate the <strong>NEW!</strong> TCW World Tag Team Champions! Another 98 Rating! Yay!</p><p> </p><p>

With all that done, I’m setting up a 5 on 5 Cage Wars to round out 2016. The Syndicate will not stop interfering in each other’s matches, so TCW Commish Ross Henry is putting them all in the same match with their biggest rivals! (Eddie Peak, Rocky Golden, etc.) Guaranteed to be fun!</p>

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<p>In my WCW 2002 game, Bryan Danielson suffered a 6 month leg injury on his first match after being called up from development. Between this, and AJ Styles being either injured or in rehab for almost the entire game, I'm having bad luck with my young future superstars.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, between this, and Bryan Danielson dying in my last game I used him in, I'm also having bad luck with Bryan Danielson in general.</p>

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<p>Playing C-Verse '97 as HGC (though I changed to TCW because I prefer the name even if there's no Tommy Cornell in the company yet), and currently through to March '98, approaching my second Total Mayhem.</p><p> </p><p>

Obviously hitched my wagon to Strong vs Chord for the first few months, with Rip being the first champion through underhanded means (actually ended up awarding him the title in a segment because Strong wouldn't agree to lose in a match). I put a stable around Chord to help build some new stars, and a few allies with Strong. At the first Total Mayhem, Strong won the belt to end the show. After that Nemesis debuted and inserted himself into their feud, eventually phasing Chord into other things to leave it as Strong vs Nemesis but Nemesis came up short. I needed a filler opponent for October so held a show in Puerto Rico headlined by Strong vs Puerto Rican Power.</p><p> </p><p>

I'd spent most of '97 building up Vengeance as a force in his appearances (borrowing him from my development company until he was ready) by essentially squashing jobbers, low carders and veterans I had no plans or future for. He got called up full-time after Total Mayhem as part of a loose alliance with the debuting Nemesis alongside BLZ Bubb but they quickly separated and started dominating as a pair. When it became clear Vengeance was getting far more over than BLZ Bubb, I brought in Puerto Rican Power as Bubb's new partner, and added Demons of Rage to create a stable led by Vengeance who went solo and challenged Sam Strong at War to Settle the Score in November, becoming the man to unthrone the legend and become the new World Heavyweight Champion (and jump to A* overness). He held open challenges at Psycho Circus and Malice in Wonderland, beating Corporal Doom and Johnny Martin, before the challenge was answered by Freddie Datsun prior to Just Another Day. The first wobble for Vengeance, who changed the rules on Datsun to be a gauntlet against his lackeys. So Datsun beat Anger then Spite in easy victories but then a tougher match against PRP, who intentional got DQed and Datsun took a stunt bump. This gave him a fair out when he lost to BLZ Bubb in the final match before Vengeance, who then faced Bob Casey in a 2 minute squash for the title (it wasn't the Main Event of the show, I opened with the gauntlet). Datsun will get another shot at Total Mayhem, having completed the gauntlet in the run-up to the show. Vengeance is going to retain but the program seems to be making Datsun. Vengeance is going to hold the belt throughout '98 but I have got a list of challengers built up to face him now.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce & Liberty made each other with a feud over the International title, which ended with Bruce turning face out of respect for their long back-and-forth feud. Bruce then feuded with Steve Flash to retain his title, and then Brute Alexei (who was part of Rip Chord's entourage), which transitioned into a feud with Rip. He has retained against Chord a couple of times but Rip is relentless and will take the title from him at Total Mayhem. Liberty had his own feud with Rip while Bruce was feuding with Flash, and came out on top 2-1 in PPV matches, before moving into a feud with Nemesis and his lackey Runaway Train. He ended '97 going to a no contest with Nemesis at Psycho Circus, so they have continued their feud into '98 and will finish it at Total Mayhem. Currently both Bruce and Liberty are at B+ overness, and both faces, so both ready to take their shots against Vengeance. Probably Liberty first.</p><p> </p><p>

