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<p>I started a game as APW, just to give Australia a go. Got bored during the long, slow climb from Regional to Cult and decided to consider other positions.</p><p> </p><p>

Much to my surprise, it's January 2018 and I am the new CEO of TCW! Currently we're at Cult, #6 in the world, and my first show is tonight.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In other news Curtis Axel passed away, so in December there will be a Curtis Axel Memorial Tournament PPV</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Why not make it the Hennig Tournament to honor him AND his father?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LucianCarter" data-cite="LucianCarter" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Why not make it the Hennig Tournament to honor him AND his father?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Funny i was thinking the exact same thing and was going to post but i saw this lol especially since Curt did a hell of alot more then Curtis as and probs did in this save</p>
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<p>Started up as WWF in the WCW Lives Mod. First month was pretty generic in terms of moving through storylines and booking Judgment Day. Since I won't be having an Invasion Angle in this playthrough I'm instead looking at having a potential brand split sometime after SummerSlam. </p><p> </p><p>

After Judgement Day I wanted to get the tag titles off of The Two Man Power Trip (Austin & Triple H). On the following Smackdown I had The Hardy Boys face Two Man Power Trip for the tag titles. The Hardy Boys won with help from The Undertaker distracting Steve Austin leaving Triple H vulnerable to a Twist Of Fate/Swanton Bomb attack for the victory. </p><p> </p><p>

Looking foward to King of the Ring 2001. The Undertaker will get a rematch (Lost against Steve Austin at Judgement Day) for the World Heavyweight Championship under First Blood Rules. </p><p> </p><p>

As far as the tournament itself, the final four is going to be Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho. Haven't decided who I'm leaning toward winning. Kurt Angle would be a repeat King Of The Ring winner which is very tempting. Chris Jericho is hinting at a heel turn, so I could have him win by nefarious methods against Chris Benoit in the semi finals and beat Eddie Guerrero in the Finals. </p><p> </p><p>

With Trish & Lita starting the first chapter of their storied feud, I feel they needed some support in the feud, so I turned Trish heel and reformed T&A. After a few weeks of Lita being bullied by Test & Albert; giving Trish a few advantageous spots to attack, Matt & Jeff Hardy will intervene. Setting up a short feud for the Tag Team Titles.</p><p> </p><p>

---- Ninja Edit so I don't double post ---</p><p> </p><p>

I was wondering why my match ratings weren't living up to their full potential. WWF's Product had the "Fans won't like low risk matches" note because Daredevil was pushed to Medium importance. After 8 weeks in game, and about 3 straight weeks of sub-par television ratings, that is fixed going into King Of The Ring 2001 which I'll be booking soon. Here's hoping the matches play out the way I want.</p>

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<p>Well firstly I'm going to start out by mentioning that I'm getting worried at how many of my future stars just won't put down the damn needle. Bret Hart has a steroid rating of 100. Shawn Michaels has a rating of 50 and he's only been with the company for a year or so. Everyone I check is on the roids. I feel like Hal from Malcom in the middle with his army of beefy men.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Anyway. Summerslam 1988 ended with Mr. Perfect winning the world title from Randy Savage. I was hoping on giving him a decent run with it but he's been quite underwhelming on his own. He'll probably drop it to Hogan soon.</p>

