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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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Everything so far seems awesome. I just have one complaint and its driving me nuts. It seems the booking screen has the matches in reverse order starting with the main event. It would be nice to have the option of sorting it the other way. For me, the flow just isn't natural and doesn't make much sense.


No offense, but I feel like this is more of a learning curve situation than something that needs to be optional and ultimately patched in.


You've only had the game for a day...you'll get through it :)

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For gimmicks, are babyface/heel stats pass/fail now? Like it's either suited to a face or it's not with no numerical value of how well it's suited?


It'll take some getting used to, but the momentum descriptions I think are actually slightly more intuitive than it used to be by describing it as "minor positive," "neutral," etc. than the letter grades. I'm sure that's probably especially the case for newer players.


I like the hire local button but wish it was anyone not working on that night in that area, not just Unemployed people.


My friend loves the new Search feature and Auto Booker (I haven't really used either yet).


I like Borrow from Development button.


I do wish you could change the broadcasters an event is set to air on up until the show goes live because I accidentally set SWF When Hell Freezes Over to not be broadcast anywhere just now. :(


Really liking the Locker Room Controls during PM. I pulled a rib on Steven Parker and it got the locker room a little happier. :)


I like that it will tell individual match performances when the match happens. It helps evaluate who's doing well and such, especially for tryout deals.

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I like the booking screen order. I always book main event first anyway. I hated in previous games when I had to add in lower card to fill up time and then move them up.


I get people maybe wanna read the results in the 'opening first' format, but booking main event at top for me is optimal.


People will get used to it. As a general rule, people don't like change.

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You don't set it for one episode, you set it for multiple episodes with a time limit. You set it as a special, that way it's not fixed to a weekly \ monthly \ annual schedule. You then schedule it when you want and apply the broadcaster when you reach the PM mode.


I finally figured it out. Sorry Adam, very different going to have to learn my way through some of this stuff again.

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So downloaded the game going loving it, just wanted to let you now about an error i have found, not sure if anyone else has this problem.


when starting a broadcasting netowrk, when i try and add a logo for it the game stops and closes.


just letting you know, thanks for the game.


You should post this in technical support forum a bit further down on the board.



I guess what's weird about the new booking order is that it implies that you book your main event first and your least important match last, but in doing so, you always have to move down the segment that you just booked because it appears at the top. Sure, you'll never be able to avoid moving the segments on the booking grid, but I think it would make more sense if newly booked segments were added to the bottom of the booking grid.

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This is a minor (very, very minor) frustration and one that's been there in previous versions so it's hardly new... but I still reacted to it, so I guess it fits here...


AI Signings in the first week or two. Specifically companies that can offer written deals.


I've played/simmed four games two weeks in by the end of the two weeks the AI has made the same signings every time. The list is focused on the UK/European and US scenes as those are the two I know best, I don't know if there are similar events in other regions.



Petey Barnes (From EWA to 21CW)

Vic Walker (SNP to 21CW)

Landon Mallory (VWA to 21CW)

Trance (Unemployed to 21CW)

Stefan Raynor (Unemployed to 21CW)

Glen Ward (Unemployed to 21CW)



Roger Cage (NYCW to USPW)

Nelson Callum (PSW to USPW)

Kirk Jameson (FCW to USPW)

Ricky DeColt (CGC to USPW)

Davis Wayne Newton (FCW to USPW)

Jamie Atherton (ACPW to USPW)


Now, workers being tempted away from your small(er) company to join a big(ger) one is a fact of life when you play smaller promotions and in its own way part of both the challenge and the fun. I don't object to it in principle at all and it would be a massive loss to the game if it didn't happen.


But there's still a frustration there.


First, because it's always the same. Four separate games, two running as different companies, two simmed and each time within the first two weeks the exact same signings happen at pretty much the exact same time. There's no excitement or feeling that something big has gone on (as Ricky DeColt leaving GCG should be). In a save where I played to the end of the demo Rocky Golden signed with the SWF on the last day. That's a big deal and one you won't always see and certainly not at the same time every time (due to the random nature of when his written contract ends). These other signings? They happen every time at the same time.