I had RDJ in development at the start of the game and didn't notice his contract expire so I had to wait until November to bring him back but he'd been to NOTBPW and Hinote Dojo in the meantime and improved a lot. He joined Jack Bruce's feud as an ally against Rip Chord and Brute Alexei. He finished the year as the first PPV opponent of a heel Sam Strong. Strong had turned after losing the title to Vengeance, thinking the fans had turned on him and the company hadn't given him enough protection in the run-up to his match with Vengeance, so he formed his own protection, revealing a stable with Rip Chord and Nemesis (at the time, 3 of my 4 most over workers, excluding Vengeance) called The Triumvirate (w/Runaway Train as their enforcer). It gave me a very heavy heel Main Event but I wanted space to let Bruce, Liberty & RDJ grow into my top faces (and later Money & Datsun). RDJ was too far below Strong to beat him at Psycho Circus but I've been building him strongly so he can topple him at Total Mayhem. He's currently only at C+ at the start of March so doesn't look like I'll get my pay-off, and RDJ has been overtaken by Freddie Datsun & Rich Money in the face pecking order.</p><p> </p><p>

Other stand-outs have been Brent Hill as my TCW Cruiserweight/Junior Heavyweight Champion (Middleweight limit), who has dragged Steve Flash, Chris Rockwell & Ultima up with him; Rich Money who debuted strong from development and is on course to beat Runaway Train at Total Mayhem; Runaway Train who has rocketed to Main Event as the enforcer to The Triumvirate (unsurprising as he is often in A* angles, wins alongside them, or dominant wins of his own); Johnny Martin, who got over as part of his team with Eric Tyler in Rip Chord's entourage but has kicked on hugely since Eric got sent to rehab and he was forced to go solo; BLZ Bubb has done well as Vengeance's second-in-command and there's a feud there ready to go if either ever turns; The DeColts and Stones are currently feuding (I had to cheat a little to get Jeremy as he was head booker but I wanted the full-set) and getting each other over, and making each other more rounded.</p><p> </p><p>

Before the year is out the contracts of Sean McFly, Sam Keith, Christian Faith, Bruce the Giant, Sid Streets, Rory McCallum, The Big Easy, Mr. Supreme, and Tommy Cornell are all up for renewal, and I plan on stealing all of them (I've already taken Alex Pierce and Eric Eisen). I don't particularly want Streets or Easy but they're over and it'll hurt SWF. McCallum and Supreme I'm not sold on either but seem to have more use if I can find a spot for them. McFly will be involved with the Stones because I have Victoria Stone already. Keith, Faith & Bruce will be the hardest to slot in because I don't want to stifle the new talent I have built up (and I have Tom Gilmore ready to debut after Total Mayhem from development, already better than the majority of my roster) but I'll need to move Strong, Chord, Doom, Alexei and Nemesis on soon enough anyway, and I've just discovered that Money & RDJ have excellent tag chemistry so they can hang-out in the tag division for a while if needs be.</p><p> </p><p>

All in all, absolutely destroying the competition <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Having a blast booking my favourite C-Verse workers from their early years.</p>

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<p>I started a WWF 1994 sim and I'm currently mid 1997</p><p> </p><p>

I noticed that I created some stables and tag teams that...due to inability to sign some historical players... are different than the reality that WE know:</p><p> </p><p>

Shane McMahon's "army" and Ted DiBiase's "million dollar corporation" have just executed a Corporate Merger. The Corporation consists of those 2 managers plus Crush, Bundy, Sid Vicious, Scott Steiner, The Barbarian and Derick Dukes in an intentionally awful Michael Jackson gimmick.</p><p> </p><p>

Shane Douglas has formed "Franchise, Inc." which is an intentional rip off of the 4 Horsemen. He is in the Flair role. Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit are his fall guys. A huge British guy I call Bones Thatcher is in the Bodyguard role and Woman is their femme fatale.</p><p> </p><p>

The Nation of Domination consists of Ahmed Johnson, Kama Mustafa, Mustafa Saed and Mo-Hammed (formerly Mo from Men on a Mission). We're pretty militant. </p><p> </p><p>

Los Borriquas consist of Savio Vega (leader, after he ousted Eddie Guerrero), Al Perez, El Texano, Heavy Metal and Chicky Star (who is on probation)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Tag Team of DeGeneration Ex is Raven and Sean Cannon (who you know as Sean Waltman)</p><p> </p><p>

The Brothers of Destruction are Kane and Gangrel</p><p> </p><p>

The New Age Outlaws are Kip James and Shawn Michaels.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