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Finally brought a very promising worker up from developmental with the intention of giving him a squash match push but my main star took him under his wing as his protege and my creative juices started flowing. So I changed gears and had the rookie cost his behind the scenes mentor the title and now have the two of them locked in what will hopefully be a long and productive feud if the kid can handle it. I don't think he will be going over in the end since he's so young but the experience should be well worth the eventual loss
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<p>Taking another break from my USPW game to play WCW lives mod. Didn't actually play this much in 13 but i've actually had a blast with it. WCW are quite the challenge, Booker T is out injured for the first month, Goldberg is un-signable for a year, Hogan is too big for the company and injured anyway and Hall is at NJPW. The challenge is also an ageing main event. For me DDP, Nash and Flair were all 5 or more years (15 in Flairs case) into decline and the other main eventers like Luger, Kanyon, Jarrett, Dustin Rhodes and Buff Bagwell hardly light the world on fire. The only stars i see staying long term are Steiner, Booker T and Sting, the rest could be in for a shock. I will admit that i'm at least trying with Bagwell, i bought back Warrior to have a few PPV matches with him and get him a bit more over. Kanyon is young so i havent written him off either. Quick question for anyone who is playing as WCW, who have you been pushing? I signed RVD and Cena (couldn't resist) and both are being pushed, Van Dam was already popular enough to settle into the upper midcard, Cena is being monster pushed as his Doctor of Thuganomics heel character from hardly any pop. He's currently 35 pop US wide. I'm in June 2001 so i've ran two PPV's, won't break down the rivalries or cards here but it's all going about as you would expect. Cruiserweight division puts on decent matches but bad angles, tag division is okay but a lot of talent i don't really rate, and the main events are good but not WWF level (put on 90's even on RAW if they have the right combo of guys). Overall i'm looking to rise to national and get a bigger network for TV because hardly anyone is seeing the product on FX or Demand for the PPVs. I'd also love to hear what everyone else has been doing, saw a few posts above. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Edit: So WWF just ran Vengeance and ended Austin's WWF title reign by having him lose to... Eddie Guerrero! This is in 2001 during the Two Man Power trip angle! Austin is 98 overness and Eddie is 68, what a surprising and weird choice!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Captain2" data-cite="Captain2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well firstly I'm going to start out by mentioning that I'm getting worried at how many of my future stars just won't put down the damn needle. Bret Hart has a steroid rating of 100. Shawn Michaels has a rating of 50 and he's only been with the company for a year or so. Everyone I check is on the roids. I feel like Hal from Malcom in the middle with his army of beefy men.<p> </p><p> </p><p> Anyway. Summerslam 1988 ended with Mr. Perfect winning the world title from Randy Savage. I was hoping on giving him a decent run with it but he's been quite underwhelming on his own. He'll probably drop it to Hogan soon.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> WWF in that mod start with a dirty doctor so that's why they are getting hooked on the needle</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="emoasyou" data-cite="emoasyou" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Funny i was thinking the exact same thing and was going to post but i saw this lol especially since Curt did a hell of alot more then Curtis as and probs did in this save</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Could have Larry there to hand the trophy over to the winner!</p>
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<p>Started up an SWF game and just ran When Hell Freezes over, the first big event, which pulled a 91, with a 95 Main Event, which has me super pumped to continue.</p><p> </p><p>

To kick off the show, Jack Bruce cut a promo, kicking off the show with a 100 rated angle, then defeated The Crippler to get his revenge for the injury.</p><p> </p><p>

Following that, Hero Squad knocked off The Platinum Blondes. The match was just to get both on the show, but Hero Squad is also going to move into a feud with The Awesomeness now since they won. I have owner goals to get both Stardust & Zimmy over, so I'd rather KO that sooner than later by separating the two pairs.</p><p> </p><p>

Mikey Lau defeated Joe Sexy, breaking Sexy's promise to ruin Mikey's pretty face. Sexy isn't done though, and these two will probably feud for a while. Depends on how the ratings go; this match got a 78, the lowest rating on the card.</p><p> </p><p>

Next, Hollywood Bret Starr came to the ring and called out Skull DeBones for their match, but when DeBones appeared, Bear Bekowski & Kurt Laramee jumped him from behind (it would have been The Pain Alliance, but I suspended BSS). This was the lowest rated segment on the show with a 70, but I should've had Bear and/or Laramee rated on Menace. Next month, pretty sure Skull is gonna win either a 2v1 or 3v1 handicap match while Bret looks on. With some luck, I can string this along until Supreme Challenge. DeBones is tops on the Time Decline list, so at some point I'm gonna retire him, but I'm not sure Starr is the guy to do it. Depends on how the development goes.</p><p> </p><p>

Following that, noted buzzkill Squeeky McClean knocked off fun-loving Jimmy Hernandez. I always like Hernandez, and there’s a great alt I’m looking forward to using for a future heel turn, but for now, he’s in the midcard.</p><p> </p><p>

Subsequently, Joey Morgan successfully defended his North American title against Paul Huntingdon. Morgan has to get pretty over due to owner goals, so he’s probably going to drop the belt sooner than later, but given the storyline, I don’t think that Huntingdon is going to be the guy that does it.</p><p> </p><p>

Next, Steven Parker came to the ring for his match against Eric Eisen, but Eisen declared that Parker was too far beneath him and refused to compete. The two exchanged words but didn’t come to blows.</p><p> </p><p>

The next match was The Awesomeness successfully defending the tag titles against The Amazing Bumfholes. I really like The Awesomeness as a tag team and the Bumfholes might be nearing the point where they split up and go into singles action.</p><p> </p><p>

