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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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Music didn't catch me off-guard, as this thread had alerted me to it...


I did however take a moment to show off that sparkling maturity for which I am so well known, by doing the Too Cool Shuffle to it.


Then, of course, like the true TEW fan that I am, I made a mad dash for the editor.


A few HUGE changes immediately jumped out at me, mostly revolving the company I almost always play as. Don't wanna spoil anything for anyone, but there was certainly one huge change that I didn't see coming.


Good times, coming.



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My first reaction was, yep USPW is #1 as I figured they would be, my second reaction was it feels sort of wrong that Reverie cannot be used as a company owned broadcaster considering USPW's owner owns them both, especially when playing as the owner.


At least that can be edited.

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Just poking around so far...


MAJOR SHOCK: Sorry, did not mean to unleash Don Jardine in his best masked gimmick. You'll find out soon enough.


TCW notes: Aaron Andrews has the World Title, Sammy Bach is a main eventer, Koshiro Ino is gone back to Japan, Mighty Mo is moving up the roster, Wolf Hawkins is still a stud. I see lots of potential for fresh storylines in the company, and room to push some of those guys that have now paid their dues.


Note to Adam: You'll be getting my money once again.

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Is it of any interest to anybody if I go through the list of French worker names and make some corrections/changes for a future patch (I mean, providing that Mr Ryland is interested, too)?


I'm fairly sure someone did a similar thing for Japanese workers in TEW2013 so I would imagine it's a good idea. Probably sensible to do a list and post in the Very Minor Errors thread.

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I'm paralysed with excitement. I can't move the game forward because I'm too busy going through everything that has changed in the C-Verse. This is not so much a game to me at the moment as an encyclopedia that I can't wait to completely memorise.


In all seriousness, nice job to everyone who worked on this. Loads of polish and great new features; I can't wait to buy it in a week to say 'thank you' for your hard work.

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Wow! Haven't started a game yet due to me being indecisive with what I want my first official game to be. But this converter is absolutely amazing, as well as the layout of everything. I like that he didn't change up a grip, because 2013 was great about a lot of things. Stoked on seeing how all the changes play into effect. I'm playing the iDom 2013 data.
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Unfortunately this public beta hasn't solved my biggest problem yet. I keep shoving money at the computer screen...and it still won't take it! :p


Converted the 1991 Rising Storm mod over and am playing around with that. Looking forward to getting a diary started soon.

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Is this sarcasm?


Well, the mod will run. It just won't be taking advantage of a lot of the new features. And it will run a bit wonky because of broadcasters and such.


Converting it properly is indeed going to be taking a fairly significant amount of work.

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Well, the mod will run. It just won't be taking advantage of a lot of the new features. And it will run a bit wonky because of broadcasters and such.


Converting it properly is indeed going to be taking a fairly significant amount of work.


That's why I'm waiting for the mod makers to release their mods this year. Hopefully they'll have put the work in to make the mod run smoothly. I'm too lazy :p

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I'm probably in the small minority that isn't annoyed it uses a lot of the old photos for logos, etc. Makes it more fun for me to go through the history of this board picking and choosing each render to perfection (before someone else comes out with something even better than perfection).


Haven't even got past a day yet. All I know is I'm about to create an entire roster from scratch for a game idea I have...

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Not sure where to post issues with the game but I just attempted to book my first show (Converted Post mania TEW13 to TEW16 mod) and I pressed the borrow from developmental button and it gave me the error box and shut the game down for me. I am running it on Mac using winery.


EDIT: Runtime error 3021 - record not found or something like that is what it says in the box.

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Not sure where to post issues with the game but I just attempted to book my first show (Converted Post mania TEW13 to TEW16 mod) and I pressed the borrow from developmental button and it gave me the error box and shut the game down for me. I am running it on Mac using winery.


EDIT: Runtime error 3021 - record not found or something like that is what it says in the box.


There is a thread in the Tech Support about the same thing here.

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