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Small Questions Thread & "Living FAQ"

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You get a warning if you try to hire someone that would conflict with the owner goal. No warning and it's okay.


Thanks for that. It probably means it's best to hold off though, as if I only get one warning it's probably best not to waste it on a commentator.


I have another question as this is my second file I've ever tried... I've noticed that unlike my first file, when I check out someone's top 10 matches, for example, or even the results after I book a card, it doesn't tell me what type of match it was. Is there a way I can fix this? I used to find that useful in my other file for knowing who was good at which matches.

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I have a quick question about owner goals:


If the goal is not to hire any wrestlers over 40, would you fail this if you hired someone who is over 40 in a non-wrestling role? The guy in question is a wrestler and a commentator but I only want him as a commentator, but I'm thinking I'll still fail, even if the contract stipulates he can't wrestle.


In 1 of my early SWF saves, I had a similar goal of not hiring anyone over 35. One of NotB's announcers contract was up and he was 55 or so. I tried to hire him, got the warning about the owner goal conflict. I either didn't throw enough money at him or he was loyal to NotB, I don't remember which but he didn't sign with me and Richard Eisen's relationship with me went negative and I ended up getting fired a couple of weeks after that due to the my job performance being at the lowest setting then. Up until I tried to hire that announcer, I had an Excellent rating as a booker.


Shorter version, if that goal is important to the owner, it can cause a lot of trouble with your owner relationships.

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In 1 of my early SWF saves, I had a similar goal of not hiring anyone over 35. One of NotB's announcers contract was up and he was 55 or so. I tried to hire him, got the warning about the owner goal conflict. I either didn't throw enough money at him or he was loyal to NotB, I don't remember which but he didn't sign with me and Richard Eisen's relationship with me went negative and I ended up getting fired a couple of weeks after that due to the my job performance being at the lowest setting then. Up until I tried to hire that announcer, I had an Excellent rating as a booker.


Shorter version, if that goal is important to the owner, it can cause a lot of trouble with your owner relationships.


Thank you. It's not a majorly important goal, so maybe I could get away with it, but after pulling out of negotiations once, he won't talk to me anyway, so I guess I don't need to worry about it for a while.

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Any ideas on how to do face vs face in a WWE style company without getting a huge penalty?


It's not that big of a penalty, if you have 2 very over guys, in a story which great heat and they're both good workers you can still get grades in the 90s and even get a 100. However, there is no way to avoid that penalty if you're booking a face vs face or heel vs heel match.

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So far as I'm aware, the game still has the mechanic where someone who recently left you won't re-sign for a set period (I think it's six months).


However, I know that the game also recognises when you've brought someone in for a limited time/try-out style deal and doesn't apply the same block if you go for someone who left you but was only there short term.


What I'd like to know is what the upper bounds are for those short term deals. I brought in two guys for three months, and I've decided that I'd like to keep them around for longer. However, I want to give them a slight repackage and momentum reset, and so it would be useful to allow them to leave and then come back.


If they've been around for a three month/unlimited dates contract, am I going to get locked out of re-signing them if I let their contracts expire?

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I got the post match pop up comment from one of my workers that "I can perform better if you use me in matches that suit my skills; putting me in a Hardcore Based match does not play to my strengths." What are the skills required for a hardcore based match?


There is a specific "hardcore" stat, so I'm guessing that, but I constantly get people complain about the same thing.

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So far as I'm aware, the game still has the mechanic where someone who recently left you won't re-sign for a set period (I think it's six months).


However, I know that the game also recognises when you've brought someone in for a limited time/try-out style deal and doesn't apply the same block if you go for someone who left you but was only there short term.


What I'd like to know is what the upper bounds are for those short term deals. I brought in two guys for three months, and I've decided that I'd like to keep them around for longer. However, I want to give them a slight repackage and momentum reset, and so it would be useful to allow them to leave and then come back.


If they've been around for a three month/unlimited dates contract, am I going to get locked out of re-signing them if I let their contracts expire?


Don't quote me on this but I think if they've done more than 3 appearances it might.

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I have a quick question about owner goals:


If the goal is not to hire any wrestlers over 40, would you fail this if you hired someone who is over 40 in a non-wrestling role? The guy in question is a wrestler and a commentator but I only want him as a commentator, but I'm thinking I'll still fail, even if the contract stipulates he can't wrestle.


If you give him an exclusively out of ring contract he should be okay, I believe.

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If you give him an exclusively out of ring contract he should be okay, I believe.