In the semi-main event, Brandon James defeated Valiant to become #1 Contender to the North American title. I had planned to put Valiant over here, but James didn’t want to lose with Creative Control, so I’m just rolling with it. Brandon was already going to move to feud with Joey Morgan, so I’m alright with this development.</p><p> </p><p>

And in the main event, Remo successfully defended the SWF World Title against Angry Gilmore and Rogue in the match of the night, scoring a 95, which blew me away by score.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall, the show pulled in a 91, which feels really high and has me really hyped for the rest of the game.</p>

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<p>I couldn't help but book Wanda Fish and Victoria Stone on the get-go in my CV97 game. I got blessed with the only great chemistry note I've found in 2 year's time. Then Stone got injured and posed nude in a magazine, boosting her pop. At the time Fish had the movie star gimmick. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm not low on inspiration for a storyline going into WOW2, I can tell ya that. <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Still playing WCW lives, and man oh man, its impossible to job Nash down the card. The guy is 7 years into decline, but is 82 overness US wide, which i though would be great to get younger talent over like Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, John Cena and RVD. But he won't lose to anyone without being protected because of his creative control, so he never loses any pop at all and theres no way for me to get him out of the main event until his contract expires in 2 years. I am really enjoying the challenge of WCW though, building them back up but trying to reinvigorate their main event scene. I'm somewhat hoping i don't make it to national for a while, but being on such a small network, i think i might be okay. I made Steiner my champion, which in hindsight has bee na bit of mistake because once the feud with Booker T is over, if i don't put the belt back on Booker there's no real options to feud with Steiner after. In the main event on the face side i have Sting, who had the first PPV match with Steiner (not for the belt) because Booker T starts the mod out injured, so i could got back to it but it feels too soon, even though they only had one singles match. I also have DDP, but he is my US champion, Ric Flair, who is 15 years into decline and honestly his matches aren't what they used to be and Dustin Rhodes who is barely autopushing main event with 60 overness in the US and not capable of holding the belt. I'm currently trying to get RVD over in a feud with Luger, and Jarrett and Bagwell are currently feuding with Flair and Sting and neither of them make good babyfaces. So maybe the belt just has to go back to Booker, who has some decent options for feuds on the heel side of things.</p><p> </p><p>