So in this universe, things are the same AND different....! <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>I started a game with NYCW before resigning and deciding I would sim a whole year and start my own company and I come to find out Johnny Martin took over NYCW and had it out of business in about 5 or 6 months. So I decided to base my company in Tri State to fill that void and hired back the NYCW guys I like, like, the Ring Generals and the Southern Stars.</p><p> </p><p>

So for the fun part, TCW isnt locking their superstars into written contract giving me a lot of options at only the regional level, and I managed to sign a couple of fresh SWF releases like Joe Sexy,American Machine, Jungle Jack to name a few and form a good main event scene.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm running a four horsemen like stable with Troy Tornado at the forefront, with Joe Sexy as the right hand man and mostly the voice of the group and a tag team I have shoved together to pretty good success of Mighty Mo and "All Money" Ross Henry round out the group with their tag team Mighty Money.</p><p> </p><p>

Right now they're feuding with mainly Joshua Taylor and the Ring Generals but this group is hitting it off well and Ross Henry is surprising me as I have really played a really long term CVerse game since I was 4 years in with CZCW in 2013.</p>

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<p>1992, WCW. Playing as Missy Hyatt. The Mod is Eye of the Storm by Justxyank.</p><p> </p><p>

I've fired Tommy Rich after he wrestled wasted on drugs, and i've also released Ole Anderson & Kip Allen Frey. I've stole Bret & Owen from the WWF. I wanted to plan the feud to separate the Steiner Brothers, but Rick got injured in an NJPW event, so i've turned Scott Steiner heel right away and now he's in a feud with Nikita Koloff.</p>

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<p>The December PPV, Lord Of The Rings is once again a success.</p><p> </p><p>

This year saw Kole (Booker T) reach the final and defeat Shawn Michaels to earn himself a world title against Shane Douglas at the January PPV, Rage In The Cage. Unsure yet if I want to give Kole the world title just yet as Douglas has been an amazing champion since coming in and dethroning Sting after his one year and four month reign. </p><p> </p><p>

Here is the tournament card for those interested: <a href="https://gyazo.com/1cf80b532ab858511f8352b8251f5615" rel="external nofollow">https://gyazo.com/1cf80b532ab858511f8352b8251f5615</a></p>

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<p>When last we left the heroes and villains of AWE they were headed into the Impossible Possibilities Tag Team Tournament. Long story short the Wolves (my UC Lobo Solitario and Logan Wolfsbaine) beat Heaven’s Light (Moonlight [aka Catalina Vasquez] and Starlight [aka Sandra Shine winner of the 2019 young wrestler of the year])</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>But here’s how the Stories go</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ladies First</p><p>

Demelza Wade and Foxxy LaRue had been in a tough battle against the two ladies from 5SSW Shiori Jippensha and Fuyuko Higa. The two teams were tied at one win a piece in tag bouts against each other and they were even in terms of singles matches with two wins and two losses each. In the Impossible Possibilities tournament Team 5SSW went out first and then they cost Wade & LaRue their match in the semi finals. Both teams now out of the tournament Wade & LaRue looked to settle things once nad for all at Beyond Possibility.</p><p> </p><p>

Wade & LaRue came out on top with a big win and wrapped up the feud sending Team 5SSW back to Japan with their tails between their legs and see Demelza head back to main eventing in AAA having done what she came to do, aid Foxxy LaRue.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Testing Our Strength</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With Foxxy having proven she’s better than the Japanese women she was challenged by JOJI to a match as his partner was out with an injury. Foxxy really had nothing to prove but she never backs down from a challenge so she accepted. JOJI took the win at Supersonic in May. LaRue couldn’t stand for the loss and wanted another shot. JOJI opted to give it to her, even though his partner would be back by Fire in the Blood in June. JOJI lost the second match and leaving things at a tie did not sit well with either party. And so even though GIDAYU had returned a rubber match was set up for the most AWE inspiring show of the year, Red, White, and Black & Blue.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Biggest of Things</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Seth Whitehead and Simon Waves the two leading members of opposing factions had been thrown together over a few shows as a team by Madam Bat. After winning their two matches as a team they were entered into the Impossible Possibilities tournament as a team. The team made it all the way to the semifinals but not before facing off against the other members of Whitehead’s faction – Marcel LaFleur and Ernest Youngman – in the quarter finals. Seth actually got the pin and that caused some tension in the group. With the leaders in the semi finals at the Beyond Possibilities show The Next Big Things and Rapid Attack cashed in their wins to face off against the Horsemen for the titles. Their personal animosity however, distracted them from the true threat of the Horsemen and the Dynamic Duo title holders retained.</p><p> </p><p>