Secondly, it almost feels like a trap... or maybe even an insult... if you don't use meta-knowledge. If you start up your first VWA game without knowing what's coming then there's a good chance you're going to be building storylines and ideas around Landon Mallory... he's a main eventer and probably your all round best worker, he starts the game as your figurehead and creative hold him up as your franchise player. Ricky DeColt isn't quite as vital to CGC (Jack overshadows him) but again, he's likely to be key to your booking plans. Yet before you get a chance to do anything with those plans (or possibly even have a show) those guys are ripped away from you unless you break the bank to sign them to frankly overpaid deals to compete with the huge wallets of USPW and 21CW.


With meta-knowledge you can play around it by not planning anything with those workers... but any game which gives you a starting roster, gives you a couple of stars to do things with and then essentially says "nah, just kidding... all you can use those guys for is giving overness to someone else in the one or two shows you get out of them..." is always going to be frustrating.


I guess the point is this; in any game where the AI control either 21CW or USPW the above mentioned wrestlers are, in essence, already on their starting roster; they'll always bid for them, always get them unless you intervene by paying too much and always move over within two weeks of the game starting.


And I don't think that's fun when they're meant to start on your roster.


Mallory leaving VWA within a year as 21CW continue their expansion into Europe and you as the player have kept building him as a star? That makes sense in game terms, feels organic and it gives you a chance to do something with him first. Ricky leaving CGC three months in as he sees the success his brother has had in NOTBPW once leaving, sees the damage Alex has done to he beloved promotion and perhaps has one final argument (although I'm not sure a narrative can handle that... I haven't played with them enough). Again, it feels organic an you've had a bunch of shows to use him in.


Both happening right at the start of the game? It just feels a bit forced, mechanic (especially as it's the same signings every time) and almost like the starting rosters weren't done properly for the various companies. Playing around with the database can fix a fair amount... give Ricky a written contract for example... but without deliberately giving 21CW and USPW unemployed workers you don't intend to use to fill out their roster there's less help for companies where written contracts are silly and I don't think you should need to alter the database so that VWA's biggest star doesn't leave before you can run more than one show with him...

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- More diversity with AI decisions


I started two saves, and in the first save USPW made a quick hiring spree almost immediately...the second save they didn't. I love that the AI's decision to hire and fire guys doesn't appear to be completely driven by either time decline or a size change, as appeared to be the case in 2013.


I hope this is the case and that I've just been unlucky with my games (see big post above) but I'm just not seeing it.


That's five games now, including one that I just test-run, and in each one the exact same hiring sprees by 21CW and USPW occur with the same guys being hired, all within the first two weeks.

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I love all the new features and AI mechanics. It's a new yet familiar game. My only gripe is that the majority of the renders in the CVerse aren't cutting it anymore. It's hard to take a lot of the top workers seriously anymore due to their renders.
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To those who prefer the new "main event at the top" order for booking matches and viewing match results, that's wonderful. Glad you enjoy it! I'd like to see you continue to have the option.


But please recognize not everyone experiences a game the same way. People enjoy games for different reasons, not everyone is wired quite the same, and features that pose no problem for some can pose significant problems for others. For that reason, comments like, "Oh, it's no big deal, people who don't like it will just have to learn to accept it" can come off a bit callous.


Some who prefer the "opening match" at the top format will be able to accept the new order after a learning curve. Sure. But some won't. How many? We don't know yet.


Giving players both options would be ideal, which raises the question of how difficult/time consuming that tweak would be. If Adam doesn't think it's worth it, then it won't be done.

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I hope this is the case and that I've just been unlucky with my games (see big post above) but I'm just not seeing it.


That's five games now, including one that I just test-run, and in each one the exact same hiring sprees by 21CW and USPW occur with the same guys being hired, all within the first two weeks.


Maybe I just wasn't paying as close attention the 2nd time because I was running a promotion, whereas the first game was a watcher.


If you'd like I can verify on that 2nd save when I get home from work.

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I have Landon, Petey and Jamie staying put after a month in my game. But I'm sure that since everything under the hood is numbers, the same kinds of guys go to the same places according to 1) who has money/roster spots and 2) owner/head booker hiring preferences.


USPW and 21CW both have owners that hire for star quality and bookers that hire for "background" (performance stats). I don't know how many people on the market would tick those boxes around as well as the normal hires, though I agree there should be more "noise" in hiring so that the same guy doesn't go to the same place on the same day.