Cena's development was coming along nicely, had him beat Jim Duggan twice at PPV's, had him doing his rapper heel gimmick like when he first broke into WWE, and then in a throwaway WCW Nitro match against Ahmed Johnson (who was bought in for one night) he was injured by Johnson and has a slipped disk, putting him out for a month. Not the worst, but he was feuding with Ernest Miller and the PPV was on the following Sunday, so it never made it and the feud is up in the air. he is currently around 40 overness US wide, which is amazing after being at 0 in some locations about 2 months prior. He is going to be exactly what the IWC hated about him in real life, the protected and pushed figurehead once he makes it to the main event and turns.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Grfcboy95" data-cite="Grfcboy95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Still playing WCW lives, and man oh man, its impossible to job Nash down the card. The guy is 7 years into decline, but is 82 overness US wide, which i though would be great to get younger talent over like Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, John Cena and RVD. But he won't lose to anyone without being protected because of his creative control, so he never loses any pop at all and theres no way for me to get him out of the main event until his contract expires in 2 years. I am really enjoying the challenge of WCW though, building them back up but trying to reinvigorate their main event scene. I'm somewhat hoping i don't make it to national for a while, but being on such a small network, i think i might be okay. I made Steiner my champion, which in hindsight has bee na bit of mistake because once the feud with Booker T is over, if i don't put the belt back on Booker there's no real options to feud with Steiner after. In the main event on the face side i have Sting, who had the first PPV match with Steiner (not for the belt) because Booker T starts the mod out injured, so i could got back to it but it feels too soon, even though they only had one singles match. I also have DDP, but he is my US champion, Ric Flair, who is 15 years into decline and honestly his matches aren't what they used to be and Dustin Rhodes who is barely autopushing main event with 60 overness in the US and not capable of holding the belt. I'm currently trying to get RVD over in a feud with Luger, and Jarrett and Bagwell are currently feuding with Flair and Sting and neither of them make good babyfaces. So maybe the belt just has to go back to Booker, who has some decent options for feuds on the heel side of things.<p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've found myself in the same position. I'm looking at who I can push to replace the time declining main event while I mostly keep Nash feuding with people in the main event. I like Nash though so I'll keep him until I can get rid of his creative control. Hell even if he retired I'd just stick him on commentary.</p><p> </p><p> I'm basically keeping WCW in a status quo situation until my developmental territory "The Powerplant" has finished up with my next big stars. Samoa Joe, CM Punk, John Cena, Austin Aries and Ken Anderson are all down there training up to take over.</p><p> </p><p> Also you mentioned hoping to stay at cult, If I remember how the last version of this mod worked I'll try holding myself at cult until a contract for someone I really want from the WWE comes up (Jericho, Guerrero, Christian) and then I'll pop up to national, steal them and fall back down when they beat me in a national battle. Prairie Dogging. Wooo!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Captain2" data-cite="Captain2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've found myself in the same position. I'm looking at who I can push to replace the time declining main event while I mostly keep Nash feuding with people in the main event. I like Nash though so I'll keep him until I can get rid of his creative control. Hell even if he retired I'd just stick him on commentary.<p> </p><p> I'm basically keeping WCW in a status quo situation until my developmental territory "The Powerplant" has finished up with my next big stars. Samoa Joe, CM Punk, John Cena, Austin Aries and Ken Anderson are all down there training up to take over.</p><p> </p><p> Also you mentioned hoping to stay at cult, If I remember how the last version of this mod worked I'll try holding myself at cult until a contract for someone I really want from the WWE comes up (Jericho, Guerrero, Christian) and then I'll pop up to national, steal them and fall back down when they beat me in a national battle. Prairie Dogging. Wooo!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I actually like Nash too, but he's second one the decline list behind Flair, and it annoys me a bit because Flair is putting over upcoming talent and slowly leaving the main event scene but Nash is going nowhere. How is he doing in main event matches for you? Would you put the World Title on him again? </p><p> </p><p> To be honest the starting roster can deliver pop gains quite easily, I would like to trim some fat and let a lot of lower guys go but I don't want to pay a lot of them out. The biggest two changes as I mentioned in my previous post is definitely Cena and RVD, everything else is pretty much standard WCW, without the stupid bookers (I think?).</p>
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Guest michael20001

<p>For my WCW lives i brought in a buttload of midcarders and stacked my developmental full of young guys. For some reason in a big company i always put in a brand split, and this was no different. Im about 4 months in at the moment</p><p> </p><p>

So on Nitro my top guys are Flair (Global Champion), DDP, Nash & Jarrett with RVD and Black Reign (yes i used that gimmick for Dustin Rhodes) are both at the lower end of the main event but could soon be ready for the real main event. Would never give the title to Black Reign, but after a couple years i want RVD to be a huge deal. he is currently the United States Champion</p><p> </p><p>

On Thunder i still have Booker as the World Champ, in a long feud with Scott Steiner, Kanyon is being built up very well on the side and of course Sting should still be a reliable main eventer for at least a little while despite the time decline.Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, and Alex Wright are at the lower side of the main event. as those three are all faces i plan on having O'Haire turn on Palumbo (assuming he can avoid getting stung for drugs too much O'Haire will be my future top heel)]</p><p> </p><p>

Then my solid midcarders across both Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Mark Jindrak, Psicosis and Shane Helms should hold up nicely as my company's future AJ Styles, John Cena, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Chris Hero, Christopher Daniels, Ken Anderson and Austin Aries all make their way into the main roster and up the card one by one (Aj Styles has already been built up from an opener to midcarder where he will stay for quite a while.)</p><p> </p><p>