Supersonic in May saw the Next Big Things take a second trios win since this battle began putting them ahead as a group although still behind in singles and tag wins. Both teams decided that still the only way to determine who is best was to win titles. Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things both racked up a few wins and headed into Fire in the Blood looking for their fifth. But not only had they been beaten by the actual Dynamic Duo in April, in June they were each defeated by other contenders for the title The Stretchers and The Fighting Irish.</p><p> </p><p>

This left much to be determined things had come to a head. There was brawling after matches, vitriolic promos during shows. So matches were set up for Red, White, and Black & Blue. No titles just the six fighters. Simon Waves would go one on one with Seth Whitehead and Rapid Attack would face off against The Next Big Thing. This would be decided one way or another.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Most Dynamic</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With Foxxy’s partner leaving and her being embroiled in another heated feud and GIDAYU’s injury keeping Rising Sons out of contention it looked like The Stretchers and The Fighting Irish were the only ones left to contend for the titles. They got edge out at Beyond Possibility and then lost to Hell’s Rebels at the actual show in a three way match. The two teams worked their way back up and faced off in a four way at Supersonic, which they lost again along with Heaven’s Light to the Rebels.</p><p> </p><p>

One more shot is all either team needed but there was no way to build up five wins before Fire in the Blood. They managed to rack up two along with Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things. If they lost at Fire in the Blood that would be it for them no more title hopes till after the big show. It’s a god thing Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things seemed more focused on being better than each other and the two contenders got their third win.</p><p> </p><p>

They still needed five and anything could happen they got two matches each on the first two shows of July and managed wins but that meant that both teams got their shot at Red, White, and Black & Blue in a three way. This was it what they’d been waiting for a final shot at the titles but could either of them actually beat the Horsemen.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Old Enemy New Name</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Electric Dreamer and Melvin Otto had opted out of finding a partner for the tournament and instead both cashed in their five wins to face Slaughter for the AWE Inspired title at Beyond Possibility. The monster could not be beaten, proving once again why he was the embodiment of war. He not only won but set out to kill Otto and Dreamer until The Wolves and Heaven’s light – who would be facing each other in the next match in the finals of the tournament – came out for the save.</p><p> </p><p>

With the Wolves win of the Impossible Possibilities tournament Logan decided to use his opportunity right away to face Slaughter at Supersonic. Lobo said he would save his and allow his partner a one on one shot without having to contend with him too. If he won though Lobo would be the first to challenge for his title. Sadly Wolfsbaine would prove not to be the first to pin the monster or make him subit.</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile Hell’s Rebels and Heaven’s Light decided that if slaughter couldn’t be beat the first step to bringing down The Apocalypse Riders would be to take the Dynamic Duo titles off of the Horsemen. The two teams ended up in a four way match with the other two top contenders with Hell’s Rebels taking the win. Meanwhile in an awesome main event for the show Electric Dreamer and Lobo Solitario teamed up to prove the Horsemen could be beat in a tag team match, even if it was non-title.</p><p> </p><p>

With Hell’s Rebels set to meet the Horsemen and Fire In The Blood, Logan Wolfsbaine, Lobo Solitario, Electric Dreamer, Moonlight, Starlight, and Melvin Otto all set to rack up enough wins to face Slaughter at Red, White, and Black & Blue. All six workers managed two wins before Fire in the Blood and then were paired off in three singles matches to weed down the contenders. Wolfsbaine lost to Starlight, Lobo lost to Dreamer, and with the aide of Big Dog, Melvin Otto beat Moonlight. Even though Big Dog helped his master Hell’s Rebels still lost to the Horsemen allowing the Apocalypse Riders to retain their titles.</p><p> </p><p>