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AI shows have many more segments in them than they used to - a lot don't fit on one screen. Having them the new way means that the important stuff (i.e. the main matches) are always visible to you without needing to scroll down. Also, it's the main matches that are the important part of any show, so it makes sense that that's what you read first.


Well, it's been a whole day since you quoted me, but I'll respond!


I see where you're going with it. Like I said it will take a few weeks, then I won't even notice.

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Petey Barnes (From EWA to 21CW)

Vic Walker (SNP to 21CW)

Landon Mallory (VWA to 21CW)

Trance (Unemployed to 21CW)

Stefan Raynor (Unemployed to 21CW)

Glen Ward (Unemployed to 21CW)



Roger Cage (NYCW to USPW)

Nelson Callum (PSW to USPW)

Kirk Jameson (FCW to USPW)

Ricky DeColt (CGC to USPW)

Davis Wayne Newton (FCW to USPW)

Jamie Atherton (ACPW to USPW)



Only played one game so far, but all of these except Ward and Trance happened in it by the 1st March.

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The only real ways to stop this (in ANY simulation game - the exact same happens in Football Manager, OOTP, etc...) would be to impose an arbitrary ban on AI aggressive hiring for a set period (in which case it'd just happen later on instead), or have the companies start with those workers initially (which would make their starting rosters huge and unwieldy for most human players). The net result would be the same in each case.


It's just a natural "AI setting things up the way it likes things" housekeeping thing, really.

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You don't set it for one episode, you set it for multiple episodes with a time limit. You set it as a special, that way it's not fixed to a weekly \ monthly \ annual schedule. You then schedule it when you want and apply the broadcaster when you reach the PM mode.


I'm obviously missing something as I can't for the life of me find how to set an Event as a Special and then either set multiple episodes. I don't even know what the PM mode is.


As an aside, there's a real danger of the AI televising every Event.

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I'm really liking the new features and always enjoyed managing the backstage environment as much as the actual booking. I tend to agree with everyone who has been trying to get used to the new booking order, it just doesn't seem to be a natural flow but meh.


Has anyone noticed worker morale going down due to "feeling isolated backstage"? I've converted a current real world database over and it is always the same worker with no distinct personality traits, multiple friendships in the promotion, and a backstage rating of 100%. Not sure how to resolve it.

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I've noticed that broadcaster changes work in a way that can create a lot of extra work for modders, and I was curious if there was a way to update it.


If I have, say, a broadcaster change set for 2002, and my mod starts in 2012, the broadcaster change gets skipped over. Is there any way for the game to activate broadcaster changes which predate the start date for the game? This would allow for the creation of a broadcaster file which would remain useful across multiple mods and multiple eras, and would save a huge amount of time for people who put out multiple historical mods.


(I'm also willing to buy that this isn't possible due to the way that the game is structured. In which case, that sucks, but it's understandable that nothing can be done about it.)

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I hope this is the case and that I've just been unlucky with my games (see big post above) but I'm just not seeing it.


That's five games now, including one that I just test-run, and in each one the exact same hiring sprees by 21CW and USPW occur with the same guys being hired, all within the first two weeks.


The problem you're expressing is a simple one. The AI starts with a smaller roster than they "need" so they look to "fill some gaps" (like the internet story says). It just so happens, the workers you see signed fit the AI's criteria perfectly. It's happened before (Hell Monkey, was it, in TEW07 who always got signed to GCG or Burning Hammer or somebody in the first week of play?).


I completely understand your perspective. However, that's the price of admission when you're a minnow. Now that the AI has been upgraded, I assume it looks to upgrade its roster more than once a year (or when someone leaves) so it's going to happen even more. Some people (guilty as charged) wanted an AI that would do that. The Mallory get is perfect! He's a big fish in a small pond (relatively speaking) so an obvious candidate to be poached. In past TEWs, it happened even more frequently, to the point where you tried to keep your best workers from ever popping onto the radar of promotions that wielded the written contract. Or, people went the "gamey" route and signed working agreements and non-aggression pacts with those promotions. It just feels like a throwback mechanic to me.



Has anyone noticed worker morale going down due to "feeling isolated backstage"? I've converted a current real world database over and it is always the same worker with no distinct personality traits, multiple friendships in the promotion, and a backstage rating of 100%. Not sure how to resolve it.


That's usually a result of no one speaking their language. It'll go away when that changes (either they learn the native local language or someone who speaks their language shows up). At least that's what it was in past editions.

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