Only things that i need to put major work in now is solidifying my tag divisions (which are almost non existant on both sides due to my desire to have people like Styles and Jindrak be singles stars) I have a few teams in mind. Then also the women, which will take a long time as all of the decent women are either signed to the WWF or only available in Japan. i have about 10 in development including Mickie James, Beth Pheonix, Jillian Hall & LuFisto</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Grfcboy95" data-cite="Grfcboy95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I actually like Nash too, but he's second one the decline list behind Flair, and it annoys me a bit because Flair is putting over upcoming talent and slowly leaving the main event scene but Nash is going nowhere. How is he doing in main event matches for you? Would you put the World Title on him again? <p> </p><p> To be honest the starting roster can deliver pop gains quite easily, I would like to trim some fat and let a lot of lower guys go but I don't want to pay a lot of them out. The biggest two changes as I mentioned in my previous post is definitely Cena and RVD, everything else is pretty much standard WCW, without the stupid bookers (I think?).</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He's doing alright. Whenever I have Nash in a talking segment I can expect it to hit 90 or above. In the ring he's not really impressive but I could say the same for Sting who rarely has a match beyond the 70s. I wouldn't put the world title on Nash though. Booker T and Jeff Jarrett are the only two I'd entertain world title runs for though at the moment. I was considering giving Nash a tag title run but WWF outbid me for Scott Hall so that's not happening.</p><p> </p><p> And yeah right now my morale screen is a ton of nobodies who are mad I'm not using them. There are going to be deep cuts when some contracts come up in a year or so.</p><p> </p><p> RVD is also in my WCW as the US champion. He's going to hold that belt as long as I can reasonably leave it on him though.</p>
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<p>In my WCW lives mod i've signed the usual indie talent but haven't put them in developmental yet, maybe that will be a mistake but i'll see. </p><p> </p><p>

Punk/Cabana in Tag ranks</p><p> </p><p>

Cena will spend the first year being against a Curt Hennig to improve his basics/ top row stats before pushing him up .</p><p> </p><p>

Danielson I'm thinking will lead an indie stable to feud with Flair's new Horsemen and the New blood rising. </p><p> </p><p>

I don't thin much of the new blood rising guys so they will be the midcard fodder.</p><p> </p><p>

Whilst guys like Sting, Steiner, Booker, Jarrett, Nash, Bulldog will keep the main event steady.</p><p> </p><p>

Job Nash down the card, losing to all the other main eventers until he's low enough to job to the younger rising guy. </p><p> </p><p>

Brought in some talented Japanese and I think a couple of mexicans to be able to lead matches. </p><p> </p><p>

I've removed TV for the moment, sticking to one PPV a month and one build up event. </p><p> </p><p>

Considering altering the product to equal pop and performance perhaps.</p>

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Guest Asaemon

<p>Clash of the Titans 1994</p><p> </p><p>


<span>http://i.imgur.com/nR0Nd3q.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

This is awesome, Steve Williams won the big one. I tried to sign a working agreement with AJPW earlier, but they said no.</p><p> </p><p>

AJPW are delivering some pure quality show, maybe Vince McMoron should hire their booker so that i can get some competition from WWF. An international size company that is delivering 65, 67 and 69 rated shows are an embarrassment. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>With the past 2 Wrestlemania's getting 100 A*'s, Wrestlemania 36 had a lot to live up to and I took a big risk in the semi main event but it paid off and we had another successful show this year.</p><p> </p><p>

We started off on the pre-show with the Andre The Giant Memorial battle royal which was won by Zeshin Ikoma. He hasn't been doing much lately but with him being a big prospect I gave him the chance and he will move on from here to hopefully be better than he has been in the last year. This also saw the return of Zack Ryder from Lucha Underground where he has spent the last 2 years and he made it all the way to the end only to be eliminated by Ikoma.</p><p> </p><p>

The main show opened up with Crash and Burn teaming up with Shinsuke Nakamura to take on the team of The Usos and Apollo Crews. In a 91 A it was the team of Apollo Crews who picked up the victory when he hit the sitout powerbomb on Shinsuke and C&B were taken out by superkicks from The Usos.</p><p> </p><p>

After that Tyler Breeze had his rematch for the Light Heavyweight Championship when he took on the man that won it at Roadblock, Brian Kendrick. It would be Breeze who would regain his championship in an 81 B with the Beauty Shot.</p><p> </p><p>

That was followed by an 82 B when Jerry Bowman took on the man he betrayed at Survivor Series to join Team MMA in Triple H. If Bowman lost this match then he would have to stop MMA for ever but it would be Bowman who would leave the match with the victory. Post match his hand was shook by Hunter and that will come into play in future months.</p><p> </p><p>

Moose walked into this next match as an unbeaten man but the next man to step up and challenge him was Eric Price who eliminated him from the Royal Rumble. Moose's unbeaten streak would be ended here in a No Holds Barred match when he was attacked from behind by Ted Dibiase Jr which allowed Price to hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb and pick up the victory. Post match Dibiase announced that they were the newest tag team in the WWE going by the name of 'The Price is right'. They have good chemistry so it should be interesting. Match got an 82 B.</p><p> </p><p>