Thanks, I'm thinking I'll give it a try when he will talk to me again and if it fails, I'll just reload the game. I've checked other non-wrestlers who are over 40 and they don't cause an issue, so hopefully it doesn't. I originally misread the reply I got here and thought he was saying I'd get one warning for hiring someone before I failed, which would have been nice, but I'm guessing he was actually talking about the warning which flags up when I go to negotiate, which is what caused me to pull out of negotiations last time.


It'll be a bit annoying if I could have had him this whole time and messed it up, but oh well. This is my first game with 'owner goals' so I was bound to make a mistake or two.

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How many new workers get generated with the frequency settings? I set it to very low for a month and didn’t see any new workers pop up. Are there other criteria involved with how it works?




If I recall correctly, it depends to some extent how full the game world is, and can differ from region to region. And they always generate at the start of a new month, I believe. So, setting it to very low over one month isn't likely to see much happen in most databases, I would suspect. I might be mistaken, though.

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If I recall correctly, it depends to some extent how full the game world is, and can differ from region to region. And they always generate at the start of a new month, I believe. So, setting it to very low over one month isn't likely to see much happen in most databases, I would suspect. I might be mistaken, though.


To add to this, they will only generate on even numbered months, so February, April, June, and so forth.

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I got the post match pop up comment from one of my workers that "I can perform better if you use me in matches that suit my skills; putting me in a Hardcore Based match does not play to my strengths." What are the skills required for a hardcore based match?


It is purely the Hardcore stat that is being looked at. However, that message appears because Hardcore isn't his highest top row stat (Brawling, Submissions, Aerial etc.).


How do you book an effective squash match. What stats matter? Every time I book one it gets lower rating than I think it should. Playing USPW so I have many high menace giants and can't seem to get it right.


I think it'd be useful if you posted what type of road agent notes you use, as well as what length the match is and stuff like that. Also, what do you mean an effective squash match? To get the well booked squash note? Or to get Brute domination mechanic gains?

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When someone is cutting a promo do you rate them on their mic skills or on their entertainment skills? When someone is doing a backstage segment (let's say a comedy segment) do you rate them on their entertainment skills or on their acting?


Just trying to see if other people are doing it differently than me and if how I'm setting my ratings make sense.

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I tend to rate holistically on entertainment in most circumstances.


I sometimes rate managers on microphone since they tend to be slanted to Mic over Charisma, but if they have good entertainment skills in general I'll just stick with entertainment.


I pretty much only do entertainment as well. Not sure if it's correct but it seems to be most all encompassing thing for a backstage interview that could have quite a few things going on.

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Is there a way to see when other promotions' workers' written contracts are up? I know if you shortlist them, it'll tell you if they re-signed or if they're available when you hit Negotiate, but is there any other way to see?


I guess maybe the editor, right? Is there any other way?

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Is there a way to see when other promotions' workers' written contracts are up? I know if you shortlist them, it'll tell you if they re-signed or if they're available when you hit Negotiate, but is there any other way to see?


I guess maybe the editor, right? Is there any other way?


As far as I know, the editor is the only way.

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<p>Does promotion size dictate what level of TV deal you can get? I'm currently playing as TNA in a 2005 mod - I'm holding back on going National because my stars aren't ready to compete with WWE but I can't seem to get any TV deal above "Medium" and can't get anything above a Late Evening slot for those stations. Is it a case of gambling on going up to National for better deals while also trying to withstand the penalties that I'll get for having a weaker roster than WWE?</p><p> </p><p>

Also, I've yet to try having a figurehead in the game as I never have anyone who's completely right. Is it possible to have a successful figurehead while there's still some negatives against him or is it better to wait until the absolute right guy comes along/is over enough?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Corey" data-cite="Corey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Does promotion size dictate what level of TV deal you can get? I'm currently playing as TNA in a 2005 mod - I'm holding back on going National because my stars aren't ready to compete with WWE but I can't seem to get any TV deal above "Medium" and can't get anything above a Late Evening slot for those stations. Is it a case of gambling on going up to National for better deals while also trying to withstand the penalties that I'll get for having a weaker roster than WWE?<p> </p><p> Also, I've yet to try having a figurehead in the game as I never have anyone who's completely right. Is it possible to have a successful figurehead while there's still some negatives against him or is it better to wait until the absolute right guy comes along/is over enough?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I believe broadcasters are based entirely on popularity in the region. In the editor you can see the requirements for each broadcaster.</p>
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