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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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Can't say I'm a big fan of the reverse results/booking either. I always looked at it as a list, you start at the top and read down to the end, or in other words you start at the start of the show and read down until the end of the show.


Still, as others have said, it will take a few shows then it will eventually be instinctive. It just seems like this is the wrong way round in general, not just because I was used to the other way.


Exactly... The opener is the first match of the show, and should really be listed as such. I've booked three shows now, and I'm still having a really hard time adjusting. I hope it won't be the reason why I'm not getting the full game :(

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I'll just mention that, and I seem to be in a minority on this, I always booked/book from my opener to my main event, sequentially. The change to the card layout hasn't really affected me, apart from making me reluctant to add a post-match angle to end the show (with the card telling me a gasping five minute defeat promo is the "Main Event").
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I'll just mention that, and I seem to be in a minority on this, I always booked/book from my opener to my main event, sequentially. The change to the card layout hasn't really affected me, apart from making me reluctant to add a post-match angle to end the show (with the card telling me a gasping five minute defeat promo is the "Main Event").


I've always booked from my opening segment / match towards my main event as well. Can still do that, it just involves a loooooot of clicking and moving matches around. I do believe the main-event is the last match though, no matter where it is placed on the card, or if it's followed by 5 angles.

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For now, my biggest surprise is USPW being the n°1 promotion.


But then, on my first game and on the first week I received the news saying that USPW's popularity was on the decline.



With their broadcaster support, I suppose they won't close immediately (like in TEW 2013 :p) but I give them only one more year in the business.


Yep, USPW definitely sucks.

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I'm surprised there weren't more new workers. Only 35 new workers and it seems a lot of them haven't debuted yet. With so many of the workers aging at this point. From '10 to '13 there were 245 new workers. Either way I'm going to enjoy it I was just hoping for more new workers.
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I wish adding the scripted road agent note removed the default call in ring note (Set in the product I know) as I keep forgetting to remove it and only realise when the show is running and I get the road agent note "I dont think you should be booking X to call a match in the ring" I know it says in road agent notes if both are selected Script will be used but the fact I'm getting that message just leaves me confused.
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Can't say I'm a big fan of the reverse results/booking either. I always looked at it as a list, you start at the top and read down to the end, or in other words you start at the start of the show and read down until the end of the show.


AI shows have many more segments in them than they used to - a lot don't fit on one screen. Having them the new way means that the important stuff (i.e. the main matches) are always visible to you without needing to scroll down. Also, it's the main matches that are the important part of any show, so it makes sense that that's what you read first.

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I converted a mod to 2016: The Fall. I set up a watcher game and the AI is amazing.


In The Fall, the big US names have fallen. It has reverted to the pre-McMahon territory style. The big names in wrestling are NJPW, AJPW, NOAH, CMLL, and AAA. So, whereas pre-fall WWF and WCW made big international stars, the USA is too small for them, so they are all flocking to Japan and Mexico. The promotions that have grown from the ashes of WWF and WCW are bitterly fighting and scrapping for the Indy workers.


This is exactly how I imagined the mod to work. It's very entertaining watching the AI fight it out.


I'm loving it.

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AI shows have many more segments in them than they used to - a lot don't fit on one screen. Having them the new way means that the important stuff (i.e. the main matches) are always visible to you without needing to scroll down. Also, it's the main matches that are the important part of any show, so it makes sense that that's what you read first.


Well, each to his own. I would still prefer to see the results as they happened.

I just don't see the point in the reverse order. But I'm sure it's something we can all get used to.

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I've always booked from my opening segment / match towards my main event as well. Can still do that, it just involves a loooooot of clicking and moving matches around. I do believe the main-event is the last match though, no matter where it is placed on the card, or if it's followed by 5 angles.

Actually as it stands, there's no extra clicking for you. You book your opener, then add your next segment - it appears above the opener!


I'd prefer it to add new things to the bottom, but currently it works perfectly for you :)

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I wish adding the scripted road agent note removed the default call in ring note (Set in the product I know) as I keep forgetting to remove it and only realise when the show is running and I get the road agent note "I dont think you should be booking X to call a match in the ring" I know it says in road agent notes if both are selected Script will be used but the fact I'm getting that message just leaves me confused.


Isn't there another note in the bottom section for overwriting your default?

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Isn't there another note in the bottom section for overwriting your default?


Possibly? If so i haven't found it, just had a quick look but maybe I'm just going mad. I know I could just unselect the option in my product settings but in the majority of matches I keep it as called in ring so it is actually easier. It's just on the rare occassions I select to script the match I always forget.

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as it seems to be a big topic.


I totally agree with the way the booking is done (eg main event at the top)


Personally whenever I booked in previous games I book the top matches first, and then add in extra lower card matches and angles depending on the time left.


So it makes sense to do it this way. I can't see anybody getting to the bottom of the booking and thinking 'oh a have an extra 20mins, I'll just stick a title match in there' it's always the other way round.

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as it seems to be a big topic.


I totally agree with the way the booking is done (eg main event at the top)


I'm on board with it, it makes sense to me and while I get other peoples reservations for me it's just getting used to it. My only gripe is I think new segments should be added from the bottom, just for convenience sake as I'm still hardwired to immediatly click the segment I've just booked and start moving it down the card (In this case it ends up moving it up the card)

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4 Features which are already huge for me are:


-I am loving the auto booker feature! It allows for your Road Agents to quickly setup the card and you only need to tweak the matchups or work on the main event. Either way, it has made booking so much faster.


-I love the more control available for the development orgs. The only thing i would have liked more control over here is the ability to "push" or "bury" certain workers, similar to what we have in WMMA. Unfortunately this feature is not available :(


-The option to edit what features you can turn on (such as the Gimmicks etc), this makes roster management much easier for someone like me.