The first A of the night followed that in a 92 A between Austin Aries and Johnny Gargano for the Cruiserweight Championship as for the second year in a row Gargano walked in the Cruiserweight Champion but unlike last year he wouldn't walk out the champion when he tapped out to the Last Chancery from Aries and we have a new Cruiserweight Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

After that it was the first title match for a member of The Assassins (Sami Zayn, Xavier Woods, Kenneth Ospreay and Ryan Sabre) when Sami Zayn defended his global Championship against The Iron Man Joe Coffey and in an 85 B+ Zayn beat Coffey with the Helluva Kick to pick up the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

They had their second member in a title match next when the only man chasing a title Xavier Woods took on Matt Patterson for the United States Championship and he picked up the victory to win his first singles championship in the WWE. This match got a 79 B which was the lowest rated match of the night which I was quite a disappointing rating to get.</p><p> </p><p>

that was followed by Becky Lynch wanting another shot at the Women's Championship and at the champion Queen Nia but in a 97 A* rated match she put up her best efforts but it just wasn't enough to be able to pick up the victory and in the end she passed out to the sleeper hold from Nia. With the brand split coming on I hope that Raw gets some new faces to try and stop Nia's dominance.</p><p> </p><p>

That was followed by another 97 A* when The Shield took on The Kingdom Of Dreams (Joey Bennett, Big Damian and Greg Thomas). In this match The Shield were on top mostly isolating Bennett and Thomas and not allowing Damian to get into the ring but at the end of the match Bennett finally made the tag and Damian ran through everyone before picking up the pin over Roman Reigns. Match did a lot better than I expected it to do and it should get all three members of The Kingdom over.</p><p> </p><p>

That was followed by the joint highest rated match of the night when Alberto Del Rio took on Randy Orton for the European Championship. In a 99 A* Del Rio picked up the victory and took the title of Orton. I like Del Rio and it was the time to take the title of Orton so Del Rio was a good choice and they had great chemistry which gave a great match.</p><p> </p><p>

In a rematch from Roadblock Jason Jordan had his rematch against John Cena for the Intercontinental Championship but in a 94 A, Cena retained his title and Jordan left empty handed. I plan on giving Jordan about 6 months off because I have no plans for him right now but when he returns it could be massive.</p><p> </p><p>

The second of three 99 A* happened up next when Dashing and Perfect (Cody Rhodes and Tye Dillinger) went up against The Wrestling Kings for the Intercontinental Tag Team Championships and they picked up the victory and won the tag team titles to confirm that all members of Gorgeous, Dashing and Perfect held gold on Smackdown.</p><p> </p><p>

That was followed by a match that has been building for over a year even if AJ Styles is out of the picture right now and that was the 5 on 5 elimination match between Bulletproof (Anderson and Gallows, Sean Finlay, Kevin Owens and Noam Dar) vs Balor Club (The Young Bucks,Finn Balor, Tama Tonga and Adam Cole). It came down in the end to the two leaders of each faction with Karl Anderson and Finn Balor but in the end Finn hit the Coupe De Grace to end this war.</p><p> </p><p>

In a 98 A* Sasha Banks defeated Bayley to win the Women's United States Championship following interference from Charlotte and a returning Summer Rae. Yes I brought back the BFF's on the main roster to help make the women's division more interesting as most of the storylines are pretty similiar right now so this should freshen things up.</p><p> </p><p>

The third and final 99 A* rated match came up next when The Hardy Boys took on Sabre and Ospreay to try and win their Tag Team Championships but they were unsuccessful as all 4 members of The Assassins stood tall with a title at the end of this match. All 4 have the potential to be world champions (Sami is already a former champion) and I feel like this will get all of them to that level.</p><p> </p><p>

The semi main event was a huge gamble as I put 51 year old Kurt Angle up against Bray Wyatt in a career vs title match and it actually paid off when it got a 96 A* rated match. It would be Bray Wyatt who would retain his WWE Championship meaning that Kurt Angle has to retire and I'm happy that he can go out on a really good match.</p><p> </p><p>

The main event of Wrestlemania was Dolph Ziggler vs CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Championship and unlike his first title defense in the main event of Wrestlemania at Wrestlemania 33 where he was defeated but instead he picked up the victory this time and retained his World Heavyweight Championship. The match got a 97 A* with them having great chemistry and both being super over then I knew this match would be great.</p><p> </p><p>