In the month leading up to Red, White, and Black & Blue Dreamer, Otto and Starlight needed two more wins each. Dreamer got her two in matches that seemed low ball for her and Otto and Starlight each raced up one and then had to face each other. Otto came out on top because once again Big Dog made his presence felt. When Madam Bat announced a three way against her monster Lobo reminded her that he still had his possibility from winning the tournament and would be taking it to make that match a four-way.</p><p> </p><p>

Hell’s Rebels took a few wins but in knocking Starlight out of the run for the AWE Inspired title he got Heaven’s Light’s attention. A match was made between the two teams. One we’ve seen before over the past three years but a new fire had seemed to be under the women from the heavens.</p><p> </p><p>

Logan Wolfsbaine was the odd men out he couldn’t rack up enough wins before the big show. But he wasn’t let that stop him from being the hero he always had been. He stopped Rising Sons from laying it into Foxxy LaRue the show before Red, White, and Black & Blue and got challenged by GIDAYU to a match. Wolfsbaine is the consummate fighter and said yes on the spot.</p><p> </p><p>

Biggest Show of the year. The AWE Season finale.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Red, White, and Black & Blue</strong></p><p>

All matches are heel first unless they are both the same disposition – then they are alphabetical – or the champ is a face</p><p> </p><p>

The Horsemen © (Acid II and Reaver) vs. The Fighting Irish (Jason O’Connor and Robbie McNamara) vs. The Stretchers (Eri Sato and Laura Flame) For the AWE Dynamic Duo titles</p><p>

The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Ring Generals</p><p>

Thunder & Lighting vs. Lily & Rose</p><p>

JOJI vs. Foxxy LaRue</p><p>

GIDAYU vs. Logan Wolfsbaine </p><p>

Seth Whitehead vs. Simon Waves</p><p>

The Next Big Things vs. Rapid Attack</p><p>

Hell’s Rebels vs. Heaven’s Light</p><p>

Slaughter © vs. Melvin Otto vs. Electric Dreamer vs. Lobo Solitario for the AWE Inspired title</p>

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<p>A year in and the Cverse is in an interesting place</p><p> </p><p>

SWF took back that number 1 spot from USPW pretty damn quick and are now reigning supreme once again</p><p> </p><p>

South of the border pro wrestling, made a surprising splash to steal some top level American talent like Rick Law, Rich Money, BLZ Bubb, Randy Bumfhole and most recently signing Bryan Vessey. I imagine them stealing a decent bulk of USPW main eventers is part of the big hit USPW took to fall back to 2nd place.</p><p> </p><p>

Also PGHW passed BHOTWG as number 1 promotion in Japan and even WLW is nipping at the heels to steal the 2nd spot for themselves, which would be an insane fall for BHOTWG.</p><p> </p><p>

And only one premature death with Duke Hazzard falling into a shark tank at an aquarium</p>

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<p>1994 as WWF on Hives Mod. </p><p> </p><p>

WWF Don't have the best strength in depth so I went on a spree. The signee's are at the bottom of the page. Some will be on Holiday for a little bit and introduce them gradually. some will slot right in as I need some strength in depth all down the card. </p><p> </p><p>

Main feud are remaining untill Summerslam with some added to continue after Summerslam</p><p> </p><p>

WWF World Heavyweight: Bret v Owen w/Neidhart </p><p> </p><p>

Undertaker v Undertaker</p><p> </p><p>

Tatanka v Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

WWF IC title- Diesel w/HBK v Razor Ramone</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Titles: Headshrinkers v End of Days (Adam Bomb/Crush)- EOD just captured the titles at In Your House. </p><p> </p><p>

The Flock v Backlund - Raven debued and immediately targeted Backlund, the following week Raven introduced 1-2-3 kid, Adam Copeland and Kanyon as a part of his Flock. Backlund defeated Copeland and Kanyon in 2-1 handicap match at IYH. Can Backlund shake of the Flock and get his match against Raven at Summerslam? - This feud is to get Raven Over and up from the midcard aswell as helping to develop the skills of Kid/Kanyon/Copeland. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WWF Cruiserweight. title: 1-2-3 Kid v Rey Misterio</p><p> </p><p>

Kid defeated Rey to be the first Cruiserweight champion but had to resort to cheating to do it. reatining his title with help from the Flockat IYH Kid has turned heel and align-himself with Raven. </p><p> </p><p>