-Gimmicks are much easier to work with now. You can make turns easier, you get a recommended group of gimmicks off the bat and you know which gimmicks need changing via the main page of your org.


Still fiddling around with the features, but so far so good.

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I love the "casting call" feature when creating a gimmick. That may be my favorite small feature thus far.


As for the debate about the booking being top to bottom, I think people are over reacting a bit. It threw me off for about 2 minutes then I was able to adjust and it was fine. Adam's explanation makes complete sense though. I used to get annoyed with needing to scroll to the bottom to see results quickly.

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AI shows have many more segments in them than they used to - a lot don't fit on one screen. Having them the new way means that the important stuff (i.e. the main matches) are always visible to you without needing to scroll down. Also, it's the main matches that are the important part of any show, so it makes sense that that's what you read first.
Adam, this Pinter play is well-intentioned, and I can appreciate why you did it but honestly it's detrimental to my enjoyment of the game. When I look at match results, I want to feel like I'm reading a linear show report, so I see what happened in the same order the audience experienced it. By reversing the chronology, you certainly put the important stuff up first but it's unpleasant to read.


"This important main event happened. Oh, and it was set up by this angle. Oh, and before that, there was this other match. Oh, and even before that..."


Is there perhaps a way to give users the option of flipping the order of chronology when looking at match results? Something that could be toggled in the User Preferences?

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Adam, this Pinter play is well-intentioned, and I can appreciate why you did it but honestly it's detrimental to my enjoyment of the game. When I look at match results, I want to feel like I'm reading a linear show report, so I see what happened in the same order the audience experienced it. By reversing the chronology, you certainly put the important stuff up first but it's unpleasant to read.


"This important main event happened. Oh, and it was set up by this angle. Oh, and before that, there was this other match. Oh, and even before that..."


Is there perhaps a way to give users the option of flipping the order of chronology when looking at match results? Something that could be toggled in the User Preferences?

I agree - (I think) I get why the change was made, but it's natural to read something progressively from top to bottom, so the inverse of this takes awhile for the brain to get used to, especially since we've had a decade or more of playing this game with it the other way.


If you were to list out the results of your card here on the forum, you'd start with the first match at the top, then work your way down so the main event was at the bottom.

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So I've looked pretty thoroughly now and it seems you cannot do an event special that you negotiate specifically for that event to be on tv or even on a broadcaster.


If you create it as an event it will follow your event broadcasting schedule.


You can't really create a tv special unless you negotiate for it each and every time and set it for one episode, which then puts you at the discretion of whether a network will negotiate for so few episodes.


I can't see how you can replicate Clash of the Champions and it looks like SNME is doable but very difficult.

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So I've looked pretty thoroughly now and it seems you cannot do an event special that you negotiate specifically for that event to be on tv or even on a broadcaster.


If you create it as an event it will follow your event broadcasting schedule.


You can't really create a tv special unless you negotiate for it each and every time and set it for one episode, which then puts you at the discretion of whether a network will negotiate for so few episodes.


I can't see how you can replicate Clash of the Champions and it looks like SNME is doable but very difficult.


You don't set it for one episode, you set it for multiple episodes with a time limit. You set it as a special, that way it's not fixed to a weekly \ monthly \ annual schedule. You then schedule it when you want and apply the broadcaster when you reach the PM mode.

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Overall I feel as though I'm just scratching the surface so I'll only comment of a few things.


I don't have much a problem with the ordering of matches on the booking screen. Certainly I was thrown off by the difference from '13 at first, but I think within a few weeks I won't even notice. I expect the chatter about this particular issue will die down as we all become more accustomed to the change.


My only "complaint" at the moment would be the loss of highlight shows for touring companies. I am fan of PGHW and find myself at a little bit of a loss on how to schedule them now. Why would I run a regular tour show with no broadcaster followed by a live episode of King's Road? Wouldn't it just behoove me to air all my shows? Canonically speaking, PGHW are touting a line in the sand against Western style booking and this feature seems to fly in the face of that.


It's very possible that I am missing something here about the presentation of touring companies and their relationships with broadcasters but this feels like a flaw to me.

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I am absolutely loving the demo thus far...despite hitting a few minor bugs.


Here's are the improvements and new feature's I've enjoyed most:


- More diversity with AI decisions


I started two saves, and in the first save USPW made a quick hiring spree almost immediately...the second save they didn't. I love that the AI's decision to hire and fire guys doesn't appear to be completely driven by either time decline or a size change, as appeared to be the case in 2013.


- Relationship changes when two workers "break up".


This definitely replicates real life, as there's always a tendency for people to pick sides. It's a small but very cool change.


- Promotion styles make it so that your fans expect certain types of matches.


Maybe they did all along and I was missing it in 2013, but this time if you leave it out the fans will let you know.


- Wrestlers seem to learn more consistently


Maybe it was a result of who I was using or how I was using them, but it didn't seem as though in 2013 I had anywhere near as many worker development notes per match.


- Individual wrestler performance ratings during the show!


This is easily my favorite addition as you can tell exactly who carried the match or if the wrestlers were evenly matched. In 2013 you were left guessing if a match rating was all one guy or all another guy.


Very excited for next Monday, this 2 month limit is a real buzzkill. I'll probably have like 13 different saves by this time next week.

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Everything so far seems awesome. I just have one complaint and its driving me nuts. It seems the booking screen has the matches in reverse order starting with the main event. It would be nice to have the option of sorting it the other way. For me, the flow just isn't natural and doesn't make much sense.
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