The show got a 100 A* and I was really happy to once again have a great show.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Captain2" data-cite="Captain2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>He's doing alright. Whenever I have Nash in a talking segment I can expect it to hit 90 or above. In the ring he's not really impressive but I could say the same for Sting who rarely has a match beyond the 70s. I wouldn't put the world title on Nash though. Booker T and Jeff Jarrett are the only two I'd entertain world title runs for though at the moment. I was considering giving Nash a tag title run but WWF outbid me for Scott Hall so that's not happening.<p> </p><p> And yeah right now my morale screen is a ton of nobodies who are mad I'm not using them. There are going to be deep cuts when some contracts come up in a year or so.</p><p> </p><p> RVD is also in my WCW as the US champion. He's going to hold that belt as long as I can reasonably leave it on him though.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well i just ran Fall Brawl and decided to put the belt back on Booker T. Steiner popped for roids (of course) on the Nitro before the PPV so he made my mind up for me. Don't really want to have the belt on a guy who pops at a low level testing. He's the most over heel by far though so he might get his chance again soon if he cleans up a bit. The match between them was in a cage to keep Rick Steiner for interfering and it scored an 87 despite me protecting Steiner and getting a lack of psychology note. </p><p> </p><p> RVD beat Luger at Fall Brawl so he's now autopushing main event at 63 overness in most areas but almost in the 80's in the Tri-state area. Cena also made his return just in time for the PPV so I had him return and beat Ernest Miller as planned. I had been running video packages and off screen angles to keep the feud going. He's sitting nicely in the midcard now. </p><p> </p><p> DDP still holds the US title after beating Shane Douglas. Douglas is an interesting one for me, he can work the mic well and he's a decent in ring talent, but his star quality means he'll never be an influence for me in a national battle whenever i get to that level. I guess he'll just sit in that upper midcard heel role until he declines. </p><p> </p><p> Jarrett also beat Flair while Sting defeated Bagwell, so these feuds will continue for a while, with plenty of interchanging in the matches. Flair is slowly losing his pop, down to 72 US wide now, but I am fine with that because he's put over Jarrett and Bagwell now, giving me some more options in the main event.</p><p> </p><p> Nash defeated Palumbo and O'Haire in a match I threw together so Nash was on the card. Nash is actually looking likely to feud with Booker T next, but he will not be winning the WCW Title at all. I am looking to stretch Booker Vs Steiner to Starrcade though, so i have to figure out two more main event matches for Halloween Havoc and Mayhem. I'm thinking Booker T Vs Rick Steiner for one and a handicap match for the other with the title on the line still! Maybe get Bischoff back on TV as the Authority figure trying to screw Booker.</p>
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<p>A small update on my TCW game. We're about to head into this year's Total Mayhem PPV, with just one PPV left before the big show (Where Angels Fear To Tread). </p><p> </p><p>

I've always had this special match to set up the #1 Contender at Total Mayhem, pretty much like WWE's way to set up a contender with the Elimination Chamber, except the match is Money in the Bank with a World Title Contract hanging above the ring. So right now, I have the top 6 TCW stars dueling for that opportunity. My goal is for Jay Chord to win, who is leading a heel stable called The New Era. That could be altered, unfortunately, if Rocky Golden is yet again unwilling to accept a loss. That has been an issue! haha</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile, I need a filler PPV main event, and I found it. Ricky Dale Johnson's talents continue to dwindle, and I have the perfect "going out" match. After Wolf Hawkins's last PPV World Title Defense, RDJ confronted the champ and asked for an opportunity. One more title match, and if he loses? RDJ vows to retire! Reluctantly, Wolf Hawkins accepted the match out of respect. The outcome might seem clear, but TCW fans are guaranteed to fill the arena and buy the PPV in the hopes that the legendary RDJ can pull off one more big win!</p><p> </p><p>

On midcard news, the tag team division is starting to grow to the point that I enjoy. I love a solid tag team division, so much that I prefer at least 3 tag team feuds at once. The Canadian Animals lead the way as the champs right now, with the Fearless & Mighty (Masked Cougar & Mighty Mo) currently standing as #1 Contenders. </p><p> </p><p>

More tag teams continue to join the fray, including the newest one of Aaron Andrews & Mr. Lucha. After suffering several heart breaking losses and depressed by his own losing streak, Andrews is confronted by Lucha with an opportunity. Andrews is looking to regain his stardom, Lucha is looking to take over the United States like he took over Mexico. Lucha proposes they take over and become the hottest team in TCW. Andrews accepts, and they seem primed to take over the tag division...if they survive the implosion of their own egos! </p><p> </p><p>

I wish I had the time to write a dynasty like I used to, but unfortunately life makes that problematic. Anyways, good luck to everyone with their careers!</p>

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WCW lives on as WCW.