El Hijo de Santos and Psicosis are collecting wins to put up a bid for a title shot.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Jarret v Savage - You still got it?? - Jarret is overlooked for the top strap and the IC and looks for a way to get noticed. He picks on Randy Savage who has been stuck on the commentary desk as of late and tries to get into Savages Head in order to tempt him to compete again and face him in a match - This is used to get Savage off the desk and give him momentum. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Piper v Bulldog- Piper returns and claims that Bret owes him a shot at the top strap after Piper gave Bret a shot at him a couple years ago at Wrestlemania for the IC title... that put Bret on the map. Bret owes him.!! Bulldog who hasn't been seen for a long time returns to tell Piper that there's a que , Bret doesn't owe Piper anything and that the title will stay in the family. Bulldog aims to prove himself like he did in England 2 years ago.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

elseware. </p><p> </p><p>

Dan Severn became the first US champion, he has defeated most opponants in quick time and looks like beast. He aims to make the US champion the most legit title with only the most hard hitting/ tough guys getting shots. So far he's unimpressed with only wannabe's facing him so far. </p><p> </p><p>

Ken Shamrock - he has been picking up wins since he came to the company and looks to be in Severns shadow.. but the worlds most dangerous man has Dan and US title in his sights. </p><p> </p><p>

Dr Death Steve Williams - a prime contender for the US title but he seems to be more focussed with being JR's bodyguard after several heels have put their hands on Good Ol' JR.</p><p> </p><p>

Sid has returned and is currently being courted by both Ted Dibiase and Gary Hart to be in their stables.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Gary Hart comes to WWF and immediately amasses his Stud Stable bringing with him to the company Cactus Jack and the steiners. He picked up Rick Martel along the way aswell. He has Cactus targeting the US title , and the Steiners targeting the Tag title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Signee's </p><p> </p><p>

Top of the card (ME/UM)</p><p> </p><p>

Bulldog (being built up as one of the future top guys if he can perform)</p><p> </p><p>

Roddy Piper (Tempted to give him a Heavyweight title reign later down the line.</p><p> </p><p>

Sid Vicious (Really unsure if to use him for his overness to use him long term</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Rick Steiner (Didn't expect them to be this over, they will start tagging)</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Steiner ( See Rick)</p><p> </p><p>

Terry Funk ( 6 months of jobbing for him, may use him to put Foley over)</p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Von Eric - Used soley to put Midcarders over to UM level)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Cruiserweight Division </p><p> </p><p>

Ultimo Dragon</p><p>





Rey Misterio</p><p>



El Hijo De Santos</p><p>

Dean Malenko</p><p> </p><p>

Rey and Psicosis have the most US overness out of these so will be the begginign feuds for 1-2-3 Kid. Some of these signee's can start to put over my top 3 or 4 guys, some of the others can be holidayed or slowly get over on Superstars. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

US title/Midcarder Signee's </p><p> </p><p>

Cactus Jack</p><p>

Ken Shamrock</p><p>

Dan Severn</p><p>

Steve Williams </p><p> </p><p>

US title will be for Midcarders as rule but to start it will be competed for by ageing former stars and Brawlers/ legit tough guys. These 4 guys will be the stars of the US title. Get them over and Cactus can go streight to ME level. Shamrock and Severn and Williams are legit enough to be forces in the IC title level on theway up to being ME contenders. </p><p> </p><p>

Ken/Severn/William all need the unbeaten legit looking baddass pushes and realistically I can't do 3 at the same time. </p><p> </p><p>

I really am undecided if to have them even face each other at US level when they can be pushed up at different times and face each other at money matches at IC level or Main event level.</p><p> </p><p>

Help with this would be good? </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team signee's </p><p> </p><p>

Hardy Boyz (used as jobbers for the time being)</p><p> </p><p>

Demolition (Axe and Smash are back for 6 months to put over the other teams)</p><p> </p><p>

Los Guererro's (Eddie and Chavo, Cruiserweight and Tag Team guys)</p><p> </p><p>

Fabulous Freebirds (Gordy and Hayes, used to put over the other teams, they may get a title reign.)</p><p> </p><p>

Steiners ( will start as the main Tag team)</p><p> </p><p>

Edge + ?? ( Christian hasn't debut yet, so Edge willjust go by his real name and tag with someone like Bob Holly or somthing)</p>

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<p>Currently 4 years into a NWA(basically, TNA) save. Started of in 2001 and now entering mid 2005. Just finished up my main PPV of the year, Superclash IIII.</p><p> </p><p>

Superclash IIII results: </p><p>


CM Punk defeats Nigel Mcguinness©</strong></p><p>

This really wrote itself in terms of the clashing personalities. In the back end of 2004 a heel CM Punk went a bit awol, refusing to compete and just watching the show from a far. As Samoa Joe and Claudio Castangoli warred on against the Four Horsemen(Nigel, Flair, Burchill and Cody Rhodes), we saw a masked figure cost them a war games match at the November PPV. Samoa Joe was quick to blame Punk due to him declining to team with him 2 weeks prior. Punk finally came out of his shell in the Road To Superclash tournament as he defeated Samoa Joe in the semi finals and finally, NWA Mayhem's AJ Styles in the final to earn the chance to fight for the title at Superclash </p><p> </p><p>

A few weeks prior to Superclash, the masked man was revealed after an 8 man tag match, Punk was the man to unmask him and it the show's general manager; Paul Heyman. This would lead to Heyman being fired by NWA commissioner Dusty Rhodes. Over the following weeks we got back and fourths between both competitors. CM Punk, taking on the anti-authority role against the suit wearing Englishmen. CM Punk would go over in the Superclash main event clean as a whistle to win the NWA title. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bryan Danielson© and AJ Styles defeated Killer Elite Squad© </strong></p><p>

For the past year, the team of Bill Goldberg and the undefeated Takeshi Morishima have decimated the tag team division. Bought together by Ted Dibiase, they have been the most dominant tag team in the companies history. After a year of dominating the roster, they wanted the big gold in the form of the NWA World Heavyweight title, possessed by Bryan Danielson. Upon AJ Styles loosing cleanly twice to Danielson to the end of the year, Dusty Rhodes refused to grant him a rematch. With CM Punk winning the RTS tournament, Mayhem were left without a main event for the biggest show of the show until general manager Larry Sweeney saw Danielson save Styles from a KES beatdown. Thus, coming up with this huge match up that pitted both the NWA World Heayweight and NWA Tag titles, on the line. At the PPV, Danielson managed to submit Goldberg which then led to Morishima decimated Goldberg post match. </p><p>


Chris Hero and Shinsuke Nakamura defeat Austin Aries and Tiger Mask II</strong></p><p>

Hero and Nakamura spent the vast majority of 2004 feuding, finally ending when Nakamura managed to knock Hero out in a cage match. Aries would cost Nakamura his semi-final RTC match against AJ Styles, he did this due to the fact that he lost to Shinsuke in the Quarters. The start of 2005 saw a dream match in the special NWA invade Japan card as Nakamura took on Tiger Mask II. The match ended prematurely however after Aries got involved and assisted Tiger Mask II in the beatdown. The next week, Hero stood side by side with his former enemy Shinsuke, claiming that Nakamura earned his respect (starting a slow Hero face turn). Come Superclash, Nakamura finally got his win over Tiger Mask II</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>James Storm defeated Chris Harris</strong></p><p>

AMW were the most successful tag team in NWA history, holding the title 5 times however, cracks started to show in the duo after multiple losses to Killer Elite Squad. Former general manager Shawn Michaels would come into the mix and attempted to get the team back on the same page and for a while, this was successful. This would all come falling apart after Storm lost two consecutive NWA World Heavyweight title matches against Bryan Danielson. This would lead to Storm spitting in the face of wrestling legend, Shawn Michaels at the end of the PPV. The following day, Harris confronted Storm in the ring, trying to get his head straight but he was met with betrayal as Storm crashed a beer bottle over his head, putting him on the sidelines with an eye injury for many months. Storm and HBK would then wrestle a pair of matches in the next two PPVs, trading wins. On the first Mayhem of 2005, HBK announced he had to go away for a while due to an injury, much to the joy of James Storm. He would then however introduce a returning Chris Harris who stormed the ring and brawled with Storm. </p><p> </p><p>