Trying to stop the rot, bring stability and refresh an aging Main event scene.




The Starting feuds. For the first couple of months i've taken WCW Nitro off TV. Doing a PPV for those few months, see what works and who doesn't perform and adjust my feuds accordingly. Then in the run up to Starcade with everything set. Nitro will make it's glorious return.


The Starting feuds.


Removed most of the starting feuds, kept a couple.


WCW World Title:


Booker T v Scott Steiner: Booker is injured at the start for a month, so I'm considering vacating the title and having a fatal 4 way at the next PPV. Steiner to Win and Booker will chase the title.


The Final Battle:


Sting v Ric Flair w/ The 4 Horsemen: Flair comes to terms with the fact he hasn't got much time left as an in ring performer and wants to put to rest his feud with rival Sting once and for all, who is the best? Sting to initially refuse saying they don't have anything to prove to anyone... Horsemen beat him down for weeks until Stinger gets angry and vows to finish this business with Flair. Can Sting overcome Flair with his Horsemen (Curt Hennig, Jarrett , Bryan Danielson)


WCW United States Title:


DDP v RVD: The title will be vacated from Booker and a 6 man match for the title will decide the winner, DDP to win it. RVD will debut the next show and challenge for the title, DDP not taking RVD seriously, claiming Mr Monday night should stick to wrestling in Bingo Halls full of losers before he hurts himself in the big leagues. RVD to prove he really is the whole F'n Show.



Would you like a Brainbustaaa with that?


Kanyon v Hashimoto: Kanyon never quite reached the very top before and with all the hype surrounding the rebirth of WCW and the new talent coming in he feels he may be overlooked again, snapping at the hype the Japanese stars were getting he goes on a racist rant mentioning that He is a star and these Japanese Noodle eaters aren't and that they should go back to serving sushi in Tokyo before they embarrass themselves etc etc he continue on to win his match, but as he's celebrating Shinya Hashimoto comes bursting through the crowd and lays out Kanyon with a heel kick, sets up the Brainbustaaaa only for Kanyon to wriggle free and escape to the back with an angry Hashimoto watching on.




You Talk too much!!!


Shane Douglas is cutting another promo about being held back and being underappreciated, blaming everyone and everything else. Cutting him off is Misawa claiming that Douglas talks too much, has no respect, No Honor and is just not talented enough to hang with the best. Douglas cheapshots him and makes his escape, Misawa looking on in anger.



Kanyon v Hashimoto and Douglas v Misawa with end up coming together at various points for Kanyon and Douglas banding together to take down Misawa and Hashimoto.





John who???


There been rumblings about the huge potential that a young unknown kid calling himself John Cena has. He has the mouth to match the hype and claims he will take on all comers.... Disco Inferno cuts him off, belittling him telling him to keep quite before he teaches hi ma lesson in respecting people better than yourself. Can Cena make a splash and beat Disco or will Disco teach Cena a lesson?




WCW Tag Titles


Palumbo and O'Haire v Storm and Awesome: just run of the mill tag title feud with the aim of getting the title off The New Breed and onto Team Canada.



Cruiserweight Reborn


WCW Cruiserweight title:


Misterio Jr v LA Parka v Juventud v Liger: after the past couple of years of plummeting quality and stature of the division it has been given a hug hot in the arm with some of the best talents in the world being signed again to elevate the division to the heights see 4 years ago, which of these men with be the posterboy of the relaunch?



Goldust v Bam Bam- Dustin is angry at being in the shadow of his farther and being overlooked because of it, turns on his farther and transforming into the dangerous and Bizarre Goldust, looking to go out of the shadow and have his own glory. Bam Bam comes down to makes the save for Dusty and agrees to help the American Dream get his son back.

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Finished the 2020 Keith Classic (see prior post 3-4 pages back for info on the teams going in.)




Also of note Tommy Cornell recently debuted and pinned the world champ in a tag match. Debating if he will get the belt (Want to put in on him, but he gets penalties for decline)


Garry the entertainer broke his neck and is out for the year.


I have two US TV deals, covering most regions, and a Japan deal. Debating if I want onDemand PPV as that just became an option.


and here are a few more pics related to my companies position and the finals of the tourney.



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