At Superclash these two competed in a Texas Deathmatch that ended when Robert Roode interfered on James Storm behalf. On the following Mayhem, Roode claimed he is merely investing in the James Storm brand. These two are going to go on to team for a while and i'm pretty sure you'll all be able to guess the team name. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Samoa Joe defeated Muhammad Hassan</strong></p><p>

Simple storyline, Hassan playing the patriotic foriegn heel has rolled through the vast majority of the Showdown roster including wins over Tanahashi, Castagnoli and RVD. Upon hearing he wasn't placed in the Road To Superclash tournament, Hassan went ultra anti-America, hospitalizing NWA committee member Sgt Slaughter. Before Dusty could suspend him, Joe confronted him and challenged him to a match. Joe would go onto defeated Hassan at the PPV in the match of the night (to the surprise of me).</p><p> </p><p>

Other matches:</p><p>

<strong>Amazing Red© </strong>defeated <strong>Jack Evans</strong> and <strong>Jay Lethal </strong>to defend the X Division title. </p><p>

<strong>Viva La Grasa(</strong>Eddie Guerrero and RVD) defeated <strong>Riot Act</strong>(Bobby Lashley and Monty Brown to win the vacated the NWA World tag team titles. </p><p>

<strong>Abyss</strong> defeated <strong>Chris Jericho </strong></p><p>

<strong>Cody Rhodes© </strong>defeated <strong>Randy Orton</strong>(former partner) in an I Quit match to defend the NWA Global title and also, to exile Randy from the company. </p><p>

<strong>Team Mexico</strong>(Homicide, El Patron, Rey Mysterio Jr and Low Ki(I know..) defeated <strong>Team Canada</strong>(Bobby Roode, Eric Young, Petey Williams and Teddy Hart), <strong>Team Japan</strong>(Minro Tanaka, Kendo Kashin, AKIRA and Kenta Kobashi), <strong>Team USA</strong>(Matt Sydal, Delarious and The Young Bucks) and <strong>Team International</strong>(Alex Kozlov, Fergal Devitt, Brian Cage(I know..) and PJ Black) to win the Global X Cup. </p><p>

<strong>Claudio Castagnoli</strong> defeated<strong> Ric Flair</strong></p>

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<p>Just completed the year 2020 in my NOTBPW save and things are looking good. I am currently on the first day of 2021 and I have held a total of 536 shows</p><p> </p><p>

Shooter Sean Deeley is the current reigning and defending NOTBPW World Champion and has held the title for a full calendar year. Sean has defended the title a total of thirteen times throughout the course of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

The current NOTBPW Television Champion is Marat Khoklov who won the title from former champion KC Glenn in a total panic move by me in order to make Marat happy. Glenn managed five defenses of the title prior to losing it and Marat currently has defended the title twice thus far.</p><p> </p><p>

The current NOTBPW Tag Team Champions are The Almighty Dollar (Remo and Rich Money) they won the titles back in April of 2020 they have managed eight successful defenses of the title since they won them.</p><p> </p><p>

The current NOTBPW Women’s champion is Melody; she has held the title since April of 2017 after she defeated Tamara McFly to win the title. She has now made a grand total of 60 defenses of the title and her record stands at 88-0. She’s going to lose the title to Lucy Stone McFly at NOTBPW Big City Brawl in Lucy’s debut match.</p><p> </p><p>

I won a couple awards during the year end awards. The first being for Young Wrestler of the year which went to David Stone for the second year in a row. Melody was named female wrestler of the year. Match of the year was Shooter Sean Deeley defeating Steve DeColt in a 30 minute iron man match at Big City Brawl to win the NOTBPW World Heavyweight Championship. Duane Fry won Announcer Of The Year and Alan Grey won referee of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>New Signings: </strong>Duane Fry, Areal Breaks</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Released:</strong> Joey Minnesota, Johnny Bloodstone, Hugh Ancrie, Acid, Acid II, Ozzie Golden, Robbie Griffin, Mark Griffin, Flash Savage, Black Eagle, Amber Allen</p><p> </p><p>

Five years in and I’m really happy with this save, 2021 was my goal year to reach and I got there but things won’t stop there. I’m hoping this save has more juice left in it than I think it actually does. The only downside right now is that I’m struggling to win the national battles due to a shift in power between myself and SWF but hopefully that’ll change soon. Right now we are neck and neck</p>

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